List of usage examples for org.openqa.selenium By linkText
public static By linkText(String linkText)
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/** * ############################### Test Case 5 ############################### * * Test Case Name:/*from w w w . j a va 2 s . co m*/ * Set Date Range Month to Today date * Description: * When click on Month to date option an alert is displayed with begin * month day to today date. * Steps: * 1. Click in Month to date option * 2. Check for Alert */ @Test public void tc5_MonthToDate_DateIsSetSuccessful() { /* * ## Step 1 */ this.elemHelper.Click(driver,"myInput")); //ADD THIS LINE TO RUN IN WIN8: this.elemHelper.Click( driver, "myInput2" ) ); this.elemHelper.FindElement(driver, By.linkText("Month to date")).sendKeys(Keys.ENTER); /* * ## Step 2 */ SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); SimpleDateFormat sdfMonth = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM"); Date dNow = new Date(); String strToday = sdf.format(dNow); String strCurrentMonth = sdfMonth.format(dNow) + "-01"; wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent()); Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); String confirmationMsg = alert.getText(); String expectedCnfText = "You chose from " + strCurrentMonth + " to " + strToday; alert.accept(); assertEquals(confirmationMsg, expectedCnfText); }
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License:Apache License
/** * ############################### Test Case 6 ############################### * * Test Case Name:/*from ww w. j av a m*/ * Set Date Range Year To Date * Description: * When click on Year To Date option an alert is displayed with begin year * date to today date in range interval. * Steps: * 1. Click in Year to date option * 2. Check for Alert */ @Test public void tc6_YearToDate_DateIsSetSuccessful() { /* * ## Step 1 */ this.elemHelper.Click(driver,"myInput")); //ADD THIS LINE TO RUN IN WIN8: this.elemHelper.Click( driver, "myInput2" ) ); this.elemHelper.FindElement(driver, By.linkText("Year to date")).sendKeys(Keys.ENTER); /* * ## Step 2 */ SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); SimpleDateFormat sdfYear = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"); Date dNow = new Date(); String strToday = sdf.format(dNow); String strBeginYear = sdfYear.format(dNow) + "-01-01"; wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent()); Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); String confirmationMsg = alert.getText(); String expectedCnfText = "You chose from " + strBeginYear + " to " + strToday; alert.accept(); assertEquals(confirmationMsg, expectedCnfText); }
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License:Apache License
/** * ############################### Test Case 7 ############################### * * Test Case Name://w ww . ja v a 2s .c o m * Set Date Range Today * Description: * When click on The Previous Month option an alert is displayed with the * start day of previous month to last day of previous month in range * interval. * Steps: * 1. Click in The Previous Month option * 2. Check for Alert */ @Test public void tc7_ThePreviousMonth_DateIsSetSuccessful() { /* * ## Step 1 */ this.elemHelper.Click(driver,"myInput")); //ADD THIS LINE TO RUN IN WIN8: this.elemHelper.Click( driver, "myInput2" ) ); this.elemHelper.FindElement(driver, By.linkText("The previous Month")).sendKeys(Keys.ENTER); /* * ## Step 2 */ Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM"); String strLastMonthEndDay = sdf.format(c.getTime()); String strLastMonthStartDay = sdf.format(c.getTime()) + "-01"; c.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) * -1); strLastMonthEndDay += "-" + c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent()); Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); String confirmationMsg = alert.getText(); String expectedCnfText = "You chose from " + strLastMonthStartDay + " to " + strLastMonthEndDay; alert.accept(); assertEquals(confirmationMsg, expectedCnfText); }
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License:Apache License
/** * ############################### Test Case 8 ############################### * * Test Case Name:/*from www .j a v a2 s . c o m*/ * Set Date Range Today * Description: * When click on All Dates Before option an alert is displayed with an * interval starting from '2014-04-22' to the selected date. * Steps: * 1. Click in Today option and then Cancel * 2. Click in Today option and then Done * 3. Check for Alert */ @Test public void tc8_AllDatesBeforePressCancelAndSelectDate_DateIsCancelAndThenSetSuccessful() { /* * ## Step 1 */ this.elemHelper.Click(driver,"myInput")); this.elemHelper.FindElement(driver, By.linkText("All Dates Before")).sendKeys(Keys.ENTER); this.elemHelper.Click(driver, By.xpath("(//button[contains(text(),'Cancel')])[7]")); this.elemHelper.WaitForElementInvisibility(driver, By.xpath("(//a[text()='All Dates Before'])[2]"), 5); WebElement dataPickerDisable = this.elemHelper.WaitForElementPresence(driver, By.xpath("(//a[text()='All Dates Before'])[2]"), 1); assertFalse(dataPickerDisable.isDisplayed()); /* * ## Step 2 */ //Click in day 29 this.elemHelper.Click(driver,"myInput")); //ADD THIS LINE TO RUN IN WIN8: this.elemHelper.Click( driver, "myInput2" ) ); this.elemHelper.FindElement(driver, By.linkText("All Dates Before")).sendKeys(Keys.ENTER); this.elemHelper.FindElement(driver, By.linkText("29")).sendKeys(Keys.ENTER); /* * ## Step 3 */ wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent()); Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); String confirmationMsg = alert.getText(); alert.accept(); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.add(Calendar.YEAR, -1); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String beginDate = sdf.format(c.getTime()); assertEquals("You chose from " + beginDate + " to 2014-09-29", confirmationMsg); }
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License:Apache License
/** * ############################### Test Case 1 ############################### * * Test Case Name:/* www.j a va 2 s . c o m*/ * MetaLayer Home Dashboard - clicking details * Description: * We pretend to validate when user click on 'Details...' a pop-up message * is displayed. * Steps: * 1. Open the MetaLayer Home Dashboard. * 2. Click in 'Details...'. * 3. Check if we have width = 500 and height = 600 */ @Test public void tc1_LinkDetails_PopupJPivot() {"tc1_LinkDetails_PopupJPivot"); /* * ## Step 1 */ driver.get(baseUrl + "api/repos/%3Apublic%3Aplugin-samples%3Apentaho-cdf%3A20-samples%3Ahome_dashboard_2%3Ahome_dashboard_metalayer.xcdf/generatedContent"); //NOTE - we have to wait for loading disappear this.elemHelper.WaitForElementInvisibility(driver, By.cssSelector("div.blockUI.blockOverlay")); //Wait for title become visible and with value 'Community Dashboard Framework' String titlePage = this.elemHelper.WaitForTitle(driver, "Community Dashboard Framework"); //Wait for visibility of 'Top Ten Customers' String expectedSampleTitle = "Top Ten Customers"; String actualSampleTitle = this.elemHelper.WaitForTextPresence(driver, By.xpath("//div[@id='titleObject']"), expectedSampleTitle); // Validate the sample that we are testing is the one assertEquals(titlePage, "Community Dashboard Framework"); assertEquals(actualSampleTitle, expectedSampleTitle); /* * ## Step 2 */ //Wait for visibility of 'topTenCustomersDetailsObject' the text 'Details' WebElement linkDetails = this.elemHelper.FindElement(driver, By.linkText("Details...")); assertEquals("Details...", linkDetails.getText()); //click on the 'Details...'; /* * ## Step 3 */ //Wait for the frame this.elemHelper.WaitForElementPresenceAndVisible(driver,"fancybox-content")); this.elemHelper.WaitForElementPresenceAndVisible(driver, By.xpath("//iframe")); WebElement frame = this.elemHelper.FindElement(driver, By.xpath("//iframe")); String valueFrameAttrSrc = frame.getAttribute("src"); ///pentaho/plugin/jpivot/Pivot?solution=system&path=%2Fpublic%2Fplugin-samples%2Fpentaho-cdf%2Factions&action=jpivot.xaction&width=500&height=600 //Check if we have the sizes 500 and 600 assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(valueFrameAttrSrc, "&width=500&height=600")); //NOTE - we have to wait for loading disappear this.elemHelper.WaitForElementInvisibility(driver, By.cssSelector("div.blockUI.blockOverlay")); //Wait for the element be visible. WebDriver driverFrame = driver.switchTo().frame(frame); assertNotNull(this.elemHelper.FindElement(driverFrame, By.xpath("//div[@id='internal_content']"))); assertEquals("Measures", this.elemHelper.WaitForElementPresentGetText(driverFrame, By.xpath("//div[@id='internal_content']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/p/table/tbody/tr/th[2]"))); assertEquals("Australian Collectors, Co.", this.elemHelper.WaitForElementPresentGetText(driverFrame, By .xpath("//div[@id='internal_content']/table[1]/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/p[1]/table/tbody/tr[5]/th/div"))); assertEquals("180,125", this.elemHelper.WaitForElementPresentGetText(driverFrame, By.xpath("//div[@id='internal_content']/table[1]/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/p[1]/table/tbody/tr[7]/td"))); //Close pop-up driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable("fancybox-close"))); String background = this.elemHelper.FindElement(driver, By.cssSelector("#fancybox-close")) .getCssValue("background-image"); String background1 = background.substring(background.indexOf(34) + 1, background.lastIndexOf(34)); assertEquals("http://localhost:8080/pentaho/api/repos/pentaho-cdf/js-legacy/lib/fancybox/fancybox.png", background1); this.elemHelper.FindElement(driver,"fancybox-close")).click(); this.elemHelper.WaitForElementInvisibility(driver,"fancybox-content")); assertEquals("200", Integer.toString(HttpUtils.GetResponseCode(background1, "admin", "password"))); }
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License:Apache License
/** * ############################### Test Case 3 ############################### * * Test Case Name:/*from w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m*/ * Set Date Range Today * Description: * When click on Today option an alert is displayed with today date in * range interval. * Steps: * 1. Click in Today option * 2. Check for Alert */ @Test public void tc3_Today_DateIsSetSuccessful() {"tc3_Today_DateIsSetSuccessful"); /* * ## Step 1 */ this.elemHelper.Click(driver,"myInput")); //ADD THIS LINE TO RUN IN WIN8: this.elemHelper.Click( driver, "myInput2" ) ); this.elemHelper.FindElement(driver, By.linkText("Today")).sendKeys(Keys.ENTER); /* * ## Step 2 */ SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date dNow = new Date(); String strToday = sdf.format(dNow); String confirmationMsg = this.elemHelper.WaitForAlertReturnConfirmationMsg(driver); String expectedCnfText = "You chose from " + strToday + " to " + strToday; assertEquals(confirmationMsg, expectedCnfText); }
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License:Apache License
/** * ############################### Test Case 4 ############################### * * Test Case Name://from w w w . j a v a 2 s. com * Set Date Range for the Last Seven Days. * Description: * When click on Last 7 Days option an alert is displayed with 7 days * before today and the today date. * Steps: * 1. Click in Last 7 Days option * 2. Check for Alert */ @Test public void tc4_LastSevenDays_DateIsSetSuccessful() {"tc4_LastSevenDays_DateIsSetSuccessful"); /* * ## Step 1 */ this.elemHelper.Click(driver,"myInput")); //ADD THIS LINE TO RUN IN WIN8: this.elemHelper.Click( driver, "myInput2" ) ); this.elemHelper.FindElement(driver, By.linkText("Last 7 days")).sendKeys(Keys.ENTER); /* * ## Step 2 */ Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -7); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date dNow = new Date(); String strToday = sdf.format(dNow); String confirmationMsg = this.elemHelper.WaitForAlertReturnConfirmationMsg(driver); String expectedCnfText = "You chose from " + sdf.format(c.getTime()) + " to " + strToday; assertEquals(confirmationMsg, expectedCnfText); }
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License:Apache License
/** * ############################### Test Case 5 ############################### * * Test Case Name:// www. j a v a 2 s.c o m * Set Date Range Month to Today date * Description: * When click on Month to date option an alert is displayed with begin * month day to today date. * Steps: * 1. Click in Month to date option * 2. Check for Alert */ @Test public void tc5_MonthToDate_DateIsSetSuccessful() {"tc5_MonthToDate_DateIsSetSuccessful"); /* * ## Step 1 */ this.elemHelper.Click(driver,"myInput")); //ADD THIS LINE TO RUN IN WIN8: this.elemHelper.Click( driver, "myInput2" ) ); this.elemHelper.FindElement(driver, By.linkText("Month to date")).sendKeys(Keys.ENTER); /* * ## Step 2 */ SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); SimpleDateFormat sdfMonth = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM"); Date dNow = new Date(); String strToday = sdf.format(dNow); String strCurrentMonth = sdfMonth.format(dNow) + "-01"; String confirmationMsg = this.elemHelper.WaitForAlertReturnConfirmationMsg(driver); String expectedCnfText = "You chose from " + strCurrentMonth + " to " + strToday; assertEquals(confirmationMsg, expectedCnfText); }
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License:Apache License
/** * ############################### Test Case 6 ############################### * * Test Case Name://from w w w . j av a2s .co m * Set Date Range Year To Date * Description: * When click on Year To Date option an alert is displayed with begin year * date to today date in range interval. * Steps: * 1. Click in Year to date option * 2. Check for Alert */ @Test public void tc6_YearToDate_DateIsSetSuccessful() {"tc6_YearToDate_DateIsSetSuccessful"); /* * ## Step 1 */ this.elemHelper.Click(driver,"myInput")); //ADD THIS LINE TO RUN IN WIN8: this.elemHelper.Click( driver, "myInput2" ) ); this.elemHelper.FindElement(driver, By.linkText("Year to date")).sendKeys(Keys.ENTER); /* * ## Step 2 */ SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); SimpleDateFormat sdfYear = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"); Date dNow = new Date(); String strToday = sdf.format(dNow); String strBeginYear = sdfYear.format(dNow) + "-01-01"; String confirmationMsg = this.elemHelper.WaitForAlertReturnConfirmationMsg(driver); String expectedCnfText = "You chose from " + strBeginYear + " to " + strToday; assertEquals(confirmationMsg, expectedCnfText); }
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License:Apache License
/** * ############################### Test Case 7 ############################### * * Test Case Name://www . j av a 2 s .c o m * Set Date Range Today * Description: * When click on The Previous Month option an alert is displayed with the * start day of previous month to last day of previous month in range * interval. * Steps: * 1. Click in The Previous Month option * 2. Check for Alert */ @Test public void tc7_ThePreviousMonth_DateIsSetSuccessful() {"tc7_ThePreviousMonth_DateIsSetSuccessful"); /* * ## Step 1 */ this.elemHelper.Click(driver,"myInput")); //ADD THIS LINE TO RUN IN WIN8: this.elemHelper.Click( driver, "myInput2" ) ); this.elemHelper.FindElement(driver, By.linkText("The previous Month")).sendKeys(Keys.ENTER); /* * ## Step 2 */ Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM"); String strLastMonthEndDay = sdf.format(c.getTime()); String strLastMonthStartDay = sdf.format(c.getTime()) + "-01"; c.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) * -1); strLastMonthEndDay += "-" + c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); String confirmationMsg = this.elemHelper.WaitForAlertReturnConfirmationMsg(driver); String expectedCnfText = "You chose from " + strLastMonthStartDay + " to " + strLastMonthEndDay; assertEquals(confirmationMsg, expectedCnfText); }