List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils trimToEmpty
public static String trimToEmpty(String str)
Removes control characters (char <= 32) from both ends of this String returning an empty String ("") if the String is empty ("") after the trim or if it is null
From source
/** * Erzeugt den Pfad fuer den zu speichernden Kontoauszug. * @param k das Konto./*from w w w.j a v a 2 s .c om*/ * @param ka der Kontoauszug. Optional. Wenn er fehlt, werden Default-Werte verwendet. * @param path Ordner, in dem die Kontoauszuege gespeichert werden. * @param folder Template fuer den Unterordner. * @param name Template fuer den Dateinamen. * @return der Pfad. * @throws RemoteException * @throws ApplicationException */ public static String createPath(Konto k, Kontoauszug ka, String path, String folder, String name) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException { if (k == null) throw new ApplicationException("Kein Konto angegeben")); Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<String, Object>(); { String iban = StringUtils.trimToNull(k.getIban()); if (iban == null) iban = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(k.getKontonummer()); ctx.put("iban", iban.replaceAll(" ", "")); } { String bic = StringUtils.trimToNull(k.getBic()); if (bic == null) bic = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(k.getBLZ()); ctx.put("bic", bic.replaceAll(" ", "")); } { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); if (ka != null) { if (ka.getErstellungsdatum() != null) cal.setTime(ka.getErstellungsdatum()); else if (ka.getAusfuehrungsdatum() != null) cal.setTime(ka.getAusfuehrungsdatum()); } Integer i = ka != null && ka.getJahr() != null ? ka.getJahr() : null; ctx.put("jahr", i != null ? i.toString() : Integer.toString(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR))); ctx.put("monat", String.format("%02d", cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1)); ctx.put("tag", String.format("%02d", cal.get(Calendar.DATE))); ctx.put("stunde", String.format("%02d", cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY))); ctx.put("minute", String.format("%02d", cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE))); } { Integer i = ka != null && ka.getNummer() != null ? ka.getNummer() : null; ctx.put("nummer", String.format("%03d", i != null ? i.intValue() : 1)); } VelocityService velocity = Application.getBootLoader().getBootable(VelocityService.class); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ///////////////////////////// // Pfad { if (path == null || path.length() == 0) path = Application.getPluginLoader().getPlugin(HBCI.class).getResources().getWorkPath(); sb.append(path); if (!path.endsWith(File.separator)) sb.append(File.separator); } // ///////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// // Unter-Ordner { if (folder != null && folder.length() > 0) { try { // Velocity-Escaping machen wir. Das sollte der User nicht selbst machen muessen // Eigentlich wird hier nur "\$" gegen "\\$" ersetzt. Die zusaetzlichen // Die extra Escapings sind fuer Java selbst in String-Literalen. folder = folder.replace("\\$", "\\\\$"); folder = velocity.merge(folder, ctx); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("folder template invalid: \"" + folder + "\"", e); } sb.append(folder); if (!folder.endsWith(File.separator)) sb.append(File.separator); } } // ///////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// // Dateiname { if (name == null || name.length() == 0 && ka != null) name = ka.getDateiname(); if (name == null || name.length() == 0) name = MetaKey.KONTOAUSZUG_TEMPLATE_NAME.getDefault(); try { name = velocity.merge(name, ctx); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("name template invalid: \"" + name + "\"", e); } sb.append(name); // Dateiendung noch anhaengen. Format f = Format.find(ka != null ? ka.getFormat() : null); if (f == null) f = Format.PDF; sb.append("."); sb.append(f.getExtention()); } return sb.toString(); }
From source
public static String trimSuffix(String message, String suffix) { String mensaje = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(message); int i = mensaje.indexOf(suffix); if (i > 0) { mensaje = mensaje.substring(0, i); }//from www .j a v a 2 s.c o m return mensaje; }
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public static String getWebuiString(UIComponent uic, String key) { // Bitacora.trace(JSF.class, "getWebuiString-1", uic, key); FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); UIViewRoot uivr = fc.getViewRoot();/* w w w . j a v a2s . c om*/ ResourceBundle rb = fc.getApplication().getResourceBundle(fc, "bundle"); String x = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(uivr.getViewId()).replace("/", "").replace(JS.JSP_SUFFIX, "_"); String y = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(uic.getId()); String z = StringUtils.isBlank(key) ? "" : "_" + key; String k = x + y + z; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(k)) { String v = getWebuiString(rb, k); // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed"> // if (v == null) { // k = y + z; // v = getWebuiString(rb, k); // } // </editor-fold> return v; } return null; }
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@Override public boolean makeUserDBDao(boolean isTest) { if (!isValidateInput(isTest)) return false; String dbUrl = ""; String strHost = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(textHost.getText()); String strPort = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(textPort.getText()); String strDB = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(textDatabase.getText()); if (StringUtils.contains(strHost, "\\")) { String strIp = StringUtils.substringBefore(strHost, "\\"); String strInstance = StringUtils.substringAfter(strHost, "\\"); dbUrl = String.format(getSelectDB().getDB_URL_INFO(), strIp, strPort, strDB) + ";instance=" + strInstance;//from w w w . j av a 2 s .com } else if (StringUtils.contains(strHost, "/")) { String strIp = StringUtils.substringBefore(strHost, "/"); String strInstance = StringUtils.substringAfter(strHost, "/"); dbUrl = String.format(getSelectDB().getDB_URL_INFO(), strIp, strPort, strDB) + ";instance=" + strInstance; } else { dbUrl = String.format(getSelectDB().getDB_URL_INFO(), strHost, strPort, strDB); } if (!"".equals(textJDBCOptions.getText())) { if (StringUtils.endsWith(dbUrl, ";")) { dbUrl += textJDBCOptions.getText(); } else { dbUrl += ";" + textJDBCOptions.getText(); } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("[db url]" + dbUrl); userDB = new UserDBDAO(); userDB.setDbms_type(getSelectDB().getDBToString()); userDB.setUrl(dbUrl); userDB.setUrl_user_parameter(textJDBCOptions.getText()); userDB.setDb(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(textDatabase.getText())); userDB.setGroup_name(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(preDBInfo.getComboGroup().getText())); userDB.setDisplay_name(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(preDBInfo.getTextDisplayName().getText())); String dbOpType = PublicTadpoleDefine.DBOperationType .getNameToType(preDBInfo.getComboOperationType().getText()).name(); userDB.setOperation_type(dbOpType); if (dbOpType.equals( || dbOpType.equals( { userDB.setIs_lock(; } userDB.setHost(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(textHost.getText())); userDB.setPort(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(textPort.getText())); userDB.setUsers(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(textUser.getText())); userDB.setPasswd(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(textPassword.getText())); // ? ?? ? . userDB.setRole_id(PublicTadpoleDefine.USER_ROLE_TYPE.ADMIN.toString()); // others connection . setOtherConnectionInfo(); return true; }
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/** * Search files on the query./* w w w .j a va 2 s . co m*/ * * @param user current user * @param query query string * @param model model * @return script/list */ @RequestMapping(value = "/search/**") public String search(User user, @RequestParam(required = true, value = "query") final String query, ModelMap model) { final String trimmedQuery = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(query); List<FileEntry> searchResult = newArrayList( filter(fileEntryService.getAll(user), new Predicate<FileEntry>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable FileEntry input) { return input.getFileType() != FileType.DIR && StringUtils .containsIgnoreCase(new File(input.getPath()).getName(), trimmedQuery); } })); model.addAttribute("query", query); model.addAttribute("files", searchResult); model.addAttribute("currentPath", ""); return "script/list"; }
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/** * String representation of the element attribute value. * * @return value or related concept label depending on the element type *///ww w.j ava 2 s . c om public String getValueText() { return isRelationalElement() ? StringUtils.trimToEmpty(getRelatedConceptLabel()) : StringUtils.trimToEmpty(getAttributeValue()) + (getAttributeLanguage() != null ? " [" + getAttributeLanguage() + "]" : ""); }
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public static String getIdentificadorSql(String prefix, String string, String suffix, int maxLength) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(string)) { return string; }//from w w w . j av a2 s . c o m char separator = string.contains("$") ? '$' : '_'; String trimmedPrefix = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(prefix); String trimmedString = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(string); String trimmedSuffix = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(suffix); String shorterString = trimmedPrefix + trimmedString + trimmedSuffix; String endlessString = shorterString; if (maxLength > 0 && shorterString.length() > maxLength) { String numericCode = separator + getNumericCode(trimmedString); String[] chunks = StringUtils.split(trimmedString, separator); String[] shorterChunks = new String[chunks.length]; int chunkCount = chunks.length; int separators = chunkCount - 1; int available1 = maxLength - trimmedPrefix.length() - numericCode.length() - trimmedSuffix.length(); int available2 = available1 - separators; int averageChunkLength = chunkCount > 1 ? available2 / chunkCount : available1; if (available1 > 0 && available2 > 0 && averageChunkLength > 0) { int overAverageChunkCount = 0; int lastOverAverageChunkIndex = 0; int used = 0; int chunkLength; String chunk; for (int i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { chunk = chunks[i]; chunkLength = chunk.length(); if (chunkLength > averageChunkLength) { overAverageChunkCount++; lastOverAverageChunkIndex = i; used += averageChunkLength; } else { used += chunkLength; } } int free = available2 - used; int over = overAverageChunkCount == 0 ? 0 : Long.valueOf(Math.round((double) free / overAverageChunkCount)).intValue(); int plus, size; for (int i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { chunk = chunks[i]; chunkLength = chunk.length(); if (chunkLength > averageChunkLength) { plus = averageChunkLength + over > chunkLength ? chunkLength - averageChunkLength : over; if (i == lastOverAverageChunkIndex) { size = averageChunkLength + free; free = 0; } else if (free < plus) { size = averageChunkLength; } else { size = averageChunkLength + plus; free -= plus; } } else { size = chunkLength; } if (chunk.contains("_")) { shorterChunks[i] = getElementoIdentificadorSql(chunk, Math.min(size, chunkLength)); } else { shorterChunks[i] = chunk.substring(0, Math.min(size, chunkLength)); } } shorterString = trimmedPrefix + StringUtils.join(shorterChunks, separator) + numericCode + trimmedSuffix; } else if (available1 > 0) { shorterString = trimmedPrefix + trimmedString.substring(0, available1) + numericCode + trimmedSuffix; } else { shorterString = trimmedPrefix + numericCode + trimmedSuffix; } } // logIdentificadorSql(endlessString, shorterString); return shorterString; }
From source
/** * Get the display name for the current user, which is "last, first (institute code [, institute code]*)". * @return the display name for this current user *//*from w w w . j ava 2 s . c om*/ @Transient public String getDisplayName() { StringBuffer displayName = new StringBuffer(); displayName.append(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(getLastName())); displayName.append(", "); displayName.append(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(getFirstName())); return StringUtils.trimToEmpty(displayName.toString()); }
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/** * Method description/*from w w w .jav a 2 s. co m*/ * * * @param result * @param rootField * @param extensionField */ private void remapForXON(Map<String, String> result, ContentVariableName rootField, ContentVariableName extensionField) { String root = result.get(rootField.toString()); root = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(root); String ext = result.get(extensionField.toString()); ext = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(ext); if (StringUtils.isBlank(ext)) { // "Case 1 - root only" // extension becomes root, root becomes blank result.put(extensionField.toString(), root); result.put(rootField.toString(), ""); } else { // "Case 2 - root and extension" // put root into proper format String isoroot = String.format("&%s&ISO", root); result.put(rootField.toString(), isoroot); } }
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/** * search/* ww w. j a v a 2 s . co m*/ */ private void search() { // ? ?? . clearGrid(); mapSQLHistory.clear(); // check all db String db_seq = ""; if (!comboDatabase.getText().equals("All")) { searchUserDBDAO = (UserDBDAO) comboDatabase.getData(comboDatabase.getText()); db_seq = "" + searchUserDBDAO.getSeq(); } else { searchUserDBDAO = null; for (int i = 0; i < listUserDBDAO.size(); i++) { UserDBDAO userDB = listUserDBDAO.get(i); if (i == (listUserDBDAO.size() - 1)) db_seq += ("" + userDB.getSeq()); else db_seq += userDB.getSeq() + ","; } } Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.set(dateTimeStart.getYear(), dateTimeStart.getMonth(), dateTimeStart.getDay(), 0, 0, 0); long startTime = cal.getTimeInMillis(); cal.set(dateTimeEnd.getYear(), dateTimeEnd.getMonth(), dateTimeEnd.getDay(), 23, 59, 59); long endTime = cal.getTimeInMillis(); int duringExecute = Integer.parseInt(textMillis.getText()); String strSearchTxt = "%" + StringUtils.trimToEmpty(textSearch.getText()) + "%"; try { List<SQLHistoryDAO> listSQLHistory = TadpoleSystem_ExecutedSQL.getExecuteQueryHistoryDetail( comboTypes.getText(), db_seq, startTime, endTime, duringExecute, strSearchTxt); for (SQLHistoryDAO sqlHistoryDAO : listSQLHistory) { mapSQLHistory.put("" + gridHistory.getRootItemCount(), sqlHistoryDAO); GridItem item = new GridItem(gridHistory, SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.H_SCROLL); String strSQL = StringUtils.strip(sqlHistoryDAO.getStrSQLText()); int intLine = StringUtils.countMatches(strSQL, "\n"); if (intLine >= 1) { int height = (intLine + 1) * 24; if (height > 100) item.setHeight(100); else item.setHeight(height); } item.setText(0, "" + gridHistory.getRootItemCount()); item.setText(1, sqlHistoryDAO.getDbName()); item.setText(2, Utils.dateToStr(sqlHistoryDAO.getStartDateExecute())); logger.debug(Utils.convLineToHtml(strSQL)); item.setText(3, Utils.convLineToHtml(strSQL)); item.setToolTipText(3, strSQL); item.setText(4, "" + ((sqlHistoryDAO.getEndDateExecute().getTime() - sqlHistoryDAO.getStartDateExecute().getTime()) / 1000f)); item.setText(5, "" + sqlHistoryDAO.getRows()); item.setText(6, sqlHistoryDAO.getResult()); item.setText(7, Utils.convLineToHtml(sqlHistoryDAO.getMesssage())); item.setToolTipText(7, sqlHistoryDAO.getMesssage()); item.setText(8, sqlHistoryDAO.getUserName()); item.setText(9, sqlHistoryDAO.getIpAddress()); if ("F".equals(sqlHistoryDAO.getResult())) { item.setBackground(SWTResourceManager.getColor(240, 180, 167)); } else { item.setBackground(SWTResourceManager.getColor(SWT.COLOR_GRAY)); } } } catch (Exception ee) { logger.error("Executed SQL History call", ee); //$NON-NLS-1$ } }