Example usage for org.dom4j Element elementText

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element elementText


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Element elementText.


String elementText(QName qname);

Source Link


From source file:nl.knaw.dans.dccd.repository.fedora.FedoraRepositoryService.java

License:Apache License

/** Creates the list with projects specified by the given xml string
 * The project only have the id and title set and no further data
 * Create empty list if nothing found/*from w ww  .j a  v a2s. c o m*/
 * @param xmlResultString
 * @return
 * @throws DocumentException If the input string is incorrect parsing fails
private Collection<Project> createProjectListFromXMLResultString(String xmlResultString)
        throws DocumentException {
    if (xmlResultString == null || xmlResultString.length() == 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("string must be specified");

    // should be xml from fedora, parse it with dom4j
    // and fill the list with projects
    Collection<Project> dendroProjects = new ArrayList<Project>();
    Document domDoc;
    try {
        domDoc = DocumentHelper.parseText(xmlResultString);//response.toString());
        Element xmlResult = domDoc.getRootElement();
        Element xmlResultList = xmlResult.element("resultList");

        // logger.info("root: " + xmlResultList.asXML());

        // get all objectFields
        for (Iterator i = xmlResultList.elementIterator("objectFields"); i.hasNext();) {
            Element objectFields = (Element) i.next();
            // get id
            String id = objectFields.elementText("pid");
            // get titel
            String title = objectFields.elementText("title");
            logger.info("Found Id: " + id + " Title: " + title);
            Project dendroProject = new Project(id, title);
    } catch (DocumentException e) {
        throw e;

    return dendroProjects;

From source file:nl.tue.gale.ae.grapple.CAMFormat.java

License:Open Source License

private List<Concept> getInternalConcepts(Element cam) {
    URI baseURI = URIs//from ww  w. ja  v a2 s.c  om
            .of("gale://gale.tue.nl/cam/" + replaceSpace(cam.element("header").elementText("title")) + "/");

    List<Element> models = cam.element("body").element("cam").element("camInternal").element("domainModel")
    for (Element model : models) {
        Element vdex = model.element("body").element("dm").element("vdex");
        for (Element termElement : (Collection<Element>) vdex.elements("term")) {
            Concept c = new Concept(
            conceptIdToName.put(baseURI.resolve(termElement.elementText("termIdentifier")), c.getUri());
            conceptMap.put(c.getUri(), c);
            c.setProperty("cam.model.guid", cam.element("header").elementText("modeluuid"));
            c.setProperty("cam.concept.guid", termElement.elementText("termIdentifier"));
            Attribute a;
            try {
                a = makeAttribute("resource", resourceCode(termElement), "", "java.lang.String", false);
                addResourceAttributes(a, termElement);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            c.setProperty("title", termElement.element("caption").elementText("langstring"));
            if (termElement.elements("metadata").size() > 0)
                addConceptProperties(c, termElement.element("metadata"));
        for (Element relElement : (Collection<Element>) vdex.elements("relationship")) {
            ConceptRelation cr = new ConceptRelation(relElement.elementText("relationshipType"));
    Element crts = cam.element("body").element("cam").element("camInternal").element("crtModel");
    for (Element crtElement : (Collection<Element>) crts.elements("model")) {
        CRT crt = CRT.parse(crtElement);
        crtMap.put(crt.getUid(), crt);
    for (Element crtElement : (Collection<Element>) cam.element("body").element("cam").element("camInternal")
        interpretCRT(crtElement, baseURI);
    List<Concept> resultList = new LinkedList<Concept>();
    for (Concept c : resultList) {
        if (c.getAttribute("visited") == null) {
            Attribute a = makeAttribute("visited", "0", "", "java.lang.Integer", true);
        if (c.getAttribute("suitability") == null) {
            Attribute a = makeAttribute("suitability", "true", "", "java.lang.Boolean", false);
        for (Attribute a : c.getAttributes()) {
            String pubString = a.getProperty("public");
            if (pubString != null && !"false".equals(pubString))
                a.setProperty("persistent", "true");
    return resultList;

From source file:nl.tue.gale.ae.grapple.CAMFormat.java

License:Open Source License

private void addResourceAttributes(Attribute a, Element termElement) {
    List<Element> rlist = (List<Element>) termElement.elements("mediaDescriptor");
    rlist = ImmutableList.copyOf(rlist);
    for (Element urlElement : rlist) {
        String label = getResourceProperty(termElement, urlElement, "label");
        if (label != null)
            a.setProperty(label, urlElement.elementText("mediaLocator"));
    }//from   w  w  w.j  a v a 2s  .  c om

From source file:nl.tue.gale.ae.grapple.CAMFormat.java

License:Open Source License

private String resourceCode(Element termElement) {
    List<Element> rlist = new ArrayList<Element>();
    Collections.reverse(rlist);//from   ww w.j a  v a 2 s.  c om
    if (rlist.size() == 0)
        return "\"gale:/empty.xhtml\"";
    if (rlist.size() == 1)
        return "\"" + rlist.get(0).elementText("mediaLocator") + "\"";
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
    for (Element urlElement : rlist) {
        String expr = getResourceProperty(termElement, urlElement, "expr");
        if (expr == null)
            expr = "true";

        // build part of resource string
        result.insert(0, "\":");
        result.insert(0, urlElement.elementText("mediaLocator"));
        result.insert(0, "?\"");
        result.insert(0, expr);
        result.insert(0, "(");
    return result.toString();

From source file:nl.tue.gale.ae.grapple.CAMFormat.java

License:Open Source License

private void addConceptProperties(Concept c, Element element) {
    for (Element prop : (List<Element>) element.elements("concept")) {
        Element entry = prop.element("lom").element("general").element("catalogentry");
        String name = entry.elementText("catalog");
        String value = entry.element("entry").elementText("langstring");
        c.setProperty(name, value);//ww  w. j ava  2 s.  c  o  m

From source file:nl.tue.gale.ae.grapple.CAMFormat.java

License:Open Source License

private void interpretCRT(Element crtElement, URI baseURI) {
    CRT crt = crtMap.get(crtElement.elementText("uuid"));
    if (crt == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "the CRT '" + crtElement.elementText("uuid") + "' is referenced but not included");
    Map<String, Set<URI>> socketData = new HashMap<String, Set<URI>>();
    for (Element crtSocketElement : (Collection<Element>) crtElement.elements("camSocket")) {
        CRTsocket socket = crt.getSocketById(crtSocketElement.elementText("socketid"));
        Set<URI> cList = new HashSet<URI>();
        socketData.put(socket.getUid(), cList);
        for (Element entityElement : (Collection<Element>) crtSocketElement.elements("entity")) {
            Concept c = conceptMap.get(conceptIdToName.get(baseURI.resolve(entityElement.elementText("dmId"))));
            if (c == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to find DM concept with ID '"
                        + entityElement.elementText("dmId") + "' mentioned in CRT '" + crt.getName() + "'");
            cList.add(c.getUri());/*from www. j  a  v  a 2 s  .  c om*/
    for (CRTvar var : crt.getVariables()) {
        Set<URI> cList = socketData.get(crt.getSocketByName(var.getSocketName()).getUid());
        if (cList == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "the CRT '" + crt.getName() + "' has UM variables that refer to non-existing sockets");
        for (URI cname : cList) {
            Concept c = conceptMap.get(cname);
            if (c.getAttribute(var.getName()) == null) {
                Attribute attr = makeAttribute(var.getName(), var.getDefaultVar(), "", var.getJavaType(),
                if (var.getRange() != null)
                    attr.setProperty("gumf.range", var.getRange());
                if (var.isPublicVar()) {
                    attr.setProperty("persistent", "true");
                    attr.setProperty("public", c.getUri().resolve("#" + attr.getName()).toString());
                    attr.setProperty("authorative", (var.isPersistent() ? "true" : "false"));
            } else {
                if (!var.getJavaType().equals(c.getAttribute(var.getName()).getType()))
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("attribute type mismatch in CRT '" + crt.getName()
                            + "' (" + var.getName() + "): '" + var.getJavaType() + "' cannot be assigned to '"
                            + c.getAttribute(var.getName()).getType() + "'");
    Pointer<String, URI> socketPointer = null;
    try {
        socketPointer = new Pointer<String, URI>(socketData);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty socket in CRT '" + crt.getName() + "'", e);
    String crtGUID = GaleUtil.newGUID();
    while (socketPointer.hasPointer()) {
        String code = crt.getCode();
        Map<String, URI> current = socketPointer.current();
        for (String socketId : current.keySet()) {
            CRTsocket s = crt.getSocketById(socketId);
            try {
                code = code.replace("%" + s.getName() + "%", current.get(socketId).toString());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "the CRT '" + crt.getName() + "' has code that refers to socket '" + s.getName()
                                + "' that does not exist in the definition",
        for (Element param : (List<Element>) crtElement.elements("parameter")) {
            String pname = param.attributeValue("name");
            String pvalue = param.getText();
            code = code.replace("%" + pname + "%", pvalue);
        try {
            List<Concept> codeConcepts = GAMFormat.readGAM(code, baseURI, dm);
            for (Concept c : codeConcepts)
                interpretConceptAdditions(c, crtGUID);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "the CRT '" + crt.getName() + "' has errors in its code: " + e.getMessage(), e);

From source file:nl.tue.gale.ae.impl.SAMLServlet.java

License:Open Source License

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
    String sxml = new String(Base64.decode(req.getParameter("SAMLResponse")), "UTF-8");
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(sxml));
    Document xml = GaleUtil.parseXML(br);
    String userid = null;/* ww w. java  2 s  .  co m*/
    String email = "unknown email";
    String name = "unknown user";
    String firstname = null;
    String lastname = null;
    for (Element assertion : (List<Element>) xml.getRootElement().elements("Assertion")) {
        for (Element attributeStatement : (List<Element>) assertion.elements("AttributeStatement")) {
            for (Element attribute : (List<Element>) attributeStatement.elements("Attribute")) {
                String attrname = attribute.attributeValue("Name");
                String attrvalue = attribute.elementText("AttributeValue");
                if ("urn:oid:".equals(attrname))
                    lastname = attrvalue;
                if ("urn:oid:".equals(attrname))
                    userid = attrvalue;
                if ("urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3".equals(attrname))
                    email = attrvalue;
                if ("urn:oid:".equals(attrname))
                    firstname = attrvalue;
    if (firstname == null && lastname == null) {
        if (userid != null)
            name = userid;
    } else if (firstname == null)
        name = lastname;
    else if (lastname == null)
        name = firstname;
        name = firstname + " " + lastname;

    GaleContext gc = getGaleContext(req, resp);
    UserEntityCache userEntityCache = gc.uec();
    UMCache umCache = gc.um();
    CacheSession<UserEntity> entitySession = userEntityCache.openSession();
    UserEntity entity = entitySession.get(UserEntity.getUriFromId(userid));
    if (entity == null) {
        CacheSession<EntityValue> umSession = umCache.openSession();
        entity = new UserEntity(userid);
        entity.setProperty("password", GaleUtil.adminpw);
        entitySession.put(entity.getUri(), entity);
        URI uri = URIs.of("gale://" + entity.getId() + "@gale.tue.nl/personal");
        umSession.put(uri.resolve("#name"), EntityValue.create(uri.resolve("#name"), name));
        umSession.put(uri.resolve("#email"), EntityValue.create(uri.resolve("#email"), email));

    if (userid != null) {
        req.getSession().setAttribute("nl.tue.gale.userId", userid);
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to login: " + sxml);

From source file:nl.tue.gale.ae.processor.xmlmodule.PluginModule.java

License:Open Source License

public Element traverse(Element element, Resource resource) throws ProcessorException {
    // first process the children (content of new anchor tag)
    processor.traverseChildren(element, resource);
    // create new anchor tag
    Element a = DocumentFactory.getInstance()
            .createElement(DocumentFactory.getInstance().createQName("a", "", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"));
    // backward compatibility
    List<Element> dlist = element.elements("linkdescription");
    Element parent = (dlist.size() == 0 ? element : dlist.get(0));
    // add children to new anchor tag
    a.appendContent(parent);/*  w  ww. j av  a 2  s  .  c  o m*/
     * List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (Node node :
     * (List<Node>) parent.content()) nodes.add(node); for (Node node :
     * nodes) a.(node);
    // plugin name
    String name = element.attributeValue("name");
    if (name == null)
        name = element.elementText("name");
    // add parameters
    URI reqUri = URIs.of(GaleContext.req(resource).getRequestURL().toString());
    Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
    params.put("plugin", name);
    for (Element child : (List<Element>) element.elements("param"))
        params.put(child.attributeValue("name"), child.attributeValue("value"));
    reqUri = GaleUtil.setURIPart(reqUri, GaleUtil.URIPart.QUERY, GaleUtil.getQueryString(params));
    // finish the new anchor tag
    a.addAttribute("href", reqUri.toString());
    a.addAttribute("class", "good");
    // replace the original tag by the new anchor tag
    GaleUtil.replaceNode(element, a);
    return null;

From source file:org.b5chat.crossfire.xmpp.auth.IQAuthHandler.java

License:Open Source License

public IQ handleIQ(IQ packet) throws UnauthorizedException, PacketException {
    JID from = packet.getFrom();//from  www  .j a  va  2  s. c o  m
    LocalClientSession session = (LocalClientSession) sessionManager.getSession(from);
    // If no session was found then answer an error (if possible)
    if (session == null) {
        Log.error("Error during authentication. ISession not found in "
                + sessionManager.getPreAuthenticatedKeys() + " for key " + from);
        // This error packet will probably won't make it through
        IQ reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
        return reply;
    IQ response;
    boolean resourceBound = false;
    if (Globals.getBooleanProperty("xmpp.auth.iqauth", true)) {
        try {
            Element iq = packet.getElement();
            Element query = iq.element("query");
            Element queryResponse = probeResponse.createCopy();
            if (IQ.Type.get == packet.getType()) {
                String username = query.elementText("username");
                if (username != null) {
                response = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
                // This is a workaround. Since we don't want to have an incorrect TO attribute
                // value we need to clean up the TO attribute and send directly the response.
                // The TO attribute will contain an incorrect value since we are setting a fake
                // JID until the user actually authenticates with the server.
                if (session.getStatus() != ISession.STATUS_AUTHENTICATED) {
                    response.setTo((JID) null);
            // Otherwise set query
            else {
                if (query.elements().isEmpty()) {
                    // Anonymous authentication
                    response = anonymousLogin(session, packet);
                    resourceBound = session.getStatus() == ISession.STATUS_AUTHENTICATED;
                } else {
                    String username = query.elementText("username");
                    // Login authentication
                    String password = query.elementText("password");
                    String digest = null;
                    if (query.element("digest") != null) {
                        digest = query.elementText("digest").toLowerCase();

                    // If we're already logged in, this is a password reset
                    if (session.getStatus() == ISession.STATUS_AUTHENTICATED) {
                        // Check that a new password has been specified
                        if (password == null || password.trim().length() == 0) {
                            response = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
                        } else {
                            // Check if a user is trying to change his own password
                            if (session.getUsername().equalsIgnoreCase(username)) {
                                response = passwordReset(password, packet, username, session);
                            // Check if an admin is trying to set the password for another user
                            else if (XmppServer.getInstance().getAdmins()
                                    .contains(new JID(from.getNode(), from.getDomain(), null, true))) {
                                response = passwordReset(password, packet, username, session);
                            } else {
                                // User not authorized to change the password of another user
                                throw new UnauthorizedException();
                    } else {
                        // it is an auth attempt
                        response = login(username, query, packet, password, session, digest);
                        resourceBound = session.getStatus() == ISession.STATUS_AUTHENTICATED;
        } catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
            response = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
        } catch (UnauthorizedException e) {
            response = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
        } catch (ConnectionException e) {
            response = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
        } catch (InternalUnauthenticatedException e) {
            response = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
    } else {
        response = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
    // Send the response directly since we want to be sure that we are sending it back
    // to the correct session. Any other session of the same user but with different
    // resource is incorrect.
    if (resourceBound) {
        // After the client has been informed, inform all listeners as well.
        SessionEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(session, SessionEventDispatcher.EventType.resource_bound);
    return null;

From source file:org.b5chat.crossfire.xmpp.auth.IQAuthHandler.java

License:Open Source License

private IQ login(String username, Element iq, IQ packet, String password, LocalClientSession session,
        String digest) throws UnauthorizedException, UserNotFoundException, ConnectionException,
        InternalUnauthenticatedException {
    // Verify the validity of the username
    if (username == null || username.trim().length() == 0) {
        throw new UnauthorizedException("Invalid username (empty or null).");
    }/*  w  ww  . ja va  2 s . c  om*/
    try {
    } catch (StringprepException e) {
        throw new UnauthorizedException("Invalid username: " + username, e);

    // Verify that specified resource is not violating any string prep rule
    String resource = iq.elementText("resource");
    if (resource != null) {
        try {
            resource = JID.resourceprep(resource);
        } catch (StringprepException e) {
            throw new UnauthorizedException("Invalid resource: " + resource, e);
    } else {
        // Answer a not_acceptable error since a resource was not supplied
        IQ response = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
        return response;
    if (!Globals.getBooleanProperty("xmpp.auth.iqauth", true)) {
        throw new UnauthorizedException();
    username = username.toLowerCase();
    // Verify that supplied username and password are correct (i.e. user authentication was successful)
    AuthToken token = null;
    if (password != null && AuthFactory.isPlainSupported()) {
        token = AuthFactory.authenticate(username, password);
    } else if (digest != null && AuthFactory.isDigestSupported()) {
        token = AuthFactory.authenticate(username, session.getStreamID().toString(), digest);
    if (token == null) {
        throw new UnauthorizedException();
    // Verify if there is a resource conflict between new resource and existing one.
    // Check if a session already exists with the requested full JID and verify if
    // we should kick it off or refuse the new connection
    IClientSession oldSession = routingTable.getClientRoute(new JID(username, serverName, resource, true));
    if (oldSession != null) {
        try {
            int conflictLimit = sessionManager.getConflictKickLimit();
            if (conflictLimit == SessionManager.NEVER_KICK) {
                IQ response = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
                return response;

            int conflictCount = oldSession.incrementConflictCount();
            if (conflictCount > conflictLimit) {
                // Send a stream:error before closing the old connection
                StreamError error = new StreamError(StreamError.Condition.conflict);
            } else {
                IQ response = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
                return response;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.error("Error during login", e);
    // Set that the new session has been authenticated successfully
    session.setAuthToken(token, resource);
    return IQ.createResultIQ(packet);