List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils removeStart
public static String removeStart(String str, String remove)
Removes a substring only if it is at the begining of a source string, otherwise returns the source string.
From source
private static String getArrayString(String[] values) { if (values == null) { return null; }/*from w ww . j a v a 2s . co m*/ String s = ""; String c = ", "; for (String value : values) { s += c + "\"" + StringUtils.trimToEmpty(value) + "\""; } return "{" + StringUtils.removeStart(s, c) + "}"; }
From source
private void readPlatform(WriterContext basicWriterContext) { File platformPropertiesFile = platformBean.getPropertiesFile();"propertiesFile=" + platformPropertiesFile.getPath()); try {/*from w w w. j a va 2 s . com*/ VelocityContext platformContext = basicWriterContext.getVelocityContextClone(); platformContext.put(VC_PLATFORM, platform); TLB.setProgrammers(basicWriterContext.programmers); TLB.setWrapperClasses(basicWriterContext.wrapperClasses); putProperties(platformContext, platformPropertiesFile); Properties properties = mergeProperties(platformContext, platformPropertiesFile); putStrings(platformContext, properties); WriterContext platformWriterContext = newWriterContext(platformContext); File platformsFolder = platformPropertiesFile.getParentFile(); ExtendedProperties platformExtendedProperties = PropertiesHandler .getExtendedProperties(platformPropertiesFile); String[] pathnames = platformExtendedProperties.getStringArray(FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH); String[] pathfilters = platformExtendedProperties.getStringArray(FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH_FILTER); Map<String, File> folders = new LinkedHashMap<>(); if (pathnames == null || pathnames.length == 0) { } else { for (File folder : bootstrappingPlatformsFolders) { folders.putAll(FilUtils.directoriesMap(folder, pathnames, folder)); } } if (pathfilters != null && pathfilters.length > 0) { String[] keyArray = folders.keySet().toArray(new String[folders.keySet().size()]); String slashedFilter, slashedPath; for (String pathfilter : pathfilters) { slashedFilter = pathfilter.replace(FILE_SEPARATOR, "/"); for (String key : keyArray) { slashedPath = key.replace(FILE_SEPARATOR, "/") + "/"; if (slashedPath.contains(slashedFilter)) { folders.remove(key); logger.debug(pathfilter + " excludes " + key); } } } } File[] templateFiles; TemplateBean templateBean; String platformsFolderPath = platformsFolder.getPath(); // + FILE_SEPARATOR; for (File folder : folders.values()) { log(_detailLevel, "read", "path=" + StringUtils.removeStart(folder.getPath(), platformsFolderPath)); templateFiles = folder.listFiles(propertiesFileFilter); Arrays.sort(templateFiles); for (File templatePropertiesFile : templateFiles) { templateBean = new TemplateBean(platformBean, templatePropertiesFile); readTemplate(platformWriterContext, templateBean); templates++; } } platforms++; } catch (Throwable throwable) { error(throwable); } printSummary(); }
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public static String getCodigoArchivoInforme(String codigoFuncion, String codigoDominio) { String alterno = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(codigoFuncion).toLowerCase(); String dominio = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(codigoDominio).toLowerCase(); alterno = StringUtils.removeStart(alterno, "emitir_"); alterno = StringUtils.removeStart(alterno, "informar_"); alterno = StringUtils.removeStart(alterno, "exportar_"); alterno = StringUtils.removeStart(alterno, dominio); alterno = StringUtils.chomp(alterno, dominio); alterno = alterno.replace("_" + dominio + "_", "_"); alterno = StringUtils.removeStart(alterno, "_"); alterno = StringUtils.chomp(alterno, "_"); alterno = dominio + "_" + alterno; return alterno; }
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public static String stripIllegalChars(final String string) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(string)) return ""; if (StringUtils.equals(string.trim(), ">")) return "_"; final boolean prefix = string.trim().startsWith(">"); final boolean postfix = string.trim().endsWith(">"); final String processed = StringUtils.removeEnd(StringUtils.removeStart(string.trim(), ">"), ">"); final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if (processed.contains(">")) { for (final String str : StringUtils.stripAll(StringUtils.split(processed, ">"))) { final StringBuffer stripped = new StringBuffer( compile("[^\\p{Alnum}_-]").matcher(str).replaceAll("")); buffer.append("__").append("" + stripped); }// w w w .j a v a 2s .c om } else buffer.append(compile("[^\\p{Alnum}_-]").matcher(processed).replaceAll("")); if (prefix) buffer.insert(0, "_"); if (postfix) buffer.append("_"); return "" + buffer; }
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/** * * @param userFilledValue//from www. j a va2s . c om * @param userFirstUsedOperator * @return */ private static String getUserFilledValueWithoutFirstOperator(String userFilledValue, String userFirstUsedOperator) { String filledValueWithoutNotOperator = StringUtils.removeStart(userFilledValue, userFirstUsedOperator); //check if first operator has been removed from user input. Remove the //user operator by changing it to lowercase. if (filledValueWithoutNotOperator.length() == userFilledValue.length()) { filledValueWithoutNotOperator = StringUtils.removeStart(userFilledValue, userFirstUsedOperator.toLowerCase()); } return filledValueWithoutNotOperator; }
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/** * Parse response of MLSD/* w w w . ja v a2 s .c om*/ * * @param children List to add parsed lines * @param replies Lines * @return True if parsing is successful */ protected boolean parseMlsdResponse(final AttributedList<Path> children, List<String> replies) { if (null == replies) { // This is an empty directory return false; } boolean success = false; // At least one entry successfully parsed for (String line : replies) { final Map<String, Map<String, String>> file = this.parseFacts(line); if (null == file) { log.error(String.format("Error parsing line %s", line)); continue; } for (String name : file.keySet()) { final Path parsed = new FTPPath(this.getSession(), this.getAbsolute(), StringUtils.removeStart(name, this.getAbsolute() + Path.DELIMITER), FILE_TYPE); parsed.setParent(this); // size -- Size in octets // modify -- Last modification time // create -- Creation time // type -- Entry type // unique -- Unique id of file/directory // perm -- File permissions, whether read, write, execute is allowed for the login id. // lang -- Language of the file name per IANA [11] registry. // media-type -- MIME media-type of file contents per IANA registry. // charset -- Character set per IANA registry (if not UTF-8) for (Map<String, String> facts : file.values()) { if (!facts.containsKey("type")) { log.error(String.format("No type fact in line %s", line)); continue; } if ("dir".equals(facts.get("type").toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH))) { parsed.attributes().setType(DIRECTORY_TYPE); } else if ("file".equals(facts.get("type").toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH))) { parsed.attributes().setType(FILE_TYPE); } else { log.warn("Ignored type: " + line); break; } if (name.contains(String.valueOf(DELIMITER))) { if (!name.startsWith(this.getAbsolute() + Path.DELIMITER)) { // Workaround for #2434. log.warn("Skip listing entry with delimiter:" + name); continue; } } if (!success) { if ("dir".equals(facts.get("type").toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH)) && this.getName().equals(name)) { log.warn("Possibly bogus response:" + line); } else { success = true; } } if (facts.containsKey("size")) { parsed.attributes().setSize(Long.parseLong(facts.get("size"))); } if (facts.containsKey("unix.uid")) { parsed.attributes().setOwner(facts.get("unix.uid")); } if (facts.containsKey("unix.owner")) { parsed.attributes().setOwner(facts.get("unix.owner")); } if (facts.containsKey("unix.gid")) { parsed.attributes().setGroup(facts.get("unix.gid")); } if (facts.containsKey("")) { parsed.attributes().setGroup(facts.get("")); } if (facts.containsKey("unix.mode")) { try { parsed.attributes() .setPermission(new Permission(Integer.parseInt(facts.get("unix.mode")))); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error(String.format("Failed to parse fact %s", facts.get("unix.mode"))); } } if (facts.containsKey("modify")) { parsed.attributes().setModificationDate(this.parseTimestamp(facts.get("modify"))); } if (facts.containsKey("create")) { parsed.attributes().setCreationDate(this.parseTimestamp(facts.get("create"))); } if (facts.containsKey("charset")) { if (!facts.get("charset").equalsIgnoreCase(this.getSession().getEncoding())) { log.error(String.format("Incompatible charset %s but session is configured with %s", facts.get("charset"), this.getSession().getEncoding())); } } children.add(parsed); } } } return success; }
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private void createMenuBar(MenuBar.MenuItem mainItem, File dir) throws IOException, JRException { //FIXME baz kodlar servise taabilir String menuText = dir.getName(); File folderConfig = new File(dir, EBRParams.FOLDER_EBR_JSON); if (folderConfig.exists()) { try {/*from w ww . ja v a 2s. co m*/ JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(FileUtils.readFileToString(folderConfig, "utf-8")); menuText = jo.optString("label", menuText); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IOException(folderConfig.getAbsolutePath(), ex); } catch (JSONException ex) { throw new JSONException(new RuntimeException(folderConfig.getAbsolutePath(), ex)); } } MenuBar.MenuItem menuItem = mainItem.addItem(menuText, null); for (File file : dir.listFiles()) { if (file.getName().charAt(0) == '.') { continue;//gereksiz ama olduu belli olsun } else if (file.isDirectory()) { createMenuBar(menuItem, file); } else if (file.getName().endsWith(".sql") || file.getName().endsWith(".jrxml")) { BaseReport r = file.getName().endsWith(".sql") ? new SQLReport() : new JasperReport(); context.getAutowireCapableBeanFactory().autowireBean(r); String text; try { text = r.loadDefinition(file).getCaption(); } catch (ReportException ex) {"Hata", Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); Logger.getLogger(ReportWindow.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); text = file.getName() + " ERROR"; } menuItem.addItem(text, (MenuBar.MenuItem selectedItem) -> { System.out.println(r.getFile() + " altrlacak"); String frag = StringUtils.removeStart(r.getFile().getAbsolutePath(), EBRConf.INSTANCE.getValue(EBRParams.REPORTS_JRXML_PATH, "")); frag = StringUtils.removeStart(frag, "/"); getPage().setUriFragment(frag); }); } else if (file.getName().endsWith(".jrxml")) {//FIXME support for compiled jasper files final JasperReport r = new JasperReport(); context.getAutowireCapableBeanFactory().autowireBean(r); String text = r.loadDefinition(file).getCaption(); menuItem.addItem(text, (MenuBar.MenuItem selectedItem) -> { System.out.println(r.getFile() + " altrlacak"); String frag = StringUtils.removeStart(r.getFile().getAbsolutePath(), EBRConf.INSTANCE.getValue(EBRParams.REPORTS_JRXML_PATH, "")); frag = StringUtils.removeStart(frag, "/"); getPage().setUriFragment(frag); }); } } }
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private static String get(String name) { String key = name;/* w w 2 s. c o m*/ String value = System.getenv(key); if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) { key = name.replace('_', '.').toLowerCase(); value = System.getProperties().getProperty(key); if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) { key = StringUtils.removeStart(name, SEV.ENT_APP_VAR_PREFFIX); value = bootstrapping.getProperty(key, ""); } } show(key, value); return StringUtils.trimToEmpty(value); }
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protected String javaLangLess(Class<?> type) { return type == null ? "Object" : type.isArray() ? javaLangLess(type.getComponentType()) + "[]" : StringUtils.removeStart(type.getName(), "java.lang."); }
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@RequestMapping(value = { PATH_CODESYSTEMBYID + "/" + ENTITY + "/" + ALL_WILDCARD, PATH_CODESYSTEMBYID + "/" + ENTITIES }, method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView getCodeSystemVersionOfCodeSystemByTagRedirect(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, RestReadContext restReadContext, QueryControl queryControl, @PathVariable(VAR_CODESYSTEMID) String codeSystemName, @RequestParam(value = PARAM_TAG, defaultValue = DEFAULT_TAG) String tag, @RequestParam(value = "redirect", defaultValue = DEFAULT_REDIRECT) boolean redirect) { //TODO: Accept tag URIs here VersionTagReference tagReference = new VersionTagReference(tag); String codeSystemVersionName = this.codeSystemVersionNameResolver.getVersionNameFromTag( codeSystemVersionReadService, ModelUtils.nameOrUriFromName(codeSystemName), tagReference, this.resolveRestReadContext(restReadContext)); String contextPath = this.getUrlPathHelper().getContextPath(httpServletRequest); String requestUri = StringUtils.removeStart(this.getUrlPathHelper().getRequestUri(httpServletRequest), contextPath);/*from w w w.j av a2 s .c om*/ requestUri = StringUtils.removeStart(requestUri, "/"); requestUri = StringUtils.replaceOnce(requestUri, CODESYSTEM + "/" + codeSystemName + "/", CODESYSTEM + "/" + codeSystemName + "/" + VERSION + "/" + codeSystemVersionName + "/"); if (redirect) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(httpServletRequest.getParameterMap()); parameters.remove(PARAM_REDIRECT); return new ModelAndView("redirect:" + "/" + requestUri + this.mapToQueryString(parameters)); } else { return new ModelAndView("forward:" + "/" + requestUri); } }