List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils startsWith
public static boolean startsWith(String str, String prefix)
Check if a String starts with a specified prefix.
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}//from w w w . j a v a2 s .c o m */ public void init(String homeDir) throws RepositoryException { // init S3 client amazonS3 = new AmazonS3Client(new BasicAWSCredentials(awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey)); // set endpoint if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(endpoint)) { amazonS3.setEndpoint(endpoint); } // init transfer manager transferManager = new TransferManager(amazonS3); // initialize tmp directory if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tmpPath)) { tmpDirectory = new File(tmpPath); if (!tmpDirectory.exists()) { tmpDirectory.mkdirs(); } } if (tmpDirectory == null || !tmpDirectory.isDirectory()) { tmpDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("")); } if (useCache) { // initialize cache directory if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(cacheDirectoryPath)) { cacheDirectory = new File(cacheDirectoryPath); if (!cacheDirectory.exists()) { cacheDirectory.mkdirs(); } } if (cacheDirectory == null || !cacheDirectory.isDirectory()) { cacheDirectory = new File(System.getProperty(""), cacheName); if (!cacheDirectory.exists()) { cacheDirectory.mkdirs(); } } // create cache manager CacheManager cacheManager; if (StringUtils.startsWith(cacheConfigFile, "classpath:")) { URL configurationFileURL = getClass() .getResource(StringUtils.substringAfter(cacheConfigFile, "classpath:")); cacheManager = CacheManager.newInstance(configurationFileURL); } else { cacheManager = CacheManager.newInstance(cacheConfigFile); } // get cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(cacheName); // register cache listener cache.getCacheEventNotificationService().registerListener(new S3CacheListener(cacheDirectory)); } }
From source
/** * Returns a single NXDetectorDataAppender for the current image with each call. If isWaitForFileArrival is true, * then waits for the file to become visible before returning the appender. */// w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m protected NXDetectorDataAppender readNXDetectorDataAppender() throws NoSuchElementException, DeviceException { String filepath; boolean returnPathIsRelative = isReturnPathRelativeToDatadir(); try { if (returnPathIsRelative) { if (!StringUtils.startsWith(getFilePathTemplate(), "$datadir$")) { throw new IllegalStateException( "If configured to return a path relative to the datadir, the configured filePathTemplate must begin wiht $datadir$. It is :'" + getFilePathTemplate() + "'"); } filepath = getRelativeFilePath(); } else { filepath = getFullFileName(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DeviceException(e); } lastExpectedFullFilepath = returnPathIsRelative ? getAbsoluteFilePath(filepath) : filepath; checkErrorStatus(); if (isWaitForFileArrival()) { // Now check that the file exists waitForFile(lastExpectedFullFilepath); } NXDetectorDataFileAppenderForSrs nxDetectorDataFileAppenderForSrs; if (firstReadoutInScan) { nxDetectorDataFileAppenderForSrs = new NXDetectorDataFileAppenderForSrs(filepath, getInputStreamNames().get(0), getxPixelSize(), getyPixelSize(), getxPixelSizeUnit(), getyPixelSizeUnit()); firstReadoutInScan = false; } else { nxDetectorDataFileAppenderForSrs = new NXDetectorDataFileAppenderForSrs(filepath, getInputStreamNames().get(0)); } // Multiple filewriters require different file writer names and extra names return nxDetectorDataFileAppenderForSrs; }
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/** * For non HTTPS fully qualified URLs, ensure HTTPS * //from w w w . j ava2 s . c o m * @param fullyQualifiedURL * @return */ public static String getSecureURL(String fullyQualifiedURL) { if (!StringUtils.startsWith(fullyQualifiedURL, WCMConstants.HTTPS)) { return WCMConstants.HTTPS + WCMConstants.DELIMITER_PORT + StringUtils.substringAfter(fullyQualifiedURL, WCMConstants.PROTOCOL_RELATIVE); } return fullyQualifiedURL; }
From source
private String processCriteriaEntry(String key, Object value) { if (value == null) { return null; }/*from w w w. j a v a2 s. c o m*/ // do not filter espressions if (StringUtils.equals(OperationKey.EXPRESSION.getKey(), key)) { return value.toString(); } if (StringUtils.equals(OperationKey.BETWEEN.getKey(), key)) { Object[] args = (Object[]) value; String rangeFragment = "["; rangeFragment += args[0] != null ? filterCriteriaValue(args[0]) : WILDCARD; rangeFragment += RANGE_OPERATOR; rangeFragment += args[1] != null ? filterCriteriaValue(args[1]) : WILDCARD; rangeFragment += "]"; return rangeFragment; } Object filteredValue = filterCriteriaValue(value); if (StringUtils.equals(OperationKey.CONTAINS.getKey(), key)) { return WILDCARD + filteredValue + WILDCARD; } if (StringUtils.equals(OperationKey.STARTS_WITH.getKey(), key)) { return filteredValue + WILDCARD; } if (StringUtils.equals(OperationKey.ENDS_WITH.getKey(), key)) { return WILDCARD + filteredValue; } if (StringUtils.equals(OperationKey.IS_NOT.getKey(), key)) { return "-" + filteredValue; } if (StringUtils.startsWith(key, "$fuzzy")) { String sDistance = StringUtils.substringAfter(key, "$fuzzy#"); float distance = Float.NaN; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sDistance)) { distance = Float.parseFloat(sDistance); } return filteredValue + "~" + (Float.isNaN(distance) ? "" : sDistance); } return filteredValue.toString(); }
From source
private Object eval(final ScriptEngine scriptEngine, final Object value) { if (scriptEngine == null) { log.warn("ScriptEngine is null; cannot evaluate"); return value; } else if (value instanceof String[]) { final List<String> scripts = new ArrayList<String>(); final String[] values = (String[]) value; for (final String val : values) { scripts.add(String.valueOf(this.eval(scriptEngine, val))); }//from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m return scripts.toArray(new String[scripts.size()]); } else if (!(value instanceof String)) { return value; } final String stringValue = StringUtils.stripToEmpty((String) value); String script; if (StringUtils.startsWith(stringValue, "{{") && StringUtils.endsWith(stringValue, "}}")) { script = StringUtils.removeStart(stringValue, "{{"); script = StringUtils.removeEnd(script, "}}"); script = StringUtils.stripToEmpty(script); try { return scriptEngine.eval(script); } catch (ScriptException e) { log.error("Could not evaluation the test page property ecma [ {} ]", script); } } return value; }
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private boolean isSysAdminImpersonate(String username) { return StringUtils.startsWith(StringUtils.lowerCase(username), "admin!"); }
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private boolean isDomainAdminImpersonate(String username) { return StringUtils.startsWith(StringUtils.lowerCase(username), "admin$"); }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}//w ww. ja v a2s . co m */ @SuppressWarnings({ "squid:S3776", "squid:S1141" }) public int removeWorkflowInstances(final ResourceResolver resourceResolver, final Collection<String> modelIds, final Collection<String> statuses, final Collection<Pattern> payloads, final Calendar olderThan, final int batchSize, final int maxDurationInMins) throws PersistenceException, WorkflowRemovalException, InterruptedException, WorkflowRemovalForceQuitException { final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long end = -1; int count = 0; int checkedCount = 0; int workflowRemovedCount = 0; if (maxDurationInMins > 0) { // Max duration has been requested (greater than 0) // Convert minutes to milliseconds long maxDurationInMs = maxDurationInMins * MS_IN_ONE_MINUTE; // Compute the end time end = start + maxDurationInMs; } try { this.start(resourceResolver); final List<Resource> containerFolders = this.getWorkflowInstanceFolders(resourceResolver); for (Resource containerFolder : containerFolders) { log.debug("Checking [ {} ] for workflow instances to remove", containerFolder.getPath()); final Collection<Resource> sortedFolders = this.getSortedAndFilteredFolders(containerFolder); for (final Resource folder : sortedFolders) { int remaining = 0; for (final Resource instance : folder.getChildren()) { if (this.forceQuit.get()) { throw new WorkflowRemovalForceQuitException(); } else if (end > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() >= end) { throw new WorkflowRemovalMaxDurationExceededException(); } final ValueMap properties = instance.getValueMap(); if (!StringUtils.equals(NT_CQ_WORKFLOW, properties.get(JcrConstants.JCR_PRIMARYTYPE, String.class))) { // Only process cq:Workflow's remaining++; continue; } checkedCount++; final String instanceStatus = getStatus(instance); final String model = properties.get(PN_MODEL_ID, String.class); final Calendar startTime = properties.get(PN_STARTED_AT, Calendar.class); final String payload = properties.get(PAYLOAD_PATH, String.class); if (StringUtils.isBlank(payload)) { log.warn("Unable to find payload for Workflow instance [ {} ]", instance.getPath()); remaining++; continue; } else if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(statuses) && !statuses.contains(instanceStatus)) { log.trace("Workflow instance [ {} ] has non-matching status of [ {} ]", instance.getPath(), instanceStatus); remaining++; continue; } else if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(modelIds) && !modelIds.contains(model)) { log.trace("Workflow instance [ {} ] has non-matching model of [ {} ]", instance.getPath(), model); remaining++; continue; } else if (olderThan != null && startTime != null && startTime.before(olderThan)) { log.trace("Workflow instance [ {} ] has non-matching start time of [ {} ]", instance.getPath(), startTime); remaining++; continue; } else { if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(payloads)) { // Only evaluate payload patterns if they are provided boolean match = false; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(payload)) { for (final Pattern pattern : payloads) { if (payload.matches(pattern.pattern())) { // payload matches a pattern match = true; break; } } if (!match) { // Not a match; skip to next workflow instance log.trace("Workflow instance [ {} ] has non-matching payload path [ {} ]", instance.getPath(), payload); remaining++; continue; } } } // Only remove matching try { instance.adaptTo(Node.class).remove(); log.debug("Removed workflow instance at [ {} ]", instance.getPath()); workflowRemovedCount++; count++; } catch (RepositoryException e) { log.error("Could not remove workflow instance at [ {} ]. Continuing...", instance.getPath(), e); } if (count % batchSize == 0) { this.batchComplete(resourceResolver, checkedCount, workflowRemovedCount);"Removed a running total of [ {} ] workflow instances", count); } } } if (remaining == 0 && isWorkflowDatedFolder(folder) && !StringUtils.startsWith(folder.getName(), new SimpleDateFormat(WORKFLOW_FOLDER_FORMAT).format(new Date()))) { // Dont remove folders w items and dont remove any of "today's" folders // MUST match the YYYY-MM-DD(.*) pattern; do not try to remove root folders try { folder.adaptTo(Node.class).remove(); log.debug("Removed empty workflow folder node [ {} ]", folder.getPath()); // Incrementing only count to trigger batch save and not total since is not a WF count++; } catch (RepositoryException e) { log.error("Could not remove workflow folder at [ {} ]", folder.getPath(), e); } } } // Save final batch if needed, and update tracking nodes this.complete(resourceResolver, checkedCount, workflowRemovedCount); } } catch (PersistenceException e) { this.forceQuit.set(false); log.error("Error persisting changes with Workflow Removal", e); this.error(); throw e; } catch (WorkflowRemovalException e) { this.forceQuit.set(false); log.error("Error with Workflow Removal", e); this.error(); throw e; } catch (InterruptedException e) { this.forceQuit.set(false); log.error("Errors in persistence retries during Workflow Removal", e); this.error(); throw e; } catch (WorkflowRemovalForceQuitException e) { this.forceQuit.set(false); // Uncommon instance of using Exception to control flow; Force quitting is an extreme condition. log.warn("Workflow removal was force quit. The removal state is unknown."); this.internalForceQuit(); throw e; } catch (WorkflowRemovalMaxDurationExceededException e) { // Uncommon instance of using Exception to control flow; Exceeding max duration extreme condition. log.warn("Workflow removal exceeded max duration of [ {} ] minutes. Final removal commit initiating...", maxDurationInMins); this.complete(resourceResolver, checkedCount, count); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { "Workflow Removal Process Finished! " + "Removed a total of [ {} ] workflow instances in [ {} ] ms", count, System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } return count; }
From source
/** * For protocol specific fully qualified URLs, ensure protocol relativity * /*w ww.j av a2 s. c o m*/ * @param fullyQualifiedURL * @return */ public static String getProtocolRelativeURL(String fullyQualifiedURL) { if (!StringUtils.startsWith(fullyQualifiedURL, WCMConstants.PROTOCOL_RELATIVE)) { return WCMConstants.PROTOCOL_RELATIVE + StringUtils.substringAfter(fullyQualifiedURL, WCMConstants.PROTOCOL_RELATIVE); } return fullyQualifiedURL; }
From source
private void doUpdate( s, ParseSQL parseSQL, String tableName, String dbName) throws SQLException { Query query = preprocessGet(s, parseSQL, tableName, dbName); List<Entry<String, String>> updateEntries = parseSQL.getUpdateEntries(); if (updateEntries == null || updateEntries.isEmpty()) { throw new TDHSSQLException("no value to update!", parseSQL.getSql()); }//from w ww .j a v a 2s . co m for (Entry<String, String> e : updateEntries) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(e.getKey()) || StringUtils.isBlank(e.getValue())) { throw new TDHSSQLException("insert column and values can't be empty!", parseSQL.getSql()); } String field = StringUtil.escapeField(StringUtils.trim(e.getKey())); if (field == null) { throw new TDHSSQLException("insert column is error!", parseSQL.getSql()); } String value = StringUtils.trim(e.getValue()); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("null", value)) { query.set().field(field).setNull(); } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("now()", value)) { query.set().field(field).setNow(); } else { if (StringUtils.startsWith(value, field)) { value = value.substring(field.length()); value = StringUtils.trim(value); if (StringUtils.startsWith(value, "+")) { value = value.substring(1); value = StringUtils.trim(value); if (StringUtil.isLong(value)) { query.set().field(field).add(Long.valueOf(value)); } else { throw new TDHSSQLException("update value is error ,is not long", parseSQL.getSql()); } } else if (StringUtils.startsWith(value, "-")) { value = value.substring(1); value = StringUtils.trim(value); if (StringUtil.isLong(value)) { query.set().field(field).sub(Long.valueOf(value)); } else { throw new TDHSSQLException("update value is error ,is not long", parseSQL.getSql()); } } else { throw new TDHSSQLException("update value is error maybe can't support!", parseSQL.getSql()); } } else { value = StringUtil.escapeValue(value); if (value == null) { throw new TDHSSQLException("update value is error!", parseSQL.getSql()); } if (StringUtils.startsWith(value, BYTE_PARAMETER_PREFIX)) { int pidx = ConvertUtil .safeConvertInt(StringUtils.substring(value, BYTE_PARAMETER_PREFIX.length()), -1); if (byteParameters.containsKey(pidx)) { query.set().field(field).set(byteParameters.get(pidx)); } else { query.set().field(field).set(value); } } else { query.set().field(field).set(value); } } } } TDHSResponse response = null; try { response = query.update(); } catch (TDHSException e) { throw new SQLException(e); } processResponse(response, true); }