Java tutorial
/** * * ------- * This file is just a mess. It aims to be the game in some sense. * * In future versions, it would be nice to abstract some of its * behaviors away from it into other classes to make this class * less cluttered and more focused on just executing the game * loop in a clean and comprehensible way. For instance, there * really ought to be a separate InputProcessor. * * Right now I just want to get this thing working in some form. * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the computer game Lazerdeath2 * Copyright 2016, Robert Watson Craig III * * Lazerdeath2 is free software published under the terms of the GNU * General Public License version 3. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GPL (version 3 or any later version). * * Lazerdeath2 is distributed in the hope that it will be entertaining, * cool, and totally smooth for your mind to rock to, daddy, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE; without even the suggestion of an * implication that any of this code makes any sense whatsoever. It works * on my computer and I don't think that's such a weird environment, but * it might be. Or maybe it's your computer that's the weird one, did you * ever think of that? See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Lazerdeath2. If not, see <>. * */ package com.holotrash.lazerdeath2; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationAdapter; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputProcessor; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMap; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TmxMapLoader; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.renderers.OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Dialogs.BooleanDialogType; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Dialogs.DialogBox; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Dialogs.DialogInfo; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Dialogs.DialogType; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Dialogs.MenuComponent; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Dialogs.MenuDialog; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Dialogs.MenuLabel; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Dialogs.SimpleBooleanDialog; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Items.Item; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Items.KeyMaster; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Items.TumblerKey; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.LazerMath.Coord; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Maps.HighlightTile; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Maps.InteractedTile; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Maps.Map; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Units.Dude; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Units.Enemy; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Units.Unit; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Units.Weapon; import com.holotrash.lazerdeath2.Units.WeaponType; public class lazerdeath2 extends ApplicationAdapter implements InputProcessor { public static final int OVERLAY_FADE_TIME = 90; public static final int SCROLLING_MULTIPLIER = 500; TiledMap tiledMap; OrthographicCamera camera; OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer tiledMapRenderer; ArrayList<Dude> dudes; ArrayList<Enemy> enemies; HashMap<Coord, HighlightTile> highlightTiles; ArrayList<InteractedTile> interactedTiles; boolean highlightOn; Color hlColor1; Color hlColor2; DialogBox dialogBox; BitmapFont dialogFont; BitmapFont uiFont; GlyphLayout layout; MenuDialog menuDialog; SimpleBooleanDialog ynDialog; String temp; Vector3 tempV3; Vector3 screenOrigin; Map mapData; SpriteBatch spriteBatch; SpriteBatch highlightBatch; Coord lastClickedCell; Unit selectedUnit; public GameMaster gm; Sprite dudesTurnSprite; Sprite enemiesTurnSprite; Sprite leftStatusBox; Sprite rightStatusBox; Sprite rightStatusBoxFade; Sprite glamourShot; Sprite defaultGlamourShot; Sprite endTurnButton; Sprite attackButton; Sprite exitGameButton; Sprite menuButton; Sprite unitCursor; Item tempItem; ArrayList<String> currentUnitStats; ArrayDeque<String> uiConsole; Iterator<String> consoleIterator; int overlayFadeCounter; boolean scrollingUp = false; boolean scrollingDown = false; boolean scrollingLeft = false; boolean scrollingRight = false; boolean playerAttacking = false; float delta; @Override public void create() { float w =; float h =; camera = new OrthographicCamera(); camera.setToOrtho(false, w, h); camera.update(); mapData = null; try { mapData = new Map(0, this); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("loading map data failed for level 0"); e.printStackTrace(); } gm = new GameMaster(this, mapData); initializeDudes(); initializeEnemies(); lastClickedCell = new Coord(-1, -1); highlightTiles = new HashMap<Coord, HighlightTile>(); highlightOn = false; interactedTiles = new ArrayList<InteractedTile>(); dudesTurnSprite = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("gfx/dudes_turn.png"))); enemiesTurnSprite = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("gfx/enemy_turn.png"))); this.leftStatusBox = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("gfx/left_status_box.png"))); this.rightStatusBox = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("gfx/right_status_box.png"))); this.rightStatusBoxFade = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("gfx/right_status_box_fade_out.png"))); this.defaultGlamourShot = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("gfx/default_glamourshot.png"))); this.glamourShot = defaultGlamourShot; this.endTurnButton = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("gfx/end_turn.png"))); this.attackButton = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("gfx/attack_button.png"))); this.exitGameButton = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("gfx/exit_game.png"))); this.menuButton = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("gfx/menu_button.png"))); this.unitCursor = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("gfx/unit_cursor.png"))); tiledMap = new TmxMapLoader().load("gfx/" + mapData.tmxFileName + ".tmx"); spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(); highlightBatch = new SpriteBatch(); tiledMapRenderer = new OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer(tiledMap, spriteBatch); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(this); menuDialog = new MenuDialog(this); dialogBox = new DialogBox(); dialogFont = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("fonts/bank.fnt")); uiFont = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("fonts/hack.fnt")); layout = new GlyphLayout(); this.ynDialog = new SimpleBooleanDialog("Will you eat my shit?", "Answer immediately!", "", "Jeah!", "Nah..."); gm.showLevelStartDialog(); selectedUnit = null; currentUnitStats = new ArrayList<String>(); currentUnitStats.add("SELECT A UNIT TO"); currentUnitStats.add("BEGIN PERPETUATING"); currentUnitStats.add("THE CYCLE OF"); currentUnitStats.add("VIOLENCE"); currentUnitStats.add("..."); uiConsole = new ArrayDeque<String>(); uiConsole.push("Battle start..."); this.screenOrigin = new Vector3(0, 768, 0); this.screenOrigin = camera.unproject(this.screenOrigin); } @Override public void render() { delta =;, 0, 0, 1);, GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);; if (scrollingUp && camera.position.y < mapData.scrollUpMax) { camera.translate(0, SCROLLING_MULTIPLIER * delta); } if (scrollingDown && camera.position.y > mapData.scrollDownMax) { camera.translate(0, (0 - SCROLLING_MULTIPLIER) * delta); } if (scrollingLeft && camera.position.x > mapData.scrollLeftMax) { camera.translate((0 - SCROLLING_MULTIPLIER) * delta, 0); } if (scrollingRight && camera.position.x < mapData.scrollRightMax) { camera.translate(SCROLLING_MULTIPLIER * delta, 0); } camera.update(); tiledMapRenderer.setView(camera); tiledMapRenderer.render(); tiledMapRenderer.getBatch().setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); for (Enemy enemy : enemies) { if ((selectedUnit == null || ! && enemy.position().equals(lastClickedCell)) { selectedUnit = enemy; System.out.println("selectedUnit equals enemy: " +; } } for (Dude dude : dudes) { if ((selectedUnit == null || ! && dude.position().equals(lastClickedCell)) { selectedUnit = dude; System.out.println("selectedUnit equals dude: " +; } } //change states of sprites based on dude/enemy flags here for (int i = 0; i < dudes.size(); i++) { if (!this.playerAttacking && dudes.get(i).position().equals(lastClickedCell) && gm.dudesTurn()) { makeRangeHighlight(dudes.get(i)); } } for (int i = 0; i < enemies.size(); i++) { if (!this.playerAttacking && enemies.get(i).position().equals(lastClickedCell) && gm.dudesTurn()) { makeRangeHighlight(enemies.get(i)); } } spriteBatch.begin(); //draw interacted tiles for (InteractedTile it : interactedTiles) { spriteBatch.draw(it.sprite, 128 * it.position.x(), 128 * it.position.y()); } //draw items for (Coord coord : gm.itemWrangler.items.keySet()) { tempItem = gm.itemWrangler.items.get(coord); spriteBatch.draw(tempItem.tileSprite(), 128 * coord.x(), 128 * coord.y()); } //draw dudes and enemies for (int i = 0; i < dudes.size(); i++) { spriteBatch.draw(dudes.get(i).sprite(), 128 * (dudes.get(i).position().x()), 128 * (dudes.get(i).position().y())); } for (int i = 0; i < enemies.size(); i++) { spriteBatch.draw(enemies.get(i).sprite(), 128 * (enemies.get(i).position().x()), 128 * (enemies.get(i).position().y())); } //draw cursor if (gm.dudesTurn() && selectedUnit != null) { spriteBatch.draw(this.unitCursor, 128 * selectedUnit.position().x(), 128 * selectedUnit.position().y()); } if (gm.dudesTurn()) { //spriteBatch.setColor(hlColor); for (Coord c : highlightTiles.keySet()) { spriteBatch.setColor(highlightTiles.get(c).color); spriteBatch.draw(highlightTiles.get(c).sprite, 128 * highlightTiles.get(c).position.x(), 128 * highlightTiles.get(c).position.y()); } spriteBatch.setColor(Color.WHITE); } // get a screen-relative point of reference for drawing ui elements tempV3 = new Vector3(0, 768, 0); tempV3 = camera.unproject(tempV3); // draw left side ui buttons spriteBatch.draw(this.endTurnButton, tempV3.x + 10, tempV3.y + 625); spriteBatch.draw(this.attackButton, tempV3.x + 10, tempV3.y + 500); spriteBatch.draw(this.menuButton, tempV3.x + 10, tempV3.y + 375); spriteBatch.draw(this.exitGameButton, tempV3.x + 10, tempV3.y + 250); // draw left status dialog stuff if (this.selectedUnit != null) { this.glamourShot = selectedUnit.glamourShot(); this.currentUnitStats = selectedUnit.toStringz(); // change left status box text to relevant unit stats: } spriteBatch.draw(this.leftStatusBox, tempV3.x, tempV3.y); spriteBatch.draw(this.rightStatusBox, tempV3.x + 768, tempV3.y - 64); spriteBatch.draw(this.glamourShot, tempV3.x, tempV3.y); uiFont.setColor(Color.BLACK); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (currentUnitStats.size() > i) uiFont.draw(spriteBatch, currentUnitStats.get(i), tempV3.x + 266, tempV3.y + 182 - (i * 32)); } //draw right side ui status console text consoleIterator = uiConsole.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (consoleIterator.hasNext()) uiFont.draw(spriteBatch,, tempV3.x + 832, tempV3.y + 32 + (i * 32)); } //draw right side ui status console fade out spriteBatch.draw(this.rightStatusBoxFade, tempV3.x + 768, tempV3.y - 64); if (dialogBox.enabled()) { // draw dialog box tempV3 = new Vector3(286, 700, 0); tempV3 = camera.unproject(tempV3); spriteBatch.draw(dialogBox.background(), tempV3.x, tempV3.y); tempV3 = new Vector3(384, 635, 0); tempV3 = camera.unproject(tempV3); spriteBatch.draw(dialogBox.button(), tempV3.x, tempV3.y); tempV3 = new Vector3(725, 635, 0); tempV3 = camera.unproject(tempV3); spriteBatch.draw(dialogBox.button(), tempV3.x, tempV3.y); // draw dialog text int numLines = dialogBox.currentMessage().size(); if (numLines > 6) numLines = 6; tempV3 = new Vector3(384, 150, 0); tempV3 = camera.unproject(tempV3); for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++) { //dialogFont.draw(spriteBatch, dialogLines.get(i), 384, 625 - (i*50)); dialogFont.draw(spriteBatch, dialogBox.currentMessage().get(i), tempV3.x, tempV3.y - (i * 50)); } tempV3 = new Vector3(565, 540, 0); tempV3 = camera.unproject(tempV3); temp = dialogBox.btn1(); layout.setText(dialogFont, temp); dialogFont.draw(spriteBatch, temp, tempV3.x - layout.width, tempV3.y - layout.height); tempV3 = new Vector3(965, 540, 0); tempV3 = camera.unproject(tempV3); temp = dialogBox.btn2(); layout.setText(dialogFont, temp); dialogFont.draw(spriteBatch, temp, tempV3.x - layout.width, tempV3.y - layout.height); } else if (this.menuDialog.enabled()) { // show menuDialog this.screenOrigin = new Vector3(0, 768, 0); this.screenOrigin = camera.unproject(this.screenOrigin); spriteBatch.draw(menuDialog.background(), screenOrigin.x + 384, screenOrigin.y + 64); spriteBatch.draw(menuDialog.buttons(), screenOrigin.x + 384, screenOrigin.y + 64); spriteBatch.draw(menuDialog.tabArrows(), screenOrigin.x + 384, screenOrigin.y + 64); // show menuDialog components for (MenuComponent mc : menuDialog.menuComponents()) { if (!Coord.coordsEqual(mc.position, GameMaster.nullCoord)) { spriteBatch.draw(mc.sprite, screenOrigin.x + mc.position.x(), screenOrigin.y + mc.position.y()); } } // show menu labels for (MenuLabel ml : menuDialog.menuLabels()) { if (!Coord.coordsEqual(ml.position, GameMaster.nullCoord)) { dialogFont.draw(spriteBatch, ml.text, screenOrigin.x + ml.position.x(), screenOrigin.y + ml.position.y()); } } } else if (this.ynDialog.enabled()) { //show ynDialog if (!ynDialog.resultRecorded()) { this.screenOrigin = new Vector3(0, 768, 0); this.screenOrigin = camera.unproject(this.screenOrigin); spriteBatch.draw(ynDialog.background(), screenOrigin.x + 500, screenOrigin.y + 300); spriteBatch.draw(ynDialog.buttons(), screenOrigin.x + 500, screenOrigin.y + 300); dialogFont.draw(spriteBatch, ynDialog.line1(), screenOrigin.x + 535, screenOrigin.y + 525); dialogFont.draw(spriteBatch, ynDialog.line2(), screenOrigin.x + 535, screenOrigin.y + 490); dialogFont.draw(spriteBatch, ynDialog.line3(), screenOrigin.x + 535, screenOrigin.y + 455); dialogFont.draw(spriteBatch, ynDialog.choice1(), screenOrigin.x + 600, screenOrigin.y + 380); dialogFont.draw(spriteBatch, ynDialog.choice2(), screenOrigin.x + 850, screenOrigin.y + 380); } else { if (this.ynDialog.type() == BooleanDialogType.EXIT_GAME) { if (ynDialog.result()) {; } else { ynDialog.disable(); } } } } else { //Text overlay? dudes turn? enemies turn? tempV3 = new Vector3(0, 768, 0); tempV3 = camera.unproject(tempV3); if (gm.dudesTurn() && this.overlayFadeCounter > 0) { spriteBatch.draw(this.dudesTurnSprite, tempV3.x + 350, tempV3.y + 275); overlayFadeCounter--; } else if (gm.enemiesTurn() && this.overlayFadeCounter > 0) { spriteBatch.draw(this.enemiesTurnSprite, tempV3.x + 350, tempV3.y + 275); overlayFadeCounter--; } } spriteBatch.end(); if (!dialogBox.enabled()) { gm.clockTick(); gm.advanceGame(); } } // end render() private void makeRangeHighlight(Unit unit) { highlightTiles.clear(); HashSet<Coord> tileCoords; for (int i = 0; i < unit.ap() + 1; i++) { tileCoords = gm.unitMoveCoords(unit, i); if (unit.isDude()) { hlColor1 = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f / i); //hlColor2 = new Color(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f,0.2f); } else { hlColor1 = new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f / i); //hlColor2 = new Color(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.2f); } for (Coord coord : tileCoords) { if (!highlightTiles.containsKey(coord)) highlightTiles.put(coord, new HighlightTile(coord, hlColor1)); } } } private void makeAttackHighlight(Unit unit) { this.highlightTiles.clear(); this.playerAttacking = true; HashSet<Unit> tileUnits = gm.tileMath.unitsWithinAttackRange(unit); hlColor1 = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f); hlColor2 = new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f); for (Unit u : tileUnits) { if (u.isDude()) { highlightTiles.put(u.position(), new HighlightTile(u.position(), hlColor1)); } else { highlightTiles.put(u.position(), new HighlightTile(u.position(), hlColor2)); } } } @Override public boolean keyDown(int keycode) { // now scrolling is done with the mouse /** if(keycode == Input.Keys.LEFT && camera.position.x > 767){ camera.translate(-128,0); } if(keycode == Input.Keys.RIGHT && camera.position.x < 769){ camera.translate(128,0); } if(keycode == Input.Keys.UP && camera.position.y < 1025){ camera.translate(0,128); } if(keycode == Input.Keys.DOWN && camera.position.y > 511){ camera.translate(0,-128); } **/ return false; } @Override public boolean keyUp(int keycode) { return false; } @Override public boolean keyTyped(char character) { return false; } @Override public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (dialogBox.enabled()) { if (screenX > 405 && screenX < 620 && screenY > 535 && screenY < 610) this.executeDialogOption1(); else if (screenX > 745 && screenX < 960 && screenY > 540 && screenY < 620) this.executeDialogOption2(); } else if (ynDialog.enabled()) { System.out.println("ynDialog touchdown at: (" + screenX + "," + screenY + ")"); if (ynDialog.button1Hit(screenX, screenY)) { System.out.println("ynDialog button 1 pressed"); ynDialog.recordResult(true); } else if (ynDialog.button2Hit(screenX, screenY)) { System.out.println("ynDialog button 2 pressed"); ynDialog.recordResult(false); } } else if (menuDialog.enabled()) { // detect touchDown on menuDialog buttons System.out.println("Menu Dialog Touchdown at: (" + screenX + "," + screenY + ")"); if (screenX > 435 && screenX < 635 && screenY > 595 && screenY < 670) { System.out.println("Menu button 1 selected"); menuDialog.buttonOnePressed(); } else if (screenX > 680 && screenX < 880 && screenY > 595 && screenY < 670) { System.out.println("Menu button 2 selected"); menuDialog.buttonTwoPressed(); } else if (screenX > 930 && screenX < 1130 && screenY > 595 && screenY < 670) { System.out.println("Menu button 3 selected"); menuDialog.buttonThreePressed(); } // detect touchDown on menu components menuDialog.attemptComponentRegionHit(new Coord(screenX, screenY)); } else if (screenX > 15 // detect touchDown on left side ui buttons && screenX < 135 && screenY > 25 && screenY < 125) { gm.takeEnemiesTurn(); System.out.println("Player ends turn."); System.out.println("last clicked pixel: (" + screenX + "," + screenY + ")"); } else if (screenX > 15 && screenX < 135 && screenY > 150 && screenY < 250) { System.out.println("Attack!"); System.out.println("last clicked pixel: (" + screenX + "," + screenY + ")"); if (selectedUnit == null || !selectedUnit.isDude()) { uiConsole.push("Select a dude."); } else { this.makeAttackHighlight(selectedUnit); } } else if (screenX > 15 && screenX < 135 && screenY > 272 && screenY < 375) { System.out.println("Menu."); this.menuDialog.enable(); System.out.println("last clicked pixel: (" + screenX + "," + screenY + ")"); } else if (screenX > 15 && screenX < 135 && screenY > 395 && screenY < 500) { System.out.println("Exit."); System.out.println("last clicked pixel: (" + screenX + "," + screenY + ")"); this.ynDialog.setLine1("Are you sure?"); this.ynDialog.setLine2("Unsaved progress will"); this.ynDialog.setLine3("be lost."); this.ynDialog.setChoice1("YES"); this.ynDialog.setChoice2("NO"); this.ynDialog.setType(BooleanDialogType.EXIT_GAME); this.ynDialog.resetResult(); this.ynDialog.enable(); } else if (this.playerAttacking) { lastClickedCell = pixelToCell(vector3ToCoord(camera.unproject(new Vector3(screenX, screenY, 0)))); boolean foundAttack = false; for (Dude d : dudes) { if (!foundAttack && Coord.coordsEqual(d.position(), lastClickedCell)) { selectedUnit.attack(d); this.playerAttacking = false; foundAttack = true; lastClickedCell = selectedUnit.position(); } } for (Enemy e : enemies) { if (!foundAttack && Coord.coordsEqual(e.position(), lastClickedCell)) { selectedUnit.attack(e); this.playerAttacking = false; foundAttack = true; lastClickedCell = selectedUnit.position(); } } } else { System.out.println("last clicked pixel: (" + screenX + "," + screenY + ")"); lastClickedCell = pixelToCell(vector3ToCoord(camera.unproject(new Vector3(screenX, screenY, 0)))); System.out.println("last clicked cell: (" + lastClickedCell.x() + "," + lastClickedCell.y() + ")"); //move necessary dudes if (gm.dudesMoving()) { // dudes are responsible for limiting their own movement and attack //if lastClickedCell contains a unit, attempt to attack. // otherwise attempt to move Dude dudeMoving = dudes.get(gm.dudeMoving()); //boolean attack = false; //for (Dude dude : dudes){ // if (dude.position().equals(lastClickedCell)){ // if (!(dudeMoving == dude)){ // dudeMoving.attack(dude); // System.out.println("Attacking dude: " +; // attack = true; // } // } //} //for (Enemy enemy : enemies){ // if (enemy.position().equals(lastClickedCell)){ // dudeMoving.attack(enemy); // System.out.println("Attacking enemy: " +; // attack = true; // } //} //if (!attack) dudes.get(gm.dudeMoving()).move(lastClickedCell); this.highlightTiles.clear(); // check for interactable tiles if (gm.tileMath.isInteractable(lastClickedCell)) { if (gm.tileMath.isDoor(lastClickedCell) && dudeMoving.tileInInteractRange(lastClickedCell) && dudeMoving.act(1)) { gm.openDoor(lastClickedCell); } else if (gm.tileMath.isDoor(lastClickedCell)) { uiConsole.push("This door is out of " + + "'s reach."); } } lastClickedCell = new Coord(-1, -1); } boolean dudesMoving = false; for (int i = 0; i < dudes.size(); i++) { if (dudes.get(i).position().equals(lastClickedCell)) { dudesMoving = true; gm.setDudeMoving(i); } } gm.setDudesMoving(dudesMoving); if (!gm.dudesMoving()) { gm.setDudeMoving(-1); } //end dude moving } // end of dialogBox.enabled = false block return false; } @Override public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { return false; } @Override public boolean touchDragged(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer) { return false; } @Override public boolean mouseMoved(int screenX, int screenY) { if (screenX < 10 && camera.position.x > 767) { scrollingLeft = true; //camera.translate(-1,0); } else { scrollingLeft = false; } if (screenX > 1014) { scrollingRight = true; } else { scrollingRight = false; } if (screenY < 10) { scrollingUp = true; } else { scrollingUp = false; } if (screenY > 700) { scrollingDown = true; } else { scrollingDown = false; } return false; } @Override public boolean scrolled(int amount) { return false; } public void initializeDudes() { dudes = new ArrayList<Dude>(); Texture rickyTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("gfx/ricky.png")); Sprite glamourShot = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("gfx/dude_glamourshot.png"))); Dude ricky = new Dude("Ricky", rickyTexture, 25, 15, 3, 25, 50, 75, 2, new Coord(4, 2), gm, glamourShot); ricky.setWeapon(new Weapon(WeaponType.PSIONIC_WILL_LV1)); dudes.add(ricky); } public void initializeEnemies() { enemies = new ArrayList<Enemy>(); Texture copTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("gfx/cop.png")); Sprite copGlamourShot = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("gfx/cop_glamourshot.png"))); enemies.add(new Enemy("Cop1", copTexture, 25, 3, 25, 50, 75, 15, 75, new Coord(6, 2), new Weapon(WeaponType.PHASE_BLUDGEON_LV1), null, copGlamourShot, gm)); enemies.add(new Enemy("Cop2", copTexture, 25, 3, 25, 50, 75, 25, 85, new Coord(7, 6), new Weapon(WeaponType.PHASE_BLUDGEON_LV1), null, copGlamourShot, gm)); enemies.add(new Enemy("Cop3", copTexture, 25, 3, 25, 50, 75, 10, 64, new Coord(3, 8), new Weapon(WeaponType.PHASE_BLUDGEON_LV1), KeyMaster.getTumblerKey(gm, 0), copGlamourShot, gm)); } public void showDialog(DialogInfo di) { System.out.println("YO"); dialogBox.setMessages(di.messages()); dialogBox.setOption1Msg(di.btn1()); dialogBox.setOption2Msg(di.btn2()); dialogBox.setType(di.type()); dialogBox.setMapCell(di.mapCoord()); dialogBox.enable(); } public void addInteractedTile(InteractedTile it) { this.interactedTiles.add(it); } public Coord pixelToCell(Coord pixelCoord) { return new Coord(pixelCoord.x() / 128, pixelCoord.y() / 128); } public Coord cellToPixel(Coord cellCoord) { return new Coord(cellCoord.x() * 128, cellCoord.y() * 128); } public Coord vector3ToCoord(Vector3 vector3) { return new Coord((int) (vector3.x), (int) (vector3.y)); } private void executeDialogOption1() { System.out.println("Dialog Option 1"); if (dialogBox.type() == DialogType.TILE_INTERACTION_DOOR) { mapData.openDoor(dialogBox.mapCell()); dialogBox.disable(); } else if (dialogBox.type() == DialogType.CUT_SCENE_LEVEL_START) { if (dialogBox.hasNextMessage()) { dialogBox.advanceMessage(); } else { dialogBox.disable(); gm.takeDudesTurn(); overlayFadeCounter = OVERLAY_FADE_TIME; } } } private void executeDialogOption2() { System.out.println("Dialog Option 2"); if (dialogBox.type() == DialogType.TILE_INTERACTION_DOOR) { dialogBox.disable(); } else if (dialogBox.type() == DialogType.CUT_SCENE_LEVEL_START) { dialogBox.disable(); gm.takeDudesTurn(); overlayFadeCounter = OVERLAY_FADE_TIME; } else dialogBox.disable(); } }