Example usage for org.apache.zookeeper Watcher interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.apache.zookeeper Watcher interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.zookeeper Watcher interface-usage.


From source file net.phoenix.thrift.server.ZookeeperRegisterHandler.java

 * zookeeperserver
 * @author Shamphone Lee<shamphone@gmail.com>

From source file net.sf.jgcs.zk.groupz.Acknowledgments.java

class Acknowledgments implements Watcher {
    protected Endpoint ep;
    private String path;

    private Map<String, Integer> data;
    private String me;

From source file net.sf.jgcs.zk.groupz.Messages.java

class Messages implements Watcher {
    private Endpoint ep;
    private String path;

    private int lastSent = -1, lastRecv = -1, lastStable = -1;
    private List<byte[]> data = new ArrayList<byte[]>();

From source file net.sf.jgcs.zk.groupz.View.java

class View implements Watcher {
    private Endpoint ep;
    private String path;

    private List<String> data;

From source file net.sf.katta.zk.ZKClient.java

 * Abstracts the interation with zookeeper and allows permanent (not just one
 * time) watches on nodes in ZooKeeper
public class ZKClient implements Watcher {

From source file net.sf.katta.zk.ZkServerTest.java

public class ZkServerTest extends AbstractKattaTest implements Watcher {

    public void testServer() throws Exception {
        final String path = "/testPath";
        ZooKeeper zk = null;

From source file net.spy.memcached.CacheManager.java

public class CacheManager extends SpyThread implements Watcher, CacheMonitor.CacheMonitorListener {
    private static final String ARCUS_BASE_CACHE_LIST_ZPATH = "/arcus/cache_list/";

    private static final String ARCUS_BASE_CLIENT_INFO_ZPATH = "/arcus/client_list/";

    private static final int ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT = 15000;

From source file net.spy.memcached.CacheMonitor.java

 * CacheMonitor monitors the changes of the cache server list
 * in the ZooKeeper node(/arcus/cache_list/<service_code>).
public class CacheMonitor extends SpyObject implements Watcher, ChildrenCallback {

From source file nl.gridline.zieook.tasks.ZieOokTask.java

 * ZieOok task: The basic task callable with convenience methods to for progress, messages and configuration
 * <p />
 * Project zieook-runner<br />
 * RecommendationTask.java created 7 feb. 2011
 * <p />

From source file nl.gridline.zieook.workflow.scheduler.DistributedQueueTest.java

 * [purpose]
 * <p />
 * Project zieook-backend-workflow<br />
 * DistributedQueueTest.java created 20 apr. 2011
 * <p />