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 * Copyright 2002-2018 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.validation;

import java.util.List;

import org.springframework.beans.PropertyAccessor;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;

 * Stores and exposes information about data-binding and validation
 * errors for a specific object.
 * <p>Field names can be properties of the target object (e.g. "name"
 * when binding to a customer object), or nested fields in case of
 * subobjects (e.g. "address.street"). Supports subtree navigation
 * via {@link #setNestedPath(String)}: for example, an
 * {@code AddressValidator} validates "address", not being aware
 * that this is a subobject of customer.
 * <p>Note: {@code Errors} objects are single-threaded.
 * @author Rod Johnson
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @see #setNestedPath
 * @see BindException
 * @see DataBinder
 * @see ValidationUtils
public interface Errors {

     * The separator between path elements in a nested path,
     * for example in "" or "customer.address.street".
     * <p>"." = same as the
     * {@link org.springframework.beans.PropertyAccessor#NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR nested property separator}
     * in the beans package.

     * Return the name of the bound root object.
    String getObjectName();

     * Allow context to be changed so that standard validators can validate
     * subtrees. Reject calls prepend the given path to the field names.
     * <p>For example, an address validator could validate the subobject
     * "address" of a customer object.
     * @param nestedPath nested path within this object,
     * e.g. "address" (defaults to "", {@code null} is also acceptable).
     * Can end with a dot: both "address" and "address." are valid.
    void setNestedPath(String nestedPath);

     * Return the current nested path of this {@link Errors} object.
     * <p>Returns a nested path with a dot, i.e. "address.", for easy
     * building of concatenated paths. Default is an empty String.
    String getNestedPath();

     * Push the given sub path onto the nested path stack.
     * <p>A {@link #popNestedPath()} call will reset the original
     * nested path before the corresponding
     * {@code pushNestedPath(String)} call.
     * <p>Using the nested path stack allows to set temporary nested paths
     * for subobjects without having to worry about a temporary path holder.
     * <p>For example: current path "spouse.", pushNestedPath("child") ->
     * result path "spouse.child."; popNestedPath() -> "spouse." again.
     * @param subPath the sub path to push onto the nested path stack
     * @see #popNestedPath
    void pushNestedPath(String subPath);

     * Pop the former nested path from the nested path stack.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if there is no former nested path on the stack
     * @see #pushNestedPath
    void popNestedPath() throws IllegalStateException;

     * Register a global error for the entire target object,
     * using the given error description.
     * @param errorCode error code, interpretable as a message key
    void reject(String errorCode);

     * Register a global error for the entire target object,
     * using the given error description.
     * @param errorCode error code, interpretable as a message key
     * @param defaultMessage fallback default message
    void reject(String errorCode, String defaultMessage);

     * Register a global error for the entire target object,
     * using the given error description.
     * @param errorCode error code, interpretable as a message key
     * @param errorArgs error arguments, for argument binding via MessageFormat
     * (can be {@code null})
     * @param defaultMessage fallback default message
    void reject(String errorCode, @Nullable Object[] errorArgs, @Nullable String defaultMessage);

     * Register a field error for the specified field of the current object
     * (respecting the current nested path, if any), using the given error
     * description.
     * <p>The field name may be {@code null} or empty String to indicate
     * the current object itself rather than a field of it. This may result
     * in a corresponding field error within the nested object graph or a
     * global error if the current object is the top object.
     * @param field the field name (may be {@code null} or empty String)
     * @param errorCode error code, interpretable as a message key
     * @see #getNestedPath()
    void rejectValue(@Nullable String field, String errorCode);

     * Register a field error for the specified field of the current object
     * (respecting the current nested path, if any), using the given error
     * description.
     * <p>The field name may be {@code null} or empty String to indicate
     * the current object itself rather than a field of it. This may result
     * in a corresponding field error within the nested object graph or a
     * global error if the current object is the top object.
     * @param field the field name (may be {@code null} or empty String)
     * @param errorCode error code, interpretable as a message key
     * @param defaultMessage fallback default message
     * @see #getNestedPath()
    void rejectValue(@Nullable String field, String errorCode, String defaultMessage);

     * Register a field error for the specified field of the current object
     * (respecting the current nested path, if any), using the given error
     * description.
     * <p>The field name may be {@code null} or empty String to indicate
     * the current object itself rather than a field of it. This may result
     * in a corresponding field error within the nested object graph or a
     * global error if the current object is the top object.
     * @param field the field name (may be {@code null} or empty String)
     * @param errorCode error code, interpretable as a message key
     * @param errorArgs error arguments, for argument binding via MessageFormat
     * (can be {@code null})
     * @param defaultMessage fallback default message
     * @see #getNestedPath()
    void rejectValue(@Nullable String field, String errorCode, @Nullable Object[] errorArgs,
            @Nullable String defaultMessage);

     * Add all errors from the given {@code Errors} instance to this
     * {@code Errors} instance.
     * <p>This is a convenience method to avoid repeated {@code reject(..)}
     * calls for merging an {@code Errors} instance into another
     * {@code Errors} instance.
     * <p>Note that the passed-in {@code Errors} instance is supposed
     * to refer to the same target object, or at least contain compatible errors
     * that apply to the target object of this {@code Errors} instance.
     * @param errors the {@code Errors} instance to merge in
    void addAllErrors(Errors errors);

     * Return if there were any errors.
    boolean hasErrors();

     * Return the total number of errors.
    int getErrorCount();

     * Get all errors, both global and field ones.
     * @return a list of {@link ObjectError} instances
    List<ObjectError> getAllErrors();

     * Are there any global errors?
     * @return {@code true} if there are any global errors
     * @see #hasFieldErrors()
    boolean hasGlobalErrors();

     * Return the number of global errors.
     * @return the number of global errors
     * @see #getFieldErrorCount()
    int getGlobalErrorCount();

     * Get all global errors.
     * @return a list of {@link ObjectError} instances
    List<ObjectError> getGlobalErrors();

     * Get the <i>first</i> global error, if any.
     * @return the global error, or {@code null}
    ObjectError getGlobalError();

     * Are there any field errors?
     * @return {@code true} if there are any errors associated with a field
     * @see #hasGlobalErrors()
    boolean hasFieldErrors();

     * Return the number of errors associated with a field.
     * @return the number of errors associated with a field
     * @see #getGlobalErrorCount()
    int getFieldErrorCount();

     * Get all errors associated with a field.
     * @return a List of {@link FieldError} instances
    List<FieldError> getFieldErrors();

     * Get the <i>first</i> error associated with a field, if any.
     * @return the field-specific error, or {@code null}
    FieldError getFieldError();

     * Are there any errors associated with the given field?
     * @param field the field name
     * @return {@code true} if there were any errors associated with the given field
    boolean hasFieldErrors(String field);

     * Return the number of errors associated with the given field.
     * @param field the field name
     * @return the number of errors associated with the given field
    int getFieldErrorCount(String field);

     * Get all errors associated with the given field.
     * <p>Implementations should support not only full field names like
     * "name" but also pattern matches like "na*" or "address.*".
     * @param field the field name
     * @return a List of {@link FieldError} instances
    List<FieldError> getFieldErrors(String field);

     * Get the first error associated with the given field, if any.
     * @param field the field name
     * @return the field-specific error, or {@code null}
    FieldError getFieldError(String field);

     * Return the current value of the given field, either the current
     * bean property value or a rejected update from the last binding.
     * <p>Allows for convenient access to user-specified field values,
     * even if there were type mismatches.
     * @param field the field name
     * @return the current value of the given field
    Object getFieldValue(String field);

     * Return the type of a given field.
     * <p>Implementations should be able to determine the type even
     * when the field value is {@code null}, for example from some
     * associated descriptor.
     * @param field the field name
     * @return the type of the field, or {@code null} if not determinable
    Class<?> getFieldType(String field);
