List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils leftPad
public static String leftPad(String str, int size, String padStr)
Left pad a String with a specified String.
From source
public static String encodeFileName(String fileName) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < fileName.length(); i++) { char c = fileName.charAt(i); if (Character.isLetter(c) || Character.isDigit(c) || c == '.' || c == ' ' || c == '-' || c == '_') { builder.append(c);/*from w w w.j a v a2 s.c o m*/ } else { builder.append("#"); builder.append(StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toHexString(c), 3, '0')); } } return builder.toString(); }
From source
@Override @Transactional//from ww w .java 2s .co m public Order transformThirdPartyOrder2OmsOrder(final OrderSearchInfo thirdPartyOrder, final OrderContext orderContext) throws Exception { final OrderIdGeneratorData orderIdGenerator = this.getPersistenceManager() .create(OrderIdGeneratorData.class); final SimpleDateFormat sf = new SimpleDateFormat(DEFAULT_GENERATE_ID_DATE_FORMAT); final String temp = sf.format(new Date()); orderContext.addProperty(DEFAULT_ORDER_ID_KEY, StringUtils.leftPad(String.valueOf(orderIdGenerator.getOrderId()), DEFAULT_ORDER_ID_LEN, DEFAULT_ORDER_ID_PLACEHOLDER) + temp); return orderTransformer.transformOrder(thirdPartyOrder, orderContext); }
From source
@Override @Transactional//from ww w . j a va 2s . co m public Order transformThirdPartyOrder2OmsOrder(final Trade thirdPartyOrder, final OrderContext orderContext) throws Exception { final OrderIdGeneratorData orderIdGenerator = this.getPersistenceManager() .create(OrderIdGeneratorData.class); final SimpleDateFormat sf = new SimpleDateFormat(DEFAULT_GENERATE_ID_DATE_FORMAT); final String temp = sf.format(new Date()); orderContext.addProperty(DEFAULT_ORDER_ID_KEY, StringUtils.leftPad(String.valueOf(orderIdGenerator.getOrderId()), DEFAULT_ORDER_ID_LEN, DEFAULT_ORDER_ID_PLACEHOLDER) + temp); return orderTransformer.transformOrder(thirdPartyOrder, orderContext); }
From source
/** * @param batchNum//from ww w . ja v a 2s. c o m * @param df * @param d * @return */ private String formatBatchName(int batchNum, DateFormat df, Date d) { String batchDateString; batchDateString = ExperimentalDesignUtils.BATCH_FACTOR_NAME_PREFIX + StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toString(batchNum), 2, "0") + "_" + df.format(DateUtils.truncate(d, Calendar.HOUR)); return batchDateString; }
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/** * Get images based on a user selection written in Irakli's format - note the latter number is inclusive (for 0-10, 11 images are selected) * @param slice//from w ww. j a va 2s . co m * @return * @throws Exception */ private ILazyDataset getImageSelection(IDataset slice) throws Exception { //append ; to fill out the dimensions for image selection String selectionString = model.getImageSelectionString(); int rank = getInputRank().equals(OperationRank.ONE) ? 1 : 2; int toAdd = background.getShape().length - rank - model.getImageSelectionString().split(";").length; if (toAdd > 0) { selectionString = StringUtils.leftPad(selectionString, toAdd + model.getImageSelectionString().length(), ";"); } int[] reshaped = Arrays.copyOf(background.getShape(), background.getShape().length - slice.getShape().length); ArrayList<int[]> sliceList = NcdDataUtils.createSliceList(selectionString, reshaped); //only get image slices, not image data ArrayList<int[]> combinations = NcdDataUtils.generateCombinations(sliceList); return getByCombinations(background.getSliceView(), combinations); }
From source
/** * // www. j ava2 s . co m * @param detectorName - name of detector e.g. Pilatus2M * @param dimension - dimension of detector * @param filename - file path to io file (processing done in this folder) * @param monitor * @throws HDF5Exception */ public void configure(String detectorName, int dimension, String filename, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws HDF5Exception { String[] tmpName = FilenameUtils.getName(filename).split("_"); monitorFile = tmpName[1]; detector = detectorName; int fapl = H5.H5Pcreate(HDF5Constants.H5P_FILE_ACCESS); H5.H5Pset_fclose_degree(fapl, HDF5Constants.H5F_CLOSE_WEAK); nxsfile_handle = H5.H5Fopen(filename, HDF5Constants.H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl); H5.H5Pclose(fapl); entry_group_id = H5.H5Gopen(nxsfile_handle, "entry1", HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); fapl = H5.H5Pcreate(HDF5Constants.H5P_FILE_ACCESS); H5.H5Pset_fclose_degree(fapl, HDF5Constants.H5F_CLOSE_WEAK); // Need to use read-only file handle to safely access // input data linked into the result file inputfile_handle = H5.H5Fopen(filename, HDF5Constants.H5F_ACC_RDONLY, fapl); H5.H5Pclose(fapl); detector_group_id = H5.H5Gopen(inputfile_handle, "entry1/" + detector, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); input_data_id = H5.H5Dopen(detector_group_id, "data", HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); boolean exists = H5.H5Lexists(detector_group_id, "errors", HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); if (exists) { input_errors_id = H5.H5Dopen(detector_group_id, "errors", HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); } input_ids = new DataSliceIdentifiers(); input_ids.setIDs(detector_group_id, input_data_id); input_errors_ids = new DataSliceIdentifiers(); input_errors_ids.setIDs(detector_group_id, input_errors_id); dim = dimension; rank = H5.H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(input_ids.dataspace_id); frames = new long[rank]; H5.H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(input_ids.dataspace_id, frames, null); frames_int = (int[]) ConvertUtils.convert(frames, int[].class); processing_group_id = NcdNexusUtils.makegroup(entry_group_id, detector + "_processing", Nexus.INST); result_group_id = NcdNexusUtils.makegroup(entry_group_id, detector + "_result", Nexus.DATA); if (firstFrame != null || lastFrame != null) { frameSelection = StringUtils.leftPad("", rank - dim - 1, ";"); if (firstFrame != null) { frameSelection += Integer.toString(firstFrame); } frameSelection += "-"; if (lastFrame != null) { frameSelection += Integer.toString(lastFrame); } frameSelection += ";"; } if (frameSelection != null) { int sel_group_id = NcdNexusUtils.makegroup(processing_group_id,, Nexus.DETECT); monitor.beginTask(monitorFile + " : Slicing Input Data", IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); LazySelection selection = new LazySelection(frames_int); selection.setFormat(frameSelection); selection.setMonitor(monitor); DataSliceIdentifiers[] obj_ids = selection.execute(dim, input_ids, input_errors_ids, sel_group_id); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { return; } monitor.done(); input_ids = obj_ids[0]; input_errors_ids = obj_ids[1]; H5.H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(input_ids.dataspace_id, frames, null); frames_int = (int[]) ConvertUtils.convert(frames, int[].class); } lazyDetectorResponse = new LazyDetectorResponse(drFile, detector); if (flags.isEnableDetectorResponse()) { lazyDetectorResponse.setDrFile(drFile); lazyDetectorResponse.configure(dimension, frames, entry_group_id, processing_group_id); } lazySectorIntegration = new LazySectorIntegration(); if (flags.isEnableSector() && dim == 2) { intSector.setAverageArea(false); lazySectorIntegration.setIntSector(intSector); if (enableMask) { lazySectorIntegration.setMask(mask); } qaxis = calculateQaxisDataset(detector, dim, secFrames, frames); if (qaxis != null) { lazySectorIntegration.setQaxis(qaxis, qaxisUnit); lazySectorIntegration.setCalibrationData(slope, intercept); lazySectorIntegration.setCameraLength(cameraLength); lazySectorIntegration.setEnergy(energy); } lazySectorIntegration.setCalculateRadial(flags.isEnableRadial()); lazySectorIntegration.setCalculateAzimuthal(flags.isEnableAzimuthal()); lazySectorIntegration.setFast(flags.isEnableFastintegration()); lazySectorIntegration.configure(dimension, frames, processing_group_id); secRank = rank - dim + 1; secFrames = lazySectorIntegration.secFrames; dimension = 1; } lazyNormalisation = new LazyNormalisation(); if (flags.isEnableNormalisation()) { lazyNormalisation.setCalibration(calibration); lazyNormalisation.setAbsScaling(absScaling); lazyNormalisation.setNormChannel(normChannel); lazyNormalisation.configure(dimension, flags.isEnableSector() ? secFrames : frames, entry_group_id, processing_group_id); } lazyBackgroundSubtraction = new LazyBackgroundSubtraction(); if (flags.isEnableBackground()) { if (qaxis != null) { lazyBackgroundSubtraction.setQaxis(qaxis, qaxisUnit); } lazyBackgroundSubtraction.setBgFile(bgFile); lazyBackgroundSubtraction.setBgDetector(bgDetector); lazyBackgroundSubtraction.setBgScale(bgScaling); lazyBackgroundSubtraction.configure(dimension, flags.isEnableSector() ? secFrames : frames, processing_group_id); lazyBackgroundSubtraction.preprocess(dimension, frames, frameBatch); } lazyInvariant = new LazyInvariant(); if (flags.isEnableInvariant()) { lazyInvariant.configure(dimension, flags.isEnableSector() ? secFrames : frames, entry_group_id, processing_group_id); } }
From source
/** * Sets the Color in this Property/* www. j a v a 2s . c om*/ * @param color Color */ public void setColor(Color color) { if (color == mDefaultColor) { setProperty(null); } else { mCachedValue = color; String value = UiUtilities.getHTMLColorCode(color) + StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toString(color.getAlpha(), 16), 2, '0'); setProperty(value); } }
From source
/** * returns a color code as used in HTML, e.g. #FF0000 for pure red * @param color// ww w.j av a 2 s . c o m * @return HTML color code */ public static String getHTMLColorCode(Color color) { return '#' + StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toString(color.getRed(), 16), 2, '0') + StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toString(color.getGreen(), 16), 2, '0') + StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toString(color.getBlue(), 16), 2, '0'); }