Java tutorial
/** * * Amazon AWS consciousness for Magnolia CMS ( * Copyright(C) 2013-2012, Openmind S.r.l. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package it.openutils.mgnlaws.magnolia.datastore; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import net.sf.ehcache.Cache; import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager; import net.sf.ehcache.Element; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class S3DataStore implements DataStore { /** * The Log */ private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(S3DataStore.class); private static final String DIGEST = "SHA-1"; private static final String PREFIX = "datastore"; private static final String PREFIX_TMP = "temp/"; /** * Config parameter awsAccessKey */ protected String awsAccessKey; /** * Config parameter awsSecretKey */ protected String awsSecretKey; /** * Config parameter minModifiedDate */ protected long minModifiedDate; /** * Config parameter minRecordLength */ protected int minRecordLength; /** * Config parameter bucket name */ protected String bucket; /** * Base path for s3 files */ protected String s3Path = "/"; /** * Config parameter path for temp files on upload */ protected String tmpPath; /** * Config parameter for s3 endpoint */ protected String endpoint = ""; /** * Config parameter to enable cache */ protected boolean useCache = true; /** * Config parameter for ehcache configuration */ protected String cacheConfigFile = "classpath:/ehcache-s3datastore.xml"; /** * Config parameter for ehcache cache name */ protected String cacheName = "s3datastore-cache"; /** * Config parameter for cache files */ protected String cacheDirectoryPath; /** * S3 client */ private AmazonS3 amazonS3; /** * Temp file local directory */ private File tmpDirectory; /** * Transfer manager */ private TransferManager transferManager; private File cacheDirectory; private CacheManager cacheManager; private Cache cache; /** * All data identifiers that are currently in use are in this set until they are garbage collected. */ protected Map<DataIdentifier, WeakReference<DataIdentifier>> inUse = Collections .synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<DataIdentifier, WeakReference<DataIdentifier>>()); /** * Create a new DataStore */ public S3DataStore() { log.debug("Creating S3DataStore"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public DataRecord addRecord(InputStream input) throws DataStoreException { File temporary = null; try { temporary = newTemporaryFile(); DataIdentifier tempId = new DataIdentifier(temporary.getName()); usesIdentifier(tempId); // Copy the stream to the temporary file and calculate the // stream length and the message digest of the stream MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(DIGEST); OutputStream output = new DigestOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(temporary), digest); try { IOUtils.copyLarge(input, output); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(output); } DataIdentifier identifier = new DataIdentifier(digest.digest()); // File file; String tmpKey = PREFIX_TMP + identifier.toString(); String key = getKey(identifier); if (!objectExists(identifier)) { Upload upload = transferManager.upload(bucket, tmpKey, temporary); try { AmazonClientException e; if ((e = upload.waitForException()) != null && upload.getState() != TransferState.Completed) { throw new DataStoreException("Error uploading file to s3", e); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new DataStoreException("Upload interrupted", e); } } S3DataRecord record; synchronized (this) { // Check if the same record already exists, or // move the temporary file in place if needed usesIdentifier(identifier); if (!objectExists(identifier)) { amazonS3.copyObject(bucket, tmpKey, bucket, key); amazonS3.deleteObject(bucket, tmpKey); } else { // effettua un touch sul file touch(key); } record = new S3DataRecord(identifier, new S3LazyObject(amazonS3, bucket, key)); if (useCache) { cache.put(new Element(identifier.toString(), new CachedS3DataRecord(record, cacheDirectory, temporary))); // no need to remove file temporary = null; } } // this will also make sure that // tempId is not garbage collected until here inUse.remove(tempId); return record; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new DataStoreException(DIGEST + " not available", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DataStoreException("Could not add record", e); } finally { if (temporary != null) { temporary.delete(); } } } private File newTemporaryFile() throws IOException { // the directory is already created in the init method return File.createTempFile("s3ds", null, tmpDirectory); } private boolean objectExists(DataIdentifier identifier) { S3Object object = null; try { return (object = amazonS3.getObject(bucket, getKey(identifier))) != null; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { return false; } finally { if (object != null) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(object.getObjectContent()); } } } private void touch(DataIdentifier identifier) { touch(getKey(identifier)); } private void touch(String key) { ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata(); metadata.setLastModified(new Date()); CopyObjectRequest req = new CopyObjectRequest(bucket, key, bucket, key).withNewObjectMetadata(metadata); amazonS3.copyObject(req); } private String getKey(DataIdentifier identifier) { String string = identifier.toString(); return new StringBuffer().append(PREFIX).append(s3Path).append("/").append(string.substring(0, 2)) .append("/").append(string.substring(2, 4)).append("/").append(string.substring(4, 6)).append("/") .append(string).toString(); } public DataIdentifier getDataIdentifier(String key) { return new DataIdentifier(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(key, "/")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void clearInUse() { inUse.clear(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void close() throws DataStoreException { transferManager.shutdownNow(); if (useCache && cacheManager != null) { cacheManager.shutdown(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int deleteAllOlderThan(long min) throws DataStoreException { int deleted = 0; for (Iterator<S3ObjectSummary> i = new S3Iterator(amazonS3, bucket, PREFIX); i.hasNext();) { S3ObjectSummary rec = (S3ObjectSummary); if (rec.getLastModified().getTime() < min) { deleteRecord(rec.getKey()); if (useCache) { cache.remove(getDataIdentifier(rec.getKey())); } deleted++; } } return deleted; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Iterator<DataIdentifier> getAllIdentifiers() throws DataStoreException { return new S3IdentifierIterator(amazonS3, bucket, PREFIX); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int getMinRecordLength() { return minRecordLength; } private DataRecord getRecord(DataIdentifier identifier, boolean checkExistence) { String key = identifier.toString(); if (checkExistence && (useCache && !cache.isKeyInCache(key)) && !objectExists(identifier)) { return null; } DataRecord record; if (useCache) { try { cache.acquireReadLockOnKey(key); Element cached = cache.get(key); if (cached != null) { return (DataRecord) cached.getObjectValue(); } } finally { cache.releaseReadLockOnKey(key); } } try { synchronized (this) { S3LazyObject object = new S3LazyObject(amazonS3, bucket, getKey(identifier)); if (minModifiedDate != 0 && object.getLastModified() < minModifiedDate) { touch(identifier); } usesIdentifier(identifier); record = new S3DataRecord(identifier, object); if (useCache) { cache.acquireWriteLockOnKey(key); try { record = new CachedS3DataRecord((S3DataRecord) record, cacheDirectory); cache.put(new Element(key, record)); } catch (DataStoreException e) { log.error("Error creating cached record", e); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error creating cached record", e); } } return record; } } finally { if (useCache) { cache.releaseWriteLockOnKey(key); } } } public DataRecord getRecordIfStored(DataIdentifier identifier) throws DataStoreException { return getRecord(identifier, true); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public DataRecord getRecord(DataIdentifier identifier) throws DataStoreException { return getRecord(identifier, false); } /** * Delete data record * @param identifier The DataIdentifier */ public void deleteRecord(DataIdentifier identifier) throws DataStoreException { deleteRecord(getKey(identifier)); } private void deleteRecord(String key) throws DataStoreException { amazonS3.deleteObject(bucket, key); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void init(String homeDir) throws RepositoryException { // init S3 client amazonS3 = new AmazonS3Client(new BasicAWSCredentials(awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey)); // set endpoint if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(endpoint)) { amazonS3.setEndpoint(endpoint); } // init transfer manager transferManager = new TransferManager(amazonS3); // initialize tmp directory if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tmpPath)) { tmpDirectory = new File(tmpPath); if (!tmpDirectory.exists()) { tmpDirectory.mkdirs(); } } if (tmpDirectory == null || !tmpDirectory.isDirectory()) { tmpDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("")); } if (useCache) { // initialize cache directory if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(cacheDirectoryPath)) { cacheDirectory = new File(cacheDirectoryPath); if (!cacheDirectory.exists()) { cacheDirectory.mkdirs(); } } if (cacheDirectory == null || !cacheDirectory.isDirectory()) { cacheDirectory = new File(System.getProperty(""), cacheName); if (!cacheDirectory.exists()) { cacheDirectory.mkdirs(); } } // create cache manager CacheManager cacheManager; if (StringUtils.startsWith(cacheConfigFile, "classpath:")) { URL configurationFileURL = getClass() .getResource(StringUtils.substringAfter(cacheConfigFile, "classpath:")); cacheManager = CacheManager.newInstance(configurationFileURL); } else { cacheManager = CacheManager.newInstance(cacheConfigFile); } // get cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(cacheName); // register cache listener cache.getCacheEventNotificationService().registerListener(new S3CacheListener(cacheDirectory)); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void updateModifiedDateOnAccess(long before) { minModifiedDate = before; } /** * Add WeakReference to inUse Map * @param identifier The DataIdentifier */ private void usesIdentifier(DataIdentifier identifier) { inUse.put(identifier, new WeakReference<DataIdentifier>(identifier)); } /** * @return the awsAccessKey */ public String getAwsAccessKey() { return awsAccessKey; } /** * @param awsAccessKey the awsAccessKey to set */ public void setAwsAccessKey(String awsAccessKey) { this.awsAccessKey = awsAccessKey; } /** * @return the awsSecretKey */ public String getAwsSecretKey() { return awsSecretKey; } /** * @param awsSecretKey the awsSecretKey to set */ public void setAwsSecretKey(String awsSecretKey) { this.awsSecretKey = awsSecretKey; } /** * @return the minModifiedDate */ public long getMinModifiedDate() { return minModifiedDate; } /** * @param minModifiedDate the minModifiedDate to set */ public void setMinModifiedDate(long minModifiedDate) { this.minModifiedDate = minModifiedDate; } /** * @param minRecordLength the minRecordLength to set */ public void setMinRecordLength(int minRecordLength) { this.minRecordLength = minRecordLength; } public String getBucket() { return bucket; } public void setBucket(String bucket) { this.bucket = bucket; } public String getTmpPath() { return tmpPath; } public void setTmpPath(String tmpPath) { this.tmpPath = tmpPath; } public String getEndpoint() { return endpoint; } public void setEndpoint(String endpoint) { this.endpoint = endpoint; } public void setUseCache(boolean useCache) { this.useCache = useCache; } public void setCacheConfigFile(String cacheConfigFile) { this.cacheConfigFile = cacheConfigFile; } public void setCacheName(String cacheName) { this.cacheName = cacheName; } public void setCacheDirectoryPath(String cacheDirectoryPath) { this.cacheDirectoryPath = cacheDirectoryPath; } public String getS3Path() { return s3Path; } public void setS3Path(String s3Path) { this.s3Path = s3Path; } }