List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils startsWith
public static boolean startsWith(String str, String prefix)
Check if a String starts with a specified prefix.
From source
public void importData(InputStream input, String filename) throws IOException { MessageLocale locale = getLocale(filename); locale.persist();//from w w w.j av a2s . com BufferedReader csvReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input)); // HashMap<String, MessageSection> sections = new HashMap<String, MessageSection>(); // MessageSection curSection = new MessageSection(); String curSectionId; String curComment = null; String line; while ((line = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(StringUtils.strip(csvReader.readLine()))) != null) { if (StringUtils.startsWith(line, "#")) { String comment = StringUtils.stripStart(line, "# "); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(comment)) { curComment = comment; } } else { // Proper line String[] entry = StringUtils.split(line, "=", 2); if (entry.length == 2) { String key = StringUtils.strip(entry[0]); String value = StringUtils.strip(entry[1]); String[] keyFragments = StringUtils.split(key, ".", 2); if (keyFragments.length < 2) { // Root section curSectionId = "root"; } else { // Split into sections based on what's before the first '.' in the key. curSectionId = keyFragments[0]; } MessageSection curSection = MessageSection.findMessageSection(curSectionId); // curSection = sections.get(curSectionId); if (curSection == null) { curSection = new MessageSection(); curSection.setId(curSectionId); // sections.put(curSectionId, curSection); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(curComment)) { curSection.setDescription(curComment); curComment = null; } Set<Message> messages = curSection.getMessages(); if (messages == null) { messages = new HashSet<Message>(); curSection.setMessages(messages); } // Does this message already have one or more translation? If not, create a new message. List<Message> res = Message.findMessagesByPropertyEquals(key).getResultList(); Message message; if (res.size() > 0) { message = res.get(0); logger.trace("Yes, found an already persisted one: " + message); } else { message = new Message(); } message.setProperty(key); message.getTranslations().put(locale, value); messages.add(message); logger.trace("persisting curSection: " + curSection); curSection.persist(); } else { // Could be an empty line, or an invalid line. Ignore it. } } } //"sections: " + sections.size()); // for (MessageSection section : sections.values()) { // System.out.println(": (id:" + section.getId() + ") " + section); // // for (Message message : section.getMessages()) { // System.out.println("--: (id:" + message.getId() + ") " + message); // // for (Entry<MessageLocale, String> entry : message.getTranslations().entrySet()) { // System.out.println("-----: " + entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue()); // } // } // // section.persist(); // } }
From source
/** * Retrieves the value of the specified environment variable. * * @param iKey Name of the environment variable. * * @return Value of the specified environment variable. *//*from w w w .ja v a2 s . c om*/ public static String getValue(String iKey) { String value = ""; try { Process p; String osName = System.getProperty(""); if ((osName.equalsIgnoreCase("Windows 95")) || (osName.equalsIgnoreCase("Windows 98")) || (osName.equalsIgnoreCase("Windows Me"))) { p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(" /c echo %" + iKey + "%"); } else { p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe /c echo %" + iKey + "%"); } p.waitFor(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); value = br.readLine(); if (StringUtils.startsWith(value, "%")) { value = ""; } br.close(); p.destroy(); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println("Could not read environment variable key " + iKey); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { System.out.println("The process has been interrupted"); } return value; }
From source
/** * This method checks that if the <resource> is local to the content * package, then a <file> element is required that represents the * <resource> itself. The href attribute of the <file> element * shall be identical to the href attribute of the <resource> * //from w w w .ja v a 2 s . co m * @param iResourceNode * - The <resource> element * @return boolean - Result of the overall check. True if the checks passed, * false otherwise. */ private boolean checkResourceFileHref(Node iResourceNode) { boolean result = true; String msgText = ""; // retrive the href and apply xml:base String resourceHref = DOMTreeUtility.getAttributeValue(iResourceNode, "href"); // only continue check if the resourceHref exists if (!resourceHref.equals("")) { // remove all parameters from the end of the href, if they exist // first deal with ? int questionMarkIndex = StringUtils.indexOf(resourceHref, '?'); if (questionMarkIndex > 0) { resourceHref = StringUtils.substring(resourceHref, 0, questionMarkIndex); } // also deal with # int poundIndex = StringUtils.indexOf(resourceHref, '#'); if (poundIndex > 0) { resourceHref = StringUtils.substring(resourceHref, 0, poundIndex); } // we must manually retrieve the resource xml:base attribute value // the applyXMLBase is not aware of it at this time of processing String resourceXMLBase = DOMTreeUtility.getAttributeValue(iResourceNode, "base"); // resourceID used for logging error messages String resourceID = DOMTreeUtility.getAttributeValue(iResourceNode, "identifier"); mLogger.debug("Checking for this resource now " + resourceID); // apply XML Base to the href if it exists resourceHref = mXMLBase[0][1] + mXMLBase[1][1] + resourceXMLBase + resourceHref; // only need to perform this check on local resource if (!StringUtils.startsWith(resourceHref, "http:") && !StringUtils.startsWith(resourceHref, "https:") && !StringUtils.startsWith(resourceHref, "ftp:") && !StringUtils.startsWith(resourceHref, "ftps:")) { // we have a resource that is local to the package, must have a // file // href that is identifical to it List<String> files = mResourceTable.get(resourceID); if (files != null) { if (!files.contains(resourceHref)) { // the resourceHref does not contain a matching file // href when // it should result = false; msgText = Messages.getString("CPValidator.628", resourceID); mLogger.debug("FAILED: " + msgText); DetailedLogMessageCollection.getInstance() .addMessage(new LogMessage(MessageType.FAILED, msgText)); } } else { // there are no files that exist for the local resource result = false; msgText = Messages.getString("CPValidator.628", resourceID); mLogger.debug("FAILED: " + msgText); DetailedLogMessageCollection.getInstance() .addMessage(new LogMessage(MessageType.FAILED, msgText)); } } } return result; }
From source
@Test public void testInvokeEntity() throws IOException { ResourceWithMetadata entityResource = locator.locateEntityResource(api, "sheep", HttpMethod.GET); assertNotNull(entityResource);// w ww . j av a 2 s . c o m EntityResourceAction.ReadById<?> getter = (ReadById<?>) entityResource.getResource(); String out = writeResponse(helper.processAdditionsToTheResponse(mock(WebScriptResponse.class), api, null, NOT_USED, getter.readById("1234A3", NOT_USED))); assertTrue("There must be json output", StringUtils.startsWith(out, "{\"entry\":")); EntityResourceAction.Read<?> getAll = (Read<?>) entityResource.getResource(); CollectionWithPagingInfo<?> resources = getAll.readAll(null); out = writeResponse(helper.processAdditionsToTheResponse(mock(WebScriptResponse.class), api, null, Params.valueOf("notUsed", null, null), resources)); assertTrue("There must be json output as List", StringUtils.startsWith(out, "{\"list\":")); }
From source
@Test public void testInvokeMultiPartEntity() throws IOException { ResourceWithMetadata entityResource = locator.locateEntityResource(api, "multiparttest", HttpMethod.POST); assertNotNull(entityResource);/*from ww w.ja v a 2 s . c om*/ MultiPartResourceAction.Create<?> resource = (MultiPartResourceAction.Create<?>) entityResource .getResource(); File file = TempFileProvider.createTempFile("ParamsExtractorTests-", ".txt"); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(file); writer.println("Multipart Mock test2."); writer.close(); MultiPartRequest reqBody = MultiPartBuilder.create() .setFileData(new FileData(file.getName(), file, MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN)).build(); MockHttpServletRequest mockRequest = new MockHttpServletRequest("POST", ""); mockRequest.setContent(reqBody.getBody()); mockRequest.setContentType(reqBody.getContentType()); String out = writeResponse(helper.processAdditionsToTheResponse(mock(WebScriptResponse.class), api, null, NOT_USED, resource.create(new FormData(mockRequest), NOT_USED, callBack))); assertTrue("There must be json output", StringUtils.startsWith(out, "{\"entry\":")); }
From source
@Test public void testSerializeResponse() throws IOException { ResourceWithMetadata relationResource = locator.locateRelationResource(api, "sheep", "baaahh", HttpMethod.GET);//from ww w . java2 s . c om assertNotNull(relationResource); RelationshipResourceAction.Read<?> getter = (RelationshipResourceAction.Read<?>) relationResource .getResource(); CollectionWithPagingInfo<?> resources = getter.readAll("123", Params.valueOf("", null, null)); String out = writeResponse(helper.processAdditionsToTheResponse(mock(WebScriptResponse.class), api, null, Params.valueOf("notUsed", null, null), resources)); assertTrue("There must be json output as List", StringUtils.startsWith(out, "{\"list\":")); }
From source
@Test public void testPagedCollection() throws IOException { ResourceWithMetadata relationResource = locator.locateRelationResource(api, "sheep", "baaahh", HttpMethod.GET);//from ww w . jav a 2 s .c o m assertNotNull(relationResource); RelationshipResourceAction.Read<?> getter = (RelationshipResourceAction.Read<?>) relationResource .getResource(); CollectionWithPagingInfo<?> resources = getter.readAll("123", Params.valueOf("", null, null)); assertNotNull(resources); assertTrue(resources.getTotalItems().intValue() == 3); assertFalse(resources.hasMoreItems()); String out = writeResponse(helper.processAdditionsToTheResponse(mock(WebScriptResponse.class), api, null, Params.valueOf("notUsed", null, null), resources)); assertTrue("There must be json output as List with pagination", StringUtils.startsWith(out, "{\"list\":{\"pagination\":{\"count\":3,")); resources = getter.readAll("123", ParamsExtender.valueOf(Paging.valueOf(0, 1), "123")); assertTrue(resources.getCollection().size() == 1); assertTrue(resources.hasMoreItems()); out = writeResponse(helper.processAdditionsToTheResponse(mock(WebScriptResponse.class), api, null, Params.valueOf("notUsed", null, null), resources)); assertTrue("There must be json output as List with pagination", StringUtils.startsWith(out, "{\"list\":{\"pagination\":{\"count\":1,")); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" }) @Test//from w w w. jav a 2 s .com public void testSerializePagedCollection() throws IOException { assertNotNull(helper); CollectionWithPagingInfo paged = CollectionWithPagingInfo.asPaged(null, null); String out = writeResponse(helper.processAdditionsToTheResponse(mock(WebScriptResponse.class), api, null, Params.valueOf("notUsed", null, null), paged)); assertTrue("There must be json output as List with pagination", StringUtils.startsWith(out, "{\"list\":{\"pagination\":{\"count\":0,")); Paging pageRequest = Paging.valueOf(1, 2); paged = CollectionWithPagingInfo.asPaged(pageRequest, Arrays.asList(new Goat(), new Sheep("ABCD"), new Sheep("XYZ"))); out = writeResponse(helper.processAdditionsToTheResponse(mock(WebScriptResponse.class), api, null, Params.valueOf("notUsed", null, null), paged)); assertTrue("There must be json output as List with pagination", StringUtils.startsWith(out, "{\"list\":{\"pagination\":{\"count\":3,")); paged = CollectionWithPagingInfo.asPaged(pageRequest, Arrays.asList(new Goat(), new Sheep("ABCD"), new Sheep("XYZ")), true, 5000); out = writeResponse(helper.processAdditionsToTheResponse(mock(WebScriptResponse.class), api, null, Params.valueOf("notUsed", null, null), paged)); assertTrue("There must be json output as List with pagination", StringUtils.startsWith(out, "{\"list\":{\"pagination\":{\"count\":3,\"hasMoreItems\":true,\"totalItems\":5000")); }
From source
/** * Reads the validator arguments from the the given tagged value. * //from ww w. jav a2s . c om * @param validatorTaggedValue * @return returns a list of String instances or an empty list * @throws IllegalArgumentException when the input string does not match the required pattern */ public static List<String> parseValidatorArgs(String validatorTaggedValue) { if (validatorTaggedValue == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Validator tagged value cannot be null"); } final List<String> validatorArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); // isn't it an annotation ? if (!StringUtils.startsWith(validatorTaggedValue, GuiUtils.ANNOTATION_VALIDATOR_PREFIX)) { // check if the input tagged value matches the required pattern if (!GuiUtils.VALIDATOR_TAGGEDVALUE_PATTERN.matcher(validatorTaggedValue).matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal validator tagged value (this tag is used to specify custom validators " + "and might look like myValidator(myVar=myArg,myVar2=myArg2), perhaps you wanted to use " + "andromda_presentation_view_field_format?): " + validatorTaggedValue); } // only keep what is between parentheses (if any) final int left = validatorTaggedValue.indexOf('('); if (left > -1) { final int right = validatorTaggedValue.indexOf(')'); validatorTaggedValue = validatorTaggedValue.substring(left + 1, right); final String[] pairs = validatorTaggedValue.split(","); for (final String pair : pairs) { final int equalsIndex = pair.indexOf('='); // it's possible the argument is the empty string if (equalsIndex < (pair.length() - 1)) { validatorArgs.add(pair.substring(equalsIndex + 1)); } else { validatorArgs.add(""); } } } } return validatorArgs; }
From source
/** * Reads the validator variable names from the the given tagged value. * //from w w w . j a va2s. co m * @param validatorTaggedValue * @return never null, returns a list of String instances * @throws IllegalArgumentException when the input string does not match the required pattern */ public static List<String> parseValidatorVars(String validatorTaggedValue) { if (validatorTaggedValue == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Validator tagged value cannot be null"); } final List<String> validatorVars = new ArrayList<String>(); // isn't it an annotation ? if (!StringUtils.startsWith(validatorTaggedValue, GuiUtils.ANNOTATION_VALIDATOR_PREFIX)) { // check if the input tagged value matches the required pattern if (!GuiUtils.VALIDATOR_TAGGEDVALUE_PATTERN.matcher(validatorTaggedValue).matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal validator tagged value: " + validatorTaggedValue); } // only keep what is between parentheses (if any) final int left = validatorTaggedValue.indexOf('('); if (left > -1) { final int right = validatorTaggedValue.indexOf(')'); validatorTaggedValue = validatorTaggedValue.substring(left + 1, right); final String[] pairs = validatorTaggedValue.split(","); for (final String pair : pairs) { final int equalsIndex = pair.indexOf('='); validatorVars.add(pair.substring(0, equalsIndex)); } } } return validatorVars; }