List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element elementText
String elementText(QName qname);
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License:Apache License
public static CmisPropertyTypeDefinition createFromElement(Element propElement) { CmisPropertyTypeDefinition cpd = new CmisPropertyTypeDefinition(); = propElement.elementText("id"); cpd.localName = propElement.elementText("localName"); cpd.localNamespace = propElement.elementText("localNamespace"); cpd.displayName = propElement.elementText("displayName"); cpd.queryName = propElement.elementText("queryName"); cpd.description = propElement.elementText("description"); cpd.propertyType = propElement.elementText("propertyType"); cpd.cardinality = propElement.elementText("cardinality"); cpd.updatability = propElement.elementText("updatability"); cpd.inherited = Boolean.parseBoolean(propElement.elementText("inherited")); cpd.required = Boolean.parseBoolean(propElement.elementText("required")); cpd.queryable = Boolean.parseBoolean(propElement.elementText("queryable")); cpd.orderable = Boolean.parseBoolean(propElement.elementText("orderable")); cpd.openChoice = Boolean.parseBoolean(propElement.elementText("openChoice")); return cpd;// w ww .j av a 2 s . c o m }
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public static String getCollectionUrlFromRepoFeed(String type, Element workspace) { if (workspace != null) { List<Element> collections = workspace.elements("collection"); for (Element collection : collections) { String currentType = collection.elementText(CMISRA_COLLECTION_TYPE); if (type.equals(currentType.toLowerCase())) { return collection.attributeValue("href"); }//from w ww. j a va 2 s .c o m } } return ""; }
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public static String getUriTemplateFromRepoFeed(String type, Element workspace) { List<Element> templates = workspace.elements(CMISRA_URI_TEMPLATE); for (Element template : templates) { String currentType = template.elementText(CMISRA_TYPE); if (type.equals(currentType.toLowerCase())) { return template.elementText(CMISRA_TEMPLATE); }//from www .ja va2 s. c om } return null; }
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public static Map<String, CmisProperty> getCmisPropertiesForEntry(Element feedEntry) { Map<String, CmisProperty> props = new HashMap<String, CmisProperty>(); Element objectElement = feedEntry.element(CMISRA_OBJECT); if (objectElement != null) { Element properitesElement = objectElement.element(CMIS_PROPERTIES); if (properitesElement != null) { List<Element> properties = properitesElement.elements(); for (Element property : properties) { final String id = property.attributeValue("propertyDefinitionId"); props.put(id, new CmisProperty(property.getName(), id, property.attributeValue("localName"), property.attributeValue("displayName"), property.elementText(CMIS_VALUE))); }//from w w w .ja v a2s . co m } } return props; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Tries to determine the minimum WGA version of the given csconfig.xml data. * Fails silently if something goes wrong. * @param in The data of the csconfig.xml * @return A string describing the target version of the csconfig.xml *//* w w w. j a va 2s . com*/ public static String determineMinimumWGAVersion(InputStream in) { String version = "(unknown)"; try { Document doc = (new SAXReader()).read(in); Element wgaVersionElement = (Element) doc.selectSingleNode("//minimumWGAVersion"); version = wgaVersionElement.elementText("majorVersion") + "." + wgaVersionElement.elementText("minorVersion") + "." + wgaVersionElement.elementText("maintenanceVersion"); } catch (Exception ee) { } return version; }
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License:Apache License
private static void addPersonalisationDB(WGAConfiguration config, Element persDBElement, DatabaseServer server, MigrationResult migrationResult, String dbPath) { // default props for all content dbs (full cs && custom) String type = persDBElement.elementText("type"); String domain = persDBElement.elementText("domain"); boolean enabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(persDBElement.attributeValue("enabled")); boolean lazy = Boolean.parseBoolean(persDBElement.attributeValue("lazyconnect")); if (dbPath == null) { dbPath = persDBElement.elementText("dbpath"); // create relative path if dbserver defines one String serverPath = server.getOptions().get(DatabaseServer.OPTION_PATH); if (serverPath != null) { int relativeDbPathStart = dbPath.indexOf(serverPath); if (relativeDbPathStart != -1) { relativeDbPathStart += serverPath.length(); dbPath = dbPath.substring(relativeDbPathStart + 1); }//from w ww. ja v a 2 s . co m } } PersonalisationDatabase persDB = new PersonalisationDatabase(server.getUid(), type); persDB.getDatabaseOptions().put(Database.OPTION_PATH, dbPath); migrateOptions(persDB, persDBElement, migrationResult); // lookup domain by title since domain has a uid Domain domainConfig = null; Iterator<Domain> domains = config.getDomains().iterator(); while (domains.hasNext()) { Domain tempDomainConfig =; if (tempDomainConfig.getName() != null && tempDomainConfig.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(domain)) { domainConfig = tempDomainConfig; break; } } if (domainConfig != null) { domainConfig.setPersonalisation(persDB); } else { migrationResult.logError( "Unable to migrate personalisation db for domain '" + domain + "' bc. domain does not exist."); } }
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License:Apache License
private static String determineUser(Element contentDBElement) { Element login = contentDBElement.element("login"); String user = null;/*from www.j a v a2 s . c o m*/ // first try retrieve user from db if (login != null) { String value = login.attributeValue("username"); if (value != null && !value.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { user = value; } } // second try retrieve user from domain if (user == null) { String domain = contentDBElement.elementText("domain"); if (domain != null) { Element domainsElement = contentDBElement.getParent().getParent().element("domains"); List domainElements = domainsElement.selectNodes("domain[@name='" + domain + "']"); if (domainElements.size() > 0) { Element domainElement = (Element) domainElements.get(0); login = domainElement.element("login"); if (login != null) { String value = login.attributeValue("username"); if (value != null && !value.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { user = value; } } } } } return user; }
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License:Apache License
private static String determinePassword(Element contentDBElement) { Element login = contentDBElement.element("login"); String password = null;// w ww . jav a2s .c om // first try retrieve user from db if (login != null) { String value = login.attributeValue("password"); if (value != null && !value.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { password = value; } } // second try retrieve user from domain if (password == null) { String domain = contentDBElement.elementText("domain"); if (domain != null) { Element domainsElement = contentDBElement.getParent().getParent().element("domains"); List domainElements = domainsElement.selectNodes("domain[@name='" + domain + "']"); if (domainElements.size() > 0) { Element domainElement = (Element) domainElements.get(0); login = domainElement.element("login"); if (login != null) { String value = login.attributeValue("password"); if (value != null && !value.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { password = value; } } } } } return password; }
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License:Apache License
private static void addContentDB(WGAConfiguration config, Element contentDBElement, DatabaseServer server, MigrationResult migrationResult, String configPath, DesignSource fsDesignSource, String dbPath) { // default props for all content dbs (full cs && custom) String type = contentDBElement.elementText("type"); String dbkey = contentDBElement.elementText("dbkey"); String sDomain = contentDBElement.elementText("domain"); // find domain by old key (title) Domain domain = null;// w w w. j a v m Iterator<Domain> domains = config.getDomains().iterator(); while (domains.hasNext()) { domain =; if (domain.getName() != null && domain.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(sDomain)) { break; } else { domain = null; } } if (domain == null) { migrationResult.logWarning("Domain '" + sDomain + "' not found. Adding content database '" + dbkey + "' to default domain."); domain = config.getDefaultDomain(); } String title = contentDBElement.elementText("title"); boolean enabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(contentDBElement.attributeValue("enabled")); boolean lazy = Boolean.parseBoolean(contentDBElement.attributeValue("lazyconnect")); if (FULL_CONTENT_STORE_IMPLEMENTATIONS.contains(type)) { // migrate full cs // determine default language - fallback to current system locale String defaultLang = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage(); List defaultLangOptions = contentDBElement.element("dboptions") .selectNodes("option[@name='DefaultLanguage']"); if (defaultLangOptions.size() > 0) { defaultLang = ((Element) defaultLangOptions.get(0)).attributeValue("value"); } else { migrationResult.logWarning("DefaultLanguage was not defined on db '" + dbkey + "' using current system locale '" + defaultLang + "' as default language."); } ContentStore cs = new ContentStore(server.getUid(), domain.getUid(), type, dbkey, defaultLang); cs.setTitle(title); cs.setEnabled(enabled); cs.setLazyConnecting(lazy); cs.getDatabaseOptions().put(Database.OPTION_PATH, dbPath); // determine design migrateDesign(contentDBElement, cs, config, configPath, fsDesignSource, migrationResult); // options migrateOptions(cs, contentDBElement, migrationResult); migrateClientRestrictions(cs, contentDBElement); // stored queries are not supported anymore - log warnings Iterator storedQueries = contentDBElement.element("storedqueries").elementIterator(); if (storedQueries.hasNext()) { migrationResult.logWarning("Database '" + dbkey + "' defines stored queries. This feature is not supported anymore and will not be migrated."); } // migrate item & meta mappings Iterator itemMappings = contentDBElement.element("fieldmappings").elementIterator(); while (itemMappings.hasNext()) { Element mapping = (Element); String mappingType = null; if (mapping.getName().equals("itemmapping")) { mappingType = FieldMapping.TYPE_ITEM; } else { mappingType = FieldMapping.TYPE_META; } FieldMapping fieldMapping = new FieldMapping(mappingType, mapping.attributeValue("name"), mapping.attributeValue("expression")); cs.getFieldMappings().add(fieldMapping); } // migrate lucene config Element lucene = contentDBElement.element("lucene"); LuceneIndexConfiguration luceneConfig = cs.getLuceneIndexConfiguration(); luceneConfig.setEnabled(Boolean.parseBoolean(lucene.attributeValue("enabled", "false"))); Iterator itemRules = lucene.element("itemrules").elementIterator("itemrule"); while (itemRules.hasNext()) { Element itemRuleElement = (Element); String ruleExpression = itemRuleElement.getTextTrim(); if (!ruleExpression.equals(LuceneIndexItemRule.DEFAULT_RULE.getItemExpression())) { LuceneIndexItemRule rule = new LuceneIndexItemRule(ruleExpression, itemRuleElement.attributeValue("indextype"), itemRuleElement.attributeValue("contenttype")); rule.setSortable(Boolean.parseBoolean(itemRuleElement.attributeValue("sortable"))); rule.setBoost(Float.parseFloat(itemRuleElement.attributeValue("boost", "1.0"))); luceneConfig.getItemRules().add(rule); } } Iterator fileRules = lucene.element("filerules").elementIterator("filerule"); while (fileRules.hasNext()) { Element fileRuleElement = (Element); String ruleExpression = fileRuleElement.getTextTrim(); if (!ruleExpression.equals(LuceneIndexFileRule.DEFAULT_RULE.getFilePattern())) { LuceneIndexFileRule rule = new LuceneIndexFileRule(ruleExpression); rule.setFileSizeLimit(Integer.parseInt(fileRuleElement.attributeValue("filesizelimit"))); rule.setIncludedInAllContent( Boolean.parseBoolean(fileRuleElement.attributeValue("includedinallcontent"))); rule.setBoost(Float.parseFloat(fileRuleElement.attributeValue("boost", "1.0"))); luceneConfig.getFileRules().add(rule); } } // Migrate WebDAV shares Element sharesRoot = contentDBElement.element("shares"); if (sharesRoot != null) { Iterator shares = sharesRoot.elementIterator("share"); while (shares.hasNext()) { Element share = (Element); String name = share.attributeValue("name"); if (!WGUtils.isEmpty(name)) { name = cs.getKey() + "-" + name; } else { name = cs.getKey(); } Share newShare = new Share(); newShare.setName(name); newShare.setImplClassName( "de.innovationgate.enterprise.modules.contentshares.WebDAVContentShareModuleDefinition"); newShare.getOptions().put("Database", cs.getKey()); newShare.getOptions().put("RootType", share.attributeValue("parenttype")); newShare.getOptions().put("RootName", share.attributeValue("parentname")); String unknownCtTreatment; int oldCtTreatment = Integer.parseInt(share.attributeValue("unknownctmode")); if (oldCtTreatment == 0) { unknownCtTreatment = "ignore"; } else if (oldCtTreatment == 1) { unknownCtTreatment = "folder"; } else { unknownCtTreatment = "fileorfolder"; } newShare.getOptions().put("UnknownCtTreatment", unknownCtTreatment); newShare.getOptions().put("FolderContentType", share.attributeValue("folderct")); newShare.getOptions().put("FolderOperations", share.attributeValue("folderactions")); newShare.getOptions().put("FileContentType", share.attributeValue("filect")); newShare.getOptions().put("FileOperations", share.attributeValue("fileactions")); List options = WGUtils.deserializeCollection(share.attributeValue("options"), ","); if (options.contains("versioning")) { newShare.getOptions().put("Versioning", "true"); } config.getShares().add(newShare); } } config.add(cs); } else { // Transform custom types to new special types for database server if (type.equals(ENHANCED_JDBC_DB_CLASS)) { if (server.getImplClassName().equals(MYSQL_SERVER_CLASS)) { type = "de.innovationgate.webgate.api.mysql.MySqlEnhancedQuerySource"; } else if (server.getImplClassName().equals(HSQL_SERVER_CLASS)) { type = "de.innovationgate.webgate.api.hsql.HsqlEnhancedQuerySource"; } else if (server.getImplClassName().equals(ORACLE_SERVER_CLASS)) { type = ""; } } else if (type.equals(QUERY_JDBC_DB_CLASS)) { if (server.getImplClassName().equals(MYSQL_SERVER_CLASS)) { type = "de.innovationgate.webgate.api.mysql.MySqlQuerySource"; } else if (server.getImplClassName().equals(HSQL_SERVER_CLASS)) { type = "de.innovationgate.webgate.api.hsql.HsqlQuerySource"; } else if (server.getImplClassName().equals(ORACLE_SERVER_CLASS)) { type = ""; } } // migrate custom db ContentDatabase contentDB = new ContentDatabase(server.getUid(), domain.getUid(), type, dbkey); contentDB.setTitle(title); contentDB.setEnabled(enabled); contentDB.setLazyConnecting(lazy); contentDB.getDatabaseOptions().put(Database.OPTION_PATH, dbPath); migrateOptions(contentDB, contentDBElement, migrationResult); migrateClientRestrictions(contentDB, contentDBElement); config.add(contentDB); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void unmarshal(Element element) { Element locationElement = element.element("location"); World world = Bukkit.getWorld(locationElement.elementText("world")); int x = Integer.parseInt(locationElement.elementText("x")); int y = Integer.parseInt(locationElement.elementText("y")); int z = Integer.parseInt(locationElement.elementText("z")); location = new Location(world, x, y, z); }