List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils trimToEmpty
public static String trimToEmpty(String str)
Removes control characters (char <= 32) from both ends of this String returning an empty String ("") if the String is empty ("") after the trim or if it is null
From source
/** * ?/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param from ??? * @param to ?? * @param message ?, ??210 * @param testKey ?IP */ public MobileMessage(String from, String[] to, String message, String testKey, SmsMsgSendType smsMsgSendType) { this.from = from; if (to == null || to.length < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("???"); } /** * ???? */ for (int i = 0; i < to.length; i++) { if (!MessageUtil.isValidateMobileNumber(to[i]) || StringUtils.isEmpty(to[i])) { logger.warn("??<" + to[i] + "<!"); to[i] = null; } } this.message = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(message); if (message == null || message.length() > MessageConstants.MAX_TEXT_MSG_LENGTH) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Message?????" + MessageConstants.MAX_TEXT_MSG_LENGTH + ""); } = MessageUtil.removeEmptyElement(to); this.testKey = testKey; this.smsMsgSendType = smsMsgSendType; }
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protected static String generateKey(String dataId, String groupId) { return StringUtils.trimToEmpty(dataId) + "_" + StringUtils.trimToEmpty(groupId); }
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private static SqlAgentMessage executeProcedure(String procedimiento, Long rastro, Object[] args, boolean logging) { Bitacora.trace(SqlAgent.class, "executeProcedure", procedimiento, rastro); Utils.traceObjectArray(args);/* ww w .ja v a 2 s . c om*/ String procedure = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(procedimiento); // String archivo = logging ? getLogFileName(rastro) : null; String archivo = null; CondicionEjeFunEnumeration condicion = CondicionEjeFunEnumeration.EJECUCION_EN_PROGRESO; String mensaje = TLC.getBitacora().info(CBM.PROCESS_EXECUTION_BEGIN, procedure); boolean ok = Auditor.grabarRastroProceso(rastro, condicion, archivo, mensaje); if (ok) { try { // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed"> // Object resultado = TLC.getAgenteSql().executeProcedure(procedure, args); // if (resultado == null) { // condicion = CondicionEjeFunEnumeration.EJECUTADO_CON_ERRORES; // mensaje = TLC.getBitacora().error(CBM.PROCESS_EXECUTION_ABEND, procedure); // } else { // condicion = CondicionEjeFunEnumeration.EJECUTADO_SIN_ERRORES; // if (resultado instanceof Number) { // mensaje = TLC.getBitacora().info(procedure + " = " + resultado); // } else if (resultado instanceof ResultSet) { // ResultSet resultSet = (ResultSet) resultado; // if ( { // mensaje = TLC.getBitacora().info(procedure + " = " + resultSet.getObject(1)); // } else { // mensaje = TLC.getBitacora().info(procedure + " = " + STP.STRING_VALOR_NULO); // } // } else { // mensaje = TLC.getBitacora().info(CBM.PROCESS_EXECUTION_END, procedure); // } // } // </editor-fold> Object resultado = TLC.getAgenteSql().executeProcedure(procedure, args); if (resultado == null) { condicion = CondicionEjeFunEnumeration.EJECUTADO_CON_ERRORES; mensaje = TLC.getBitacora().error(CBM.PROCESS_EXECUTION_ABEND, procedure); } else { condicion = CondicionEjeFunEnumeration.EJECUTADO_SIN_ERRORES; mensaje = TLC.getBitacora().info(CBM.PROCESS_EXECUTION_END, procedure); if (resultado instanceof ResultSet) { ResultSet resultSet = (ResultSet) resultado; if ( { mensaje += " (" + resultSet.getObject(1) + ") "; } } else if (resultado.getClass().isPrimitive()) { mensaje += " (" + resultado + ") "; } } } catch (Exception ex) { condicion = CondicionEjeFunEnumeration.EJECUTADO_CON_ERRORES; mensaje = ThrowableUtils.getString(ex); TLC.getBitacora().fatal(ex); TLC.getBitacora().fatal(CBM.PROCESS_EXECUTION_ABEND, procedure); } finally { Auditor.grabarRastroProceso(rastro, condicion, archivo, mensaje); // DB.close(resultSet); } } else { condicion = CondicionEjeFunEnumeration.EJECUCION_CANCELADA; mensaje = TLC.getBitacora().error(CBM.PROCESS_EXECUTION_ABEND, procedure); } SqlAgentMessage message = new SqlAgentMessage(procedure); message.setArgumentos(args); message.setRastro(rastro); message.setCondicion(condicion); message.setArchivo(archivo); message.setMensaje(mensaje); return message; }
From source
@Override public void unpackMarkup(gate.Document doc) throws DocumentFormatException { if ((doc == null) || (doc.getSourceUrl() == null && doc.getContent() == null)) { throw new DocumentFormatException("GATE document is null or no content found. Nothing to parse!"); }/*www .j a v a 2 s. com*/ setNewLineProperty(doc); String jsonString = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(doc.getContent().toString()); try { // Parse the String List<Tweet> tweets = TweetUtils.readTweets(jsonString); Map<Tweet, Long> tweetStarts = new HashMap<Tweet, Long>(); // Put them all together to make the unpacked document content StringBuilder concatenation = new StringBuilder(); for (Tweet tweet : tweets) { tweetStarts.put(tweet, (long) concatenation.length()); concatenation.append(tweet.getString()).append("\n\n"); } // Set new document content DocumentContent newContent = new DocumentContentImpl(concatenation.toString()); doc.edit(0L, doc.getContent().size(), newContent); AnnotationSet originalMarkups = doc.getAnnotations(GateConstants.ORIGINAL_MARKUPS_ANNOT_SET_NAME); // Create Original markups annotations for each tweet for (Tweet tweet : tweets) { for (PreAnnotation preAnn : tweet.getAnnotations()) { preAnn.toAnnotation(originalMarkups, tweetStarts.get(tweet)); } } } catch (InvalidOffsetException e) { throw new DocumentFormatException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DocumentFormatException(e); } }
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public String getProjectSrcEncoding() { return StringUtils.trimToEmpty(projectSrcEncoding); }
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private MToken toMToken(Token token) { MToken mToken = new MToken(); mToken.setText(StringUtils.normalizeSpace(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(token.getText()))); mToken.setFontFamily(token.getFontFamily()); mToken.setFontName(token.getFontName()); mToken.setFontSizeInPt(token.getFontSizeInPt()); mToken.setFontWeight(token.getFontWeight()); mToken.setNonStrokingColor(MToken.colorToRgba(token.getNonStrokingColor())); mToken.setStrokingColor(MToken.colorToRgba(token.getStrokingColor())); mToken.setX(token.getPositionStartX()); mToken.setY(token.getPositionStartY()); mToken.setWidth(token.getWidth());/*from w ww. j a v a2 s .c o m*/ mToken.setHeight(token.getHeight()); return mToken; }
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public String getProjectBinDir() { return StringUtils.trimToEmpty(projectBinDir); }
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public List<RenderPiece> handle(RenderContext renderContext, Map<String, String> values) throws RenderHandlerException { if (page == null) { throw new RenderHandlerException("Invalid content. {pageinfo} must inside a page."); }//from ww w . j a v a 2 s .c o m String type = StringUtils.trim(values.get(NameConstants.TYPE)); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(type) || (!NameConstants.CREATOR.equals(type) && !NameConstants.MODIFIER.equals(type))) { log.warn("Unable to find valid type parameter from PageInfoMacro"); throw new RenderHandlerException( "Type parameter is invalid, either creator or modifier. Sample {pageinfo:type=creator}"); } User user = (NameConstants.CREATOR.equals(type)) ? page.getCreator() : page.getModifier(); if (user == null) { //anonymous user user = userReadingService.getUser(-1); } Date date = (NameConstants.CREATOR.equals(type)) ? page.getCreatedDate() : page.getModifiedDate(); String value = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(values.get("value")); List<RenderPiece> pieces = new ArrayList<RenderPiece>(); pieces.add(new TextModel("<div class=\"macroPageinfo\" " + NameConstants.WAJAX + "=\"" + RichTagUtil.buildWajaxAttributeString(this.getClass().getName(), values) + "\">")); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (value.length() == 0 || "portrait".equals(value)) { String portraitUrl = UserUtil.getPortraitUrl(user.getPortrait()); buf.append("<div class=\"portrait\">") .append(GwtUtils.getUserPortraitHTML(portraitUrl, user.getFullname(), -1)).append("</div>"); pieces.add(new TextModel(buf.toString())); } if (value.length() == 0 || "name".equals(value)) { String msg = NameConstants.CREATOR.equals(type) ? messageService.getMessage("") : messageService.getMessage(""); pieces.add(new TextModel("<div class=\"name\">" + msg + " ")); pieces.add(WikiUtil.createUserLinkModel(user)); pieces.add(new TextModel("</div>")); } if ((value.length() == 0 || "date".equals(value)) && date != null) { buf = new StringBuffer(); String showDate = DateUtil.toDisplayDateWithPrep(WikiUtil.getUser(), date, messageService); buf.append("<div class=\"date\">").append(showDate).append("</div>"); pieces.add(new TextModel(buf.toString())); } if ("status".equals(value)) { buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("<div class=\"status\">").append(user.getSetting().getStatus()).append("</div>"); pieces.add(new TextModel(buf.toString())); } pieces.add(new TextModel("</div>")); return pieces; }
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@Override protected void okPressed() { String strEmail = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(textEmail.getText()); if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"Find password dialog" + strEmail); if (!checkValidation()) { MessageDialog.openWarning(getShell(), CommonMessages.get().Confirm, Messages.get().FindPasswordDialog_6); textEmail.setFocus();//from w w w. j a v a 2s . co m return; } UserDAO userDao = new UserDAO(); userDao.setEmail(strEmail); String strTmpPassword = Utils.getUniqueDigit(12); userDao.setPasswd(strTmpPassword); try { TadpoleSystem_UserQuery.updateUserPasswordWithID(userDao); sendEmailAccessKey(strEmail, strTmpPassword); MessageDialog.openInformation(getShell(), CommonMessages.get().Confirm, Messages.get().SendMsg); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("password initialize and send email ", e); MessageDialog.openError(getShell(), CommonMessages.get().Error, String.format(Messages.get().SendMsgErr, e.getMessage())); } super.okPressed(); }
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/** * @param attributeName/* ww w . jav a 2 s. c om*/ * @param attributeValue */ public void writeAttribute(String attributeName, String attributeValue) { writer.print(' '); writer.print(attributeName); writer.print("=\""); writer.print(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(attributeValue)); writer.print("\""); }