Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.Manifest; import; import; import; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Loader; import; import android.database.ContentObserver; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import; import; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import static; import static; /** * Shows a map of the conference venue. */ public class MapFragment extends implements GoogleMap.OnMarkerClickListener, GoogleMap.OnIndoorStateChangeListener, GoogleMap.OnMapClickListener, OnMapReadyCallback { private static final LatLng OSOLOSPEKTRUM = new LatLng(59.9130, 10.7547); private static final int REQUEST_LOCATION = 0; private static final String EXTRAS_HIGHLIGHT_ROOM = "EXTRAS_HIGHLIGHT_ROOM"; private static final String EXTRAS_ACTIVE_FLOOR = "EXTRAS_ACTIVE_FLOOR"; private EstimoteBeaconManager mEstimoteBeaconManager; // Initial camera zoom private static final float CAMERA_ZOOM = 18; private static final float DETAILED_MAP_ZOOM_THRESHOLD = 17; private static final float CAMERA_BEARING = -27; private static Marker mCurrentLocationMarker = null; private static final int INVALID_FLOOR = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // Estimated number of floors used to initialise data structures with appropriate capacity private static final int INITIAL_FLOOR_COUNT = 3; // Default level (index of level in IndoorBuilding object for Oslo Spektrum) private static final int OSLOSPEKTRUM_DEFAULT_LEVEL_INDEX = 1; private static final String TAG = makeLogTag(MapFragment.class); // Markers stored by id private HashMap<String, MarkerModel> mMarkers = new HashMap<>(); private ArrayList<GroundOverlay> mGroundOverlays = new ArrayList<>(); // Markers stored by floor private SparseArray<ArrayList<Marker>> mFloorMarkerMapping = new SparseArray<>(INITIAL_FLOOR_COUNT); // Screen DPI private float mDPI = 0; private IndoorBuilding mOsloSpektrumBuilding = null; // currently displayed floor private int mFloor = INVALID_FLOOR; private Marker mActiveMarker = null; private BitmapDescriptor ICON_ACTIVE; private ArrayList<BitmapDescriptor> mFloorIcons = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean mAtOsloSpektrum = false; private Marker mOsloSpektrumMarker = null; private GoogleMap mMap; private Rect mMapInsets = new Rect(); private String mHighlightedRoomName = null; private MarkerModel mHighlightedRoom = null; private final static int mNumberFloors = 3; private int mInitialFloor = OSLOSPEKTRUM_DEFAULT_LEVEL_INDEX; private static final int TOKEN_LOADER_MARKERS = 0x1; //For Analytics tracking public static final String SCREEN_LABEL = "Map"; public interface Callbacks { void onInfoHide(); void onInfoShowOsloSpektrum(); void onInfoShowTitle(String label, int roomType); void onInfoShowSessionlist(String roomId, String roomTitle, int roomType); void onInfoShowFirstSessionTitle(String roomId, String roomTitle, int roomType); } private static Callbacks sDummyCallbacks = new Callbacks() { @Override public void onInfoHide() { } @Override public void onInfoShowOsloSpektrum() { } @Override public void onInfoShowTitle(String label, int roomType) { } @Override public void onInfoShowSessionlist(String roomId, String roomTitle, int roomType) { } @Override public void onInfoShowFirstSessionTitle(String roomId, String roomTitle, int roomType) { } }; private Callbacks mCallbacks = sDummyCallbacks; public static MapFragment newInstance() { return new MapFragment(); } public static MapFragment newInstance(String highlightedRoomName) { MapFragment fragment = new MapFragment(); Bundle arguments = new Bundle(); arguments.putString(EXTRAS_HIGHLIGHT_ROOM, highlightedRoomName); fragment.setArguments(arguments); return fragment; } public static MapFragment newInstance(Bundle savedState) { MapFragment fragment = new MapFragment(); fragment.setArguments(savedState); return fragment; } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); if (mActiveMarker != null) { // A marker is currently selected, restore its selection. outState.putString(EXTRAS_HIGHLIGHT_ROOM, mActiveMarker.getTitle()); outState.putInt(EXTRAS_ACTIVE_FLOOR, INVALID_FLOOR); } else if (mAtOsloSpektrum) { // No marker is selected, store the active floor if at Oslo Spektrum. outState.putInt(EXTRAS_ACTIVE_FLOOR, mFloor); outState.putString(EXTRAS_HIGHLIGHT_ROOM, null); } LOGD(TAG, "Saved state: " + outState); } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(getActivity(), Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED && ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(getActivity(), Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(getActivity(), new String[] { Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION }, REQUEST_LOCATION); } } // ANALYTICS SCREEN: View the Map screen // Contains: Nothing (Page name is a constant) AnalyticsHelper.sendScreenView(SCREEN_LABEL); // get DPI mDPI = getActivity().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi / 160f; ICON_ACTIVE = BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED); // Get the arguments and restore the highlighted room or displayed floor. Bundle data = getArguments(); if (data != null) { mHighlightedRoomName = data.getString(EXTRAS_HIGHLIGHT_ROOM, null); mInitialFloor = data.getInt(EXTRAS_ACTIVE_FLOOR, OSLOSPEKTRUM_DEFAULT_LEVEL_INDEX); } getMapAsync(this); } @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View mapView = super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState); mEstimoteBeaconManager = new EstimoteBeaconManager(getActivity(), this); mEstimoteBeaconManager.initializeEstimoteBeaconManager(getActivity()); setMapInsets(mMapInsets); return mapView; } @Override public void onStart() { super.onStart(); mEstimoteBeaconManager.startEstimoteBeaconManager(); } @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); if (!NetworkUtil.isGpsOn(getActivity())) { createGpsDialog().show(); } if (!NetworkUtil.isBluetoothOn(getActivity())) { createBluetoothDialog().show(); } else { mEstimoteBeaconManager.startMonitorEstimoteBeacons(getActivity()); } if (mFloorIcons.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < mNumberFloors; i++) { mFloorIcons.add(BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker(MapUtils.createFloorColor(i))); } } } public void placeMarkerLocationOnCurrentRegion(Coordinates coordinates) { LatLng beaconRegionLatLng = new LatLng(coordinates.getLatitude(), coordinates.getLongitude()); if (mCurrentLocationMarker != null) { mCurrentLocationMarker.remove(); mCurrentLocationMarker = null; } MarkerOptions markerOptions = MapUtils.createCurrentLocationMarker("Your current location", beaconRegionLatLng); mCurrentLocationMarker = mMap.addMarker(markerOptions); } private AlertDialog.Builder createBluetoothDialog() { AlertDialog.Builder buildAlertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity(),; buildAlertDialog.setTitle("Bluetooth disabled"); buildAlertDialog.setMessage("Please turn on Bluetooth to be able to use indoor maps"); buildAlertDialog.setPositiveButton("Enable", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) { NetworkUtil.enableBluetooth(getActivity()); mEstimoteBeaconManager.startMonitorEstimoteBeacons(getActivity()); } }); buildAlertDialog.setNegativeButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) { } }); return buildAlertDialog; } private AlertDialog.Builder createGpsDialog() { AlertDialog.Builder buildAlertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity(),; buildAlertDialog.setTitle("Location disabled"); buildAlertDialog.setMessage("Please turn on Location to be able to use indoor maps"); buildAlertDialog.setPositiveButton("Enable", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) { NetworkUtil.enableGPS(getActivity()); mEstimoteBeaconManager.startMonitorEstimoteBeacons(getActivity()); } }); buildAlertDialog.setNegativeButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) { } }); return buildAlertDialog; } @Override public void onPause() { super.onPause(); mEstimoteBeaconManager.stopRanging(); mEstimoteBeaconManager.destroyEstimoteBeaconManager(); } @Override public void onDestroyView() { super.onDestroyView(); mEstimoteBeaconManager.destroyEstimoteBeaconManager(); } @Override public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults) { if (requestCode == REQUEST_LOCATION) { if (grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED && grantResults[1] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { mMap.setMyLocationEnabled(true); } } else { super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults); } } public void setMapInsets(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { mMapInsets.set(left, top, right, bottom); if (mMap != null) { mMap.setPadding(mMapInsets.left,, mMapInsets.right, mMapInsets.bottom); } } public void setMapInsets(Rect insets) { mMapInsets.set(insets.left,, insets.right, insets.bottom); if (mMap != null) { mMap.setPadding(mMapInsets.left,, mMapInsets.right, mMapInsets.bottom); } } @Override public void onStop() { super.onStop(); mEstimoteBeaconManager.stopEstimoteBeaconManager(); } /** * Clears the map and initialises all map variables that hold markers and overlays. */ private void clearMap() { if (mMap != null) { mMap.clear(); } mMarkers.clear(); mFloorMarkerMapping.clear(); mFloor = INVALID_FLOOR; } private void hideMarkersWhenSwitchingFloors() { setFloorElementsVisible(mFloor, false); } @Override public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) { mMap = googleMap; mMap.setIndoorEnabled(true); mMap.setMyLocationEnabled(false); mMap.setOnMarkerClickListener(this); mMap.setOnIndoorStateChangeListener(this); mMap.setOnMapClickListener(this); mMap.setOnCameraIdleListener(new GoogleMap.OnCameraIdleListener() { @Override public void onCameraIdle() { if (mMap.getCameraPosition().zoom <= DETAILED_MAP_ZOOM_THRESHOLD) { showMarkersForAllFloors(false); mOsloSpektrumMarker.setVisible(true); } else { setFloorElementsVisible(mFloor, true); mOsloSpektrumMarker.setVisible(false); } } }); UiSettings mapUiSettings = mMap.getUiSettings(); mapUiSettings.setZoomControlsEnabled(false); mapUiSettings.setMapToolbarEnabled(false); // load all markers LoaderManager lm = getLoaderManager(); lm.initLoader(TOKEN_LOADER_MARKERS, null, mMarkerLoader).forceLoad(); setupMap(true); } public void showMarkersForAllFloors(boolean visible) { for (int i = 0; i < mNumberFloors; i++) { final ArrayList<Marker> markers = mFloorMarkerMapping.get(i); if (markers != null) { for (Marker m : markers) { m.setVisible(visible); } } } } private void setupMap(boolean resetCamera) { showMarkersForAllFloors(true); mOsloSpektrumMarker = mMap.addMarker(MapUtils.createOsloSpektrumMarker(OSOLOSPEKTRUM).visible(false)); if (resetCamera) { centerOnOsloSpektrum(false); } } @Override public void onAttach(Activity activity) { super.onAttach(activity); if (!(activity instanceof Callbacks)) { throw new ClassCastException("Activity must implement fragment's callbacks."); } mCallbacks = (Callbacks) activity; activity.getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(ScheduleContract.MapMarkers.CONTENT_URI, true, mObserver); activity.getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(ScheduleContract.MapTiles.CONTENT_URI, true, mObserver); } @Override public void onDetach() { super.onDetach(); mCallbacks = sDummyCallbacks; getActivity().getContentResolver().unregisterContentObserver(mObserver); } private void centerOnOsloSpektrum(boolean animate) { CameraUpdate camera = CameraUpdateFactory.newCameraPosition(new CameraPosition.Builder() .bearing(CAMERA_BEARING).target(OSOLOSPEKTRUM).zoom(CAMERA_ZOOM).tilt(0f).build()); if (animate) { mMap.animateCamera(camera); } else { mMap.moveCamera(camera); } } /** * Switches the displayed floor for which elements are displayed. * If the map is not initialised yet or no data has been loaded, nothing will be displayed. * If an invalid floor is specified and elements are currently on the map, all visible * elements will be hidden. * If this floor is not active for the indoor building, it is made active. * * @param floor index of the floor to display. It requires an overlay and at least one Marker * to * be defined for it and it has to be a valid index in the * {@link} object that * describes Oslo Spektrum. */ private void showFloorElementsIndex(int floor) { LOGD(TAG, "Show floor " + floor); // Hide previous floor elements if the floor has changed if (mFloor != floor) { setFloorElementsVisible(mFloor, false); } mFloor = floor; if (mAtOsloSpektrum) { // Always hide the Oslo Spektrum marker if a floor is shown mOsloSpektrumMarker.setVisible(false); setFloorElementsVisible(mFloor, true); } else { // Show Oslo Spektrum marker if not at Oslo Spektrum or at an invalid floor mOsloSpektrumMarker.setVisible(true); } } /** * Change the active floor of Oslo Spektrum Center * to the given floor index. See {@link #showFloorElementsIndex(int)}. * * @param floor Index of the floor to show. * @see #showFloorElementsIndex(int) */ private void showFloorIndex(int floor) { if (isValidFloor(floor) && mAtOsloSpektrum) { if (mMap.getFocusedBuilding().getActiveLevelIndex() == floor) { // This floor is already active, show its elements showFloorElementsIndex(floor); } else { // This floor is not shown yet, switch to this floor on the map mMap.getFocusedBuilding().getLevels().get(floor).activate(); } } else { LOGD(TAG, "Can't show floor index " + floor + "."); } } /** * Change the visibility of all Markers and TileOverlays for a floor. */ private void setFloorElementsVisible(int floor, boolean visible) { if (mFloor == INVALID_FLOOR) { showMarkersForAllFloors(true); return; } final ArrayList<Marker> markers = mFloorMarkerMapping.get(floor); if (markers != null) { for (Marker m : markers) { m.setVisible(visible); } } } private boolean isValidFloor(int floor) { return floor < mOsloSpektrumBuilding.getLevels().size(); } private void enableMapElements() { if (mOsloSpektrumBuilding != null && mAtOsloSpektrum) { onIndoorLevelActivated(mOsloSpektrumBuilding); } } private void onDefocusOsloSpektrum() { // Hide all markers and tile overlays deselectActiveMarker(); showFloorElementsIndex(INVALID_FLOOR); mCallbacks.onInfoShowOsloSpektrum(); } private void onFocusHighlightedRoom() { // Highlight a room if argument is set and it exists, otherwise show the default floor if (mHighlightedRoomName != null && mMarkers.containsKey(mHighlightedRoomName)) { highlightRoom(mHighlightedRoomName); showMarkersForAllFloors(false); setFloorElementsVisible(mHighlightedRoom.floor, true); selectActiveMarker(mHighlightedRoom.marker); mCallbacks.onInfoShowFirstSessionTitle(, mHighlightedRoom.label, mHighlightedRoom.type); // Reset highlighted room because it has just been displayed. mHighlightedRoomName = null; } } @Override public void onIndoorBuildingFocused() { IndoorBuilding building = mMap.getFocusedBuilding(); if (building != null && mOsloSpektrumBuilding == null && mMap.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds.contains(OSOLOSPEKTRUM)) { // Store the first active building. This will always be Oslo Spektrum mOsloSpektrumBuilding = building; } if (!mAtOsloSpektrum && building != null && building.equals(mOsloSpektrumBuilding)) { // Map is focused on Oslo Spektrum Center mAtOsloSpektrum = true; onFocusHighlightedRoom(); } else if (mAtOsloSpektrum && mOsloSpektrumBuilding != null && !mOsloSpektrumBuilding.equals(building)) { // Map is no longer focused on Oslo Spektrum Center mAtOsloSpektrum = false; onDefocusOsloSpektrum(); } onIndoorLevelActivated(building); } @Override public void onIndoorLevelActivated(IndoorBuilding indoorBuilding) { if (indoorBuilding != null && indoorBuilding.equals(mOsloSpektrumBuilding)) { onOsloSpektrumFloorActivated(indoorBuilding.getActiveLevelIndex()); } } /** * Called when an indoor floor level in the Oslo Spektrum building has been activated. * If a room is to be highlighted, the map is centered and its marker is activated. */ private void onOsloSpektrumFloorActivated(int activeLevelIndex) { if (mHighlightedRoom != null && mFloor == mHighlightedRoom.floor) { // A room highlight is pending. Highlight the marker and display info details. onMarkerClick(mHighlightedRoom.marker); centerMap(mHighlightedRoom.marker.getPosition()); // Remove the highlight room flag, because the room has just been highlighted. mHighlightedRoom = null; mHighlightedRoomName = null; } else if (mFloor != activeLevelIndex) { // Deselect and hide the info details. deselectActiveMarker(); mCallbacks.onInfoHide(); } // Show map elements for this floor showFloorElementsIndex(activeLevelIndex); } @Override public void onMapClick(LatLng latLng) { deselectActiveMarker(); mCallbacks.onInfoHide(); } private void deselectActiveMarker() { if (mActiveMarker != null) { mActiveMarker.setVisible(false); } } private void selectActiveMarker(Marker marker) { if (marker != null) { mActiveMarker = mMap .addMarker(MapUtils.createFloorMarkers("selected", mFloor, marker.getPosition()).visible(true)); mActiveMarker.setIcon(ICON_ACTIVE); } } @Override public boolean onMarkerClick(Marker marker) { final String title = marker.getTitle(); final MarkerModel model = mMarkers.get(title); AnalyticsHelper.sendEvent("Map", "markerclick", title); deselectActiveMarker(); if (marker.equals(mCurrentLocationMarker)) { mCallbacks.onInfoShowTitle(marker.getTitle(), MarkerModel.TYPE_SESSION); } // The Oslo Spektrum marker can be compared directly. // For all other markers the model needs to be looked up first. if (marker.equals(mOsloSpektrumMarker)) { // Return camera to Oslo Spektrum LOGD(TAG, "Clicked on Oslo Spektrum marker, return to initial display."); centerOnOsloSpektrum(true); } else if (model != null && MapUtils.hasInfoTitleOnly(model.type)) { // Show a basic info window with a title only mCallbacks.onInfoShowTitle(model.label, model.type); selectActiveMarker(marker); } else if (model != null && MapUtils.hasInfoSessionList(model.type)) { // Type has sessions to display mCallbacks.onInfoShowSessionlist(, model.label, model.type); selectActiveMarker(marker); } else if (model != null && MapUtils.hasInfoFirstDescriptionOnly(model.type)) { // Display the description of the first session only mCallbacks.onInfoShowFirstSessionTitle(, model.label, model.type); selectActiveMarker(marker); } else { // Hide the bottom sheet for unknown markers mCallbacks.onInfoHide(); } return true; } private void centerMap(LatLng position) { mMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(position, CAMERA_ZOOM)); } private void highlightRoom(String roomId) { MarkerModel m = mMarkers.get(roomId); if (m != null) { mHighlightedRoom = m; } } private void onMarkersLoaded(List<MarkerLoadingTask.MarkerEntry> list) { if (list != null) { for (MarkerLoadingTask.MarkerEntry entry : list) { // Skip incomplete entries if (entry.options == null || entry.model == null) { break; } // Add marker to the map Marker m = mMap.addMarker(entry.options); MarkerModel model = entry.model; model.marker = m; // Store the marker and its model ArrayList<Marker> markerList = mFloorMarkerMapping.get(model.floor); if (markerList == null) { // Initialise the list of Markers for this floor markerList = new ArrayList<>(); mFloorMarkerMapping.put(model.floor, markerList); } markerList.add(m); mMarkers.put(, model); } if (mFloor > INVALID_FLOOR) { setFloorElementsVisible(mFloor, true); } onFocusHighlightedRoom(); if (mHighlightedRoomName == null) { ((MapActivity) getActivity()).mFloorAllButton.callOnClick(); } LatLngBounds osloSpektrumLatLngBounds = new LatLngBounds( new LatLng(59.91245775721807, 10.753627974205074), // South west corner new LatLng(59.91353895983281, 10.755966466270479)); // North east corner GroundOverlayOptions osloSpektrumLevel0 = new GroundOverlayOptions() .image(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(R.drawable.oslospektrum_level0)) .positionFromBounds(osloSpektrumLatLngBounds); GroundOverlayOptions osloSpektrumLevel1 = new GroundOverlayOptions() .image(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(R.drawable.oslospektrum_level1)) .positionFromBounds(osloSpektrumLatLngBounds); GroundOverlayOptions osloSpektrumLevel2 = new GroundOverlayOptions() .image(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(R.drawable.oslospektrum_level2)) .positionFromBounds(osloSpektrumLatLngBounds); mGroundOverlays.add(mMap.addGroundOverlay(osloSpektrumLevel0)); mGroundOverlays.add(mMap.addGroundOverlay(osloSpektrumLevel1)); mGroundOverlays.add(mMap.addGroundOverlay(osloSpektrumLevel2)); mGroundOverlays.get(0).setVisible(true); for (int i = 1; i < mGroundOverlays.size(); i++) { mGroundOverlays.get(i).setVisible(false); } } enableMapElements(); } public void showAllFloors(boolean visible) { mFloor = INVALID_FLOOR; showMarkersForAllFloors(visible); } public void showMarkersForSpecificFloor(int floorLevel) { if (mFloor == floorLevel) { return; } mFloor = floorLevel; if (mMap != null) { hideMarkersWhenSwitchingFloors(); } mCallbacks.onInfoHide(); deselectActiveMarker(); setFloorElementsVisible(mFloor, true); showGroundOverlay(floorLevel); } public void showGroundOverlay(int floorLevel) { for (int i = 0; i < mGroundOverlays.size(); i++) { if (i == floorLevel) { mGroundOverlays.get(i).setVisible(true); continue; } mGroundOverlays.get(i).setVisible(false); } } private final ContentObserver mObserver = new ContentObserver(new Handler()) { @Override public void onChange(boolean selfChange) { if (!isAdded()) { return; } //clear map reload all data clearMap(); setupMap(false); // reload data from loaders LoaderManager lm = getActivity().getLoaderManager(); Loader<Cursor> loader = lm.getLoader(TOKEN_LOADER_MARKERS); if (loader != null) { loader.forceLoad(); } } }; /** * LoaderCallbacks for the {@link MarkerLoadingTask} that loads all markers for the map. */ private LoaderCallbacks<List<MarkerLoadingTask.MarkerEntry>> mMarkerLoader = new LoaderCallbacks<List<MarkerLoadingTask.MarkerEntry>>() { @Override public Loader<List<MarkerLoadingTask.MarkerEntry>> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) { return new MarkerLoadingTask(getActivity()); } @Override public void onLoadFinished(Loader<List<MarkerLoadingTask.MarkerEntry>> loader, List<MarkerLoadingTask.MarkerEntry> data) { onMarkersLoaded(data); } @Override public void onLoaderReset(Loader<List<MarkerLoadingTask.MarkerEntry>> loader) { } }; }