List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils removeStart
public static String removeStart(String str, String remove)
Removes a substring only if it is at the begining of a source string, otherwise returns the source string.
From source
/** * Returns the name of the module which uses given .jar. * For example, file at modules/system/layers/base/com/h2database/h2/main/h2-1.3.168.jar * should return "com.h2database.h2".//from www . j a va2 s. c o m * * The current implementation is naive, assuming that the .jar file is in the module's root dir, where module.xml is. * * This method behavior is likely to change with various versions of EAP. */ public static String identifyModuleContainingJar(AS7Config as7Config, File jar) { String modAbsPath = as7Config.getModulesDir().getPath(); String jarAbsPath = jar.getParentFile().getParentFile().getPath(); String commonPrefix = StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] { modAbsPath, jarAbsPath }); String diff = jarAbsPath.substring(commonPrefix.length()); String modName = StringUtils.removeStart(diff, "/"); return modName.replace('/', '.'); }
From source
private void checkPushingProgress() { Wait.failWith("Pushing was inactive but should be active").interval(200).timeout(10000) .until(new Condition() { public boolean isTrue() { return isPushingActive(); }/*www . j a v a 2s .co m*/ }); final String oldOutput = selenium.getText(LOC_OUTPUT_TEXT); Wait.failWith("When waiting for text change, it never happen").interval(1000).timeout(20000) .until(new Condition() { public boolean isTrue() { String actualOutput = selenium.getText(LOC_OUTPUT_TEXT); return !oldOutput.equals(actualOutput); } }); String uuid = selenium.getText(LOC_OUTPUT_TEXT); assertTrue(uuid.startsWith(MSG_OUTPUT_PUSH_ACTIVE)); uuid = StringUtils.removeStart(uuid, MSG_OUTPUT_PUSH_ACTIVE); assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(uuid), "Generated UUID should not be blank"); }
From source
protected String extractClassName(String entryName) { String className = StringUtils.replace(entryName, "\\", "/"); className = StringUtils.removeStart(className, "/"); className = StringUtils.replace(className, "/", "."); className = StringUtils.removeEnd(className, ".class"); className = StringUtils.removeEnd(className, ".java"); // account for WAR classes. if (StringUtils.contains(className, "WEB-INF.classes.")) { className = StringUtils.substringAfter(className, "WEB-INF.classes."); }// w w w . j av a2 s. c om return className; }
From source
protected String cleanseValue(String value) { value = StringUtils.trim(value);/*from w ww .jav a 2s . c o m*/ value = StringUtils.removeStart(value, "'"); value = StringUtils.removeStart(value, "\""); value = StringUtils.removeEnd(value, "\""); value = StringUtils.removeEnd(value, "'"); value = StringUtils.trim(value); return value; }
From source
protected String extract(StringLiteral value) { String val = value.toString(); val = StringUtils.removeStart(val, "\""); val = StringUtils.removeEnd(val, "\""); return val; }
From source
public boolean visit(MethodInvocation node) { if (!StringUtils.contains(node.toString(), ".")) { // it must be a local method. ignore. return true; }//from w w w .jav a2 String nodeName = StringUtils.removeStart(node.toString(), "this."); List arguements = node.arguments(); List<String> resolvedParams = methodParameterGuesser(arguements); String objRef = StringUtils.substringBefore(nodeName, "." + node.getName().toString()); if (nameInstance.containsKey(objRef)) { objRef = nameInstance.get(objRef); } if (classNameToFullyQualified.containsKey(objRef)) { objRef = classNameToFullyQualified.get(objRef); } String resolvedMethodCall = objRef + "." + node.getName().toString() + "("; for (int i = 0, j = resolvedParams.size(); i < j; i++) { resolvedMethodCall += resolvedParams.get(i); if (i < j - 1) { resolvedMethodCall += ", "; } } resolvedMethodCall = resolvedMethodCall + ")"; LOG.trace("Resolved Method call: " + resolvedMethodCall); // Here is the call to blacklist processInterest(resolvedMethodCall, cu.getLineNumber(node.getStartPosition()), "Usage of", SourceType.METHOD); return true; }
From source
protected String extractClassName(String entryName) { String className = StringUtils.replace(entryName, "\\", "/"); className = StringUtils.removeStart(className, "/"); className = StringUtils.replace(className, "/", "."); className = StringUtils.removeEnd(className, ".class"); className = StringUtils.removeEnd(className, ".java"); className = StringUtils.substringBefore(className, "$"); // account for WAR classes. if (StringUtils.contains(className, "WEB-INF.classes.")) { className = StringUtils.substringAfter(className, "WEB-INF.classes."); }/*w w w . j av a 2 s. c o m*/ return className; }
From source
protected String getClassNameFromFile(String entryName) { String className = StringUtils.replace(entryName, "\\", "/"); className = StringUtils.removeStart(className, "/"); className = StringUtils.replace(className, "/", "."); className = StringUtils.substringBefore(className, "$"); // account for WAR classes. if (StringUtils.contains(className, "WEB-INF.classes.")) { className = StringUtils.substringAfter(className, "WEB-INF.classes."); }/* w ww . ja v a 2 s. com*/ if (StringUtils.contains(className, "META-INF.classes.")) { className = StringUtils.substringAfter(className, "META-INF.classes."); } return className; }
From source
protected String getArchiveRelativePath() { String basePath = this.archiveDirectory.getAbsolutePath(); String finalRelative = StringUtils.removeStart(this.result.getAbsolutePath(), basePath); finalRelative = StringUtils.replace(finalRelative, "\\", "/"); finalRelative = StringUtils.replace(finalRelative, "//", "/"); finalRelative = StringUtils.removeStart(finalRelative, "/"); return finalRelative; }
From source
protected String getReportRelativePath() { String basePath = this.reportDirectory.getAbsolutePath(); String finalRelative = StringUtils.removeStart(this.result.getAbsolutePath(), basePath); finalRelative = StringUtils.replace(finalRelative, "\\", "/"); finalRelative = StringUtils.replace(finalRelative, "//", "/"); finalRelative = StringUtils.removeStart(finalRelative, "/"); return finalRelative; }