Java tutorial
/* * commons-persistence - Copyright (c) 2009-2013 MSF. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ package br.msf.commons.persistence.springframework.validation; import br.msf.commons.persistence.model.Entity; import br.msf.commons.persistence.service.EntityService; import br.msf.commons.util.CharSequenceUtils; import br.msf.commons.util.ReflectionUtils; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import; import org.springframework.validation.Errors; import static br.msf.commons.persistence.springframework.validation.ValidationUtils.*; import br.msf.commons.persistence.springframework.validation.annotations.MaxLength; import br.msf.commons.persistence.springframework.validation.annotations.MaxValue; import br.msf.commons.persistence.springframework.validation.annotations.MinLength; import br.msf.commons.persistence.springframework.validation.annotations.MinValue; import br.msf.commons.persistence.springframework.validation.annotations.Regex; import br.msf.commons.persistence.springframework.validation.annotations.Required; import br.msf.commons.persistence.springframework.validation.annotations.SkipSubvalidation; import br.msf.commons.persistence.springframework.validation.annotations.SkipValidation; import br.msf.commons.persistence.springframework.validation.annotations.Unique; import br.msf.commons.util.CalendarUtils; import br.msf.commons.util.CollectionUtils; /** * TODO : Describe. * * @author Marcius da Silva da Fonseca ( */ public abstract class AnnotatedEntityValidator<ID extends Serializable & Comparable<ID>, T extends Entity<ID>> extends AbstractValidator<T> { public AnnotatedEntityValidator() { this.commandClass = (Class<T>) ((ParameterizedType) getClass().getGenericSuperclass()) .getActualTypeArguments()[1]; } @Override public final void validateCommand(final T target, final Errors errors) { validateCommand("", target, errors); } public void complementarValidation(final String pathPrefix, final T target, final Errors errors) { } protected EntityService<ID, T> getCommandService() { return null; } protected AnnotatedEntityValidator getValidatorFor(final Class<? extends Entity> entityClass) { return null; } protected final void validateCommand(final String pathPrefix, final T target, final Errors errors) { try { final Collection<Field> fields = ReflectionUtils.getFields(target, false, false, false); for (Field field : fields) { if (isSkipValidation(field)) { continue; } validateRequired(pathPrefix, field, target, errors); validateRegex(pathPrefix, field, target, errors); validateMinLength(pathPrefix, field, target, errors); validateMaxLength(pathPrefix, field, target, errors); validateUnique(pathPrefix, field, target, errors); doSubvalidation(pathPrefix, field, target, errors); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } complementarValidation(pathPrefix, target, errors); } private void extraValidations(String fieldPath, Field field, T target, Errors errors) throws Exception { final Object fieldValue = field.get(target); final MinValue minValue = field.getAnnotation(MinValue.class); final MaxValue maxValue = field.getAnnotation(MaxValue.class); if (isNotNullCharSequence(fieldValue)) { final CharSequence val = (CharSequence) fieldValue; if (minValue != null &&, minValue.value()) < 0) { errors.rejectValue(fieldPath, minValue.errorCode(), null, minValue.errorCode()); return; } if (maxValue != null &&, maxValue.value()) > 0) { errors.rejectValue(fieldPath, maxValue.errorCode(), null, maxValue.errorCode()); } } else if (isNotNullCalendar(fieldValue)) { final Calendar c1 = (Calendar) fieldValue; if (minValue != null) { final Calendar c2 = CalendarUtils.parse(minValue.value(), minValue.pattern()); if (c1.compareTo(c2) < 0) { errors.rejectValue(fieldPath, minValue.errorCode(), new Object[] { minValue.value() }, minValue.errorCode()); return; } } if (maxValue != null) { final Calendar c2 = CalendarUtils.parse(maxValue.value(), maxValue.pattern()); if (c1.compareTo(c2) > 0) { errors.rejectValue(fieldPath, maxValue.errorCode(), new Object[] { maxValue.value() }, maxValue.errorCode()); } } } } /**/ private boolean isSkipValidation(final Field field) throws Exception { final SkipValidation skip = field.getAnnotation(SkipValidation.class); return skip != null && skip.value(); } private void validateRequired(final String pathPrefix, final Field field, final T target, final Errors errors) throws Exception { field.setAccessible(true); final Object fieldValue = field.get(target); final String fieldPath = getFullPath(pathPrefix, field.getName()); final Required required = field.getAnnotation(Required.class); final Column column = field.getAnnotation(Column.class); final JoinColumn joinColumn = field.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class); final String errorCode = required != null ? required.errorCode() : Validator.ERROR_REQUIRED; final boolean isRequired = (required != null && required.value()) || (column != null && !column.nullable()) || (joinColumn != null && !joinColumn.nullable()); if (isRequired && isNullOrEmpty(fieldValue)) { errors.rejectValue(fieldPath, errorCode, null, errorCode); } } private void validateUnique(final String pathPrefix, final Field field, final T target, final Errors errors) throws Exception { field.setAccessible(true); final Object fieldValue = field.get(target); final String fieldPath = getFullPath(pathPrefix, field.getName()); if (!errors.hasFieldErrors(fieldPath)) { final Unique unique = field.getAnnotation(Unique.class); final Column column = field.getAnnotation(Column.class); final JoinColumn joinColumn = field.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class); final String errorCode = unique != null ? unique.errorCode() : Validator.ERROR_EXISTS; final boolean isUnique = (unique != null && unique.value()) || (column != null && column.unique()) || (joinColumn != null && joinColumn.unique()); if (isUnique && getCommandService() != null) { Collection<T> found = getCommandService().findByProperty(field.getName(), fieldValue); if (!CollectionUtils.isEmptyOrSingleton(found)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Inconsistent database: expecting unique result. Returned mutiple."); } final T entity = DataAccessUtils.uniqueResult(found); if (entity != null && (target.getId() == null || !entity.getId().equals(target.getId()))) { errors.rejectValue(fieldPath, errorCode, new Object[] { field.getName(), fieldValue }, errorCode); } } } } private void validateRegex(final String pathPrefix, final Field field, final T target, final Errors errors) throws Exception { field.setAccessible(true); final Object fieldValue = field.get(target); final String fieldPath = getFullPath(pathPrefix, field.getName()); if (!errors.hasFieldErrors(fieldPath) && isNotNullCharSequence(fieldValue)) { final Regex regex = field.getAnnotation(Regex.class); final CharSequence val = (CharSequence) fieldValue; if (regex != null && !Pattern.compile(regex.value(), regex.flags()).matcher(val).matches()) { errors.rejectValue(fieldPath, regex.errorCode(), null, regex.errorCode()); } } } private void validateMinLength(final String pathPrefix, final Field field, final T target, final Errors errors) throws Exception { field.setAccessible(true); final Object fieldValue = field.get(target); final String fieldPath = getFullPath(pathPrefix, field.getName()); if (!errors.hasFieldErrors(fieldPath) && isNotNullCharSequence(fieldValue)) { final MinLength minLength = field.getAnnotation(MinLength.class); final CharSequence val = (CharSequence) fieldValue; if (minLength != null && val.length() < minLength.value()) { errors.rejectValue(fieldPath, minLength.errorCode(), new Object[] { minLength.value() }, minLength.errorCode()); } } } private void validateMaxLength(final String pathPrefix, final Field field, final T target, final Errors errors) throws Exception { field.setAccessible(true); final Object fieldValue = field.get(target); final String fieldPath = getFullPath(pathPrefix, field.getName()); if (!errors.hasFieldErrors(fieldPath) && isNotNullCharSequence(fieldValue)) { final MaxLength maxLength = field.getAnnotation(MaxLength.class); final Column column = field.getAnnotation(Column.class); final String errorCode = maxLength != null ? maxLength.errorCode() : Validator.ERROR_MAX_LENGTH; if (maxLength != null || column != null) { int max = 255; if (maxLength != null && column != null) { max = maxLength.value() < column.length() ? maxLength.value() : column.length(); } else if (maxLength != null) { max = maxLength.value(); } else if (column != null) { max = column.length(); } final CharSequence val = (CharSequence) fieldValue; if (val.length() > max) { errors.rejectValue(fieldPath, errorCode, new Object[] { max }, errorCode); } } } } private void doSubvalidation(final String pathPrefix, final Field field, final T target, final Errors errors) throws Exception { field.setAccessible(true); final Object fieldValue = field.get(target); final String fieldPath = getFullPath(pathPrefix, field.getName()); if (!errors.hasFieldErrors(fieldPath) && isNotNullEntity(fieldValue)) { final JoinColumn joinColumn = field.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class); final SkipSubvalidation skip = field.getAnnotation(SkipSubvalidation.class); final boolean isSkip = (skip != null && skip.value()); if (!isSkip && joinColumn != null) { final Entity entityValue = ((Entity) fieldValue); final AnnotatedEntityValidator v = getValidatorFor(entityValue.getClass()); if (v != null) { v.validateCommand(fieldPath, entityValue, errors); } } } } }