List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils removeStart
public static String removeStart(String str, String remove)
Removes a substring only if it is at the begining of a source string, otherwise returns the source string.
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}/*from w ww .java 2s .c o m*/ */ @Override protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { String[] path = StringUtils.split(req.getPathInfo(), '/'); String clientEndpoint = path[0]; // /clients/endPoint/LWRequest/observe : do LightWeight M2M observe request on a given client. if (path.length >= 4 && "observe".equals(path[path.length - 1])) { try { String target = StringUtils.substringBetween(req.getPathInfo(), clientEndpoint, "/observe"); Client client = server.getClientRegistry().get(clientEndpoint); if (client != null) { ObserveRequest request = new ObserveRequest(target); LwM2mResponse cResponse = server.send(client, request, TIMEOUT); processDeviceResponse(req, resp, cResponse); } else { resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); resp.getWriter().format("no registered client with id '%s'", clientEndpoint).flush(); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOG.warn("Invalid request", e); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); resp.getWriter().append(e.getMessage()).flush(); } catch (ResourceAccessException | RequestFailedException e) { LOG.warn(String.format("Error accessing resource %s%s.", req.getServletPath(), req.getPathInfo()), e); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); resp.getWriter().append(e.getMessage()).flush(); } return; } String target = StringUtils.removeStart(req.getPathInfo(), "/" + clientEndpoint); // /clients/endPoint/LWRequest : do LightWeight M2M execute request on a given client. if (path.length == 4) { try { Client client = server.getClientRegistry().get(clientEndpoint); if (client != null) { ExecuteRequest request = new ExecuteRequest(target, IOUtils.toByteArray(req.getInputStream()), null); LwM2mResponse cResponse = server.send(client, request, TIMEOUT); processDeviceResponse(req, resp, cResponse); } else { resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); resp.getWriter().format("no registered client with id '%s'", clientEndpoint).flush(); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOG.warn("Invalid request", e); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); resp.getWriter().append(e.getMessage()).flush(); } catch (ResourceAccessException | RequestFailedException e) { LOG.warn(String.format("Error accessing resource %s%s.", req.getServletPath(), req.getPathInfo()), e); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); resp.getWriter().append(e.getMessage()).flush(); } return; } // /clients/endPoint/LWRequest : do LightWeight M2M create request on a given client. if (2 <= path.length && path.length <= 3) { try { Client client = server.getClientRegistry().get(clientEndpoint); if (client != null) { LwM2mResponse cResponse = this.createRequest(client, target, req, resp); processDeviceResponse(req, resp, cResponse); } else { resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); resp.getWriter().format("no registered client with id '%s'", clientEndpoint).flush(); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOG.warn("Invalid request", e); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); resp.getWriter().append(e.getMessage()).flush(); } catch (ResourceAccessException | RequestFailedException e) { LOG.warn(String.format("Error accessing resource %s%s.", req.getServletPath(), req.getPathInfo()), e); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); resp.getWriter().append(e.getMessage()).flush(); } return; } }
From source
@Override protected void doDelete(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { String[] path = StringUtils.split(req.getPathInfo(), '/'); String clientEndpoint = path[0]; // /clients/endPoint/LWRequest/observe : cancel observation for the given resource. if (path.length >= 4 && "observe".equals(path[path.length - 1])) { try {//from w w w .j a v a 2s .co m String target = StringUtils.substringsBetween(req.getPathInfo(), clientEndpoint, "/observe")[0]; Client client = server.getClientRegistry().get(clientEndpoint); if (client != null) { server.getObservationRegistry().cancelObservation(client, target); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } else { resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); resp.getWriter().format("no registered client with id '%s'", clientEndpoint).flush(); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOG.warn("Invalid request", e); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); resp.getWriter().append(e.getMessage()).flush(); } catch (ResourceAccessException | RequestFailedException e) { LOG.warn(String.format("Error accessing resource %s%s.", req.getServletPath(), req.getPathInfo()), e); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); resp.getWriter().append(e.getMessage()).flush(); } return; } // /clients/endPoint/LWRequest/ : delete instance try { String target = StringUtils.removeStart(req.getPathInfo(), "/" + clientEndpoint); Client client = server.getClientRegistry().get(clientEndpoint); if (client != null) { DeleteRequest request = new DeleteRequest(target); LwM2mResponse cResponse = server.send(client, request, TIMEOUT); processDeviceResponse(req, resp, cResponse); } else { resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); resp.getWriter().format("no registered client with id '%s'", clientEndpoint).flush(); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOG.warn("Invalid request", e); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); resp.getWriter().append(e.getMessage()).flush(); } catch (ResourceAccessException | RequestFailedException e) { LOG.warn(String.format("Error accessing resource %s%s.", req.getServletPath(), req.getPathInfo()), e); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); resp.getWriter().append(e.getMessage()).flush(); } }
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@Override public String key() throws IOException { assertNotFinal();//from www.j a v a2 s . c om if (lookAhead == null && sequenceState != EXPECT_KEY) { throw new IllegalStateException("Key expected"); } String key = lookAhead; if (key != null) { lookAhead = null; return key; } key = json.nextName(); sequenceState = EXPECT_VALUE; return isSet(PREFIXED_ATTRIBUTES) ? StringUtils.removeStart(key, "@") : key; //$NON-NLS-1$ }
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/** * Utility method for checking accounts. * * This indirection was introduced to allow splitting the call if the parameter list is huge. * Depending on the database this could easily fail. Hence split it into separate SQL queries * and merge the results./*from w w w.j av a 2s .c om*/ * * @throws ConnectionException in case of connection / communication problems * @throws CommandException in case of unsuccessful commands */ private Collection<String> queryKnownAccounts(Collection<String> variousAccounts) throws ConnectionException, CommandException { final List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("SELECT external_id FROM ").append(GSQL.Tables.ACCOUNT_EXTERNAL_IDS) .append(" WHERE external_id IN ("); boolean noRealParameters = true; for (String variousAccount : variousAccounts) { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(variousAccount)) { sb.append("'").append(ACCOUNTS_PREFIX).append(variousAccount).append("', "); noRealParameters = false; } } sb.delete(sb.length() - 2, sb.length()); sb.append(");"); if (noRealParameters) { return result; } final List<String> gsqlResult = gsql(sb.toString(), ResultFormat.JSON); for (final String entry : gsqlResult) { if (isRow(entry)) { result.add( StringUtils.removeStart(JSONUtil.getString(entry, "columns.external_id"), ACCOUNTS_PREFIX)); } } return result; }
From source
@Override public void handleConfigurationUpdate(Map<String, Object> configurationParameters) throws ConfigValidationException { super.handleConfigurationUpdate(configurationParameters); try {//from w w w . ja v a 2s.c o m HomematicGateway gateway = getHomematicGateway(); HmDevice device = gateway.getDevice(UidUtils.getHomematicAddress(getThing())); for (Entry<String, Object> configurationParameter : configurationParameters.entrySet()) { String key = configurationParameter.getKey(); Object newValue = configurationParameter.getValue(); if (key.startsWith("HMP_")) { key = StringUtils.removeStart(key, "HMP_"); Integer channelNumber = NumberUtils.toInt(StringUtils.substringBefore(key, "_")); String dpName = StringUtils.substringAfter(key, "_"); HmDatapointInfo dpInfo = new HmDatapointInfo(device.getAddress(), HmParamsetType.MASTER, channelNumber, dpName); HmDatapoint dp = device.getChannel(channelNumber).getDatapoint(dpInfo); if (dp != null) { try { if (newValue != null) { if (newValue instanceof BigDecimal) { final BigDecimal decimal = (BigDecimal) newValue; if (dp.isIntegerType()) { newValue = decimal.intValue(); } else if (dp.isFloatType()) { newValue = decimal.doubleValue(); } } if (ObjectUtils.notEqual(dp.isEnumType() ? dp.getOptionValue() : dp.getValue(), newValue)) { sendDatapoint(dp, new HmDatapointConfig(), newValue); } } } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("Error setting thing property {}: {}", dpInfo, ex.getMessage()); } } else { logger.error("Can't find datapoint for thing property {}", dpInfo); } } } gateway.triggerDeviceValuesReload(device); } catch (HomematicClientException | GatewayNotAvailableException ex) { logger.error("Error setting thing properties: {}", ex.getMessage(), ex); } }
From source
/** * @return the name of listener method, to display for user. For example <code>key</code> for * <code>addKeyListener()</code>. *///from w ww . ja v a 2 s . c o m private static String _getListenerSimpleName(Method addListenerMethod) { String name = addListenerMethod.getName(); // convert into simple name name = StringUtils.removeStart(name, "set"); name = StringUtils.removeEnd(name, "Listener"); name = StringUtils.uncapitalize(name); // if become empty, use full name if (name.length() == 0) { name = addListenerMethod.getName(); } return name; }
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/** * Returns whether the given <var>style</var> is a theme. This is done by making sure the parent * is a theme./* w w w.j av a 2 s. c om*/ * * See {@link * * isTheme(ResourceValue, Map<String, ResourceValue>)} * * @param value * the style to check * @param styleMap * the map of styles for the current project. Key is the style name. * @return True if the given <var>style</var> is a theme. */ private boolean isTheme(ResourceValue value, Map<String, ResourceValue> styleMap) { String ANDROID_NS_NAME_PREFIX = "android:"; String name = value.getName(); if (value instanceof StyleResourceValue) { StyleResourceValue style = (StyleResourceValue) value; boolean frameworkStyle = false; String parentStyle = style.getParentStyle(); if (parentStyle == null) { // if there is no specified parent style we look an implied one. // For instance 'Theme.light' is implied child style of 'Theme', // and 'Theme.light.fullscreen' is implied child style of 'Theme.light' int index = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index != -1) { parentStyle = name.substring(0, index); } } else { // remove the useless @ if it's there parentStyle = StringUtils.removeStart(parentStyle, "@"); // check for framework identifier. if (parentStyle.startsWith(ANDROID_NS_NAME_PREFIX)) { frameworkStyle = true; parentStyle = parentStyle.substring(ANDROID_NS_NAME_PREFIX.length()); } // at this point we could have the format style/<name>. we want only the name if (parentStyle.startsWith("style/")) { parentStyle = parentStyle.substring("style/".length()); } } if (parentStyle != null && !frameworkStyle) { // if it's a project style, we check this is a theme. value = styleMap.get(parentStyle); if (value != null) { return isTheme(value, styleMap); } } } return name.startsWith("Theme.") || name.equals("Theme"); }
From source
/** * Removes "@id/" or "@id+/" prefixes resulting id suitable to find the View with. *///ww w. ja va 2s. c o m public static String getSimpleId(String id) { id = StringUtils.removeStart(id, NEW_ID_PREFIX); id = StringUtils.removeStart(id, ID_PREFIX); return id; }
From source
public void write(final ZipOutputStream zipStream) throws Exception { // prepare project m_project.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null); // traverse project files m_project.accept(new IResourceVisitor() { public boolean visit(IResource resource) throws CoreException { try { // skip non-local, unresolved files and files with size more than MAX_FILE_SIZE long fileSize = getResourceSize(resource); if (fileSize == 0 || fileSize > MAX_FILE_SIZE) { return true; }/* w w w. j a va2s .com*/ // skip binaries String fileExtension = resource.getFileExtension(); if (fileExtension == null || fileExtension.equalsIgnoreCase("class")) { return false; } // open stream and put it contents to zip IFile file = (IFile) resource; InputStream fileStream = file.getContents(); // remove leading slash String filePath = "project/" + StringUtils.removeStart(file.getFullPath().toPortableString(), File.separator); zipStream.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(filePath)); try { IOUtils.copy(fileStream, zipStream); } finally { zipStream.closeEntry(); IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileStream); } } catch (Throwable e) { DesignerPlugin.log(e); } return true; } }); }
From source
private static AssociationObjectFactory getAssociation_invocationChild(String associationString) { associationString = StringUtils.removeStart(associationString, "invocationChild "); Assert.isTrue(associationString.startsWith("%parent%."), "Association 'invocationChild' should start with %%parent%%., but '%s' found.", associationString); return AssociationObjectFactories.invocationChild(associationString, false); }