Example usage for org.dom4j Element attributeValue

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element attributeValue


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Element attributeValue.


String attributeValue(QName qName);

Source Link


This returns the attribute value for the attribute with the given fully qualified name or null if there is no such attribute or the empty string if the attribute value is empty.


From source file:batch.performance.PerformanceTestDescriptor.java

License:Open Source License

 * @param metaFile//from   ww w .  j  a va2s .c om
 * @throws Exception
public PerformanceTestDescriptor(File metaFile) throws Exception {

    Element testSpec = Util.loadXML(metaFile).getRootElement();

    List configs = new ArrayList();
    for (Iterator itr = testSpec.elementIterator("performance"); itr.hasNext();) {
        Element performance = (Element) itr.next();

        // load scenario
        Scenario scenario = createScenario(metaFile, performance);

        // load profiler
        Profiler profiler;
        if (performance.attributeValue("profiler").equals("memory"))
            profiler = Profiler.MEMORY;
            profiler = Profiler.SPEED;

        // associated with instance?
        if (performance.attributeValue("run", "---").equals("once")) {
            // no
            configs.add(new Config(scenario, profiler, null));
        } else {
            // yes
            for (int i = 0; i < instances.length; i++)
                configs.add(new Config(scenario, profiler, instances[i]));

    this.configs = (Config[]) configs.toArray(new Config[configs.size()]);


From source file:batch.performance.PerformanceTestDescriptor.java

License:Open Source License

 * Creates the {@link Scenario} object from the descriptor.
 * // w ww .j a  v a2s  .co m
 * Derived classes may override this method.
protected Scenario createScenario(File baseLocation, Element performance) throws Exception {
    String className = performance.attributeValue("scenario");

    if (className == null) {
        // this is a bean-shell based script.
        return new ScriptScenario(performance.element("scenario"));

    Class clazz = Class.forName("batch.performance.scenarios." + className);
    try {
        // try the constructor with Element
        return (Scenario) clazz.getConstructor(new Class[] { Element.class })
                .newInstance(new Object[] { performance });
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
        // then the default constructor
        return (Scenario) clazz.newInstance();

From source file:batch.performance.visualizer.om.Result.java

License:Open Source License

public void parse(Document dom) throws IOException {
    List runs = dom.getRootElement().elements("run");
    for (Iterator itr = runs.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
        Element run = (Element) itr.next();
        final String date = run.attributeValue("date");

        List groups = run.elements("group");
        for (Iterator jtr = groups.iterator(); jtr.hasNext();) {
            Element group = (Element) jtr.next();
            final URL testSpec = new URL(group.attributeValue("name"));

            List results = group.elements("result");
            for (Iterator ktr = results.iterator(); ktr.hasNext();) {
                Element result = (Element) ktr.next();

                URL instance = null;
                if (result.attribute("instance") != null)
                    instance = new URL(result.attributeValue("instance"));

                DataSeries ds = createDataSeries(testSpec, result.attributeValue("scenario"),
                        result.attributeValue("mode").equals("speed") ? Profiler.SPEED : Profiler.MEMORY,
                        instance);/* w  w  w . j a v a2  s  .c o m*/
                try {
                    ds.addDataPoint(date, new BigInteger(result.getTextTrim()));
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    ; // throw away this data point

From source file:batch.qa.QATestDescriptor.java

License:Open Source License

public QATestDescriptor(File metaFile) throws Exception {

    Document doc = Util.loadXML(metaFile);
    Element testSpec = doc.getRootElement();

    List runOnce = new ArrayList();
    List normal = new ArrayList();

    {// run sciprts with "run='once'" attribute.
        Iterator jtr = testSpec.elementIterator("script");
        while (jtr.hasNext()) {
            Element script = (Element) jtr.next();
            URL url = new URL(testSpecUrl, script.attributeValue("href"));
            Script s = new Script(url);

            if ("once".equals(script.attributeValue("run"))) {
                runOnce.add(s);//from  w  ww. jav  a  2 s .co  m
            } else {

    this.runOnceScripts = (Script[]) runOnce.toArray(new Script[runOnce.size()]);
    this.perInstanceScripts = (Script[]) normal.toArray(new Script[normal.size()]);

    if (perInstanceScripts.length != 0 && instances.length == 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(metaFile + " has per-instance scripts but no instance");

    // this might simply mean that the test is written for something other than QA.
    //        if( perInstanceScripts.length==0 && instances.length!=0 )
    //            throw new IllegalArgumentException(metaFile+" has instances but no per-instance script");

From source file:be.mxs.common.util.pdf.general.dossierCreators.StaffDossierPDFCreator.java

protected void printHRWorkSchedules(SessionContainerWO sessionContainerWO, AdminPerson activePatient)
        throws Exception {
    table = new PdfPTable(10);

    // title//w  ww  . jav a 2s .  c om
    table.addCell(createTitleCell(getTran("web", "workSchedule"), 10));

    // compose object to pass search criteria with
    Workschedule findObject = new Workschedule();
    findObject.personId = Integer.parseInt(activePatient.personid); // required

    List workschedules = Workschedule.getList(findObject);
    String sReturn = "";

    if (workschedules.size() > 0) {
        // header
        table.addCell(createHeaderCell(getTran("web.hr", "begin"), 1));
        table.addCell(createHeaderCell(getTran("web.hr", "end"), 1));
        table.addCell(createHeaderCell(getTran("web.hr", "fte.short"), 1));
        table.addCell(createHeaderCell(getTran("web.hr", "type"), 2));
        table.addCell(createHeaderCell(getTran("web.hr", "details"), 4));
        table.addCell(createHeaderCell(getTran("web.hr", "duration"), 1));

        Hashtable hSort = new Hashtable();
        Workschedule workschedule;

        // sort on workschedule.getUid
        for (int i = 0; i < workschedules.size(); i++) {
            workschedule = (Workschedule) workschedules.get(i);
            hSort.put(workschedule.getUid() + "=" + workschedule.getUid(), workschedule);

        Vector keys = new Vector(hSort.keySet());

        Iterator iter = keys.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            workschedule = (Workschedule) hSort.get(iter.next());

            // parse xml
            String sXML = checkString(workschedule.scheduleXml);
            String sScheduleType = "", sScheduleHours = "";

            if (sXML.length() > 0) {
                SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(false);
                org.dom4j.Document xmlDoc = reader.read(new StringReader(sXML));

                // fetch type and hours
                org.dom4j.Element workScheduleElem = xmlDoc.getRootElement();
                if (workScheduleElem != null) {
                    org.dom4j.Element scheduleElem = workScheduleElem.element("Schedule");
                    if (scheduleElem != null) {
                        sScheduleType = checkString(scheduleElem.attributeValue("type"));

                        if (sScheduleType.equalsIgnoreCase("day")) {
                            sScheduleHours = checkString(scheduleElem.elementText("HoursPerDay"));
                        } else if (sScheduleType.equalsIgnoreCase("week")) {
                            org.dom4j.Element weekSchedule = scheduleElem.element("WeekSchedule");
                            if (weekSchedule != null) {
                                sScheduleHours = checkString(weekSchedule.elementText("HoursPerWeek"));
                        } else if (sScheduleType.equalsIgnoreCase("month")) {
                            sScheduleHours = checkString(scheduleElem.elementText("HoursPerMonth")) + " "
                                    + getTran("web.hr", "hours").toLowerCase();
                workschedule.type = sScheduleType;

            // one record
            table.addCell(createValueCell(ScreenHelper.getSQLDate(workschedule.begin), 1));
            table.addCell(createValueCell(ScreenHelper.getSQLDate(workschedule.end), 1));
            table.addCell(createValueCell(workschedule.fte + "%", 1));
            table.addCell(createValueCell(getTran("web.hr", sScheduleType + "Schedule")
                    + (sScheduleType.equals("week") ? " (" + getPredefinedWeekScheduleName(workschedule) + ")"
                            : ""),
            table.addCell(createValueCell(getWorkscheduleDetails(workschedule), 4));
            table.addCell(createValueCell(sScheduleHours, 1));

    } else {
        // no records found
        table.addCell(createValueCell(getTran("web", "noRecordsFound"), 10));

    // add transaction to doc
    if (table.size() > 0) {
        doc.add(new Paragraph(" "));

From source file:be.mxs.common.util.pdf.general.dossierCreators.StaffDossierPDFCreator.java

private String getPredefinedWeekScheduleName(Workschedule workschedule) throws Exception {
    String sName = "";

    if (workschedule.type.equalsIgnoreCase("week")) {
        String sScheduleXml = checkString(workschedule.scheduleXml);
        if (sScheduleXml.length() > 0) {
            // parse weekSchedule from xml            
            SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(false);
            org.dom4j.Document document = reader.read(new StringReader(sScheduleXml));
            org.dom4j.Element workScheduleElem = document.getRootElement();

            org.dom4j.Element scheduleElem = workScheduleElem.element("Schedule");
            if (scheduleElem != null) {
                workschedule.scheduleXml = scheduleElem.asXML();
            }/*from  www.j a  v a  2s.com*/

        String sWeekSchedule = workschedule.getScheduleElementValue(workschedule.type, "WeekSchedule")
                .replaceAll("\"", "'");

        // parse weekSchedule from xml           
        SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(false);
        org.dom4j.Document document = reader.read(new StringReader(sWeekSchedule));
        org.dom4j.Element weekSchedule = document.getRootElement();

        Vector weekSchedules = parsePredefinedWeekSchedulesFromXMLConfigValue();
        PredefinedWeekSchedule schedule;
        for (int i = 0; i < weekSchedules.size(); i++) {
            schedule = (PredefinedWeekSchedule) weekSchedules.get(i);

            if (weekSchedule.attributeValue("scheduleType").toLowerCase().equals(schedule.id.toLowerCase())) {
                sName = schedule.type;

    return sName;

From source file:be.mxs.common.util.pdf.general.dossierCreators.StaffDossierPDFCreator.java

private Vector parsePredefinedWeekSchedulesFromXMLConfigValue() {
    Vector schedules = new Vector();

    // read xml containing predefined weekSchedules
    try {//from w  w  w .j  a va2  s . c o m
        SAXReader xmlReader = new SAXReader();
        String sXMLValue = MedwanQuery.getInstance().getConfigString("defaultWeekschedules");
        org.dom4j.Document document = xmlReader.read(new StringReader(sXMLValue));

        if (document != null) {
            org.dom4j.Element root = document.getRootElement();
            Iterator scheduleElems = root.elementIterator("WeekSchedule");

            PredefinedWeekSchedule schedule;
            org.dom4j.Element scheduleElem, timeBlockElem;
            while (scheduleElems.hasNext()) {
                schedule = new PredefinedWeekSchedule();

                scheduleElem = (org.dom4j.Element) scheduleElems.next();
                schedule.id = scheduleElem.attributeValue("id");
                schedule.type = scheduleElem.attributeValue("scheduleType");
                schedule.xml = scheduleElem.asXML();

                // timeblocks
                Iterator timeBlockElems = scheduleElem.element("TimeBlocks").elementIterator("TimeBlock");
                while (timeBlockElems.hasNext()) {
                    timeBlockElem = (org.dom4j.Element) timeBlockElems.next();

                    TimeBlock timeBlock = new TimeBlock();
                    timeBlock.id = checkString(timeBlockElem.attributeValue("id"));
                    timeBlock.dayIdx = checkString(timeBlockElem.elementText("DayIdx"));
                    timeBlock.beginHour = checkString(timeBlockElem.elementText("BeginHour"));
                    timeBlock.endHour = checkString(timeBlockElem.elementText("EndHour"));


                Collections.sort(schedule.timeBlocks); // on day     
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (Debug.enabled)
        Debug.printProjectErr(e, Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace());

    return schedules;

From source file:bio.pih.genoogle.io.XMLConfigurationReader.java

 * @return how many simultaneous searchs a searchManager can handle.
 */// w  w w. ja v  a 2  s  .c om
private static int getMaxSimultaneousSearchs(Element searchManager) {
    Element maxSimultaneousSearchs = searchManager.element("max-simultaneous-searchs");
    String value = maxSimultaneousSearchs.attributeValue("value");
    return Integer.parseInt(value);

From source file:bio.pih.genoogle.io.XMLConfigurationReader.java

public static int getMatchScore() {
    if (match == null) {
        Element rootElement = doc.getRootElement();
        Element scoreElement = rootElement.element("score");
        Element matchElement = scoreElement.element("match");
        String value = matchElement.attributeValue("value");
        match = Integer.parseInt(value);
    }//ww w  .j  a  v  a  2  s . com

    return match.intValue();

From source file:bio.pih.genoogle.io.XMLConfigurationReader.java

public static int getMismatchScore() {
    if (mismatch == null) {
        Element rootElement = doc.getRootElement();
        Element scoreElement = rootElement.element("score");
        Element mismatchElement = scoreElement.element("mismatch");
        String value = mismatchElement.attributeValue("value");
        mismatch = Integer.parseInt(value);
    }/*from w ww.  j a va2s .  c om*/

    return mismatch.intValue();