List of usage examples for org.apache.zookeeper Watcher interface-usage
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public class ProducerFactory implements Runnable, ConnectionStateListener, Watcher, BackgroundCallback { public static String zknode = "localhost:2181"; private int num_producers = 2; private CuratorFramework[] connections; private String groupname;
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class ZKRunner extends Thread implements Watcher, ConnectionStateListener { String groupname; private int num_members; private long sendinterval; private CuratorFramework framework;
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* Monitors the Apache rule set node.
* @author Ryan Holmes
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* Maintains the state of a tree and calls back each time the in memory tree becomes consistent with the server.
* <p/>
* Additionally every node in the tree has a "level" typically the root node is level 0 and the level
* below that is 1 and so on. However it may be the case that your logic requires the root to be 1 (or n).
* As a result it is possible to set the root level to any value, the watcher will then increments +1 for each level.
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/** * An empty ZooKeeper watcher */ public class EmptyWatcher implements Watcher { // Used in this package but also by tests so needs to be public public static final EmptyWatcher instance = new EmptyWatcher();
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* Acts as the single ZooKeeper Watcher. One instance of this is instantiated
* for each Master, RegionServer, and client process.
* <p>
* This is the only class that implements {@link Watcher}. Other internal
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/** * An empty ZooKeeper watcher */ public class EmptyWatcher implements Watcher { // Used in this package but also by tests so needs to be public public static final EmptyWatcher instance = new EmptyWatcher();
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* Acts as the single ZooKeeper Watcher. One instance of this is instantiated
* for each Master, RegionServer, and client process.
* <p>
* This is the only class that implements {@link Watcher}. Other internal
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public class MockWatcher implements Watcher { private Queue<WatchedEvent> eventQueue = new LinkedList<WatchedEvent>(); public Queue<WatchedEvent> getEventQueue() { return eventQueue; }
From source file
public class Dispatcher implements Watcher, Runnable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Dispatcher.class); private Map<ServiceType, Service> serviceMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<ServiceType, Service>(); Selector selector =; public void run() {