Example usage for org.apache.zookeeper Watcher interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.apache.zookeeper Watcher interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.zookeeper Watcher interface-usage.


From source file com.smartitengineering.cms.spi.lock.impl.distributed.ZKLock.java

 * @author imyousuf
public class ZKLock implements Lock, Watcher, LockTimeoutListener {

From source file com.smartitengineering.cms.spi.lock.impl.distributed.ZooKeeperLockHandler.java

 * @author imyousuf
public class ZooKeeperLockHandler implements LockHandler, Watcher {

From source file com.takin.rpc.zkclient.ZkClient.java

 * Zookeeper client
 * <p>
 * The client is thread-safety
 * </p>

From source file com.talis.platform.sequencing.zookeeper.NullWatcher.java

public class NullWatcher implements Watcher {
    public void process(WatchedEvent event) {
        /* nada */

From source file com.talis.platform.sequencing.zookeeper.ZooKeeperProvider.java

public class ZooKeeperProvider implements Provider<ZooKeeper>, Watcher {

    static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ZooKeeperProvider.class);

    public static final String DEFAULT_SERVER_LIST_LOCATION = "/zkservers";
    public static final String SERVER_LIST_LOCATION_PROPERTY = "com.talis.platform.sequencing.zookeeper.servers";

From source file com.taobao.common.tedis.dislock.ZKClient.java

public class ZKClient implements Watcher {

    public int DEFAULTTIME = 3000;
    public static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ZKClient.class);

    public String zkAddress;

From source file com.thjug.process.LogWatcher.java

 * @author nuboat
public class LogWatcher implements Watcher {

From source file com.thunisoft.bmap.share.watcher.DictWatcher.java

 * ?watcher
 * DictWatcher
 * @author wujch
 * @version 1.0

From source file com.twitter.distributedlog.acl.ZKAccessControlManager.java

 * ZooKeeper Based {@link com.twitter.distributedlog.acl.AccessControlManager}
public class ZKAccessControlManager implements AccessControlManager, Watcher {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ZKAccessControlManager.class);

From source file com.twitter.distributedlog.BKLogHandler.java

 * The base class about log handler on managing log segments.
 * <h3>Metrics</h3>
 * The log handler is a base class on managing log segments. so all the metrics
 * here are related to log segments retrieval and exposed under `logsegments`.