List of usage examples for org.openqa.selenium By linkText
public static By linkText(String linkText)
From source
public void testIE() throws InterruptedException { System.setProperty("", "C:\\IEDriverServer.exe"); /*DesiredCapabilities caps = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer(); caps.setCapability(InternetExplorerDriver.INTRODUCE_FLAKINESS_BY_IGNORING_SECURITY_DOMAINS, true);//from ww w .j av a 2 s. co m driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(caps); */ driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(); driver.get(""); link = driver.findElement(By.linkText("English"));; Thread.sleep(5000); searchBox = driver.findElement("searchInput")); searchBox.sendKeys("Software"); searchBox.submit(); Thread.sleep(5000); driver.quit(); }
From source
License:Apache License
@After public void logout() { SelenideElement element = $(By.linkText("Sign Out")); if (element.exists()) {; } }
From source
License:Apache License
@Test public void testOrder() { // Open the home page open("/");/* w w w .j ava 2 s . c om*/ assertThat(title()).isEqualTo("JPetStore Demo"); // Move to the top page $(By.linkText("Enter the Store")).click(); $("WelcomeContent")).shouldBe(text("")); // Move to sign in page & sign $(By.linkText("Sign In")).click(); $("username")).val("j2ee"); $("password")).val("j2ee"); $("login")).click(); $("WelcomeContent")).$(By.tagName("span")).shouldBe(text("ABC")); // Search items $("keywords")).val("fish"); $("searchProducts")).click(); $$(By.cssSelector("#Catalog table tr")).shouldHaveSize(3); // Select item $(By.linkText("Fresh Water fish from China")).click(); $(By.cssSelector("#Catalog h2")).shouldBe(text("Goldfish")); // Add a item to the cart $(By.linkText("Add to Cart")).click(); $(By.cssSelector("#Catalog h2")).shouldBe(text("Shopping Cart")); // Checkout cart items $(By.linkText("Proceed to Checkout")).click(); assertThat(title()).isEqualTo("JPetStore Demo"); // Input card information & Confirm order information $("creditCard")).val("9999999999"); $("expiryDate")).val("04/2020"); $("continue")).click(); $("confirmMessage")).shouldBe(text("Please confirm the information below and then press submit...")); // Submit order $("order")).click(); $(By.cssSelector(".messages li")).shouldBe(text("Thank you, your order has been submitted.")); String orderId = $("orderId")).text(); // Show profile page $(By.linkText("My Account")).click(); $(By.cssSelector("#Catalog h3")).shouldBe(text("User Information")); // Show orders $(By.linkText("My Orders")).click(); $(By.cssSelector("#Content h2")).shouldBe(text("My Orders")); // Show order detail $(By.linkText(orderId)).click(); assertThat($("orderId")).text()).isEqualTo(orderId); // Sign out $(By.linkText("Sign Out")).click(); $("WelcomeContent")).shouldBe(text("")); }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void testUpdateProfile() { // Open the home page open("/");/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ assertThat(title()).isEqualTo("JPetStore Demo"); // Move to the top page $(By.linkText("Enter the Store")).click(); $("WelcomeContent")).shouldBe(text("")); // Move to sign in page & sign $(By.linkText("Sign In")).click(); $("username")).val("j2ee"); $("password")).val("j2ee"); $("login")).click(); $("WelcomeContent")).$(By.tagName("span")).shouldBe(text("ABC")); // Show profile page $(By.linkText("My Account")).click(); $(By.cssSelector("#Catalog h3")).shouldBe(text("User Information")); $$(By.cssSelector("#Catalog table td")).get(1).shouldBe(text("j2ee")); // Edit account $("save")).click(); $(By.cssSelector("#Catalog h3")).shouldBe(text("User Information")); $$(By.cssSelector("#Catalog table td")).get(1).shouldBe(text("j2ee")); }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void testRegistrationUser() { // Open the home page open("/");//from w ww. ja v a 2 s . co m assertThat(title()).isEqualTo("JPetStore Demo"); // Move to the top page $(By.linkText("Enter the Store")).click(); $("WelcomeContent")).shouldBe(text("")); // Move to sign in page & sign $(By.linkText("Sign In")).click(); $(By.cssSelector("#Catalog p")).shouldBe(text("Please enter your username and password.")); // Move to use registration page $(By.linkText("Register Now!")).click(); $(By.cssSelector("#Catalog h3")).shouldBe(text("User Information")); // Create a new user String userId = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); $("username")).val(userId); $("password")).val("password"); $("repeatedPassword")).val("password"); $("firstName")).val("Jon"); $("lastName")).val("MyBatis"); $("email")).val(""); $("phone")).val("09012345678"); $("address1")).val("Address1"); $("address2")).val("Address2"); $("city")).val("Minato-Ku"); $("state")).val("Tokyo"); $("zip")).val("0001234"); $("country")).val("Japan"); $("languagePreference")).selectOption("Japanese"); $("favouriteCategoryId")).selectOption("CATS"); $("listOption")).setSelected(true); $("bannerOption")).setSelected(true); $("save")).click(); $(By.cssSelector(".messages li")).shouldBe(text("Your account has been created. Please try login !!")); // Move to sign in page & sign $("username")).val(userId); $("password")).val("password"); $("login")).click(); $("WelcomeContent")).$(By.tagName("span")).shouldBe(text("Jon")); }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void testSelectItems() { // Open the home page open("/");/*from ww w.j a va2 s . co m*/ assertThat(title()).isEqualTo("JPetStore Demo"); // Move to the top page $(By.linkText("Enter the Store")).click(); $("WelcomeContent")).shouldBe(text("")); // Move to category $(By.cssSelector("#SidebarContent a")).click(); $(By.cssSelector("#Catalog h2")).shouldBe(text("Fish")); // Move to items $(By.linkText("FI-SW-01")).click(); $(By.cssSelector("#Catalog h2")).shouldBe(text("Angelfish")); // Move to item detail $(By.linkText("EST-1")).click(); $$(By.cssSelector("#Catalog table tr td")).get(2).shouldBe(text("Large Angelfish")); // Back to items $(By.linkText("Return to FI-SW-01")).click(); $(By.cssSelector("#Catalog h2")).shouldBe(text("Angelfish")); // Back to category $(By.linkText("Return to FISH")).click(); $(By.cssSelector("#Catalog h2")).shouldBe(text("Fish")); // Back to the top page $(By.linkText("Return to Main Menu")).click(); $("WelcomeContent")).shouldBe(text("")); }
From source
License:Apache License
@Test public void testViewCart() { // Open the home page open("/");/* w w w. j a v a2s .c o m*/ assertThat(title()).isEqualTo("JPetStore Demo"); // Move to the top page $(By.linkText("Enter the Store")).click(); $("WelcomeContent")).shouldBe(text("")); // Move to cart $("img_cart")).click(); $(By.cssSelector("#Catalog h2")).shouldBe(text("Shopping Cart")); }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void testViewHelp() { // Open the home page open("/");// w w w. ja v a 2s .c o m assertThat(title()).isEqualTo("JPetStore Demo"); String mainWindow = getWebDriver().getWindowHandle(); // Move to the top page $(By.linkText("Enter the Store")).click(); $("WelcomeContent")).shouldBe(text("")); // Move to help $(By.linkText("?")).click(); Set<String> windows = new HashSet<>(getWebDriver().getWindowHandles()); windows.remove(mainWindow); switchTo().window(windows.iterator().next()); $(By.cssSelector("#Content h1")).shouldBe(text("JPetStore Demo")); }
From source
License:Apache License
@Test public void givenALinkTextLocatorCodeReturnsCorrectType() throws Exception { assertThat(loc.autoLocator("link=home"), is(equalTo(By.linkText("home")))); }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * Take a locator and work out what sort of should be used * * @param locator - locator to evaluate/*w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ * @return By - a By format that sky.sns.selenium 2 can utilise */ public By autoLocator(String locator) { switch (getLocatorType(locator)) { case XPATH: if (locator.startsWith("xpath=")) { locator = locator.split("=", 2)[1]; } return By.xpath(locator); case CSS_SELECTOR: if (locator.startsWith("css=")) { locator = locator.split("=", 2)[1]; } return By.cssSelector(locator); case ID: if (locator.startsWith("id=")) { locator = locator.split("=", 2)[1]; } return; case NAME: if (locator.startsWith("name=")) { locator = locator.split("=", 2)[1]; } return; case CLASS_NAME: if (locator.startsWith("class=")) { locator = locator.split("=", 2)[1]; } return By.className(locator); case TAG_NAME: if (locator.startsWith("tag=")) { locator = locator.split("=", 2)[1]; } return By.tagName(locator); case LINK_TEXT: if (locator.startsWith("link=")) { locator = locator.split("=", 2)[1]; } return By.linkText(locator); default: if (locator.startsWith("dom:name=")) { locator = locator.split("=", 2)[1]; return By.xpath("//form[@name='" + locator + "']"); } else if (locator.startsWith("dom:index=")) { locator = locator.split("=", 2)[1]; return By.xpath("(//form)[" + locator + "]"); } } return null; }