Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Devoteam * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * * This file is part of Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS). * * Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS) is free software: you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License. * * Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS) is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS). * If not, see <>. * */ package com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.coding.binary; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.exception.ExecutionException; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.log.GlobalLogger; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.log.TextEvent.Topic; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.utils.Utils; import gp.utils.arrays.Array; import gp.utils.arrays.DefaultArray; import gp.utils.arrays.SupArray; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.dom4j.Element; /** * * @author indiaye * BUG les enumeration integer ne sont prvu que pour des entiers sur 1 octets (0-255) * */ public class EnumLongField extends IntegerField { private Map<Long, String> labelsByValue = new HashMap<Long, String>(); private Map<String, Long> valuesByLabel = new HashMap<String, Long>(); private List<EnumRange> ranges = new ArrayList<EnumRange>(); public EnumLongField() { super(); } @Override public void parseFromXML(Element rootXML, boolean parseDico) { super.parseFromXML(rootXML, parseDico); List<Element> list = rootXML.elements("enum"); for (Element elemEnum : list) { String valueStr = elemEnum.attributeValue("value"); String nameStr = elemEnum.attributeValue("name"); int iPos = valueStr.indexOf('-'); if (iPos >= 0) { String beginStr = valueStr.substring(0, iPos); String endStr = valueStr.substring(iPos + 1); EnumRange range = new EnumRange(beginStr, endStr, nameStr); ranges.add(range); this.valuesByLabel.put(nameStr, range.getBeginValue()); this.labelsByValue.put(range.getBeginValue(), nameStr); } else { byte[] valueBytes = Utils.parseBinaryString(valueStr); long value = EnumRange.toLong(valueBytes); this.valuesByLabel.put(nameStr, value); this.labelsByValue.put(value, nameStr); } } } @Override public String getValue(Array array) throws Exception { String value = super.getValue(array); String name = getEnumLabelByValue(new Long(value)); String ret = ""; if (name != null) { ret = name + ":"; } ret += value; return ret; } @Override public void setValue(String value, int offset, SupArray array) throws Exception { this.offset = offset; Long longValue = this.getEnumLong(value); array.setBits(offset, this.length, longValue.intValue()); } @Override public void initValue(int index, int offset, SupArray array) throws Exception { if (ranges.size() > 0) { int indexRange = (int) Utils.randomLong(0, ranges.size() - 1); EnumRange range = ranges.get(indexRange); Long l = range.getRandomValue(); this.setValue(l.toString(), offset, array); if (Utils.randomBoolean()) { return; } } if (valuesByLabel.size() > 0) { int indexLabel = (int) Utils.randomLong(0, valuesByLabel.size() - 1); Long l = (Long) valuesByLabel.values().toArray()[indexLabel]; this.setValue(l.toString(), offset, array); if (Utils.randomBoolean()) { return; } } super.initValue(index, offset, array); } public Long getLongValue(Array array) throws Exception { String value = super.getValue(array); long l = Long.parseLong(value); return l; } public Long getEnumValueByLabel(String name) { Long found = this.valuesByLabel.get(name); if (found != null) { return found; } Iterator<EnumRange> iter = ranges.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { EnumRange range = (EnumRange); Long value = range.getValueFromLabel(name); if (value != null) { return value; } } return null; } public String getEnumLabelByValue(Long value) { String found = this.labelsByValue.get(value); if (found != null) { return found; } Iterator<EnumRange> iter = ranges.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { EnumRange range = (EnumRange); String label = range.getLabelFromValue(value); if (label != null) { return label; } } return null; } public long getEnumLong(String text) throws Exception { text = text.trim(); int iPos = text.lastIndexOf(":"); String label = text; String value = text; if (iPos >= 0) { label = text.substring(0, iPos); value = text.substring(iPos + 1); } try { long val = Long.parseLong(value); if (!label.equalsIgnoreCase(getEnumLabelByValue(val)) && !label.equals(text)) { GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().warn(Topic.PROTOCOL, "For the enumeration field \"" + + "\", the value \"" + value + "\" does not match the label \"" + label + "\""); } return val; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Long val = getEnumValueByLabel(value); if (val == null) { throw new ExecutionException("For the enumeration field \"" + + "\", the value \"" + value + "\" is not numeric or valid according to the dictionary."); } return val; } } public String getEnumValue(long value) throws Exception { String name = getEnumLabelByValue(value); String ret = ""; if (name != null) { ret = name + ":"; } ret += value; return ret; } @Override public FieldAbstract clone() { EnumLongField newField = new EnumLongField(); newField.copyToClone(this); return newField; } }