Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Artitelly Solutions Inc, * * Licensed under the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL-1.0) (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.testmax.handler; import java.awt.AWTException; import java.awt.Robot; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.Cookie; import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException; import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType; import org.openqa.selenium.Platform; import org.openqa.selenium.Point; import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver; import; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Action; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; import org.openqa.selenium.safari.SafariDriver; import; import; import com.testmax.exception.TestMaxException; import com.testmax.framework.ConfigLoader; import com.testmax.runner.TestEngine; import com.testmax.util.ClassLoaderUtil; import com.testmax.util.ExcelSheet; import com.testmax.util.FileDownLoader; import com.testmax.util.FileUtility; import com.testmax.util.ItemUtility; import com.testmax.util.PrintTime; public abstract class SeleniumBaseHandler extends ElementHandler { protected volatile HashMap<String, String> varmap = null; protected BaseHandler base = null; protected volatile int taglibCounter; protected volatile boolean isByLocated = false; protected String baseUrl; protected String sendkeyValue = ""; protected StringBuffer verificationErrors = new StringBuffer(); protected final String chrome_driver_path = ConfigLoader.getWmRoot().replace("\\.", "") + "/lib/chromedriver.exe"; protected final String ie_driver_path32bit = ConfigLoader.getWmRoot().replace("\\.", "") + "/lib/IEDriverServer_32.exe"; protected final String ie_driver_path64bit = ConfigLoader.getWmRoot().replace("\\.", "") + "/lib/IEDriverServer_64.exe"; final String ie_dialog = ConfigLoader.getWmRoot().replace("\\.", "") + "/lib/Save_Dialog_IE.exe"; final String fe_dialog = ConfigLoader.getWmRoot().replace("\\.", "") + "/lib/Save_Dialog_FF.exe"; final String logpath = ConfigLoader.getWmOutputWebServicePath() + File.separator + "logs" + File.separator + this.base.getActionName().replaceAll(" ", "_") + File.separator; protected volatile ArrayList<String> libs = null; protected String v_driver = "firefox"; //protected boolean isIE=false; protected int maxTimeToWait = new Integer(ConfigLoader.getConfig("SELENIUM_COMMAND_WAIT")); protected ItemUtility utl = new ItemUtility(); protected boolean isConditionalElement = false; protected boolean isBrowserOpen = false; protected boolean isWhileLoop = false; protected String verifyPageLoadMethods = " click"; // executeOperation executeScript click"; protected String bypassDisplayMethods = " asserttext mousemove sleep"; protected String bypassCustomMethods = "closewindow executeOperation executeScript get urlextract sleep"; protected String customOperation = " acceptalert selectcaption read runscript write move "; //control varaibles protected String taglib = ""; protected String injectorId = ""; protected String injectorName = ""; protected String switchName = ""; protected String caseName = ""; protected String injectorDesc = ""; protected String switchDesc = ""; protected String caseDesc = ""; protected String whileDesc = ""; protected String ifDesc = ""; protected long timeTaken = 0; protected String controlIdentifier = ""; protected String configTag = ""; protected String callrelate = ""; protected String cssSelector = ""; protected String xpath = ""; protected String className = ""; protected String linkText = ""; protected String partialLinkText = ""; protected String type = ""; protected String stripchar = ""; protected String method = ""; protected String url = ""; protected String value = ""; protected String msg = ""; //default settings final String default_timeout = "2000"; final String default_method = "executeOperation"; //add secondary prop protected HashMap<String, String> primary = null; protected HashMap<String, String> secondary = null; //mobile protected String uiAutomator = ""; protected String accessibility = ""; //browser width protected int browserwidth = 1020; //mobile commands /*String RESET = "reset"; String GET_STRINGS = "getStrings"; String KEY_EVENT = "keyEvent"; String CURRENT_ACTIVITY = "currentActivity"; String SET_VALUE = "setValue"; String PULL_FILE = "pullFile"; String PUSH_FILE = "pushFile"; String PULL_FOLDER = "pullFolder"; String HIDE_KEYBOARD = "hideKeyboard"; String RUN_APP_IN_BACKGROUND = "runAppInBackground"; String PERFORM_TOUCH_ACTION = "performTouchAction"; String PERFORM_MULTI_TOUCH = "performMultiTouch"; String IS_APP_INSTALLED = "isAppInstalled"; String INSTALL_APP = "installApp"; String REMOVE_APP = "removeApp"; String LAUNCH_APP = "launchApp"; String CLOSE_APP = "closeApp"; String END_TEST_COVERAGE = "endTestCoverage"; String LOCK = "lock"; String IS_LOCKED = "isLocked"; String SHAKE = "shake"; String COMPLEX_FIND = "complexFind"; String OPEN_NOTIFICATIONS = "openNotifications"; String GET_NETWORK_CONNECTION = "getNetworkConnection"; String SET_NETWORK_CONNECTION = "setNetworkConnection"; String GET_SETTINGS = "getSettings"; String SET_SETTINGS = "setSettings"; String START_ACTIVITY = "startActivity"; String TOGGLE_LOCATION_SERVICES = "toggleLocationServices"; */ //public static void main(String args[]) { //; //} public void setBaseHandler(BaseHandler base) { this.base = base; } public BaseHandler getBaseHandler() { return (this.base); } public String getDeclaredVariable(String key) { return (this.varmap.get(key)); } public void resetTestResult() { BaseHandler.resetTestResult(base.getHandlerId()); } public void addTestResult(String key, String value) { BaseHandler.addTestResult(base.getHandlerId(), "junit:" + key, value); } public String getResultVariable(String key) { return (BaseHandler.getTestResult(base.getHandlerId(), key)); } public String getThreadIndex() { return (this.threadIndex); } public HashMap<String, String> getVarMap() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return this.varmap; } @Before public synchronized void setUp() throws Exception { //set default driver if (this.isMultiThreaded) { this.libs = null; this.createLogFile(); this.varmap = BaseHandler.threadData.get(threadIndex); if (this.libs == null || this.libs.isEmpty()) { this.libs = this.parseTagLib(); } } else { this.libs = this.parseTagLib(); this.varmap = BaseHandler.getVarMap(); this.threadIndex = this.varmap.get("datasetIndex"); } this.printMessage("####### SELENIUM TEST STARTED #################"); this.printMessage("####### Dataset:" + this.varmap.values()); this.timer = new PrintTime(); File file = null; //driver = new FirefoxDriver(); v_driver = getDeclaredVariable("driver"); if (v_driver == null || v_driver.isEmpty()) { v_driver = ConfigLoader.getConfig("SELENIUM_DRIVER"); if (v_driver == null || v_driver.isEmpty()) { v_driver = "firefox"; } } String driver_path = getDeclaredVariable("driver_path"); if (v_driver.equalsIgnoreCase("chrome")) { if (TestEngine.suite != null) { file = new File(driver_path != null && !driver_path.isEmpty() ? driver_path : chrome_driver_path); if (!file.exists()) { String chrome_path = TestEngine.suite.getWorkspace() + TestEngine.suite.getJobname() + "/lib/chromedriver.exe"; file = new File(chrome_path); if (!file.exists()) { file = new File(TestEngine.suite.getWorkspace() + "/lib/chromedriver.exe"); } } } else { file = new File(driver_path != null && !driver_path.isEmpty() ? driver_path : chrome_driver_path); } this.printMessage("Chrome Driver Path=" + file.getAbsolutePath()); System.setProperty("", file.getAbsolutePath()); DesiredCapabilities capability =; //capability.setCapability("chrome.switches", Arrays.asList("--allow-running-insecure-content=true")); if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("mac")) { file = new File(ConfigLoader.getWmRoot() + "/lib/chromedriver_mac"); System.setProperty("", file.getAbsolutePath()); capability.setCapability("platform", Platform.ANY); capability.setCapability("binary", "/Application/chrome"); //for linux "chrome.switches", "--verbose" capability.setCapability("chrome.switches", "--verbose"); driver = new ChromeDriver(capability); } else { driver = new ChromeDriver(capability); } } else if (v_driver.equalsIgnoreCase("ie")) { if (is64bit()) { file = new File(driver_path != null && !driver_path.isEmpty() ? driver_path : ie_driver_path64bit); } else { file = new File(driver_path != null && !driver_path.isEmpty() ? driver_path : ie_driver_path32bit); } this.printMessage("##### IE DRIVER PATH=" + file.getAbsolutePath()); System.setProperty("", file.getAbsolutePath()); DesiredCapabilities capability = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer(); capability.setCapability("acceptSslCerts", true); capability.setCapability("platform", Platform.WINDOWS); capability.setCapability(InternetExplorerDriver.IE_ENSURE_CLEAN_SESSION, true); if (is64bit()) { capability.setCapability("iedriver-version", "x64_2.41.0"); } //capability.setCapability(InternetExplorerDriver.INTRODUCE_FLAKINESS_BY_IGNORING_SECURITY_DOMAINS,true); driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(capability); maxTimeToWait = maxTimeToWait * 5; this.isIE = true; } else if (v_driver.equalsIgnoreCase("firefox")) { /*file = new File("firebug-1.8.1.xpi"); FirefoxProfile firefoxProfile = new FirefoxProfile(); firefoxProfile.setPreference("security.mixed_content.block_active_content", false); firefoxProfile.setPreference("security.mixed_content.block_display_content", true); firefoxProfile.setPreference("browser.cache.disk.enable", true); firefoxProfile.addExtension(file); firefoxProfile.setPreference("extensions.firebug.currentVersion", "1.8.1"); // Avoid startup screen driver = new FirefoxDriver(firefoxProfile); */ if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("mac")) { DesiredCapabilities capability = DesiredCapabilities.firefox(); capability.setCapability("platform", Platform.ANY); capability.setCapability("binary", "/Application/firefox"); //for linux //capability.setCapability("binary", "/ms/dist/fsf/PROJ/firefox/16.0.0/bin/firefox"); //for linux //capability.setCapability("binary", "C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\msfirefox.exe"); //for windows driver = new FirefoxDriver(capability); } else { // driver = new FirefoxDriver(); } } else if (v_driver.equalsIgnoreCase("safari")) { if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("mac")) { this.printMessage("#####STARTING Safri in Mac ####"); DesiredCapabilities capability = DesiredCapabilities.safari(); capability.setCapability("platform", Platform.ANY); capability.setCapability("binary", "/Application/safari"); //for linux driver = new SafariDriver(capability); } else { // Read Instruction for Safari Extension // // Get certificate from this.printMessage("#####STARTING Safri in Windows ####"); String safari_install_path = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Safari\\"; DesiredCapabilities capability = DesiredCapabilities.safari(); capability.setCapability("platform", Platform.ANY); capability.setCapability("binary", safari_install_path + "Safari.exe"); //for windows //capability.setCapability(SafariDriver.DATA_DIR_CAPABILITY, "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Safari\\SafariData"); //System.setProperty("webdriver.safari.driver", safari_install_path+"SafariDriver.safariextension\\"); driver = new SafariDriver(capability); } } else if (v_driver.equalsIgnoreCase("htmlunit")) { DesiredCapabilities capability = DesiredCapabilities.htmlUnit(); capability.setJavascriptEnabled(true); //capability.setCapability("browserName","chrome"); //capability.setBrowserName(BrowserVersion.CHROME); driver = new HtmlUnitDriver(capability); } else { file = new File(driver_path != null && !driver_path.isEmpty() ? driver_path : chrome_driver_path); System.setProperty("", file.getAbsolutePath()); driver = new ChromeDriver(); } baseUrl = ConfigLoader.getConfig("BASE_APPLICATION_URL"); baseUrl = baseUrl.replace("[env]", ConfigLoader.getConfig("QA_TEST_ENV")); for (Cookie cookie : driver.manage().getCookies()) { printMessage("name=" + cookie.getName()); printMessage("domain=" + cookie.getDomain()); printMessage("path=" + cookie.getPath()); printMessage("value=" + cookie.getValue()); } java.awt.Dimension screenSize = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); if (this.varmap.get("browserwidth") != null) { try { browserwidth = new Integer(this.varmap.get("browserwidth")); } catch (Exception e) { browserwidth = 1020; } } driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(browserwidth, (int) screenSize.getHeight())); String removecookie = getDeclaredVariable("removecookie"); if (this.isEmptyValue(removecookie) || removecookie.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) { driver.manage().deleteAllCookies(); } driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(maxTimeToWait, TimeUnit.SECONDS); driverList.put(this.threadIndex, driver); this.resetTestResult(); } private boolean is64bit() { boolean is64bit = false; if (System.getProperty("").contains("Windows")) { is64bit = (System.getenv("ProgramFiles(x86)") != null); } else { is64bit = (System.getProperty("os.arch").indexOf("64") != -1); } return is64bit; } private WebDriver initMacDriver() { DesiredCapabilities capability = DesiredCapabilities.firefox(); capability.setCapability("platform", Platform.ANY); capability.setCapability("binary", "/Application/firefox"); //for linux //capability.setCapability("binary", "/ms/dist/fsf/PROJ/firefox/16.0.0/bin/firefox"); //for linux //capability.setCapability("binary", "C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\msfirefox.exe"); //for windows WebDriver currentDriver = new FirefoxDriver(capability); return currentDriver; } public void runMultiThreadApplication() throws TestMaxException { //try{ boolean once = false; for (Object lib : libs) { //ConfigLoader.printMatchedTagLibKey(lib.toString().trim().toLowerCase()); //Element tagLib=null; if (!once) { printMessage("********" + this.threadIndex + " : EXECUTING TOTAL TAGLIBS =" + libs.size() + "*********************"); printMessage("********" + this.threadIndex + " : LIST OF TAGLIBS =" + libs.toString() + "*********************"); printMessage("********" + this.threadIndex + " : CURRENT TAGLIB TO EXECUTE =" + lib.toString() + "*********************"); //print commands printCommand("********" + this.threadIndex + " : EXECUTING TOTAL TAGLIBS =" + libs.size() + "*********************"); printCommand("********" + this.threadIndex + " : LIST OF TAGLIBS =" + libs.toString() + "*********************"); printCommand("********" + this.threadIndex + " : CURRENT TAGLIB TO EXECUTE =" + lib.toString() + "*********************"); printCommand(""); once = true; } Element tagLib = ConfigLoader.getTagLibByKey(lib.toString().trim()); for (Object varName : varmap.keySet()) { if (tagLib != null) { String value = getDeclaredVariable(varName.toString()); tagLib = utl.replaceVariable(tagLib, varName.toString(), value); } } /*synchronized(this){ String val=this.varmap.get(this.threadIndex); this.taglibCounter=Integer.valueOf(val!=null?val:"1"); if(this.taglibCounter>libs.size()){ throw new TestMaxException("********"+this.threadIndex+" :END EXECUTING ALL TAGLIBS *********************"); } }*/ if (tagLib != null && this.driver != null) { printMessage(" "); printMessage("********" + this.threadIndex + " : STARTED EXECUTING TAGLIB =" + lib.toString() + "*********************"); printCommand(" "); printCommand("********" + this.threadIndex + " : STARTED EXECUTING TAGLIB =" + lib.toString() + "*********************"); printCommand(" "); synchronized (this) { this.taglibCounter++; this.varmap.put(this.threadIndex, String.valueOf(this.taglibCounter)); } this.executeTagLib(tagLib); printMessage("********" + this.threadIndex + " :END EXECUTING TAGLIB =" + lib.toString() + "*********************"); printMessage(" "); printCommand(" "); printCommand("********" + this.threadIndex + " :END EXECUTING TAGLIB =" + lib.toString() + "*********************"); printCommand(" "); } } printMessage("********" + this.threadIndex + " :END EXECUTING ALL TAGLIBS *********************"); printMessage(" "); printCommand(" "); printCommand("********" + this.threadIndex + " :END EXECUTING ALL TAGLIBS *********************"); printCommand(" "); /*}catch(Exception e){ printMessage("********ERROR IN RUNNING runMultiThreadApplication()"+ getExceptionMessage(e)); return; } */ return; } @Test public void testApplication() throws Exception { if (!this.isMultiThreaded) { try { ArrayList<String> libs = this.parseTagLib(); for (Object lib : libs) { //ConfigLoader.printMatchedTagLibKey(lib.toString().trim().toLowerCase()); //Element tagLib=null; Element tagLib = ConfigLoader.getTagLibByKey(lib.toString().trim()); for (Object varName : varmap.keySet()) { String value = getDeclaredVariable(varName.toString()); tagLib = utl.replaceVariable(tagLib, varName.toString(), value); } if (tagLib != null) { this.printMessage(" "); this.printMessage( "********STARTED EXECUTING TAGLIB =" + lib.toString() + "*********************"); this.printCommand(" "); this.printCommand( "********STARTED EXECUTING TAGLIB =" + lib.toString() + "*********************"); this.printCommand(" "); this.executeTagLib(tagLib); this.printMessage( "********END EXECUTING TAGLIB =" + lib.toString() + "*********************"); this.printMessage(" "); this.printCommand(" "); this.printCommand( "********END EXECUTING TAGLIB =" + lib.toString() + "*********************"); this.printCommand(" "); } } this.printMessage("********END EXECUTING ALL TAGLIBS *********************"); this.printMessage(" "); this.printCommand(" "); this.printCommand("********END EXECUTING ALL TAGLIBS *********************"); this.printCommand(" "); } catch (Exception e) { this.printMessage("********ERROR IN RUNNING testApplication()" + getExceptionMessage(e)); this.printCommand(" "); this.printCommand("********ERROR IN RUNNING testApplication()" + getExceptionMessage(e)); this.printCommand(" "); } } return; } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { try { this.getScreenShot(); if (!isLogClosed) { printMessage("********ENDING DATASET= " + this.threadIndex + " ********************"); Thread.sleep(3000); printMessage("********QUITING SELENIUM TEST DRIVER********************"); driver.quit(); //String verificationErrorString = verificationErrors.toString(); //if (!"".equals(verificationErrorString)) { // fail(verificationErrorString); //} printMessage("********COMPLTED SELENIUM TEST ********************"); printMessage("********CLOSING LOGFILE********************"); this.closeLogFile(); isLogClosed = true; this.driver = null; } else { printMessage("********QUITING SELENIUM TEST DRIVER********************"); if (driver != null) driver.quit(); this.driver = null; } } catch (Exception e) { printMessage("********QUITING SELENIUM TEST DRIVER********************"); //if(driver!=null) try { driver.quit(); } catch (Exception e2) { } this.driver = null; printMessage("********CLOSING LOGFILE********************"); printMessage("********COMPLTED SELENIUM TEST WITH TEARDOWN EXCEPTION ********************"); if (!isLogClosed) { this.closeLogFile(); } System.out.println("#############ERROR calling TearDown" + getExceptionMessage(e)); } } public void cleanUpThread() { try { if (this.v_driver != null && !this.v_driver.equalsIgnoreCase("htmlunit")) { this.getScreenShot(); } if (!isLogClosed) { printMessage("********ENDING DATASET= " + this.threadIndex + " ********************"); printMessage("********QUITING SELENIUM TEST DRIVER********************"); this.driver.quit(); Thread.sleep(3000); //String verificationErrorString = verificationErrors.toString(); //if (!"".equals(verificationErrorString)) { // fail(verificationErrorString); //} printMessage("********COMPLTED SELENIUM TEST ********************"); printMessage("********CLOSING LOGFILE********************"); this.closeLogFile(); isLogClosed = true; this.driver = null; } else { printMessage("********QUITING SELENIUM TEST DRIVER********************"); driver.quit(); this.driver = null; } } catch (Exception e) { printMessage("********CLOSING LOGFILE********************"); printMessage("********COMPLTED SELENIUM TEST WITH TEARDOWN EXCEPTION ********************"); try { printMessage("********LAST CHANCE TO CLOSE DRIVER********************"); driver.quit(); } catch (Exception e2) { } if (!isLogClosed) { printMessage("********EXCEPTION OCCURED :" + getExceptionMessage(e)); printMessage("********QUITING SELENIUM TEST DRIVER ********************"); this.closeLogFile(); } this.driver = null; System.out.println("#############ERROR calling TearDown " + getExceptionMessage(e)); } } protected void createLogFile() { if (this.isMultiThreaded) { try { FileUtility.createDir(this.logpath); String path = this.logpath + this.threadIndex + "_" + this.getBaseHandler().getHandlerName() + "_" + BaseHandler.getActionName().replace(" ", "_") + ".log"; File file = new File(path); // if file doesnt exists, then create it if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file.getAbsoluteFile()); this.logfile = new BufferedWriter(fw); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //add command file try { String commandpath = this.logpath + "command" + File.separator + this.threadIndex + File.separator; FileUtility.createDir(commandpath); String commandfilename = commandpath + this.base.getHandlerName() + "_" + this.base.getActionName().replaceAll(" ", "_") + ".log"; String xpathlogfilename = commandpath + this.base.getHandlerName() + "_XpathLog" + this.base.getActionName().replaceAll(" ", "_") + ".log"; //this.getBaseHandler().getHandlerName()+"_command_"+ BaseHandler.getActionName().replace(" ", "_") //+"_"+this.threadIndex+"_"+System.currentTimeMillis()+".log"; File commandfile = new File(commandfilename); // if file doesnt exists, then create it if (!commandfile.exists()) { commandfile.createNewFile(); } FileWriter commandfw = new FileWriter(commandfile.getAbsoluteFile()); this.commandlogfile = new BufferedWriter(commandfw); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //add xpath file try { String xpathpath = this.logpath + "xpath" + File.separator + this.threadIndex + File.separator; FileUtility.createDir(xpathpath); String xpathlogfilename = xpathpath + this.base.getHandlerName() + "_XpathLog" + this.base.getActionName().replaceAll(" ", "_") + ".log"; //this.getBaseHandler().getHandlerName()+"_command_"+ BaseHandler.getActionName().replace(" ", "_") //+"_"+this.threadIndex+"_"+System.currentTimeMillis()+".log"; File xpathlogfile = new File(xpathlogfilename); // if file doesnt exists, then create it if (!xpathlogfile.exists()) { xpathlogfile.createNewFile(); } FileWriter xpathfw = new FileWriter(xpathlogfile.getAbsoluteFile()); this.xpathlogfile = new BufferedWriter(xpathfw); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void closeLogFile() { if (this.isMultiThreaded) { try { this.logfile.flush(); this.logfile.close(); this.commandlogfile.flush(); this.commandlogfile.close(); this.xpathlogfile.flush(); this.xpathlogfile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } protected void executeTagLib(Element tagLib) throws TestMaxException { this.taglib = tagLib.getName(); this.callrelate = tagLib.attributeValue("callrelate"); ; this.description = tagLib.attributeValue("description"); try { for (Object eachtag : tagLib.elements()) { Element curTag = (Element) eachtag; //printMessage(curTag.asXML()); this.setupTag(curTag); this.value = curTag.getText(); this.msg = " TAGLIB=" + taglib; /*if(this.url==null &&this.method!=null &&this.method.equalsIgnoreCase("extract")){ String[] currenturl=this.driver.getCurrentUrl().split("/"); if(currenturl.length>1){ String itemId=this.driver.getCurrentUrl().replaceAll(this.stripchar, ""); this.addTestExtract(this.value, itemId); printMessage("#### EXTRACTED ITEM ID FROM URL="+itemId +" TARGET URL="+this.driver.getCurrentUrl()); } continue; } */ if (url != null && !url.isEmpty()) { String wwwserver = getDeclaredVariable("wwwserver"); if (wwwserver != null && !wwwserver.isEmpty() && (wwwserver.contains("http:") || wwwserver.contains("https:"))) { url = wwwserver; } else if (!url.contains("http") && !url.contains("file:")) { url = this.baseUrl + url; } url = url.replace("[env]", ConfigLoader.getConfig("QA_TEST_ENV")); if (this.baseUrl.contains("https")) { url = url.replace("http:", "https:"); } this.printCommand(this.tagdesc + " for control with URL=" + url); driver.get(url); this.printMessage("URL opened=" + url); Thread.sleep(3000); } else { for (Object varName : varmap.keySet()) { String value = getDeclaredVariable(varName.toString()); curTag = utl.replaceVariable(curTag, varName.toString(), value); } if (curTag.getName() != null && curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("injector")) { this.injectorId =; Element injector = ConfigLoader.getTagLibByKey(; if (injector != null) { for (Object varName : varmap.keySet()) { String value = getDeclaredVariable(varName.toString()); injector = utl.replaceVariable(injector, varName.toString(), value); } if (verifyInjectorConfigured(this.injectorId)) { printMessage(" "); this.printCommand(" "); this.printCommand("********STARTED " + timer.getPrintTime() + " INJECTOR =" + this.injectorId + "*********************"); this.printCommand(" "); printMessage("********STARTED " + timer.getPrintTime() + " INJECTOR =" + this.injectorId + "*********************"); handleInjector(injector); this.printCommand(" "); this.printCommand("********END " + timer.getPrintTime() + " INJECTOR =" + this.injectorId + "*********************"); this.printCommand(" "); printMessage("********END " + timer.getPrintTime() + " INJECTOR =" + this.injectorId + "*********************"); printMessage(" "); } } else { String restricted = curTag.attributeValue("restricted"); boolean executeJava = false; if (restricted != null && !restricted.isEmpty() && restricted.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") && verifyInjectorConfigured(this.injectorId)) { executeJava = true; } else if (restricted == null || restricted.isEmpty() || restricted.equalsIgnoreCase("no")) { executeJava = true; } if (executeJava) { this.printCommand(" "); this.printCommand("********STARTED " + timer.getPrintTime() + " JAVA INJECTOR =" + this.injectorId + "*********************"); this.printCommand(" "); this.printMessage(" "); printMessage("********STARTED " + timer.getPrintTime() + " JAVA INJECTOR =" + this.injectorId + "*********************"); synchronized (this) { ClassLoaderUtil.invoke(this,; this.waitToPageLoad(3000); } printCommand(" "); printCommand("********END " + timer.getPrintTime() + " JAVA INJECTOR =" + this.injectorId + "*********************"); printCommand(" "); printMessage("********END " + timer.getPrintTime() + " JAVA INJECTOR =" + this.injectorId + "*********************"); printMessage(" "); } else { printMessage(" "); printMessage("********BYPASSED " + timer.getPrintTime() + " JAVA INJECTOR =" + this.injectorId + " for restriction *********************"); } } this.injectorId = ""; } else if (curTag.getName() != null && curTag.getName().contains("if")) { printMessage(" "); printMessage("********STARTED " + timer.getPrintTime() + " EXECUTING IF within Taglib==" + this.taglib + "*********************"); handleIf(curTag); printMessage("********END " + timer.getPrintTime() + " EXECUTING IF within TagLib=" + this.taglib + "*********************"); printMessage(" "); } else if (curTag.getName() != null && curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("switch")) { printMessage(" "); printMessage("********STARTED " + timer.getPrintTime() + " EXECUTING SWITCH within Taglib==" + this.taglib + "*********************"); handleSwitch(curTag); printMessage("********END " + timer.getPrintTime() + " EXECUTING SWITCH within TagLib=" + this.taglib + "*********************"); printMessage(" "); } else if (curTag.getName() != null && curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("while")) { printMessage(" "); printMessage("********STARTED " + timer.getPrintTime() + " EXECUTING WHILE LOOP within Taglib==" + this.taglib + "*********************"); handleWhile(curTag); printMessage("********END " + timer.getPrintTime() + " EXECUTING WHILE LOOP within TagLib=" + this.taglib + "*********************"); printMessage(" "); } else if (curTag.getName() != null && curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("tag")) { if (!value.isEmpty()) { sendkeyValue = value; } this.execute(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block msg = ">>Dataset:" + this.threadIndex + getExceptionMessage(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new TestMaxException(msg); //handleTimeOut(msg); } } protected void handleInjector(Element injector) throws TestMaxException { this.injectorName = injector.getName(); this.injectorDesc = injector.attributeValue("description"); this.msg = "TAGLIB=" + taglib + " Injector=" + this.injectorId; //this.setupTag(injector); try { for (Object eachtag : injector.elements()) { Element curTag = (Element) eachtag; if (curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("switch")) { this.handleSwitch(curTag); } else if (curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("while")) { this.handleWhile(curTag); } else if (curTag.getName().contains("if")) { this.handleIf(curTag); } else if (curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("tag")) { setupTag(curTag); this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); this.execute(); } else if (curTag.getName() != null && curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("injector")) { String origininjector = this.injectorId; String origindesc = this.injectorDesc; setupTag(curTag); this.injectorId =; Element anotherinjector = ConfigLoader.getTagLibByKey(; if (anotherinjector != null) { for (Object varName : varmap.keySet()) { String value = getDeclaredVariable(varName.toString()); anotherinjector = utl.replaceVariable(anotherinjector, varName.toString(), value); } //if(verifyInjectorConfigured(this.injectorId)){ printMessage(" "); printMessage("********STARTED INJECTOR =" + this.injectorId + "*********************"); handleInjector(anotherinjector); printMessage("********END INJECTOR =" + this.injectorId + "*********************"); printMessage(" "); //} } else { ClassLoaderUtil.invoke(this,; } this.injectorId = origininjector; this.injectorDesc = origindesc; } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block msg = ">>Dataset:" + this.threadIndex + " FAILED TO RUN INJECTOR >> " + this.injectorName + ">> Description=" + this.injectorDesc + " " + getExceptionMessage(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new TestMaxException(msg); //handleTimeOut(msg); } } protected void handleSwitch(Element switchElm) throws TestMaxException { this.switchName = switchElm.attributeValue("name"); this.switchDesc = switchElm.attributeValue("description"); this.msg = "TAGLIB=" + taglib + ">>INJECTOR=" + this.injectorId + ">>SWITCH=" + this.switchName; List<WebElement> controls = null; boolean caseStatus = false; //this.setupTag(switchElm); try { //set driver to return faster if the webcontrol is null //control=this.getWebControl(); for (Object eachtag : switchElm.elements()) { Element curTag = (Element) eachtag; //validate <switch-element> tag to find out case condition before entering to the case //if you need to validate any text within the switch element as condition you can pass like //<switch-element>Text value to verify within control </sitch-element> if (curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("switch-element")) { this.isConditionalElement = true; setupTag(curTag); value = value.trim(); this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); if (value.isEmpty()) { caseStatus = this.isElementPresent(this.By()); } else { try { controls = this.getWebElements(); } catch (TestMaxException t) { this.printMessage(t.getMessage()); t.printStackTrace(); } } //this.waitToPageLoad(new Integer(timeout)); } this.isConditionalElement = false; if (curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("case")) { if (controls != null && controls.size() > 0) { for (WebElement control : controls) { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); if (control != null && (control.getText() == null && !value.trim().isEmpty() || control.getText().isEmpty() && !value.trim().isEmpty() || !control.getText().trim().contains(value.trim()))) { if (this.handleCase(curTag, "false")) { controls = null; } break; } else if (control != null && (control.getText() == null && value.trim().isEmpty() || control.getText().isEmpty() && value.trim().isEmpty() || control.getText().trim().contains(value.trim()))) { if (this.handleCase(curTag, "true")) { controls = null; } break; } else if (control != null && (control.getText() != null && !control.getText().isEmpty() && control.getText().equalsIgnoreCase(value.trim()))) { if (this.handleCase(curTag, value)) { controls = null; } break; } } } else if (caseStatus && value.isEmpty()) { this.handleCase(curTag, "true"); } else if (!caseStatus && value.isEmpty()) { this.handleCase(curTag, "false"); } else { this.handleCase(curTag, "false"); } } //Execute any tags if exist outside of case statement after handling case if (curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("tag")) { setupTag(curTag); value = value.trim(); this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); this.execute(); //this.executeMethod(control, method, timeout,msg); } if (curTag.getName() != null && curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("injector")) { setupTag(curTag); this.injectorId =; Element injector = ConfigLoader.getTagLibByKey(; if (injector != null) { for (Object varName : varmap.keySet()) { String value = getDeclaredVariable(varName.toString()); injector = utl.replaceVariable(injector, varName.toString(), value); } //if(verifyInjectorConfigured(this.injectorId)){ printMessage(" "); printMessage("********STARTED INJECTOR =" + this.injectorId + "*********************"); handleInjector(injector); printMessage("********END INJECTOR =" + this.injectorId + "*********************"); printMessage(" "); //} } else { ClassLoaderUtil.invoke(this,; } this.injectorId = ""; } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block msg = ">>Dataset:" + this.threadIndex + " FAILED TO RUN SWITCH " + addMessage(); e.printStackTrace(); throw new TestMaxException(msg); //handleTimeOut(msg); } } protected void handleWhile(Element whileElm) throws TestMaxException { this.whileDesc = whileElm.attributeValue("description"); String name = whileElm.attributeValue("name"); Element whileCondition = null; List<WebElement> controls = null; isWhileLoop = true; try { while (this.isWhileLoop) { for (Object eachtag : whileElm.elements()) { Element curTag = (Element) eachtag; //validate <while-element> tag to find out condition before entering to the while //if you need to validate any text within the while element as condition you can pass like //<while-element>Text value to verify within control </while-element> if (curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("while-element") || whileCondition != null) { if (whileCondition == null) { whileCondition = curTag; } this.isConditionalElement = true; setupTag(whileCondition); this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); value = value.trim(); try { controls = this.getWebElements(); } catch (TestMaxException t) { this.printMessage(t.getMessage()); t.printStackTrace(); } for (WebElement control : controls) { if (control != null && control.getText() != null && !control.getText().isEmpty()) { isWhileLoop = false; } if ((control != null && value.isEmpty() || control != null && !value.isEmpty() && control.getText().trim().contains(value))) { isWhileLoop = true; //this.waitToPageLoad(new Integer(timeout)); break; } } } this.isConditionalElement = false; //Execute tags under the if after validating control if (curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("tag") && isWhileLoop) { setupTag(curTag); value = value.trim(); this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); this.execute(); } //Execute tags under the if after validating control if (curTag.getName().contains("if") && isWhileLoop) { setupTag(curTag); value = value.trim(); this.handleIf(curTag); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block msg = ">>Dataset:" + this.threadIndex + " FAILED TO EXECUTE WHILE CONTROL IN " + addMessage(); e.printStackTrace(); throw new TestMaxException(msg); //handleTimeOut(msg); } } protected void handleIf(Element ifElm) throws TestMaxException { PrintTime timer = new PrintTime(); this.ifDesc = ifElm.attributeValue("description"); String name = ifElm.attributeValue("name"); this.msg = "TAGLIB=" + taglib + ">>INJECTOR=" + this.injectorId + ">> IF=" + name; List<WebElement> ifControls = null; boolean ifStatus = false; boolean isIfNot = ifElm.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("ifnot") ? true : false; String ifValue = ""; try { for (Object eachtag : ifElm.elements()) { Element curTag = (Element) eachtag; //validate <if-element> tag to find out case condition before entering to the case //if you need to validate any text within the switch element as condition you can pass like //<if-element>Text value to verify within control </if-element> if (curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("if-element")) { this.isConditionalElement = true; setupTag(curTag); ifValue = value.trim(); if (!ifValue.isEmpty()) { try { ifControls = this.getWebElements(); } catch (TestMaxException t) { this.printMessage(t.getMessage()); t.printStackTrace(); } this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); if (ifControls != null && ifControls.size() > 0) { for (WebElement ifControl : ifControls) { if (isIfNot && ifControl != null && !ifValue.isEmpty() && !ifControl.getText() .toLowerCase().trim().contains(ifValue.toLowerCase())) { ifStatus = true; break; } else if ((ifControl != null && ifValue.isEmpty()) || ifControl != null && !ifValue.isEmpty() && ifControl.getText() .toLowerCase().trim().contains(ifValue.toLowerCase())) { ifStatus = true; break; //this.waitToPageLoad(new Integer(timeout)); } } } } else { ifStatus = this.isElementPresent(this.By()); } //this.executeMethod(control, method, timeout,msg); } this.isConditionalElement = false; //Execute tags under the if after validating control if (curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("tag") && ifStatus) { setupTag(curTag); value = value.trim(); this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); this.execute(); } else if (curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("if") && ifStatus) { this.handleIf(curTag); } else if (curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("switch") && ifStatus) { this.handleSwitch(curTag); } else if (curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("while") && ifStatus) { this.handleWhile(curTag); } else if (curTag.getName() != null && curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("injector") && ifStatus) { setupTag(curTag); this.injectorId =; Element injector = ConfigLoader.getTagLibByKey(; if (injector != null) { for (Object varName : varmap.keySet()) { String value = getDeclaredVariable(varName.toString()); injector = utl.replaceVariable(injector, varName.toString(), value); } //if(verifyInjectorConfigured(this.injectorId)){ printMessage(" "); printMessage("********STARTED INJECTOR =" + this.injectorId + "*********************"); this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); handleInjector(injector); printMessage("********END INJECTOR =" + this.injectorId + "*********************"); printMessage(" "); //} } else { ClassLoaderUtil.invoke(this,; } this.injectorId = ""; } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block msg = ">>Dataset:" + this.threadIndex + " FAILED TO EXECUTE IF CONTROL IN " + addMessage(); e.printStackTrace(); throw new TestMaxException(msg); //handleTimeOut(msg); } } protected boolean handleCase(Element caseElm, String value) throws TestMaxException { String condition = caseElm.attributeValue("condition"); this.caseName = caseElm.getName(); this.caseDesc = caseElm.attributeValue("description"); boolean isExecuted = false; try { if (condition != null && condition.equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { for (Object eachtag : caseElm.elements()) { Element curTag = (Element) eachtag; this.url = ""; setupTag(curTag); if (url != null && !url.isEmpty()) { url = this.baseUrl + url; String item_id = getDeclaredVariable("itemId"); if (!this.isEmptyValue(item_id)) { driver.get(url.replace("@itemId", item_id)); } else { driver.get(url); } Thread.sleep(1000); } else { if (curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("switch")) { this.handleSwitch(curTag); } else if (curTag.getName().contains("if")) { this.handleIf(curTag); } else if (curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("tag")) { this.setupTag(curTag); this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); this.execute(); } else if (curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("while")) { this.handleWhile(curTag); } else if (curTag.getName() != null && curTag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("injector")) { this.injectorId =; Element injector = ConfigLoader.getTagLibByKey(; if (injector != null) { for (Object varName : varmap.keySet()) { String injValue = getDeclaredVariable(varName.toString()); injector = utl.replaceVariable(injector, varName.toString(), injValue); } //if(verifyInjectorConfigured(this.injectorId)){ printMessage(" "); printMessage( "********STARTED INJECTOR =" + this.injectorId + "*********************"); handleInjector(injector); printMessage("********END INJECTOR =" + this.injectorId + "*********************"); printMessage(" "); //} } else { ClassLoaderUtil.invoke(this,; } this.injectorId = ""; } } isExecuted = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block msg = ">>Dataset:" + this.threadIndex + " FAILED TO EXECUTE CASE IN " + addMessage(); e.printStackTrace(); throw new TestMaxException(msg); //handleTimeOut(msg); } return isExecuted; } private void setOperation(String desc) { if (desc.toLowerCase().contains("write")) { this.operation = "write"; } else if (desc.toLowerCase().contains("read")) { this.operation = "read"; } } protected void setupTag(Element curTag) throws Exception { printMessage(curTag.asXML()); PrintTime timer = new PrintTime(); this.controlIdentifier = ""; this.targetTag = curTag; if (timeout != null && !timeout.isEmpty() && this.configTag != null && this.configTag.equalsIgnoreCase("tag") && this.method != null && this.isVerifyPageLoadMethod()) { //&&this.doWait(curTag.attributeValue("operation"))){ this.waitToPageLoad(new Integer(timeout)); } primary = new HashMap<String, String>(); secondary = new HashMap<String, String>(); this.configTag = curTag.getName(); this.tagdesc = curTag.attributeValue("description"); this.type = curTag.attributeValue("type"); this.method = curTag.attributeValue("method"); if (this.isEmptyValue(this.method)) { this.method = this.default_method; } this.stripchar = curTag.attributeValue("stripchar"); this.timeout = curTag.attributeValue("timeout"); if (this.isEmptyValue(this.timeout)) { this.timeout = this.default_timeout; } this.operation = curTag.attributeValue("operation"); if (this.isEmptyValue(this.operation)) { this.operation = "click"; if (!this.isEmptyValue(this.tagdesc)) { if (this.tagdesc.contains("write")) { this.operation = "write"; } else if (this.tagdesc.contains("read")) { this.operation = "read"; } else if (this.tagdesc.contains("clear")) { this.operation = "clear"; } else if (this.tagdesc.contains("move")) { this.operation = "move"; } else if (this.tagdesc.contains("acceptalert") || this.tagdesc.contains("accept")) { this.operation = "acceptalert"; } else if (this.tagdesc.contains("runscript") || this.tagdesc.contains("run")) { this.operation = "runscript"; } else if (this.tagdesc.contains("closepopup") || this.tagdesc.contains("close")) { this.operation = "closepopup"; } } } this.window = curTag.attributeValue("window"); = curTag.attributeValue("id"); this.setPrimaryProperty("id",; this.iframe = curTag.attributeValue("iframe"); this.setPrimaryProperty("iframe", this.iframe); = curTag.attributeValue("name"); this.setPrimaryProperty("name",; this.cssSelector = curTag.attributeValue("cssSelector"); this.setPrimaryProperty("cssSelector", this.cssSelector); this.xpath = curTag.attributeValue("xpath"); this.setPrimaryProperty("xpath", this.xpath); this.className = curTag.attributeValue("classname"); this.setPrimaryProperty("classname", this.className); this.linkText = curTag.attributeValue("linktext"); this.setPrimaryProperty("linktext", this.linkText); this.partialLinkText = curTag.attributeValue("partiallinktext"); this.setPrimaryProperty("partiallinktext", this.partialLinkText); this.tagName = curTag.attributeValue("tagname"); //html tag name in the UI this.setPrimaryProperty("tagname", this.tagName); this.url = curTag.attributeValue("url"); this.setPrimaryProperty("url", this.url); //Use having attribute with closeTo tag //havingTag has special meaning do not store in the this.setSecondaryProperty this.havingTag = curTag.attributeValue("havingTag"); this.havingText = curTag.attributeValue("havingText"); this.setSecondaryProperty("havingText", this.havingText); this.havingAlt = curTag.attributeValue("havingAlt"); this.setSecondaryProperty("havingAlt", this.havingAlt); this.havingImage = curTag.attributeValue("havingImage"); this.setSecondaryProperty("havingImage", this.havingImage); this.havingLinkText = curTag.attributeValue("havingLinkText"); this.setSecondaryProperty("havingLinkText", this.havingLinkText); this.havingName = curTag.attributeValue("havingName"); this.setSecondaryProperty("havingName", this.havingName); this.havingClassName = curTag.attributeValue("havingClassName"); this.setSecondaryProperty("havingClassName", this.havingClassName); this.havingOnClick = curTag.attributeValue("havingOnClick"); this.setSecondaryProperty("havingOnClick", this.havingOnClick); this.havingHref = curTag.attributeValue("havingHref"); this.setSecondaryProperty("havingHref", this.havingHref); this.havingAttribute = curTag.attributeValue("havingAttribute"); this.setSecondaryProperty("havingAttribute", this.havingAttribute); this.value = curTag.getText(); if (!value.isEmpty()) { sendkeyValue = value; //initialize value which should be returned if (value.contains("@") && value.indexOf("@") < 2) { addTestResult(value.replace("@", ""), null); } } //check whether element exists if (this.isBrowserOpen && this.configTag != null && this.configTag.equalsIgnoreCase("tag") && !this.method.equalsIgnoreCase("extractItem") && !this.isBypassCustomMethod()) { this.verifyElementPresent(); } this.isBrowserOpen = true; } private boolean doWait(String condition) { if (condition == null || !condition.equalsIgnoreCase("acceptalert")) return true; return false; } private void setPrimaryProperty(String key, String value) { if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) { this.primary.put(key, value); } } private void setSecondaryProperty(String key, String value) { if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) { this.secondary.put(key, value); } } public void printXpathLog(String msg) { if (this.isMultiThreaded) { try { if (!this.isLogClosed) { this.xpathlogfile.append("\n" + msg); this.xpathlogfile.flush(); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } protected synchronized void addTestExtract(String var, String text) { if (var != null && !var.isEmpty()) { String key = var.split("@")[1]; if (this.stripchar != null && !this.stripchar.isEmpty()) { String[] strips = this.stripchar.split(";"); for (String strip : strips) { text = text.replace(strip, ""); } if (this.stripchar.equalsIgnoreCase("$")) { text = text.split("\n")[0]; } } addTestResult(key, text); try { this.getScreenShot(key); } catch (WebDriverException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (TestMaxException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } msg = msg + " Expected:=" + var + " Actual:=" + text; printMessage("ADDED TEST RESULT FOR VALIDATION >> Found value=" + var + " in text=" + text + " CONTROL=" + msg); } } protected void assertText(String var, String text) { boolean condition = text.contains(var) ? true : false; msg = "PASSED ASSERT CONTROL >>" + " Expected:=" + var + " Actual:=" + text + msg; //assertTrue(msg, condition); printMessage(msg); } protected ArrayList parseTagLib() { //this.printMessage("############## parseTagLib() is called by "+ this.threadIndex +" #################"); ArrayList libs = null; List<Element> taglibs = null; synchronized (this) { libs = new ArrayList(); if (base == null) { taglibs = BaseHandler.getDefaultTagLibraries(); } else { taglibs = base.getTagLibraries(); } for (Element tagLib : taglibs) { String[] tags = tagLib.getText().split("@"); for (String tag : tags) { if (!tag.trim().isEmpty()) { libs.add(tag.trim()); } } } //this.printMessage("############## parseTagLib() returned Taglib= "+ libs.toString() +" #################"); return libs; } } protected boolean verifyInjectorConfigured(String injectorId) { for (Element injector : BaseHandler.getInjectors().get(this.base.handlerName)) { String[] tags = injector.getText().split("@"); for (String tag : tags) { if (!tag.trim().isEmpty() && tag.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(injectorId)) { return true; } String value = getDeclaredVariable(tag.trim()); String[] injectors = null; if (!this.isEmptyValue(value) && value.indexOf(",") < 0 && value.indexOf(";") < 0) { injectors = value.split(" "); } if (injectors == null && !this.isEmptyValue(value) && value.indexOf(",") > 0) { injectors = value.split(","); } if (injectors == null && !this.isEmptyValue(value) && value.indexOf(";") > 0) { injectors = value.split(";"); } if (injectors != null && injectors.length > 0) { for (String myinjector : injectors) { if (!this.isEmptyValue(myinjector) && myinjector.equalsIgnoreCase(injectorId)) return true; } } } } return false; } protected WebElement findElementByAttribute(WebElement control, String attributeName, String attributeValue) { List<WebElement> elems = null; WebElement myElem = null; try { String[] targetTags = havingTag.split(";"); for (String target : targetTags) { if (myElem == null && target != null) { if (control != null) { elems = control.findElements(By.tagName(target)); } else { elems = driver.findElements(By.tagName(target)); } myElem = findElementByAttributeImpl(elems, attributeName, attributeValue); if (myElem != null) { return myElem; } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return myElem; } private List<WebElement> getElementListHavingText(List<WebElement> elems, String text) { List<WebElement> elmlist = new ArrayList<WebElement>(); for (WebElement elm : elems) { if (elm.getText() != null && elm.getText().contains(text)) { elmlist.add(elm); } } return (elmlist); } protected WebElement findElementByTextImpl(List<WebElement> elems) { List<WebElement> elmlist = null; try { String[] texts = havingText.split(";"); if (texts.length > 0) { elmlist = this.getElementListHavingText(elems, texts[0]); } if (!elmlist.isEmpty() && texts.length > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < texts.length; i++) { elmlist = this.getElementListHavingText(elmlist, texts[i]); } } if (!elmlist.isEmpty()) { return elmlist.get(0); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /* protected WebElement findElementByTextImpl(List<WebElement> elems){ boolean textmatched=false; WebElement myElem=null; int startIdx=0; try{ String[] texts=havingText.split(";"); for (int k=0; k<texts.length; k++){ for (int i = startIdx; i < elems.size(); i++) { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(this.timeout)); if (!textmatched && elems.get(i).getText()!=null && elems.get(i).getText().contains(texts[k])) { textmatched=true; myElem = elems.get(i); startIdx=i; break; } if(textmatched && elems.get(i).getText()!=null&&elems.get(i).getText().contains(texts[k]) ){ myElem = elems.get(i); String actual=myElem.getText(); return myElem; } } } }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return myElem; } */ protected WebElement findElementByAttributeImpl(List<WebElement> elems, String attributeName, String attributeValue) { boolean textmatched = false; WebElement myElem = null; int startIdx = 0; try { String[] attrvals = attributeValue.split(";"); for (int k = 0; k < attrvals.length; k++) { for (int i = startIdx; i < elems.size(); i++) { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(this.timeout)); if (!textmatched && elems.get(i).getAttribute(attributeName) != null && elems.get(i) .getAttribute(attributeName).toLowerCase().contains(attrvals[k].toLowerCase())) { textmatched = true; myElem = elems.get(i); startIdx = i; break; } if (textmatched && attrvals.length == k + 1 && elems.get(i).getAttribute(attributeName) != null && elems.get(i).getAttribute(attributeName).toLowerCase() .contains(attrvals[k].toLowerCase())) { myElem = elems.get(i); return myElem; } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return myElem; } protected By By() throws TestMaxException { final PrintTime timer = new PrintTime(); printMessage("****LOCATING BY for Element with attributes for= " + this.tagdesc); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int counter = 0; By by = null; int addTimeOut = 0; isByLocated = false; if (this.isIE) { addTimeOut = addTimeOut + new Integer(ConfigLoader.getConfig("SELENIUM_IE_EXTRA_TIME") == null ? "500" : ConfigLoader.getConfig("SELENIUM_IE_EXTRA_TIME")); } final int v_timeout = (this.timeout != null && !this.timeout.isEmpty() ? new Integer(this.timeout) : 500) + addTimeOut; if (this.isConditionalElement) { this.waitToPageLoad(new Integer(timeout)); while (by == null && counter < 5) { counter++; //while ((System.currentTimeMillis()-start)<new Integer(timeout)){ setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(v_timeout); try { by = getBy(); Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (by != null) { printMessage("**** LOCATED CONDITINAL BY>> Time=" + timer.getPrintTime() + " id=" + this.controlIdentifier + " with attributes for= " + this.tagdesc); try { this.waitForElement(this.getDriver().findElement(by), new Integer(timeout)); } catch (Exception e) { this.printMessage("####### Exception thrown while accessing Element at BY(): " + getExceptionMessage(e)); } return by; } } printMessage("****FAILED TO LOCATE CONDITINAL BY>> Time=" + timer.getPrintTime() + " id=" + this.controlIdentifier + " for conditional Element with for= " + this.tagdesc); return null; } try { //Set up a WebDriverWait to wait in second WebDriverWait driverWait = new WebDriverWait(this.getDriver(), v_timeout, 500); //Define an ExpectedCondition ExpectedCondition<By> expectedCondition = new ExpectedCondition<By>() { public By apply(WebDriver d) { try { if (timer.getTime() < maxTimeToWait * 1000) { //if(!isByLocated){ setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(v_timeout); By by = getBy(); if (by != null) { isByLocated = true; } return by; } else { String msg = "####### TIMEOUT EXCEPTION : while calling getBy() for Element Trace Time:" + timer.getPrintTime() + " with Id=" + controlIdentifier + "\n Please increase TIMEOUT setting in config file using SELENIUM_COMMAND_WAIT parameter values in sec."; printMessage(msg); isByLocated = false; return By.tagName("div"); } } catch (TestMaxException t) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block t.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { } return null; }; }; while ((by == null || !isByLocated) && counter < 3) { counter++; printMessage("LOCATING BY TRIAL=" + counter + " >> Time=" + timer.getPrintTime() + "'" + this.tagdesc + "' >> with Id=" + this.controlIdentifier + addMessage()); by = driverWait.until(expectedCondition); } } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "***Dataset:" + this.threadIndex + " FAILED TO LOCATE BY >> Time=" + timer.getPrintTime() + "'" + this.tagdesc + "' >> with Id=" + this.controlIdentifier + " :" + this.getExceptionMessage(e); throw new TestMaxException(msg); } this.timeTaken = this.timeTaken + System.currentTimeMillis() - start; printMessage("LOCATED BY >> Time=" + timer.getPrintTime() + "'" + this.tagdesc + "' >> with Id=" + this.controlIdentifier + addMessage()); if (!isByLocated) { try { if (this.value != null && this.value.contains("@")) { this.getScreenShot(this.value.split("@")[1]); } } catch (WebDriverException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (TestMaxException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } msg = "***ERROR:" + this.threadIndex + " FAILED TO LOCATE BY >> TIMEOUT DETECTED, Elasped Time=" + timer.getPrintTime() + "' >> with Element Id=" + this.controlIdentifier + " for action " + this.tagdesc; throw new TestMaxException(msg); //return null; } return by; } protected By getBy() throws NumberFormatException, TestMaxException { this.controlIdentifier = ""; for (Object key : primary.keySet()) { String[] attrs = primary.get(key.toString()).split("#"); for (String attr : attrs) { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout + 1000)); if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("id")) { this.controlIdentifier = attr; if (this.isElementDisplayed( || isBypassDisplay() && isElementPresent( { return; } } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("name")) { this.controlIdentifier = attr; if (this.isElementDisplayed( { return; } } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("classname")) { this.controlIdentifier = attr; if (this.isElementDisplayed(By.className(attr))) { return By.className(attr); } } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("cssSelector")) { this.controlIdentifier = attr; if (this.isElementDisplayed(By.cssSelector(attr))) { return By.cssSelector(attr); } } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("linkText")) { this.controlIdentifier = attr; if (this.isElementDisplayed(By.linkText(attr))) { return By.linkText(attr); } } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("xpath")) { this.controlIdentifier = attr; //if(this.isElementDisplayed(By.xpath(attr))){ return By.xpath(attr); //} } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("tagname")) { this.controlIdentifier = attr; return By.tagName(attr); } } //printMessage("****ERROR : No ATTRIBUTE matching for the Primary Element= "+this.tagdesc); } return null; } protected boolean verifyElementPresent() throws TestMaxException { boolean isPresent = false; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); //look for conditional element for shorter time if (this.isConditionalElement) { while (!isPresent && (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) < new Integer(timeout)) { try { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); isPresent = this.isElementPresent(By()); if (isPresent) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { this.msg = this.getExceptionMessage(e); } } } else { //look for other element for 1 min max while (!isPresent && (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) < 60000) { try { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(60000); isPresent = this.isElementPresent(By()); if (isPresent) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { this.msg = this.getExceptionMessage(e); } } } return (false); } public boolean isElementPresent(By by) { try { this.getDriver().findElement(by); return true; } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { return false; } } public boolean isElementDisplayed(By by) { if (this.isConditionalElement || isBypassDisplay()) { return true; } else { try { WebElement elm = this.getDriver().findElement(by); if (elm != null && elm.isDisplayed()) { return true; } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { this.printMessage("****Element id=" + this.controlIdentifier + " is not Displayed!"); return false; } } return false; } protected abstract WebElement execute() throws TestMaxException; protected List<WebElement> getPrimaryElement() throws NumberFormatException, TestMaxException { String msg = ""; PrintTime timer = new PrintTime(); List<WebElement> elms = null; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (elms == null && (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) < new Integer(timeout)) { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); try { elms = this.getDriver().findElements(this.By()); if (elms != null) { printMessage( "**** Dataset:" + this.threadIndex + " PRIMARY ELEMENT FOUND " + timer.getPrintTime() + ">> BY Identifier=" + this.controlIdentifier + ">>" + this.tagdesc); this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); return elms; } } catch (TestMaxException t) { throw t; } catch (Exception e) { msg = "$$$$$ Dataset:" + this.threadIndex + " PRIMARY ELEMENT NOT FOUND " + timer.getPrintTime() + ">> BY Identifier=" + this.controlIdentifier + ">>" + this.tagdesc + " " + getExceptionMessage(e); printMessage(msg); try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } } if (msg.isEmpty() && elms.isEmpty()) { msg = "$$$$$ Dataset:" + this.threadIndex + " PRIMARY ELEMENT NOT FOUND " + timer.getPrintTime() + ">> BY Identifier=" + this.controlIdentifier + ">>" + this.tagdesc; throw new TestMaxException(msg); } return elms; } protected List<WebElement> getWebElements() throws NumberFormatException, TestMaxException { List<WebElement> elms = this.getPrimaryElement(); List<WebElement> selms = new ArrayList<WebElement>(); List<WebElement> havings = new ArrayList<WebElement>(); PrintTime timer = new PrintTime(); int msgcount = 1; if (elms != null) { for (WebElement elm : elms) { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); try { havings = getElementByHaving(elm); } catch (Exception e) { printMessage(getExceptionMessage(e)); } if (havings != null && havings.size() > 0) { if (msgcount == elms.size() || msgcount == 1) { printMessage("**** ELEMENT WITH HAVING FOUND " + timer.getPrintTime() + ">> BY Identifier=" + this.controlIdentifier + ">>" + this.tagdesc); msgcount++; } if (timer.getTime() > maxTimeToWait * 1000) { String msg = "****EXCEPTION: WAITING PERIOD EXCEEDS TO DISPLAY ELEMENT " + maxTimeToWait * 1000 + " mili (sec)>> BY Identifier=" + this.controlIdentifier + ">>" + this.tagdesc; throw new TestMaxException(msg); } for (WebElement target : havings) { try { if (target.isDisplayed()) { selms.add(target); } } catch (Exception e) { if (timer.getTime() > maxTimeToWait * 1000) { String msg = "****EXCEPTION: WAITING PERIOD EXCEEDS TO DISPLAY ELEMENT " + maxTimeToWait * 1000 + " mili (sec)>> BY Identifier=" + this.controlIdentifier + ">>" + this.tagdesc; throw new TestMaxException(msg); } } } } } } if (secondary.keySet().isEmpty() && (this.havingTag == null || this.havingTag.isEmpty())) { return elms; } if (selms.size() < 1) { try { if (this.value != null && this.value.contains("@")) { this.getScreenShot(this.value.split("@")[1]); } } catch (WebDriverException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (TestMaxException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } String msg = "$$$$$ ELEMENT WITH HAVING NOT FOUND " + timer.getPrintTime() + ">> BY Identifier=" + this.controlIdentifier + ">>" + this.tagdesc; printMessage(msg); } return selms; } private boolean verifyHavingAttribute(WebElement elm) { boolean isHavingAttribute = this.havingAttribute != null && !this.havingAttribute.isEmpty(); if (!isHavingAttribute) return true; if (isHavingAttribute) { String[] attrs = this.havingAttribute.split("#"); for (String attr : attrs) { String[] attrprops = attr.split("::"); if (attrprops.length < 2) { printMessage(">>>>>>>ERROR: Atrribute property not set correctly for the element tag id" + this.controlIdentifier + " Atrribute=" + this.havingAttribute); return false; } String value = attrprops[1]; String elmval = ""; if (attrprops[0].equalsIgnoreCase("text")) { elmval = elm.getText(); } else { elmval = elm.getAttribute(attrprops[0]); } if (value.isEmpty() || elmval == null || !elmval.trim().equals(value)) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } private List<WebElement> getElementByHaving(WebElement elm) throws NumberFormatException, TestMaxException { List<WebElement> selms = null; List<WebElement> elms = new ArrayList<WebElement>(); boolean isHavingText = secondary.get("havingText") != null && !secondary.get("havingText").isEmpty(); boolean isHavingTag = this.havingTag != null && !this.havingTag.isEmpty(); try { if (secondary.keySet().size() < 1 && !isHavingText) { elms.add(elm); return elms; } for (Object key : secondary.keySet()) { this.controlIdentifier = " havingTag=" + this.havingTag + " and " + key.toString() + "=" + secondary.get(key).toString(); this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); if (isHavingTag) { String[] havings = this.havingTag.split(";"); for (String having : havings) { selms = elm.findElements(By.tagName(having)); if (selms == null || selms.size() < 1) { continue; } } if (selms == null || selms.size() < 1) { elms.add(elm); return elms; } for (WebElement selm : selms) { if (verifyHavingAttribute(selm)) { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("havingImage")) { if (selm.getAttribute("src") != null && selm.getAttribute("src").toLowerCase() .contains(secondary.get(key).toString().toLowerCase())) { elms.add(selm); } } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("havingAlt")) { if (selm.getAttribute("alt") != null && selm.getAttribute("alt").toLowerCase() .contains(secondary.get(key).toString().toLowerCase())) { elms.add(selm); } } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("havingOnClick")) { if (selm.getAttribute("onClick") != null && selm.getAttribute("onClick") .toLowerCase().contains(secondary.get(key).toString().toLowerCase())) { elms.add(selm); } } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("havingClassName")) { if (selm.getAttribute("class") != null && selm.getAttribute("class").toLowerCase() .contains(secondary.get(key).toString().toLowerCase())) { elms.add(selm); } } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("havingName")) { if (selm.getAttribute("name") != null && selm.getAttribute("name").toLowerCase() .contains(secondary.get(key).toString().toLowerCase())) { elms.add(selm); } } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("havingHref")) { if (selm.getAttribute("href") != null && selm.getAttribute("href").toLowerCase() .contains(secondary.get(key).toString().toLowerCase())) { elms.add(selm); } } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("havingLinkText")) { if (selm.getText() != null && selm.getText().toLowerCase() .contains(secondary.get(key).toString().toLowerCase())) { elms.add(selm); } } else { elms.add(selm); } } } if (!isHavingText && elms.size() > 0) { return elms; } } else if (verifyHavingAttribute(elm)) { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("havingImage")) { if (elm.getAttribute("src") != null && elm.getAttribute("src").toLowerCase() .contains(secondary.get(key).toString().toLowerCase())) { elms.add(elm); } } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("havingAlt")) { if (elm.getAttribute("alt") != null && elm.getAttribute("alt").toLowerCase() .contains(secondary.get(key).toString().toLowerCase())) { elms.add(elm); } } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("havingOnClick")) { if (elm.getAttribute("onClick") != null && elm.getAttribute("onClick").toLowerCase() .contains(secondary.get(key).toString().toLowerCase())) { elms.add(elm); } } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("havingClassName")) { if (elm.getAttribute("class") != null && elm.getAttribute("class").toLowerCase() .contains(secondary.get(key).toString().toLowerCase())) { elms.add(elm); } } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("havingName")) { if (elm.getAttribute("name") != null && elm.getAttribute("name").toLowerCase() .contains(secondary.get(key).toString().toLowerCase())) { elms.add(elm); } } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("havingHref")) { if (elm.getAttribute("href") != null && elm.getAttribute("href").toLowerCase() .contains(secondary.get(key).toString().toLowerCase())) { elms.add(elm); } } else if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("havingLinkText")) { if (elm.getText() != null && elm.getText().toLowerCase() .contains(secondary.get(key).toString().toLowerCase())) { elms.add(elm); } } else { elms.add(elm); } if (!isHavingText && elms.size() > 0) { return elms; } } } if (secondary.get("havingText") != null && !secondary.get("havingText").isEmpty()) { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); this.havingText = secondary.get("havingText").toString(); WebElement telm = this.findElementByTextImpl(elms); elms = new ArrayList<WebElement>(); elms.add(telm); } } catch (Exception e) { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); elms = new ArrayList<WebElement>(); elms.add(elm); } return elms; } protected boolean clearElement() { PrintTime timer = new PrintTime(); try { setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); if ( != null && ! { //((JavascriptExecutor) this.getDriver()).executeScript("document.getElementById('""').value; " ); ((JavascriptExecutor) this.getDriver()).executeScript("document.getElementById('" + + "').style.display=\"block\";document.getElementById('" + + "').value=''; "); printMessage( "**** Cleared Text using Java Script " + timer.getPrintTime() + " Element id=" +; return true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); printMessage("**** Failed to Clear Element using Java Script " + timer.getPrintTime() + " Element id=" + + " " + getExceptionMessage(e)); } return false; } private boolean selectCaption() throws TestMaxException { if (this.className == null && !this.className.isEmpty() && this.havingText == null && !this.havingText.isEmpty()) { throw new TestMaxException( "$$$$$$ERROR: Operation can not be executed since havingAttribute property for tag Element is Empty!! Please modify your XML configuration in Taglib."); } return false; } protected boolean executeOperation2() throws TestMaxException { PrintTime timer = new PrintTime(); String ieclass = ""; String script = ""; String outerif = ""; String innerif = ""; String[] plans = "id,xpath,text,name,class".split(","); By by = null; HashMap<String, By> bys = new HashMap<String, By>(); String verifytags = "<a <span <div <img <option <td <li <ul"; boolean isInnerHTML = false; String readvalue = ""; WebElement elm = null; if (this.havingAttribute != null && !this.havingAttribute.isEmpty()) { //first check if element present if (this.isEmptyValue(this.tagName) && !this.isEmptyValue(this.havingTag)) { this.tagName = this.havingTag; } bys = this.getByFromAttribute(); for (String plan : plans) { by = bys.get(plan); if (by != null) { try { elm = this.waitForElement(this.getDriver().findElement(by), new Integer(timeout)); if (elm != null) { break; } } catch (Exception e) { this.printMessage( "####### Exception thrown while accessing Element: " + getExceptionMessage(e)); } } } this.controlIdentifier = " tagname=" + this.tagName + " and havingAttribute" + "=" + this.havingAttribute; String[] attrs = this.havingAttribute.split("#"); for (String attr : attrs) { String[] attrvs = attr.split("::"); if (attr.indexOf("=") >= 0) { attrvs = attr.split("="); } if (attrvs.length >= 1) { ieclass = attrvs[0]; if ((this.v_driver.equalsIgnoreCase("ie10")) && attrvs[0].equalsIgnoreCase("class")) { attrvs[0] = "className"; ieclass = attrvs[0]; } isInnerHTML = (verifytags.contains("<" + this.tagName) && attrvs[0].equalsIgnoreCase("text") ? true : false); String tmpattr = (isInnerHTML ? "innerHTML" : "getAttribute('" + attrvs[0].trim() + "')"); readvalue = (isInnerHTML || this.v_driver.equalsIgnoreCase("firefox") ? "arr[i].innerHTML" : "readvalue=arr[i].innerText;"); if (readvalue.contains("innerHTML")) { readvalue = "\n\t\t\t\t if(arr[i].innerText!=null && arr[i].innerText!='' &&arr[i].innerText!='undefined'){\n\t\t\t\t readvalue='<div>'+arr[i].innerText+'</div>';\n\t\t\t\t}" + "else{\n\t\t\t\treadvalue=arr[i].innerHTML;}\n"; } if (this.tagName.contains("option") && attrvs[0].equalsIgnoreCase("text")) { tmpattr = "innerText"; } if (outerif.isEmpty()) { outerif = "arr[i]." + tmpattr + "!=null"; } else { outerif += "&& arr[i]." + tmpattr + "!=null"; } if (attrvs.length == 2) { if (attr.indexOf("=") >= 0) { tmpattr = (this.v_driver.contains("firefox") ? "textContent" : "innerText"); if (innerif.isEmpty()) { innerif = "arr[i]." + tmpattr + "==\"" + attrvs[1] + "\""; } else { innerif += "&& arr[i]." + tmpattr + "==\"" + attrvs[1] + "\""; } } else { if (innerif.isEmpty()) { innerif = "arr[i]." + tmpattr + ".indexOf(\"" + attrvs[1] + "\")>=0"; } else { innerif += "&& arr[i]." + tmpattr + ".indexOf(\"" + attrvs[1] + "\")>=0"; } } } } } if (this.tagName != null && !this.tagName.isEmpty()) { script = "var arr = document.getElementsByTagName(\"" + this.tagName + "\");"; } else if (this.havingTag != null && !this.havingTag.isEmpty()) { script = "var arr = document.getElementsByTagName(\"" + this.havingTag + "\");"; } else if ( != null && ! { script = "var arr = document.getElementById(\"" + + "\");"; } else if ( != null && ! { script = "var arr = document.getElementsByName(\"" + + "\");"; } else if (this.className != null && !this.className.isEmpty()) { script = "var arr = document.getElementsByClassName(\"" + this.className + "\");"; } } if (this.isCustomOperation()) { try { if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("acceptalert")) { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); this.getDriver().switchTo().alert().accept(); this.printMessage("Invoked Custom Operation=" + this.operation); return true; } else if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("runscript")) { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); Thread.sleep(100); this.executeScript(); this.printCommand(this.tagdesc + " for control with identifier=" + this.controlIdentifier + "\n Script=" + addMessage()); printMessage("**** Executed Java Script= " + addMessage() + " for Control=" + this.controlIdentifier + ":" + addMessage()); return true; } else if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("read")) { if (this.readElement(this.getDriver().findElement(by))) return true; this.waitToPageLoad(new Integer(timeout)); String trackvalId = "executeOperation_trackval_id"; String inIf = !innerif.isEmpty() ? "\t\t\tif(" + innerif + "){\n" : ""; String closeIf = !innerif.isEmpty() ? "\t\t\t}\n" : ""; script = "\n" + script + "\n var elm; \n var readvalue;\n" + "\t for (var i = 0; i <arr.length; i++) {\n" + "\t\tif(" + outerif + "){\n" + //"\t\t\t\t alert(readvalue);"+ inIf + "\t\t\t\t " + readvalue + "\n" + "\t\t\t\t if(readvalue!=null &&readvalue!='' &&readvalue!='undefined'){\n" + "\t\t\t\t elm= document.createElement('div');\n" + "\t\t\t\t elm.setAttribute(\"id\",\"" + trackvalId + "\"); \n" + "\t\t\t\t if(readvalue.indexOf('<')>=0){\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t elm.innerHTML=readvalue; \n\t\t\t\t}else{\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t elm.setAttribute(\"value\",readvalue); \n\t\t\t\t}\n" + //"\t\t\t\t elm.innerHTML=readvalue;\n"+ "\t\t\t\t arr[i].appendChild(elm);\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t break;\n" + "\t\t\t\t}\n" + closeIf + "\t\t}\n" + "\t}\n"; try { ((JavascriptExecutor) this.getDriver()).executeScript(script); Thread.sleep(new Integer(timeout)); } catch (WebDriverException e) { printMessage("**** Executed Java Script With EXCEPTION " + timer.getPrintTime() + " " + getExceptionMessage(e) + " Script=" + script); } printMessage("**** Executed Java Script " + timer.getPrintTime() + " Script=" + script); setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); /*if(this.isIframe &&!this.v_driver.equalsIgnoreCase("chrome")){ driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); } */ WebElement read = null; try { read = this.getDriver().findElement(; } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { if (read == null && this.v_driver.equalsIgnoreCase("ie") && ieclass.equalsIgnoreCase("class")) { this.v_driver = "ie10"; this.executeOperation(); this.v_driver = "ie"; return true; } } String valueextract = ""; if (read != null) { valueextract = read.getAttribute("value"); } if (read != null && this.isEmptyValue(valueextract)) { valueextract = read.getText(); } if (!this.value.equals(valueextract)) { this.addTestExtract(this.value, valueextract); } else { printMessage( "$$$$$$ ERROR Please change your tag variables which is having @<your_var> and should not be same as any column in your dataset XLS or any variable name in your validator " + timer.getPrintTime() + " tag Name=" + this.injectorName + ">>" + this.tagName); } //finally remove id String resetId = null; try { if (read != null) { resetId = "document.getElementById('" + trackvalId + "').setAttribute('id',' ');"; ((JavascriptExecutor) this.getDriver()).executeScript(resetId); } } catch (WebDriverException e) { printMessage("**** Executed Java Script With EXCEPTION to reset id=" + trackvalId + " " + timer.getPrintTime() + " " + getExceptionMessage(e) + " Script=" + resetId); } return true; } else if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("selectcaption")) { } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); printMessage("**** script=" + script); printMessage("**** Failed to Execute Java Script " + timer.getPrintTime() + " Element id=" + + " " + getExceptionMessage(e)); return false; } } if (this.havingAttribute == null || this.havingAttribute.isEmpty()) { throw new TestMaxException( "$$$$$$ERROR: Operation can not be executed since havingAttribute property for tag Element is Empty!! Please modify your XML configuration in Taglib."); } else { String br = this.getOperation().contains("click") ? "break;" : ""; script = "\n" + script + "\n" + "\t for (var i = 0; i <arr.length; i++) {\n" + "\t\tif(" + outerif + "){\n" + "\t\t\tif(" + innerif + "){\n" + "\t\t\t\t " + this.getOperation() + ";\n" + "\t\t\t\t " + br + "\n" + "\t\t\t}\n" + "\t\t}\n" + "\t}\n"; try { setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); if (script != null && !script.isEmpty()) { try { ((JavascriptExecutor) this.getDriver()).executeScript(script); //Thread.sleep(new Integer(timeout)); if (this.getOperation().contains("click()")) { this.waitToPageLoad(new Integer(timeout)); } } catch (WebDriverException e) { printMessage("**** Executed Java Script With EXCEPTION " + timer.getPrintTime() + " " + getExceptionMessage(e) + " Script=" + script); if (this.v_driver.equalsIgnoreCase("ie") && ieclass.equalsIgnoreCase("class")) { printMessage("**** Executed Java Script resetting IE class attribute " + timer.getPrintTime() + " " + getExceptionMessage(e) + " Script=" + script); this.v_driver = "ie10"; this.executeOperation(); //this.v_driver="ie"; printMessage("**** Executed Java Script " + timer.getPrintTime() + " Script=" + script); return true; } } printMessage("**** Executed Java Script " + timer.getPrintTime() + " Script=" + script); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); printMessage("**** script=" + script); printMessage("**** Failed to Execute Java Script " + timer.getPrintTime() + " Element id=" + + " " + getExceptionMessage(e)); } } return false; } protected HashMap<String, String> getAttributesList() { HashMap<String, String> attribs = new HashMap<String, String>(); this.controlIdentifier = " tagname=" + this.tagName + " and havingAttribute" + "=" + this.havingAttribute; String[] attrs = this.havingAttribute.split("#"); for (String attr : attrs) { if (!attr.contains("xpath::")) { String[] attrvs = attr.split("::"); if (attr.indexOf("=") >= 0) { attrvs = attr.split("="); } if (attrvs.length == 2) { attribs.put(attrvs[0].trim(), attrvs[1].trim()); } } } return attribs; } private void elementToReRecord(WebElement elm) { //verify if the selected web elements having these attributes HashMap<String, String> attribs = getAttributesList(); String tagmismatch = null; for (String key : attribs.keySet()) { String recordedAttr = attribs.get(key); String actualAttr = (elm == null ? "Xpath Not Found" : (key.equalsIgnoreCase("text") ? elm.getText() : elm.getAttribute(key))); //re record tags if (!this.isEmptyValue(actualAttr) && !actualAttr.contains(recordedAttr)) { tagmismatch = "\n\t\t Recorded:" + recordedAttr + "\n\t\t Actual:" + actualAttr; } } if (!this.isEmptyValue(tagmismatch)) { tagmismatch = "\n Tag attribute did not match with the element found with Xpath \n\t" + this.targetTag.asXML() + "\n\t Actual vs: Recorded\n\t" + tagmismatch; this.printXpathLog(tagmismatch); } } protected WebElement getElementByJavaScript() { WebElement elm = null; String elmId = null; if (elm == null) { elmId = this.getElementId(); this.printMessage("****** Found Element using method getElementId(). Using ID = " + elmId); if (!this.isEmptyValue(elmId)) { = elmId; try { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); elm = this.waitForElement(this.getDriver().findElement(, new Integer(timeout)); } catch (Exception e) { this.printMessage( "####### Exception thrown while accessing Element at getElementByJavaScript() : " + getExceptionMessage(e)); if (this.isPopupFound) { boolean popupClose = false; for (String key : this.popupscripts.keySet()) { String script = this.popupscripts.get(key); if (!this.isEmptyValue(script)) { this.printMessage( "####### Executing script to close popup at getElementByJavaScript() with script =\n " + script); this.executeScript(script); popupClose = true; } } if (popupClose) { getElementByJavaScript(); } this.isPopupFound = false; } } } } return elm; } protected WebElement getElementBySelenium(HashMap<String, By> bys) { WebElement elm = null; String[] plans = "id,name,xpath,css,text,class".split(","); By by = null; for (String plan : plans) { by = bys.get(plan); if (by != null) { try { elm = this.waitForElement(this.getDriver().findElement(by), new Integer(timeout)); if (elm != null) { = elm.getAttribute("id"); break; } else { by = null; } } catch (Exception e) { this.printMessage("####### Exception thrown while accessing Element at executeOperation() : " + getExceptionMessage(e)); if (this.isPopupFound) { boolean popupClose = false; for (String key : this.popupscripts.keySet()) { String script = this.popupscripts.get(key); if (!this.isEmptyValue(script)) { this.printMessage( "####### Executing script to close popup at getElementByJavaScript() with script =\n " + script); this.executeScript(script); popupClose = true; } } if (popupClose) { getElementByJavaScript(); } this.isPopupFound = false; } } } } return elm; } protected WebElement getElementByTechnique() throws TestMaxException { WebElement elm = null; HashMap<String, By> bys = new HashMap<String, By>(); bys = this.getByFromAttribute(); this.detectionByXpath = false; //if(bys!=null && bys.get("xpath")!=null &&this.detectionError>0 ){ if (bys != null && bys.get("xpath") != null) { this.detectionByXpath = true; } if (this.detectionByXpath) { elm = this.getElementBySelenium(bys); if (elm == null) { elm = this.getElementByJavaScript(); this.detectionError--; } } else { elm = this.getElementByJavaScript(); if (elm == null) { elm = this.getElementBySelenium(bys); if (elm != null) { this.detectionError++; } } } if (elm == null) { throw new TestMaxException( "$$$$$$ERROR: Operation can not be executed since element does not look to be visible in the current screen!! Please set correct tag attribute or make the lement visible for tag=" + this.tagName + " havingAttribute=" + this.havingAttribute); } return elm; } protected boolean executeOperation() throws TestMaxException { PrintTime timer = new PrintTime(); String elmId = ""; WebElement elm = null; if (this.isEmptyValue(this.tagName) && !this.isEmptyValue(this.havingTag)) { this.tagName = this.havingTag; } if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("acceptalert")) { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); this.getDriver().switchTo().alert().accept(); this.printMessage("Invoked Custom Operation=" + this.operation); return true; } else if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("runscript")) { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); try { Thread.sleep(100); this.executeScript(); this.printCommand(this.tagdesc + " for control with identifier=" + this.controlIdentifier + "\n Script=" + addMessage()); printMessage("**** Executed Java Script= " + addMessage() + " for Control=" + this.controlIdentifier + ":" + addMessage()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return true; } else if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("closepopup")) { this.getElementByJavaScript(); return true; } if (this.havingAttribute != null && !this.havingAttribute.isEmpty()) { //first check if element present this.controlIdentifier = " tagname=" + this.tagName + " and havingAttribute" + "=" + this.havingAttribute; elm = getElementByTechnique(); //log element to re-record elementToReRecord(elm); //if(this.isCustomOperation() ){ try { if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("read")) { this.readElement(elm); if (!this.isEmptyValue(id) && id.equalsIgnoreCase("testmax_elm_lookup_id")) { resetElementId(id); } return true; } else if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("write")) { if (elm != null) { try { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); // this.waitForElement(this.getDriver().findElement(by), new Integer(timeout)); elm.sendKeys(this.sendkeyValue); if (!this.isEmptyValue(id) && id.equalsIgnoreCase("testmax_elm_lookup_id")) { resetElementId(id); } } catch (Exception e) { if (!this.isEmptyValue(id) && id.equalsIgnoreCase("testmax_elm_lookup_id")) { resetElementId(id); } } } //resetElementId(); return true; } else if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("click")) { //waitToPageLoad(new Integer(timeout)); if (elm != null) { try { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); new Actions(this.getDriver()).moveToElement(elm).click().build().perform(); //this.mouseMove(elm); String menuclick = ConfigLoader.getConfig("MENU_CLICK_NUMBER"); if (menuclick == null || !menuclick.equals("1")) { try { if (this.v_driver.equalsIgnoreCase("firefox") && elm.isDisplayed()) { Thread.sleep(500); elm = this.getDriver().findElement(; new Actions(this.getDriver()).moveToElement(elm).click().build().perform(); //this.mouseMove(elm); } } catch (Exception e) { if (!this.isEmptyValue(id) && id.equalsIgnoreCase("testmax_elm_lookup_id")) { resetElementId(id); } } } waitToPageLoad(new Integer(timeout)); if (!this.isEmptyValue(id) && id.equalsIgnoreCase("testmax_elm_lookup_id")) { resetElementId(id); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { if (!this.isEmptyValue(id) && id.equalsIgnoreCase("testmax_elm_lookup_id")) { resetElementId(id); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { if (!this.isEmptyValue(id) && id.equalsIgnoreCase("testmax_elm_lookup_id")) { resetElementId(id); } printMessage("**** Failed to Execute Java Script " + timer.getPrintTime() + " Element id=" + + " " + getExceptionMessage(e)); return false; } } if (this.havingAttribute == null || this.havingAttribute.isEmpty()) { throw new TestMaxException( "$$$$$$ERROR: Operation can not be executed since havingAttribute property for tag Element is Empty!! Please modify your XML configuration in Taglib."); } return false; } protected HashMap<String, By> getByFromAttribute() { HashMap<String, By> bys = new HashMap<String, By>(); String[] attrlist = this.havingAttribute.split("#"); for (String attrelm : attrlist) { By by = null; if (attrelm.split("::")[0].equals("id") && attrelm.split("::").length > 1) { by ="::")[1]); this.printMessage("****LOCATED attribute id=" + attrelm.split("::")[1] + " for tag with havingAttribute=" + this.havingAttribute); //return by; bys.put("id", by); } else if (attrelm.split("::")[0].equals("name")) { by ="::")[1]); this.printMessage("****LOCATED attribute name=" + attrelm.split("::")[1] + " for tag with havingAttribute=" + this.havingAttribute); //return by; bys.put("name", by); } else if (attrelm.split("::")[0].equals("class")) { by = By.className(attrelm.split("::")[1]); this.printMessage("****LOCATED attribute class=" + attrelm.split("::")[1] + " for tag with havingAttribute=" + this.havingAttribute); //return by; bys.put("class", by); } else if (this.tagName.equals("a") && attrelm.split("::")[0].equals("text")) { by = By.linkText(attrelm.split("::")[1]); this.printMessage("****LOCATED attribute text=" + attrelm.split("::")[1] + " for tag with havingAttribute=" + this.havingAttribute); bys.put("text", by); //return by; } else if (this.tagName.equals("a") && attrelm.split("::")[0].equals("text")) { by = By.partialLinkText(attrelm.split("::")[1]); this.printMessage("****LOCATED attribute text=" + attrelm.split("::")[1] + " for tag with havingAttribute=" + this.havingAttribute); //return by; bys.put("a", by); } else if (attrelm.split("::")[0].equals("xpath")) { String xpath = attrelm.split("::")[1]; xpath = xpath.replaceAll("!", "'"); by = By.xpath(xpath); this.printMessage("****LOCATED attribute xpath=" + attrelm.split("::")[1] + " for tag with havingAttribute=" + this.havingAttribute); //return by; bys.put("xpath", by); } else if (attrelm.split("::")[0].equals("css")) { by = By.cssSelector(attrelm.split("::")[1]); this.printMessage("****LOCATED attribute css=" + attrelm.split("::")[1] + " for tag with havingAttribute=" + this.havingAttribute); bys.put("css", by); //return by; } } if (this.tagName.contains(".")) { By by = By.cssSelector(this.tagName); bys.put("css", by); this.printMessage( "****LOCATED attribute cssSelector=" + this.tagName + " for tag with tagname=" + this.tagName); } else if (!this.isEmptyValue(id)) { By by =; bys.put("id", by); } return bys; } protected boolean readElement(WebElement elm) { String actual = null; try { if (elm != null) { this.setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); actual = elm.getText(); if (this.isEmptyValue(actual)) { actual = elm.getAttribute("value"); printMessage( "**** Control won't have Text Value. Extracted Value using attribute Name=value. Found value= " + actual + " for " + this.controlIdentifier + ":" + addMessage()); } this.printCommand(this.tagdesc + " for control with identifier=" + this.controlIdentifier + " value=" + addMessage() + ", actual=" + actual); printMessage("**** verifying Text Value= " + actual + " for " + this.controlIdentifier + ":" + addMessage()); if (!this.isEmptyValue(actual)) { if (value != null && value.contains("@")) { this.addTestExtract(value, actual); } else { this.assertText(value, actual); } } return true; } } catch (Exception e) { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } //e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return false; } protected String getOperation() { String op = ""; if (this.operation == null || this.operation.isEmpty()) { op = ""; } else if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("click")) { op = ""; } else if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("check")) { op = "if (arr.checked == false) arr[i].click()"; } else if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("uncheck")) { op = "if (arr.checked == true) arr[i].click()"; } else if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("write")) { op = "arr.value='" + this.sendkeyValue + "'"; } return op; } protected String getOperation2() { String op = ""; if (this.operation == null || this.operation.isEmpty()) { op = "arr[i].click()"; } else if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("click")) { op = "arr[i].click()"; } else if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("check")) { op = "if (arr[i].checked == false) arr[i].click()"; } else if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("uncheck")) { op = "if (arr[i].checked == true) arr[i].click()"; } else if (this.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("write")) { op = "arr[i].value='" + this.sendkeyValue + "'"; } return op; } protected void executeSql() { //this.base.getExecuteProc().executeWithDbmsOutput(qry) } protected boolean executeScript() { PrintTime timer = new PrintTime(); try { setImpilicitTimeInMiliSec(new Integer(timeout)); ((JavascriptExecutor) this.getDriver()).executeScript(this.sendkeyValue); printMessage("**** Executed Java Script " + timer.getPrintTime() + " Script=" + this.sendkeyValue); if (this.sendkeyValue.contains("click()")) { this.waitToPageLoad(new Integer(timeout)); } //Thread.sleep(new Integer(timeout)); return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); printMessage("**** Failed to Execute Java Script " + timer.getPrintTime() + " Element id=" + + " " + getExceptionMessage(e)); } return false; } protected void mouseMove(WebElement elm) { Point coordinates = elm.getLocation(); Robot robot; try { robot = new Robot(); robot.mouseMove(coordinates.getX(), coordinates.getY() + 120); } catch (AWTException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } protected void clickBackButton() { driver.navigate().back(); } protected boolean isBypassDisplay() { if (this.method != null && !this.method.isEmpty() && this.bypassDisplayMethods.contains(this.method)) { return true; } return false; } protected boolean isVerifyPageLoadMethod() { if (this.method != null && !this.method.isEmpty() && this.verifyPageLoadMethods.contains(this.method)) { return true; } return false; } protected boolean isBypassCustomMethod() { if (this.method != null && !this.method.isEmpty() && this.bypassCustomMethods.contains(this.method)) { return true; } return false; } protected boolean isCustomOperation() { if (this.operation != null && !this.operation.isEmpty() && this.customOperation.contains(this.operation)) { return true; } return false; } protected boolean executeSleep() throws TestMaxException { final PrintTime timer = new PrintTime(); long timetowait = 60000; List<WebElement> controls = null; try { if (this.primary != null && !this.primary.isEmpty() && this.isEmptyValue(this.havingAttribute)) { if (!this.isEmptyValue(this.timeout) && new Integer(this.timeout) > timetowait) { timetowait = new Integer(this.timeout); } this.timeout = "3000"; this.printMessage("******Starting SLEEP Time:" + timer.getPrintTime() + " for HTML Element Identifier=" + this.controlIdentifier); while (timer.getTime() - 500 < timetowait) { controls = this.getPrimaryElement(); if (!this.isEmptyValue(this.havingText) && findElementByTextImpl(controls) != null) { this.printMessage( "******Total SLEEP Time:" + timer.getPrintTime() + " with HTML Element Identifier=" + this.controlIdentifier + " Having Text=" + this.havingText); return true; } else if (controls != null && controls.size() > 0) { this.printMessage("******Total SLEEP Time:" + timer.getPrintTime() + " with HTML Element Identifier=" + this.controlIdentifier); return true; } else { Thread.sleep(500); this.printMessage("******Continue with SLEEP Time:" + timer.getPrintTime() + " Not found HTML Element Identifier=" + this.controlIdentifier); continue; } } throw new TestMaxException("$$$$$ ERROR: Can not trace element with timeout=" + this.timeout + " for HTML Element Identifier=" + this.controlIdentifier + " Having Text=" + this.havingText); } else { Thread.sleep(new Integer(timeout)); this.printMessage("******Sleeped with SLEEP Time:" + timer.getPrintTime() + " with Timeout value set=" + this.timeout); } } catch (NumberFormatException | InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } protected synchronized void getScreenShot(String filename) throws WebDriverException, TestMaxException { // windowMaximize(); String filepath = ConfigLoader.getWmOutputWebServicePath() + File.separator + "/images/" + File.separator + this.base.getActionName().replaceAll(" ", "_") + "/" + this.threadIndex + File.separator + this.base.handlerName + File.separator; FileUtility.createDir(filepath); try { File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot) this.driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); Thread.sleep(100); FileUtility.copyFile(scrFile.getAbsolutePath(), filepath + filename + ".png"); this.printMessage("########## Absolute path for screen shot=" + scrFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } protected synchronized void getScreenShot() throws WebDriverException, TestMaxException { String filepath = ConfigLoader.getWmOutputWebServicePath() + File.separator + "/images/" + File.separator + this.base.getActionName().replaceAll(" ", "_") + "/" + this.threadIndex + File.separator + this.base.handlerName + File.separator; String targetfile = this.base.getHandlerName() + "_" + this.base.getActionName().replaceAll(" ", "_") + ".png"; FileUtility.createDir(filepath); try { File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot) this.driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); Thread.sleep(100); this.printMessage("########## Absolute path for screen shot=" + scrFile.getAbsolutePath()); //String targetfile="screen_"+this.threadIndex+"_"+this.base.getHandlerName()+"_"+this.base.getActionName().replaceAll(" ", "_"); FileUtility.copyFile(scrFile.getAbsolutePath(), filepath + targetfile); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } protected void downloadByAutoItFile(WebElement elm, String attr) { String downloadLocation = elm.getAttribute(attr); try { Object jx = ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(downloadLocation); Thread.sleep(1000); String[] dialog; String browser = ConfigLoader.getConfig("SELENIUM_DRIVER"); if (browser.toLowerCase().contains("ie")) { File file = new File(ie_dialog); dialog = new String[] { file.getCanonicalPath(), "Download", "Save" }; Runtime.getRuntime().exec(dialog); } else if (browser.toLowerCase().contains("firefox")) { File file = new File(fe_dialog); File file2 = new File(ConfigLoader.getWmOutputWebServicePath()); dialog = new String[] { file.getCanonicalPath(), "Opening", "Save", file2.getCanonicalPath() }; //dialog = new String[] { fe_dialog,"Opening","Save" }; Runtime.getRuntime().exec(dialog); Thread.sleep(3000); try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec("taskkill /F /IM EXCEL.EXE"); } catch (Exception e) { } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } protected void downloadFile(WebElement elm) { String downloadLocation = elm.getAttribute("href"); String downloadFile = elm.getText(); FileDownLoader fd = new FileDownLoader(this.driver); fd.setDownloadPath(ConfigLoader.getWmOutputLogPath()); try { if (this.havingHref != null && !this.havingHref.isEmpty()) { if (downloadLocation.toLowerCase().contains("javascript")) { downloadByAutoItFile(elm, "href"); } else { fd.fileDownloader(elm); } } else { downloadLocation = elm.getAttribute("src"); if (downloadLocation.toLowerCase().contains("javascript")) { downloadByAutoItFile(elm, "src"); } else { fd.imageDownloader(elm); } } //copy the file and delete test file try { String[] downloadPaths = ConfigLoader.getConfig("SELENIUM_DOWNLOAD_LOCATION").split(";"); for (String path : downloadPaths) { //String fileExtension=downloadFile.split(".")[1]; String dest = ConfigLoader.getWmOutputWebServicePath() + "test.xls"; File file = new File(dest); FileUtility.copyFile(path + File.separator + downloadFile, file.getAbsolutePath()); FileUtility.deleteFile(path + File.pathSeparator + downloadFile); } } catch (Exception e) { } //close download window int winIndex = 0; String masterWindow = ""; for (String handle : driver.getWindowHandles()) { printMessage("**** CLOSING WINDOW :" + timer.getPrintTime() + " with Handle=" + handle); if (winIndex > 0) { driver.switchTo().window(handle).close(); } else { masterWindow = handle; } winIndex++; } driver.switchTo().window(masterWindow); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } protected void modifyexcel(String rowColFilter) { FileUtility fl = new FileUtility(); String source = ConfigLoader.getWmOutputWebServicePath() + "test.xls"; File file = new File(source); try { String sourcefile = file.getCanonicalPath(); String dest = ConfigLoader.getWmOutputWebServicePath() + "modifytest.xls"; File mfile = new File(dest); String modifyfile = mfile.getCanonicalPath(); if (!mfile.exists()) { fl.copyFile(sourcefile, modifyfile); } ExcelSheet excl = new ExcelSheet(modifyfile); excl.modifyMultiRowExcel(0, rowColFilter); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } protected void uploadFile(WebElement elm) { Actions builder = new Actions(driver); Action myAction =; myAction.perform(); Robot robot; try { robot = new Robot(); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_V); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_V); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); } catch (AWTException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public void setIframeText(String iFrame, String elmId, String text) { String jscript = " var s = document.getElementById('" + iFrame + "');" + " s.contentDocument.write('" + text + "');"; ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(jscript); printMessage("**** Executed Java Script for Iframe= " + iFrame + " " + timer.getPrintTime() + jscript); } }