Java tutorial
/* * This code is subject to the HIEOS License, Version 1.0 * * Copyright(c) 2011 Vangent, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.vangent.hieos.subjectmodel.CodedValue; import com.vangent.hieos.subjectmodel.SubjectIdentifier; import; import; import; import; import com.vangent.hieos.xutil.exception.XMLParserException; import com.vangent.hieos.xutil.exception.XPathHelperException; import com.vangent.hieos.xutil.exception.XdsFormatException; import com.vangent.hieos.xutil.exception.XdsValidationException; import; import com.vangent.hieos.xutil.template.TemplateUtil; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.json.XML; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; /** * Class description * * * @version v1.0, 2011-06-09 * @author Vangent */ public class CDAToXDSMapper implements IXDSMapper { /** The logger instance. */ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CDAToXDSMapper.class); /** Field description */ private final ContentParser contentParser; /** Field description */ private final ContentParserConfig contentParserConfig; /** * Constructs ... * * * * @param parser * @param config */ public CDAToXDSMapper(ContentParser parser, ContentParserConfig config) { super(); this.contentParser = parser; this.contentParserConfig = config; } /** * Method description * * * @param cfg * @param result */ private void applyStaticValues(ContentParserConfig cfg, Map<String, String> result) { Map<String, Map<String, String>> staticValues = cfg.getStaticValues(); for (String key : staticValues.keySet()) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(result.get(key))) { Map<String, String> values = staticValues.get(key); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : values.entrySet()) { result.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } } /** * This method will convert a uuid to an OID. It should be called * after an UUIDUtils.isUUID() is called to ensure an exception * will not occur... the exception is eaten in this method. * * @param uuid the uuid string to convert * * @return the uuid as an oid */ private String convertUUIDToOID(String uuid) { String result = null; try { result = UUIDUtils.toOIDFromUUIDString(uuid); } catch (XdsFormatException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } return result; } /** * Method description * * * @param sequence * * @retur * * @return */ protected String createExtrinsicObjectId(int sequence) { return String.format("Document%02d", sequence); } /** * Method description * * * * @param document * * @return * * * @throws XMLParserException * @throws XPathHelperException */ protected Map<String, String> createReplaceVariables(Document document) throws XMLParserException, XPathHelperException { ContentParser parser = getContentParser(); ContentParserConfig cfg = getContentParserConfig(); Map<String, String> result = parser.parse(cfg, document.getContent()); // //// // apply business rules CodedValue documentType = document.getType(); // /// // ExtrinsicObject // authorInstitution remapForXON(result, ContentVariableName.AuthorInstitutionRoot, ContentVariableName.AuthorInstitutionExtension); // authorPerson remapForXON(result, ContentVariableName.AuthorPersonRoot, ContentVariableName.AuthorPersonExtension); // symbolic Document01 String symbolicId = createExtrinsicObjectId(1); result.put(ContentVariableName.DocumentSymbolicId.toString(), symbolicId); document.setSymbolicId(symbolicId); // document type, pull from SDR result.put(ContentVariableName.DocumentTypeCode.toString(), documentType.getCode()); result.put(ContentVariableName.DocumentTypeCodeSystem.toString(), documentType.getCodeSystem()); result.put(ContentVariableName.DocumentTypeDisplayName.toString(), documentType.getDisplayName()); // formatCode CodedValue format = document.getFormat(); result.put(ContentVariableName.DocumentFormatCode.toString(), format.getCode()); result.put(ContentVariableName.DocumentFormatCodeSystem.toString(), format.getCodeSystem()); result.put(ContentVariableName.DocumentFormatDisplayName.toString(), format.getDisplayName()); // mime type result.put(ContentVariableName.DocumentMimeType.toString(), document.getMimeType()); // legal Authenticator remapForXON(result, ContentVariableName.LegalAuthenticatorRoot, ContentVariableName.LegalAuthenticatorExtension); // patientId, create an identifier and store in document String patIdExt = result.get(ContentVariableName.PatientIdExtension.toString()); String patIdRoot = result.get(ContentVariableName.PatientIdRoot.toString()); SubjectIdentifier patId = SubjectIdentifierUtils.createSubjectIdentifier(patIdRoot, patIdExt); document.setPatientId(patId); // patientId remapForCX(result, ContentVariableName.PatientIdRoot, ContentVariableName.PatientIdExtension, ContentVariableName.PatientIdCX); // sourcePatientId remapForCX(result, ContentVariableName.SourcePatientIdRoot, ContentVariableName.SourcePatientIdExtension, ContentVariableName.SourcePatientIdCX); // title String title = result.get(ContentVariableName.DocumentTitle.toString()); if (StringUtils.isBlank(title)) { // default to displayName result.put(ContentVariableName.DocumentTitle.toString(), result.get(ContentVariableName.DocumentDisplayName.toString())); } // confidentialityCode, rules: // use SDR // if null, use CDA (do nothing, already pulled/parsed using expressions) // if null, let static content handle it (below) CodedValue confidentialityCode = document.getConfidentialityCode(); if (confidentialityCode != null) { // the SDR trumps all other values, use it result.put(ContentVariableName.DocumentConfidentialityCode.toString(), confidentialityCode.getCode()); result.put(ContentVariableName.DocumentConfidentialityCodeSystem.toString(), confidentialityCode.getCodeSystem()); String displayName = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(confidentialityCode.getDisplayName()); result.put(ContentVariableName.DocumentConfidentialityDisplayName.toString(), displayName); } // uniqueId, rules: // use SDR id // if null, use CDA id // if null, generate one String uuidField = ContentVariableName.DocumentUniqueId.toString(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(document.getId())) { // document id from SDR is preferred String docIdAsOID = document.getId(); if (UUIDUtils.isUUID(docIdAsOID)) { // if UUID then we need to convert to OID docIdAsOID = convertUUIDToOID(docIdAsOID); } result.put(uuidField, docIdAsOID); document.setDocumentIdAsOID(docIdAsOID); } else { // if document content had internal id use that // else generate one String docId = result.get(uuidField); if (StringUtils.isBlank(docId)) { // uses 2.25 prefix docId = UUIDUtils.toOID(UUID.randomUUID()); result.put(uuidField, docId); // sync up with the document object document.setId(docId); document.setDocumentIdAsOID(docId); document.setGeneratedDocumentId(true); } else { String docIdAsOID = docId; // if inner document id is a UUID then we need to convert if (UUIDUtils.isUUID(docId)) { // uses 2.25 prefix docIdAsOID = convertUUIDToOID(docIdAsOID); result.put(uuidField, docIdAsOID); } // sync up with the document object document.setDocumentIdAsOID(docIdAsOID); } } // convert the replace id to an OID from UUID (as necessary) String replIdAsOID = document.getReplaceId(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(replIdAsOID) && UUIDUtils.isUUID(replIdAsOID)) { replIdAsOID = convertUUIDToOID(replIdAsOID); } logger.debug(String.format("Setting replaceIdAsOID: [%s].", replIdAsOID)); document.setReplaceIdAsOID(replIdAsOID); // /// // Submission Set // content type, pull from SDR result.put(ContentVariableName.ContentTypeCode.toString(), documentType.getCode()); result.put(ContentVariableName.ContentTypeCodeSystem.toString(), documentType.getCodeSystem()); result.put(ContentVariableName.ContentTypeDisplayName.toString(), documentType.getDisplayName()); String sourceIdRoot = result.get(ContentVariableName.SourceIdRoot.toString()); String sourceIdExt = result.get(ContentVariableName.SourceIdExtension.toString()); if (StringUtils.isBlank(sourceIdExt)) { result.put(ContentVariableName.SourceId.toString(), sourceIdRoot); } else { result.put(ContentVariableName.SourceId.toString(), String.format("%s^%s", sourceIdRoot, sourceIdExt)); } // Convert Submission Time to DTM_UTC format (if required). //String submissionTime; //Map<String, String> contentConversions = cfg.getContentConversions(); //if (contentConversions != null) { // See if a converter exists for the submission time. // String contentConversion = contentConversions.get(ContentVariableName.SubmissionTime.toString()); // if (contentConversion != null) // { // System.out.println("SubmissionTime CONVERSION would go here!!!"); // } //} result.put(ContentVariableName.SubmissionTime.toString(), Hl7Date.nowUTC()); // uses 2.25 prefix result.put(ContentVariableName.SubmissionSetUniqueId.toString(), UUIDUtils.toOID(UUID.randomUUID())); // /// // Static Values // set all the static values (or overrides) applyStaticValues(cfg, result); return result; } /** * Method description * * * @return */ protected ContentParser getContentParser() { return contentParser; } /** * Method description * * * @return */ protected ContentParserConfig getContentParserConfig() { return contentParserConfig; } /** * Method description * * * @param patientId * @param document * * @return * * * @throws Exception */ @Override public XDSPnRMessage map(SubjectIdentifier patientId, Document document) throws Exception { Map<String, String> repl = createReplaceVariables(document); validate(patientId, document, repl); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : repl.entrySet()) { // sanitize values (& becomes &) String value = entry.getValue(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) { entry.setValue(XML.escape(value)); } } String template = this.contentParserConfig.retrieveTemplateFileAsString(); OMElement elem = TemplateUtil.getOMElementFromTemplate(template, repl); XDSPnRMessage result = new XDSPnRMessage(elem); result.attachDocument(document); return result; } /** * Method description * * * * @param contentVariables * @param rootField * @param extensionField * @param cxField */ private void remapForCX(Map<String, String> contentVariables, ContentVariableName rootField, ContentVariableName extensionField, ContentVariableName cxField) { String root = contentVariables.get(rootField.toString()); String ext = contentVariables.get(extensionField.toString()); SubjectIdentifier subjectIdentifier = SubjectIdentifierUtils.createSubjectIdentifier(root, ext); contentVariables.put(cxField.toString(), subjectIdentifier.getCXFormatted()); } /** * Method description * * * @param result * @param rootField * @param extensionField */ private void remapForXON(Map<String, String> result, ContentVariableName rootField, ContentVariableName extensionField) { String root = result.get(rootField.toString()); root = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(root); String ext = result.get(extensionField.toString()); ext = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(ext); if (StringUtils.isBlank(ext)) { // "Case 1 - root only" // extension becomes root, root becomes blank result.put(extensionField.toString(), root); result.put(rootField.toString(), ""); } else { // "Case 2 - root and extension" // put root into proper format String isoroot = String.format("&%s&ISO", root); result.put(rootField.toString(), isoroot); } } /** * Method description * * * @param patientId * @param document * @param repl * * @throws XdsValidationException */ private void validate(SubjectIdentifier patientId, Document document, Map<String, String> repl) throws XdsValidationException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // check patient identifier SubjectIdentifier docPatientId = document.getPatientId(); // TODO the equals in subjectIdentifier is non-standard if (patientId.equals(docPatientId) == false) { sb.append( String.format("SubmitDocumentRequest patient id [%s] does not match document patient id [%s].", patientId.getCXFormatted(), docPatientId.getCXFormatted())); } if (sb.length() > 0) { throw new XdsValidationException(sb.toString()); } } }