Java tutorial
package org.matonto.etl.service.delimited; /*- * #%L * org.matonto.etl.csv * $Id:$ * $HeadURL:$ * %% * Copyright (C) 2016 iNovex Information Systems, Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Component; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Reference; import com.opencsv.CSVReader; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.matonto.etl.api.config.ExcelConfig; import org.matonto.etl.api.config.SVConfig; import org.matonto.etl.api.delimited.DelimitedConverter; import org.matonto.etl.api.exception.MatOntoETLException; import org.matonto.etl.api.ontologies.delimited.ClassMapping; import org.matonto.etl.api.ontologies.delimited.ClassMappingFactory; import org.matonto.etl.api.ontologies.delimited.Property; import org.matonto.exception.MatOntoException; import org.matonto.rdf.api.IRI; import org.matonto.rdf.api.Model; import org.matonto.rdf.api.ModelFactory; import org.matonto.rdf.api.Resource; import org.matonto.rdf.api.ValueFactory; import org.matonto.rdf.orm.Thing; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; @Component(provide = DelimitedConverter.class) public class DelimitedConverterImpl implements DelimitedConverter { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(DelimitedConverterImpl.class); private static final String LOCAL_NAME_PATTERN = "\\$\\{(\\d+|UUID)\\}"; private static final String DEFAULT_PREFIX = ""; private ValueFactory valueFactory; private ModelFactory modelFactory; private ClassMappingFactory classMappingFactory; @Reference public void setValueFactory(ValueFactory valueFactory) { this.valueFactory = valueFactory; } @Reference public void setModelFactory(ModelFactory modelFactory) { this.modelFactory = modelFactory; } @Reference public void setClassMappingFactory(ClassMappingFactory classMappingFactory) { this.classMappingFactory = classMappingFactory; } @Override public Model convert(SVConfig config) throws IOException, MatOntoException { byte[] data = toByteArrayOutputStream(config.getData()).toByteArray(); Charset charset = CharsetUtils.getEncoding(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)) .orElseThrow(() -> new MatOntoException("Unsupported character set")); CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(data), charset), config.getSeparator()); Model convertedRDF = modelFactory.createModel(); ArrayList<ClassMapping> classMappings = parseClassMappings(config.getMapping()); long offset = config.getOffset(); boolean containsHeaders = config.getContainsHeaders(); // If headers exist, skip them if (containsHeaders) { reader.readNext(); } // Skip to offset point while (reader.getLinesRead() - (containsHeaders ? 1 : 0) < offset) { System.out.println(reader.getLinesRead() - (containsHeaders ? 1 : 0)); reader.readNext(); } //Traverse each row and convert column into RDF String[] nextLine; long index = config.getOffset(); Optional<Long> limit = config.getLimit(); while ((nextLine = reader.readNext()) != null && (!limit.isPresent() || index < limit.get() + offset)) { writeClassMappingsToModel(convertedRDF, nextLine, classMappings); index++; } return convertedRDF; } @Override public Model convert(ExcelConfig config) throws IOException, MatOntoException { String[] nextRow; Model convertedRDF = modelFactory.createModel(); ArrayList<ClassMapping> classMappings = parseClassMappings(config.getMapping()); try { Workbook wb = WorkbookFactory.create(config.getData()); Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); DataFormatter df = new DataFormatter(); boolean containsHeaders = config.getContainsHeaders(); long offset = config.getOffset(); Optional<Long> limit = config.getLimit(); //Traverse each row and convert column into RDF for (Row row : sheet) { // If headers exist or the row is before the offset point, skip the row if ((containsHeaders && row.getRowNum() == 0) || row.getRowNum() - (containsHeaders ? 1 : 0) < offset || (limit.isPresent() && row.getRowNum() >= limit.get() + offset)) { continue; } nextRow = new String[row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells()]; int cellIndex = 0; for (Cell cell : row) { nextRow[cellIndex] = df.formatCellValue(cell); cellIndex++; } writeClassMappingsToModel(convertedRDF, nextRow, classMappings); } } catch (InvalidFormatException e) { throw new MatOntoException(e); } return convertedRDF; } /** * Processes a row of data into RDF using class mappings and adds it to the given Model. * * @param convertedRDF the model to hold the converted data * @param line the data to convert * @param classMappings the classMappings to use when converting the data */ private void writeClassMappingsToModel(Model convertedRDF, String[] line, List<ClassMapping> classMappings) { // Map holds ClassMappings to instance IRIs. Modified by writeClassToModel(). Map<Resource, IRI> mappedClasses = new HashMap<>(); for (ClassMapping cm : classMappings) { convertedRDF.addAll(writeClassToModel(cm, line, mappedClasses)); } } /** * Generates a UUID for use in new RDF instances. Separate method allows for testing. * * @return A String with a Universally Unique Identifier */ public String generateUuid() { return UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } /** * Creates a Model of RDF statements based on a class mapping and a line of data from CSV. * * @param cm The ClassMapping object to guide the RDF creation * @param nextLine The line of CSV to be mapped * @param mappedClasses The Map holding previously processed ClassMappings and their associated instance IRIs. * Modified by this method. * @return A Model of RDF based on the line of CSV data */ private Model writeClassToModel(ClassMapping cm, String[] nextLine, Map<Resource, IRI> mappedClasses) { Model convertedRDF = modelFactory.createModel(); Optional<String> nameOptional = generateLocalName(cm, nextLine); if (!nameOptional.isPresent()) { return convertedRDF; } IRI classInstance; Iterator<String> prefixes = cm.getHasPrefix().iterator(); if (prefixes.hasNext()) { classInstance = valueFactory.createIRI( + nameOptional.get()); } else { classInstance = valueFactory.createIRI(DEFAULT_PREFIX + nameOptional.get()); } Resource mapsToResource; Iterator<Thing> mapsTo = cm.getMapsTo().iterator(); if (mapsTo.hasNext()) { mapsToResource =; } else { throw new MatOntoETLException( "Invalid mapping configuration. Missing mapsTo property on " + cm.getResource()); } convertedRDF.add(classInstance, valueFactory.createIRI(org.matonto.ontologies.rdfs.Resource.type_IRI), mapsToResource); mappedClasses.put(cm.getResource(), classInstance); cm.getDataProperty().forEach(dataMapping -> { int columnIndex = dataMapping.getColumnIndex().iterator().next(); Property prop = dataMapping.getHasProperty().iterator().next(); if (columnIndex < nextLine.length && columnIndex >= 0) { convertedRDF.add(classInstance, valueFactory.createIRI(prop.getResource().stringValue()), valueFactory.createLiteral(nextLine[columnIndex])); } else { LOGGER.warn(String.format("Column %d missing for %s: %s", columnIndex, classInstance.stringValue(), prop.getResource().stringValue())); } }); cm.getObjectProperty().forEach(objectMapping -> { ClassMapping targetClassMapping; Iterator<ClassMapping> classMappingIterator = objectMapping.getClassMapping().iterator(); if (classMappingIterator.hasNext()) { targetClassMapping =; } else { throw new MatOntoETLException("Invalid mapping configuration. Missing classMapping property on " + objectMapping.getResource()); } Property prop = objectMapping.getHasProperty().iterator().next(); IRI targetIri; if (mappedClasses.containsKey(targetClassMapping.getResource())) { targetIri = mappedClasses.get(targetClassMapping.getResource()); } else { Optional<String> targetNameOptional = generateLocalName(targetClassMapping, nextLine); if (!targetNameOptional.isPresent()) { return; } else { targetIri = valueFactory.createIRI( targetClassMapping.getHasPrefix().iterator().next() + targetNameOptional.get()); mappedClasses.put(targetClassMapping.getResource(), targetIri); } } convertedRDF.add(classInstance, valueFactory.createIRI(prop.getResource().stringValue()), targetIri); }); return convertedRDF; } /** * Generates a local name for RDF Instances. If no local name is configured in the ClassMapping, a random UUID * is generated. * * @param cm That ClassMapping from which to retrieve the local name template if it exists * @param currentLine The current line in the CSV file in case data is used in the Local Name * @return The local name portion of a IRI used in RDF data */ Optional<String> generateLocalName(ClassMapping cm, String[] currentLine) { Optional<String> nameOptional = cm.getLocalName(); if (!nameOptional.isPresent() || nameOptional.get().equals("")) { //Only generate UUIDs when necessary. If you really have to waste a UUID go here: return Optional.of(generateUuid()); } Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(LOCAL_NAME_PATTERN); Matcher mat = pat.matcher(nameOptional.get()); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); while (mat.find()) { if ("UUID".equals( { //Once again, only generate UUIDs when necessary mat.appendReplacement(result, generateUuid()); } else { int colIndex = Integer.parseInt(; if (colIndex < currentLine.length && colIndex >= 0) { mat.appendReplacement(result, currentLine[colIndex]); } else { LOGGER.warn(String.format("Missing data for local name from column %d", colIndex)); return Optional.empty(); } } } mat.appendTail(result); return Optional.of(result.toString()); } /** * Parse the data from the Mapping File into ClassMapping POJOs * * @param mappingModel The Mapping File used to parse CSV data in a Model * @return An ArrayList of ClassMapping Objects created from the mapping model. */ private ArrayList<ClassMapping> parseClassMappings(Model mappingModel) { ArrayList<ClassMapping> classMappings = new ArrayList<>(); Model classMappingModel = mappingModel.filter(null, valueFactory.createIRI(org.matonto.ontologies.rdfs.Resource.type_IRI), valueFactory.createIRI(ClassMapping.TYPE)); for (Resource classMappingResource : classMappingModel.subjects()) { ClassMapping classMapping = classMappingFactory.getExisting(classMappingResource, mappingModel); classMappings.add(classMapping); } return classMappings; } /** * Creates a ByteArrayOutputStream from an InputStream so it can be reused. * * @param in the InputStream to convert * @return a ByteArrayOutputStream with the contents of the InputStream * @throws IOException if a error occurs when accessing the InputStream contents */ private ByteArrayOutputStream toByteArrayOutputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int read; while ((read =, 0, buffer.length)) != -1) { baos.write(buffer, 0, read); baos.flush(); } return baos; } }