Example usage for org.openqa.selenium By linkText

List of usage examples for org.openqa.selenium By linkText


In this page you can find the example usage for org.openqa.selenium By linkText.


public static By linkText(String linkText) 

Source Link


From source file:com.sonar.it.jenkins.orchestrator.JenkinsOrchestrator.java

License:Open Source License

public void assertNoSonarPublisher(String jobName, File projectPath) {
    newFreestyleJobConfig(jobName, projectPath);

    WebElement addPostBuildButton = findElement(buttonByText("Add post-build action"));
    scrollTo(addPostBuildButton);/*from  w  ww. ja  v a  2s  . c o m*/
    findElement(By.linkText("SonarQube analysis with Maven")).click();

From source file:com.sugarcrm.candybean.automation.control.VControl.java

License:Open Source License

protected static By makeBy(Strategy strategy, String hook) throws Exception {
    switch (strategy) {
    case CSS:
        return By.cssSelector(hook);
    case XPATH:/*from w  w w  .  ja v a2  s.c  o m*/
        return By.xpath(hook);
    case ID:
        return By.id(hook);
    case NAME:
        return By.name(hook);
    case LINK:
        return By.linkText(hook);
    case PLINK:
        return By.partialLinkText(hook);
    case CLASS:
        return By.className(hook);
    case TAG:
        return By.tagName(hook);
        throw new Exception("Selenium: strategy type not recognized.");

From source file:com.sugarcrm.candybean.automation.element.Hook.java

License:Open Source License

 * A helper method to convert Hook to By
 * @param hook   The hook that specifies a web element
 * @return      The converted By//from  w ww.  j a  va  2 s.  co m
 * @throws CandybeanException
public static By getBy(Hook hook) throws CandybeanException {
    switch (hook.hookStrategy) {
    case CSS:
        return By.cssSelector(hook.hookString);
    case XPATH:
        return By.xpath(hook.hookString);
    case ID:
        return By.id(hook.hookString);
    case NAME:
        return By.name(hook.hookString);
    case LINK:
        return By.linkText(hook.hookString);
    case PLINK:
        return By.partialLinkText(hook.hookString);
    case CLASS:
        return By.className(hook.hookString);
    case TAG:
        return By.tagName(hook.hookString);
        throw new CandybeanException("Strategy type not recognized.");

From source file:com.sugarcrm.candybean.automation.webdriver.WebDriverElement.java

License:Open Source License

public static By By(Strategy strategy, String hookString) throws CandybeanException {
    switch (strategy) {
    case CSS:
        return By.cssSelector(hookString);
    case XPATH:/*from w w  w.jav  a2  s  . com*/
        return By.xpath(hookString);
    case ID:
        return By.id(hookString);
    case NAME:
        return By.name(hookString);
    case LINK:
        return By.linkText(hookString);
    case PLINK:
        return By.partialLinkText(hookString);
    case CLASS:
        return By.className(hookString);
    case TAG:
        return By.tagName(hookString);
        throw new CandybeanException("Strategy type not recognized.");

From source file:com.surevine.alfresco.space.webdriver.SpaceDashboard.java

License:Open Source License

public SiteDashBoard navigateToSite(final String siteName) {
    WebElement site = driver.findElement(By.linkText(siteName));
    site.click();/*from   w  w  w  .j  a v  a  2  s .c o m*/

    return new SiteDashBoard(driver);

From source file:com.technophobia.webdriver.substeps.impl.ActionWebDriverSubStepImplementations.java

License:Open Source License

 * Click the link "(....)" as it appears on the page
 * /*from w ww  . ja va2  s.com*/
 * @example ClickLink "Contracts"
 * @section Clicks
 * @param linkText
 *            the link text
@Step("ClickLink \"([^\"]*)\"")
public void clickLink(final String linkText) {
    logger.debug("About to click link with text " + linkText);
    final WebElement elem = webDriver().findElement(By.linkText(linkText));
    Assert.assertNotNull("expecting to find a link: " + linkText, elem);

From source file:com.technophobia.webdriver.substeps.impl.TableSubStepImplementations.java

License:Open Source License

 * Find a link (anchor) element within a table row using the link text as a
 * discriminator.//from  w  w w .j a v  a  2 s.  c om
 * @example FindElementInRow linkText="View"
 * @section Table
 * @param linkText
 *            the text of the link to find
@Step("FindElementInRow linkText=\"([^\"]*)\"")
public void findLinkInRow(final String linkText) {

    final By by = By.linkText(linkText);


From source file:com.testmax.handler.SeleniumBaseHandler.java

License:CDDL license

protected By getBy() throws NumberFormatException, TestMaxException {
    this.controlIdentifier = "";
    for (Object key : primary.keySet()) {
        String[] attrs = primary.get(key.toString()).split("#");
        for (String attr : attrs) {
            this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout + 1000));
            if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("id")) {
                this.controlIdentifier = attr;
                if (this.isElementDisplayed(By.id(attr))
                        || isBypassDisplay() && isElementPresent(By.id(attr))) {
                    return By.id(attr);
                }//from   w w  w .  j a  va 2s. com
            } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("name")) {
                this.controlIdentifier = attr;
                if (this.isElementDisplayed(By.name(attr))) {
                    return By.name(attr);
            } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("classname")) {
                this.controlIdentifier = attr;
                if (this.isElementDisplayed(By.className(attr))) {
                    return By.className(attr);
            } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("cssSelector")) {
                this.controlIdentifier = attr;
                if (this.isElementDisplayed(By.cssSelector(attr))) {
                    return By.cssSelector(attr);
            } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("linkText")) {
                this.controlIdentifier = attr;
                if (this.isElementDisplayed(By.linkText(attr))) {
                    return By.linkText(attr);
            } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("xpath")) {
                this.controlIdentifier = attr;
                return By.xpath(attr);
            } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("tagname")) {
                this.controlIdentifier = attr;
                return By.tagName(attr);
        //printMessage("****ERROR : No ATTRIBUTE matching for the Primary Element= "+this.tagdesc);
    return null;

From source file:com.testmax.handler.SeleniumBaseHandler.java

License:CDDL license

protected HashMap<String, By> getByFromAttribute() {
    HashMap<String, By> bys = new HashMap<String, By>();
    String[] attrlist = this.havingAttribute.split("#");

    for (String attrelm : attrlist) {
        By by = null;/* w  w  w  . j  a v  a  2 s .  c o  m*/
        if (attrelm.split("::")[0].equals("id") && attrelm.split("::").length > 1) {

            by = By.id(attrelm.split("::")[1]);
            this.printMessage("****LOCATED attribute id=" + attrelm.split("::")[1]
                    + " for tag with havingAttribute=" + this.havingAttribute);
            //return by;
            bys.put("id", by);

        } else if (attrelm.split("::")[0].equals("name")) {

            by = By.name(attrelm.split("::")[1]);
            this.printMessage("****LOCATED attribute name=" + attrelm.split("::")[1]
                    + " for tag with havingAttribute=" + this.havingAttribute);
            //return by;
            bys.put("name", by);

        } else if (attrelm.split("::")[0].equals("class")) {

            by = By.className(attrelm.split("::")[1]);
            this.printMessage("****LOCATED attribute class=" + attrelm.split("::")[1]
                    + " for tag with havingAttribute=" + this.havingAttribute);
            //return by;
            bys.put("class", by);

        } else if (this.tagName.equals("a") && attrelm.split("::")[0].equals("text")) {

            by = By.linkText(attrelm.split("::")[1]);
            this.printMessage("****LOCATED attribute text=" + attrelm.split("::")[1]
                    + " for tag with havingAttribute=" + this.havingAttribute);
            bys.put("text", by);
            //return by;
        } else if (this.tagName.equals("a") && attrelm.split("::")[0].equals("text")) {
            by = By.partialLinkText(attrelm.split("::")[1]);
            this.printMessage("****LOCATED attribute text=" + attrelm.split("::")[1]
                    + " for tag with havingAttribute=" + this.havingAttribute);
            //return by;
            bys.put("a", by);
        } else if (attrelm.split("::")[0].equals("xpath")) {
            String xpath = attrelm.split("::")[1];
            xpath = xpath.replaceAll("!", "'");
            by = By.xpath(xpath);
            this.printMessage("****LOCATED attribute xpath=" + attrelm.split("::")[1]
                    + " for tag with havingAttribute=" + this.havingAttribute);

            //return by;
            bys.put("xpath", by);
        } else if (attrelm.split("::")[0].equals("css")) {

            by = By.cssSelector(attrelm.split("::")[1]);
            this.printMessage("****LOCATED attribute css=" + attrelm.split("::")[1]
                    + " for tag with havingAttribute=" + this.havingAttribute);
            bys.put("css", by);
            //return by;      

    if (this.tagName.contains(".")) {
        By by = By.cssSelector(this.tagName);
        bys.put("css", by);
                "****LOCATED attribute cssSelector=" + this.tagName + " for tag with tagname=" + this.tagName);
    } else if (!this.isEmptyValue(id)) {
        By by = By.id(this.id);
        bys.put("id", by);

    return bys;


From source file:com.testprojectcdb.codebase.HomeScreen.java

public EditDeleteComputerScreen navigateToTheEditComputerScreen(String name, Date introDate, Date disConDate,
        String company) throws ParseException {
    int rowNum = verifyFilteredCompDetailsDisplay(name, introDate, disConDate, company);
    driver.findElement(By.xpath(String.format("//*[@id=\"main\"]/table/tbody/tr[%s]/td[1]", rowNum)))
    return new EditDeleteComputerScreen();