Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 Diamond Light Source Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import javax.measure.quantity.Energy; import javax.measure.quantity.Length; import javax.measure.unit.NonSI; import javax.measure.unit.SI; import javax.measure.unit.Unit; import ncsa.hdf.hdf5lib.H5; import ncsa.hdf.hdf5lib.HDF5Constants; import ncsa.hdf.hdf5lib.exceptions.HDF5Exception; import ncsa.hdf.hdf5lib.exceptions.HDF5LibraryException; import ncsa.hdf.hdf5lib.structs.H5L_info_t; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtils; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.MultidimensionalCounter; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import; import; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.api.dataset.SliceND; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.api.diffraction.DetectorProperties; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.api.diffraction.DiffractionCrystalEnvironment; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.api.metadata.IDiffractionMetadata; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.impl.AbstractDataset; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.impl.BooleanDataset; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.impl.Dataset; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.impl.DatasetFactory; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.impl.DatasetUtils; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.impl.IndexIterator; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.impl.IntegerDataset; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.impl.SliceIterator; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.roi.SectorROI; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.hdf5.Nexus; import org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount; import org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class LazyNcdProcessing { private boolean enableMask; private int normChannel; private String bgDetector; private Double bgScaling; private String bgFile, drFile, calibration; private SectorROI intSector; private Amount<ScatteringVectorOverDistance> slope; private Amount<ScatteringVector> intercept; private Amount<Length> cameraLength; private Amount<Energy> energy; private Unit<ScatteringVector> qaxisUnit; private BooleanDataset mask; private String detector; private CalibrationResultsBean crb; private NcdReductionFlags flags; private NcdDetectors ncdDetectors; private Double absScaling; private Integer firstFrame; private Integer lastFrame; private String frameSelection; private String gridAverage; private int frameBatch; private static ILock lock; private int cores; private long maxMemory; private int nxsfile_handle, entry_group_id, processing_group_id, detector_group_id, input_data_id, input_errors_id; private int inputfile_handle; private int result_group_id; private DataSliceIdentifiers input_ids, input_errors_ids; private String monitorFile; // Input data frames private int dim; private int rank; private long[] frames; private int[] frames_int; // Sector integrate data shapes private int secRank; private long[] secFrames; private Dataset qaxis; private LazyDetectorResponse lazyDetectorResponse; private LazySectorIntegration lazySectorIntegration; private LazyNormalisation lazyNormalisation; private LazyBackgroundSubtraction lazyBackgroundSubtraction; private LazyInvariant lazyInvariant; private LazyAverage lazyAverage; private abstract class DataReductionJob extends Job { protected DataSliceIdentifiers tmp_ids, tmp_errors_ids; protected DataSliceIdentifiers tmp_bgIds, tmp_errors_bgIds; protected SliceSettings currentSliceParams; public DataReductionJob(String name) { super(name); tmp_ids = null; tmp_errors_ids = null; tmp_bgIds = null; tmp_errors_bgIds = null; currentSliceParams = null; } } public LazyNcdProcessing() { enableMask = false; normChannel = -1; absScaling = null; bgScaling = null; bgFile = null; drFile = null; calibration = null; intSector = null; slope = null; intercept = null; cameraLength = null; energy = null; qaxisUnit = null; mask = null; crb = null; firstFrame = null; lastFrame = null; flags = new NcdReductionFlags(); ncdDetectors = new NcdDetectors(); cores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); maxMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory(); inputfile_handle = -1; nxsfile_handle = -1; entry_group_id = -1; processing_group_id = -1; detector_group_id = -1; input_data_id = -1; input_errors_id = -1; input_ids = null; input_errors_ids = null; result_group_id = -1; lock = Job.getJobManager().newLock(); qaxis = null; } public void setAbsScaling(Double absScaling) { this.absScaling = absScaling; } public void setBgScaling(Double bgScaling) { this.bgScaling = bgScaling; } public void setBgFile(String bgFile) { this.bgFile = bgFile; } public void setBgDetector(String bgDetector) { this.bgDetector = bgDetector; } public void setDrFile(String drFile) { this.drFile = drFile; } public void setEnableMask(boolean enableMask) { this.enableMask = enableMask; } public void setNormChannel(int normChannel) { this.normChannel = normChannel; } public void setCalibration(String calibration) { this.calibration = calibration; } public void setIntSector(SectorROI intSector) { this.intSector = intSector; } public void setMask(BooleanDataset mask) { this.mask = mask; } public void setCrb(CalibrationResultsBean crb) { this.crb = crb; } public void setFlags(NcdReductionFlags flags) { this.flags = new NcdReductionFlags(flags); } public void setNcdDetectors(NcdDetectors ncdDetectors) { this.ncdDetectors = new NcdDetectors(ncdDetectors); } public void setFirstFrame(Integer firstFrame) { this.firstFrame = firstFrame; } public void setLastFrame(Integer lastFrame) { this.lastFrame = lastFrame; } public void setFrameSelection(String frameSelection) { this.frameSelection = frameSelection; } public void setGridAverageSelection(String gridAverage) { this.gridAverage = gridAverage; } public void setSlope(Amount<ScatteringVectorOverDistance> slope) { this.slope = slope; } public void setIntercept(Amount<ScatteringVector> intercept) { this.intercept = intercept; } public void setCameraLength(Amount<Length> cameraLength) { this.cameraLength = cameraLength; } public void setEnergy(Amount<Energy> energy) { = energy; } public void setUnit(Unit<Length> unit) { if (unit == null) { this.qaxisUnit = null; return; } // q-axis units need to be inverse of the linear dimension units this.qaxisUnit = unit.inverse().asType(ScatteringVector.class); } /** * * @param detectorName - name of detector e.g. Pilatus2M * @param dimension - dimension of detector * @param filename - file path to io file (processing done in this folder) * @param monitor * @throws HDF5Exception */ public void configure(String detectorName, int dimension, String filename, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws HDF5Exception { String[] tmpName = FilenameUtils.getName(filename).split("_"); monitorFile = tmpName[1]; detector = detectorName; int fapl = H5.H5Pcreate(HDF5Constants.H5P_FILE_ACCESS); H5.H5Pset_fclose_degree(fapl, HDF5Constants.H5F_CLOSE_WEAK); nxsfile_handle = H5.H5Fopen(filename, HDF5Constants.H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl); H5.H5Pclose(fapl); entry_group_id = H5.H5Gopen(nxsfile_handle, "entry1", HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); fapl = H5.H5Pcreate(HDF5Constants.H5P_FILE_ACCESS); H5.H5Pset_fclose_degree(fapl, HDF5Constants.H5F_CLOSE_WEAK); // Need to use read-only file handle to safely access // input data linked into the result file inputfile_handle = H5.H5Fopen(filename, HDF5Constants.H5F_ACC_RDONLY, fapl); H5.H5Pclose(fapl); detector_group_id = H5.H5Gopen(inputfile_handle, "entry1/" + detector, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); input_data_id = H5.H5Dopen(detector_group_id, "data", HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); boolean exists = H5.H5Lexists(detector_group_id, "errors", HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); if (exists) { input_errors_id = H5.H5Dopen(detector_group_id, "errors", HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); } input_ids = new DataSliceIdentifiers(); input_ids.setIDs(detector_group_id, input_data_id); input_errors_ids = new DataSliceIdentifiers(); input_errors_ids.setIDs(detector_group_id, input_errors_id); dim = dimension; rank = H5.H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(input_ids.dataspace_id); frames = new long[rank]; H5.H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(input_ids.dataspace_id, frames, null); frames_int = (int[]) ConvertUtils.convert(frames, int[].class); processing_group_id = NcdNexusUtils.makegroup(entry_group_id, detector + "_processing", Nexus.INST); result_group_id = NcdNexusUtils.makegroup(entry_group_id, detector + "_result", Nexus.DATA); if (firstFrame != null || lastFrame != null) { frameSelection = StringUtils.leftPad("", rank - dim - 1, ";"); if (firstFrame != null) { frameSelection += Integer.toString(firstFrame); } frameSelection += "-"; if (lastFrame != null) { frameSelection += Integer.toString(lastFrame); } frameSelection += ";"; } if (frameSelection != null) { int sel_group_id = NcdNexusUtils.makegroup(processing_group_id,, Nexus.DETECT); monitor.beginTask(monitorFile + " : Slicing Input Data", IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); LazySelection selection = new LazySelection(frames_int); selection.setFormat(frameSelection); selection.setMonitor(monitor); DataSliceIdentifiers[] obj_ids = selection.execute(dim, input_ids, input_errors_ids, sel_group_id); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { return; } monitor.done(); input_ids = obj_ids[0]; input_errors_ids = obj_ids[1]; H5.H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(input_ids.dataspace_id, frames, null); frames_int = (int[]) ConvertUtils.convert(frames, int[].class); } lazyDetectorResponse = new LazyDetectorResponse(drFile, detector); if (flags.isEnableDetectorResponse()) { lazyDetectorResponse.setDrFile(drFile); lazyDetectorResponse.configure(dimension, frames, entry_group_id, processing_group_id); } lazySectorIntegration = new LazySectorIntegration(); if (flags.isEnableSector() && dim == 2) { intSector.setAverageArea(false); lazySectorIntegration.setIntSector(intSector); if (enableMask) { lazySectorIntegration.setMask(mask); } qaxis = calculateQaxisDataset(detector, dim, secFrames, frames); if (qaxis != null) { lazySectorIntegration.setQaxis(qaxis, qaxisUnit); lazySectorIntegration.setCalibrationData(slope, intercept); lazySectorIntegration.setCameraLength(cameraLength); lazySectorIntegration.setEnergy(energy); } lazySectorIntegration.setCalculateRadial(flags.isEnableRadial()); lazySectorIntegration.setCalculateAzimuthal(flags.isEnableAzimuthal()); lazySectorIntegration.setFast(flags.isEnableFastintegration()); lazySectorIntegration.configure(dimension, frames, processing_group_id); secRank = rank - dim + 1; secFrames = lazySectorIntegration.secFrames; dimension = 1; } lazyNormalisation = new LazyNormalisation(); if (flags.isEnableNormalisation()) { lazyNormalisation.setCalibration(calibration); lazyNormalisation.setAbsScaling(absScaling); lazyNormalisation.setNormChannel(normChannel); lazyNormalisation.configure(dimension, flags.isEnableSector() ? secFrames : frames, entry_group_id, processing_group_id); } lazyBackgroundSubtraction = new LazyBackgroundSubtraction(); if (flags.isEnableBackground()) { if (qaxis != null) { lazyBackgroundSubtraction.setQaxis(qaxis, qaxisUnit); } lazyBackgroundSubtraction.setBgFile(bgFile); lazyBackgroundSubtraction.setBgDetector(bgDetector); lazyBackgroundSubtraction.setBgScale(bgScaling); lazyBackgroundSubtraction.configure(dimension, flags.isEnableSector() ? secFrames : frames, processing_group_id); lazyBackgroundSubtraction.preprocess(dimension, frames, frameBatch); } lazyInvariant = new LazyInvariant(); if (flags.isEnableInvariant()) { lazyInvariant.configure(dimension, flags.isEnableSector() ? secFrames : frames, entry_group_id, processing_group_id); } } /** * * @param monitor * @throws HDF5Exception */ public void execute(final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws HDF5Exception { int sliceDim = 0; int sliceSize = (int) frames[0]; // We will slice only 2D data. 1D data is loaded into memory completely if (dim == 2) { estimateFrameBatchSize(dim, frames); // Find dimension that needs to be sliced MultidimensionalCounter dimCounter = new MultidimensionalCounter( Arrays.copyOfRange(frames_int, 0, rank - dim)); if (dimCounter.getSize() > frameBatch) { int[] sliceIdx = dimCounter.getCounts(frameBatch); for (int i = 0; i < sliceIdx.length; i++) { if (sliceIdx[i] != 0) { sliceDim = i; break; } } sliceSize = sliceIdx[sliceDim]; } } SliceSettings sliceParams = new SliceSettings(frames, sliceDim, sliceSize); int[] iter_array = Arrays.copyOfRange(frames_int, 0, sliceDim + 1); int[] start = new int[iter_array.length]; int[] step = new int[iter_array.length]; Arrays.fill(start, 0); Arrays.fill(step, 1); step[sliceDim] = sliceSize; SliceND slice = new SliceND(iter_array, null, iter_array, step); IndexIterator iter = new SliceIterator(iter_array, AbstractDataset.calcSize(iter_array), slice); if (flags.isEnableSector() && dim == 2) { ArrayList<Job> sectorJobList = new ArrayList<Job>(); ArrayList<Job> runningJobList = new ArrayList<Job>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { DataReductionJob sectorJob = new DataReductionJob("Sector Integration") { @Override protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor jobmonitor) { try { Dataset data; try { lock.acquire(); data = NcdNexusUtils.sliceInputData(currentSliceParams, tmp_ids); if (tmp_errors_ids != null) { if (tmp_errors_ids.dataset_id >= 0) { Dataset errors = NcdNexusUtils.sliceInputData(currentSliceParams, tmp_errors_ids); data.setError(errors); } else { tmp_errors_ids.setSlice(currentSliceParams); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { lock.release(); } if (flags.isEnableDetectorResponse()) { jobmonitor.setTaskName(monitorFile + " : Correct for detector response"); data = lazyDetectorResponse.execute(dim, data, currentSliceParams, lock); } jobmonitor.setTaskName(monitorFile + " : Performing sector integration"); data = lazySectorIntegration.execute(dim, data, currentSliceParams, lock)[1]; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return Status.CANCEL_STATUS; } return Status.OK_STATUS; } }; sectorJob.tmp_ids = new DataSliceIdentifiers(input_ids); sectorJob.tmp_errors_ids = new DataSliceIdentifiers(input_errors_ids); sliceParams.setStart(iter.getPos()); sectorJob.currentSliceParams = new SliceSettings(sliceParams); sectorJobList.add(sectorJob); } monitor.beginTask(monitorFile + " : Running Sector Integration Stage", sectorJobList.size()); for (Job job : sectorJobList) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) { sectorJobList.clear(); for (Job runningJob : runningJobList) { runningJob.cancel(); } break; } while (runningJobList.size() >= cores) { try { runningJobList.get(0).join(); runningJobList.remove(0); monitor.worked(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } job.schedule(); runningJobList.add(job); } for (Job job : sectorJobList) { try { job.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (monitor.isCanceled()) { return; } monitor.done(); dim = 1; rank = secRank; sliceDim = 0; sliceSize = (int) secFrames[0]; frames = secFrames; frames_int = (int[]) ConvertUtils.convert(secFrames, int[].class); sliceParams = new SliceSettings(frames, sliceDim, sliceSize); IntegerDataset idx_dataset = new IntegerDataset(new int[] { sliceSize }, new int[] { 1 }); iter = idx_dataset.getSliceIterator(new int[] { 0 }, new int[] { 1 }, new int[] { 1 }); input_ids.setIDs(lazySectorIntegration.sec_group_id, lazySectorIntegration.sec_data_id); input_errors_ids.setIDs(lazySectorIntegration.sec_group_id, lazySectorIntegration.sec_errors_id); } ArrayList<DataReductionJob> processingJobList = new ArrayList<DataReductionJob>(); ArrayList<DataReductionJob> runningJobList = new ArrayList<DataReductionJob>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { DataReductionJob processingJob = new DataReductionJob("Data Reduction") { @Override protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor jobmonitor) { try { Dataset data; int finalSliceDim = currentSliceParams.getSliceDim(); int finalSliceSize = currentSliceParams.getSliceSize(); try { lock.acquire(); data = NcdNexusUtils.sliceInputData(currentSliceParams, tmp_ids); if (tmp_errors_ids != null) { if (tmp_errors_ids.dataset_id >= 0) { Dataset errors = NcdNexusUtils.sliceInputData(currentSliceParams, tmp_errors_ids); data.setError(errors); } else { tmp_errors_ids.setSlice(currentSliceParams); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { lock.release(); } if (flags.isEnableDetectorResponse() && !flags.isEnableSector()) { jobmonitor.setTaskName(monitorFile + " : Correct for detector response"); data = lazyDetectorResponse.execute(dim, data, currentSliceParams, lock); } if (flags.isEnableNormalisation()) { jobmonitor.setTaskName(monitorFile + " : Normalising data"); data = lazyNormalisation.execute(dim, data, currentSliceParams, lock); } if (flags.isEnableBackground()) { jobmonitor.setTaskName(monitorFile + " : Subtracting background"); long[] bgFrames = lazyBackgroundSubtraction.bgFrames; int[] bgFrames_int = lazyBackgroundSubtraction.bgFrames_int; int bgSliceSize = Math.min(finalSliceSize, bgFrames_int[finalSliceDim]); int[] bgStart = new int[finalSliceDim + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= finalSliceDim; i++) { bgStart[i] = Math.min(currentSliceParams.getStart()[i], bgFrames_int[i] - 1); } SliceSettings bgSliceParams = new SliceSettings(bgFrames, finalSliceDim, bgSliceSize); bgSliceParams.setStart(bgStart); Dataset bgData = NcdNexusUtils.sliceInputData(bgSliceParams, tmp_bgIds); if (tmp_errors_bgIds != null) { if (tmp_errors_bgIds.dataset_id >= 0) { Dataset bgErrors = NcdNexusUtils.sliceInputData(bgSliceParams, tmp_errors_bgIds); bgData.setError(bgErrors); } else { tmp_errors_bgIds.setSlice(bgSliceParams); } } Dataset[] remapData = NcdDataUtils.matchDataDimensions(data, bgData); Dataset[] remapErrors = NcdDataUtils.matchDataDimensions(data.getError(), bgData.getError()); remapData[0].setError(remapErrors[0]); remapData[1].setError(remapErrors[1]); Dataset res = lazyBackgroundSubtraction.execute(dim, remapData[0], remapData[1], currentSliceParams, lock); remapData[0] = res; remapErrors[0] = res.getError(); // restore original axis order in output dataset data = DatasetUtils.transpose(remapData[0], (int[]) remapData[2].getBuffer()); data.setError( DatasetUtils.transpose(remapErrors[0], (int[]) remapErrors[2].getBuffer())); } if (flags.isEnableInvariant()) { jobmonitor.setTaskName(monitorFile + " : Calculating invariant"); SliceSettings invSliceParam = new SliceSettings(lazyInvariant.invFrames, finalSliceDim, finalSliceSize); invSliceParam.setStart(Arrays.copyOf(currentSliceParams.getStart(), finalSliceDim + 1)); lazyInvariant.execute(dim, data, invSliceParam, lock); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return Status.CANCEL_STATUS; } return Status.OK_STATUS; } }; processingJob.tmp_ids = new DataSliceIdentifiers(input_ids); processingJob.tmp_errors_ids = new DataSliceIdentifiers(input_errors_ids); sliceParams.setStart(iter.getPos()); processingJob.currentSliceParams = new SliceSettings(sliceParams); if (flags.isEnableBackground()) { processingJob.tmp_bgIds = new DataSliceIdentifiers(lazyBackgroundSubtraction.bgIds); processingJob.tmp_errors_bgIds = new DataSliceIdentifiers(lazyBackgroundSubtraction.bgErrorsIds); } processingJobList.add(processingJob); } monitor.beginTask(monitorFile + " : Running NCD Data Reduction stages", processingJobList.size()); for (DataReductionJob job : processingJobList) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) { processingJobList.clear(); for (Job runningJob : runningJobList) { runningJob.cancel(); } break; } while (runningJobList.size() >= cores) { try { runningJobList.get(0).join(); runningJobList.remove(0); monitor.worked(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } job.schedule(); runningJobList.add(job); } for (DataReductionJob job : processingJobList) { try { job.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (monitor.isCanceled()) { return; } monitor.done(); if (flags.isEnableBackground()) { input_ids.setIDs(lazyBackgroundSubtraction.bg_group_id, lazyBackgroundSubtraction.bg_data_id); input_errors_ids.setIDs(lazyBackgroundSubtraction.bg_group_id, lazyBackgroundSubtraction.bg_errors_id); } else if (flags.isEnableNormalisation()) { input_ids.setIDs(lazyNormalisation.norm_group_id, lazyNormalisation.norm_data_id); input_errors_ids.setIDs(lazyNormalisation.norm_group_id, lazyNormalisation.norm_errors_id); } else if (flags.isEnableDetectorResponse() && !flags.isEnableSector()) { input_ids.setIDs(lazyDetectorResponse.dr_group_id, lazyDetectorResponse.dr_data_id); input_errors_ids.setIDs(lazyDetectorResponse.dr_group_id, lazyDetectorResponse.dr_errors_id); } if (flags.isEnableAverage()) { monitor.beginTask(monitorFile + " : Averaging datasets", IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); int[] averageIndices = new int[] { frames.length - dim }; if (gridAverage != null) { averageIndices = NcdDataUtils.createGridAxesList(gridAverage, frames.length - dim + 1); } lazyAverage = new LazyAverage(); lazyAverage.setAverageIndices(averageIndices); lazyAverage.setMonitor(monitor); lazyAverage.configure(dim, frames_int, processing_group_id, frameBatch); lazyAverage.execute(input_ids, input_errors_ids); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { return; } if (qaxis != null) { lazyAverage.setQaxis(qaxis, qaxisUnit); lazyAverage.writeQaxisData(frames_int.length, input_ids.datagroup_id); } lazyAverage.writeNcdMetadata(input_ids.datagroup_id); monitor.done(); } H5.H5Lcopy(input_ids.datagroup_id, "./data", result_group_id, "./data", HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); if (input_errors_ids.dataset_id != -1) { H5.H5Lcopy(input_errors_ids.datagroup_id, "./errors", result_group_id, "./errors", HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); } if (qaxis != null) { H5.H5Lcopy(input_ids.datagroup_id, "./q", result_group_id, "./q", HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); if (input_errors_ids.dataset_id != -1 && qaxis.hasErrors()) { H5.H5Lcopy(input_ids.datagroup_id, "./q_errors", result_group_id, "./q_errors", HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); } } if (flags.isEnableLogLogPlot()) { SaxsPlotData plotData = new LogLogPlotData(); addPlotData(plotData, detector, qaxis); } if (flags.isEnableGuinierPlot()) { SaxsPlotData plotData = new GuinierPlotData(); addPlotData(plotData, detector, qaxis); } if (flags.isEnablePorodPlot()) { SaxsPlotData plotData = new PorodPlotData(); addPlotData(plotData, detector, qaxis); } if (flags.isEnableKratkyPlot()) { SaxsPlotData plotData = new KratkyPlotData(); addPlotData(plotData, detector, qaxis); } if (flags.isEnableZimmPlot()) { SaxsPlotData plotData = new ZimmPlotData(); addPlotData(plotData, detector, qaxis); } if (flags.isEnableDebyeBuechePlot()) { SaxsPlotData plotData = new DebyeBuechePlotData(); addPlotData(plotData, detector, qaxis); } } private void addPlotData(SaxsPlotData plotData, String detector, Dataset qaxis) throws HDF5Exception { plotData.setDetector(detector); plotData.setQaxis(qaxis, qaxisUnit); plotData.execute(entry_group_id, input_ids, input_errors_ids); } public void complete() throws HDF5LibraryException { try { if (lazyAverage != null) { lazyAverage.complete(); } } catch (HDF5LibraryException e) { throw e; } finally { List<Integer> identifiers = new ArrayList<Integer>( Arrays.asList(input_data_id, input_errors_id, detector_group_id, processing_group_id, result_group_id, entry_group_id, nxsfile_handle, inputfile_handle)); NcdNexusUtils.closeH5idList(identifiers); } } private void estimateFrameBatchSize(int dim, long[] frames) { int batchSize = 12; // use 12 byte for float data and double errors for (int i = frames.length - dim; i < frames.length; i++) { batchSize *= frames[i]; } int totalBatch = Math.max(1, (int) (maxMemory / (10 * batchSize))); if (totalBatch <= cores) { cores = totalBatch; frameBatch = 1; } else { frameBatch = totalBatch / cores; } if (!flags.isEnableSector() && dim == 2) { cores = Math.min(cores, 2); frameBatch = 1; } } private Dataset calculateQaxisDataset(String detector, int dim, long[] secFrames, long[] frames) throws HDF5LibraryException { Dataset qaxis = null; Dataset qaxisErr = null; IDiffractionMetadata dm = null; boolean hasErrors = true; H5L_info_t link_info = H5.H5Lget_info(detector_group_id, "data", HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); int[] shape = new int[] {(int) frames[frames.length - 2], (int) frames[frames.length - 1]}; if (link_info.type == HDF5Constants.H5L_TYPE_EXTERNAL) { String[] buff = new String[(int) link_info.address_val_size]; H5.H5Lget_val(detector_group_id, "data", buff, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); if (buff[1] != null) { NexusDiffractionMetaReader nexusDiffReader = new NexusDiffractionMetaReader(buff[1]); dm = nexusDiffReader.getDiffractionMetadataFromNexus(shape); if (!nexusDiffReader.isMetadataEntryRead(NexusDiffractionMetaReader.DiffractionMetaValue.BEAM_CENTRE) || !nexusDiffReader.isMetadataEntryRead(NexusDiffractionMetaReader.DiffractionMetaValue.ENERGY) || !nexusDiffReader.isMetadataEntryRead(NexusDiffractionMetaReader.DiffractionMetaValue.DISTANCE) || !nexusDiffReader.isMetadataEntryRead(NexusDiffractionMetaReader.DiffractionMetaValue.PIXEL_SIZE)) { dm = null; } } } if (crb != null && crb.containsKey(detector)) { if (slope == null) { slope = crb.getGradient(detector); } if (intercept == null) { intercept = crb.getIntercept(detector); } if (qaxisUnit == null) { setUnit(crb.getUnit(detector)); } cameraLength = crb.getMeanCameraLength(detector); } // If calibration bean is empty, we will estimate gradient and intercept values from diffraction metadata if ((slope == null || intercept == null) && dm != null) { DetectorProperties detectorProperties = dm.getDetector2DProperties(); DiffractionCrystalEnvironment crystalEnvironment = dm.getDiffractionCrystalEnvironment(); qaxisUnit = NonSI.ANGSTROM.inverse().asType(ScatteringVector.class); Unit<Length> pxUnit = ncdDetectors.getPxSaxs().getUnit(); cameraLength = Amount.valueOf(detectorProperties.getBeamCentreDistance(), SI.MILLIMETRE); Amount<Length> wv = Amount.valueOf(crystalEnvironment.getWavelength(), NonSI.ANGSTROM); energy = Constants..times(Constants.c).divide(wv).to(SI.KILO(NonSI.ELECTRON_VOLT)); slope = wv.inverse().times(2.0*Math.PI).divide(cameraLength).to(qaxisUnit.divide(pxUnit).asType(ScatteringVectorOverDistance.class)); intercept = Amount.valueOf(0.0, qaxisUnit); // Diffraction metadata currently doesn't include error estimates hasErrors = false; } if (slope != null && intercept != null) { int numPoints = (int) secFrames[secFrames.length - 1]; qaxis = DatasetFactory.zeros(new int[] { numPoints }, Dataset.FLOAT32); qaxisErr = DatasetFactory.zeros(new int[] { numPoints }, Dataset.FLOAT32); if (dim == 1) { Amount<Length> pxWaxs = ncdDetectors.getPxWaxs(); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { Amount<ScatteringVector> amountQaxis = slope.times(i).times(pxWaxs).plus(intercept).to(qaxisUnit); qaxis.set(amountQaxis.getEstimatedValue(), i); if (hasErrors) { qaxisErr.set(amountQaxis.getAbsoluteError(), i); } } } else { if (dim > 1 && flags.isEnableSector()) { double d2bs = intSector.getRadii()[0]; Amount<Length> pxSaxs = ncdDetectors.getPxSaxs(); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { Amount<ScatteringVector> amountQaxis = slope.times(i + d2bs).times(pxSaxs).plus(intercept).to(qaxisUnit); qaxis.set(amountQaxis.getEstimatedValue(), i); if (hasErrors) { qaxisErr.set(amountQaxis.getAbsoluteError(), i); } } } } if (hasErrors) { qaxis.setError(qaxisErr); } } return qaxis; } }