Source code

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 * Copyright 2012 Devoteam
 * This file is part of Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS).
 * Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS) is free software: you can redistribute
 * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License.
 * Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS) is distributed in the hope that it will
 * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty 
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS).
 * If not, see <>.

package com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.newstats;

import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.Test;
import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.Tester;
import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.log.GlobalLogger;
import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.log.TextEvent;
import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.protocol.StackFactory;
import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.utils.Config;
import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.utils.DateUtils;
import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.utils.Helper;
import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.gui.model.ModelTreeRTStats;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Timer;

import org.dom4j.Element;

 * The main Stat class. Holds the counter objects (that implement IStatCounter
 * interface) in th hash map indexed by objects of
 * {@link com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.newstats.StatKey} type The object of
 * this class is a singletone for now (use getInstance method).<br/> Supported
 * counters:<br/> - "counter" - an ordinary event counter<br/> - "value" -
 * mean value counter (short period mean value, overal mean value)<br/> -
 * "flow" - flow of events per second counter<br/> - "percent" - percentage of events
 * counter<br/>
 * @author mjagodzinski
public class StatPool implements Serializable, Cloneable {
    // StatPool will be singleton for now
    private final static StatPool instance = new StatPool();
    public static final String PREFIX_REQUEST = "request";
    public static final String PREFIX_RESPONSE = "response";
    public static final String PREFIX_TRANSACTION = "transaction";
    public static final String PREFIX_SESSION = "session";
    public static final String PREFIX_PROTOCOL = "protocol";
    public static final String PREFIX_TRANSPORT = "transport";
    public static final String PREFIX_RTPFLOW = "rtpflow";
    public static final String PREFIX_TEST = "test";
    public static final String PREFIX_TESTCASE = "testcase";
    public static final String PREFIX_SCENARIO = "scenario";
    public static final String PREFIX_OPERATION = "operation";
    public static final String PREFIX_PARAM = "parameter";
    public static final String PREFIX_USER = "user";

    public static final String LISTENPOINT_KEY = "listenpoint";
    public static final String CHANNEL_KEY = "channel";
    public static final String PROBE_KEY = "probe";

    public static final String NIO_KEY = "_nio";
    public static final String BIO_KEY = "_bio";

    private HashMap<StatKey, IStatCounter> statHash;
    private long zeroTimestamp;
    private long lastTimestamp;
    private boolean activate;
    private boolean updateLastTimestamp;

    private StatPool() {
        this.statHash = new HashMap<StatKey, IStatCounter>();
        this.zeroTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
        this.lastTimestamp = 0;
        this.activate = Config.getConfigByName("").getBoolean("stats.ACTIVATE_COUNTERS", true);
        this.updateLastTimestamp = true;

    //prepare the timer to automatically generate periodically report
    public static void initialize(String aMode) {
        try {
            Float statsPeriodFloat = null;
            String statsPeriod = Config.getConfigByName("")
            if ((statsPeriod != null) && (statsPeriod.length() != 0))
                statsPeriodFloat = Float.parseFloat(statsPeriod);

            if (statsPeriodFloat != null) {
                String statsDate = Config.getConfigByName("")
                long firstExecutionCalendar = DateUtils.parseDate(statsDate);
                Date firstExecutionDate = new Date(firstExecutionCalendar);
                Date currentDate = new Date();

                int period = (int) (statsPeriodFloat * 3600 * 1000);
                while (firstExecutionDate.before(currentDate)) {
                    firstExecutionDate = new Date(firstExecutionDate.getTime() + period);

                //lauch the timer now
                Timer autoStatsGenerationTimer = new Timer();
                StatTimerTask task = new StatTimerTask(aMode);
                autoStatsGenerationTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, firstExecutionDate, period);
        } catch (Exception e) {
                    "Error while configuring automatic generation report: ", e);

    public void setUpdateLastTimestamp(boolean updateLastTimestamp) {
        this.updateLastTimestamp = updateLastTimestamp;

     * Returns THE instance of StatPool object (singletone object)
    public static StatPool getInstance() {
        return instance;

    public long relativeTimeMillis() {
        return System.currentTimeMillis() - this.zeroTimestamp;

    public long getZeroTimestamp() {
        return this.zeroTimestamp;

    public long getLastTimestamp() {
        return this.lastTimestamp;

     * Empties the pool of stats (empties the hash map)
    public void reset() {
        synchronized (this.statHash) {
            // reset the stat pool
        // reset the presentation counter manager
        this.zeroTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
        this.lastTimestamp = 0;
        this.activate = Config.getConfigByName("").getBoolean("stats.ACTIVATE_COUNTERS", true);
        this.updateLastTimestamp = true;

        // reset the gui panel
        if (ModelTreeRTStats.instance() != null) {

     * Empties a counter into the pool of stats
    public void resetPattern(StatKeyPattern statKeyPattern) {
        List<StatKey> findKeys = findStatKey(statKeyPattern);
        for (StatKey statKey : findKeys) {
            synchronized (this.statHash) {
                // reset the stat pool

     * Test whether a stat counter exists or not
    public boolean exists(StatKey statKey) {
        return this.statHash.get(statKey) != null;

     * Add a value to a counter (IStatCounter object) given by a StatKey object
    public void addValue(StatKey statKey, Object value) {
        if (activate) {

            // We mark it with a flag on the RTStatsTimer

     * Add a value to a counter (IStatCounter object) given by a StatKey object
    public void addValue(StatKey statKey, Object value, long timestamp) {
        if (activate) {
            get(statKey).addValue(value, timestamp);

            // We mark it with a flag on the RTStatsTimer

     * Get the counter (IStatCounter object) given by a StatKey object
    public IStatCounter getValue(StatKey statKey) {
        if (activate) {
            return get(statKey);
        return null;

     * Returns the IStatCounter object from the hash map. If the counter indexed
     * by the StatKey having <code>attributes</code> doesn't exist it creates
     * one.<br/>
     * The last element in the <code>attributes</code> array indicates the
     * type of the counter, so it ALWAYS is obligatory.<br/> Supported
     * counters:<br/> - "counter" - an ordinary event counter<br/> - "value" -
     * mean value counter (short period mean value, overal mean value)</br> -
     * "flow" - flow of events per second counter<br/> - "percent" - percentage of
     * events per hour counter<br/>
    private IStatCounter get(StatKey statKey) {
        return get(statKey, true);

    private IStatCounter get(StatKey statKey, boolean shouldBeRefreshed) {
        if (statKey == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Do not search in StatPool with a null StatKey !");

        if (this.updateLastTimestamp) {
            this.lastTimestamp = this.relativeTimeMillis();

        IStatCounter counter = statHash.get(statKey);
        if (counter != null) {
            return counter;

        // The counter was not found. It will be created and added to the
        // HashMap depending on the boolean shouldBeRefreshed.

        // Search again. If we were stuck on the synchronized(..), it is
        // possible that it was to get the counter that was just created.
        // Since we don't want to create it a second time, we search.
        counter = statHash.get(statKey);
        if (null != counter) {
            return counter;

        // Create the counter.
        counter = new StatCounter(statKey, StatCounterConfigManager.getInstance().getCounterParameters(statKey));

        if (true == shouldBeRefreshed) {
            synchronized (this.statHash) {
                statHash.put(statKey, counter);
            GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().debug(TextEvent.Topic.CORE, "Created counter ",
        return counter;

     * Returns a list of StatKeys that match a StatKeyPattern.
     * If a StatKey is longer thant the StatKeyPattern, only the firsts
     * parameters are tested. (LAX matching).
     * @param statKeyPattern StatKey object with regular expressions in its attributes
     * @return List of the matched StatKeys from the StatPool
    public List<StatKey> findStatKey(StatKeyPattern statKeyPattern) {
        List<StatKey> keyResultList = new LinkedList<StatKey>();

        synchronized (this.statHash) {
            Set<StatKey> setStats = this.statHash.keySet();
            for (StatKey statKey : setStats) {
                if (statKeyPattern.matchesLax(statKey)) {

        return keyResultList;

     * Returns a list of StatKeys with the attributes that match the
     * statKeyPattern. Duplicates are eliminated.
     * Result StatKeys are truncatured to the length of the statKeyPattern
     * This can be used for example to get a list of protocols by calling this
     * function with /protocol/.* <br/> Could return: <br/> /protocol/sip <br/>
     * /protocol/aaa <br/> /protocol/http <br/> etc<br/>
     * @param statKeyPattern
     * @return
    public List<StatKey> findMatchingKeyStrict(StatKey statKeyPattern) {
        // find all matches
        List<StatKey> findList = this.findStatKey(new StatKeyPattern(statKeyPattern));

        Set<StatKey> findSet = new HashSet<StatKey>();

        String[] array;

        // eliminate the attributes that doesn't match
        for (Iterator<StatKey> iterator = findList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            StatKey statKey =;
            array = new String[statKeyPattern.getAllAttributes().length];
            System.arraycopy(statKey.getAllAttributes(), 0, array, 0, statKeyPattern.getAllAttributes().length);
            findSet.add(new StatKey(array));
        return new LinkedList<StatKey>(findSet);

    public List<IStatCounter> findCounter(StatKeyPattern statKeyPattern) {

        List<IStatCounter> result = new LinkedList<IStatCounter>();

        List<StatKey> statKeys = findStatKey(statKeyPattern);
        for (StatKey statKey : statKeys) {

        return result;

     * Returns a IStatCounter that is a sum of all IStatCounters selected by
     * <i>statKeyPattern</i> We suppose that all selected counters are of the
     * same type
     * @param statKeyPattern
     * @return
    public IStatCounter sum(StatKey resultStat, StatKey statKeyPattern) {
        List<IStatCounter> findResult = findCounter(new StatKeyPattern(statKeyPattern));
        if (findResult.size() == 0) {
            return null;

        IStatCounter resStatCounter = this.get(resultStat, false);
        for (IStatCounter statCounter : findResult) {

        return resStatCounter;

    public IStatCounter sumReadOnly(StatKey resultStat, StatKey statKeyPattern) {
        List<IStatCounter> findResult = findCounterReadOnly(new StatKeyPattern(statKeyPattern));
        if (findResult.size() == 0) {
            return null;

        IStatCounter resStatCounter = this.get(resultStat, false);
        for (IStatCounter statCounter : findResult) {

        return resStatCounter;

    public List<IStatCounter> findCounterReadOnly(StatKeyPattern statKeyPattern) {

        List<IStatCounter> result = new LinkedList<IStatCounter>();

        List<StatKey> statKeys = findStatKey(statKeyPattern);
        for (StatKey statKey : statKeys) {
            result.add(this.get(statKey, false));

        return result;

    public StatPool clone() {
        StatPool clone = new StatPool();
        clone.activate = this.activate;
        clone.zeroTimestamp = this.zeroTimestamp;
        clone.lastTimestamp = this.lastTimestamp;
        clone.updateLastTimestamp = this.updateLastTimestamp;
        synchronized (this.statHash) {
            for (Entry<StatKey, IStatCounter> entry : this.statHash.entrySet()) {
                clone.statHash.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().clone());

        return clone;

    public void merge(StatPool other) {
        this.lastTimestamp = Math.max(this.lastTimestamp, other.lastTimestamp);

        synchronized (this.statHash) {
            synchronized (other.statHash) {
                for (Entry<StatKey, IStatCounter> entry : other.statHash.entrySet()) {
                    IStatCounter statCounter = this.statHash.get(entry.getKey());

                    if (null == statCounter) {
                        this.statHash.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().clone());
                    } else {

    public void normalize() {
        for (Entry<StatKey, IStatCounter> entry : this.statHash.entrySet()) {
            StatCounter statCounter = (StatCounter) entry.getValue();
            if (null != statCounter.graphDataset) {

    public long getTestStartTimestamp() {
        return zeroTimestamp;

    public boolean isActivate() {
        return activate;

    public static void beginStatisticProtocol(String object, String nio, String transport, String protocol) {
                new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_PROTOCOL, object + nio, transport, protocol, "_startNumber"), 1);
                new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_PROTOCOL, object + nio, transport, protocol, "_currentNumber"), 1);

    public static void endStatisticProtocol(String object, String nio, String transport, String protocol,
            long startTimestamp) {
        long endTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
        float duration_stats = ((float) (endTimestamp - startTimestamp) / 1000);

                new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_PROTOCOL, object + nio, transport, protocol, "_completeNumber"), 1);
                new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_PROTOCOL, object + nio, transport, protocol, "_currentNumber"), -1);
                new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_PROTOCOL, object + nio, transport, protocol, "_durationTime"),

     * add the static stat counters : specially for the editable parameters and test sections
    public void addStatsStaticTestParameters(Test test) {
        this.addValue(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, test.getName(), "_name"), test.getName());
        this.addValue(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, test.getName(), "_description"), test.getDescription());
        this.addValue(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, test.getName(), "_filename"),
        this.addValue(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, test.getName(), "_version"), Tester.getRelease());

        DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.MEDIUM);
        this.addValue(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, "_currentTime"),
                dateFormat.format(this.getZeroTimestamp() + this.getLastTimestamp()));
        this.addValue(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, "_currentDuration"),
                Helper.getElapsedTimeString(this.getLastTimestamp() / 1000));
        if (this.isActivate()) {
            this.addValue(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, "_currentInterval"), 0);
            float lInterval = (float) ((StatCounter) this.getValue(
                    new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, "_currentInterval"))).graphDataset.graphParameters.graphPeriod
                    / 1000;
            String interval = lInterval + " s";
            this.addValue(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_TEST, "_currentInterval"), interval);

        // We add stats about configuration of the test -------------------------
        List<Element> list = test.getEditableParameters();
        for (Element elementEditable : list) {
            String name = elementEditable.attributeValue("name");
            name = name.substring(1, name.length() - 1);
            String description = elementEditable.attributeValue("description");
            String value = elementEditable.attributeValue("value");
            StatKey statKey = new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_PARAM, "value", name, "_value");
            addValue(statKey, value);
            // create the corresponding template
            CounterReportTemplate template = new CounterReportTemplate("<text>", statKey, null, name, name,
            StatCounterConfigManager.getInstance().addTemplateList(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_PARAM), template);
