Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ package com.facebook.litho; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewParent; import com.facebook.litho.R; import static com.facebook.litho.AccessibilityUtils.isAccessibilityEnabled; import static com.facebook.litho.ComponentHostUtils.maybeInvalidateAccessibilityState; /** * A {@link ViewGroup} that can host the mounted state of a {@link Component}. This is used * by {@link MountState} to wrap mounted drawables to handle click events and update drawable * states accordingly. */ public class ComponentHost extends ViewGroup { private final SparseArrayCompat<MountItem> mMountItems = new SparseArrayCompat<>(); private SparseArrayCompat<MountItem> mScrapMountItemsArray; private final SparseArrayCompat<MountItem> mViewMountItems = new SparseArrayCompat<>(); private SparseArrayCompat<MountItem> mScrapViewMountItemsArray; private final SparseArrayCompat<MountItem> mDrawableMountItems = new SparseArrayCompat<>(); private SparseArrayCompat<MountItem> mScrapDrawableMountItems; private final SparseArrayCompat<Touchable> mTouchables = new SparseArrayCompat<>(); private SparseArrayCompat<Touchable> mScrapTouchables; private final SparseArrayCompat<MountItem> mDisappearingItems = new SparseArrayCompat<>(); private CharSequence mContentDescription; private Object mViewTag; private SparseArray<Object> mViewTags; private boolean mWasInvalidatedWhileSuppressed; private boolean mWasInvalidatedForAccessibilityWhileSuppressed; private boolean mSuppressInvalidations; private final InterleavedDispatchDraw mDispatchDraw = new InterleavedDispatchDraw(); private final List<ComponentHost> mScrapHosts = new ArrayList<>(3); private int[] mChildDrawingOrder = new int[0]; private boolean mIsChildDrawingOrderDirty; private long mParentHostMarker; private boolean mInLayout; private ComponentAccessibilityDelegate mComponentAccessibilityDelegate; private boolean mIsComponentAccessibilityDelegateSet = false; private ComponentClickListener mOnClickListener; private ComponentLongClickListener mOnLongClickListener; private ComponentTouchListener mOnTouchListener; private EventHandler<InterceptTouchEvent> mOnInterceptTouchEventHandler; private TouchExpansionDelegate mTouchExpansionDelegate; public ComponentHost(Context context) { this(context, null); } public ComponentHost(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(new ComponentContext(context), attrs); } public ComponentHost(ComponentContext context) { this(context, null); } public ComponentHost(ComponentContext context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); setWillNotDraw(false); setChildrenDrawingOrderEnabled(true); mComponentAccessibilityDelegate = new ComponentAccessibilityDelegate(this); refreshAccessibilityDelegatesIfNeeded(isAccessibilityEnabled(context)); } /** * Sets the parent host marker for this host. * @param parentHostMarker marker that indicates which {@link ComponentHost} hosts this host. */ void setParentHostMarker(long parentHostMarker) { mParentHostMarker = parentHostMarker; } /** * @return an id indicating which {@link ComponentHost} hosts this host. */ long getParentHostMarker() { return mParentHostMarker; } /** * Mounts the given {@link MountItem} with unique index. * @param index index of the {@link MountItem}. Guaranteed to be the same index as is passed for * the corresponding {@code unmount(index, mountItem)} call. * @param mountItem item to be mounted into the host. * @param bounds the bounds of the item that is to be mounted into the host */ public void mount(int index, MountItem mountItem, Rect bounds) { final Object content = mountItem.getContent(); if (content instanceof Drawable) { mountDrawable(index, mountItem, bounds); } else if (content instanceof View) { mViewMountItems.put(index, mountItem); mountView((View) content, mountItem.getFlags()); maybeRegisterTouchExpansion(index, mountItem); } mMountItems.put(index, mountItem); maybeInvalidateAccessibilityState(mountItem); } void unmount(MountItem item) { final int index = mMountItems.keyAt(mMountItems.indexOfValue(item)); unmount(index, item); } /** * Unmounts the given {@link MountItem} with unique index. * @param index index of the {@link MountItem}. Guaranteed to be the same index as was passed for * the corresponding {@code mount(index, mountItem)} call. * @param mountItem item to be unmounted from the host. */ public void unmount(int index, MountItem mountItem) { final Object content = mountItem.getContent(); if (content instanceof Drawable) { unmountDrawable(index, mountItem); } else if (content instanceof View) { unmountView((View) content); ComponentHostUtils.removeItem(index, mViewMountItems, mScrapViewMountItemsArray); maybeUnregisterTouchExpansion(index, mountItem); } ComponentHostUtils.removeItem(index, mMountItems, mScrapMountItemsArray); releaseScrapDataStructuresIfNeeded(); maybeInvalidateAccessibilityState(mountItem); } void startUnmountDisappearingItem(int index, MountItem mountItem) { final Object content = mountItem.getContent(); if (!(content instanceof View)) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot unmount non-view item"); } mIsChildDrawingOrderDirty = true; ComponentHostUtils.removeItem(index, mViewMountItems, mScrapViewMountItemsArray); ComponentHostUtils.removeItem(index, mMountItems, mScrapMountItemsArray); releaseScrapDataStructuresIfNeeded(); mDisappearingItems.put(index, mountItem); } void unmountDisappearingItem(MountItem disappearingItem) { final int indexOfValue = mDisappearingItems.indexOfValue(disappearingItem); final int key = mDisappearingItems.keyAt(indexOfValue); mDisappearingItems.removeAt(indexOfValue); final View content = (View) disappearingItem.getContent(); unmountView(content); maybeUnregisterTouchExpansion(key, disappearingItem); maybeInvalidateAccessibilityState(disappearingItem); } boolean hasDisappearingItems() { return mDisappearingItems.size() > 0; } List<String> getDisappearingItemKeys() { if (!hasDisappearingItems()) { return null; } final List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0, size = mDisappearingItems.size(); i < size; i++) { keys.add(mDisappearingItems.valueAt(i).getViewNodeInfo().getTransitionKey()); } return keys; } private void maybeMoveTouchExpansionIndexes(MountItem item, int oldIndex, int newIndex) { final ViewNodeInfo viewNodeInfo = item.getViewNodeInfo(); if (viewNodeInfo == null) { return; } final Rect expandedTouchBounds = viewNodeInfo.getExpandedTouchBounds(); if (expandedTouchBounds == null || mTouchExpansionDelegate == null) { return; } mTouchExpansionDelegate.moveTouchExpansionIndexes(oldIndex, newIndex); } private void maybeRegisterTouchExpansion(int index, MountItem mountItem) { final ViewNodeInfo viewNodeInfo = mountItem.getViewNodeInfo(); if (viewNodeInfo == null) { return; } final Rect expandedTouchBounds = viewNodeInfo.getExpandedTouchBounds(); if (expandedTouchBounds == null) { return; } if (mTouchExpansionDelegate == null) { mTouchExpansionDelegate = new TouchExpansionDelegate(this); setTouchDelegate(mTouchExpansionDelegate); } mTouchExpansionDelegate.registerTouchExpansion(index, (View) mountItem.getContent(), expandedTouchBounds); } private void maybeUnregisterTouchExpansion(int index, MountItem mountItem) { final ViewNodeInfo viewNodeInfo = mountItem.getViewNodeInfo(); if (viewNodeInfo == null) { return; } if (mTouchExpansionDelegate == null || viewNodeInfo.getExpandedTouchBounds() == null) { return; } mTouchExpansionDelegate.unregisterTouchExpansion(index); } /** * Tries to recycle a scrap host attached to this host. * @return The host view to be recycled. */ ComponentHost recycleHost() { if (mScrapHosts.size() > 0) { final ComponentHost host = mScrapHosts.remove(0); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) { // We are bringing the re-used host to the front because before API 17, Android doesn't // take into account the children drawing order when dispatching ViewGroup touch events, // but it just traverses its children list backwards. bringChildToFront(host); } // The recycled host is immediately re-mounted in mountView(), therefore setting // the flag here is redundant, but future proof. mIsChildDrawingOrderDirty = true; return host; } return null; } /** * @return number of {@link MountItem}s that are currently mounted in the host. */ int getMountItemCount() { return mMountItems.size(); } /** * @return the {@link MountItem} that was mounted with the given index. */ MountItem getMountItemAt(int index) { return mMountItems.valueAt(index); } /** * Hosts are guaranteed to have only one accessible component * in them due to the way the view hierarchy is constructed in {@link LayoutState}. * There might be other non-accessible components in the same hosts such as * a background/foreground component though. This is why this method iterates over * all mount items in order to find the accessible one. */ MountItem getAccessibleMountItem() { for (int i = 0; i < getMountItemCount(); i++) { MountItem item = getMountItemAt(i); if (item.isAccessible()) { return item; } } return null; } /** * @return list of drawables that are mounted on this host. */ public List<Drawable> getDrawables() { final List<Drawable> drawables = new ArrayList<>(mDrawableMountItems.size()); for (int i = 0, size = mDrawableMountItems.size(); i < size; i++) { Drawable drawable = (Drawable) mDrawableMountItems.valueAt(i).getContent(); drawables.add(drawable); } return drawables; } /** * @return the text content that is mounted on this host. */ public TextContent getTextContent() { return ComponentHostUtils.extractTextContent(ComponentHostUtils.extractContent(mMountItems)); } /** * @return the image content that is mounted on this host. */ public ImageContent getImageContent() { return ComponentHostUtils.extractImageContent(ComponentHostUtils.extractContent(mMountItems)); } /** * @return the content descriptons that are set on content mounted on this host */ @Override public CharSequence getContentDescription() { return mContentDescription; } /** * Host views implement their own content description handling instead of * just delegating to the underlying view framework for performance reasons as * the framework sets/resets content description very frequently on host views * and the underlying accessibility notifications might cause performance issues. * This is safe to do because the framework owns the accessibility state and * knows how to update it efficiently. */ @Override public void setContentDescription(CharSequence contentDescription) { mContentDescription = contentDescription; invalidateAccessibilityState(); } @Override public void setImportantForAccessibility(int mode) { if (mode != ViewCompat.getImportantForAccessibility(this)) { super.setImportantForAccessibility(mode); } } @Override public void setTag(int key, Object tag) { super.setTag(key, tag); if (key == && tag != null) { mComponentAccessibilityDelegate.setNodeInfo((NodeInfo) tag); refreshAccessibilityDelegatesIfNeeded(isAccessibilityEnabled(getContext())); } } /** * Moves the MountItem associated to oldIndex in the newIndex position. This happens when a * LithoView needs to re-arrange the internal order of its items. If an item is already * present in newIndex the item is guaranteed to be either unmounted or moved to a different index * by subsequent calls to either {@link ComponentHost#unmount(int, MountItem)} or * {@link ComponentHost#moveItem(MountItem, int, int)}. * * @param item The item that has been moved. * @param oldIndex The current index of the MountItem. * @param newIndex The new index of the MountItem. */ void moveItem(MountItem item, int oldIndex, int newIndex) { if (item == null && mScrapMountItemsArray != null) { item = mScrapMountItemsArray.get(oldIndex); } if (item == null) { return; } maybeMoveTouchExpansionIndexes(item, oldIndex, newIndex); final Object content = item.getContent(); if (content instanceof Drawable) { moveDrawableItem(item, oldIndex, newIndex); } else if (content instanceof View) { mIsChildDrawingOrderDirty = true; startTemporaryDetach(((View) content)); if (mViewMountItems.get(newIndex) != null) { ensureScrapViewMountItemsArray(); ComponentHostUtils.scrapItemAt(newIndex, mViewMountItems, mScrapViewMountItemsArray); } ComponentHostUtils.moveItem(oldIndex, newIndex, mViewMountItems, mScrapViewMountItemsArray); } if (mMountItems.get(newIndex) != null) { ensureScrapMountItemsArray(); ComponentHostUtils.scrapItemAt(newIndex, mMountItems, mScrapMountItemsArray); } ComponentHostUtils.moveItem(oldIndex, newIndex, mMountItems, mScrapMountItemsArray); releaseScrapDataStructuresIfNeeded(); if (content instanceof View) { finishTemporaryDetach(((View) content)); } } /** * Sets view tag on this host. * @param viewTag the object to set as tag. */ public void setViewTag(Object viewTag) { mViewTag = viewTag; } /** * Sets view tags on this host. * @param viewTags the map containing the tags by id. */ public void setViewTags(SparseArray<Object> viewTags) { mViewTags = viewTags; } /** * Sets a click listener on this host. * @param listener The listener to set on this host. */ void setComponentClickListener(ComponentClickListener listener) { mOnClickListener = listener; this.setOnClickListener(listener); } /** * @return The previously set click listener */ ComponentClickListener getComponentClickListener() { return mOnClickListener; } /** * Sets a long click listener on this host. * @param listener The listener to set on this host. */ void setComponentLongClickListener(ComponentLongClickListener listener) { mOnLongClickListener = listener; setOnLongClickListener(listener); } /** * @return The previously set long click listener */ ComponentLongClickListener getComponentLongClickListener() { return mOnLongClickListener; } /** * Sets a touch listener on this host. * @param listener The listener to set on this host. */ void setComponentTouchListener(ComponentTouchListener listener) { mOnTouchListener = listener; setOnTouchListener(listener); } /** * Sets an {@link EventHandler} that will be invoked when * {@link ComponentHost#onInterceptTouchEvent} is called. * @param interceptTouchEventHandler the handler to be set on this host. */ void setInterceptTouchEventHandler(EventHandler<InterceptTouchEvent> interceptTouchEventHandler) { mOnInterceptTouchEventHandler = interceptTouchEventHandler; } @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (mOnInterceptTouchEventHandler != null) { return EventDispatcherUtils.dispatchOnInterceptTouch(mOnInterceptTouchEventHandler, ev); } return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev); } /** * @return The previous set touch listener. */ public ComponentTouchListener getComponentTouchListener() { return mOnTouchListener; } /** * This is used to collapse all invalidation calls on hosts during mount. * While invalidations are suppressed, the hosts will simply bail on * invalidations. Once the suppression is turned off, a single invalidation * will be triggered on the affected hosts. */ void suppressInvalidations(boolean suppressInvalidations) { if (mSuppressInvalidations == suppressInvalidations) { return; } mSuppressInvalidations = suppressInvalidations; if (!mSuppressInvalidations) { if (mWasInvalidatedWhileSuppressed) { this.invalidate(); mWasInvalidatedWhileSuppressed = false; } if (mWasInvalidatedForAccessibilityWhileSuppressed) { this.invalidateAccessibilityState(); mWasInvalidatedForAccessibilityWhileSuppressed = false; } } } /** * Invalidates the accessibility node tree in this host. */ void invalidateAccessibilityState() { if (!mIsComponentAccessibilityDelegateSet) { return; } if (mSuppressInvalidations) { mWasInvalidatedForAccessibilityWhileSuppressed = true; return; } if (mComponentAccessibilityDelegate != null && implementsVirtualViews()) { mComponentAccessibilityDelegate.invalidateRoot(); } } @Override public boolean dispatchHoverEvent(MotionEvent event) { return (mComponentAccessibilityDelegate != null && implementsVirtualViews() && mComponentAccessibilityDelegate.dispatchHoverEvent(event)) || super.dispatchHoverEvent(event); } private boolean implementsVirtualViews() { MountItem item = getAccessibleMountItem(); return item != null && item.getComponent().getLifecycle().implementsExtraAccessibilityNodes(); } public List<CharSequence> getContentDescriptions() { final List<CharSequence> contentDescriptions = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0, size = mDrawableMountItems.size(); i < size; i++) { final NodeInfo nodeInfo = mDrawableMountItems.valueAt(i).getNodeInfo(); if (nodeInfo == null) { continue; } final CharSequence contentDescription = nodeInfo.getContentDescription(); if (contentDescription != null) { contentDescriptions.add(contentDescription); } } final CharSequence hostContentDescription = getContentDescription(); if (hostContentDescription != null) { contentDescriptions.add(hostContentDescription); } return contentDescriptions; } private void mountView(View view, int flags) { view.setDuplicateParentStateEnabled(MountItem.isDuplicateParentState(flags)); mIsChildDrawingOrderDirty = true; // A host has been recycled and is already attached. if (view instanceof ComponentHost && view.getParent() == this) { finishTemporaryDetach(view); view.setVisibility(VISIBLE); return; } LayoutParams lp = view.getLayoutParams(); if (lp == null) { lp = generateDefaultLayoutParams(); view.setLayoutParams(lp); } if (mInLayout) { addViewInLayout(view, -1, view.getLayoutParams(), true); } else { addView(view, -1, view.getLayoutParams()); } } private void unmountView(View view) { mIsChildDrawingOrderDirty = true; if (view instanceof ComponentHost) { final ComponentHost componentHost = (ComponentHost) view; view.setVisibility(GONE); // In Gingerbread the View system doesn't invalidate // the parent if a child become invisible. invalidate(); startTemporaryDetach(componentHost); mScrapHosts.add(componentHost); } else if (mInLayout) { removeViewInLayout(view); } else { removeView(view); } } TouchExpansionDelegate getTouchExpansionDelegate() { return mTouchExpansionDelegate; } @Override public void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) { mDispatchDraw.start(canvas); super.dispatchDraw(canvas); // Cover the case where the host has no child views, in which case // getChildDrawingOrder() will not be called and the draw index will not // be incremented. This will also cover the case where drawables must be // painted after the last child view in the host. if (mDispatchDraw.isRunning()) { mDispatchDraw.drawNext(); } mDispatchDraw.end(); DebugDraw.draw(this, canvas); } @Override protected int getChildDrawingOrder(int childCount, int i) { updateChildDrawingOrderIfNeeded(); // This method is called in very different contexts within a ViewGroup // e.g. when handling input events, drawing, etc. We only want to call // the draw methods if the InterleavedDispatchDraw is active. if (mDispatchDraw.isRunning()) { mDispatchDraw.drawNext(); } return mChildDrawingOrder[i]; } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP && mOnLongClickListener != null && mOnLongClickListener.shouldIgnoreMotionEventUp()) { mOnLongClickListener.resetShouldIgnoreMotionEventUp(); return false; } boolean handled = false; // Iterate drawable from last to first to respect drawing order. for (int size = mTouchables.size(), i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final Touchable t = mTouchables.valueAt(i); if (t.shouldHandleTouchEvent(event) && t.onTouchEvent(event, this)) { handled = true; break; } } if (!handled || event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { handled |= super.onTouchEvent(event); } return handled; } void performLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) { } @Override protected final void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) { mInLayout = true; performLayout(changed, l, t, r, b); mInLayout = false; } @Override public void requestLayout() { // Don't request a layout if it will be blocked by any parent. Requesting a layout that is // then ignored by an ancestor means that this host will remain in a state where it thinks that // it has requested layout, and will therefore ignore future layout requests. This will lead to // problems if a child (e.g. a ViewPager) requests a layout later on, since the request will be // wrongly ignored by this host. ViewParent parent = this; while (parent instanceof ComponentHost) { final ComponentHost host = (ComponentHost) parent; if (!host.shouldRequestLayout()) { return; } parent = parent.getParent(); } super.requestLayout(); } protected boolean shouldRequestLayout() { // Don't bubble during layout. return !mInLayout; } @Override @SuppressLint("MissingSuperCall") protected boolean verifyDrawable(Drawable who) { return true; } @Override protected void drawableStateChanged() { super.drawableStateChanged(); for (int i = 0, size = mDrawableMountItems.size(); i < size; i++) { final MountItem mountItem = mDrawableMountItems.valueAt(i); ComponentHostUtils.maybeSetDrawableState(this, (Drawable) mountItem.getContent(), mountItem.getFlags(), mountItem.getNodeInfo()); } } @Override public void jumpDrawablesToCurrentState() { super.jumpDrawablesToCurrentState(); for (int i = 0, size = mDrawableMountItems.size(); i < size; i++) { final Drawable drawable = (Drawable) mDrawableMountItems.valueAt(i).getContent(); DrawableCompat.jumpToCurrentState(drawable); } } @Override public void setVisibility(int visibility) { super.setVisibility(visibility); for (int i = 0, size = mDrawableMountItems.size(); i < size; i++) { final Drawable drawable = (Drawable) mDrawableMountItems.valueAt(i).getContent(); drawable.setVisible(visibility == View.VISIBLE, false); } } @Override public Object getTag() { if (mViewTag != null) { return mViewTag; } return super.getTag(); } @Override public Object getTag(int key) { if (mViewTags != null) { final Object value = mViewTags.get(key); if (value != null) { return value; } } return super.getTag(key); } @Override public void invalidate(Rect dirty) { if (mSuppressInvalidations) { mWasInvalidatedWhileSuppressed = true; return; } super.invalidate(dirty); } @Override public void invalidate(int l, int t, int r, int b) { if (mSuppressInvalidations) { mWasInvalidatedWhileSuppressed = true; return; } super.invalidate(l, t, r, b); } @Override public void invalidate() { if (mSuppressInvalidations) { mWasInvalidatedWhileSuppressed = true; return; } super.invalidate(); } protected void refreshAccessibilityDelegatesIfNeeded(boolean isAccessibilityEnabled) { if (isAccessibilityEnabled == mIsComponentAccessibilityDelegateSet) { return; } ViewCompat.setAccessibilityDelegate(this, isAccessibilityEnabled ? mComponentAccessibilityDelegate : null); mIsComponentAccessibilityDelegateSet = isAccessibilityEnabled; for (int i = 0, size = getChildCount(); i < size; i++) { final View child = getChildAt(i); if (child instanceof ComponentHost) { ((ComponentHost) child).refreshAccessibilityDelegatesIfNeeded(isAccessibilityEnabled); } else { final NodeInfo nodeInfo = (NodeInfo) child.getTag(; if (nodeInfo != null) { ViewCompat.setAccessibilityDelegate(child, isAccessibilityEnabled ? new ComponentAccessibilityDelegate(child, nodeInfo) : null); } } } } @Override public void setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate accessibilityDelegate) { super.setAccessibilityDelegate(accessibilityDelegate); // We cannot compare against mComponentAccessibilityDelegate directly, since it is not the // delegate that we receive here. Instead, we'll set this to true at the point that we set that // delegate explicitly. mIsComponentAccessibilityDelegateSet = false; } private void updateChildDrawingOrderIfNeeded() { if (!mIsChildDrawingOrderDirty) { return; } final int childCount = getChildCount(); if (mChildDrawingOrder.length < childCount) { mChildDrawingOrder = new int[childCount + 5]; } int index = 0; final int viewMountItemCount = mViewMountItems.size(); for (int i = 0, size = viewMountItemCount; i < size; i++) { final View child = (View) mViewMountItems.valueAt(i).getContent(); mChildDrawingOrder[index++] = indexOfChild(child); } // Draw disappearing items on top of mounted views. for (int i = 0, size = mDisappearingItems.size(); i < size; i++) { final View child = (View) mDisappearingItems.valueAt(i).getContent(); mChildDrawingOrder[index++] = indexOfChild(child); } for (int i = 0, size = mScrapHosts.size(); i < size; i++) { final View child = mScrapHosts.get(i); mChildDrawingOrder[index++] = indexOfChild(child); } mIsChildDrawingOrderDirty = false; } private void ensureScrapViewMountItemsArray() { if (mScrapViewMountItemsArray == null) { mScrapViewMountItemsArray = ComponentsPools.acquireScrapMountItemsArray(); } } private void ensureScrapMountItemsArray() { if (mScrapMountItemsArray == null) { mScrapMountItemsArray = ComponentsPools.acquireScrapMountItemsArray(); } } private void releaseScrapDataStructuresIfNeeded() { if (mScrapMountItemsArray != null && mScrapMountItemsArray.size() == 0) { ComponentsPools.releaseScrapMountItemsArray(mScrapMountItemsArray); mScrapMountItemsArray = null; } if (mScrapViewMountItemsArray != null && mScrapViewMountItemsArray.size() == 0) { ComponentsPools.releaseScrapMountItemsArray(mScrapViewMountItemsArray); mScrapViewMountItemsArray = null; } } private void mountDrawable(int index, MountItem mountItem, Rect bounds) { mDrawableMountItems.put(index, mountItem); final Drawable drawable = (Drawable) mountItem.getContent(); final DisplayListDrawable displayListDrawable = mountItem.getDisplayListDrawable(); ComponentHostUtils.mountDrawable(this, displayListDrawable != null ? displayListDrawable : drawable, bounds, mountItem.getFlags(), mountItem.getNodeInfo()); if (drawable instanceof Touchable) { mTouchables.put(index, (Touchable) drawable); } } private void unmountDrawable(int index, MountItem mountItem) { final Drawable contentDrawable = (Drawable) mountItem.getContent(); final Drawable drawable = mountItem.getDisplayListDrawable() == null ? contentDrawable : mountItem.getDisplayListDrawable(); if (ComponentHostUtils.existsScrapItemAt(index, mScrapDrawableMountItems)) { mScrapDrawableMountItems.remove(index); } else { mDrawableMountItems.remove(index); } drawable.setCallback(null); if (contentDrawable instanceof Touchable) { if (ComponentHostUtils.existsScrapItemAt(index, mScrapTouchables)) { mScrapTouchables.remove(index); } else { mTouchables.remove(index); } } this.invalidate(drawable.getBounds()); releaseScrapDataStructuresIfNeeded(); } private void moveDrawableItem(MountItem item, int oldIndex, int newIndex) { // When something is already present in newIndex position we need to keep track of it. if (mDrawableMountItems.get(newIndex) != null) { ensureScrapDrawableMountItemsArray(); ComponentHostUtils.scrapItemAt(newIndex, mDrawableMountItems, mScrapDrawableMountItems); } if (mTouchables.get(newIndex) != null) { ensureScrapTouchablesArray(); ComponentHostUtils.scrapItemAt(newIndex, mTouchables, mScrapTouchables); } // Move the MountItem in the new position. If the mount item was a Touchable we need to reflect // this change also in the Touchables SparseArray. ComponentHostUtils.moveItem(oldIndex, newIndex, mDrawableMountItems, mScrapDrawableMountItems); if (item.getContent() instanceof Touchable) { ComponentHostUtils.moveItem(oldIndex, newIndex, mTouchables, mScrapTouchables); } // Drawing order changed, invalidate the whole view. this.invalidate(); releaseScrapDataStructuresIfNeeded(); } private void ensureScrapDrawableMountItemsArray() { if (mScrapDrawableMountItems == null) { mScrapDrawableMountItems = ComponentsPools.acquireScrapMountItemsArray(); } } private void ensureScrapTouchablesArray() { if (mScrapTouchables == null) { mScrapTouchables = ComponentsPools.acquireScrapTouchablesArray(); } } private static void startTemporaryDetach(View view) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { // Cancel any pending clicks. view.cancelPendingInputEvents(); } // The ComponentHost's parent will send an ACTION_CANCEL if it's going to receive // other motion events for the recycled child. ViewCompat.dispatchStartTemporaryDetach(view); } private static void finishTemporaryDetach(View view) { ViewCompat.dispatchFinishTemporaryDetach(view); } /** * Encapsulates the logic for drawing a set of views and drawables respecting * their drawing order withing the component host i.e. allow interleaved views * and drawables to be drawn with the correct z-index. */ private class InterleavedDispatchDraw { private Canvas mCanvas; private int mDrawIndex; private int mItemsToDraw; private InterleavedDispatchDraw() { } private void start(Canvas canvas) { mCanvas = canvas; mDrawIndex = 0; mItemsToDraw = mMountItems.size(); } private boolean isRunning() { return (mCanvas != null && mDrawIndex < mItemsToDraw); } private void drawNext() { if (mCanvas == null) { return; } for (int i = mDrawIndex, size = mMountItems.size(); i < size; i++) { final MountItem mountItem = mMountItems.valueAt(i); final Object content = mountItem.getDisplayListDrawable() != null ? mountItem.getDisplayListDrawable() : mountItem.getContent(); // During a ViewGroup's dispatchDraw() call with children drawing order enabled, // getChildDrawingOrder() will be called before each child view is drawn. This // method will only draw the drawables "between" the child views and the let // the host draw its children as usual. This is why views are skipped here. if (content instanceof View) { mDrawIndex = i + 1; return; } ComponentsSystrace.beginSection(mountItem.getComponent().getSimpleName()); ((Drawable) content).draw(mCanvas); ComponentsSystrace.endSection(); } mDrawIndex = mItemsToDraw; } private void end() { mCanvas = null; } } }