Java tutorial
package com.gigigo.vuforia.core.sdkimagerecognition.cloudrecognition; import; import; import android.content.DialogInterface; import; import android.content.res.Configuration; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.util.Log; import android.view.GestureDetector; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.animation.TranslateAnimation; import android.widget.ProgressBar; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import; import com.gigigo.ggglib.logger.GGGLogImpl; import com.gigigo.ggglib.logger.LogLevel; import com.gigigo.vuforia.core.R; import com.gigigo.vuforia.core.sdkimagerecognition.vuforiaenvironment.ApplicationControl; import com.gigigo.vuforia.core.sdkimagerecognition.vuforiaenvironment.VuforiaException; import com.gigigo.vuforia.core.sdkimagerecognition.vuforiaenvironment.VuforiaSession; import com.gigigo.vuforia.core.sdkimagerecognition.vuforiaenvironment.utils.LoadingDialogHandler; import com.gigigo.vuforia.core.sdkimagerecognition.vuforiaenvironment.utils.VuforiaGLView; import com.vuforia.CameraDevice; import com.vuforia.ObjectTracker; import com.vuforia.State; import com.vuforia.TargetFinder; import com.vuforia.TargetSearchResult; import com.vuforia.Trackable; import com.vuforia.Tracker; import com.vuforia.TrackerManager; import com.vuforia.Vuforia; /** * Created by Alberto on 31/03/2016. */ public class CloudRecognition implements ApplicationControl { // These codes match the ones defined in TargetFinder in Vuforia.jar static final int INIT_SUCCESS = 2; static final int INIT_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION = -1; static final int INIT_ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE = -2; static final int UPDATE_ERROR_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED = -1; static final int UPDATE_ERROR_PROJECT_SUSPENDED = -2; static final int UPDATE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION = -3; static final int UPDATE_ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE = -4; static final int UPDATE_ERROR_BAD_FRAME_QUALITY = -5; static final int UPDATE_ERROR_UPDATE_SDK = -6; static final int UPDATE_ERROR_TIMESTAMP_OUT_OF_RANGE = -7; static final int UPDATE_ERROR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = -8; static final int HIDE_LOADING_DIALOG = 0; static final int SHOW_LOADING_DIALOG = 1; static VuforiaSession vuforiaAppSession; boolean mFinderStarted = false; boolean mStopFinderIfStarted = false; boolean mIsDroidDevice = false; boolean bShowErrorMessages = true; // Our OpenGL view: private VuforiaGLView mGlView; // Our renderer: private CloudRecognitionRenderer mRenderer; private boolean mExtendedTracking = false; private String mAccessKey = ""; private String mSecretKey = ""; private String mLicenseKey = ""; // View overlays to be displayed in the Augmented View private RelativeLayout mUILayout; // Error message handling: private int mlastErrorCode = 0; private int mInitErrorCode = 0; private boolean mFinishActivityOnError; // Alert Dialog used to display SDK errors private AlertDialog mErrorDialog; private GestureDetector mGestureDetector; private LoadingDialogHandler loadingDialogHandler; private double mLastErrorTime; private Activity mActivity; private ICloudRecognitionCommunicator mCommunicator; // declare scan line and its animation private View scanLine; private TranslateAnimation scanAnimation; public CloudRecognition(Activity activity, ICloudRecognitionCommunicator communicator, String kAccessKey, String kSecretKey, String kLicenseKey, boolean showErrorMessages) { this.mActivity = activity; this.mCommunicator = communicator; loadingDialogHandler = new LoadingDialogHandler(this.mActivity); this.mAccessKey = kAccessKey; this.mSecretKey = kSecretKey; this.mLicenseKey = kLicenseKey; this.bShowErrorMessages = showErrorMessages; } //region methods 4 Focus public boolean on_TouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { return mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event); } //endregion // Callback for configuration changes the activity handles itself public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration config) { vuforiaAppSession.onConfigurationChanged(); } // Called when the activity first starts or needs to be recreated after // resuming the application or a configuration change. //region methods Called from ActivityLifeCycle like overrides ACTIVITY public void on_Create() { try { if (this.mLicenseKey == "" || this.mAccessKey == "" || this.mSecretKey == "") { Log.e(this.mActivity.getResources().getString(R.string.orchextra_auth_error_tag), this.mActivity.getResources().getString(R.string.orchextra_auth_error_text)); this.mActivity.finish(); } else { vuforiaAppSession = new VuforiaSession(this, this.mLicenseKey); startLoadingAnimation(); vuforiaAppSession.initAR(this.mActivity, ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); // Creates the GestureDetector listener for processing double tap mGestureDetector = new GestureDetector(this.mActivity, new GestureListener()); mIsDroidDevice = android.os.Build.MODEL.toLowerCase().startsWith("droid"); } } catch (Throwable tr) { GGGLogImpl.log(tr.getMessage(), LogLevel.ERROR); } } // Called when the activity will start interacting with the user. protected void on_Resume() { // This is needed for some Droid devices to force portrait if (mIsDroidDevice) { this.mActivity.setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); this.mActivity.setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); } try { if (vuforiaAppSession != null) vuforiaAppSession.resumeAR(); } catch (VuforiaException e) { GGGLogImpl.log(e.getString(), LogLevel.ERROR); } // Resume the GL view: if (mGlView != null) { mGlView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mGlView.onResume(); } } // Called when the system is about to start resuming a previous activity. protected void on_Pause() { //Todo camera flash, in previous version of Vuforia was necesary try { vuforiaAppSession.pauseAR(); } catch (VuforiaException e) { GGGLogImpl.log(e.getMessage(), LogLevel.ERROR); } catch (Throwable tr) { GGGLogImpl.log(tr.getMessage(), LogLevel.ERROR); } // Pauses the OpenGLView if (mGlView != null) { mGlView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mGlView.onPause(); } } //endregion // The final call you receive before your activity is destroyed. protected void on_Destroy() { try { if (vuforiaAppSession != null) { vuforiaAppSession.stopAR(); vuforiaAppSession = null; } } catch (VuforiaException e) { GGGLogImpl.log(e.getMessage(), LogLevel.ERROR); } System.gc(); } //region Init protected void deinitCloudReco() { // Get the object tracker: TrackerManager trackerManager = TrackerManager.getInstance(); ObjectTracker objectTracker = (ObjectTracker) trackerManager.getTracker(ObjectTracker.getClassType()); if (objectTracker == null) { GGGLogImpl.log("Failed to destroy the tracking data set because the ObjectTracker has not" + " been initialized.", LogLevel.ERROR); return; } // Deinitialize target finder: TargetFinder finder = objectTracker.getTargetFinder(); finder.deinit(); } public void startLoadingAnimation() { // Inflates the Overlay Layout to be displayed above the Camera View LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(this.mActivity); mUILayout = (RelativeLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.camera_overlay_vuforia, null, false); mUILayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); ProgressBar loadingProgressBar = (ProgressBar) mUILayout.findViewById(; // By default loadingDialogHandler.mLoadingDialogContainer = mUILayout.findViewById(; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21) { if (loadingProgressBar.getIndeterminateDrawable() != null) { loadingProgressBar.getIndeterminateDrawable().setColorFilter( ContextCompat.getColor(mActivity, R.color.vuforia_loading_indicator_color), PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN); } } loadingDialogHandler.mLoadingDialogContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); this.mActivity.addContentView(mUILayout, new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); } // Initializes AR application components. private void initApplicationAR() { // Create OpenGL ES view: int depthSize = 16; int stencilSize = 0; boolean translucent = Vuforia.requiresAlpha(); // Initialize the GLView with proper flags mGlView = new VuforiaGLView(this.mActivity); mGlView.init(translucent, depthSize, stencilSize); // Setups the Renderer of the GLView mRenderer = new CloudRecognitionRenderer(vuforiaAppSession, this); mGlView.setRenderer(mRenderer); } //region retrieve Error Message // Returns the error message for each error code private String getStatusDescString(int code) { if (code == UPDATE_ERROR_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED_DESC); } if (code == UPDATE_ERROR_PROJECT_SUSPENDED) { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_PROJECT_SUSPENDED_DESC); } if (code == UPDATE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION) { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION_DESC); } if (code == UPDATE_ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE) { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE_DESC); } if (code == UPDATE_ERROR_UPDATE_SDK) { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_UPDATE_SDK_DESC); } if (code == UPDATE_ERROR_TIMESTAMP_OUT_OF_RANGE) { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_TIMESTAMP_OUT_OF_RANGE_DESC); } if (code == UPDATE_ERROR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT) { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_DESC); } if (code == UPDATE_ERROR_BAD_FRAME_QUALITY) { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_BAD_FRAME_QUALITY_DESC); } else { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_DESC); } } //endregion // Returns the error message for each error code private String getStatusTitleString(int code) { if (code == UPDATE_ERROR_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED_TITLE); } if (code == UPDATE_ERROR_PROJECT_SUSPENDED) { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_PROJECT_SUSPENDED_TITLE); } if (code == UPDATE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION) { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION_TITLE); } if (code == UPDATE_ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE) { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE_TITLE); } if (code == UPDATE_ERROR_UPDATE_SDK) { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_UPDATE_SDK_TITLE); } if (code == UPDATE_ERROR_TIMESTAMP_OUT_OF_RANGE) { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_TIMESTAMP_OUT_OF_RANGE_TITLE); } if (code == UPDATE_ERROR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT) { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_TITLE); } if (code == UPDATE_ERROR_BAD_FRAME_QUALITY) { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_BAD_FRAME_QUALITY_TITLE); } else { return this.mActivity.getString(R.string.UPDATE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_TITLE); } } // Shows error messages as System dialogs public void showErrorMessage(int errorCode, double errorTime, boolean finishActivityOnError) { //you can change for show or hidden the vuforia error messages if (bShowErrorMessages) { if (errorTime < (mLastErrorTime + 5.0) || errorCode == mlastErrorCode) return; mlastErrorCode = errorCode; mFinishActivityOnError = finishActivityOnError; final Activity activity = this.mActivity; this.mActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (mErrorDialog != null) { mErrorDialog.dismiss(); } // Generates an Alert Dialog to show the error message AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity); builder.setMessage(getStatusDescString(CloudRecognition.this.mlastErrorCode)) .setTitle(getStatusTitleString(CloudRecognition.this.mlastErrorCode)) .setCancelable(false).setIcon(0).setPositiveButton( activity.getString(R.string.button_OK), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { if (mFinishActivityOnError) { activity.finish(); } else { dialog.dismiss(); } } }); mErrorDialog = builder.create();; } }); } } //endregion //restart finder public void startFinderIfStopped() { if (!mFinderStarted) { mFinderStarted = true; // Get the object tracker: TrackerManager trackerManager = TrackerManager.getInstance(); ObjectTracker objectTracker = (ObjectTracker) trackerManager.getTracker(ObjectTracker.getClassType()); // Initialize target finder: TargetFinder targetFinder = objectTracker.getTargetFinder(); targetFinder.clearTrackables(); targetFinder.startRecognition(); } } //stop finder public void stopFinderIfStarted() { if (mFinderStarted) { mFinderStarted = false; // Get the object tracker: TrackerManager trackerManager = TrackerManager.getInstance(); ObjectTracker objectTracker = (ObjectTracker) trackerManager.getTracker(ObjectTracker.getClassType()); // Initialize target finder: TargetFinder targetFinder = objectTracker.getTargetFinder(); targetFinder.stop(); } } //region Set colors of the finder animations @Deprecated public void setUIScanLineColor(int color) { //not in Vuforia6 } @Deprecated public void setUIPointColor(int color) { //not in Vuforia6 } //region implements -->ApplicationControl @Override public boolean doInitTrackers() { TrackerManager tManager = TrackerManager.getInstance(); Tracker tracker; // Indicate if the trackers were initialized correctly boolean result = true; tracker = tManager.initTracker(ObjectTracker.getClassType()); if (tracker == null) { GGGLogImpl.log("Tracker not initialized. Tracker already initialized or the camera is already started", LogLevel.ERROR); result = false; } else { GGGLogImpl.log("Tracker successfully initialized"); } return result; } //endregion @Override public boolean doLoadTrackersData() { GGGLogImpl.log("doLoadTrackersData"); // Get the object tracker: TrackerManager trackerManager = TrackerManager.getInstance(); ObjectTracker objectTracker = (ObjectTracker) trackerManager.getTracker(ObjectTracker.getClassType()); // Initialize target finder: TargetFinder targetFinder = objectTracker.getTargetFinder(); // Start initialization: if (targetFinder.startInit(this.mAccessKey, this.mSecretKey)) { targetFinder.waitUntilInitFinished(); } int resultCode = targetFinder.getInitState(); if (resultCode != TargetFinder.INIT_SUCCESS) { if (resultCode == TargetFinder.INIT_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION) { mInitErrorCode = UPDATE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION; } else { mInitErrorCode = UPDATE_ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE; } GGGLogImpl.log("Failed to initialize target finder.", LogLevel.ERROR); return false; } // Now you can customize the color of // the UI // targetFinder->setUIScanlineColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); // targetFinder->setUIPointColor(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); return true; } @Override public boolean doStartTrackers() { // Indicate if the trackers were started correctly boolean result = true; // Start the tracker: TrackerManager trackerManager = TrackerManager.getInstance(); ObjectTracker objectTracker = (ObjectTracker) trackerManager.getTracker(ObjectTracker.getClassType()); objectTracker.start(); //trackerManager.getStateUpdater().getLatestState().getTrackable(0).getUserData(). // Start cloud based recognition if we are in scanning mode: TargetFinder targetFinder = objectTracker.getTargetFinder(); targetFinder.startRecognition(); mFinderStarted = true; return result; } @Override public boolean doStopTrackers() { // Indicate if the trackers were stopped correctly boolean result = true; TrackerManager trackerManager = TrackerManager.getInstance(); ObjectTracker objectTracker = (ObjectTracker) trackerManager.getTracker(ObjectTracker.getClassType()); if (objectTracker != null) { objectTracker.stop(); // Stop cloud based recognition: TargetFinder targetFinder = objectTracker.getTargetFinder(); targetFinder.stop(); mFinderStarted = false; // Clears the trackables targetFinder.clearTrackables(); } else { result = false; } return result; } @Override public boolean doUnloadTrackersData() { return true; } @Override public boolean doDeinitTrackers() { // Indicate if the trackers were deinitialized correctly boolean result = true; TrackerManager tManager = TrackerManager.getInstance(); tManager.deinitTracker(ObjectTracker.getClassType()); return result; } @Override public void onInitARDone(VuforiaException exception) { if (exception == null) { initApplicationAR(); // Start the camera: try { vuforiaAppSession.startAR(CameraDevice.CAMERA_DIRECTION.CAMERA_DIRECTION_DEFAULT); } catch (VuforiaException e) { GGGLogImpl.log(e.getMessage(), LogLevel.ERROR); } boolean result = CameraDevice.getInstance() .setFocusMode(CameraDevice.FOCUS_MODE.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUSAUTO); if (!result) GGGLogImpl.log("Unable to enable continuous autofocus", LogLevel.ERROR); mUILayout.bringToFront(); // Hides the Loading Dialog loadingDialogHandler.sendEmptyMessage(HIDE_LOADING_DIALOG); mUILayout.setBackgroundColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); this.mCommunicator.setContentViewTop(mGlView); } else { GGGLogImpl.log(exception.getString(), LogLevel.ERROR); if (mInitErrorCode != 0) { showErrorMessage(mInitErrorCode, 10, true); } else { this.mActivity.finish(); GGGLogImpl.log(exception.getMessage(), LogLevel.ERROR); } } } @Override public void onVuforiaUpdate(State state) { // Get the tracker manager: TrackerManager trackerManager = TrackerManager.getInstance(); // Get the object tracker: ObjectTracker objectTracker = (ObjectTracker) trackerManager.getTracker(ObjectTracker.getClassType()); // Get the target finder: TargetFinder finder = objectTracker.getTargetFinder(); // Check if there are new results available: final int statusCode = finder.updateSearchResults(); // Show a message if we encountered an error: if (statusCode < 0) { boolean closeAppAfterError = (statusCode == UPDATE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION || statusCode == UPDATE_ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE); showErrorMessage(statusCode, state.getFrame().getTimeStamp(), closeAppAfterError); } else if (statusCode == TargetFinder.UPDATE_RESULTS_AVAILABLE) { // Process new search results if (finder.getResultCount() > 0) { TargetSearchResult result = finder.getResult(0); Log.i("#################", "#################" + result.getMetaData() + ""); Log.i("#################", "#################" + finder.getResultCount() + ""); // Check if this target is suitable for tracking: if (result.getTrackingRating() > 0) { Trackable trackable = finder.enableTracking(result); if (mExtendedTracking) trackable.startExtendedTracking(); //raise result 2 vuforiaactivity over pipe/communicator // this.mCommunicator.onVuforiaResult(trackable, result.getUniqueTargetId()); this.mCommunicator.onVuforiaResult(trackable, result); } } } } // Process Single Tap event to trigger autofocus private class GestureListener extends GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener { // Used to set autofocus one second after a manual focus is triggered private final Handler autofocusHandler = new Handler(); @Override public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) { return true; } @Override public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) { // Generates a Handler to trigger autofocus // after 1 second autofocusHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { public void run() { boolean result = CameraDevice.getInstance() .setFocusMode(CameraDevice.FOCUS_MODE.FOCUS_MODE_TRIGGERAUTO); if (!result) Log.e("SingleTapUp", "Unable to trigger focus"); } }, 1000L); return true; } } private class RGBColor { float r, g, b; private RGBColor(int color) { r = / 255.0f; g = / 255.0f; b = / 255.0f; } } //endregion }