Java tutorial
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2011 OpenConcerto, by ILM Informatique. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 * only ("GPL"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a * copy of the License at See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each file. */ package org.openconcerto.erp.importer; import org.openconcerto.erp.config.ComptaPropsConfiguration; import org.openconcerto.openoffice.spreadsheet.Sheet; import org.openconcerto.openoffice.spreadsheet.SpreadSheet; import org.openconcerto.sql.Configuration; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLBase; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLField; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLRowValues; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLRowValuesListFetcher; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLTable; import org.openconcerto.sql.users.UserManager; import org.openconcerto.utils.text.CSVReader; import org.openconcerto.utils.text.CSVWriter; import org.openconcerto.utils.text.CharsetHelper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem; import; import; import; import; public class DataImporter { private boolean skipFirstLine = true; private final SQLTable table; private final Map<Integer, ValueConverter> map = new HashMap<Integer, ValueConverter>(); private final Map<SQLField, List<Integer>> fieldMap = new HashMap<SQLField, List<Integer>>(); private final Map<Integer, Constraint> constraints = new HashMap<Integer, Constraint>(); private List<SQLField> uniqueField = new ArrayList<SQLField>(); private List<SQLRowValues> valuesToUpdate = new ArrayList<SQLRowValues>(); private List<SQLRowValues> valuesToInsert = new ArrayList<SQLRowValues>(); private Map<ValueConverter, SQLField> foreignMap = new HashMap<ValueConverter, SQLField>(); public DataImporter(SQLTable table) { this.table = table; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.setProperty(SQLBase.STRUCTURE_USE_XML, "true"); final ComptaPropsConfiguration conf = ComptaPropsConfiguration.create(); Configuration.setInstance(conf); try { conf.getBase(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } final ComptaPropsConfiguration comptaPropsConfiguration = ((ComptaPropsConfiguration) Configuration .getInstance()); comptaPropsConfiguration.setUpSocieteDataBaseConnexion(39); UserManager.getInstance().setCurrentUser(2); SQLTable table = Configuration.getInstance().getRoot().findTable("ARTICLE"); DataImporter importer = new DataImporter(table); importer.skipFirstLine = false;, table.getField("CODE"));, table.getField("ID_FOURNISSEUR"));, table.getField("NOM")); importer.addContraint(0, new NotEmptyConstraint()); importer.addUniqueField(table.getField("CODE")); // ArrayTableModel m = importer.createModelFromODS(new File("c:/products-en.ods")); // ArrayTableModel m = importer.createModelFromCSV(new File("c:/products-en.csv")); // ArrayTableModel m = importer.createModelFromCSV(new File("c:/products-en.scsv.csv")); ArrayTableModel m = importer.createModelFromXLS(new File("c:/products-en.xls"), 0); m.dump(0, 4); m = importer.createConvertedModel(m); System.out.println("Dump"); m.dump(0, 4); importer.importFromModel(m); System.out.println(importer.getValuesToInsert().size() + " rows to insert"); System.out.println(importer.getValuesToUpdate().size() + " rows to update"); // importer.commit(); } public void commit() throws SQLException { for (SQLRowValues row : this.valuesToInsert) { row.insert(); } for (SQLRowValues row : this.valuesToUpdate) { row.update(); } doAfterImport(); } public List<SQLRowValues> getValuesToInsert() { return valuesToInsert; } public List<SQLRowValues> getValuesToUpdate() { return valuesToUpdate; } public void addUniqueField(SQLField field) { if (this.uniqueField.contains(field)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Field " + field + " already specified"); } this.uniqueField.add(field); } public void addContraint(int columnIndex, Constraint c) { constraints.put(Integer.valueOf(columnIndex), c); } public void map(int columnIndex, SQLField field) { map(columnIndex, field, new ValueConverter(field)); } public void map(int columnIndex, ValueConverter converter) { map(columnIndex, converter.getField(), converter); } public void map(int columnIndex, SQLField field, SQLField foreignField) { final ValueConverter converter = new ValueConverter(foreignField); map(columnIndex, foreignField, converter); foreignMap.put(converter, field); } public void map(int columnIndex, SQLField field, ValueConverter converter) { final Integer value = Integer.valueOf(columnIndex); map.put(value, converter); List<Integer> l = fieldMap.get(field); if (l == null) { l = new ArrayList<Integer>(); fieldMap.put(field, l); } else if (!field.getType().getJavaType().equals(String.class)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mapping multiple column is only supoprted for String values"); } if (l.contains(value)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Column " + columnIndex + " already mapped for field " + field.getFullName()); } l.add(value); } public ArrayTableModel createModelFromODS(File odsFile, int sheetNumber) throws IOException { final SpreadSheet spreadSheet = SpreadSheet.createFromFile(odsFile); if (spreadSheet.getSheetCount() < 1) { return null; } final Sheet sheet = spreadSheet.getSheet(sheetNumber); final int rowCount = sheet.getRowCount(); int columnCount = 0; if (rowCount > 0) { final int maxColumnCount = sheet.getColumnCount(); for (int j = 0; j < maxColumnCount; j++) { final Object valueAt = sheet.getValueAt(j, 0); if (valueAt == null || valueAt.toString().trim().isEmpty()) { break; } columnCount++; } } int start = 0; if (skipFirstLine) { start = 1; } final List<List<Object>> rows = new ArrayList<List<Object>>(rowCount - start); for (int i = start; i < rowCount; i++) { List<Object> row = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) { row.add(sheet.getValueAt(j, i)); } rows.add(row); } return new ArrayTableModel(rows); } public ArrayTableModel createModelFromXLS(File xlsFile, int sheetNumber) throws IOException { final InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(xlsFile); final POIFSFileSystem fileSystem = new POIFSFileSystem(new BufferedInputStream(inputStream)); final HSSFWorkbook workBook = new HSSFWorkbook(fileSystem); final HSSFSheet sheet = workBook.getSheetAt(sheetNumber); Iterator<Row> rowsIterator = sheet.rowIterator(); int columnCount = 0; int rowCount = 0; while (rowsIterator.hasNext()) { Row row =; int i = row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(); if (i > columnCount) { columnCount = i; } rowCount++; } // Extract data rowsIterator = sheet.rowIterator(); int start = 0; if (skipFirstLine) { start = 1;; } final List<List<Object>> rows = new ArrayList<List<Object>>(rowCount - start); FormulaEvaluator evaluator = workBook.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator(); while (rowsIterator.hasNext()) { final Row row =; final List<Object> rowData = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { final Cell cell = row.getCell(i); if (cell == null) { rowData.add(""); } else { CellValue cellValue = evaluator.evaluate(cell); if (cellValue == null) { rowData.add(""); } else { switch (cellValue.getCellType()) { case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: rowData.add(Boolean.valueOf(cellValue.getBooleanValue())); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: rowData.add(Double.valueOf(cellValue.getNumberValue())); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: rowData.add(cellValue.getStringValue()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA: rowData.add(cell.getCellFormula()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK: rowData.add(""); break; default: rowData.add(cellValue.getStringValue()); break; } } } } rows.add(rowData); } inputStream.close(); return new ArrayTableModel(rows); } public ArrayTableModel createModelFromCSV(File csvFile) throws IOException { Charset cs = CharsetHelper.guessEncoding(csvFile, 4096, Charset.forName("Cp1252")); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(csvFile), cs)); String l = r.readLine(); if (l == null) { return null; } char separator = ','; int cCount = 0; int scCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < l.length(); i++) { char c = l.charAt(i); if (c == ',') { cCount++; } else if (c == ';') { scCount++; } } r.close(); if (scCount > cCount) { separator = ';'; } CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(csvFile), cs), separator); List<String[]> lines = csvReader.readAll(); final int rowCount = lines.size(); final int columnCount = lines.get(0).length; int start = 0; if (skipFirstLine) { start = 1; } final List<List<Object>> rows = new ArrayList<List<Object>>(rowCount - start); for (int i = start; i < rowCount; i++) { List<Object> row = new ArrayList<Object>(); String[] values = lines.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) { row.add(values[j]); } rows.add(row); } csvReader.close(); return new ArrayTableModel(rows); } public void exportModelToCSV(File csvFile, List<String[]> lines) throws IOException { char separator = ';'; CSVWriter csvReader = new CSVWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(csvFile), "CP1252"), separator); csvReader.writeAll(lines); csvReader.close(); } public ArrayTableModel createConvertedModel(ArrayTableModel model) { final int rowCount = model.getRowCount(); final ArrayList<Integer> colsUsed = new ArrayList<Integer>(map.keySet()); colsUsed.addAll(constraints.keySet()); final int columnCount = 1 + Collections.max(colsUsed); final List<List<Object>> rows = new ArrayList<List<Object>>(rowCount); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { boolean validRow = true; final List<Object> row = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) { Object value = model.getValueAt(i, j); ValueConverter converter = map.get(j); if (converter != null) { value = converter.convertFrom(value); } final Constraint constraint = constraints.get(j); // Verification de la validit de la valeur importer if (constraint != null && !constraint.isValid(value)) { validRow = false; break; } row.add(value); } if (validRow) { rows.add(row); } } return new ArrayTableModel(rows); } protected void customizeRowValuesToFetch(SQLRowValues vals) { } public void importFromModel(ArrayTableModel model) throws IOException { final int rowCount = model.getRowCount(); // Load existing data for duplication check final SQLRowValues vals = new SQLRowValues(table); for (SQLField field : this.fieldMap.keySet()) { if (field.getTable().equals(table)) { vals.put(field.getName(), null); } else { final Set<SQLField> foreignKeys = table.getForeignKeys(field.getTable()); for (SQLField sqlField : foreignKeys) { vals.put(sqlField.getName(), null); } } } customizeRowValuesToFetch(vals); System.out.println("Fetching values"); SQLRowValuesListFetcher fetcher = SQLRowValuesListFetcher.create(vals); List<SQLRowValues> existingRows = fetcher.fetch(); System.out.println("Computing cache"); final int existingRowsCount = existingRows.size(); final ValueConverter[] converters = map.values().toArray(new ValueConverter[map.size()]); // Une map <Object(valeur),SQLRowValues> pour chaque champs unique Map<SQLField, Map<Object, SQLRowValues>> cache = new HashMap<SQLField, Map<Object, SQLRowValues>>(); for (SQLField field : this.uniqueField) { Map<Object, SQLRowValues> m = new HashMap<Object, SQLRowValues>(); cache.put(field, m); final String fieldName = field.getName(); for (int j = 0; j < existingRowsCount; j++) { SQLRowValues row = existingRows.get(j); m.put(row.getObject(fieldName), row); } } // Parcours des lignes des donnes importer for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { // Recherche d'existant SQLRowValues existingRow = null; for (SQLField field : this.uniqueField) { List<Integer> cols = fieldMap.get(field); Object objectToInsert = null; for (Integer col : cols) { Object v = model.getValueAt(i, col); if (objectToInsert == null) { objectToInsert = v; } else if (v instanceof String) { objectToInsert = objectToInsert.toString() + "\n" + (String) v; } } existingRow = cache.get(field).get(objectToInsert); if (existingRow != null) { break; } } updateOrInsert(model, converters, i, existingRow); } } private void updateOrInsert(ArrayTableModel model, final ValueConverter[] converters, int i, SQLRowValues existingRow) { final Map<String, Object> newValues = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (existingRow != null) { // Prremplissage de la map avec la row existante newValues.putAll(existingRow.getAbsolutelyAll()); } for (int j = 0; j < converters.length; j++) { ValueConverter valueConverter = converters[j]; List<Integer> cols = fieldMap.get(valueConverter.getField()); Object objectToInsert = null; for (Integer col : cols) { Object v = model.getValueAt(i, col); if (objectToInsert == null) { objectToInsert = v; } else if (v instanceof String) { objectToInsert = objectToInsert.toString() + "\n" + (String) v; } } final String fieldName = valueConverter.getFieldName(); if (objectToInsert != null || !valueConverter.isIgnoringEmptyValue()) { if (valueConverter.getField().getTable().equals(table)) { newValues.put(fieldName, objectToInsert); } else { final SQLField sqlField = foreignMap.get(valueConverter); final Object value = newValues.get(sqlField.getName()); if (value == null || value instanceof SQLRowValues) { SQLRowValues fRowValues = (SQLRowValues) value; if (fRowValues == null) { fRowValues = new SQLRowValues(valueConverter.getField().getTable()); newValues.put(sqlField.getName(), fRowValues); } fRowValues.put(valueConverter.getField().getName(), objectToInsert); } } } } final SQLRowValues rowVals = new SQLRowValues(table, newValues); patchRowValues(rowVals, model.getLineValuesAt(i), existingRow); if (existingRow == null) { this.valuesToInsert.add(rowVals); } // else if (!newValues.equals(existingRow.getAbsolutelyAll())) { else { this.valuesToUpdate.add(rowVals); // for (SQLRowValues ref : rowVals.getReferentRows()) { // this.valuesToUpdate.add(ref); // } } } public void doAfterImport() throws SQLException { } protected void patchRowValues(SQLRowValues rowVals, List<Object> lineValues, SQLRowValues existingRow) { } public void setSkipFirstLine(boolean skipFirstLine) { this.skipFirstLine = skipFirstLine; } public ArrayTableModel createModelFrom(File file) throws IOException { return createModelFrom(file, 0); } public ArrayTableModel createModelFrom(File file, int sheetNumber) throws IOException { if (!file.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(file.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist"); } String name = file.getName().toLowerCase(); if (name.endsWith(".ods")) { return createModelFromODS(file, sheetNumber); } else if (name.endsWith(".csv")) { return createModelFromCSV(file); } else if (name.endsWith(".xls")) { return createModelFromXLS(file, sheetNumber); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("File format not supported"); } }