Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Exhibit A - UIRF Open-source Based Public Software License.
 * The contents of this file are subject to the UIRF Open-source Based Public
 * Software License(the "License"); you may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
 * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
 * The Original Code is OpenELIS code.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is The University of Iowa.
 * Portions created by The University of Iowa are Copyright 2006-2008. All
 * Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file marked "Separately-Licensed" may be
 * used under the terms of a UIRF Software license ("UIRF Software License"), in
 * which case the provisions of a UIRF Software License are applicable instead
 * of those above.
package org.openelis.bean;

import java.beans.XMLEncoder;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute;
import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import javax.persistence.Query;

import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.TransactionTimeout;
import org.openelis.constants.Messages;
import org.openelis.domain.AnalysisQaEventViewDO;
import org.openelis.domain.AnalysisUserViewDO;
import org.openelis.domain.AnalysisViewDO;
import org.openelis.domain.AuxDataDataViewVO;
import org.openelis.domain.AuxDataViewDO;
import org.openelis.domain.AuxFieldDataViewVO;
import org.openelis.domain.CategoryCacheVO;
import org.openelis.domain.Constants;
import org.openelis.domain.DataViewAuxDataFetchVO;
import org.openelis.domain.DataViewResultFetchVO;
import org.openelis.domain.DataViewVO;
import org.openelis.domain.DictionaryDO;
import org.openelis.domain.IdNameVO;
import org.openelis.domain.PWSDO;
import org.openelis.domain.PatientDO;
import org.openelis.domain.ProviderDO;
import org.openelis.domain.ResultDataViewVO;
import org.openelis.domain.ResultViewDO;
import org.openelis.domain.SampleClinicalViewDO;
import org.openelis.domain.SampleDO;
import org.openelis.domain.SampleEnvironmentalDO;
import org.openelis.domain.SampleItemViewDO;
import org.openelis.domain.SampleOrganizationViewDO;
import org.openelis.domain.SampleProjectViewDO;
import org.openelis.domain.SampleSDWISViewDO;
import org.openelis.domain.TestAnalyteDataViewVO;
import org.openelis.meta.SampleWebMeta;
import org.openelis.ui.common.DataBaseUtil;
import org.openelis.ui.common.Datetime;
import org.openelis.ui.common.InconsistencyException;
import org.openelis.ui.common.NotFoundException;
import org.openelis.ui.common.ReportStatus;
import org.openelis.util.QueryBuilderV2;
import org.openelis.utils.EJBFactory;
import org.openelis.utils.ReportUtil;

public class DataViewBean {

    @PersistenceContext(unitName = "openelis")
    private EntityManager manager;

    private SessionCacheBean session;

    private ProjectBean project;

    private SampleProjectBean sampleProject;

    private SampleQAEventBean sampleQaEvent;

    private AnalysisQAEventBean analysisQaEvent;

    private ResultBean result;

    private AuxDataBean auxData;

    private SampleBean sample;

    private SampleOrganizationBean sampleOrganization;

    private SampleItemBean sampleItem;

    private AnalysisBean analysis;

    private AnalysisUserBean analysisUser;

    private SampleEnvironmentalBean sampleEnvironmental;

    private SampleSDWISBean sampleSDWIS;

    private SampleClinicalBean sampleClinical;

    private PWSBean pws;

    private PatientBean patient;

    private ProviderBean provider;

    private DictionaryCacheBean dictionaryCache;

    private UserCacheBean userCache;

    private static final SampleWebMeta meta = new SampleWebMeta();

    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("openelis");

    private static HashMap<Integer, String> dictEntryMap;

    public void init() {
        ArrayList<DictionaryDO> list;
        CategoryCacheVO cat;
        String locale;
        CategoryCacheBean ccl;

        ccl = EJBFactory.getCategoryCache();
        try {
            dictEntryMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>();

            cat = ccl.getBySystemName("sample_status");
            list = cat.getDictionaryList();
            for (DictionaryDO data : list) {
                dictEntryMap.put(data.getId(), data.getEntry());

            cat = ccl.getBySystemName("analysis_status");
            list = cat.getDictionaryList();
            for (DictionaryDO data : list) {
                dictEntryMap.put(data.getId(), data.getEntry());

            cat = ccl.getBySystemName("sdwis_sample_type");
            list = cat.getDictionaryList();
            for (DictionaryDO data : list)
                dictEntryMap.put(data.getId(), data.getEntry());

            cat = ccl.getBySystemName("sdwis_sample_category");
            list = cat.getDictionaryList();
            for (DictionaryDO data : list)
                dictEntryMap.put(data.getId(), data.getEntry());

            cat = ccl.getBySystemName("gender");
            list = cat.getDictionaryList();
            for (DictionaryDO data : list)
                dictEntryMap.put(data.getId(), data.getEntry());

            cat = ccl.getBySystemName("race");
            list = cat.getDictionaryList();
            for (DictionaryDO data : list)
                dictEntryMap.put(data.getId(), data.getEntry());

            cat = ccl.getBySystemName("ethnicity");
            list = cat.getDictionaryList();
            for (DictionaryDO data : list)
                dictEntryMap.put(data.getId(), data.getEntry());

        } catch (Throwable e) {
            log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to lookup constants for dictionary entries", e);

    public ArrayList<IdNameVO> fetchEnvironmentalProjectListForWeb() throws Exception {
        String clause;

        clause = userCache.getPermission().getModule("w_dataview_environmental").getClause();
         * if clause is null, then the previous method returns an empty HashMap,
         * so we need to check if the list is empty or not. We only return the
         * list of projects
        if (clause != null)
            return project.fetchForOrganizations(clause);

        return new ArrayList<IdNameVO>();

    public ArrayList<IdNameVO> fetchProjectListForPortal() throws Exception {
        String clause;

        clause = userCache.getPermission().getModule("w_dataview").getClause();
         * if clause is null, then the previous method returns an empty HashMap,
         * so we need to check if the list is empty or not. We only return the
         * list of projects
        if (clause != null)
            return project.fetchForOrganizations(clause);

        return new ArrayList<IdNameVO>();

    public DataViewVO fetchAnalyteAndAuxField(DataViewVO data) throws Exception {
        ArrayList<QueryData> fields;

        if (data == null)
            throw new InconsistencyException("You may not execute an empty query");

        fields = data.getQueryFields();
        if (fields == null || fields.size() == 0)
            throw new InconsistencyException("You may not execute an empty query");

        return fetchAnalyteAndAuxField(data, null);

    public DataViewVO fetchAnalyteAndAuxFieldForPortal(DataViewVO data) throws Exception {
        ArrayList<QueryData> fields;

        if (data == null)
            throw new InconsistencyException("You may not execute an empty query");

        fields = data.getQueryFields();
        if (fields == null || fields.size() == 0)
            throw new InconsistencyException("You may not execute an empty query");

        return fetchAnalyteAndAuxField(data, "w_dataview");

    public DataViewVO fetchAnalyteAndAuxFieldForWebEnvironmental(DataViewVO data) throws Exception {
        ArrayList<QueryData> fields;
        QueryData field;

        if (data == null)
            throw new InconsistencyException("You may not execute an empty query");

        fields = data.getQueryFields();
        if (fields == null || fields.size() == 0)
            throw new InconsistencyException("You may not execute an empty query");

        field = new QueryData();


        return fetchAnalyteAndAuxField(data, "w_dataview_environmental");

    public ReportStatus runReportForWebEnvironmental(DataViewVO data) throws Exception {
        ArrayList<QueryData> fields;
        QueryData field;

        fields = data.getQueryFields();
        if (fields == null || fields.size() == 0)
            throw new InconsistencyException("You may not execute an empty query");

        field = new QueryData();


        return runReport(data, "w_dataview_environmental", true);

    public ReportStatus runReportForPortal(DataViewVO data) throws Exception {
        ArrayList<QueryData> fields;

        fields = data.getQueryFields();
        if (fields == null || fields.size() == 0)
            throw new InconsistencyException("You may not execute an empty query");

        return runReport(data, "w_dataview", true);

    public ReportStatus runReport(DataViewVO data) throws Exception {
        return runReport(data, null, false);

    public ReportStatus saveQuery(DataViewVO data) throws Exception {
        OutputStream out;
        Path path;
        ReportStatus status;
        XMLEncoder enc;

        status = new ReportStatus();
        status.setMessage("Initializing report");
        session.setAttribute("DataViewQuery", status);
        out = null;
        enc = null;
        try {
            status.setMessage("Saving query").setPercentComplete(20);
            path = ReportUtil.createTempFile("query", ".xml", "upload_stream_directory");


            out = Files.newOutputStream(path);
            enc = new XMLEncoder(out);
             * the FileOutputStream gets closed by the XMLEncoder, and so we
             * don't close it explicitly because trying to do so throws an
             * exception
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (out != null)
            if (enc != null)
            throw e;

        return status;

    private DataViewVO fetchAnalyteAndAuxField(DataViewVO data, String moduleName) throws Exception {
        int i;
        boolean excludeOverride, excludeResults, excludeAuxData;
        Integer samId, prevSamId, analysisId;
        QueryBuilderV2 builder;
        QueryData reportTo;
        ArrayList<QueryData> fields;
        List<Object[]> list, tempList;
        ArrayList<Integer> analysisIds, sampleIds;
        ArrayList<ResultViewDO> resList;
        ArrayList<AuxDataViewDO> auxList;
        Object[] vo;

        excludeOverride = "Y".equals(data.getExcludeResultOverride());
        excludeResults = "Y".equals(data.getExcludeResults());
        excludeAuxData = "Y".equals(data.getExcludeAuxData());

        fields = data.getQueryFields();

        builder = new QueryBuilderV2();
        builder.setSelect("distinct " + SampleWebMeta.getAnalysisId() + ", " + SampleWebMeta.getId() + " ");
         * if moduleName is not null, then this query is being executed for the
         * web and we need to report only released analyses
        if (moduleName != null) {
            builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getAnalysisStatusId() + "=" + Constants.dictionary().ANALYSIS_RELEASED);
            builder.addWhere("(" + getClause(moduleName) + ")");
            builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getAnalysisIsReportable() + "=" + "'Y'");

        reportTo = null;
        for (QueryData f : fields) {
            if ("reportToOrganizationName".equals(f.getKey())) {
                reportTo = f;
        list = new ArrayList<Object[]>();

        if (reportTo != null) {
            builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getSampleOrgTypeId() + " = " + Constants.dictionary().ORG_REPORT_TO);
            builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getItemId() + "=" + SampleWebMeta.getAnalysisSampleItemId());
            tempList = fetchAnalyteAndAuxField(SampleWebMeta.getId(), builder, fields);
            if (tempList.size() > 5000)
                throw new InconsistencyException("Query too big. Your search returned " + tempList.size()
                        + " results, but the limit is 5000.");
        } else {
            builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getItemId() + "=" + SampleWebMeta.getAnalysisSampleItemId());
            list = fetchAnalyteAndAuxField(SampleWebMeta.getId(), builder, fields);
            if (list.size() > 5000)
                throw new InconsistencyException(
                        "Query too big. Your search returned " + list.size() + " results, but the limit is 5000.");

        if (list.isEmpty())
            throw new NotFoundException();

        analysisIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        sampleIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        prevSamId = null;
        if (excludeOverride) {
             * if qa event(s) of type result override are found for a sample
             * then all the results under it are excluded, i.e. the sample's id
             * is not added to the list that's used for the query executed to
             * fetch the results, whereas if an analysis has such qa event(s)
             * then only its results are excluded
            i = 0;
            while (i < list.size()) {
                vo = list.get(i++);
                analysisId = (Integer) vo[0];
                samId = (Integer) vo[1];
                if (!samId.equals(prevSamId)) {
                    try {
                        // we found result override qa event(s) for the sample
                        while (i < list.size() && samId.equals(list.get(i)[1]))
                        prevSamId = null;
                    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                         * add the id to the list of samples that will be used
                         * to query for aux data
                if (!excludeResults) {
                    try {
                        // we found result override qa event(s) for an analysis
                    } catch (NotFoundException e1) {
                prevSamId = samId;
        } else {
            for (i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
                vo = list.get(i);
                analysisIds.add((Integer) vo[0]);
                samId = (Integer) vo[1];
                 * add the id to the list of samples that will be used to query
                 * for aux data
                if (!samId.equals(prevSamId))
                prevSamId = samId;

        resList = null;
        if (!excludeResults) {
            try {
                if (analysisIds.size() > 0) {
                     * fetch the results belonging to the analyses that weren't
                     * left out, if any, by the code above because of their
                     * results being overridden
                    resList = result.fetchForDataViewByAnalysisIds(analysisIds);
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                // ignore

        auxList = null;
        if (!excludeAuxData) {
            try {
                 * fetch all the aux data belonging to the samples that we
                 * fetched the results for in the previous query, i.e. if a
                 * sample was excluded because of its results being overriden
                 * then it won't be included in this list
                if (sampleIds.size() > 0) {
                    auxList = auxData.fetchForDataView(Constants.table().SAMPLE, sampleIds);
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                // ignore

        if (resList == null && auxList == null)
            throw new NotFoundException();

        return data;

    private ReportStatus runReport(DataViewVO data, String moduleName, boolean showReportableColumnsOnly)
            throws Exception {
        boolean excludeResults, excludeAuxData, runForWeb, addSampleCells, addOrgCells, addItemCells,
                addAnalysisCells, addEnvCells, addSDWISCells, addClinicalCells;
        ArrayList<String> allCols, cols;
        ArrayList<Integer> unselAnalytes;
        OutputStream out;
        Path path;
        List<DataViewResultFetchVO> resultList, noResAuxList;
        List<DataViewAuxDataFetchVO> auxDataList;
        ArrayList<TestAnalyteDataViewVO> anaList;
        ArrayList<AuxFieldDataViewVO> auxList;
        ReportStatus status;
        QueryBuilderV2 builder;
        QueryData reportTo;
        ArrayList<QueryData> fields;
        HashMap<String, String> resultMap, valueMap;
        HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, String>> analyteResultMap, auxFieldValueMap;
        HSSFWorkbook wb;
        DataViewComparator comparator;

        status = new ReportStatus();
        status.setMessage("Initializing report");
        session.setAttribute("DataView", status);

        fields = data.getQueryFields();

        excludeResults = "Y".equals(data.getExcludeResults());
        excludeAuxData = "Y".equals(data.getExcludeAuxData());

        builder = new QueryBuilderV2();

        resultList = noResAuxList = null;
        auxDataList = null;
        analyteResultMap = auxFieldValueMap = null;
        reportTo = null;

        for (QueryData f : fields) {
            if ("reportToOrganizationName".equals(f.getKey())) {
                reportTo = f;

        addSampleCells = addOrgCells = addItemCells = addAnalysisCells = addEnvCells = addSDWISCells = addClinicalCells = false;
        allCols = new ArrayList<String>();
        // get the labels to be displayed in the headers for the various fields
        cols = getSampleHeaders(data);
        if (cols.size() > 0) {
            addSampleCells = true;

        cols = getOrganizationHeaders(data);
        if (cols.size() > 0) {
            addOrgCells = true;

        cols = getSampleItemHeaders(data);
        if (cols.size() > 0) {
            addItemCells = true;

        cols = getAnalysisHeaders(data);
        if (cols.size() > 0) {
            addAnalysisCells = true;

        cols = getEnvironmentalHeaders(data);
        if (cols.size() > 0) {
            addEnvCells = true;

        cols = getSDWISHeaders(data);
        if (cols.size() > 0) {
            addSDWISCells = true;

        cols = getClinicalHeaders(data);
        if (cols.size() > 0) {
            addClinicalCells = true;

        if (!excludeResults || !excludeAuxData) {

        comparator = new DataViewComparator();
        unselAnalytes = null;
        if (excludeResults && excludeAuxData) {
            noResAuxList = getResults(addEnvCells, addSDWISCells, addClinicalCells, moduleName, builder, reportTo,
                    analyteResultMap, unselAnalytes, data, comparator);
        } else {
            if (!excludeResults) {
                unselAnalytes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                anaList = data.getTestAnalytes();
                if (anaList != null) {
                     * the analytes and results selected by the user are stored
                     * in this hashmap so that they can be used later on to
                     * select or reject adding a row for a result based on
                     * whether or not it belongs in the hashmap
                    analyteResultMap = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, String>>();
                    for (TestAnalyteDataViewVO ana : anaList) {
                         * create the list of analytes not selected by the user
                         * so that a decision can be made about including them
                         * or the selected analytes or none of the two in the
                         * query to generate the report
                        if ("N".equals(ana.getIsIncluded())) {
                        resultMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
                        for (ResultDataViewVO res : ana.getResults()) {
                            if ("Y".equals(res.getIsIncluded()))
                                resultMap.put(res.getValue(), res.getValue());
                        analyteResultMap.put(ana.getAnalyteId(), resultMap);
                 * fetch fields related to results based on the analytes and
                 * values selected by the user from the lists associated with
                 * test analytes
                if (analyteResultMap != null && analyteResultMap.size() > 0) {
                    if (analyteResultMap.size() > 1000)
                        throw new InconsistencyException("Query too big. Your search returned "
                                + analyteResultMap.size() + " results, but the limit is 1000.");

                    resultList = getResults(addEnvCells, addSDWISCells, addClinicalCells, moduleName, builder,
                            reportTo, analyteResultMap, unselAnalytes, data, comparator);

            if (!excludeAuxData) {
                unselAnalytes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                auxList = data.getAuxFields();
                if (auxList != null) {
                     * the analytes and values selected by the user are stored
                     * in this hashmap so that they can be used later on to
                     * select or reject adding a row for an aux data based on
                     * whether or not it belongs in the hashmap
                    auxFieldValueMap = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, String>>();
                    for (AuxFieldDataViewVO af : auxList) {
                         * create the list of analytes not selected by the user
                         * so that a decision can be made about including them
                         * or the selected analytes or none of the two in the
                         * query to generate the report
                        if ("N".equals(af.getIsIncluded())) {
                        valueMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
                        for (AuxDataDataViewVO val : af.getValues()) {
                            if ("Y".equals(val.getIsIncluded()))
                                valueMap.put(val.getValue(), val.getValue());
                        auxFieldValueMap.put(af.getAnalyteId(), valueMap);
                 * fetch fields related to aux data based on the analytes and
                 * values selected by the user from the lists associated with
                 * aux fields
                if (auxFieldValueMap != null && auxFieldValueMap.size() > 0) {
                    if (auxFieldValueMap.size() > 1000)
                        throw new InconsistencyException("Query too big. Your search returned "
                                + auxFieldValueMap.size() + " results, but the limit is 1000.");

                    auxDataList = getAuxData(addEnvCells, addSDWISCells, addClinicalCells, moduleName, builder,
                            reportTo, auxFieldValueMap, unselAnalytes, data, comparator);

        if ((resultList == null || resultList.size() == 0) && (auxDataList == null || auxDataList.size() == 0)
                && (noResAuxList == null || noResAuxList.size() == 0))
            throw new NotFoundException();

        runForWeb = (moduleName != null);
        wb = getWorkbook(resultList, auxDataList, noResAuxList, analyteResultMap, auxFieldValueMap, allCols,
                runForWeb, showReportableColumnsOnly, addSampleCells, addOrgCells, addItemCells, addAnalysisCells,
                addEnvCells, addSDWISCells, addClinicalCells, data);

        if (wb != null) {
            out = null;
            try {
                status.setMessage("Outputing report").setPercentComplete(20);
                path = ReportUtil.createTempFile("dataview", ".xls", "upload_stream_directory");


                out = Files.newOutputStream(path);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw e;
            } finally {
                try {
                    if (out != null)
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // ignore

        return status;

    private List<DataViewResultFetchVO> fetchResults(String moduleName, QueryBuilderV2 builder,
            HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, String>> analyteResultMap, ArrayList<Integer> unselAnalytes,
            DataViewVO data) throws Exception {
        boolean excludeResults;
        ArrayList<String> orderBy;
        Query query;
        ArrayList<QueryData> fields;

        excludeResults = "Y".equals(data.getExcludeResults());
        fields = data.getQueryFields();

        if (excludeResults) {
                    "distinct new org.openelis.domain.DataViewResultFetchVO(" + SampleWebMeta.getAccessionNumber()
                            + ", " + SampleWebMeta.getId() + ", " + SampleWebMeta.getDomain() + ", "
                            + SampleWebMeta.getItemId() + ", " + SampleWebMeta.getAnalysisId() + ")");
        } else {
            builder.setSelect("distinct new org.openelis.domain.DataViewResultFetchVO("
                    + SampleWebMeta.getAccessionNumber() + ", " + SampleWebMeta.getResultAnalysisid() + ", "
                    + SampleWebMeta.getResultAnalyteName() + ", " + SampleWebMeta.getId() + ", "
                    + SampleWebMeta.getDomain() + ", " + SampleWebMeta.getItemId() + ", "
                    + SampleWebMeta.getResultIsColumn() + ", " + SampleWebMeta.getResultAnalyteId() + ", "
                    + SampleWebMeta.getResultTypeId() + ", " + SampleWebMeta.getResultValue() + ", "
                    + SampleWebMeta.getResultSortOrder() + ", " + SampleWebMeta.getResultTestAnalyteRowGroup()
                    + ")");

         * If moduleName is present, then it means that this report is being run
         * for the samples belonging to the list of organizations specified in
         * this user's system_user_module for a specific domain.
        if (moduleName != null) {
            builder.addWhere("(" + getClause(moduleName) + ")");
            builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getStatusId() + "!=" + Constants.dictionary().SAMPLE_ERROR);
            builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getAnalysisStatusId() + "=" + Constants.dictionary().ANALYSIS_RELEASED);
            builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getAnalysisIsReportable() + "=" + "'Y'");

        builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getItemId() + "=" + SampleWebMeta.getAnalysisSampleItemId());

        orderBy = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (!excludeResults) {
            builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getResultIsReportable() + "=" + "'Y'");
            builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getResultIsColumn() + "=" + "'N'");
            builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getResultValue() + "!=" + "null");
             * Add the clause for limiting the results by analytes only if the
             * user selected some specific analytes and not all of them. This
             * eliminates the unnecessary time spent on excluding those results
             * from the records returned by the query
            if (unselAnalytes != null && unselAnalytes.size() > 0) {
                        + getAnalyteClause(analyteResultMap.keySet(), unselAnalytes) + ")");

        builder.setOrderBy(DataBaseUtil.concatWithSeparator(orderBy, ", "));
        query = manager.createQuery(builder.getEJBQL());
        builder.setQueryParams(query, fields);
        return query.getResultList();

    private List<DataViewAuxDataFetchVO> fetchAuxData(String moduleName, QueryBuilderV2 builder,
            HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, String>> auxFieldValueMap, ArrayList<Integer> unselAnalytes,
            DataViewVO data) throws Exception {
        Query query;
        ArrayList<QueryData> fields;

        fields = data.getQueryFields();

                "distinct new org.openelis.domain.DataViewAuxDataFetchVO(" + SampleWebMeta.getAccessionNumber()
                        + ", " + SampleWebMeta.getAuxDataFieldAnalyteName() + ", " + SampleWebMeta.getId() + ", "
                        + SampleWebMeta.getDomain() + ", " + SampleWebMeta.getAuxDataFieldAnalyteId() + ", "
                        + SampleWebMeta.getAuxDataTypeId() + ", " + SampleWebMeta.getAuxDataValue() + ")");
         * If moduleName is present, then it means that this report is being run
         * for the samples belonging to the list of organizations specified in
         * this user's system_user_module for a specific domain.
        if (moduleName != null) {
            builder.addWhere("(" + getClause(moduleName) + ")");
            builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getSampleOrgTypeId() + "=" + Constants.dictionary().ORG_REPORT_TO);
            builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getStatusId() + "!=" + Constants.dictionary().SAMPLE_ERROR);

        builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getAuxDataIsReportable() + "=" + "'Y'");
        builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getAuxDataValue() + "!=" + "null");

         * This is done to add the clause for the aux field's analyte's name to
         * the query even if the query is not restricted by analyte id because
         * the user wants to see aux data for all analytes. Otherwise, in that
         * case the clause won't get added.
        builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getAuxDataFieldAnalyteName() + "!=" + "null");

         * Add the clause for limiting the aux data by analytes only if the user
         * selected some specific analytes and not all of them. This eliminates
         * the unnecessary time spent on excluding those aux data from the
         * records returned by the query
        if (unselAnalytes != null && unselAnalytes.size() > 0) {
                    + getAnalyteClause(auxFieldValueMap.keySet(), unselAnalytes) + ")");

        builder.setOrderBy(SampleWebMeta.getAccessionNumber() + "," + SampleWebMeta.getAuxDataFieldAnalyteName());
        query = manager.createQuery(builder.getEJBQL());
        builder.setQueryParams(query, fields);
        return query.getResultList();

    private HSSFWorkbook getWorkbook(List<DataViewResultFetchVO> resultList,
            List<DataViewAuxDataFetchVO> auxDataList, List<DataViewResultFetchVO> noResAuxList,
            HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, String>> analyteResultMap,
            HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, String>> auxFieldValueMap, ArrayList<String> allCols,
            boolean runForWeb, boolean showReportableColumnsOnly, boolean addSampleCells, boolean addOrgCells,
            boolean addItemCells, boolean addAnalysisCells, boolean addEnvCells, boolean addSDWISCells,
            boolean addClinicalCells, DataViewVO data) throws Exception {
        boolean excludeOverride, excludeResults, excludeAuxData, sampleOverriden, anaOverriden, addResultRow,
                addAuxDataRow, addNoResAuxRow;
        int rowIndex, resIndex, auxIndex, noResAuxIndex, numResults, numAuxVals, numNoResAuxVals, i, lastColumn;
        Integer resAccNum, auxAccNum, sampleId, resSamId, auxSamId, itemId, analysisId, prevSamId, prevItemId,
                prevAnalysisId, rowGroup, prevRowGroup, sortOrder, currSortOrder, prevSortOrder, currColumn,
        String resultVal, auxDataVal, domain, qaeNames, compByNames, relByNames, userName, anaName;
        StringBuffer buf;
        DataViewResultFetchVO res, noResAux;
        DataViewAuxDataFetchVO aux;
        HSSFWorkbook wb;
        HSSFSheet sheet;
        Row headerRow, resRow, auxRow, noResAuxRow, currRow, prevRow;
        Cell cell;
        CellStyle headerStyle;
        Datetime collDateTime, collDate, collTime;
        Date dc;
        SampleDO sam;
        SampleProjectViewDO proj;
        SampleOrganizationViewDO org;
        SampleEnvironmentalDO env;
        SampleSDWISViewDO sdwis;
        SampleClinicalViewDO clinical;
        PatientDO patientDO;
        ProviderDO providerDO;
        SampleItemViewDO item;
        AnalysisViewDO ana;
        AnalysisQaEventViewDO aqe;
        AnalysisUserViewDO anaUser;
        ReportStatus status;
        HashMap<Integer, PWSDO> pwsMap;
        HashMap<Integer, PatientDO> patientMap;
        HashMap<Integer, ProviderDO> providerMap;
        HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultViewDO>> groupResMap;
        HashMap<String, Integer> colIndexAnaMap;
        ArrayList<Integer> sampleIds;
        ArrayList<SampleProjectViewDO> projList;
        ArrayList<AnalysisQaEventViewDO> aqeList;
        ArrayList<AnalysisUserViewDO> anaUserList;
        ArrayList<ResultViewDO> rowGrpResList;

        excludeOverride = "Y".equals(data.getExcludeResultOverride());
        excludeResults = "Y".equals(data.getExcludeResults());
        excludeAuxData = "Y".equals(data.getExcludeAuxData());

        wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
        sheet = wb.createSheet();

        headerRow = sheet.createRow(0);
        headerStyle = createStyle(wb);
        // add cells for the header and set their style
        for (i = 0; i < allCols.size(); i++) {
            cell = headerRow.createCell(i);

        rowIndex = 1;
        resIndex = 0;
        auxIndex = 0;
        noResAuxIndex = 0;
        sampleId = itemId = analysisId = null;
        domain = null;
        qaeNames = null;
        compByNames = null;
        relByNames = null;
        resultVal = null;
        auxDataVal = null;
        prevSamId = null;
        prevItemId = null;
        prevAnalysisId = null;
        collDateTime = null;
        sam = null;
        proj = null;
        org = null;
        env = null;
        sdwis = null;
        clinical = null;
        item = null;
        pwsMap = null;
        patientMap = new HashMap<Integer, PatientDO>();
        providerMap = new HashMap<Integer, ProviderDO>();
        addResultRow = false;
        addAuxDataRow = false;
        addNoResAuxRow = false;
        res = null;
        aux = null;
        noResAux = null;
        ana = null;
        aqeList = null;
        anaUserList = null;
        sampleOverriden = anaOverriden = false;
        groupResMap = null;
        rowGroup = prevRowGroup = null;
        rowGrpResList = null;
        colIndexAnaMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        lastColumn = 0;
        numResults = resultList == null ? 0 : resultList.size();
        numAuxVals = auxDataList == null ? 0 : auxDataList.size();
        numNoResAuxVals = noResAuxList == null ? 0 : noResAuxList.size();
        currRow = prevRow = null;
        status = new ReportStatus();

         * the list of results and that of aux data are iterated through until
         * there are no more elements left in each of them to read from
        while (resIndex < numResults || auxIndex < numAuxVals || noResAuxIndex < numNoResAuxVals) {
                    100 * (resIndex + auxIndex + noResAuxIndex) / (numResults + numAuxVals + numNoResAuxVals));
            session.setAttribute("DataViewReportStatus", status);
            if (excludeResults && excludeAuxData) {
                if (noResAuxIndex < numNoResAuxVals) {
                    noResAux = noResAuxList.get(noResAuxIndex++);
                    sampleId = noResAux.getSampleId();
                    domain = noResAux.getSampleDomain();
                    itemId = noResAux.getSampleItemId();
                    analysisId = noResAux.getAnalysisId();
                    addNoResAuxRow = true;
            } else {
                if (resIndex < numResults && auxIndex < numAuxVals) {
                    res = resultList.get(resIndex);
                    aux = auxDataList.get(auxIndex);
                    resAccNum = res.getSampleAccessionNumber();
                    auxAccNum = aux.getSampleAccessionNumber();
                    resSamId = res.getSampleId();
                    auxSamId = aux.getSampleId();

                     * If this result's accession number is less than or equal
                     * to this aux data's then add a row for this result,
                     * otherwise add a row for the aux data. This makes sure
                     * that the results for a sample are shown before the aux
                     * data. Every time a row for a result is added the index
                     * keeping track of the next item in that list is
                     * incremented and the same is done for the corresponding
                     * index for aux data if a row for it is added. We compare
                     * accession numbers instead of sample ids because the
                     * former is the field shown in the sheet and not the
                     * latter.
                    if (resAccNum <= auxAccNum) {
                        addResultRow = true;
                        addAuxDataRow = false;
                        sampleId = resSamId;
                        domain = res.getSampleDomain();
                        itemId = res.getSampleItemId();
                        analysisId = res.getAnalysisId();
                    } else {
                        addAuxDataRow = true;
                        addResultRow = false;
                        sampleId = auxSamId;
                        domain = aux.getSampleDomain();
                } else if (resIndex < numResults) {
                    addResultRow = true;
                    addAuxDataRow = false;
                    // no more aux data left to add to the sheet
                    res = resultList.get(resIndex);

                    sampleId = res.getSampleId();
                    domain = res.getSampleDomain();
                    itemId = res.getSampleItemId();
                    analysisId = res.getAnalysisId();
                } else if (auxIndex < numAuxVals) {
                    addAuxDataRow = true;
                    addResultRow = false;
                    // no more results left to add to the sheet
                    aux = auxDataList.get(auxIndex);
                    sampleId = aux.getSampleId();
                    domain = aux.getSampleDomain();

             * skip showing any data for this sample if ths user asked to
             * exclude samples/analyses with results overriden and this sample
             * has such a qa event
            if (!sampleId.equals(prevSamId)) {
                try {
                    sampleOverriden = true;
                    if (excludeOverride) {
                        prevSamId = sampleId;
                } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                    sampleOverriden = false;

                sam = null;
                proj = null;
                org = null;
                env = null;
                sdwis = null;
                clinical = null;
                collDateTime = null;
            } else if (sampleOverriden && excludeOverride) {

            if (addResultRow) {
                 * skip showing any data for this analysis if ths user asked to
                 * exclude samples/analyses with results overriden and this
                 * analysis has such a qa event
                if (!analysisId.equals(prevAnalysisId)) {
                    anaOverriden = false;
                    aqeList = null;
                    try {
                        aqeList = analysisQaEvent.fetchByAnalysisId(analysisId);
                        for (i = 0; i < aqeList.size(); i++) {
                            aqe = aqeList.get(i);
                            if (Constants.dictionary().QAEVENT_OVERRIDE.equals(aqe.getTypeId())) {
                                anaOverriden = true;
                                if (excludeOverride) {
                                    addResultRow = false;
                                    prevAnalysisId = analysisId;
                    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                        anaOverriden = false;
                } else if (anaOverriden && excludeOverride) {
                    addResultRow = false;

            resRow = null;
            if (addResultRow) {
                 * check to see if the value of this result was selected by the
                 * user to be shown in the sheet and if it was add a row for it
                 * to the sheet otherwise don't
                resultVal = getResultValue(analyteResultMap, res);
                if (resultVal != null)
                    currRow = resRow = sheet.createRow(rowIndex++);
                    addResultRow = false;

            auxRow = null;
            if (addAuxDataRow) {
                 * check to see if the value of this aux data was selected by
                 * the user to be shown in the sheet and if it was add a row for
                 * it to the sheet otherwise don't
                auxDataVal = getAuxDataValue(auxFieldValueMap, aux);
                if (auxDataVal != null)
                    currRow = auxRow = sheet.createRow(rowIndex++);
                    addAuxDataRow = false;

            noResAuxRow = null;
            if (addNoResAuxRow)
                currRow = noResAuxRow = sheet.createRow(rowIndex++);

            if (addNoResAuxRow && !analysisId.equals(prevAnalysisId))
                aqeList = null;

            if (!addResultRow && !addAuxDataRow && !addNoResAuxRow)

             * The following code adds the cells to be shown under the headers
             * added previously to the sheet based on the fields selected by the
             * user. Cells are added even if there's no data to be shown for
             * given fields e.g. "Project Name" because all rows need to contain
             * the same number of cells. Also depending upon whether a row was
             * added for a result and/or an aux data, we set the values of some
             * cells to empty in a row because some fields don't make sense for
             * that row, e.g. the fields from sample item and analysis for aux
             * data.
            if (addSampleCells) {
                // add cells for the selected fields belonging to samples
                if (sam == null)
                    sam = sample.fetchById(sampleId);
                if ("Y".equals(data.getProjectName()) && proj == null) {
                    try {
                         * we fetch the sample project here and not in the
                         * method that adds the cells for the sample because the
                         * data for the project needs to be fetched only once
                         * for a sample and that method is called for each
                         * analyte under a sample
                        projList = sampleProject.fetchPermanentBySampleId(sampleId);
                        proj = projList.get(0);
                    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                        // ignore
                 * since collection date and time are two separate fields in the
                 * database, we have to put them together using an instance of
                 * Datetime, thus we do it only once per sample to avoid
                 * creating unnecessary objects for each row for that sample
                if ("Y".equals(data.getCollectionDate()) && collDateTime == null) {
                    collDate = sam.getCollectionDate();
                    collTime = sam.getCollectionTime();
                    if (collDate != null) {
                        dc = collDate.getDate();
                        if (collTime == null) {
                        } else {

                        collDateTime = Datetime.getInstance(Datetime.YEAR, Datetime.MINUTE, dc);
                if (addResultRow)
                    addSampleCells(resRow, resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, sam, collDateTime, proj);
                if (addAuxDataRow)
                    addSampleCells(auxRow, auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, sam, collDateTime, proj);
                if (addNoResAuxRow)
                    addSampleCells(noResAuxRow, noResAuxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, sam, collDateTime,

            if (addOrgCells) {
                 * add cells for the selected fields
                if (org == null) {
                    try {
                        org = sampleOrganization.fetchReportToBySampleId(sampleId);
                    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                        // ignore
                if (addResultRow)
                    addOrganizationCells(resRow, resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, org);
                if (addAuxDataRow)
                    addOrganizationCells(auxRow, auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, org);
                if (addNoResAuxRow)
                    addOrganizationCells(noResAuxRow, noResAuxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, org);

            if (addItemCells) {
                // add cells for the selected fields belonging to sample item
                if (addResultRow || addNoResAuxRow) {
                    if (!itemId.equals(prevItemId)) {
                        item = sampleItem.fetchById(itemId);
                        prevItemId = itemId;
                    if (addResultRow)
                        addSampleItemCells(resRow, resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, item);
                    if (addNoResAuxRow)
                        addSampleItemCells(noResAuxRow, noResAuxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, item);

                if (addAuxDataRow)
                    addSampleItemCells(auxRow, auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, null);

            if (addAnalysisCells) {
                 * add cells for the selected fields belonging to sample
                 * organization
                if (addResultRow || addNoResAuxRow) {
                    if (!analysisId.equals(prevAnalysisId)) {
                        groupResMap = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultViewDO>>();
                        ana = analysis.fetchById(analysisId);
                        anaUserList = null;
                        qaeNames = null;
                        compByNames = null;
                        relByNames = null;

                        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisQaName())) {
                             * if this analysis has any qa events linked to it,
                             * fetch them and create a string by concatinating
                             * their names together
                            if (aqeList == null) {
                                try {
                                    aqeList = analysisQaEvent.fetchByAnalysisId(analysisId);
                                } catch (NotFoundException ignE) {
                                    qaeNames = null;

                            if (aqeList != null) {
                                buf = new StringBuffer();
                                for (i = 0; i < aqeList.size(); i++) {
                                    aqe = aqeList.get(i);
                                     * if the file is being generated for an
                                     * external client then we show the
                                     * reporting text and not name of the qa
                                     * event and we show it only if the qa event
                                     * is not internal
                                    if (runForWeb) {
                                        if (!DataBaseUtil.isSame(Constants.dictionary().QAEVENT_INTERNAL,
                                                aqe.getTypeId())) {
                                            if (buf.length() > 0)
                                                buf.append(" ");
                                    } else {
                                        if (buf.length() > 0)
                                            buf.append(", ");
                                qaeNames = buf.toString();
                        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisCompletedBy()) && anaUserList == null) {
                            try {
                                anaUserList = analysisUser.fetchByAnalysisId(analysisId);
                                buf = new StringBuffer();
                                for (i = 0; i < anaUserList.size(); i++) {
                                    anaUser = anaUserList.get(i);
                                    if (!DataBaseUtil.isSame(Constants.dictionary().AN_USER_AC_COMPLETED,
                                    if (buf.length() > 0)
                                        buf.append(", ");
                                    userName = anaUser.getSystemUser();
                                     * the user's login name could be null in
                                     * this DO if there was a problem with
                                     * fetching the data from security
                                    if (userName != null)
                                compByNames = buf.toString();
                            } catch (NotFoundException ignE) {
                                // ignore
                        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisReleasedBy())) {
                            if (anaUserList == null) {
                                try {
                                    anaUserList = analysisUser.fetchByAnalysisId(analysisId);
                                } catch (NotFoundException ignE) {
                                    // ignore
                            if (anaUserList != null && relByNames == null) {
                                for (i = 0; i < anaUserList.size(); i++) {
                                    anaUser = anaUserList.get(i);
                                    if (DataBaseUtil.isSame(Constants.dictionary().AN_USER_AC_RELEASED,
                                            anaUser.getActionId())) {
                                        relByNames = anaUser.getSystemUser();
                    if (addResultRow)
                        addAnalysisCells(resRow, resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, runForWeb, ana, qaeNames,
                                compByNames, relByNames);
                    if (addNoResAuxRow)
                        addAnalysisCells(noResAuxRow, noResAuxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, runForWeb, ana,
                                qaeNames, compByNames, relByNames);
                if (addAuxDataRow)
                    addAnalysisCells(auxRow, auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, runForWeb, null, null, null,

             * we need to make sure that a given sample is of a given domain
             * before fetching the data for that domain, but we need to add
             * cells (filled or not) for the fields from that domain in the file
             * for a given row regardless, if the user selected them to be shown
            if (addEnvCells) {
                if ("E".equals(domain) && env == null)
                    env = sampleEnvironmental.fetchBySampleId(sampleId);
                if (addResultRow)
                    addEnvironmentalCells(resRow, resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, env);
                if (addAuxDataRow)
                    addEnvironmentalCells(auxRow, auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, env);
                if (addNoResAuxRow)
                    addEnvironmentalCells(noResAuxRow, noResAuxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, env);

            if (addSDWISCells) {
                if ("S".equals(domain) && sdwis == null) {
                    sdwis = sampleSDWIS.fetchBySampleId(sampleId);
                    if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISPwsId()) && pwsMap == null)
                        pwsMap = new HashMap<Integer, PWSDO>();
                if (addResultRow)
                    addSDWISCells(resRow, resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, sdwis, pwsMap);
                if (addAuxDataRow)
                    addSDWISCells(auxRow, auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, sdwis, pwsMap);
                if (addNoResAuxRow)
                    addSDWISCells(noResAuxRow, noResAuxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, sdwis, pwsMap);

            if (addClinicalCells) {
                if ("C".equals(domain) && clinical == null) {
                    sampleIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                    clinical = sampleClinical.fetchBySampleIds(sampleIds).get(0);
                    if (clinical.getPatientId() != null) {
                        patientDO = patientMap.get(clinical.getPatientId());
                        if (patientDO == null) {
                            patientDO = patient.fetchById(clinical.getPatientId());
                            patientMap.put(clinical.getPatientId(), patientDO);
                    if (clinical.getProviderId() != null) {
                        providerDO = providerMap.get(clinical.getProviderId());
                        if (providerDO == null) {
                            providerDO = provider.fetchById(clinical.getProviderId());
                            providerMap.put(clinical.getProviderId(), providerDO);
                if (addResultRow)
                    addClinicalCells(resRow, resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, clinical);
                if (addAuxDataRow)
                    addClinicalCells(auxRow, auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, clinical);
                if (addNoResAuxRow)
                    addClinicalCells(noResAuxRow, noResAuxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(), data, clinical);

            if (addResultRow) {
                // set the analyte's name and the result's value
                cell = resRow.createCell(resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells());
                cell = resRow.createCell(resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells());

                 * results for an analysis are not shown if it or the sample
                 * that it belongs to has a qa event of type "result override"
                if (!anaOverriden && !sampleOverriden)

                sortOrder = (Integer) res.getResultSortOrder();
                rowGroup = (Integer) res.getResultTestAnalyteRowGroup();
                if (!analysisId.equals(prevAnalysisId)) {
                    groupResMap = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultViewDO>>();
                    rowGrpResList = null;
                } else if (!rowGroup.equals(prevRowGroup)) {
                    rowGrpResList = groupResMap.get(rowGroup);

                // fetch the column analytes if there are any
                if (rowGrpResList == null) {
                    try {
                         * this is the list of all the results belonging to the
                         * same row group as the test analyte of this result and
                         * for which is_column = "Y"
                        rowGrpResList = result.fetchForDataViewByAnalysisIdAndRowGroup(analysisId, rowGroup);
                        groupResMap.put(rowGroup, rowGrpResList);
                    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                        // ignore

                 * if there are column analytes with values then the names of
                 * the analytes are added to the header such that if an analyte
                 * B is found first for any reason then it's added to the header
                 * before another analyte A even if A's column appears to the
                 * left of B's in this test or any other
                if (rowGrpResList != null) {
                    if (lastColumn == 0)
                        lastColumn = resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells();
                    currColumn = resRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells();
                    prevSortOrder = sortOrder;
                    for (ResultViewDO rvdo : rowGrpResList) {
                        currSortOrder = rvdo.getSortOrder();
                        if (showReportableColumnsOnly && "N".equals(rvdo.getIsReportable())) {
                            prevSortOrder = currSortOrder;

                         * we only show those analytes' values in this row in
                         * the sheet that belong to the row in the test starting
                         * with the analyte selected by the user and none before
                         * it
                        if (currSortOrder < sortOrder) {
                            prevSortOrder = currSortOrder;

                         * The first check is done to know when the row starting
                         * with the selected analyte has ended (the sort order
                         * of the next analyte is 2 more than the previous
                         * one's, i.e. the next one is a column analyte in the
                         * next row). The second check is done to know when the
                         * row starting with the selected analyte begins, i.e.
                         * the first column analyte's sort order is one more
                         * than that of the selected analyte.
                        if (currSortOrder > prevSortOrder + 1 && currSortOrder > sortOrder + 1)

                        anaName = rvdo.getAnalyte();
                        anaIndex = colIndexAnaMap.get(anaName);

                        if (anaIndex == null) {
                             * If an analyte's name is not found in the map then
                             * we create a new column in the header row and set
                             * its value as the name. We also start adding
                             * values under that column
                            anaIndex = lastColumn++;
                            colIndexAnaMap.put(anaName, anaIndex);
                            cell = headerRow.createCell(anaIndex);

                            resultVal = getValue(rvdo.getValue(), rvdo.getTypeId());
                            cell = resRow.createCell(anaIndex);
                        } else if (anaIndex == currColumn) {
                             * we set the value in this cell if this result's
                             * analyte is shown in this column
                            resultVal = getValue(rvdo.getValue(), rvdo.getTypeId());
                            cell = resRow.createCell(currColumn++);
                        } else {
                             * if this result's analyte is not shown in this
                             * column then we set the value in the appropriate
                             * column
                            resultVal = getValue(rvdo.getValue(), rvdo.getTypeId());
                            cell = resRow.createCell(anaIndex);

                         * results for an analysis are not shown if it or the
                         * sample that it belongs to has a qa event of type
                         * "result override"
                        if (!anaOverriden && !sampleOverriden)

                        prevSortOrder = currSortOrder;

            if (addAuxDataRow) {
                // set the analyte's name and the aux data's value
                cell = auxRow.createCell(auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells());
                cell = auxRow.createCell(auxRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells());

            prevAnalysisId = analysisId;
            prevSamId = sampleId;
            prevRowGroup = rowGroup;

             * An empty row can't be created and then added it to the sheet, it
             * has to be obtained from the sheet. Thus it has to be removed if
             * we don't want to show it. We do so if two consecutive rows have
             * the same data in all cells. It can happen if, for example, a user
             * chose to see sample items but all the ones under a sample have
             * the same container and sample type and those were the only fields
             * chosen to be shown.
            if (isSameDataInRows(currRow, prevRow)) {
            } else {
                prevRow = currRow;

        // make each column wide enough to show the longest string in it
        for (i = 0; i < headerRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(); i++)

        return wb;

    private ArrayList<TestAnalyteDataViewVO> getTestAnalytes(ArrayList<ResultViewDO> resList) throws Exception {
        Integer taId, dictId;
        String value;
        TestAnalyteDataViewVO anadd;
        ResultDataViewVO resdd;
        ArrayList<TestAnalyteDataViewVO> anaddList;
        ArrayList<ResultDataViewVO> resddList;
        HashMap<Integer, TestAnalyteDataViewVO> anaMap;
        HashMap<String, String> resMap;

        if (resList == null)
            return null;

        taId = null;
        resddList = null;
        anaddList = new ArrayList<TestAnalyteDataViewVO>();
        anaMap = new HashMap<Integer, TestAnalyteDataViewVO>();
        resMap = null;
         * a TestAnalyteDataViewVO is created for an analyte only once, no
         * matter how many times it appears in the list of ResultViewDOs
        for (ResultViewDO res : resList) {
            taId = res.getAnalyteId();
            anadd = anaMap.get(taId);
            if (anadd == null) {
                anadd = new TestAnalyteDataViewVO();
                resddList = new ArrayList<ResultDataViewVO>();
                anaMap.put(taId, anadd);
                resMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
            } else {
                resddList = anadd.getResults();

            value = res.getValue();
            if (Constants.dictionary().TEST_RES_TYPE_DICTIONARY.equals(res.getTypeId())) {
                dictId = Integer.parseInt(value);
                value = dictionaryCache.getById(dictId).getEntry();

             * we don't allow the same value to be shown more than once for the
             * same analyte
            if (resMap.get(value) != null)
            resMap.put(value, value);

            resdd = new ResultDataViewVO();
        return anaddList;

    private ArrayList<AuxFieldDataViewVO> getAuxFields(ArrayList<AuxDataViewDO> valList) throws Exception {
        Integer taId, dictId;
        String value;
        AuxFieldDataViewVO anadd;
        AuxDataDataViewVO resdd;
        ArrayList<AuxFieldDataViewVO> anaddList;
        ArrayList<AuxDataDataViewVO> resddList;
        HashMap<Integer, AuxFieldDataViewVO> anaMap;
        HashMap<String, String> resMap;

        if (valList == null)
            return null;

        taId = null;
        resddList = null;
        anaddList = new ArrayList<AuxFieldDataViewVO>();
        anaMap = new HashMap<Integer, AuxFieldDataViewVO>();
        resMap = null;

         * an AuxFieldDataViewVO is created for an analyte only once, no matter
         * how many times it appears in the list of AuxDataViewDOs
        for (AuxDataViewDO res : valList) {
            taId = res.getAnalyteId();
            anadd = anaMap.get(taId);
            if (anadd == null) {
                anadd = new AuxFieldDataViewVO();
                resddList = new ArrayList<AuxDataDataViewVO>();
                anaMap.put(taId, anadd);
                resMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
            } else {
                resddList = anadd.getValues();

            value = res.getValue();

            if (Constants.dictionary().AUX_DICTIONARY.equals(res.getTypeId())) {
                dictId = Integer.parseInt(value);
                value = dictionaryCache.getById(dictId).getEntry();

             * we don't allow the same value to be shown more than once for the
             * same analyte
            if (resMap.get(value) != null)

            resdd = new AuxDataDataViewVO();
        return anaddList;

     * returns a clause for excluding the unselected ids if more than the
     * selected ids or including analyte ids, such that, if then the clause will
     * begin with "not in" followed by the unselected ids or otherwise with "in"
     * followed by the selected ids
    private String getAnalyteClause(Set<Integer> selAnalytes, ArrayList<Integer> unselAnalytes) {
        StringBuffer buf;
        Object arr[];

        buf = new StringBuffer();
        if (unselAnalytes.size() < selAnalytes.size()) {
             * create a clause that excludes the analytes not selected
            buf.append(" not in (");
            arr = unselAnalytes.toArray();
        } else {
             * create a clause that includes the selected analytes
            buf.append(" in (");
            arr = selAnalytes.toArray();

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            if (i < arr.length - 1)

        buf.append(") ");

        return buf.toString();

    private ArrayList<String> getSampleHeaders(DataViewVO data) {
        ArrayList<String> headers;

        headers = new ArrayList<String>();
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAccessionNumber()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getRevision()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getCollectionDate()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getReceivedDate()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getEnteredDate()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getReleasedDate()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getStatusId()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getProjectName()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getClientReferenceHeader()))

        return headers;

    private ArrayList<String> getOrganizationHeaders(DataViewVO data) {
        ArrayList<String> headers;

        headers = new ArrayList<String>();
        if ("Y".equals(data.getOrganizationId()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getOrganizationName()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getOrganizationAttention()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getOrganizationAddressMultipleUnit()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getOrganizationAddressAddress()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getOrganizationAddressCity()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getOrganizationAddressState()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getOrganizationAddressZipCode()))

        return headers;

    private ArrayList<String> getSampleItemHeaders(DataViewVO data) {
        ArrayList<String> headers;

        headers = new ArrayList<String>();
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleItemTypeofSampleId()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleItemSourceOfSampleId()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleItemSourceOther()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleItemContainerId()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleItemContainerReference()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleItemItemSequence()))

        return headers;

    private ArrayList<String> getAnalysisHeaders(DataViewVO data) {
        ArrayList<String> headers;

        headers = new ArrayList<String>();
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisId()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisTestNameHeader()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisTestMethodNameHeader()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisStatusIdHeader()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisRevision()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisIsReportableHeader()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisUnitOfMeasureId()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisQaName()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisCompletedDate()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisCompletedBy()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisReleasedDate()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisReleasedBy()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisStartedDate()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisPrintedDate()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisSectionName()))

        return headers;

    private ArrayList<String> getEnvironmentalHeaders(DataViewVO data) {
        ArrayList<String> headers;

        headers = new ArrayList<String>();
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleEnvironmentalIsHazardous()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleEnvironmentalPriority()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleEnvironmentalCollectorHeader()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleEnvironmentalCollectorPhone()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleEnvironmentalLocationHeader()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleEnvironmentalLocationAddressCityHeader()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleEnvironmentalDescription()))

        return headers;

    private ArrayList<String> getSDWISHeaders(DataViewVO data) {
        ArrayList<String> headers;

        headers = new ArrayList<String>();
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISPwsId()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISPwsName()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISStateLabId()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISFacilityId()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISSampleTypeId()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISSampleCategoryId()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISSamplePointId()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISLocation()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISPriority()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISCollector()))

        return headers;

    private ArrayList<String> getClinicalHeaders(DataViewVO data) {
        ArrayList<String> headers;

        headers = new ArrayList<String>();
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalPatientLastName()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalPatientFirstName()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalPatientBirth()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalPatientGender()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalPatientRace()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalPatientEthnicity()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalPatientPhoneNumber()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalProviderLastName()))
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalProviderFirstName()))

        return headers;

    private void addSampleCells(Row row, int startCol, DataViewVO data, SampleDO sample, Datetime colDateTime,
            SampleProjectViewDO project) {
        Cell cell;
        Datetime dt;

        if ("Y".equals(data.getAccessionNumber())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
        if ("Y".equals(data.getRevision())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
        if ("Y".equals(data.getCollectionDate())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (colDateTime != null)
                cell.setCellValue(ReportUtil.toString(colDateTime, Messages.get().dateTimePattern()));
        if ("Y".equals(data.getReceivedDate())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            dt = sample.getReceivedDate();
            if (dt != null)
                cell.setCellValue(ReportUtil.toString(dt, Messages.get().dateTimePattern()));
        if ("Y".equals(data.getEnteredDate())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            dt = sample.getEnteredDate();
            if (dt != null)
                cell.setCellValue(ReportUtil.toString(dt, Messages.get().dateTimePattern()));
        if ("Y".equals(data.getReleasedDate())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            dt = sample.getReleasedDate();
            if (dt != null)
                cell.setCellValue(ReportUtil.toString(dt, Messages.get().dateTimePattern()));
        if ("Y".equals(data.getStatusId())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
        if ("Y".equals(data.getProjectName())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (project != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getClientReferenceHeader())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);

    private void addOrganizationCells(Row row, int startCol, DataViewVO data, SampleOrganizationViewDO org) {
        Cell cell;

        if ("Y".equals(data.getOrganizationId())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (org != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getOrganizationName())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (org != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getOrganizationAttention())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (org != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getOrganizationAddressMultipleUnit())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (org != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getOrganizationAddressAddress())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (org != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getOrganizationAddressCity())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (org != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getOrganizationAddressState())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (org != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getOrganizationAddressZipCode())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (org != null)

    private void addSampleItemCells(Row row, int startCol, DataViewVO data, SampleItemViewDO item) {
        Integer id;
        Cell cell;
        DictionaryDO dict;

        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleItemTypeofSampleId())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (item != null) {
                id = item.getTypeOfSampleId();
                if (id != null) {
                    try {
                        dict = dictionaryCache.getById(id);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to lookup constants for dictionary entry: " + id, e);
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleItemSourceOfSampleId())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (item != null) {
                id = item.getSourceOfSampleId();
                if (id != null) {
                    try {
                        dict = dictionaryCache.getById(id);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to lookup constants for dictionary entry: " + id, e);
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleItemSourceOther())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (item != null) {
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleItemContainerId())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (item != null) {
                id = item.getContainerId();
                if (id != null) {
                    try {
                        dict = dictionaryCache.getById(id);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to lookup constants for dictionary entry: " + id, e);
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleItemContainerReference())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (item != null) {
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleItemItemSequence())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (item != null) {

    private void addAnalysisCells(Row row, int startCol, DataViewVO data, boolean runForWeb,
            AnalysisViewDO analysis, String qaeNames, String compByNames, String relByNames) {
        boolean isRep;
        Integer id;
        Cell cell;
        DictionaryDO dict;
        Datetime dt;

        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisId())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (analysis != null)

        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisTestNameHeader())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (analysis != null)
                cell.setCellValue(runForWeb ? analysis.getTestReportingDescription() : analysis.getTestName());
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisTestMethodNameHeader())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (analysis != null)
                cell.setCellValue(runForWeb ? analysis.getMethodReportingDescription() : analysis.getMethodName());
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisStatusIdHeader())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (analysis != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisRevision())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (analysis != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisIsReportableHeader())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (analysis != null) {
                isRep = "Y".equals(analysis.getIsReportable());
                cell.setCellValue(isRep ? Messages.get().yes() : Messages.get().no());
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisUnitOfMeasureId())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (analysis != null) {
                id = analysis.getUnitOfMeasureId();
                if (id != null) {
                    try {
                        dict = dictionaryCache.getById(id);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to lookup constants for dictionary entry: " + id, e);
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisQaName())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (qaeNames != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisCompletedDate())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (analysis != null) {
                dt = analysis.getCompletedDate();
                if (dt != null)
                    cell.setCellValue(ReportUtil.toString(dt, Messages.get().dateTimePattern()));
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisCompletedBy())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (compByNames != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisReleasedDate())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (analysis != null) {
                dt = analysis.getReleasedDate();
                if (dt != null)
                    cell.setCellValue(ReportUtil.toString(dt, Messages.get().dateTimePattern()));
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisReleasedBy())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (relByNames != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisStartedDate())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (analysis != null) {
                dt = analysis.getStartedDate();
                if (dt != null)
                    cell.setCellValue(ReportUtil.toString(dt, Messages.get().dateTimePattern()));
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisPrintedDate())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (analysis != null) {
                dt = analysis.getPrintedDate();
                if (dt != null)
                    cell.setCellValue(ReportUtil.toString(dt, Messages.get().dateTimePattern()));
        if ("Y".equals(data.getAnalysisSectionName())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (analysis != null && analysis.getSectionName() != null) {

    private void addEnvironmentalCells(Row row, int startCol, DataViewVO data, SampleEnvironmentalDO env) {
        Integer pr;
        Cell cell;
        boolean isHaz;
         * the SampleEnvironmentalDO can be null if a sample is not an
         * environmental sample but the user has requested to view environmental
         * fields and so we need to add empty cells in the columns for those
         * fields, because otherwise the data in the cells to the right of those
         * columns will be shifted to the left
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleEnvironmentalIsHazardous())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (env != null) {
                isHaz = "Y".equals(env.getIsHazardous());
                cell.setCellValue(isHaz ? Messages.get().yes() : Messages.get().no());
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleEnvironmentalPriority())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (env != null) {
                pr = env.getPriority();
                if (pr != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleEnvironmentalCollectorHeader())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (env != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleEnvironmentalCollectorPhone())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (env != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleEnvironmentalLocationHeader())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (env != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleEnvironmentalLocationAddressCityHeader())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (env != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleEnvironmentalDescription())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (env != null)

    private void addSDWISCells(Row row, int startCol, DataViewVO data, SampleSDWISViewDO sdwis,
            HashMap<Integer, PWSDO> pwsMap) {
        Integer id, pr;
        Cell cell;
        PWSDO pwsDO;

         * the SampleSDWISViewDO can be null if a sample is not a SDWIS sample
         * but the user has requested to view SDWIS fields and so we need to add
         * empty cells in the columns for those fields, because otherwise the
         * data in the cells to the right of those columns will be shifted to
         * the left
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISPwsId())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (sdwis != null && pwsMap != null) {
                id = sdwis.getPwsId();
                pwsDO = pwsMap.get(id);
                try {
                    if (pwsDO == null) {
                        pwsDO = pws.fetchById(id);
                        pwsMap.put(id, pwsDO);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to lookup pws for id: " + id, e);
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISPwsName())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (sdwis != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISStateLabId())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (sdwis != null) {
                id = sdwis.getStateLabId();
                if (id != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISFacilityId())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (sdwis != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISSampleTypeId())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (sdwis != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISSampleCategoryId())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (sdwis != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISSamplePointId())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (sdwis != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISLocation())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (sdwis != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISPriority())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (sdwis != null) {
                pr = sdwis.getPriority();
                if (pr != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleSDWISCollector())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (sdwis != null)

    private void addClinicalCells(Row row, int startCol, DataViewVO data, SampleClinicalViewDO clinical) {
        Cell cell;

         * the SampleClinicalViewDO can be null if a sample is not a Clinical
         * sample but the user has requested to view Clinical fields and so we
         * need to add empty cells in the columns for those fields, because
         * otherwise the data in the cells to the right of those columns will be
         * shifted to the left
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalPatientLastName())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (clinical != null && clinical.getPatient() != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalPatientFirstName())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (clinical != null && clinical.getPatient() != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalPatientBirth())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (clinical != null && clinical.getPatient() != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalPatientGender())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (clinical != null && clinical.getPatient() != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalPatientRace())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (clinical != null && clinical.getPatient() != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalPatientEthnicity())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (clinical != null && clinical.getPatient() != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalPatientPhoneNumber())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (clinical != null && clinical.getPatient() != null && clinical.getPatient().getAddress() != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalProviderLastName())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (clinical != null && clinical.getProvider() != null)
        if ("Y".equals(data.getSampleClinicalProviderFirstName())) {
            cell = row.createCell(startCol++);
            if (clinical != null && clinical.getProvider() != null)

    private String getResultValue(HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, String>> analyteResultMap,
            DataViewResultFetchVO res) throws Exception {
        String value;
        HashMap<String, String> valMap;

        valMap = analyteResultMap.get(res.getAnalyteId());
        value = getValue(res.getValue(), res.getTypeId());
        if (valMap == null || valMap.get(value) == null)
            return null;

        return value;

    private String getAuxDataValue(HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, String>> auxFieldValueMap,
            DataViewAuxDataFetchVO aux) throws Exception {
        HashMap<String, String> valMap;
        String value;

        valMap = auxFieldValueMap.get(aux.getAnalyteId());
        value = getValue(aux.getValue(), aux.getTypeId());
        if (valMap == null || valMap.get(value) == null)
            return null;

        return value;

    private String getValue(String value, Integer typeId) throws Exception {
        Integer id;

        if (DataBaseUtil.isEmpty(value))
            return "";
        if (Constants.dictionary().AUX_DICTIONARY.equals(typeId)
                || Constants.dictionary().TEST_RES_TYPE_DICTIONARY.equals(typeId)) {
            id = Integer.parseInt(value);
            value = dictionaryCache.getById(id).getEntry();

        return value;

    private String getClause(String moduleName) throws Exception {
         * retrieving the organization Ids to which the user belongs from the
         * security clause in the userPermission
        return userCache.getPermission().getModule(moduleName).getClause();

    private CellStyle createStyle(HSSFWorkbook wb) {
        CellStyle headerStyle;
        Font font;

        font = wb.createFont();
        headerStyle = wb.createCellStyle();

        return headerStyle;

    private boolean isSameDataInRows(Row currRow, Row prevRow) {
        int prevType, currType;
        Cell prevCell, currCell;

        if (currRow == null || prevRow == null)
            return false;

        for (int i = 0; i < prevRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(); i++) {
            prevCell = prevRow.getCell(i);
            currCell = currRow.getCell(i);

            if (prevCell == null) {
                if (currCell == null)
                    return false;
            } else if (currCell == null) {
                return false;

            prevType = prevCell.getCellType();
            currType = currCell.getCellType();

            if (prevType != currType)
                return false;

            switch (prevType) {
            case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
                if (!DataBaseUtil.isSame(prevCell.getStringCellValue(), currCell.getStringCellValue()))
                    return false;
            case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
                if (!DataBaseUtil.isSame(prevCell.getNumericCellValue(), currCell.getNumericCellValue()))
                    return false;
            case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
                if (!DataBaseUtil.isSame(prevCell.getBooleanCellValue(), currCell.getBooleanCellValue()))
                    return false;

        return true;

    private List<Object[]> fetchAnalyteAndAuxField(String key, QueryBuilderV2 builder, ArrayList<QueryData> fields)
            throws Exception {
        Query query;

        query = manager.createQuery(builder.getEJBQL());
        builder.setQueryParams(query, fields);
        return ((List<Object[]>) query.getResultList());

    private ArrayList<DataViewResultFetchVO> getResults(boolean addEnvCells, boolean addSDWISCells,
            boolean addClinicalCells, String moduleName, QueryBuilderV2 builder, QueryData reportTo,
            HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, String>> analyteResultMap, ArrayList<Integer> unselAnalytes,
            DataViewVO data, Comparator<Object> comparator) throws Exception {
        List<DataViewResultFetchVO> list;

        if (reportTo == null) {
             * if the user didn't choose to specify the "report to"
             * organization's name then the doesn't query include it
            list = fetchResults(moduleName, builder, analyteResultMap, unselAnalytes, data);
        } else if (addEnvCells || addSDWISCells || addClinicalCells) {
             * if the user chose to see data belonging to a domain then we 
             * only run the query to look for samples
             * having a sample organization of type report to with a name
             * matching the query
            builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getSampleOrgTypeId() + " = " + Constants.dictionary().ORG_REPORT_TO);
            list = fetchResults(moduleName, builder, analyteResultMap, unselAnalytes, data);
        } else {
             * if the user did not choose a domain then we run a query for each
             * of the above two cases
            list = new ArrayList<DataViewResultFetchVO>();

            builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getSampleOrgTypeId() + " = " + Constants.dictionary().ORG_REPORT_TO);
            list.addAll(fetchResults(moduleName, builder, analyteResultMap, unselAnalytes, data));

        return DataBaseUtil.toArrayList(list);

    private ArrayList<DataViewAuxDataFetchVO> getAuxData(boolean addEnvCells, boolean addSDWISCells,
            boolean addClinicalCells, String moduleName, QueryBuilderV2 builder, QueryData reportTo,
            HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, String>> auxFieldValueMap, ArrayList<Integer> unselAnalytes,
            DataViewVO data, Comparator<Object> comparator) throws Exception {
        List<DataViewAuxDataFetchVO> list;

        if (reportTo == null) {
             * if the user didn't choose to specify the "report to"
             * organization's name then the doesn't query include it
            list = fetchAuxData(moduleName, builder, auxFieldValueMap, unselAnalytes, data);
        } else if (addEnvCells || addSDWISCells || addClinicalCells) {
             * if the user chose to see data belonging to a domain other than
             * private well then we only run the query to look for samples
             * having a sample organization of type report to with a name
             * matching the query
            builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getSampleOrgTypeId() + " = " + Constants.dictionary().ORG_REPORT_TO);
            list = fetchAuxData(moduleName, builder, auxFieldValueMap, unselAnalytes, data);
        } else {
             * if the user did not choose a domain then we run a query for each
             * of the above two cases
            list = new ArrayList<DataViewAuxDataFetchVO>();

            builder.addWhere(SampleWebMeta.getSampleOrgTypeId() + " = " + Constants.dictionary().ORG_REPORT_TO);
            list.addAll(fetchAuxData(moduleName, builder, auxFieldValueMap, unselAnalytes, data));

        return DataBaseUtil.toArrayList(list);

    private class DataViewComparator implements Comparator<Object> {
        public int compare(Object dv1, Object dv2) {
            int diff;
            DataViewResultFetchVO res1, res2;
            DataViewAuxDataFetchVO aux1, aux2;
            Integer accNum1, accNum2, analysisId1, analysisId2;
            String analyte1, analyte2;

            accNum1 = accNum2 = 0;
            analysisId1 = analysisId2 = null;
            analyte1 = analyte2 = null;

            if (dv1 instanceof DataViewResultFetchVO && dv2 instanceof DataViewResultFetchVO) {
                res1 = (DataViewResultFetchVO) dv1;
                res2 = (DataViewResultFetchVO) dv2;
                accNum1 = res1.getSampleAccessionNumber();
                accNum2 = res2.getSampleAccessionNumber();
                analysisId1 = res1.getAnalysisId();
                analysisId2 = res2.getAnalysisId();
                analyte1 = res1.getAnalyteName();
                analyte2 = res2.getAnalyteName();
            } else if (dv1 instanceof DataViewAuxDataFetchVO && dv2 instanceof DataViewAuxDataFetchVO) {
                aux1 = (DataViewAuxDataFetchVO) dv1;
                aux2 = (DataViewAuxDataFetchVO) dv2;
                accNum1 = aux1.getSampleAccessionNumber();
                accNum2 = aux2.getSampleAccessionNumber();
                analyte1 = aux1.getAnalyteName();
                analyte2 = aux2.getAnalyteName();

             * If the accession numbers are different then we don't compare the
             * names of the analytes. If the numbers are the same then the ids
             * of the analyses are compared so that the analytes can be grouped
             * by analysis and if they turn out to be the same then a comparison
             * by String is used for the names.
            diff = accNum1 - accNum2;
            if (diff != 0) {
                return diff;
            } else {
                if ((analysisId1 != null && analysisId2 != null)) {
                    diff = analysisId1.compareTo(analysisId2);
                    return (diff != 0) ? diff : compare(analyte1, analyte2);
                } else {
                    return compare(analyte1, analyte2);

        private int compare(String anaName1, String anaName2) {
            if (anaName1 == null) {
                return (anaName2 == null) ? 0 : 1;
            } else {
                return (anaName2 == null) ? -1 : anaName1.compareTo(anaName2);
