Java tutorial
/* This file is part of GALE (Generic Adaptation Language and Engine). GALE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GALE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with GALE. If not, see <>. */ /** * * Last modified: $Date$ * In revision: $Revision$ * Modified by: $Author$ * * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Eindhoven University of Technology. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software is proprietary information of the Eindhoven University * of Technology. It may be used according to the GNU LGPL license. */ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import nl.tue.gale.common.GaleUtil; import nl.tue.gale.common.cache.Cache; import nl.tue.gale.common.cache.Caches; import nl.tue.gale.common.parser.ParseNode; import nl.tue.gale.common.uri.URI; import nl.tue.gale.common.uri.URIs; import; import; import; import; import org.dom4j.Element; import; public class CAMFormat { private Map<URI, Concept> conceptMap = new HashMap<URI, Concept>(); private Map<String, CRT> crtMap = new HashMap<String, CRT>(); private Cache<Concept> dm = Caches.newCache(10); private Map<URI, URI> conceptIdToName = new HashMap<URI, URI>(); public static List<Concept> getConcepts(String cam) { return getConcepts(GaleUtil.parseXML(new StringReader(cam)).getRootElement()); } public static List<Concept> getConcepts(Element cam) { CAMFormat camFormat = new CAMFormat(); try { return camFormat.getInternalConcepts(cam); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid CAM", npe); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<Concept> getInternalConcepts(Element cam) { URI baseURI = URIs .of("gale://" + replaceSpace(cam.element("header").elementText("title")) + "/"); List<Element> models = cam.element("body").element("cam").element("camInternal").element("domainModel") .elements("model"); for (Element model : models) { Element vdex = model.element("body").element("dm").element("vdex"); for (Element termElement : (Collection<Element>) vdex.elements("term")) { Concept c = new Concept( baseURI.resolve(replaceSpace(termElement.element("caption").elementText("langstring")))); conceptIdToName.put(baseURI.resolve(termElement.elementText("termIdentifier")), c.getUri()); conceptMap.put(c.getUri(), c); c.setProperty("cam.model.guid", cam.element("header").elementText("modeluuid")); c.setProperty("cam.concept.guid", termElement.elementText("termIdentifier")); Attribute a; try { a = makeAttribute("resource", resourceCode(termElement), "", "java.lang.String", false); addResourceAttributes(a, termElement); c.addAttribute(a); } catch (Exception e) { } c.setProperty("title", termElement.element("caption").elementText("langstring")); if (termElement.elements("metadata").size() > 0) addConceptProperties(c, termElement.element("metadata")); } for (Element relElement : (Collection<Element>) vdex.elements("relationship")) { ConceptRelation cr = new ConceptRelation(relElement.elementText("relationshipType")); cr.changeInConcept( conceptMap.get(conceptIdToName.get(baseURI.resolve(relElement.elementText("sourceTerm"))))); cr.changeOutConcept( conceptMap.get(conceptIdToName.get(baseURI.resolve(relElement.elementText("targetTerm"))))); } } Element crts = cam.element("body").element("cam").element("camInternal").element("crtModel"); for (Element crtElement : (Collection<Element>) crts.elements("model")) { CRT crt = CRT.parse(crtElement); crtMap.put(crt.getUid(), crt); } for (Element crtElement : (Collection<Element>) cam.element("body").element("cam").element("camInternal") .elements("crt")) interpretCRT(crtElement, baseURI); List<Concept> resultList = new LinkedList<Concept>(); resultList.addAll(conceptMap.values()); for (Concept c : resultList) { if (c.getAttribute("visited") == null) { Attribute a = makeAttribute("visited", "0", "", "java.lang.Integer", true); c.addAttribute(a); } if (c.getAttribute("suitability") == null) { Attribute a = makeAttribute("suitability", "true", "", "java.lang.Boolean", false); c.addAttribute(a); } for (Attribute a : c.getAttributes()) { String pubString = a.getProperty("public"); if (pubString != null && !"false".equals(pubString)) a.setProperty("persistent", "true"); } } return resultList; } private void addResourceAttributes(Attribute a, Element termElement) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Element> rlist = (List<Element>) termElement.elements("mediaDescriptor"); rlist = ImmutableList.copyOf(rlist); for (Element urlElement : rlist) { String label = getResourceProperty(termElement, urlElement, "label"); if (label != null) a.setProperty(label, urlElement.elementText("mediaLocator")); } } private String getResourceProperty(Element termElement, Element resourceElement, String name) { String guid = null; try { guid = resourceElement.element("interpretationNote").elementText("langstring"); } catch (Exception e) { } String result = null; try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Element> metadata = (List<Element>) termElement.element("metadata").elements("resource"); for (Element metaElement : metadata) if ((metaElement.attributeValue("id").equals(guid)) && (metaElement.element("lom") .element("general").element("title").elementText("langstring").equals(name))) { result = metaElement.element("lom").element("general").element("description") .elementText("langstring"); } } catch (Exception e) { } return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private String resourceCode(Element termElement) { List<Element> rlist = new ArrayList<Element>(); rlist.addAll(termElement.elements("mediaDescriptor")); Collections.reverse(rlist); if (rlist.size() == 0) return "\"gale:/empty.xhtml\""; if (rlist.size() == 1) return "\"" + rlist.get(0).elementText("mediaLocator") + "\""; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("\"gale:/empty.xhtml\""); for (Element urlElement : rlist) { String expr = getResourceProperty(termElement, urlElement, "expr"); if (expr == null) expr = "true"; // build part of resource string result.insert(0, "\":"); result.insert(0, urlElement.elementText("mediaLocator")); result.insert(0, "?\""); result.insert(0, expr); result.insert(0, "("); result.append(")"); } return result.toString(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void addConceptProperties(Concept c, Element element) { for (Element prop : (List<Element>) element.elements("concept")) { Element entry = prop.element("lom").element("general").element("catalogentry"); String name = entry.elementText("catalog"); String value = entry.element("entry").elementText("langstring"); c.setProperty(name, value); } } private String replaceSpace(String s) { // TODO: replace all strange characters try { return /* URLEncoder.encode( */s.replace(" ", "_")/* , "UTF-8") */; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return s.replace(" ", "_"); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void interpretCRT(Element crtElement, URI baseURI) { CRT crt = crtMap.get(crtElement.elementText("uuid")); if (crt == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "the CRT '" + crtElement.elementText("uuid") + "' is referenced but not included"); Map<String, Set<URI>> socketData = new HashMap<String, Set<URI>>(); for (Element crtSocketElement : (Collection<Element>) crtElement.elements("camSocket")) { CRTsocket socket = crt.getSocketById(crtSocketElement.elementText("socketid")); Set<URI> cList = new HashSet<URI>(); socketData.put(socket.getUid(), cList); for (Element entityElement : (Collection<Element>) crtSocketElement.elements("entity")) { Concept c = conceptMap.get(conceptIdToName.get(baseURI.resolve(entityElement.elementText("dmId")))); if (c == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to find DM concept with ID '" + entityElement.elementText("dmId") + "' mentioned in CRT '" + crt.getName() + "'"); cList.add(c.getUri()); } } for (CRTvar var : crt.getVariables()) { Set<URI> cList = socketData.get(crt.getSocketByName(var.getSocketName()).getUid()); if (cList == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "the CRT '" + crt.getName() + "' has UM variables that refer to non-existing sockets"); for (URI cname : cList) { Concept c = conceptMap.get(cname); if (c.getAttribute(var.getName()) == null) { Attribute attr = makeAttribute(var.getName(), var.getDefaultVar(), "", var.getJavaType(), var.isPersistent()); if (var.getRange() != null) attr.setProperty("gumf.range", var.getRange()); if (var.isPublicVar()) { attr.setProperty("persistent", "true"); attr.setProperty("public", c.getUri().resolve("#" + attr.getName()).toString()); attr.setProperty("authorative", (var.isPersistent() ? "true" : "false")); } c.addAttribute(attr); } else { if (!var.getJavaType().equals(c.getAttribute(var.getName()).getType())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("attribute type mismatch in CRT '" + crt.getName() + "' (" + var.getName() + "): '" + var.getJavaType() + "' cannot be assigned to '" + c.getAttribute(var.getName()).getType() + "'"); } } } Pointer<String, URI> socketPointer = null; try { socketPointer = new Pointer<String, URI>(socketData); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty socket in CRT '" + crt.getName() + "'", e); } String crtGUID = GaleUtil.newGUID(); while (socketPointer.hasPointer()) { String code = crt.getCode(); Map<String, URI> current = socketPointer.current(); for (String socketId : current.keySet()) { CRTsocket s = crt.getSocketById(socketId); try { code = code.replace("%" + s.getName() + "%", current.get(socketId).toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "the CRT '" + crt.getName() + "' has code that refers to socket '" + s.getName() + "' that does not exist in the definition", e); } } for (Element param : (List<Element>) crtElement.elements("parameter")) { String pname = param.attributeValue("name"); String pvalue = param.getText(); code = code.replace("%" + pname + "%", pvalue); } try { List<Concept> codeConcepts = GAMFormat.readGAM(code, baseURI, dm); for (Concept c : codeConcepts) interpretConceptAdditions(c, crtGUID); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "the CRT '" + crt.getName() + "' has errors in its code: " + e.getMessage(), e); }; } } private void interpretConceptAdditions(Concept c, String crtGUID) { Concept original = conceptMap.get(c.getUri()); if (original == null) { original = new Concept(c.getUri()); conceptMap.put(original.getUri(), original); } // properties Set<String> props = new HashSet<String>(); for (String s : c.getProperties().keySet()) if (!s.startsWith("~")) props.add(s); if (c.getEventCode() != null && !"".equals(c.getEventCode())) { props.add("event"); c.setProperty("event", c.getEventCode()); } compileProperties(original.getProperties(), props, c.getProperties()); // relations for (ConceptRelation cr : c.getInCR()) { if (conceptMap.containsKey(cr.getInConcept().getUri())) compileCR(cr.getInConcept().getUri(), cr.getName(), c.getUri(), cr.getProperties()); } for (ConceptRelation cr : c.getOutCR()) { if (conceptMap.containsKey(cr.getOutConcept().getUri())) compileCR(c.getUri(), cr.getName(), cr.getOutConcept().getUri(), cr.getProperties()); } // attributes for (Attribute a : c.getAttributes()) { Attribute orgAttr = original.getAttribute(a.getName()); if (orgAttr == null) { orgAttr = makeAttribute(a.getName(), "", "", a.getType(), a.isPersistent()); original.addAttribute(orgAttr); } interpretAttributeAdditions(orgAttr, a, crtGUID); } } private void interpretAttributeAdditions(Attribute original, Attribute a, String crtGUID) { // some checks ParseNode node = (ParseNode) a.getTransientData("node"); String nodeName = (String) node.get("name"); if (nodeName.indexOf(":") < 0) // untyped attribute addition a.setType(original.getType()); a.getProperties().remove("~extends"); // check for type mismatch if (!original.getType().equals(a.getType())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("attribute type mismatch (" + original.getName() + "): '" + a.getType() + "' cannot be assigned to '" + original.getType() + "'"); // default code try { String nodeValue = (String) node.get("value"); if (nodeValue != null && !"".equals(nodeValue.trim())) { char operation = (Character) node.get("operation"); if (operation == '=') original.setDefaultCode(a.getDefaultCode()); else { String opstr = ((operation == '|' || operation == '&') ? " " + operation + operation : " " + operation) + " "; StringBuilder newDefaultCode = new StringBuilder( original.getDefaultCode() == null ? "" : original.getDefaultCode().trim()); if (original.getType().equals("java.lang.Boolean")) { boolean initialized = "true".equals(original.getTransientData(crtGUID)); if (!initialized) { if (newDefaultCode.length() > 0) newDefaultCode.append(" && "); newDefaultCode.append("("); newDefaultCode.append(a.getDefaultCode()); newDefaultCode.append(")"); original.addTransientData(crtGUID, "true"); } else { newDefaultCode.deleteCharAt(newDefaultCode.length() - 1); newDefaultCode.append(opstr); newDefaultCode.append(a.getDefaultCode()); newDefaultCode.append(")"); } } else if (newDefaultCode.length() > 0) { newDefaultCode.insert(0, "new " + original.getType() + "("); newDefaultCode.append(opstr); newDefaultCode.append(a.getDefaultCode()); newDefaultCode.append(")"); } else newDefaultCode.append(a.getDefaultCode()); original.setDefaultCode(newDefaultCode.toString()); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // properties Set<String> props = new HashSet<String>(); for (String s : a.getProperties().keySet()) if (!s.startsWith("~") && !"persistent".equals(s)) props.add(s); if (a.getEventCode() != null && !"".equals(a.getEventCode())) { props.add("event"); a.setProperty("event", a.getEventCode()); } compileProperties(original.getProperties(), props, a.getProperties()); } private void compileCR(URI source, String name, URI target, Map<String, String> properties) { if (!conceptMap.containsKey(source) || !conceptMap.containsKey(target)) return; ConceptRelation cr = new ConceptRelation(false); cr.setEqualsString(name + ";" + source + ";" + target); if (conceptMap.get(source).getOutCR().contains(cr)) { for (ConceptRelation loopcr : conceptMap.get(source).getOutCR()) if (loopcr.getOutConcept().getUri().equals(target)) cr = loopcr; } else cr = new ConceptRelation(name, conceptMap.get(source), conceptMap.get(target)); Set<String> props = new HashSet<String>(); for (String s : properties.keySet()) if (!s.startsWith("~")) props.add(s); compileProperties(cr.getProperties(), props, properties); } private void compileProperties(Map<String, String> orgProperties, Set<String> props, Map<String, String> properties) { for (String s : props) { String opStr = properties.get("~extends." + s); char operation = '='; if (opStr != null && opStr.length() > 0) operation = opStr.charAt(0); orgProperties.put(s, compileValue(orgProperties.get(s), operation, properties.get(s))); } } private String compileValue(String orgValue, char operation, String newValue) { if (operation == '=') return (newValue == null ? "" : newValue); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (orgValue != null) sb.append(orgValue); if (sb.length() > 0 && operation != '+') { sb.append(" "); sb.append(operation); sb.append(operation); sb.append(" "); } if (newValue != null) sb.append(newValue); return sb.toString(); } private static Attribute makeAttribute(String name, String defaultCode, String eventCode, String type, boolean persistent) { Attribute result = new Attribute(name); result.setDefaultCode(defaultCode); result.setEventCode(eventCode); result.setType(type); try { if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(Class.forName(type))) result.setDefaultCode("new " + type + "(" + defaultCode + ")"); else result.setDefaultCode(defaultCode); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } result.setProperty("persistent", (persistent ? "true" : "false")); return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static class CRT { private String uid = null; private String name = null; private String code = null; private Map<String, CRTsocket> socketById = new HashMap<String, CRTsocket>(); private Map<String, CRTsocket> socketByName = new HashMap<String, CRTsocket>(); private Collection<CRTvar> variables = new LinkedList<CRTvar>(); public String getUid() { return uid; } public void setUid(String uid) { this.uid = uid; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getCode() { return code; } public void setCode(String code) { this.code = code; } public Map<String, CRTsocket> getSocketById() { return socketById; } public CRTsocket getSocketById(String id) { return socketById.get(id); } public void setSocketById(Map<String, CRTsocket> socketById) { this.socketById = socketById; } public Map<String, CRTsocket> getSocketByName() { return socketByName; } public CRTsocket getSocketByName(String name) { return socketByName.get(name); } public void setSocketByName(Map<String, CRTsocket> socketByName) { this.socketByName = socketByName; } public Collection<CRTvar> getVariables() { return variables; } public void setVariables(Collection<CRTvar> variables) { this.variables = variables; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static CRT parse(Element crt) { CRT result = new CRT(); result.setUid(crt.element("header").elementText("modeluuid")); result.setName(crt.element("header").elementText("title")); crt = crt.element("body").element("crt"); result.setCode(crt.element("adaptationbehaviour").elementText("galcode")); for (Element codeElement : (List<Element>) crt.element("adaptationbehaviour").elements("code")) { if ("gale".equals(codeElement.attributeValue("type"))) result.setCode(codeElement.getText()); } for (Element var : (Collection<Element>) crt.element("adaptationbehaviour").element("usermodel") .elements("umvariable")) result.getVariables().add(CRTvar.parse(var)); for (Element socket : (Collection<Element>) crt.element("crtsockets").elements("socket")) { CRTsocket s = CRTsocket.parse(socket); result.getSocketById().put(s.getUid(), s); result.getSocketByName().put(s.getName(), s); } return result; } } private static class CRTsocket { private String uid = null; private String name = null; public String getUid() { return uid; } public void setUid(String uid) { this.uid = uid; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public static CRTsocket parse(Element socket) { CRTsocket result = new CRTsocket(); result.setUid(socket.elementText("uuid")); result.setName(socket.elementText("name")); return result; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == null) return false; if (!(o instanceof CRTsocket)) return false; CRTsocket s = (CRTsocket) o; boolean result = true; result &= (uid == null ? s.uid == null : uid.equals(s.uid)); result &= (name == null ? == null : name.equals(; return result; } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static class CRTvar { private String name = null; private String socketName = null; private boolean publicVar = false; private boolean persistent = false; private String type = null; private String defaultVar = null; private String range = null; public String getRange() { return range; } public void setRange(String range) { this.range = range; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getSocketName() { return socketName; } public void setSocketName(String socketName) { this.socketName = socketName; } public boolean isPublicVar() { return publicVar; } public void setPublicVar(boolean publicVar) { this.publicVar = publicVar; } public boolean isPersistent() { return persistent; } public void setPersistent(boolean persistent) { this.persistent = persistent; } public String getType() { return type; } public String getJavaType() { if ("integer".equals(type)) return "java.lang.Integer"; if ("float".equals(type)) return "java.lang.Float"; if ("boolean".equals(type)) return "java.lang.Boolean"; return "java.lang.String"; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public String getDefaultVar() { return defaultVar; } public void setDefaultVar(String defaultVar) { this.defaultVar = defaultVar; } public static CRTvar parse(Element var) { CRTvar result = new CRTvar(); result.setName(var.elementText("umvarname")); result.setDefaultVar(var.elementText("default")); result.setPersistent(new Boolean(var.elementText("persistent"))); result.setPublicVar(new Boolean(var.elementText("public"))); result.setSocketName(var.elementText("socket")); result.setType(var.elementText("type")); try { result.setRange( var.element("range").elementText("from") + "-" + var.element("range").elementText("to")); } catch (Exception e) { } return result; } } private static class Pointer<T, U> { private Map<T, List<U>> data = new HashMap<T, List<U>>(); private Map<T, U> current = new HashMap<T, U>(); private List<T> indexList = new ArrayList<T>(); public Pointer(Map<T, Set<U>> data) { for (Map.Entry<T, Set<U>> entry : data.entrySet()) { List<U> list = new ArrayList<U>(); list.addAll(entry.getValue());, list); } for (T t : data.keySet()) indexList.add(t); for (T t : indexList) current.put(t,; } public Map<T, U> current() { Map<T, U> result = new HashMap<T, U>(); result.putAll(current); return result; } public void next() { int x = indexList.size() - 1; boolean done = false; while (x >= 0 && !done) { done = true; T t = indexList.get(x); int y = data.get(t).indexOf(current.get(t)); y++; if (y >= data.get(t).size()) { y = 0; done = false; } current.put(t, data.get(t).get(y)); x--; } if (x < 0 && !done) current = null; } public boolean hasPointer() { return (current != null); } } }