List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils removeStart
public static String removeStart(String str, String remove)
Removes a substring only if it is at the begining of a source string, otherwise returns the source string.
From source
@Override public String next(String curr) { int value;/*from w w w . j av a2 s . c om*/ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(curr)) { if ((value = <= 0) return null; return StringUtils.join(new Object[] { prefix, value, suffix }); } curr = StringUtils.removeStart(curr, prefix); curr = StringUtils.removeEnd(curr, suffix); if ((value = <= 0) return null; return StringUtils.join(new Object[] { prefix, value, suffix }); }
From source
@Override public Instruction gen(GeneratorContext ctx, System_variable_referenceContext rule) throws OrcaException { String name = rule.SYSTEM_VARIABLE().getText(); name = StringUtils.removeStart(name, "@@"); return new GetSystemVarible(name); }
From source
public String getPath() { return StringUtils.removeStart(path, "-"); }
From source
@Override public Instruction gen(GeneratorContext ctx, Load_data_infile_stmtContext rule) throws OrcaException { String filename = rule.file_name().getText(); filename = StringUtils.removeStart(filename, "\'"); filename = StringUtils.removeEnd(filename, "\'"); ObjectName tableName = TableName.parse(ctx, rule.table_name_()); LoadCsv instru = new LoadCsv(new File(filename), tableName); return instru; }
From source
@Override public String getRequestURI() { final String originalRequestURI = super.getRequestURI(); final String originalContextPath = super.getContextPath(); final String contextPath = this.getContextPath(); final String originalRequestUriMinusAnyContextPath; if (StringUtils.startsWith(originalRequestURI, contextPath)) { originalRequestUriMinusAnyContextPath = StringUtils.removeStart(originalRequestURI, contextPath); } else if (StringUtils.startsWith(originalRequestURI, originalContextPath)) { originalRequestUriMinusAnyContextPath = StringUtils.removeStart(originalRequestURI, originalContextPath);//from www . j a va 2 s . c o m } else { originalRequestUriMinusAnyContextPath = originalRequestURI; } return getContextPath() + originalRequestUriMinusAnyContextPath; }
From source
public String getPayloadPath() { return StringUtils.removeStart(payloadPath, "-"); }
From source
@Override public String toString() { String order = StringUtils.EMPTY; String token;//from www . j a v a2 s . c o m for (CriterioOrden criterio : criterios) { token = criterio.toString(); order += StringUtils.isBlank(token) ? "" : COMA + token; } order = StringUtils.removeStart(order, COMA); return StringUtils.trimToNull(order); }
From source
private static byte[] getKeyEncoded(String base64KeyFile) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(base64KeyFile)) { return null; }/* w ww . j a v a 2s . com*/ String tmpBase64KeyFile = base64KeyFile; String headLine = BEGIN_KEY + lineSeparator; if (base64KeyFile.startsWith(headLine)) { tmpBase64KeyFile = StringUtils.removeStart(base64KeyFile, headLine); } headLine = BEGIN_KEY + "\r\n"; if (base64KeyFile.startsWith(headLine)) { tmpBase64KeyFile = StringUtils.removeStart(base64KeyFile, headLine); } if (tmpBase64KeyFile.endsWith(END_KEY)) { tmpBase64KeyFile = StringUtils.removeEnd(base64KeyFile, END_KEY); } return Base64.decodeBase64(tmpBase64KeyFile); }
From source
public String getShortName() { return StringUtils.removeStart(, Constants.R_HEADS); }
From source
@Override public String toString() { String order = StringUtils.EMPTY; String token = StringUtils.EMPTY; for (CriterioOrden criterio : criterios) { token = criterio.toString();// ww w . j a v a2s . c o m order += StringUtils.isBlank(token) ? "" : COMA + token; } order = StringUtils.removeStart(order, COMA); return StringUtils.trimToNull(order); }