Java tutorial
package ${YYAndroidPackageName}; import ${YYAndroidPackageName}.RunnerActivity; import com.yoyogames.runner.RunnerJNILib; import android.util.Log; import android.os.Handler; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.DialogInterface; import; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import ${YYAndroidPackageName}.R; import; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.View; import android.widget.AbsoluteLayout; import com.yoyogames.runner.RunnerJNILib; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import*; import*; import; import android.content.IntentSender.SendIntentException; //Can't extend BaseGameUtils as we already extend RunnerSocial public class GooglePlayServicesExtension extends RunnerSocial implements GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks, GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener { private GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient; public GcmPush mGcmPush; //Push notifications private int LastGSId = -1; public static GooglePlayServicesExtension CurrentGoogleExtension; private String mCurrentSaveName = "DefaultSave"; private byte[] mSaveGameData = null; @Override public void Init() { Log.i("yoyo", "Google Play Services extension initialising"); CurrentGoogleExtension = this; String appid = RunnerActivity.CurrentActivity.mYYPrefs.getString(""); if (appid == null) { Log.i("yoyo", "Failed to find appid, not initialising GoogleApiClient"); return; } else Log.i("yoyo", "Found google play app id = " + appid); GoogleApiClient.Builder builder = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(RunnerActivity.CurrentActivity); builder.addConnectionCallbacks(this); builder.addOnConnectionFailedListener(this); builder.addApi(Games.API); builder.addScope(Games.SCOPE_GAMES); builder.addApi(Plus.API); builder.addScope(Plus.SCOPE_PLUS_LOGIN); boolean bCloudEnable = RunnerActivity.CurrentActivity.mYYPrefs.getBoolean("YYGoogleCloudSavingEnabled"); if (bCloudEnable) //{ //These are needed if you are using the cloud saving functionality, if you have them in & do not have save games enabled in your google developer console for your game, you won't be able to log // in to google play services... Log.i("yoyo", "Adding Google Drive API for cloud saving"); builder.addApi(Drive.API); builder.addScope(Drive.SCOPE_APPFOLDER); //} mGoogleApiClient =; } @Override public void onStart() { Log.i("yoyo", "googleplayservices extension onStart called"); //super.onStart(); if (mGoogleApiClient != null) mGoogleApiClient.connect(); } @Override public void onStop() { Log.i("yoyo", "googleplayservices extension onStop called"); //super.onStop(); if (mGoogleApiClient != null && mGoogleApiClient.isConnected()) mGoogleApiClient.disconnect(); } @Override public void onResume() { if (mGcmPush != null) { mGcmPush.deliverStoredMessages(); } } @Override public void onConnected(Bundle connectionHint) { // The player is signed in. Hide the sign-in button and allow the // player to proceed. Log.i("yoyo", "Sign In Succeeded"); Player p = Games.Players.getCurrentPlayer(getApiClient()); String displayName; String id; if (p == null) { Log.i("yoyo", "mGamesClient.getCurrentPlayer() is NULL!"); displayName = "???"; id = "-1"; } else { displayName = p.getDisplayName(); id = p.getPlayerId(); } Log.i("yoyo", "Found displayname " + displayName + " with id " + id); RunnerJNILib.OnLoginSuccess(displayName, id, "", "", "", "", ""); //Call back to generate the social event } // Request code to use when launching the resolution activity private static final int REQUEST_RESOLVE_ERROR = 1001; // Unique tag for the error dialog fragment private static final String DIALOG_ERROR = "dialog_error"; // Bool to track whether the app is already resolving an error private boolean mResolvingError = false; // The rest of this code is all about building the error dialog /* Creates a dialog for an error message */ private void showErrorDialog(int errorCode, int requestCode) { Dialog dialog = GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog(errorCode, RunnerActivity.CurrentActivity, requestCode); if (dialog != null) {; } else { // no built-in dialog: show the fallback error message // showAlert(RunnerActivity.CurrentActivity, ); Log.i("yoyo", "Google Play Services Error and unable to initialise GooglePlayServicesUtil error dialog"); } } // /* Called from ErrorDialogFragment when the dialog is dismissed. */ //public void onDialogDismissed() { // mResolvingError = false; //} /* A fragment to display an error dialog */ //public static class ErrorDialogFragment extends DialogFragment { // public ErrorDialogFragment() { } //@Override //public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Get the error code and retrieve the appropriate dialog // int errorCode = this.getArguments().getInt(DIALOG_ERROR); //return GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog(errorCode, // this.getActivity(), REQUEST_RESOLVE_ERROR); //} //@Override //public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) { // CurrentGoogleExtension.onDialogDismissed(); //} //} @Override public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult result) { Log.i("yoyo", "onConnectionFailed called with result:" + result); if (mResolvingError) { // Already attempting to resolve an error. Log.i("yoyo", "onConnectionFailed called with resolving error already set to " + mResolvingError); return; } else if (result.hasResolution()) { try { Log.i("yoyo", "startResolutionForResult completed"); mResolvingError = true; result.startResolutionForResult(RunnerActivity.CurrentActivity, REQUEST_RESOLVE_ERROR); Log.i("yoyo", "startResolutionForResult completed"); } catch (SendIntentException e) { // There was an error with the resolution intent. Try again. Log.i("yoyo", "SendIntentException detected"); mGoogleApiClient.connect(); } } else { // Show dialog using GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog() Log.i("yoyo", "Attempting to showErrorDialog"); showErrorDialog(result.getErrorCode(), RC_UNUSED); Log.i("yoyo", "About to call onloginsuccess"); RunnerJNILib.OnLoginSuccess("Not logged in", "-1", "", "", "", "", ""); Log.i("yoyo", "Post call onloginsuccess"); mResolvingError = true; } } @Override public void onConnectionSuspended(int i) { // Attempt to reconnect Log.i("yoyo", "onConnectionSuspended call with " + i); if (mGoogleApiClient != null) mGoogleApiClient.connect(); } public void SendSocialEvent(String type, double value) { int dsMapIndex = RunnerJNILib.jCreateDsMap(null, null, null); RunnerJNILib.DsMapAddString(dsMapIndex, "type", type); RunnerJNILib.DsMapAddDouble(dsMapIndex, "value", value); RunnerJNILib.DsMapAddDouble(dsMapIndex, "id", 9817); RunnerJNILib.CreateAsynEventWithDSMap(dsMapIndex, EVENT_OTHER_SOCIAL); } @Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) { Log.i("yoyo", "gps onActivityResult called with requestCode " + requestCode); // if switch (requestCode) { case RC_GPS_ACTIVITY: if (resultCode == GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_RECONNECT_REQUIRED) { Log.i("yoyo", "Logging out due to result of GooglePlayServices activity"); // Logout(); if (mGoogleApiClient != null && mGoogleApiClient.isConnected()) { mGoogleApiClient.disconnect(); Log.i("yoyo", "Logged out of Google Play Services"); RunnerJNILib.OnLoginSuccess("Not logged in", "-1", "", "", "", "", ""); } } break; case REQUEST_RESOLVE_ERROR: Log.i("yoyo", "onActivityResult called with REQUEST_RESOLVE_ERROR"); if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { Log.i("yoyo", "onActivityResult called with REQUEST_RESOLVE_ERROR and resultCode (result_ok)" + resultCode); if (mGoogleApiClient != null) if (!mGoogleApiClient.isConnecting() || !mGoogleApiClient.isConnected()) { mResolvingError = false; mGoogleApiClient.connect(); } } else { Log.i("yoyo", "onActivityResult called with REQUEST_RESOLVE_ERROR and resultCode " + resultCode); mResolvingError = false; switch (resultCode) { case GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_RECONNECT_REQUIRED: Log.i("yoyo", "gps OnActivityResult with: GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_RECONNECT_REQUIRED"); break; case GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_NETWORK_FAILURE: Log.i("yoyo", "gps OnActivityResult with: GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_NETWORK_FAILURE"); RunnerJNILib.OnLoginSuccess("Not logged in", "-1", "", "", "", "", ""); break; case GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_SIGN_IN_FAILED: Log.i("yoyo", "gps OnActivityResult with: GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_SIGN_IN_FAILED"); RunnerJNILib.OnLoginSuccess("Not logged in", "-1", "", "", "", "", ""); break; case GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_LICENSE_FAILED: Log.i("yoyo", "gps OnActivityResult with: GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_LICENSE_FAILED"); RunnerJNILib.OnLoginSuccess("Not logged in", "-1", "", "", "", "", ""); break; case GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_APP_MISCONFIGURED: Log.i("yoyo", "gps OnActivityResult with: GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_APP_MISCONFIGURED"); RunnerJNILib.OnLoginSuccess("Not logged in", "-1", "", "", "", "", ""); break; case GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_INVALID_ROOM: Log.i("yoyo", "gps OnActivityResult with: GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_INVALID_ROOM"); break; case GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_LEFT_ROOM: Log.i("yoyo", "gps OnActivityResult with: GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_LEFT_ROOM"); break; case GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_SEND_REQUEST_FAILED: Log.i("yoyo", "gps OnActivityResult with: GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_SEND_REQUEST_FAILED"); break; } SendSocialEvent("GPSGamesActivityResult", (double) resultCode); //going to stop putting up the gps error as it's not at all helpful //showErrorDialog(resultCode,requestCode); //We have an error and haven't been able to resolve it... } break; default: Log.i("yoyo", "onActivityResult called with " + requestCode); mResolvingError = false; break; } } RunnerBilling mRunnerBilling = null; public RunnerBilling InitRunnerBilling() { if (mRunnerBilling == null) { mRunnerBilling = new RunnerBilling(RunnerActivity.CurrentActivity); } return mRunnerBilling; } public GoogleApiClient getApiClient() { return mGoogleApiClient; } public boolean isSignedIn() { // Log.i("yoyo","isSignedIn called" ); if (mGoogleApiClient != null && mGoogleApiClient.isConnected()) return true; return false; } @Override public void Login() { if (isSignedIn()) { Log.i("yoyo", "Called achievement login when already logged in"); return; } Log.i("yoyo", "Calling connect on googleapiclient"); if (mGoogleApiClient != null) mGoogleApiClient.connect(); } @Override public void Logout() { if (mGoogleApiClient != null && mGoogleApiClient.isConnected()) { Games.signOut(mGoogleApiClient); mGoogleApiClient.disconnect(); Log.i("yoyo", "Logged out of Google Play Services"); RunnerJNILib.OnLoginSuccess("Not logged in", "-1", "", "", "", "", ""); } } //Push notifications bit public void setupPushNotifications(String pushID) { mGcmPush = new GcmPush(RunnerActivity.CurrentActivity); mGcmPush.Init(pushID); //check for stored messages on startup- also done in onResume ( in case of messages received while in background), //but this is called after onResume on startup mGcmPush.deliverStoredMessages(); } public static void QueuePushNotification(String msgData, Integer type, Boolean bSuccess) { if (CurrentGoogleExtension.mGcmPush != null) { RunnerJNILib.GCMPushResult(msgData, type, true); } } public int PushGetLocalNotification(Integer iIndex, Integer dsMap) { if (mGcmPush != null) { return mGcmPush.pushGetLocalNotification(iIndex, dsMap); } return -1; } public int pushCancelLocalNotification(Integer iIndex) { if (mGcmPush != null) { return mGcmPush.pushCancelLocalNotification(iIndex); } return -1; } public static void PushLocalNotification(Float fireTime, String title, String message, String data) { if (CurrentGoogleExtension.mGcmPush != null) { CurrentGoogleExtension.mGcmPush.pushLocalNotification(fireTime, title, message, data); } else { Log.i("yoyo", "Push notifications not enabled"); } } /// Cloud save stuff public void onStateConflict(AppStateManager.StateConflictResult result) { int StateKey = result.getStateKey(); String resolvedVersion = result.getResolvedVersion(); byte[] localData = result.getLocalData(); byte[] serverData = result.getServerData(); Log.i("yoyo", "onStateConflict called " + StateKey + " " + resolvedVersion); // getGameHelper().getAppStateClient().resolveState(this, StateKey, resolvedVersion, serverData); AppStateManager.resolve(getApiClient(), StateKey, resolvedVersion, serverData); if (serverData != null) { byte[] mySaveGameByteArray = new byte[serverData.length + 1]; //Need to put in a null terminator for desc string.... mySaveGameByteArray[0] = '\0'; System.arraycopy(serverData, 0, mySaveGameByteArray, 1, serverData.length); RunnerJNILib.CloudResultData(mySaveGameByteArray, 0/*STATUS_NEW_GAME_DATA*/, LastGSId); mySaveGameByteArray = null; } else { RunnerJNILib.CloudResultData(null, 0/*STATUS_NEW_GAME_DATA*/, LastGSId); } } //@Override //public void onStateLoaded(int StatusCode, int StateKey, byte[] localData) public void onStateLoaded(AppStateManager.StateLoadedResult result) { int StatusCode = result.getStatus().getStatusCode(); int StateKey = result.getStateKey(); byte[] localData = result.getLocalData(); Log.i("yoyo", "onStateLoadedCalled with " + StatusCode + " Key " + StateKey); if (localData != null) { byte[] mySaveGameByteArray = new byte[localData.length + 1]; //Need to put in a null terminator for desc string.... mySaveGameByteArray[0] = '\0'; System.arraycopy(localData, 0, mySaveGameByteArray, 1, localData.length); RunnerJNILib.CloudResultData(mySaveGameByteArray, 0/*STATUS_NEW_GAME_DATA*/, LastGSId); mySaveGameByteArray = null; } else RunnerJNILib.CloudResultData(null, 0/*STATUS_NEW_GAME_DATA*/, LastGSId); } ResultCallback<AppStateManager.StateResult> mResultCallback=new ResultCallback<AppStateManager.StateResult>(){@Override public void onResult(AppStateManager.StateResult result){ Log.i("yoyo","Cloud Sync result callback called with "+result+" status:"+result.getStatus()); AppStateManager.StateConflictResult conflictResult=result.getConflictResult();AppStateManager.StateLoadedResult loadedResult=result.getLoadedResult();if(loadedResult!=null){Log.i("yoyo","Calling onStateLoaded with "+loadedResult);onStateLoaded(loadedResult);}else if(conflictResult!=null){Log.i("yoyo","Calling onStateConflict with "+conflictResult);onStateConflict(conflictResult);}else{Log.i("yoyo","both conflict and loaded results are null");}}}; private static final int MAX_SNAPSHOT_RESOLVE_RETRIES = 3; /** * Conflict resolution for when Snapshots are opened. Must be run in an AsyncTask or in a * background thread, */ Snapshot processSnapshotOpenResult(Snapshots.OpenSnapshotResult result, int retryCount) { Snapshot mResolvedSnapshot = null; retryCount++; int status = result.getStatus().getStatusCode(); Log.i("yoyo", "Save Result status: " + status); if (status == GamesStatusCodes.STATUS_OK) { return result.getSnapshot(); } else if (status == GamesStatusCodes.STATUS_SNAPSHOT_CONTENTS_UNAVAILABLE) { return result.getSnapshot(); } else if (status == GamesStatusCodes.STATUS_SNAPSHOT_CONFLICT) { Snapshot snapshot = result.getSnapshot(); Snapshot conflictSnapshot = result.getConflictingSnapshot(); // Resolve between conflicts by selecting the newest of the conflicting snapshots. mResolvedSnapshot = snapshot; if (snapshot.getMetadata().getLastModifiedTimestamp() < conflictSnapshot.getMetadata() .getLastModifiedTimestamp()) { mResolvedSnapshot = conflictSnapshot; } Snapshots.OpenSnapshotResult resolveResult = Games.Snapshots .resolveConflict(mGoogleApiClient, result.getConflictId(), mResolvedSnapshot).await(); if (retryCount < MAX_SNAPSHOT_RESOLVE_RETRIES) { // Recursively attempt again return processSnapshotOpenResult(resolveResult, retryCount); } else { // Failed, log error and show Toast to the user String message = "Could not resolve snapshot conflicts"; Log.e("yoyo", message); // Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } // Fail, return null. return null; } public void onGSCloudSync(java.lang.Integer id) { final Integer fid = id; Log.i("yoyo", "onGSCloudSync called with id=" + id); AsyncTask<Void, Void, Integer> task = new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Integer>() { @Override protected Integer doInBackground(Void... params) { // Open the saved game using its name. Snapshots.OpenSnapshotResult result =, mCurrentSaveName, true) .await(); int status = result.getStatus().getStatusCode(); Log.i("yoyo", "get save game data result :" + result.getStatus() + " status=" + status); // Check the result of the open operation if ((status == GamesStatusCodes.STATUS_OK) || (status == GamesStatusCodes.STATUS_SNAPSHOT_CONFLICT) || (status == GamesStatusCodes.STATUS_SNAPSHOT_CONTENTS_UNAVAILABLE)) { Snapshot snapshot = processSnapshotOpenResult(result, 0); //result.getSnapshot(); // Read the byte content of the saved game. try { mSaveGameData = snapshot.getSnapshotContents().readFully(); String s = new String(mSaveGameData); Log.i("yoyo", "got save game data:" + s); RunnerJNILib.CloudResultData(s.getBytes(), 0/*STATUS_NEW_GAME_DATA*/, fid); return result.getStatus().getStatusCode(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e("yoyo", "Error while reading Snapshot.", e); } } else { Log.e("yoyo", "Error while loading: " + result.getStatus().getStatusCode()); } RunnerJNILib.CloudResultData(null, 0/*STATUS_NEW_GAME_DATA*/, fid); return result.getStatus().getStatusCode(); } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Integer status) { // Dismiss progress dialog and reflect the changes in the UI. // ... Log.i("yoyo", "New cloud save system onPostExecute called with status" + status); } }; task.execute(); } public void onGSStringSave(String data, String desc, Integer id) { final String _data = data; final String _desc = desc; final Integer _id = id; Log.i("yoyo", "Google onGSStringSave called"); AsyncTask<Void, Void, Integer> task = new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Integer>() { @Override protected Integer doInBackground(Void... params) { boolean createIfMissing = true; byte[] databytes = _data.getBytes(); // Open the snapshot, creating if necessary Snapshots.OpenSnapshotResult open = Games.Snapshots .open(mGoogleApiClient, mCurrentSaveName, createIfMissing).await(); if (!open.getStatus().isSuccess()) { Log.i("yoyo", "Could not open Snapshot for saving."); return -1; } // Write the new data to the snapshot Snapshot snapshot = open.getSnapshot(); snapshot.getSnapshotContents().writeBytes(databytes); String s = new String(databytes); Log.i("yoyo", "saving snapshot:" + s); // Change metadata SnapshotMetadataChange metadataChange = new SnapshotMetadataChange.Builder() .fromMetadata(snapshot.getMetadata()) .setDescription("Modified data at: " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime()) // .setCoverImage(bitmap) // .setDescription(description) // .setPlayedTimeMillis(playedTimeMillis) .build(); Snapshots.CommitSnapshotResult commit = Games.Snapshots .commitAndClose(mGoogleApiClient, snapshot, metadataChange).await(); if (!commit.getStatus().isSuccess()) { Log.i("yoyo", "Failed to commit Snapshot."); return -1; } Log.i("yoyo", "Commit Snapshot success"); return 0; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Integer status) { // Dismiss progress dialog and reflect the changes in the UI. // ... Log.i("yoyo", "onGSStringSaves completed with " + status); } }; task.execute(); } //Achievement & Leaderboards stuff @Override public void PostScore(String lb, int score) { if (mGoogleApiClient != null && mGoogleApiClient.isConnected()) { Games.Leaderboards.submitScore(getApiClient(), lb, score); } } public void onIncrementAchievement(String id, java.lang.Float Increment) { float increment = (float) Increment; if (increment < 1) // as per:, java.lang.String, int) Log.i("yoyo", "achievement_increment must be called with a positive value above 1"); else // Log.i("yoyo","awaiting fix"); if (mGoogleApiClient != null && mGoogleApiClient.isConnected()) { Games.Achievements.increment(getApiClient(), id, (int) increment); } // getApiClient().incrementAchievement(id,(int)increment); } public void onPostAchievement(String id, java.lang.Float percentdone) { if (percentdone <= 0) Log.i("yoyo", "achievement_post must be called with a positive value"); else if (percentdone >= 100.0) { if (mGoogleApiClient != null && mGoogleApiClient.isConnected()) { Games.Achievements.unlock(getApiClient(), id); } //getApiClient().unlockAchievement(id); } else Log.i("yoyo", "GPS does not currently support posting partially complete achievements. Either call achievement_post() when the achievement is complete or use achievement_increment()"); } final int RC_RESOLVE = 5000, RC_UNUSED = 5001, RC_GPS_ACTIVITY = 5011; public void onShowGSAchievements() { if (isSignedIn()) { RunnerActivity.CurrentActivity.startActivityForResult( Games.Achievements.getAchievementsIntent(getApiClient()), RC_GPS_ACTIVITY); } else { (new AlertDialog.Builder(RunnerActivity.CurrentActivity)).setTitle("Achievement Not Available") .setMessage("You can't view achievements because you are not signed in.") .setNeutralButton("OK", null).show(); } } public void onShowGSLeaderboards() { if (isSignedIn()) { RunnerActivity.CurrentActivity.startActivityForResult( Games.Leaderboards.getAllLeaderboardsIntent(getApiClient()), RC_GPS_ACTIVITY); } else { (new AlertDialog.Builder(RunnerActivity.CurrentActivity)).setTitle("Leaderboards Not Available") .setMessage("You can't view leaderboards because you are not signed in.") .setNeutralButton("OK", null).show(); } } private AdView adView = null; private InterstitialAd interstitialAd = null; //private String BannerId; private String InterstitialId; private String InterstitialStatus = "Not Ready"; private String TestDeviceId; private boolean bUseTestAds = false; private AdSize BannerSize; private int BannerXPos; private int BannerYPos; private AdListener adlistener=new AdListener(){@Override public void onAdLoaded(){Log.i("yoyo","onAdLoaded called");sendInterstitialLoadedEvent(true);} @Override public void onAdFailedToLoad(int errorCode){Log.i("yoyo","onAdFailedToLoad called");sendInterstitialLoadedEvent(false);} }; private static final int EVENT_OTHER_SOCIAL = 70; public void GoogleMobileAds_Init(String _Arg1) { InterstitialId = _Arg1; } public void GoogleMobileAds_ShowInterstitial() { if (interstitialAd != null) { Runnable() { public void run() { Log.i("yoyo", "showinterstitial called"); if (interstitialAd.isLoaded()) { RunnerActivity.CurrentActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() {; } }); } else { Log.i("yoyo", "Interstitial ad was not ready to be shown."); } } }); } } private void initInterstitial() { interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(RunnerActivity.CurrentActivity); interstitialAd.setAdUnitId(InterstitialId); interstitialAd.setAdListener(adlistener); } public void GoogleMobileAds_LoadInterstitial() { Runnable() { public void run() { if (interstitialAd == null) initInterstitial(); AdRequest.Builder builder = new AdRequest.Builder(); builder.addTestDevice(AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR); if (bUseTestAds) builder.addTestDevice(TestDeviceId); AdRequest adRequest =; // Load the interstitial ad. interstitialAd.loadAd(adRequest); } }); } private void sendBannerLoadedEvent(boolean _bLoaded) { int dsMapIndex = RunnerJNILib.jCreateDsMap(null, null, null); RunnerJNILib.DsMapAddString(dsMapIndex, "type", "banner_load"); double loaded = (_bLoaded) ? 1 : 0; RunnerJNILib.DsMapAddDouble(dsMapIndex, "loaded", loaded); if (_bLoaded) { GoogleMobileAds_MoveBanner(BannerXPos, BannerYPos); RunnerJNILib.DsMapAddDouble(dsMapIndex, "width", GoogleMobileAds_BannerGetWidth()); RunnerJNILib.DsMapAddDouble(dsMapIndex, "height", GoogleMobileAds_BannerGetHeight()); } RunnerJNILib.CreateAsynEventWithDSMap(dsMapIndex, EVENT_OTHER_SOCIAL); } private void sendInterstitialLoadedEvent(boolean _bLoaded) { int dsMapIndex = RunnerJNILib.jCreateDsMap(null, null, null); RunnerJNILib.DsMapAddString(dsMapIndex, "type", "interstitial_load"); double loaded = (_bLoaded) ? 1 : 0; RunnerJNILib.DsMapAddDouble(dsMapIndex, "loaded", loaded); RunnerJNILib.CreateAsynEventWithDSMap(dsMapIndex, EVENT_OTHER_SOCIAL); } public void GoogleMobileAds_AddBanner(String _bannerId, double _sizeType) { GoogleMobileAds_AddBannerAt(_bannerId, _sizeType, 0, 0); } @TargetApi(11) void SetLayerType() { int sdkVersion = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; if (sdkVersion > 10) adView.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null); } public void GoogleMobileAds_AddBannerAt(String _bannerId, double _sizeType, double _x, double _y) { final String bannerId = _bannerId; BannerXPos = (int) _x; BannerYPos = (int) _y; int type = (int) (_sizeType + 0.5); switch (type) { case 1: BannerSize = AdSize.BANNER; break; case 2: BannerSize = AdSize.MEDIUM_RECTANGLE; break; case 3: BannerSize = AdSize.FULL_BANNER; break; case 4: BannerSize = AdSize.LEADERBOARD; break; case 5: BannerSize = AdSize.WIDE_SKYSCRAPER; break; default: Log.i("yoyo", "AddBanner illegal banner size type:" + _sizeType); return; } Runnable() { public void run() { AbsoluteLayout layout = (AbsoluteLayout) RunnerActivity.CurrentActivity.findViewById(; ViewGroup vg = (ViewGroup) layout; //remove existing banner if (adView != null) { if (vg != null) { vg.removeView(adView); } adView.destroy(); adView = null; } //create new banner adView = new AdView(RunnerActivity.CurrentActivity); //adView.setAdListener(GoogleMobileAdsExt.this); adView.setAdListener(new AdListener() { /** Called when an ad is loaded. */ @Override public void onAdLoaded() { Log.i("yoyo", "Banner Ad onAdLoaded"); sendBannerLoadedEvent(true); } @Override public void onAdFailedToLoad(int errorCode) { Log.i("yoyo", "Banner Ad onAdFailedToLoad"); sendBannerLoadedEvent(false); } }); SetLayerType(); //adView.setAdSize(AdSize.BANNER); adView.setAdSize(BannerSize); adView.setAdUnitId(bannerId); if (vg != null) { vg.addView((View) adView); AdRequest.Builder builder = new AdRequest.Builder(); builder.addTestDevice(AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR); if (bUseTestAds) builder.addTestDevice(TestDeviceId); AdRequest adRequest =; // Start loading the ad in the background. adView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); adView.loadAd(adRequest); } } }); } public void GoogleMobileAds_RemoveBanner() { if (adView != null) { Runnable() { public void run() { AbsoluteLayout layout = (AbsoluteLayout) RunnerActivity.CurrentActivity.findViewById(; ViewGroup vg = (ViewGroup) layout; if (vg != null) { vg.removeView(adView); } adView.destroy(); adView = null; } }); } } public double GoogleMobileAds_BannerGetWidth() { if (BannerSize != null) { int w = BannerSize.getWidthInPixels(RunnerJNILib.ms_context); return w; } return 0; } public double GoogleMobileAds_BannerGetHeight() { if (BannerSize != null) { int h = BannerSize.getHeightInPixels(RunnerJNILib.ms_context); return h; } return 0; } public void GoogleMobileAds_MoveBanner(double _x, double _y) { Log.i("yoyo", "MoveBanner:" + _x + "," + _y); final int x = (int) _x; final int y = (int) _y; BannerXPos = x; BannerYPos = y; if (adView != null) { Runnable() { public void run() { if (x < 0 || y < 0) { adView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } else { AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams params = new AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, x, y); adView.setLayoutParams(params); adView.requestLayout(); adView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } }); } } public void GoogleMobileAds_UseTestAds(double _useTest, String _deviceId) { bUseTestAds = (_useTest >= 0.5); TestDeviceId = _deviceId; } public String GoogleMobileAds_InterstitialStatus() { if (interstitialAd != null) { Runnable() { public void run() { if (interstitialAd.isLoaded()) InterstitialStatus = "Ready"; else InterstitialStatus = "Not Ready"; } }); } return InterstitialStatus; } }