Java tutorial
/*- * Copyright 2011 Diamond Light Source Ltd. * * This file is part of GDA. * * GDA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * GDA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with GDA. If not, see <>. */ package gda.device.detector.addetector.filewriter; import gda.device.DeviceException; import gda.device.detector.areadetector.v17.NDFile.FileWriteMode; import gda.device.detector.areadetector.v17.NDPluginBase; import gda.device.detector.nxdata.NXDetectorDataAppender; import gda.device.detector.nxdata.NXDetectorDataFileAppenderForSrs; import gda.device.detector.nxdetector.NXPlugin; import gda.device.detectorfilemonitor.HighestExistingFileMonitor; import gda.device.detectorfilemonitor.HighestExitingFileMonitorSettings; import gda.jython.IJythonNamespace; import gda.jython.InterfaceProvider; import gda.scan.ScanInformation; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Write each image to a separate file. * * Note that if using an NDFile with no PluginBase (one integrated into the camserver) then this class will not attempt to * enable or disable callbacks and blocking callbacks. * * Constructors: * * SingleImagePerFileWriter(); * SingleImagePerFileWriter("detectorName"); */ public class SingleImagePerFileWriter extends FileWriterBase implements NXPlugin { protected static final String FILEPATH_EXTRANAME = "filepath"; protected static final String DEFAULT_FILEWRITERNAME = "tifwriter"; private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SingleImagePerFileWriter.class); private String fileNameUsed = ""; private String filePathUsed = ""; private String fileTemplateUsed = ""; private String fileWriterName = DEFAULT_FILEWRITERNAME; private boolean firstReadoutInScan = true; private long nextExpectedFileNumber = 0; boolean blocking = true; private boolean returnPathRelativeToDatadir = false; // TODO: should really be enabled by default RobW private boolean fullFileNameFromRBV = false; private int SECONDS_BETWEEN_SLOW_FILE_ARRIVAL_MESSAGES = 10; private int MILLI_SECONDS_BETWEEN_POLLS = 500; /* * Object that can be used observe the progress of the scan by looking for file - optional */ HighestExistingFileMonitor highestExistingFileMonitor = null; private boolean waitForFileArrival = true; private boolean waitForFileArrivalInCompleteCollection = false; private String keyNameForMetadataPathTemplate = ""; private FileWriteMode fileWriteMode = FileWriteMode.SINGLE; private boolean filePathInaccessibleFromServer = false; private String lastExpectedFullFilepath = null; @Override public String getName() { return fileWriterName; } public void setName(String fileWriterName) { this.fileWriterName = fileWriterName; } public String getFileWriteMode() { return fileWriteMode.toString(); } public void setFileWriteMode(String fileWriteMode) { this.fileWriteMode = FileWriteMode.valueOf(fileWriteMode); } private String fileTemplateForReadout = null; private boolean alreadyPrepared = false; //use to allow the same fileWriter to be used in the same multiscan private Double xPixelSize = null; private Double yPixelSize = null; private String xPixelSizeUnit = null; private String yPixelSizeUnit = null; /** * Creates a SingleImageFileWriter with ndFile, fileTemplate, filePathTemplate, fileNameTemplate and * fileNumberAtScanStart yet to be set. */ public SingleImagePerFileWriter() { } public boolean isBlocking() { return blocking; } public void setBlocking(boolean blocking) { this.blocking = blocking; } public void setWaitForFileArrival(boolean waitForFileArrival) { this.waitForFileArrival = waitForFileArrival; } public boolean isWaitForFileArrival() { return waitForFileArrival; } public boolean isWaitForFileArrivalInCompleteCollection() { return waitForFileArrivalInCompleteCollection; } public void setWaitForFileArrivalInCompleteCollection(boolean waitForFileArrivalInCompleteCollection) { this.waitForFileArrivalInCompleteCollection = waitForFileArrivalInCompleteCollection; } /** * Creates a SingleImageFileWriter which writes folders of files alongside the current file in the 'standard' * location (ndFile must still be configured). e.g. <blockquote> * * <pre> * datadir * 123.dat * 123-pilatus100k-files * 00001.tif */ public SingleImagePerFileWriter(String detectorName) { setFileTemplate("%s%s%05d.tif"); setFilePathTemplate("$datadir$/$scan$-" + detectorName + "-files"); setFileNameTemplate(""); setFileNumberAtScanStart(1); } public void setFileTemplateForReadout(String fileTemplateForReadout) { this.fileTemplateForReadout = fileTemplateForReadout; } public void setHighestExistingFileMonitor(HighestExistingFileMonitor highestExistingFileMonitor) { this.highestExistingFileMonitor = highestExistingFileMonitor; } public void setKeyNameForMetadataPathTemplate(String string) { this.keyNameForMetadataPathTemplate = string; } public String getFileTemplateForReadout() { return this.fileTemplateForReadout; } public HighestExistingFileMonitor getHighestExistingFileMonitor() { return highestExistingFileMonitor; } public String getkeyNameForMetadataPathTemplate() { return keyNameForMetadataPathTemplate; } @Override public boolean appendsFilepathStrings() { return isEnabled(); // will always append strings when enabled } @Override public void prepareForCollection(int numberImagesPerCollection, ScanInformation scanInfo) throws Exception { logger.trace("prepareForCollection({}, {})", numberImagesPerCollection, scanInfo); if (!isEnabled()) return; if (alreadyPrepared) return; // Create filePath directory if required if (!isFilePathInaccessibleFromServer()) { File f = new File(getFilePath()); if (!f.exists()) { if (!f.mkdirs()) throw new Exception("Folder does not exist and cannot be made:" + getFilePath()); } } if (isSetFileNameAndNumber()) { configureNdFile(); } else { if (!getNdFile().filePathExists()) if (isPathErrorSuppressed()) logger.warn("Ignoring Path does not exist on IOC"); else throw new Exception("Path does not exist on IOC"); } clearWriteStatusErr(); setNDArrayPortAndAddress(); NDPluginBase pluginBase = getNdFile().getPluginBase(); if (pluginBase != null) { pluginBase.enableCallbacks(); if (blocking) { logger.warn("Detector will block the AreaDetectors acquisition thread while writing files"); } pluginBase.setBlockingCallbacks((short) (blocking ? 1 : 0)); // It should be possible to avoid blocking the acquisition thread // and use the pipeline by setting BlockingCallbacks according to // returnExpectedFileName, but when this was tried, at r48170, it // caused the files to be corrupted. } else { logger.warn("Cannot ensure callbacks and blocking callbacks are enabled as pluginBase is not set"); } getNdFile().setFileWriteMode(fileWriteMode); if (fileWriteMode == FileWriteMode.CAPTURE || fileWriteMode == FileWriteMode.STREAM) { getNdFile().setNumCapture(1); } if (!getkeyNameForMetadataPathTemplate().isEmpty()) { addPathTemplateToMetadata(); } firstReadoutInScan = true; alreadyPrepared = true; logger.trace("...prepareForCollection()"); } private void addPathTemplateToMetadata() { IJythonNamespace jythonNamespace = InterfaceProvider.getJythonNamespace(); String existingMetadataString = (String) jythonNamespace.getFromJythonNamespace("SRSWriteAtFileCreation"); String newMetadataString; if (existingMetadataString == null) { newMetadataString = ""; } else { newMetadataString = existingMetadataString; } String fileDirRelativeToDataDirIfPossible = getFileDirRelativeToDataDirIfPossible(); String template = (getFileTemplateForReadout() == null) ? getFileTemplate() : getFileTemplateForReadout(); String newValue = StringUtils.replaceOnce(template, "%s", fileDirRelativeToDataDirIfPossible + "/"); newValue = StringUtils.replaceOnce(newValue, "%s", getFileName()); String newKey = getkeyNameForMetadataPathTemplate(); jythonNamespace.placeInJythonNamespace("SRSWriteAtFileCreation", newMetadataString + newKey + "='" + newValue + "'\n"); InterfaceProvider.getTerminalPrinter().print("Image location: " + newKey + "='" + newValue); } protected void configureNdFile() throws Exception { fileTemplateUsed = getFileTemplate(); getNdFile().setFileTemplate(fileTemplateUsed); filePathUsed = getFilePath(); if (!filePathUsed.endsWith(File.separator)) filePathUsed += File.separator; File f = new File(filePathUsed); if (!filePathInaccessibleFromServer) { if (!f.exists()) { if (!f.mkdirs()) throw new Exception("Folder does not exist and cannot be made:" + filePathUsed); } } getNdFile().setFilePath(filePathUsed); if (!getNdFile().filePathExists()) if (isPathErrorSuppressed()) logger.warn("Ignoring Path does not exist on IOC '" + filePathUsed + "'"); else throw new Exception("Path does not exist on IOC '" + filePathUsed + "'"); fileNameUsed = getFileName(); getNdFile().setFileName(fileNameUsed); if (getFileNumberAtScanStart() >= 0) { getNdFile().setFileNumber((int) getFileNumberAtScanStart()); nextExpectedFileNumber = getFileNumberAtScanStart(); } else { nextExpectedFileNumber = getNdFile().getFileNumber(); } getNdFile().setAutoIncrement((short) 1); getNdFile().setAutoSave((short) 1); if (highestExistingFileMonitor != null) { // remove the 2 %s from the fileTemplate to get to part after fileNameUsed String postFileName = fileTemplateUsed.replaceFirst("%s", "").replaceFirst("%s", ""); HighestExitingFileMonitorSettings highestExitingFileMonitorSettings = new HighestExitingFileMonitorSettings( filePathUsed, fileNameUsed + postFileName, (int) nextExpectedFileNumber); highestExistingFileMonitor.setHighestExitingFileMonitorSettings(highestExitingFileMonitorSettings); highestExistingFileMonitor.setRunning(true); } } @Override public void completeCollection() throws Exception { logger.trace("completeCollection()"); alreadyPrepared = false; if (!isEnabled()) return; if (isWaitForFileArrivalInCompleteCollection() && (lastExpectedFullFilepath != null)) { checkErrorStatus(); waitForFile(lastExpectedFullFilepath); } disableFileWriting(); logger.trace("...completeCollection()"); } @Override public void stop() throws Exception { alreadyPrepared = false; super.stop(); } @Override public void atCommandFailure() throws Exception { alreadyPrepared = false; super.atCommandFailure(); } @Override public void disableFileWriting() throws Exception { NDPluginBase filePluginBase = getNdFile().getPluginBase(); if (filePluginBase != null) { // camserver filewriter has no base filePluginBase.disableCallbacks(); filePluginBase.setBlockingCallbacks((short) 0); } getNdFile().setFileWriteMode(FileWriteMode.STREAM); } @Override public String getFullFileName() throws Exception { String template = (getFileTemplateForReadout() != null) ? getFileTemplateForReadout() : fileTemplateUsed; String fullFileName = (isFullFileNameFromRBV() ? this.getNdFile().getFullFileName_RBV() : String.format(template, filePathUsed, fileNameUsed, nextExpectedFileNumber)); nextExpectedFileNumber++; return fullFileName; } @Override public List<String> getInputStreamNames() { return Arrays.asList( (fileWriterName == DEFAULT_FILEWRITERNAME ? "" : fileWriterName + ".") + FILEPATH_EXTRANAME); } @Override public List<String> getInputStreamFormats() { return Arrays.asList("%.2f"); } @Override public List<NXDetectorDataAppender> read(int maxToRead) throws NoSuchElementException, InterruptedException, DeviceException { ArrayList<NXDetectorDataAppender> l = new ArrayList<NXDetectorDataAppender>(); l.add(readNXDetectorDataAppender()); return l; } /** * Returns a single NXDetectorDataAppender for the current image with each call. If isWaitForFileArrival is true, * then waits for the file to become visible before returning the appender. */ protected NXDetectorDataAppender readNXDetectorDataAppender() throws NoSuchElementException, DeviceException { String filepath; boolean returnPathIsRelative = isReturnPathRelativeToDatadir(); try { if (returnPathIsRelative) { if (!StringUtils.startsWith(getFilePathTemplate(), "$datadir$")) { throw new IllegalStateException( "If configured to return a path relative to the datadir, the configured filePathTemplate must begin wiht $datadir$. It is :'" + getFilePathTemplate() + "'"); } filepath = getRelativeFilePath(); } else { filepath = getFullFileName(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DeviceException(e); } lastExpectedFullFilepath = returnPathIsRelative ? getAbsoluteFilePath(filepath) : filepath; checkErrorStatus(); if (isWaitForFileArrival()) { // Now check that the file exists waitForFile(lastExpectedFullFilepath); } NXDetectorDataFileAppenderForSrs nxDetectorDataFileAppenderForSrs; if (firstReadoutInScan) { nxDetectorDataFileAppenderForSrs = new NXDetectorDataFileAppenderForSrs(filepath, getInputStreamNames().get(0), getxPixelSize(), getyPixelSize(), getxPixelSizeUnit(), getyPixelSizeUnit()); firstReadoutInScan = false; } else { nxDetectorDataFileAppenderForSrs = new NXDetectorDataFileAppenderForSrs(filepath, getInputStreamNames().get(0)); } // Multiple filewriters require different file writer names and extra names return nxDetectorDataFileAppenderForSrs; } private void waitForFile(String fullFilePath) throws DeviceException { try { File f = new File(fullFilePath); long numChecks = 0; //TODO must here have timeout in case the file system gone down? while (!f.exists()) { numChecks++; try { Thread.sleep(MILLI_SECONDS_BETWEEN_POLLS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new InterruptedException( "ScanBase is interrupted whilst waiting for '" + fullFilePath + "'"); } checkErrorStatus(); if ((numChecks * MILLI_SECONDS_BETWEEN_POLLS / 1000) > SECONDS_BETWEEN_SLOW_FILE_ARRIVAL_MESSAGES) { InterfaceProvider.getTerminalPrinter() .print("Waiting for file '" + fullFilePath + "' to be created"); numChecks = 0; } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DeviceException("Error checking for existence of file '" + fullFilePath + "'", e); } } public boolean isReturnPathRelativeToDatadir() { return returnPathRelativeToDatadir; } public void setReturnPathRelativeToDatadir(boolean returnPathRelativeToDatadir) { this.returnPathRelativeToDatadir = returnPathRelativeToDatadir; } public boolean isFullFileNameFromRBV() { return fullFileNameFromRBV; } /** * Set this filewriter to get the full filename from the Epics readback. This is needed for detectors which add a different * extension depending on their mode of operation, such as the Mar Area Detector, which adds .mar3450 or .mar2300 etc. * * Note, when this option is in use, only the name of the current image can be returned, the names of future images cannot * be inferred, so this option is incompatible with the continuous scan mechanism. * * @param fullFileNameFromRBV defaults to false. */ public void setFullFileNameFromRBV(boolean fullFileNameFromRBV) { if (fullFileNameFromRBV) logger.warn("Getting full Filename from Epics RBV value: This will not work for continuous scanning."); this.fullFileNameFromRBV = fullFileNameFromRBV; } public boolean isFilePathInaccessibleFromServer() { return filePathInaccessibleFromServer; } public void setFilePathInaccessibleFromServer(boolean filePathNotVisibleFromServer) { this.filePathInaccessibleFromServer = filePathNotVisibleFromServer; } public Double getyPixelSize() { return yPixelSize; } public void setyPixelSize(Double yPixelSize) { this.yPixelSize = yPixelSize; } public Double getxPixelSize() { return xPixelSize; } public void setxPixelSize(Double xPixelSize) { this.xPixelSize = xPixelSize; } public String getxPixelSizeUnit() { return xPixelSizeUnit; } public void setxPixelSizeUnit(String xPixelSizeUnit) { this.xPixelSizeUnit = xPixelSizeUnit; } public void setyPixelSizeUnit(String yPixelSizeUnit) { this.yPixelSizeUnit = yPixelSizeUnit; } public String getyPixelSizeUnit() { return yPixelSizeUnit; } }