Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Row getPhysicalNumberOfCells

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Row getPhysicalNumberOfCells


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Row getPhysicalNumberOfCells.


int getPhysicalNumberOfCells();

Source Link


Gets the number of defined cells (NOT number of cells in the actual row!).


From source file:org.matonto.etl.service.delimited.DelimitedConverterImpl.java

License:Open Source License

public Model convert(ExcelConfig config) throws IOException, MatOntoException {
    String[] nextRow;/* www.jav  a  2  s  .c  o m*/
    Model convertedRDF = modelFactory.createModel();
    ArrayList<ClassMapping> classMappings = parseClassMappings(config.getMapping());

    try {
        Workbook wb = WorkbookFactory.create(config.getData());
        Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
        DataFormatter df = new DataFormatter();
        boolean containsHeaders = config.getContainsHeaders();
        long offset = config.getOffset();
        Optional<Long> limit = config.getLimit();

        //Traverse each row and convert column into RDF
        for (Row row : sheet) {
            // If headers exist or the row is before the offset point, skip the row
            if ((containsHeaders && row.getRowNum() == 0)
                    || row.getRowNum() - (containsHeaders ? 1 : 0) < offset
                    || (limit.isPresent() && row.getRowNum() >= limit.get() + offset)) {
            nextRow = new String[row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells()];
            int cellIndex = 0;
            for (Cell cell : row) {
                nextRow[cellIndex] = df.formatCellValue(cell);
            writeClassMappingsToModel(convertedRDF, nextRow, classMappings);
    } catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
        throw new MatOntoException(e);

    return convertedRDF;

From source file:org.meveo.admin.parse.xls.XLSFile.java

License:Open Source License

public void parse() throws IOException {
    Workbook w;//from  ww w .ja  v  a 2s .  co  m
    try {
        w = WorkbookFactory.create(new FileInputStream(file));
        // Get the first sheet
        Sheet sheet = w.getSheetAt(0);
        // Loop over first 10 column and lines

        Iterator<Row> rowIterator = sheet.rowIterator();
        while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
            Row row = rowIterator.next();
            Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
            String[] strs = new String[row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells()];

            int cellCtr = 0;
            while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {
                Cell cell = cellIterator.next();
                strs[cellCtr++] = cell.getStringCellValue();

    } catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
        log.error("invalid file format ", e);

From source file:org.nekorp.workflow.desktop.control.imp.ProgramacionServicioWizardImp.java

License:Apache License

public void importarArchivo(File archivo) {
    OPCPackage pkg = null;/*www.j a  v  a  2 s. c o  m*/
    try {
        addDetail("Leyendo archivo: " + archivo.getCanonicalPath());
        pkg = OPCPackage.open(archivo);
        XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(pkg);
        //Workbook wb = WorkbookFactory.create(archivo);
        Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
        //Row encabezado = sheet.getRow(0);
        List<String> nombresServicios = null;
        boolean inicio = true;
        nuevosAutos = new LinkedList<>();
        nuevosServicio = new LinkedList<>();
        for (Row row : sheet) {
            if (inicio) {
                nombresServicios = procesarEncabezado(row);
                inicio = false;
            } else {
                if (row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells() == nombresServicios.size()) {
                    Auto autoCargado = new Auto();
                    cargarDatosAuto(row, autoCargado);
                    autoBridge.load(autoCargado, servicio.getAuto());
                    Servicio nuevoServicio = new Servicio();
                    if (buscarNuevoServicio(row, nuevoServicio, nombresServicios, rangoNuevo)) {
                        //se intentan cargar
                        servicioBridge.load(nuevoServicio, servicio);
                        addDetail("Se encontro un nuevo servicio para el auto con numero de serie: "
                                + autoCargado.getNumeroSerie());
                        addDetail("Descripcin del servicio encontrado:\n" + nuevoServicio.getDescripcion());
                        if (validacionGeneralDatosAuto.isValido()) {
                        } else {
                                    "los datos del nuevo servicio tienen los siguientes errores y no se dara de alta:");
                    List<AlertaServicio> nuevasAlertas = buscarAlertas(row, nombresServicios, rangoAlerta);
                    for (AlertaServicio x : nuevasAlertas) {
                        addDetail("Se encontro un servicio proximo para el auto con numero de serie: "
                                + autoCargado.getNumeroSerie());
                        addDetail("Descripcin de la nueva alerta:\n" + x.getDescripcionServicio());
                    AlertaVerificacion nuevaAlerta = buscarAlertasVerificacion(autoCargado.getPlacas());
                    if (nuevaAlerta != null) {
                        addDetail("Se encontro un auto que pudiera necesitar verificacin: "
                                + autoCargado.getNumeroSerie());
                                "placas: " + nuevaAlerta.getPlacas() + " periodo: " + nuevaAlerta.getPeriodo());
        if (nuevosServicio.size() > 0) {
            if (nuevosServicio.size() == 1) {
                addDetail("Se tiene listo para crear un nuevo servicio");
            } else {
                addDetail("Se tienen listos para crear " + nuevosServicio.size() + " servicios nuevos");
        } else {
            addDetail("No se encontro ningun nuevo servicio");
        int cantidadAlertas = alertas.size() + alertasVerificacion.size();
        if (cantidadAlertas > 0) {
            if (cantidadAlertas == 1) {
                addDetail("Se tiene lista para enviar una nueva alerta");
            } else {
                addDetail("Se tienen listas para enviar " + cantidadAlertas + " alertas");
        } else {
            addDetail("No se encontro ninguna alerta");
        if (nuevosServicio.size() > 0 || cantidadAlertas > 0) {
        } else {
    } catch (IOException | InvalidFormatException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        ProgramacionServicioWizardImp.LOGGER.error("exploto!!!", ex);
        addDetail("ocurrio un error inesperado al leer el archivo." + ex.getMessage());
    } finally {
        if (pkg != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                //ProgramacionServicioWizardImp.LOGGER.error("exploto!!!", ex);

From source file:org.ohdsi.jCdmBuilder.EtlReport.java

License:Apache License

private void addRow(XSSFSheet sheet, Object... values) {
    Row row = sheet.createRow(sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows());
    for (Object value : values) {
        Cell cell = row.createCell(row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells());

        if (value instanceof Integer && value instanceof Long && value instanceof Double)
        else//from w ww .j  a  v a2s.com


From source file:org.ohdsi.whiteRabbit.scan.SourceDataScan.java

License:Apache License

private void addRow(Sheet sheet, Object... values) {
    Row row = sheet.createRow(sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows());
    for (Object value : values) {
        Cell cell = row.createCell(row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells());

        if (value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Long || value instanceof Double)
        else/*w  w  w  . ja  va  2 s . c  o m*/


From source file:org.openconcerto.erp.importer.DataImporter.java

License:Open Source License

public ArrayTableModel createModelFromXLS(File xlsFile, int sheetNumber) throws IOException {
    final InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(xlsFile);
    final POIFSFileSystem fileSystem = new POIFSFileSystem(new BufferedInputStream(inputStream));
    final HSSFWorkbook workBook = new HSSFWorkbook(fileSystem);
    final HSSFSheet sheet = workBook.getSheetAt(sheetNumber);
    Iterator<Row> rowsIterator = sheet.rowIterator();
    int columnCount = 0;
    int rowCount = 0;
    while (rowsIterator.hasNext()) {
        Row row = rowsIterator.next();
        int i = row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells();
        if (i > columnCount) {
            columnCount = i;/*from   w ww . j  a v  a2  s. co m*/
    // Extract data
    rowsIterator = sheet.rowIterator();
    int start = 0;
    if (skipFirstLine) {
        start = 1;
    final List<List<Object>> rows = new ArrayList<List<Object>>(rowCount - start);
    FormulaEvaluator evaluator = workBook.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();

    while (rowsIterator.hasNext()) {
        final Row row = rowsIterator.next();
        final List<Object> rowData = new ArrayList<Object>();
        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
            final Cell cell = row.getCell(i);

            if (cell == null) {
            } else {
                CellValue cellValue = evaluator.evaluate(cell);
                if (cellValue == null) {
                } else {
                    switch (cellValue.getCellType()) {
                    case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
                    case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
                    case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
                    case Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA:
                    case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK:



    return new ArrayTableModel(rows);


From source file:org.openelis.bean.DataViewBean.java

License:Open Source License

private HSSFWorkbook getWorkbook(List<DataViewResultFetchVO> resultList,
        List<DataViewAuxDataFetchVO> auxDataList, List<DataViewResultFetchVO> noResAuxList,
        HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, String>> analyteResultMap,
        HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, String>> auxFieldValueMap, ArrayList<String> allCols,
        boolean runForWeb, boolean showReportableColumnsOnly, boolean addSampleCells, boolean addOrgCells,
        boolean addItemCells, boolean addAnalysisCells, boolean addEnvCells, boolean addSDWISCells,
        boolean addClinicalCells, DataViewVO data) throws Exception {
    boolean excludeOverride, excludeResults, excludeAuxData, sampleOverriden, anaOverriden, addResultRow,
            addAuxDataRow, addNoResAuxRow;
    int rowIndex, resIndex, auxIndex, noResAuxIndex, numResults, numAuxVals, numNoResAuxVals, i, lastColumn;
    Integer resAccNum, auxAccNum, sampleId, resSamId, auxSamId, itemId, analysisId, prevSamId, prevItemId,
            prevAnalysisId, rowGroup, prevRowGroup, sortOrder, currSortOrder, prevSortOrder, currColumn,
            anaIndex;/*from ww  w  .ja v a 2s  .c o  m*/
    String resultVal, auxDataVal, domain, qaeNames, compByNames, relByNames, userName, anaName;
    StringBuffer buf;
    DataViewResultFetchVO res, noResAux;
    DataViewAuxDataFetchVO aux;
    HSSFWorkbook wb;
    HSSFSheet sheet;
    Row headerRow, resRow, auxRow, noResAuxRow, currRow, prevRow;
    Cell cell;
    CellStyle headerStyle;
    Datetime collDateTime, collDate, collTime;
    Date dc;
    SampleDO sam;
    SampleProjectViewDO proj;
    SampleOrganizationViewDO org;
    SampleEnvironmentalDO env;
    SampleSDWISViewDO sdwis;
    SampleClinicalViewDO clinical;
    PatientDO patientDO;
    ProviderDO providerDO;
    SampleItemViewDO item;
    AnalysisViewDO ana;
    AnalysisQaEventViewDO aqe;
    AnalysisUserViewDO anaUser;
    ReportStatus status;
    HashMap<Integer, PWSDO> pwsMap;
    HashMap<Integer, PatientDO> patientMap;
    HashMap<Integer, ProviderDO> providerMap;
    HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultViewDO>> groupResMap;
    HashMap<String, Integer> colIndexAnaMap;
    ArrayList<Integer> sampleIds;
    ArrayList<SampleProjectViewDO> projList;
    ArrayList<AnalysisQaEventViewDO> aqeList;
    ArrayList<AnalysisUserViewDO> anaUserList;
    ArrayList<ResultViewDO> rowGrpResList;

    excludeOverride = "Y".equals(data.getExcludeResultOverride());
    excludeResults = "Y".equals(data.getExcludeResults());
    excludeAuxData = "Y".equals(data.getExcludeAuxData());

    wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
    sheet = wb.createSheet();

    headerRow = sheet.createRow(0);
    headerStyle = createStyle(wb);
    // add cells for the header and set their style
    for (i = 0; i < allCols.size(); i++) {
        cell = headerRow.createCell(i);

    rowIndex = 1;
    resIndex = 0;
    auxIndex = 0;
    noResAuxIndex = 0;
    sampleId = itemId = analysisId = null;
    domain = null;
    qaeNames = null;
    compByNames = null;
    relByNames = null;
    resultVal = null;
    auxDataVal = null;
    prevSamId = null;
    prevItemId = null;
    prevAnalysisId = null;
    collDateTime = null;
    sam = null;
    proj = null;
    org = null;
    env = null;
    sdwis = null;
    clinical = null;
    item = null;
    pwsMap = null;
    patientMap = new HashMap<Integer, PatientDO>();
    providerMap = new HashMap<Integer, ProviderDO>();
    addResultRow = false;
    addAuxDataRow = false;
    addNoResAuxRow = false;
    res = null;
    aux = null;
    noResAux = null;
    ana = null;
    aqeList = null;
    anaUserList = null;
    sampleOverriden = anaOverriden = false;
    groupResMap = null;
    rowGroup = prevRowGroup = null;
    rowGrpResList = null;
    colIndexAnaMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    lastColumn = 0;
    numResults = resultList == null ? 0 : resultList.size();
    numAuxVals = auxDataList == null ? 0 : auxDataList.size();
    numNoResAuxVals = noResAuxList == null ? 0 : noResAuxList.size();
    currRow = prevRow = null;
    status = new ReportStatus();

     * the list of results and that of aux data are iterated through until
     * there are no more elements left in each of them to read from
    while (resIndex < numResults || auxIndex < numAuxVals || noResAuxIndex < numNoResAuxVals) {
                100 * (resIndex + auxIndex + noResAuxIndex) / (numResults + numAuxVals + numNoResAuxVals));
        session.setAttribute("DataViewReportStatus", status);
        if (excludeResults && excludeAuxData) {
            if (noResAuxIndex < numNoResAuxVals) {
                noResAux = noResAuxList.get(noResAuxIndex++);
                sampleId = noResAux.getSampleId();
                domain = noResAux.getSampleDomain();
                itemId = noResAux.getSampleItemId();
                analysisId = noResAux.getAnalysisId();
                addNoResAuxRow = true;
        } else {
            if (resIndex < numResults && auxIndex < numAuxVals) {
                res = resultList.get(resIndex);
                aux = auxDataList.get(auxIndex);
                resAccNum = res.getSampleAccessionNumber();
                auxAccNum = aux.getSampleAccessionNumber();
                resSamId = res.getSampleId();
                auxSamId = aux.getSampleId();

                 * If this result's accession number is less than or equal
                 * to this aux data's then add a row for this result,
                 * otherwise add a row for the aux data. This makes sure
                 * that the results for a sample are shown before the aux
                 * data. Every time a row for a result is added the index
                 * keeping track of the next item in that list is
                 * incremented and the same is done for the corresponding
                 * index for aux data if a row for it is added. We compare
                 * accession numbers instead of sample ids because the
                 * former is the field shown in the sheet and not the
                 * latter.
                if (resAccNum <= auxAccNum) {
                    addResultRow = true;
                    addAuxDataRow = false;
                    sampleId = resSamId;
                    domain = res.getSampleDomain();
                    itemId = res.getSampleItemId();
                    analysisId = res.getAnalysisId();
                } else {
                    addAuxDataRow = true;
                    addResultRow = false;
                    sampleId = auxSamId;
                    domain = aux.getSampleDomain();
            } else if (resIndex < numResults) {
                addResultRow = true;
                addAuxDataRow = false;
                // no more aux data left to add to the sheet
                res = resultList.get(resIndex);

                sampleId = res.getSampleId();
                domain = res.getSampleDomain();
                itemId = res.getSampleItemId();
                analysisId = res.getAnalysisId();
            } else if (auxIndex < numAuxVals) {
                addAuxDataRow = true;
                addResultRow = false;
                // no more results left to add to the sheet
                aux = auxDataList.get(auxIndex);
                sampleId = aux.getSampleId();
                domain = aux.getSampleDomain();

         * skip showing any data for this sample if ths user asked to
         * exclude samples/analyses with results overriden and this sample
         * has such a qa event
        if (!sampleId.equals(prevSamId)) {
            try {
                sampleOverriden = true;
                if (excludeOverride) {
                    prevSamId = sampleId;
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                sampleOverriden = false;

            sam = null;
            proj = null;
            org = null;
            env = null;
            sdwis = null;
            clinical = null;
            collDateTime = null;
        } else if (sampleOverriden && excludeOverride) {

        if (addResultRow) {
             * skip showing any data for this analysis if ths user asked to
             * exclude samples/analyses with results overriden and this
             * analysis has such a qa event
            if (!analysisId.equals(prevAnalysisId)) {
                anaOverriden = false;
                aqeList = null;
                try {
                    aqeList = analysisQaEvent.fetchByAnalysisId(analysisId);
                    for (i = 0; i < aqeList.size(); i++) {
                        aqe = aqeList.get(i);
                        if (Constants.dictionary().QAEVENT_OVERRIDE.equals(aqe.getTypeId())) {
                            anaOverriden = true;
                            if (excludeOverride) {
                                addResultRow = false;
                                prevAnalysisId = analysisId;
                } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                    anaOverriden = false;
            } else if (anaOverriden && excludeOverride) {
                addResultRow = false;

        resRow = null;
        if (addResultRow) {
             * check to see if the value of this result was selected by the
             * user to be shown in the sheet and if it was add a row for it
             * to the sheet otherwise don't
            resultVal = getResultValue(analyteResultMap, res);
            if (resultVal != null)
                currRow = resRow = sheet.createRow(rowIndex++);
                addResultRow = false;

        auxRow = null;
        if (addAuxDataRow) {
             * check to see if the value of this aux data was selected by
             * the user to be shown in the sheet and if it was add a row for
             * it to the sheet otherwise don't
            auxDataVal = getAuxDataValue(auxFieldValueMap, aux);
            if (auxDataVal != null)
                currRow = auxRow = sheet.createRow(rowIndex++);
                addAuxDataRow = false;

        noResAuxRow = null;
        if (addNoResAuxRow)
            currRow = noResAuxRow = sheet.createRow(rowIndex++);

        if (addNoResAuxRow && !analysisId.equals(prevAnalysisId))
            aqeList = null;

        if (!addResultRow && !addAuxDataRow && !addNoResAuxRow)

         * The following code adds the cells to be shown under the headers
         * added previously to the sheet based on the fields selected by the
         * user. Cells are added even if there's no data to be shown for
         * given fields e.g. "Project Name" because all rows need to contain
         * the same number of cells. Also depending upon whether a row was
         * added for a result and/or an aux data, we set the values of some
         * cells to empty in a row because some fields don't make sense for
         * that row, e.g. the fields from sample item and analysis for aux
         * data.
        if (addSampleCells) {
            // add cells for the selected fields belonging to samples
            if (sam == null)
                sam = sample.fetchById(sampleId);
            if ("Y".equals(data.getProjectName()) && proj == null) {
                try {
                     * we fetch the sample project here and not in the
                     * method that adds the cells for the sample because the
                     * data for the project needs to be fetched only once
                     * for a sample and that method is called for each
                     * analyte under a sample
                    projList = sampleProject.fetchPermanentBySampleId(sampleId);
                    proj = projList.get(0);
                } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                    // ignore
             * since collection date and time are two separate fields in the
             * database, we have to put them together using an instance of
             * Datetime, thus we do it only once per sample to avoid
             * creating unnecessary objects for each row for that sample
            if ("Y".equals(data.getCollectionDate()) && collDateTime == null) {
                collDate = sam.getCollectionDate();
                collTime = sam.getCollectionTime();
                if (collDate != null) {
                    dc = collDate.getDate();
                    if (collTime == null) {
                    } else {

                    collDateTime = Datetime.getInstance(Datetime.YEAR, Datetime.MINUTE, dc);
            if (addResultRow)
                addSampleCells(resRow, resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, sam, collDateTime, proj);
            if (addAuxDataRow)
                addSampleCells(auxRow, auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, sam, collDateTime, proj);
            if (addNoResAuxRow)
                addSampleCells(noResAuxRow, noResAuxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, sam, collDateTime,

        if (addOrgCells) {
             * add cells for the selected fields
            if (org == null) {
                try {
                    org = sampleOrganization.fetchReportToBySampleId(sampleId);
                } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                    // ignore
            if (addResultRow)
                addOrganizationCells(resRow, resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, org);
            if (addAuxDataRow)
                addOrganizationCells(auxRow, auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, org);
            if (addNoResAuxRow)
                addOrganizationCells(noResAuxRow, noResAuxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, org);

        if (addItemCells) {
            // add cells for the selected fields belonging to sample item
            if (addResultRow || addNoResAuxRow) {
                if (!itemId.equals(prevItemId)) {
                    item = sampleItem.fetchById(itemId);
                    prevItemId = itemId;
                if (addResultRow)
                    addSampleItemCells(resRow, resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, item);
                if (addNoResAuxRow)
                    addSampleItemCells(noResAuxRow, noResAuxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, item);

            if (addAuxDataRow)
                addSampleItemCells(auxRow, auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, null);

        if (addAnalysisCells) {
             * add cells for the selected fields belonging to sample
             * organization
            if (addResultRow || addNoResAuxRow) {
                if (!analysisId.equals(prevAnalysisId)) {
                    groupResMap = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultViewDO>>();
                    ana = analysis.fetchById(analysisId);
                    anaUserList = null;
                    qaeNames = null;
                    compByNames = null;
                    relByNames = null;

                    if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisQaName())) {
                         * if this analysis has any qa events linked to it,
                         * fetch them and create a string by concatinating
                         * their names together
                        if (aqeList == null) {
                            try {
                                aqeList = analysisQaEvent.fetchByAnalysisId(analysisId);
                            } catch (NotFoundException ignE) {
                                qaeNames = null;

                        if (aqeList != null) {
                            buf = new StringBuffer();
                            for (i = 0; i < aqeList.size(); i++) {
                                aqe = aqeList.get(i);
                                 * if the file is being generated for an
                                 * external client then we show the
                                 * reporting text and not name of the qa
                                 * event and we show it only if the qa event
                                 * is not internal
                                if (runForWeb) {
                                    if (!DataBaseUtil.isSame(Constants.dictionary().QAEVENT_INTERNAL,
                                            aqe.getTypeId())) {
                                        if (buf.length() > 0)
                                            buf.append(" ");
                                } else {
                                    if (buf.length() > 0)
                                        buf.append(", ");
                            qaeNames = buf.toString();
                    if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisCompletedBy()) && anaUserList == null) {
                        try {
                            anaUserList = analysisUser.fetchByAnalysisId(analysisId);
                            buf = new StringBuffer();
                            for (i = 0; i < anaUserList.size(); i++) {
                                anaUser = anaUserList.get(i);
                                if (!DataBaseUtil.isSame(Constants.dictionary().AN_USER_AC_COMPLETED,
                                if (buf.length() > 0)
                                    buf.append(", ");
                                userName = anaUser.getSystemUser();
                                 * the user's login name could be null in
                                 * this DO if there was a problem with
                                 * fetching the data from security
                                if (userName != null)
                            compByNames = buf.toString();
                        } catch (NotFoundException ignE) {
                            // ignore
                    if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisReleasedBy())) {
                        if (anaUserList == null) {
                            try {
                                anaUserList = analysisUser.fetchByAnalysisId(analysisId);
                            } catch (NotFoundException ignE) {
                                // ignore
                        if (anaUserList != null && relByNames == null) {
                            for (i = 0; i < anaUserList.size(); i++) {
                                anaUser = anaUserList.get(i);
                                if (DataBaseUtil.isSame(Constants.dictionary().AN_USER_AC_RELEASED,
                                        anaUser.getActionId())) {
                                    relByNames = anaUser.getSystemUser();
                if (addResultRow)
                    addAnalysisCells(resRow, resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, runForWeb, ana, qaeNames,
                            compByNames, relByNames);
                if (addNoResAuxRow)
                    addAnalysisCells(noResAuxRow, noResAuxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, runForWeb, ana,
                            qaeNames, compByNames, relByNames);
            if (addAuxDataRow)
                addAnalysisCells(auxRow, auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, runForWeb, null, null, null,

         * we need to make sure that a given sample is of a given domain
         * before fetching the data for that domain, but we need to add
         * cells (filled or not) for the fields from that domain in the file
         * for a given row regardless, if the user selected them to be shown
        if (addEnvCells) {
            if ("E".equals(domain) && env == null)
                env = sampleEnvironmental.fetchBySampleId(sampleId);
            if (addResultRow)
                addEnvironmentalCells(resRow, resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, env);
            if (addAuxDataRow)
                addEnvironmentalCells(auxRow, auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, env);
            if (addNoResAuxRow)
                addEnvironmentalCells(noResAuxRow, noResAuxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, env);

        if (addSDWISCells) {
            if ("S".equals(domain) && sdwis == null) {
                sdwis = sampleSDWIS.fetchBySampleId(sampleId);
                if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISPwsId()) && pwsMap == null)
                    pwsMap = new HashMap<Integer, PWSDO>();
            if (addResultRow)
                addSDWISCells(resRow, resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, sdwis, pwsMap);
            if (addAuxDataRow)
                addSDWISCells(auxRow, auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, sdwis, pwsMap);
            if (addNoResAuxRow)
                addSDWISCells(noResAuxRow, noResAuxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, sdwis, pwsMap);

        if (addClinicalCells) {
            if ("C".equals(domain) && clinical == null) {
                sampleIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                clinical = sampleClinical.fetchBySampleIds(sampleIds).get(0);
                if (clinical.getPatientId() != null) {
                    patientDO = patientMap.get(clinical.getPatientId());
                    if (patientDO == null) {
                        patientDO = patient.fetchById(clinical.getPatientId());
                        patientMap.put(clinical.getPatientId(), patientDO);
                if (clinical.getProviderId() != null) {
                    providerDO = providerMap.get(clinical.getProviderId());
                    if (providerDO == null) {
                        providerDO = provider.fetchById(clinical.getProviderId());
                        providerMap.put(clinical.getProviderId(), providerDO);
            if (addResultRow)
                addClinicalCells(resRow, resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, clinical);
            if (addAuxDataRow)
                addClinicalCells(auxRow, auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, clinical);
            if (addNoResAuxRow)
                addClinicalCells(noResAuxRow, noResAuxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, clinical);

        if (addResultRow) {
            // set the analyte's name and the result's value
            cell = resRow.createCell(resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells());
            cell = resRow.createCell(resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells());

             * results for an analysis are not shown if it or the sample
             * that it belongs to has a qa event of type "result override"
            if (!anaOverriden && !sampleOverriden)

            sortOrder = (Integer) res.getResultSortOrder();
            rowGroup = (Integer) res.getResultTestAnalyteRowGroup();
            if (!analysisId.equals(prevAnalysisId)) {
                groupResMap = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultViewDO>>();
                rowGrpResList = null;
            } else if (!rowGroup.equals(prevRowGroup)) {
                rowGrpResList = groupResMap.get(rowGroup);

            // fetch the column analytes if there are any
            if (rowGrpResList == null) {
                try {
                     * this is the list of all the results belonging to the
                     * same row group as the test analyte of this result and
                     * for which is_column = "Y"
                    rowGrpResList = result.fetchForDataViewByAnalysisIdAndRowGroup(analysisId, rowGroup);
                    groupResMap.put(rowGroup, rowGrpResList);
                } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                    // ignore

             * if there are column analytes with values then the names of
             * the analytes are added to the header such that if an analyte
             * B is found first for any reason then it's added to the header
             * before another analyte A even if A's column appears to the
             * left of B's in this test or any other
            if (rowGrpResList != null) {
                if (lastColumn == 0)
                    lastColumn = resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells();
                currColumn = resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells();
                prevSortOrder = sortOrder;
                for (ResultViewDO rvdo : rowGrpResList) {
                    currSortOrder = rvdo.getSortOrder();
                    if (showReportableColumnsOnly && "N".equals(rvdo.getIsReportable())) {
                        prevSortOrder = currSortOrder;

                     * we only show those analytes' values in this row in
                     * the sheet that belong to the row in the test starting
                     * with the analyte selected by the user and none before
                     * it
                    if (currSortOrder < sortOrder) {
                        prevSortOrder = currSortOrder;

                     * The first check is done to know when the row starting
                     * with the selected analyte has ended (the sort order
                     * of the next analyte is 2 more than the previous
                     * one's, i.e. the next one is a column analyte in the
                     * next row). The second check is done to know when the
                     * row starting with the selected analyte begins, i.e.
                     * the first column analyte's sort order is one more
                     * than that of the selected analyte.
                    if (currSortOrder > prevSortOrder + 1 && currSortOrder > sortOrder + 1)

                    anaName = rvdo.getAnalyte();
                    anaIndex = colIndexAnaMap.get(anaName);

                    if (anaIndex == null) {
                         * If an analyte's name is not found in the map then
                         * we create a new column in the header row and set
                         * its value as the name. We also start adding
                         * values under that column
                        anaIndex = lastColumn++;
                        colIndexAnaMap.put(anaName, anaIndex);
                        cell = headerRow.createCell(anaIndex);

                        resultVal = getValue(rvdo.getValue(), rvdo.getTypeId());
                        cell = resRow.createCell(anaIndex);
                    } else if (anaIndex == currColumn) {
                         * we set the value in this cell if this result's
                         * analyte is shown in this column
                        resultVal = getValue(rvdo.getValue(), rvdo.getTypeId());
                        cell = resRow.createCell(currColumn++);
                    } else {
                         * if this result's analyte is not shown in this
                         * column then we set the value in the appropriate
                         * column
                        resultVal = getValue(rvdo.getValue(), rvdo.getTypeId());
                        cell = resRow.createCell(anaIndex);

                     * results for an analysis are not shown if it or the
                     * sample that it belongs to has a qa event of type
                     * "result override"
                    if (!anaOverriden && !sampleOverriden)

                    prevSortOrder = currSortOrder;

        if (addAuxDataRow) {
            // set the analyte's name and the aux data's value
            cell = auxRow.createCell(auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells());
            cell = auxRow.createCell(auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells());

        prevAnalysisId = analysisId;
        prevSamId = sampleId;
        prevRowGroup = rowGroup;

         * An empty row can't be created and then added it to the sheet, it
         * has to be obtained from the sheet. Thus it has to be removed if
         * we don't want to show it. We do so if two consecutive rows have
         * the same data in all cells. It can happen if, for example, a user
         * chose to see sample items but all the ones under a sample have
         * the same container and sample type and those were the only fields
         * chosen to be shown.
        if (isSameDataInRows(currRow, prevRow)) {
        } else {
            prevRow = currRow;

    // make each column wide enough to show the longest string in it
    for (i = 0; i < headerRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(); i++)

    return wb;

From source file:org.openelis.bean.DataViewBean.java

License:Open Source License

private boolean isSameDataInRows(Row currRow, Row prevRow) {
    int prevType, currType;
    Cell prevCell, currCell;/*from  ww w .  ja  v  a  2s . c  o m*/

    if (currRow == null || prevRow == null)
        return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < prevRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(); i++) {
        prevCell = prevRow.getCell(i);
        currCell = currRow.getCell(i);

        if (prevCell == null) {
            if (currCell == null)
                return false;
        } else if (currCell == null) {
            return false;

        prevType = prevCell.getCellType();
        currType = currCell.getCellType();

        if (prevType != currType)
            return false;

        switch (prevType) {
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
            if (!DataBaseUtil.isSame(prevCell.getStringCellValue(), currCell.getStringCellValue()))
                return false;
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
            if (!DataBaseUtil.isSame(prevCell.getNumericCellValue(), currCell.getNumericCellValue()))
                return false;
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
            if (!DataBaseUtil.isSame(prevCell.getBooleanCellValue(), currCell.getBooleanCellValue()))
                return false;

    return true;

From source file:org.openelis.bean.DataViewReportBean.java

License:Open Source License

 * Creates and returns a workbook that gets converted to an Excel file; each
 * row in the workbook shows fields from some part of a sample and analytes
 * and values//w  w  w  . java2 s.  c  o  m
 * @param results
 *        the list of VOs containing result info to be shown
 * @param auxiliary
 *        the list of VOs containing aux data info to be shown
 * @param noResAux
 *        the list of VOs containing info to be shown when both results and
 *        aux data are excluded
 * @param testAnaResMap
 *        the map containing result analytes and values selected by the
 *        user; if an analyte or value is not in the map, the result is not
 *        shown
 * @param auxFieldValMap
 *        the map containing aux data analytes and values selected by the
 *        user; if an analyte or value is not in the map, the aux data is
 *        not shown
 * @param moduleName
 *        the name of a security module for the logged in user; the module's
 *        clause is used to restrict the fetched data to specific records
 *        e.g. organizations
 * @param showReportableColumnsOnly
 *        if true, only reportable column analytes are shown
 * @param headers
 *        the list of labels for the column headers
 * @param data
 *        the VO containing the user's choices for the data shown e.g. the
 *        meta keys for selected columns and "include" and "exclude" flags
 * @param smMap
 *        the map that provides the data for the columns belonging to
 *        various parts of a sample e.g. domain, organization, project etc.
 * @param status
 *        the percent completion in this ReportStatus is updated every time
 *        a new row is added to the workbook
private XSSFWorkbook getWorkbook(List<DataViewResultVO> results, List<DataViewResultVO> auxiliary,
        List<DataViewResultVO> noResAux, HashMap<Integer, HashSet<String>> testAnaResMap,
        HashMap<Integer, HashSet<String>> auxFieldValMap, String moduleName, boolean showReportableColumnsOnly,
        ArrayList<String> headers, DataView1VO data, HashMap<Integer, SampleManager1> smMap,
        ReportStatus status) throws Exception {
    boolean excludeOverride, excludeRes, excludeAux, samOverridden, anaOverridden, addRow;
    int i, j, resIndex, auxIndex, noResAuxIndex, rowIndex, numRes, numAux, numNoResAux, lastCol, currCol;
    Integer samId, prevSamId, resAccNum, auxAccNum, itemId, anaId, prevAnaId, anaIndex;
    String value;
    SampleManager1 sm;
    XSSFWorkbook wb;
    XSSFSheet sheet;
    DataViewResultVO res;
    ResultViewDO rowRes, colRes;
    Row currRow, prevRow;
    RowData rd;
    Cell cell;
    ArrayList<Integer> maxChars;
    ArrayList<ResultViewDO> smResults;
    HashMap<String, Integer> colAnaMap;
    HashMap<Integer, HashSet<String>> anaValMap;

    numRes = results == null ? 0 : results.size();
    numAux = auxiliary == null ? 0 : auxiliary.size();
    numNoResAux = noResAux == null ? 0 : noResAux.size();
    excludeOverride = "Y".equals(data.getExcludeResultOverride());
    excludeRes = "Y".equals(data.getExcludeResults());
    excludeAux = "Y".equals(data.getExcludeAuxData());

    resIndex = 0;
    auxIndex = 0;
    noResAuxIndex = 0;
    lastCol = 0;
    currCol = 0;
    rowIndex = 1;
    prevSamId = null;
    prevAnaId = null;
    anaIndex = null;
    samOverridden = false;
    anaOverridden = false;
    currRow = null;
    prevRow = null;
    sm = null;
    wb = new XSSFWorkbook();
    sheet = wb.createSheet();
    colAnaMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    maxChars = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    rd = new RowData();

    session.setAttribute("DataViewReportStatus", status);

     * the lists of results and aux data are iterated through until there
     * are no more elements left in each of them to read from
    while (resIndex < numRes || auxIndex < numAux || noResAuxIndex < numNoResAux) {
         * the user wants to stop the report
        if (ReportStatus.Status.CANCEL.equals(status.getStatus())) {
            return null;

                100 * (resIndex + auxIndex + noResAuxIndex) / (numRes + numAux + numNoResAux));
        res = null;
        anaValMap = null;
        value = null;
        if (excludeRes && excludeAux) {
            res = noResAux.get(noResAuxIndex++);
        } else {
            if (resIndex < numRes && auxIndex < numAux) {
                resAccNum = results.get(resIndex).getSampleAccessionNumber();
                auxAccNum = auxiliary.get(auxIndex).getSampleAccessionNumber();
                 * if this result's accession number is less than or equal
                 * to this aux data's, add a row for this result, otherwise
                 * add a row for the aux data; this makes sure that the
                 * results for a sample are shown before the aux data;
                 * accession numbers are compared instead of sample ids
                 * because the former is the field shown in the report and
                 * not the latter
                if (resAccNum <= auxAccNum) {
                    res = results.get(resIndex++);
                    anaValMap = testAnaResMap;
                } else {
                    res = auxiliary.get(auxIndex++);
                    anaValMap = auxFieldValMap;
            } else if (resIndex < numRes) {
                 * no more aux data left to show
                res = results.get(resIndex++);
                anaValMap = testAnaResMap;
            } else if (auxIndex < numAux) {
                 * no more results left to show
                res = auxiliary.get(auxIndex++);
                anaValMap = auxFieldValMap;

        samId = res.getSampleId();
        itemId = res.getSampleItemId();
        anaId = res.getAnalysisId();

        if (!samId.equals(prevSamId)) {
             * don't show any data for this sample if it's overridden and
             * such samples are excluded; whether the sample is overridden
             * is checked even if such samples are not excluded because
             * overridden result values are not shown in the report
            sm = smMap.get(samId);
            samOverridden = false;
            if ((getSampleQAs(sm) != null)) {
                for (SampleQaEventViewDO sqa : getSampleQAs(sm)) {
                    if (Constants.dictionary().QAEVENT_OVERRIDE.equals(sqa.getTypeId())) {
                        samOverridden = true;
                        if (excludeOverride)
                            prevSamId = samId;

        if (samOverridden && excludeOverride) {
            prevSamId = samId;

         * don't show any data for this analysis if it's overridden and such
         * analyses are excluded; whether the analysis is overridden is
         * checked even if such analyses are not excluded because overridden
         * values are not shown in the report
        if (anaId != null) {
            if (!anaId.equals(prevAnaId)) {
                anaOverridden = false;
                if ((getAnalysisQAs(sm) != null)) {
                    for (AnalysisQaEventViewDO aqa : getAnalysisQAs(sm)) {
                        if (aqa.getAnalysisId().equals(anaId)
                                && Constants.dictionary().QAEVENT_OVERRIDE.equals(aqa.getTypeId())) {
                            anaOverridden = true;
                            if (excludeOverride)
            if (anaOverridden && excludeOverride) {
                prevSamId = samId;
                prevAnaId = anaId;

        if (anaValMap != null) {
             * show this result or aux data only if its value was selected
             * by the user
            value = getValue(anaValMap, res.getAnalyteId(), res.getValue(), res.getTypeId());
            if (value == null) {
                prevSamId = samId;
                prevAnaId = anaId;

        currRow = sheet.createRow(rowIndex++);

         * fill the passed row's cells for all columns except the ones for
         * analytes and values
        setBaseCells(sm, itemId, anaId, rd, data.getColumns(), moduleName != null, wb, currRow, maxChars);

        if (value != null) {
             * this row is for either a result or aux data; show the analyte
            cell = currRow.createCell(currRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells());
            setCellValue(cell, res.getAnalyteName(), null);
            setMaxChars(cell.getColumnIndex(), res.getAnalyteName(), maxChars, null);
            cell = currRow.createCell(currRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells());
            if (anaId != null && !excludeRes) {
                 * this row is for a result; show the value only if the
                 * analysis and sample are not overridden
                if (!anaOverridden && !samOverridden)
                    setCellValue(cell, value, null);
                setMaxChars(cell.getColumnIndex(), cell.getStringCellValue(), maxChars, null);

                 * if this analyte has column analytes, show them in the
                 * header and their values in the columns; results for a
                 * sample can be null if it has no results with values but
                 * has aux data with values and aux data is not excluded
                smResults = getResults(sm);
                if (smResults != null) {
                    for (i = 0; i < smResults.size(); i++) {
                        rowRes = smResults.get(i);
                        if (!res.getId().equals(rowRes.getId()))
                        j = i + 1;
                        if (j < smResults.size() && "Y".equals(smResults.get(j).getIsColumn())) {
                             * this analyte has column analytes; "lastCol"
                             * is the right-most column in the workbook; if
                             * an analyte doesn't have a column yet, that
                             * column will be added after "lastCol";
                             * "currCol" keeps track of the current column
                            if (lastCol == 0)
                                lastCol = currRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells();

                            currCol = currRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells();
                            while (j < smResults.size()) {
                                colRes = smResults.get(j++);
                                if ("N".equals(colRes.getIsColumn()))
                                if (showReportableColumnsOnly && "N".equals(colRes.getIsReportable()))
                                anaIndex = colAnaMap.get(colRes.getAnalyte());

                                 * if this column analyte's name is not
                                 * found in the map, create a new column and
                                 * start adding values in it; set the value
                                 * in this cell if the analyte is shown in
                                 * this column; if the analyte is not shown
                                 * in this column, find the column in which
                                 * it is shown and set the value
                                if (anaIndex == null) {
                                    anaIndex = lastCol++;
                                    colAnaMap.put(colRes.getAnalyte(), anaIndex);
                                    setMaxChars(cell.getColumnIndex(), colRes.getAnalyte(), maxChars, null);
                                    cell = currRow.createCell(anaIndex);
                                } else if (anaIndex == currCol) {
                                    cell = currRow.createCell(currCol++);
                                } else {
                                    cell = currRow.createCell(anaIndex);

                                 * set the value if the analysis and sample
                                 * are not overridden
                                if (!anaOverridden && !samOverridden)
                                    setCellValue(cell, getValue(colRes.getValue(), colRes.getTypeId()), null);
                                setMaxChars(cell.getColumnIndex(), cell.getStringCellValue(), maxChars, null);
            } else {
                 * this row is for an aux data; show the value
                setCellValue(cell, value, null);
                setMaxChars(cell.getColumnIndex(), value, maxChars, null);

        prevAnaId = anaId;
        prevSamId = samId;

         * an empty row can't be created and then added to the sheet, it has
         * to be obtained from the sheet; thus it has to be removed if it
         * shouldn't be shown because it has the same data as the previous
         * row in all cells; this can happen if e.g. a user selects only
         * container and sample type but all sample items in a sample have
         * the same values for these fields
        if (isSameDataInRows(currRow, prevRow)) {
        } else {
            prevRow = currRow;

     * add the header row and set the header labels for all columns
    setHeaderCells(sheet, wb, headers, maxChars);

     * make each column wide enough to show the longest string in it; the
     * width for each column is set as the maximum number of characters in
     * that column multiplied by 256; this is because the default width of
     * one character is 1/256 units in Excel
    for (i = 0; i < maxChars.size(); i++)
        sheet.setColumnWidth(i, maxChars.get(i) * 256);

    return wb;

From source file:org.openelis.bean.DataViewReportBean.java

License:Open Source License

 * Determines if each cell in "currRow" has the same data as the
 * corresponding cell in "prevRow"/* w ww . j ava2s .c om*/
 * @param currRow
 *        the current row in the spreadsheet
 * @param prevRow
 *        the previous row in the spreadsheet
 * @return true if the corresponding cells in both rows have the same data;
 *         false otherwise
private boolean isSameDataInRows(Row currRow, Row prevRow) {
    int prevType, currType;
    Cell prevCell, currCell;

    if (currRow == null || prevRow == null)
        return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < prevRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(); i++) {
        prevCell = prevRow.getCell(i);
        currCell = currRow.getCell(i);

        if (prevCell == null) {
            if (currCell == null)
                return false;
        } else if (currCell == null) {
            return false;

        prevType = prevCell.getCellType();
        currType = currCell.getCellType();

        if (prevType != currType)
            return false;

        switch (prevType) {
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
            if (!DataBaseUtil.isSame(prevCell.getStringCellValue(), currCell.getStringCellValue()))
                return false;
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
            if (!DataBaseUtil.isSame(prevCell.getNumericCellValue(), currCell.getNumericCellValue()))
                return false;

    return true;