Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.ery.server.zk;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent;
import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher;
import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher.Event.EventType;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs;

import com.ery.dimport.DImportConstant;
import com.ery.server.conf.Abortable;
import com.ery.server.conf.Configuration;
import com.ery.server.exceptions.ZooKeeperConnectionException;
import com.ery.server.util.Threads;

 * Acts as the single ZooKeeper Watcher. One instance of this is instantiated
 * for each Master, RegionServer, and client process.
 * <p>
 * This is the only class that implements {@link Watcher}. Other internal
 * classes which need to be notified of ZooKeeper events must register with the
 * local instance of this watcher via {@link #registerListener}.
 * <p>
 * This class also holds and manages the connection to ZooKeeper. Code to deal
 * with connection related events and exceptions are handled here.
public class ZooKeeperWatcher implements Watcher, Abortable, Closeable, Serializable {
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ZooKeeperWatcher.class);

    // Identifier for this watcher (for logging only). It is made of the prefix
    // passed on construction and the zookeeper sessionid.
    private String identifier;

    // zookeeper quorum
    private String quorum;

    // zookeeper connection
    private RecoverableZooKeeper recoverableZooKeeper;

    // abortable in case of zk failure
    public Abortable abortable;
    // Used if abortable is null
    private boolean aborted = false;

    // listeners to be notified
    private final List<ZooKeeperListener> listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<ZooKeeperListener>();

    // Used by ZKUtil:waitForZKConnectionIfAuthenticating to wait for SASL
    // negotiation to complete
    public CountDownLatch saslLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);

    public String baseZNode;// 
     * ?
    public String dimportOrderNode;// 
     * ????????
    public String dimportRunTaskNode;
     * Master??
    public String dimportMasterNode;
     * ,
    public String dimportHostNode;// dir

    // Certain ZooKeeper nodes need to be world-readable
    public static final ArrayList<ACL> CREATOR_ALL_AND_WORLD_READABLE = new ArrayList<ACL>() {
            add(new ACL(ZooDefs.Perms.READ, ZooDefs.Ids.ANYONE_ID_UNSAFE));
            add(new ACL(ZooDefs.Perms.ALL, ZooDefs.Ids.AUTH_IDS));

    private final Configuration conf;

    private final Exception constructorCaller;

     * Instantiate a ZooKeeper connection and watcher.
     * @param identifier
     *            string that is passed to RecoverableZookeeper to be used as
     *            identifier for this instance. Use null for default.
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ZooKeeperConnectionException
    public ZooKeeperWatcher(Configuration conf, String identifier, Abortable abortable)
            throws ZooKeeperConnectionException, IOException {
        this(conf, identifier, abortable, false);

     * Instantiate a ZooKeeper connection and watcher.
     * @param conf
     * @param identifier
     *            string that is passed to RecoverableZookeeper to be used as
     *            identifier for this instance. Use null for default.
     * @param abortable
     *            Can be null if there is on error there is no host to abort:
     *            e.g. client context.
     * @param canCreateBaseZNode
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ZooKeeperConnectionException
    public ZooKeeperWatcher(Configuration conf, String identifier, Abortable abortable, boolean canCreateBaseZNode)
            throws IOException, ZooKeeperConnectionException {
        this.conf = conf;
        // Capture a stack trace now. Will print it out later if problem so we
        // can
        // distingush amongst the myriad ZKWs.
        try {
            throw new Exception("ZKW CONSTRUCTOR STACK TRACE FOR DEBUGGING");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.constructorCaller = e;
        this.quorum = conf.get(DImportConstant.ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM);
        // Identifier will get the sessionid appended later below down when we
        // handle the syncconnect event.
        this.identifier = identifier;
        this.abortable = abortable;
        this.recoverableZooKeeper = ZKUtil.connect(conf, quorum, this, identifier);
        if (canCreateBaseZNode) {

    private void createBaseZNodes() throws ZooKeeperConnectionException, IOException {
        try {
            // Create all the necessary "directories" of znodes
            ZKUtil.createAndFailSilent(this, baseZNode);
            ZKUtil.createAndFailSilent(this, dimportRunTaskNode);
            ZKUtil.createAndFailSilent(this, dimportHostNode);
        } catch (KeeperException e) {
            throw new ZooKeeperConnectionException(prefix("Unexpected KeeperException creating base node"), e);

    public String toString() {
        return this.identifier;

     * Adds this instance's identifier as a prefix to the passed
     * <code>str</code>
     * @param str
     *            String to amend.
     * @return A new string with this instance's identifier as prefix: e.g. if
     *         passed 'hello world', the returned string could be
    public String prefix(final String str) {
        return this.toString() + " " + str;

     * Set the local variable node names using the specified configuration.
    private void setNodeNames(Configuration conf) {
        baseZNode = conf.get(DImportConstant.ZOOKEEPER_BASE_ZNODE, "/dimport");

        // // znode of currently active master
        // private String masterAddressZNode;
        // // znode of this master in backup master directory, if not the active
        // master
        // public String backupMasterAddressesZNode;

        // // znode containing the lock for the nodes
        // public String nodeLockZNode;
        this.dimportOrderNode = conf.get(DImportConstant.ZOOKEEPER_BASE_ZNODE,

        this.dimportOrderNode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.baseZNode, "order");
        this.dimportRunTaskNode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.baseZNode, "runTask");
        this.dimportHostNode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.baseZNode, "hosts");
        this.dimportMasterNode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.baseZNode, "master");


     * Register the specified listener to receive ZooKeeper events.
     * @param listener
    public void registerListener(ZooKeeperListener listener) {
        if (listeners.contains(listener) == false)

    public void registerListener(ZooKeeperListener listener, int index) {
        if (listeners.contains(listener) == false) {
            listeners.add(index, listener);
        } else {
            listeners.add(0, listener);

     * Register the specified listener to receive ZooKeeper events and add it as
     * the first in the list of current listeners.
     * @param listener
    public void registerListenerFirst(ZooKeeperListener listener) {
        if (listeners.contains(listener) == false) {
            listeners.add(0, listener);
        } else {
            listeners.add(0, listener);

    public void unregisterListener(ZooKeeperListener listener) {

     * Clean all existing listeners
    public void unregisterAllListeners() {

     * Get a copy of current registered listeners
    public List<ZooKeeperListener> getListeners() {
        return new ArrayList<ZooKeeperListener>(listeners);

     * @return The number of currently registered listeners
    public int getNumberOfListeners() {
        return listeners.size();

     * Get the connection to ZooKeeper.
     * @return connection reference to zookeeper
    public RecoverableZooKeeper getRecoverableZooKeeper() {
        return recoverableZooKeeper;

    public void reconnectAfterExpiration() throws IOException, InterruptedException {

     * Get the quorum address of this instance.
     * @return quorum string of this zookeeper connection instance
    public String getQuorum() {
        return quorum;

     * Method called from ZooKeeper for events and connection status.
     * <p>
     * Valid events are passed along to listeners. Connection status changes are
     * dealt with locally.
    public void process(WatchedEvent event) {

        String path = event.getPath();
        if (path != null || EventType.NodeDeleted == event.getType()) {
            try {
                ZKUtil.watchAndCheckExists(this, path);
            } catch (KeeperException e) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.debug(prefix("Received ZooKeeper Event, " + "type=" + event.getType() + ", " + "state="
                + event.getState() + ", " + "path=" + path));
        switch (event.getType()) {

        // If event type is NONE, this is a connection status change
        case None: {

        // Otherwise pass along to the listeners

        case NodeCreated: {
            for (ZooKeeperListener listener : listeners) {

        case NodeDeleted: {
            for (ZooKeeperListener listener : listeners) {

        case NodeDataChanged: {
            for (ZooKeeperListener listener : listeners) {

        case NodeChildrenChanged: {
            for (ZooKeeperListener listener : listeners) {

    // Connection management

     * Called when there is a connection-related event via the Watcher callback.
     * <p>
     * If Disconnected or Expired, this should shutdown the cluster. But, since
     * we send a KeeperException.SessionExpiredException along with the abort
     * call, it's possible for the Abortable to catch it and try to create a new
     * session with ZooKeeper. This is what the client does in HCM.
     * <p>
     * @param event
    private void connectionEvent(WatchedEvent event) {
        switch (event.getState()) {
        case SyncConnected:
            // Now, this callback can be invoked before the this.zookeeper is
            // set.
            // Wait a little while.
            long finished = System.currentTimeMillis()
                    + this.conf.getLong("hbase.zookeeper.watcher.sync.connected.wait", 2000);
            while (System.currentTimeMillis() < finished) {
                if (this.recoverableZooKeeper != null)
            if (this.recoverableZooKeeper == null) {
                        "ZK is null on connection event -- see stack trace "
                                + "for the stack trace when constructor was called on this zkw",
                throw new NullPointerException("ZK is null");
            this.identifier = this.identifier + "-0x" + Long.toHexString(this.recoverableZooKeeper.getSessionId());
            // Update our identifier. Otherwise ignore.
            LOG.debug(this.identifier + " connected");

        // Abort the server if Disconnected or Expired
        case Disconnected:
            LOG.debug(prefix("Received Disconnected from ZooKeeper, ignoring"));

        case Expired:
            String msg = prefix(this.identifier + " received expired from " + "ZooKeeper, aborting");
            // TODO: One thought is to add call to ZooKeeperListener so say,
            // ZooKeeperNodeTracker can zero out its data values.
            if (this.abortable != null) {
                this.abortable.abort(msg, new KeeperException.SessionExpiredException());

        case ConnectedReadOnly:
        case SaslAuthenticated:

            throw new IllegalStateException("Received event is not valid: " + event.getState());

     * Forces a synchronization of this ZooKeeper client connection.
     * <p>
     * Executing this method before running other methods will ensure that the
     * subsequent operations are up-to-date and consistent as of the time that
     * the sync is complete.
     * <p>
     * This is used for compareAndSwap type operations where we need to read the
     * data of an existing node and delete or transition that node, utilizing
     * the previously read version and data. We want to ensure that the version
     * read is up-to-date from when we begin the operation.
    public void sync(String path) {
        this.recoverableZooKeeper.sync(path, null, null);

     * Handles KeeperExceptions in client calls.
     * <p>
     * This may be temporary but for now this gives one place to deal with
     * these.
     * <p>
     * TODO: Currently this method rethrows the exception to let the caller
     * handle
     * <p>
     * @param ke
     * @throws KeeperException
    public void keeperException(KeeperException ke) throws KeeperException {
        LOG.error(prefix("Received unexpected KeeperException, re-throwing exception"), ke);
        throw ke;

     * Handles InterruptedExceptions in client calls.
     * <p>
     * This may be temporary but for now this gives one place to deal with
     * these.
     * <p>
     * TODO: Currently, this method does nothing. Is this ever expected to
     * happen? Do we abort or can we let it run? Maybe this should be logged as
     * WARN? It shouldn't happen?
     * <p>
     * @param ie
    public void interruptedException(InterruptedException ie) {
        LOG.debug(prefix("Received InterruptedException, doing nothing here"), ie);
        // At least preserver interrupt.
        // no-op

     * Close the connection to ZooKeeper.
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public void close() {
        try {
            if (recoverableZooKeeper != null) {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    public Configuration getConfiguration() {
        return conf;

    public void abort(String why, Throwable e) {
        if (this.abortable != null)
            this.abortable.abort(why, e);
            this.aborted = true;

    public boolean isAborted() {
        return this.abortable == null ? this.aborted : this.abortable.isAborted();

     * @return Path to the currently active master.
    public String getMasterNode() {
        return this.dimportMasterNode;
