Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Butter. * * Butter is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Butter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Butter. If not, see <>. */ package butter.droid.base.fragments; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.SurfaceHolder; import android.view.SurfaceView; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.Toast; import com.connectsdk.device.ConnectableDevice; import com.github.sv244.torrentstream.StreamStatus; import com.github.sv244.torrentstream.Torrent; import com.github.sv244.torrentstream.listeners.TorrentListener; import org.videolan.libvlc.IVLCVout; import org.videolan.libvlc.LibVLC; import org.videolan.libvlc.MediaPlayer; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Locale; import butter.droid.base.ButterApplication; import butter.droid.base.R; import butter.droid.base.beaming.BeamDeviceListener; import butter.droid.base.beaming.BeamManager; import butter.droid.base.content.preferences.Prefs; import butter.droid.base.fragments.dialog.FileSelectorDialogFragment; import butter.droid.base.fragments.dialog.NumberPickerDialogFragment; import butter.droid.base.fragments.dialog.StringArraySelectorDialogFragment; import; import butter.droid.base.providers.subs.SubsProvider; import butter.droid.base.subs.Caption; import butter.droid.base.subs.SubtitleDownloader; import butter.droid.base.subs.TimedTextObject; import butter.droid.base.torrent.StreamInfo; import butter.droid.base.torrent.TorrentService; import butter.droid.base.utils.FragmentUtil; import butter.droid.base.utils.LocaleUtils; import butter.droid.base.utils.PrefUtils; import butter.droid.base.vlc.VLCInstance; import butter.droid.base.vlc.VLCOptions; import timber.log.Timber; public abstract class BaseVideoPlayerFragment extends Fragment implements IVLCVout.Callback, TorrentListener, MediaPlayer.EventListener, LibVLC.HardwareAccelerationError, SubtitleDownloader.ISubtitleDownloaderListener { public static final String RESUME_POSITION = "resume_position"; public static final int SUBTITLE_MINIMUM_SIZE = 10; private LibVLC mLibVLC; private MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer; private Long mResumePosition = 0l; private Long mDuration = 0l; private static final int SURFACE_BEST_FIT = 0; private static final int SURFACE_FIT_HORIZONTAL = 1; private static final int SURFACE_FIT_VERTICAL = 2; private static final int SURFACE_FILL = 3; private static final int SURFACE_16_9 = 4; private static final int SURFACE_4_3 = 5; private static final int SURFACE_ORIGINAL = 6; protected Media mMedia; protected boolean mShowReload = false; private int mCurrentSize = SURFACE_BEST_FIT; private int mStreamerProgress = 0; private String mCurrentSubsLang = SubsProvider.SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE_NONE; private TimedTextObject mSubs; private Caption mLastSub = null; private File mSubsFile = null; private boolean mEnded = false; private boolean mSeeking = false; private boolean mMediaReady = false; private int mVideoHeight; private int mVideoWidth; private int mVideoVisibleHeight; private int mVideoVisibleWidth; private int mSarNum; private int mSarDen; private int mSubtitleOffset = 0; // probably required when hardware acceleration selection during playback is implemented @SuppressWarnings("FieldCanBeLocal") private boolean mDisabledHardwareAcceleration = false; protected Callback mCallback; private View mRootView; private static LibVLC LibVLC() { return VLCInstance.get(ButterApplication.getAppContext()); } @Override public void onAttach(Context context) { super.onAttach(context); if (context instanceof Callback) mCallback = (Callback) context; } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setRetainInstance(true); setHasOptionsMenu(true); } @Nullable @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { return super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState); } @Override public void onViewCreated(View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState); mRootView = view; } @Override public void onActivityCreated(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); if (getActivity() instanceof Callback && mCallback == null) { mCallback = (Callback) getActivity(); } mResumePosition = mCallback.getResumePosition();, RESUME_POSITION, mResumePosition); if (!VLCInstance.hasCompatibleCPU(getContext())) { getActivity().finish(); return; } StreamInfo streamInfo = mCallback.getInfo(); if (streamInfo == null) { getActivity().finish(); return; } mMedia = streamInfo.getMedia(); mLibVLC = LibVLC(); mLibVLC.setOnHardwareAccelerationError(this); mMediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(mLibVLC); mMediaPlayer.setEventListener(this); if (mCallback.getService() != null) { mCallback.getService().addListener(this); } setProgressVisible(true); if (null == streamInfo.getSubtitleLanguage()) { // Get selected default subtitle String defaultSubtitle = PrefUtils.get(getActivity(), Prefs.SUBTITLE_DEFAULT, SubsProvider.SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE_NONE); streamInfo.setSubtitleLanguage(defaultSubtitle); mCurrentSubsLang = defaultSubtitle; Timber.d("Using default subtitle: " + mCurrentSubsLang); } if (!streamInfo.getSubtitleLanguage().equals(SubsProvider.SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE_NONE)) { Timber.d("Download default subtitle"); mCurrentSubsLang = streamInfo.getSubtitleLanguage(); loadOrDownloadSubtitle(); } updateSubtitleSize(PrefUtils.get(getActivity(), Prefs.SUBTITLE_SIZE, getResources().getInteger(R.integer.player_subtitles_default_text_size))); prepareVlcVout(); if (mMediaReady) loadMedia(); } @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); prepareVlcVout(); BeamManager.getInstance(getActivity()).addDeviceListener(mDeviceListener); onProgressChanged(PrefUtils.get(getActivity(), RESUME_POSITION, mResumePosition), mDuration); } @Override public void onPause() { super.onPause(); saveVideoCurrentTime(); mMediaPlayer.stop(); final IVLCVout vlcout = mMediaPlayer.getVLCVout(); vlcout.removeCallback(this); vlcout.detachViews(); BeamManager.getInstance(getActivity()).removeDeviceListener(mDeviceListener); } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy();, RESUME_POSITION, 0); mMediaPlayer.release(); mLibVLC.release(); if (mCallback.getService() != null) { mCallback.getService().removeListener(this); } } public void onMediaReady() { if (!mMediaReady) { mMediaReady = true; } if (mLibVLC != null) { loadMedia(); } } protected void disableHardwareAcceleration() { mDisabledHardwareAcceleration = true; saveVideoCurrentTime(); } /** * External extras: - position (long) - position of the video to start with (in ms) */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) protected void loadMedia() { StreamInfo streamInfo = mCallback.getInfo(); String videoLocation; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(streamInfo.getVideoLocation())) { Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Error loading media", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); getActivity().finish(); return; } else { videoLocation = streamInfo.getVideoLocation(); if (!videoLocation.startsWith("file://") && !videoLocation.startsWith("http://") && !videoLocation.startsWith("https://")) { videoLocation = "file://" + videoLocation; } } int flags = mDisabledHardwareAcceleration ? VLCOptions.MEDIA_NO_HWACCEL : 0; flags = flags | VLCOptions.MEDIA_VIDEO; org.videolan.libvlc.Media media = new org.videolan.libvlc.Media(mLibVLC, Uri.parse(videoLocation)); VLCOptions.setMediaOptions(media, getActivity(), flags); mMediaPlayer.setMedia(media); long resumeFrom = PrefUtils.get(getActivity(), RESUME_POSITION, mResumePosition); if (resumeFrom > 0) { mMediaPlayer.setTime(resumeFrom); } mDuration = mMediaPlayer.getLength();; mEnded = false; } protected abstract void setProgressVisible(boolean visible); protected abstract void showOverlay(); protected abstract void showPlayerInfo(String info); protected abstract void onProgressChanged(long currentTime, long duration); protected abstract void updatePlayPauseState(); protected abstract void onErrorEncountered(); protected abstract void onHardwareAccelerationError(); protected abstract void showTimedCaptionText(Caption text); protected abstract SurfaceView getVideoSurface(); protected void setSeeking(boolean seeking) { mSeeking = seeking; } protected boolean isSeeking() { return mSeeking; } private void prepareVlcVout() { final IVLCVout vlcVout = mMediaPlayer.getVLCVout(); if (!vlcVout.areViewsAttached()) { vlcVout.setVideoView(getVideoSurface()); vlcVout.addCallback(this); vlcVout.attachViews(); } } private void saveVideoCurrentTime() { long currentTime = mMediaPlayer.getTime();, RESUME_POSITION, currentTime); } private void resumeVideo() { if (getActivity() != null) { long resumePosition = PrefUtils.get(getActivity(), RESUME_POSITION, 0); mDuration = mMediaPlayer.getLength(); if (mDuration > resumePosition && resumePosition > 0) { setCurrentTime(resumePosition);, RESUME_POSITION, 0); } } } public void play() {; } public void pause() { mMediaPlayer.pause(); } public void togglePlayPause() { if (mEnded) { loadMedia(); } if (mMediaPlayer.isPlaying()) { pause(); } else { play(); } } public void seekForwardClick() { seek(10000); } public void seekBackwardClick() { seek(-10000); } public void scaleClick() { if (mCurrentSize < SURFACE_ORIGINAL) { mCurrentSize++; } else { mCurrentSize = 0; } changeSurfaceSize(true); showOverlay(); } protected void setCurrentTime(long time) { if (time / getDuration() * 100 <= getStreamerProgress()) { mMediaPlayer.setTime(time); } } protected long getCurrentTime() { return mMediaPlayer.getTime(); } protected long getDuration() { return mDuration; } public int getStreamerProgress() { return mStreamerProgress; } /** * Is a video currently playing with VLC * * @return true if video is played using VLC */ protected boolean isPlaying() { return mMediaPlayer.isPlaying(); } private void endReached() { mEnded = true; onPlaybackEndReached(); } public abstract void onPlaybackEndReached(); private void handleHardwareAccelerationError() { saveVideoCurrentTime(); mMediaPlayer.stop(); onHardwareAccelerationError(); } @SuppressWarnings("SuspiciousNameCombination") @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) private void changeSurfaceSize(boolean message) { int screenWidth = getActivity().getWindow().getDecorView().getWidth(); int screenHeight = getActivity().getWindow().getDecorView().getHeight(); if (mMediaPlayer != null) { final IVLCVout vlcVout = mMediaPlayer.getVLCVout(); vlcVout.setWindowSize(screenWidth, screenHeight); } double displayWidth = screenWidth, displayHeight = screenHeight; if (screenWidth < screenHeight) { displayWidth = screenHeight; displayHeight = screenWidth; } // sanity check if (displayWidth * displayHeight <= 1 || mVideoWidth * mVideoHeight <= 1) { Timber.e("Invalid surface size"); onErrorEncountered(); return; } // compute the aspect ratio double aspectRatio, visibleWidth; if (mSarDen == mSarNum) { /* No indication about the density, assuming 1:1 */ visibleWidth = mVideoVisibleWidth; aspectRatio = (double) mVideoVisibleWidth / (double) mVideoVisibleHeight; } else { /* Use the specified aspect ratio */ visibleWidth = mVideoVisibleWidth * (double) mSarNum / mSarDen; aspectRatio = visibleWidth / mVideoVisibleHeight; } // compute the display aspect ratio double displayAspectRatio = displayWidth / displayHeight; switch (mCurrentSize) { case SURFACE_BEST_FIT: if (message) showPlayerInfo(getString(R.string.best_fit)); if (displayAspectRatio < aspectRatio) displayHeight = displayWidth / aspectRatio; else displayWidth = displayHeight * aspectRatio; break; case SURFACE_FIT_HORIZONTAL: displayHeight = displayWidth / aspectRatio; if (message) showPlayerInfo(getString(R.string.fit_horizontal)); break; case SURFACE_FIT_VERTICAL: displayWidth = displayHeight * aspectRatio; if (message) showPlayerInfo(getString(R.string.fit_vertical)); break; case SURFACE_FILL: if (message) showPlayerInfo(getString(R.string.fill)); break; case SURFACE_16_9: if (message) showPlayerInfo("16:9"); aspectRatio = 16.0 / 9.0; if (displayAspectRatio < aspectRatio) displayHeight = displayWidth / aspectRatio; else displayWidth = displayHeight * aspectRatio; break; case SURFACE_4_3: if (message) showPlayerInfo("4:3"); aspectRatio = 4.0 / 3.0; if (displayAspectRatio < aspectRatio) displayHeight = displayWidth / aspectRatio; else displayWidth = displayHeight * aspectRatio; break; case SURFACE_ORIGINAL: if (message) showPlayerInfo(getString(R.string.original_size)); displayHeight = mVideoVisibleHeight; displayWidth = visibleWidth; break; } // set display size int finalWidth = (int) Math.ceil(displayWidth * mVideoWidth / mVideoVisibleWidth); int finalHeight = (int) Math.ceil(displayHeight * mVideoHeight / mVideoVisibleHeight); SurfaceHolder holder = getVideoSurface().getHolder(); holder.setFixedSize(finalWidth, finalHeight); ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = getVideoSurface().getLayoutParams(); lp.width = finalWidth; lp.height = finalHeight; getVideoSurface().setLayoutParams(lp); getVideoSurface().invalidate(); } protected void seek(int delta) { if (mMediaPlayer.getLength() <= 0 && !mSeeking) return; long position = mMediaPlayer.getTime() + delta; if (position < 0) position = 0; setCurrentTime(position); showOverlay(); onProgressChanged(getCurrentTime(), getDuration()); mLastSub = null; } protected void setLastSubtitleCaption(Caption sub) { mLastSub = sub; } protected void progressSubtitleCaption() { if (mLibVLC != null && mMediaPlayer != null && mMediaPlayer.isPlaying() && mSubs != null) { Collection<Caption> subtitles = mSubs.captions.values(); double currentTime = getCurrentTime() - mSubtitleOffset; if (mLastSub != null && currentTime >= mLastSub.start.getMilliseconds() && currentTime <= mLastSub.end.getMilliseconds()) { showTimedCaptionText(mLastSub); } else { for (Caption caption : subtitles) { if (currentTime >= caption.start.getMilliseconds() && currentTime <= caption.end.getMilliseconds()) { mLastSub = caption; showTimedCaptionText(caption); break; } else if (currentTime > caption.end.getMilliseconds()) { showTimedCaptionText(null); } } } } } protected void onSubtitleLanguageSelected(String language) { if (mCurrentSubsLang != null && (language == null || mCurrentSubsLang.equals(language))) { return; } mCurrentSubsLang = language; mCallback.getInfo().setSubtitleLanguage(mCurrentSubsLang); if (mCurrentSubsLang.equals(SubsProvider.SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE_NONE)) { mSubs = null; onSubtitleEnabledStateChanged(false); return; } if (mMedia == null || mMedia.subtitles == null || mMedia.subtitles.size() == 0) { mSubs = null; onSubtitleEnabledStateChanged(false); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Media doesn't have subtitle"); } if (!mMedia.subtitles.containsKey(mCurrentSubsLang)) { mSubs = null; onSubtitleEnabledStateChanged(false); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Media doesn't have subtitle with specified language"); } showTimedCaptionText(null); loadOrDownloadSubtitle(); } private void loadOrDownloadSubtitle() { if (mMedia == null) throw new NullPointerException("Media is not available"); if (mCurrentSubsLang.equals(SubsProvider.SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE_NONE)) return; SubtitleDownloader subtitleDownloader = new SubtitleDownloader(getActivity(), mCallback.getInfo(), mCurrentSubsLang); subtitleDownloader.setSubtitleDownloaderListener(this); try { mSubsFile = SubtitleDownloader.getDownloadedSubtitleFile(getActivity(), mMedia, mCurrentSubsLang); if (mSubsFile != null && mSubsFile.exists()) { subtitleDownloader.parseSubtitle(mSubsFile); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { subtitleDownloader.downloadSubtitle(); } } /** * This callback is called when the native vout call request a new Layout. * * @param vlcVout vlcVout * @param width Frame width * @param height Frame height * @param visibleWidth Visible frame width * @param visibleHeight Visible frame height * @param sarNum Surface aspect ratio numerator * @param sarDen Surface aspect ratio denominator */ @Override public void onNewLayout(IVLCVout vlcVout, int width, int height, int visibleWidth, int visibleHeight, int sarNum, int sarDen) { if (width * height <= 0) { return; } // store video size mVideoWidth = width; mVideoHeight = height; mVideoVisibleWidth = visibleWidth; mVideoVisibleHeight = visibleHeight; mSarNum = sarNum; mSarDen = sarDen; changeSurfaceLayout(); } /** * Called when subtitle for current media successfully loaded or disabled. * @param enabled Whether subtitle is loaded or disabled. */ protected void onSubtitleEnabledStateChanged(boolean enabled) { } @Override public void onSurfacesCreated(IVLCVout ivlcVout) { } @Override public void onSurfacesDestroyed(IVLCVout ivlcVout) { } @Override public void onEvent(MediaPlayer.Event event) { switch (event.type) { case MediaPlayer.Event.Playing: getVideoSurface().getHolder().setKeepScreenOn(true); mDuration = mMediaPlayer.getLength(); resumeVideo(); setProgressVisible(false); showOverlay(); updatePlayPauseState(); break; case MediaPlayer.Event.Paused: getVideoSurface().getHolder().setKeepScreenOn(false); saveVideoCurrentTime(); updatePlayPauseState(); break; case MediaPlayer.Event.Stopped: getVideoSurface().getHolder().setKeepScreenOn(false); updatePlayPauseState(); break; case MediaPlayer.Event.EndReached: endReached(); updatePlayPauseState(); break; case MediaPlayer.Event.EncounteredError: onErrorEncountered(); updatePlayPauseState(); break; case MediaPlayer.Event.Opening: setProgressVisible(true); mDuration = mMediaPlayer.getLength();; break; case MediaPlayer.Event.TimeChanged: case MediaPlayer.Event.PositionChanged: onProgressChanged(getCurrentTime(), getDuration()); progressSubtitleCaption(); break; } } @Override public void eventHardwareAccelerationError() { handleHardwareAccelerationError(); } private void changeSurfaceLayout() { changeSurfaceSize(false); } @Override public void onStreamPrepared(Torrent torrent) { } @Override public void onStreamStarted(Torrent torrent) { } @Override public void onStreamStopped() { } @Override public void onStreamError(Torrent torrent, Exception e) { } @Override public void onStreamReady(Torrent torrent) { } @Override public void onStreamProgress(Torrent torrent, StreamStatus streamStatus) { int newProgress = (int) ((getDuration() / 100) * streamStatus.progress); if (mStreamerProgress < newProgress) { mStreamerProgress = newProgress; } } public interface Callback { Long getResumePosition(); StreamInfo getInfo(); TorrentService getService(); } @Override public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) { super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu, inflater); inflater.inflate(, menu); menu.findItem(; } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { int i = item.getItemId(); if (i == { mMediaPlayer.stop(); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(); canvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); getVideoSurface().draw(canvas); loadMedia(); return true; } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } protected void subsClick() { if (mMedia != null && mMedia.subtitles != null) { if (getChildFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("overlay_fragment") != null) return; String[] subsOptions = { getString(R.string.subtitle_language), getString(R.string.subtitle_size), getString(R.string.subtitle_timing) };, R.string.subtitle_settings, subsOptions, -1, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int position) { switch (position) { case 0: subsLanguageSettings(); break; case 1: subsSizeSettings(); break; case 2: subsTimingSettings(); break; } } }); } } private void subsLanguageSettings() { String[] subtitles = mMedia.subtitles.keySet().toArray(new String[mMedia.subtitles.size()]); Arrays.sort(subtitles); final String[] adapterSubtitles = new String[subtitles.length + 2]; System.arraycopy(subtitles, 0, adapterSubtitles, 1, subtitles.length); adapterSubtitles[0] = SubsProvider.SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE_NONE; adapterSubtitles[adapterSubtitles.length - 1] = "custom"; String[] readableNames = new String[adapterSubtitles.length]; for (int i = 0; i < readableNames.length - 1; i++) { String language = adapterSubtitles[i]; if (language.equals(SubsProvider.SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE_NONE)) { readableNames[i] = getString(R.string.no_subs); } else { Locale locale = LocaleUtils.toLocale(language); readableNames[i] = locale.getDisplayName(locale); } } readableNames[readableNames.length - 1] = "Custom.."; StringArraySelectorDialogFragment.showSingleChoice(getChildFragmentManager(), R.string.subtitles, readableNames, Arrays.asList(adapterSubtitles).indexOf(mCurrentSubsLang), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, int position) { if (position == adapterSubtitles.length - 1) {, new FileSelectorDialogFragment.Listener() { @Override public void onFileSelected(File f) { if (!f.getPath().endsWith(".srt")) { Snackbar.make(mRootView, R.string.unknown_error, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return; } FileSelectorDialogFragment.hide(); mSubsFile = f; dialog.dismiss(); } }); return; } onSubtitleLanguageSelected(adapterSubtitles[position]); dialog.dismiss(); } }); } private void subsSizeSettings() { Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putString(NumberPickerDialogFragment.TITLE, getString(R.string.subtitle_size)); args.putInt(NumberPickerDialogFragment.MAX_VALUE, 60); args.putInt(NumberPickerDialogFragment.MIN_VALUE, SUBTITLE_MINIMUM_SIZE); args.putInt(NumberPickerDialogFragment.DEFAULT_VALUE, getResources().getInteger(R.integer.player_subtitles_default_text_size)); NumberPickerDialogFragment dialogFragment = new NumberPickerDialogFragment(); dialogFragment.setArguments(args); dialogFragment.setOnResultListener(new NumberPickerDialogFragment.ResultListener() { @Override public void onNewValue(int value) { updateSubtitleSize(value); } });, "overlay_fragment"); } private void subsTimingSettings() { Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putString(NumberPickerDialogFragment.TITLE, getString(R.string.subtitle_timing)); args.putInt(NumberPickerDialogFragment.MAX_VALUE, 3600); args.putInt(NumberPickerDialogFragment.MIN_VALUE, -3600); args.putInt(NumberPickerDialogFragment.DEFAULT_VALUE, mSubtitleOffset / 60); args.putBoolean(NumberPickerDialogFragment.FOCUSABLE, true); NumberPickerDialogFragment dialogFragment = new NumberPickerDialogFragment(); dialogFragment.setArguments(args); dialogFragment.setOnResultListener(new NumberPickerDialogFragment.ResultListener() { @Override public void onNewValue(int value) { mSubtitleOffset = value * 60; showTimedCaptionText(null); } });, "overlay_fragment"); } protected abstract void updateSubtitleSize(int size); @Override public void onSubtitleDownloadCompleted(boolean isSuccessful, TimedTextObject subtitleFile) { onSubtitleEnabledStateChanged(isSuccessful); mSubs = subtitleFile; } BeamDeviceListener mDeviceListener = new BeamDeviceListener() { @Override public void onDeviceReady(ConnectableDevice device) { super.onDeviceReady(device); if (!FragmentUtil.isAdded(BaseVideoPlayerFragment.this)) { return; } startBeamPlayerActivity(); getActivity().finish(); } }; public abstract void startBeamPlayerActivity(); }