List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element elementText
String elementText(QName qname);
From source
License:Open Source License
@Override public void parseXml(Element root) { this.locationX = Float.valueOf(root.elementText("Location_X")); this.locationY = Float.valueOf(root.elementText("Location_Y")); this.scale = Integer.valueOf(root.elementText("Scale")); this.label = root.elementText("Label"); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void parseXml(Element root) { this.eventKey = root.elementText("EventKey"); }
From source
License:Open Source License
private void parsePubXml(Element root) { this.toUserName = root.elementText("ToUserName"); this.fromUserName = root.elementText("FromUserName"); String getTime = root.elementText("CreateTime"); logger.debug("getTime : " + getTime); this.createTime = new Date((Long.parseLong(getTime) * 1000)); this.msgType = root.elementText("MsgType"); this.msgId = root.elementText("MsgId"); logger.debug("createtime : " + this.createTime); }
From source
License:Open Source License
@Override public void parseXml(Element root) { super.parseXml(root); this.eventKey = root.elementText("EventKey"); this.ticket = root.elementText("Ticket"); }
From source
License:Open Source License
@Override public void parseXml(Element root) { this.content = root.elementText("Content"); }
From source
License:Open Source License
@Override public void parseXml(Element root) { this.mediaId = root.elementText("MediaId"); this.thumbMediaId = root.elementText("ThumbMediaId"); }
From source
License:Open Source License
@Override public void parseXml(Element root) { this.mediaId = root.elementText("MediaId"); this.format = root.elementText("Format"); }
From source
License:Open Source License
private void init() { Document doc = null;/*from w w w .j a v a2s . c om*/ try { doc = WeixinUtils.getDocumentResource("weixin.mission.xml"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("can't find or parser weixin.mission.xml:" + e.getMessage()); } if (doc == null) return; List<Element> missionEs = doc.getRootElement().elements("mission"); for (Element missionE : missionEs) { String name = missionE.elementText("name"); String period = missionE.elementText("period"); String delay = missionE.elementText("delay"); String className = missionE.elementText("class"); try { Class clz = Class.forName(className); Constructor<Mission> constructor = clz.getConstructor(String.class); Mission mission = constructor.newInstance(name); mission.setDelay((Integer.valueOf(delay) * 1000)); mission.setPeriod((Integer.valueOf(period) * 1000)); missions.put(name, mission); timer.schedule(mission, mission.getDelay(), mission.getPeriod()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("mission can't be instance : " + name); logger.warn("cause by " + e.getMessage()); } } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * ??weixin.task.xml// w ww . j a va2s. co m * @throws Exception */ public void init() throws Exception { Document doc = WeixinUtils.getDocumentResource("weixin.task.xml"); if (doc == null) return; List<Element> taskEs = doc.getRootElement().elements("task"); for (Element taskE : taskEs) { String name = taskE.elementText("name"); String url = taskE.elementText("url"); String method = taskE.elementText("method"); String workClzName = taskE.elementText("work"); String instance = taskE.elementText("instance"); String clzName = taskE.elementText("class"); Task task = null; try { if (clzName == null || clzName.equals("com.voa.weixin.task")) { task = new CommonTask(); } else { Class taskClz = Class.forName(clzName); task = (Task) taskClz.newInstance(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("task class not found : " + clzName); } task.setName(name); task.setUrl(url); task.setMethod(method == null ? "post" : method); task.setInstance(instance == null ? "multi" : instance); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(workClzName)) { try { Class workClz = Class.forName(workClzName); Work work = (Work) workClz.newInstance(); tasks.put(name, task); taskWorkNames.put(name, workClzName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.warn("work class not found : " + workClzName); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("work class not be instance : " + workClzName); } } else { tasks.put(name, task); } } }
From source
License:Apache License
@RequestMapping(params = "configReportPage") public ModelAndView configReportPage(HttpServletRequest request, Long configId) throws Exception { String title = ""; if (configId != null) { ConfigItem configItem = configService.loadConfigItem(configId); title = configItem.getName();/*from w w w .j a v a2 s. c om*/ request.setAttribute("configItem", configItem); SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); // User.hbm.xml??xml // Document doc = File("G:/my-dev/git/xdtech-shop/src/test/java/pageTemplate.xml")); // ??xml Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(configItem.getXml()); // XML Element rootElement = doc.getRootElement(); Element subGridDataElement = rootElement.element("datagrid");// ?datagrid //??title if (null != subGridDataElement.elementText("title")) { title = subGridDataElement.elementText("title"); } //?? Element columnsElement = subGridDataElement.element("columns"); if (null != columnsElement && !columnsElement.isRootElement()) { List<Element> columnList = columnsElement.elements(); JSONArray columnsArray = new JSONArray(); JSONObject columnJson = null; for (Element element : columnList) { columnJson = new JSONObject(); columnJson.put("field", element.attributeValue("field")); columnJson.put("title", element.attributeValue("title")); columnsArray.add(columnJson); } // System.out.println(columnsArray.toString()); request.setAttribute("columns", columnsArray.toString()); } } request.setAttribute("showReportGridId", UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "_grid"); request.setAttribute("title", title); return new ModelAndView("report/read/showReportGrid_ftl"); }