Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils trimToEmpty

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils trimToEmpty


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils trimToEmpty.


public static String trimToEmpty(String str) 

Source Link


Removes control characters (char <= 32) from both ends of this String returning an empty String ("") if the String is empty ("") after the trim or if it is null.


From source file:edu.lafayette.metadb.model.dataman.DataExporter.java

 * Export a project's attributes./*from w  w w  . ja  va2 s . c  o  m*/
 * @param projectName The project name.
 * @param delimiter The delimiter to use. 
 * @param encoder The character encoding to use.
 * @param technical A flag indicating whether to include technical attributes.
 * @return A String[] representing headers for the export file.
public static String[] exportAttributes(String projectName, char delimiter, String encoder, boolean technical) {
    ArrayList attrList = null;
    attrList = AdminDescAttributesDAO.getAdminDescAttributes(projectName, Global.MD_TYPE_DESC);
    attrList.addAll(AdminDescAttributesDAO.getAdminDescAttributes(projectName, Global.MD_TYPE_ADMIN));
    if (technical)

    String[] out = new String[attrList.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++)
        try {
            String label = ((Attribute) attrList.get(i)).getLabel();
            out[i] = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(new String(
                    (((Attribute) attrList.get(i)).getElement() + (label.equals("") ? "" : "." + label))
                    encoder).replace('\t', ' '));
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            out[i] = ((Attribute) attrList.get(i)).getElement() + "."
                    + ((Attribute) attrList.get(i)).getLabel();
    return out;

From source file:com.egt.ejb.toolkit.ToolKitUtils.java

public static String getenv(String name) {
    String var = EAB.ENTERPRISE_APPLICATION_CODE.toUpperCase() + "_" + name;
    return StringUtils.trimToEmpty(System.getenv(var));

From source file:com.hangum.tadpole.rdb.core.dialog.dbconnect.composite.AltibaseLoginComposite.java

public boolean makeUserDBDao(boolean isTest) {
    if (!isValidateInput(isTest))
        return false;

    String dbUrl = "";
    String selectLocale = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(comboLocale.getText());

    if (selectLocale.equals("") || DBLocaleUtils.NONE_TXT.equals(selectLocale)) {
        dbUrl = String.format(getSelectDB().getDB_URL_INFO(), StringUtils.trimToEmpty(textHost.getText()),
                StringUtils.trimToEmpty(textPort.getText()), StringUtils.trimToEmpty(textDatabase.getText()));

        if (!"".equals(textJDBCOptions.getText())) {
            dbUrl += "?" + textJDBCOptions.getText();
        }//w ww. j a  va 2 s .  c om
    } else {
        dbUrl = String.format(getSelectDB().getDB_URL_INFO(), StringUtils.trimToEmpty(textHost.getText()),
                StringUtils.trimToEmpty(textPort.getText()), StringUtils.trimToEmpty(textDatabase.getText()))
                + "?charset=" + selectLocale;

        if (!"".equals(textJDBCOptions.getText())) {
            dbUrl += "&" + textJDBCOptions.getText();

    userDB = new UserDBDAO();

    String dbOpType = PublicTadpoleDefine.DBOperationType

    if (dbOpType.equals(PublicTadpoleDefine.DBOperationType.PRODUCTION.name())
            || dbOpType.equals(PublicTadpoleDefine.DBOperationType.BACKUP.name())) {


    // ? ?? ? .

    // others connection  .

    return true;

From source file:com.enonic.cms.web.portal.services.UserServicesAccessManagerImpl.java

private void parseAndAddRules(String accessRules, AccessPermission accessPermission,
        ConcurrentMap<String, AccessPermission> siteRules, SiteKey site) {
    accessRules = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(accessRules);
    String[] ruleItems = accessRules.split(",");
    for (String ruleItem : ruleItems) {
        ruleItem = ruleItem.trim();//from w  ww  .j  a v a  2  s . com
        if (ruleItem.isEmpty()) {
        if (siteRules.containsKey(ruleItem)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Duplicated value for http service access rule '" + ruleItem + "' on site " + site);
        siteRules.put(ruleItem, accessPermission);

From source file:com.mothsoft.alexis.web.ListDocumentsBackingBean.java

public SortOrder getSortOrder() {
    final FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    final String paramValue = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("order");

    if (StringUtils.trimToEmpty(paramValue).equalsIgnoreCase("date")) {
        return SortOrder.DATE_DESC;
    } else {/*from   w  w w  .  ja va 2  s  . co m*/
        return SortOrder.RELEVANCE;

From source file:com.eucalyptus.blockstorage.BlockDeviceResource.java

public Long getSize() throws UnknownSizeException {
    Long size = 0L;//  w  ww. ja v a 2s.c o  m
    try {
        CommandOutput result = SystemUtil.runWithRawOutput(new String[] { StorageProperties.EUCA_ROOT_WRAPPER,
                "blockdev", "--getsize64", this.getPath() });
        size = Long.parseLong(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(result.output));
        return size;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new UnknownSizeException(
                "Failed to determine size for " + this.getId() + " mounted at " + this.getPath(), e);

From source file:com.edgenius.wiki.Shell.java

 * @return//from w w w.  j  a  v a 2s  . c  o  m
 * @throws IOException
public static void load() {
    Shell.enabled = false;

    log.info("Loading shell.properties ...");
    String root = DataRoot.getDataRoot();
    if (!FileUtil.exist(root + Shell.FILE)) {
        try {
            //copy from defaultExternalResource
            FileOutputStream dest = FileUtil.getFileOutputStream(root + Shell.FILE);
            IOUtils.copy(FileUtil.getFileInputStream(FILE_DEFAULT), dest);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("Copy default shell.properties file failed", e);
    try {
        Properties props = FileUtil.loadProperties(root + Shell.FILE);
        Shell.enabled = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(props.getProperty("shell.enabled"));
        Shell.autoEnabled = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(props.getProperty("shell.auto.enable.at.space.creating"));
        Shell.rootUrl = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(props.getProperty("shell.url"));
        Shell.timeout = NumberUtils.toInt(props.getProperty("connection.timeout"), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); //default 20s
        Shell.key = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(props.getProperty("shell.key"));
        //fix to add end slash
        if (!Shell.rootUrl.endsWith("/"))
            Shell.rootUrl += "/";

    } catch (IOException e) {
        log.error("Load shell.properties failed", e);
    } finally {


From source file:com.edgenius.core.Server.java

public void syncTo(Properties prop) {
    prop.setProperty("server.db.type", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(dbType));
    prop.setProperty("server.db.connect.type", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(dbConnectType));
    prop.setProperty("server.db.driver.class.name", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(dbDriverClass));
    prop.setProperty("server.db.url", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(dbUrl));
    prop.setProperty("server.db.schema", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(dbSchema));
    prop.setProperty("server.db.username", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(dbUsername));
    prop.setProperty("server.db.password", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(dbPassword));
    prop.setProperty("server.db.jndi", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(dbJNDI));

    prop.setProperty("mail.smtp.host", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(mailHost));
    prop.setProperty("mail.smtp.port", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(mailHostPort));
    prop.setProperty("mail.smtp.username", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(mailUsername));
    prop.setProperty("mail.smtp.password", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(mailPassword));
    prop.setProperty("mail.smtp.properties", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(mailProperties));
    prop.setProperty("mail.smtp.jndi", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(mailJndi));
    prop.setProperty("mq.server.embedded", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(mqServerEmbedded));
    prop.setProperty("mq.server.url", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(mqServerUrl));
    prop.setProperty("quartz.jobstore.driver", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(quartzJobstoreDriver));


From source file:datacite.oai.provider.service.MDSSearchServiceSolrImpl.java

static SolrQuery constructSolrQuery(Date updateDateFrom, Date updateDateTo, String setspec, int offset,
        int length) throws ServiceException {
    SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
    query.setRows(length);/*from w  ww. j  a  va  2s.  c  om*/
    query.setSortField("updated", ORDER.asc);

    setspec = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(setspec);
    if (setspec.contains(Constants.Set.BASE64_PART_DELIMITER)) {
        String split[] = setspec.split(Constants.Set.BASE64_PART_DELIMITER, 2);
        setspec = split[0];
        String base64 = split[1];
        String solrfilter = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(base64));
        logger.info("decoded base64 setspec: " + solrfilter);
        solrfilter = solrfilter.replaceAll("^[?&]+", "");

        List<NameValuePair> params = URLEncodedUtils.parse(solrfilter, Charset.defaultCharset());
        for (NameValuePair param : params) {
            String name = param.getName();
            String value = param.getValue();
            if (name.equals("q"))
            else if (name.equals("fq"))
                throw new ServiceException("parameter '" + name + "' is not supported");

    if (setspec != null && setspec.trim().length() > 0) {
        setspec = setspec.trim().toUpperCase();

        if (setspec.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.Set.REF_QUALITY)) {
        } else {
            if (setspec.endsWith(Constants.Set.REF_QUALITY_SUFFIX)) {
                setspec = setspec.substring(0, setspec.lastIndexOf(Constants.Set.REF_QUALITY_SUFFIX));
            String field = setspec.contains(".") ? "datacentre_symbol" : "allocator_symbol";
            query.addFilterQuery(field + ":" + setspec);

    String from = dateFormat.format(updateDateFrom);
    String to = dateFormat.format(updateDateTo);

    query.addFilterQuery("updated:[" + from + " TO " + to + "]");

    query.setParam(CommonParams.QT, "/public/api");

    return query;

From source file:com.edgenius.wiki.search.service.AbstractSearchService.java

protected SearchResult commonSearch(final String keyword, final int currPageNumber, final int returnCount,
        final User user, final String... advance) throws SearchException {

    try {/*from ww  w.j  a va 2s  .c o m*/
        return (SearchResult) this.search(new SearcherCallback() {
            public Object doWithSearcher(IndexSearcher searcher) throws SearchException {
                try {
                    if (StringUtils.trimToEmpty(keyword).length() > 0) {
                        Query[] queries = createQuery(keyword, advance);
                        Sort sort = createSort(advance);
                        // Don't use Lucene default filter function to filter out no reading permission results 
                        // it is too slow - it will retrieve all documents in index - whatever it is matched or not
                        //Filter filter = new SecurityFilter(user);
                        TopDocs hits;
                        if (sort == null) {
                            hits = searcher.search(queries[0], LuceneConfig.MAX_RETURN);
                        } else {
                            hits = searcher.search(queries[0], LuceneConfig.MAX_RETURN, sort);

                        SearchResult rs = getResult(searcher, hits, keyword, currPageNumber, returnCount, user,
                        return rs;
                    } else {
                        return emptyResult(keyword, currPageNumber);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new SearchException(e);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Search failed ", e);
        throw new SearchException(e);