List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element attributeValue
String attributeValue(QName qName);
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License:Open Source License
public void parseFromXML(Element elementRoot, Dictionary dictionary, ElementAbstract elemDico) throws Exception { //si non present dans le dico on parse le fichier xml if (elemDico == null) { String tagStr = elementRoot.attributeValue("identifier"); if (tagStr == null) { tagStr = elementRoot.attributeValue("tag"); }/* w ww . j a va 2s .co m*/ tagStr = tagStr.trim(); int iPos = tagStr.indexOf(":"); String label = null; String value = tagStr; if (iPos >= 0) { label = tagStr.substring(0, iPos); value = tagStr.substring(iPos + 1); } int tagInt = getTagValueFromBinary(value); this.tag = tagInt; this.label = label; } // for Q931 protocols String labelTag = elementRoot.attributeValue("name"); if (labelTag != null) { this.label = labelTag; } String instances = elementRoot.attributeValue("instances"); if (instances != null) { this.instances = Integer.parseInt(instances); } List<Element> listField = elementRoot.elements("field"); for (Iterator<Element> it = listField.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element fieldRoot =; String name = fieldRoot.attributeValue("name"); FieldAbstract field = null; // Case if field is present in the dico if (elemDico != null) { field = elemDico.getFieldsByName(name); } if (field == null) { field = FieldAbstract.parseFromXML(fieldRoot); } this.fieldsByName.put(name, field); this.fields.add(field); } // initiate the Array containing the fields this.fieldsArray = new SupArray(); Array emptyArray = new DefaultArray(getLengthElem() / 8); this.fieldsArray.addFirst(emptyArray); this.subelementsArray = new SupArray(); // set the value for each fields listField = elementRoot.elements("field"); //boucle pour setter tous les field de elemV int offset = 0; for (Iterator<Element> it = listField.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element element1 =; String fieldName = element1.attributeValue("name"); FieldAbstract field = this.fieldsByName.get(fieldName); if (field != null) { String value = element1.attributeValue("value"); if (value != null) { field.setValue(value, offset, this.fieldsArray); } else { field.setOffset(offset); } int length = field.length; if (length != 0) { offset += length; } else { offset = this.fieldsArray.length * 8; } } else { throw new ExecutionException( "The field \"" + fieldName + "\" is not found in the element : \"" + this.tag + "\""); } } //parse the sub-elements List<Element> listElement = elementRoot.elements("element"); ElementAbstract subElemDico = null; ElementAbstract elem = null; for (Iterator<Element> it = listElement.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elemElement =; if (dictionary != null) { subElemDico = dictionary.getElementFromXML(elemElement); elem = (ElementAbstract) subElemDico.cloneAttribute(); elem.parseFromXML(elemElement, dictionary, subElemDico); this.elements.add(elem); } } }
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License:Open Source License
public EnumerationField(Element rootXML) { super(rootXML); List<Element> list = rootXML.elements("enum"); for (Element elemEnum : list) { String valueStr = elemEnum.attributeValue("value"); String nameStr = elemEnum.attributeValue("name"); int iPos = valueStr.indexOf('-'); if (iPos >= 0) { String beginStr = valueStr.substring(0, iPos); String endStr = valueStr.substring(iPos + 1); EnumRange range = new EnumRange(beginStr, endStr, nameStr); ranges.add(range);//from www . j av a2 s. c o m this.valuesByLabel.put(nameStr, range.getBegin()); } else { byte[] valueBytes = Utils.parseBinaryString(valueStr); int value = (int) valueBytes[0] & 0xFF; this.valuesByLabel.put(nameStr, value); this.labelsByValue.put(value, nameStr); } } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void parseFromXML(Element rootXML, boolean parseDico) { super.parseFromXML(rootXML, parseDico); List<Element> list = rootXML.elements("enum"); for (Element elemEnum : list) { String valueStr = elemEnum.attributeValue("value"); String nameStr = elemEnum.attributeValue("name"); int iPos = valueStr.indexOf('-'); if (iPos >= 0) { String beginStr = valueStr.substring(0, iPos); String endStr = valueStr.substring(iPos + 1); EnumRange range = new EnumRange(beginStr, endStr, nameStr); ranges.add(range);/*from w w w. j av a 2 s . c o m*/ this.valuesByLabel.put(nameStr, range.getBeginValue()); this.labelsByValue.put(range.getBeginValue(), nameStr); } else { byte[] valueBytes = Utils.parseBinaryString(valueStr); long value = EnumRange.toLong(valueBytes); this.valuesByLabel.put(nameStr, value); this.labelsByValue.put(value, nameStr); } } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void parseFromXML(Element rootXML, boolean parseDico) { super.parseFromXML(rootXML, parseDico); List<Element> list = rootXML.elements("enum"); for (Element elemEnum : list) { String valueStr = elemEnum.attributeValue("value"); String nameStr = elemEnum.attributeValue("name"); this.valuesByLabel.put(nameStr, valueStr); this.labelsByValue.put(valueStr, nameStr); }/* www.j a v a2 m*/ }
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License:Open Source License
public FieldAbstract(Element rootXML) { name = rootXML.attributeValue("name"); this.length = 0; String lengthBit = rootXML.attributeValue("lengthBit"); if (lengthBit != null) { this.length = Integer.parseInt(lengthBit); }/*from w w w. jav a 2 s . co m*/ }
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License:Open Source License
public static FieldAbstract parseFromXML(Element fieldRoot) throws Exception { String type = fieldRoot.attributeValue("type"); String name = fieldRoot.attributeValue("name"); FieldAbstract newField = null;// ww w .j a v a2s. com if (type == null) { throw new ExecutionException("ERROR : The type attribute for the field \"" + name + "\" is mandatory because the element he belongs to is not present in the dictionary."); } if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("integer")) { newField = new IntegerField(fieldRoot); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("boolean")) { newField = new BooleanField(fieldRoot); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("enumeration")) { newField = new EnumerationField(fieldRoot); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("string")) { newField = new StringField(fieldRoot); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("length_string")) { newField = new LengthStringField(fieldRoot); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("length2_string")) { newField = new Length2StringField(fieldRoot); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("binary")) { newField = new BinaryField(fieldRoot); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("length2_binary")) { newField = new Length2BinaryField(fieldRoot); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("number_bcd")) { newField = new NumberBCDField(fieldRoot); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("number_mmc")) { newField = new NumberMMCField(fieldRoot); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("ipv4_address")) { newField = new IPV4AddressField(fieldRoot); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("ipv6_address")) { newField = new IPV6AddressField(fieldRoot); } else { throw new ExecutionException( "ERROR : The field type \"" + type + "\" is not supported in the field \"" + name + "\""); } return newField; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void parseFromXML(Element header, Dictionary dictionary) throws Exception { this.dictionary = dictionary; if (header.attributeValue("type").startsWith("b")) { _typeArray = new Integer08Array((Utils.parseBinaryString(header.attributeValue("type")))[0]); } else {/*from w w w. ja v a2 s. co m*/ EnumerationField field = (EnumerationField) dictionary.getHeaderFieldByName("Message type"); _typeArray = new Integer08Array(field.getEnumValueByLabel(header.attributeValue("type"))); } String discriminator = header.attributeValue("discriminator"); try { _discrimArray = new Integer08Array((Utils.parseBinaryString(discriminator))[0]); } catch (Exception e) { EnumerationField field = (EnumerationField) dictionary.getHeaderFieldByName("Protocol discriminator"); _discrimArray = new Integer08Array(field.getEnumValueByLabel(discriminator)); } String callReference = header.attributeValue("callReference"); if (callReference != null) { _callReferenceArray = new DefaultArray(Utils.parseBinaryString(callReference)); if (_callReferenceArray.length > 2) { throw new ExecutionException( "ISDN layer : The \"callReference\" attribute value for the header is too long [0...32767]"); } } String layer3Address = header.attributeValue("layer3Address"); if (layer3Address != null) { _layer3AddressArray = new DefaultArray(Utils.parseBinaryString(layer3Address)); } }
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License:Open Source License
public MessageQ931(Element root) throws Exception { this.syntax = root.attributeValue("syntax"); initDictionary(syntax);/* www .j a v a 2s . co m*/ this.header = new HeaderQ931(); this.header.parseFromXML(root.element("header"), dictionary); this.elements = new ArrayList<ElementAbstract>(); List<Element> elementsInf = root.elements("element"); ElementAbstract elemInfo = null; ElementAbstract elem = null; for (Element element : elementsInf) { element.addAttribute("coding", "Q931"); elemInfo = this.dictionary.getElementFromXML(element); elem = (ElementQ931) elemInfo.cloneAttribute(); // FH Manage a new Element like ElementQ931big for id = User-User:126 elem.parseFromXML(element, this.dictionary, elemInfo); this.elements.add(elem); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * add the static stat counters : specially for the editable parameters and test sections *///from w ww.j a va2 s. c o m public void addStatsStaticTestParameters(Test test) { this.addValue(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, test.getName(), "_name"), test.getName()); this.addValue(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, test.getName(), "_description"), test.getDescription()); this.addValue(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, test.getName(), "_filename"), test.getXMLDocument().getXMLFile().toASCIIString()); this.addValue(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, test.getName(), "_version"), Tester.getRelease()); DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.MEDIUM); this.addValue(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, "_currentTime"), dateFormat.format(this.getZeroTimestamp() + this.getLastTimestamp())); this.addValue(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, "_currentDuration"), Helper.getElapsedTimeString(this.getLastTimestamp() / 1000)); if (this.isActivate()) { this.addValue(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, "_currentInterval"), 0); float lInterval = (float) ((StatCounter) this.getValue( new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, "_currentInterval"))).graphDataset.graphParameters.graphPeriod / 1000; String interval = lInterval + " s"; this.addValue(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, "_currentInterval"), interval); } // We add stats about configuration of the test ------------------------- List<Element> list = test.getEditableParameters(); for (Element elementEditable : list) { String name = elementEditable.attributeValue("name"); name = name.substring(1, name.length() - 1); String description = elementEditable.attributeValue("description"); String value = elementEditable.attributeValue("value"); StatKey statKey = new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_PARAM, "value", name, "_value"); addValue(statKey, value); // create the corresponding template CounterReportTemplate template = new CounterReportTemplate("<text>", statKey, null, name, name, description); StatCounterConfigManager.getInstance().addTemplateList(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_PARAM), template); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Execute operation//ww w . j av a2s .co m * * @param session Current session * @return Next operation or null by default */ @Override public Operation execute(Runner runner) throws Exception { GlobalLogger.instance().getSessionLogger().info(runner, TextEvent.Topic.CORE, this); // get the function String name = getRootElement().attributeValue("name"); Function function = FunctionsCache.instance().getFunction(name, ((ScenarioRunner) runner).getScenarioReference()); // prepare input arguments (copy parameters in hashmap) HashMap<String, Parameter> inputs = new HashMap(); for (Object object : getRootElement().selectNodes("./input/parameter")) { Element element = (Element) object; String inputName = element.attributeValue("name"); if (inputName.contains("function:")) { inputName = Utils.replaceNoRegex(inputName, "function:", ""); } String inputValue = element.attributeValue("value"); if (!Parameter.matchesParameter(inputName)) { throw new ExecutionException("invalid input name format in function call\r\n" + element.asXML() + "\r\nfrom\r\n" + getRootElement().asXML(), null); } if (Parameter.matchesParameter(inputValue)) { LinkedList<String> inputValueParsed = runner.getParameterPool() .parse(ParameterPool.unbracket(inputValue)); if (inputValueParsed.size() != 1) { throw new ExecutionException("invalid parameter name size\r\n" + element.asXML() + "\r\nfrom\r\n" + getRootElement().asXML(), null); } Parameter inputValueParameter = runner.getParameterPool() .get(ParameterPool.bracket(inputValueParsed.getFirst())); Parameter inputParameter = new Parameter(); inputParameter.addAll(inputValueParameter.getArray()); inputs.put(inputName, inputParameter); } else { LinkedList<String> inputValueParsed = runner.getParameterPool().parse(inputValue); Parameter inputParameter = new Parameter(); inputParameter.addAll(inputValueParsed); inputs.put(inputName, inputParameter); } } if (null == function) { throw new ExecutionException("could not find function " + name); } // execute the function HashMap<String, Parameter> outputs = function.execute(runner, inputs); // put back the function into the cache FunctionsCache.instance().freeFunction(function); // copy back output parameters to parameter pool for (Object object : getRootElement().selectNodes("./output/parameter")) { Element element = (Element) object; String outputName = element.attributeValue("name"); String outputValue = element.attributeValue("value"); if (null != outputName && outputName.contains("function:")) { outputName = Utils.replaceNoRegex(outputName, "function:", ""); } if (null != outputValue && outputValue.contains("function:")) { outputValue = Utils.replaceNoRegex(outputValue, "function:", ""); } if (!Parameter.matchesParameter(outputName)) { throw new ExecutionException("invalid output name format in function call\r\n" + element.asXML() + "\r\nfrom\r\n" + getRootElement().asXML(), null); } if (null != outputValue && !Parameter.matchesParameter(outputValue)) { throw new ExecutionException("invalid output value format in function call\r\n" + element.asXML() + "\r\nfrom\r\n" + getRootElement().asXML(), null); } if (null == outputValue) { if (!outputs.containsKey(outputName)) { throw new ExecutionException("invalid output name; not present in function output\r\n" + element.asXML() + "\r\nfrom\r\n" + getRootElement().asXML(), null); } runner.getParameterPool().set(outputName, outputs.get(outputName)); GlobalLogger.instance().getSessionLogger().info(runner, TextEvent.Topic.CORE, "setted output ", outputValue, " as ", outputName, " in parameter pool"); } else { if (!outputs.containsKey(outputValue)) { throw new ExecutionException("invalid output value; not present in function output\r\n" + element.asXML() + "\r\nfrom\r\n" + getRootElement().asXML(), null); } runner.getParameterPool().set(outputName, outputs.get(outputValue)); GlobalLogger.instance().getSessionLogger().info(runner, TextEvent.Topic.CORE, "setted output ", outputName, " as ", outputName, " in parameter pool"); } } // some logs GlobalLogger.instance().getSessionLogger().info(runner, TextEvent.Topic.CORE, "<function> executed " + name); return null; }