Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils leftPad

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils leftPad


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils leftPad.


public static String leftPad(String str, int size, String padStr) 

Source Link


Left pad a String with a specified String.


From source file:no.imr.stox.datastorage.DATRASDataStorage.java

public static void asTable(List<MissionBO> list, Integer level, Writer wr) {
    switch (level) {
    case 1://from  ww w  . j  a  v a  2 s  .c  om
        ImrIO.write(wr, ExportUtil.carrageReturnLineFeed(ExportUtil.csv("RecordType", "Quarter", "Country",
                "Ship", "Gear", "SweepLngt", "GearExp", "DoorType", "StNo", "HaulNo", "Year", "Month", "Day",
                "TimeShot", "Stratum", "HaulDur", "DayNight", "ShootLat", "ShootLong", "HaulLat", "HaulLong",
                "StatRec", "Depth", "HaulVal", "HydroStNo", "StdSpecRecCode", "BycSpecRecCode", "DataType",
                "Netopening", "Rigging", "Tickler", "Distance", "Warpingt", "Warpdia", "WarpDen", "DoorSurface",
                "DoorWgt", "DoorSpread", "WingSpread", "Buoyancy", "KiteDim", "WgtGroundRope", "TowDir",
                "GroundSpeed", "SpeedWater", "SurCurDir", "SurCurSpeed", "BotCurDir", "BotCurSpeed", "WindDir",
                "WindSpeed", "SwellDir", "SwellHeight", "SurTemp", "BotTemp", "SurSal", "BotSal", "ThermoCline",
        for (MissionBO ms : list) {
            for (FishstationBO fs : ms.getFishstationBOs()) {
                Integer sweep = getGOVSweepByEquipment(fs.bo().getGear());
                if (sweep == null) { // Sweep filter
                    // other gears have sweep == null...
                // Filter other station types that blank (vanlig)
                if (!(fs.bo().getStationtype() == null || fs.bo().getStationtype().equals(""))) {
                if (fs.bo().getStationstartdate() == null) {
                Integer year = IMRdate.getYear(fs.bo().getStationstartdate());
                Integer month = IMRdate.getMonth(fs.bo().getStationstartdate());
                Integer day = IMRdate.getDayOfMonth(fs.bo().getStationstartdate());
                Integer quarter = (month - 1) / 3 + 1;
                // Invalid also less/more than 5..90 min. og uten for 62 grader, evt kvartal.
                String haulVal = (fs.bo().getGearcondition() == null || fs.bo().getGearcondition().equals("1")
                        || fs.bo().getGearcondition().equals("2"))
                        && (fs.bo().getSamplequality() == null || fs.bo().getSamplequality().equals("0")
                                || fs.bo().getSamplequality().equals("1")) ? "V" : "I";

                ImrIO.write(wr, ExportUtil.carrageReturnLineFeed(ExportUtil.csv(// RecordType
                        // Quarter
                        // Country
                        getTSCountryByIOC(fs.bo().getNation()), //TODO reference list
                        // Ship
                        getTSShipByPlatform(fs.bo().getCatchplatform()), // TODO reference list
                        // Gear
                        "GOV", // TODO reference list
                        // SweepLngth
                        // GearExp
                        getGearExp(sweep, fs.getMission().bo().getStartyear(), fs.bo().getSerialnumber(),
                                fs.bo().getBottomdepthstart()), // TODO: S=Single, D=Double, -9 not given
                        // DoorType
                        "P", fs.bo().getSerialnumber(),
                        // HaulNo
                        // Year
                        // Month
                        // Day
                        // TimeShot
                        StringUtils.leftPad(IMRdate.formatTime(fs.bo().getStationstarttime(), "HHmm"), 4, '0'),
                        // Stratum
                        // HaulDur
                        // DayNight
                        // 15 minutes before  official sunrise, 15 min after official sunset.
                                fs.bo().getLatitudestart(), fs.bo().getLongitudestart()) ? "D" : "N",
                        // ShootLat
                        unkD(fs.bo().getLatitudestart(), "0.0000"),
                        // ShootLong
                        unkD(fs.bo().getLongitudestart(), "0.0000"),
                        // HaulLat
                        unkD(fs.bo().getLatitudeend(), "0.0000"),
                        // HaulLong
                        unkD(fs.bo().getLongitudeend(), "0.0000"),
                        // StatRec
                        AreaUnits.getFDOmrLokFromPos(fs.bo().getLatitudestart(), fs.bo().getLongitudestart()),
                        // Depth
                        // TODO stasjon : match p logg mot toktlogger 5 nm, tid.
                        // , DoorSpread, fra Biotic, Warplngth=wire, TowDir
                        // HydroStNo 
                        // StdSpecRecCode
                        // BycSpecRecCode
                        // DataType
                        "R", unkD(fs.bo().getVerticaltrawlopening(), "0.0"),
                        // Rigging
                        // Tickler
                        // Distance
                        unkO(fs.bo().getDistance() != null ? fs.bo().getDistance() * 1852 : null),
                        // Warplngt
                        unkD(fs.bo().getTrawldoorspread(), "0.0"),
                        // Tow dir
                        unkO(fs.bo().getDirection() != null ? Math.round(fs.bo().getDirection()) : null),
                        // Ground speed (speed of trawl over ground)
                        unkD((fs.bo().getVesselspeed() == null ? fs.bo().getGearflow()
                                : fs.bo().getVesselspeed()), "0.0"),
                        //Speed water

    case 2:
                ExportUtil.carrageReturnLineFeed(ExportUtil.csv("RecordType", "Quarter", "Country", "Ship",
                        "Gear", "SweepLngt", "GearExp", "DoorType", "StNo", "HaulNo", "Year", "SpecCodeType",
                        "SpecCode", "SpecVal", "Sex", "TotalNo", "CatIdentifier", "NoMeas", "SubFactor",
                        "SubWgt", "CatCatchWgt", "LngtCode", "LngtClass", "HLNoAtLngt")));
        for (MissionBO ms : list) {
            for (FishstationBO fs : ms.getFishstationBOs()) {
                Integer sweep = getGOVSweepByEquipment(fs.bo().getGear());
                if (sweep == null) { // Sweep filter
                if (fs.bo().getStationstartdate() == null) {
                Integer year = IMRdate.getYear(fs.bo().getStationstartdate());
                Integer month = IMRdate.getMonth(fs.bo().getStationstartdate());
                Integer quarter = (int) Math.ceil(month / 3.0);
                String haulVal = (fs.bo().getGearcondition() == null || fs.bo().getGearcondition().equals("1")
                        || fs.bo().getGearcondition().equals("2"))
                        && (fs.bo().getSamplequality() == null || fs.bo().getSamplequality().equals("0")
                                || fs.bo().getSamplequality().equals("1")) ? "V" : "I";

                for (CatchSampleBO s : fs.getCatchSampleBOs()) {
                    // IU: Sometimes we get null aphia
                    if (s.bo().getAphia() == null) {

                    // IU: Use aphia for comparison and add crustacean boolean
                    boolean isHerringOrSprat = s.bo().getAphia().equals("126417")
                            || s.bo().getAphia().equals("126425");

                    List<String> crustList = Arrays.asList("107275", "107276", "107369", "107253", "107703",
                            "107704", "107350", "107254", "107205", "140712", "140687", "140658");
                    boolean isCrustacean = crustList.contains(s.bo().getAphia());

                    //Double raiseFac = 60.0 / IMRdate.minutesDiffD(IMRdate.encodeLocalDateTime(fs.bo().getStationstartdate(), fs.bo().getStationstarttime()), IMRdate.encodeLocalDateTime(fs.bo().getStationstopdate(), fs.bo().getStationstoptime()));
                    MatrixBO hlNoAtLngth = new MatrixBO();
                    MatrixBO lsCountTot = new MatrixBO();

                    //Double sampleFac = s.getCatchcount().doubleValue() / s.getLengthsamplecount();
                    //if (s.getIndividualweight() == null || s.getCatchcount() == null) {
                    //    continue;
                    Integer specVal = haulVal.equals("I") ? 0
                            : s.bo().getCatchcount() != null && s.bo().getLengthsamplecount() != null
                                    && s.bo().getCatchweight() != null
                                            ? 1
                                            : s.bo().getCatchcount() != null
                                                    && s.bo().getLengthsamplecount() == null
                                                    && s.bo().getCatchweight() == null
                                                            ? 4
                                                            : s.bo().getCatchcount() == null
                                                                    && s.bo().getLengthsamplecount() == null
                                                                    && s.bo().getCatchweight() != null
                                                                            ? 6
                                                                            : s.bo().getCatchcount() != null
                                                                                    && s.bo()
                                                                                            .getLengthsamplecount() == null
                                                                                    && s.bo()
                                                                                            .getCatchweight() != null
                                                                                                    ? 7
                                                                                                    : haulVal
                                                                                                            && s.bo()
                                                                                                                    .getCatchcount() == null
                                                                                                            && s.bo()
                                                                                                                    .getLengthsamplecount() == null
                                                                                                            && s.bo()
                                                                                                                    .getCatchweight() == null
                                                                                                                            ? 5
                                                                                                                            : s.bo().getCatchcount() != null
                                                                                                                                    && s.bo()
                                                                                                                                            .getLengthsamplecount() != null
                                                                                                                                    && s.bo()
                                                                                                                                            .getCatchweight() == null
                                                                                                                                                    ? 0
                                                                                                                                                    : -9;

                    String lngtCode = s.bo().getSampletype() != null
                            ? isCrustacean ? "."/*1mm*/ : isHerringOrSprat ? "0"/*5mm*/ : "1"
                            /*1cm*/ : "-9"/*1cm*/;
                    Integer lenInterval = lngtCode.equals("0") ? 5 : 1;
                    Boolean reportInMM = !lngtCode.equals("1");

                    Double catCatchWgt = (s.bo().getCatchweight() != null ? s.bo().getCatchweight() : 0) * 1000;

                    // If weight is below 1, raise it into 1
                    if (catCatchWgt < 1 && catCatchWgt > 0) {
                        catCatchWgt = Math.ceil(catCatchWgt) * 1.0;

                    Double subWeight = (s.bo().getLengthsampleweight() != null ? s.bo().getLengthsampleweight()
                            : 0) * 1000;

                    // If weight is below 1, raise it into 1
                    if (subWeight < 1 && subWeight > 0) {
                        subWeight = Math.ceil(subWeight) * 1.0;

                    if (s.getIndividualBOs().isEmpty() || s.bo().getLengthsampleweight() == null) {
                        String lngtClass = "-9";
                        String sex = "-9";
                        hlNoAtLngth.addGroupRowColValue(s.bo().getAphia(), sex, lngtClass,
                                (s.bo().getCatchcount() != null ? s.bo().getCatchcount() : 0) * 1.0);
                        lsCountTot.addGroupRowColValue(s.bo().getAphia(), sex, lngtClass,
                                (s.bo().getLengthsamplecount() != null ? s.bo().getLengthsamplecount() : 0)
                                        * 1.0);
                    } else {
                        //if (s.bo().getlengthsampleweight() == null) {
                        //    continue;
                        Double sampleFac = s.bo().getCatchweight() / s.bo().getLengthsampleweight();
                        for (IndividualBO i : s.getIndividualBOs()) {
                            Double length = i.bo().getLength();
                            if (i.bo().getLength() == null) {
                            if (reportInMM) {
                                if (length > 0) {
                                    length *= 10;
                            } else {
                                // Some species have very small length in cm, use mm instead
                                if (length < 1) {
                                    lngtCode = ".";
                                    lenInterval = 1;
                                    length *= 10;
                                    reportInMM = true;
                            String lngtClass = "" + ImrMath.trunc(length, lenInterval.doubleValue());
                            String sex = i.bo().getSex() == null || i.bo().getSex().trim().isEmpty() ? "-9"
                                    : i.bo().getSex().equals("1") ? "F" : "M";
                            hlNoAtLngth.addGroupRowColValue(s.bo().getAphia(), sex, lngtClass, 1.0 * sampleFac);
                            lsCountTot.addGroupRowColValue(s.bo().getAphia(), sex, lngtClass, 1.0);
                    // Group Sex and Length class and report counts at catch level (raw)
                    String aphia = (String) s.bo().getAphia();
                    for (String sex : hlNoAtLngth.getGroupRowKeys(aphia)) {
                        Double totalNo = hlNoAtLngth.getGroupRowValueAsMatrix(aphia, sex).getSum();
                        Double noMeas = lsCountTot.getGroupRowValueAsMatrix(aphia, sex).getSum();
                        Double subFactor = (totalNo != 0 && noMeas != 0) ? totalNo / noMeas : -9;

                        // If subFactor == 1, we can use catCatchWgt
                        if (subFactor == 1) {
                            subWeight = catCatchWgt;

                        for (String lngtClass : hlNoAtLngth.getGroupRowColKeys(aphia, sex)) {
                            ImrIO.write(wr, ExportUtil.carrageReturnLineFeed(ExportUtil.csv("HL", quarter,
                                    getTSShipByPlatform(fs.bo().getCatchplatform()), "GOV", sweep, "S", "P",
                                    fs.bo().getSerialnumber(), fs.bo().getStation(), year, "W", // Worms
                                    aphia, specVal, sex, totalNo == 0 ? -9 : unkD(totalNo, "0.00"), // n per Hour
                                    s.bo().getCatchpartnumber(), //CatIdentifier
                                    noMeas == 0 ? -9 : Math.round(noMeas), // n measured as individual
                                    unkD(subFactor, "0.0000"), // SubFactor
                                    subWeight == 0 ? -9 : Math.round(subWeight),
                                    catCatchWgt == 0 ? -9 : Math.round(catCatchWgt), /* g */
                                    lngtCode, lngtClass,
                                    lsCountTot.getGroupRowColValueAsDouble(aphia, sex, lngtClass) > 0 ? unkD(
                                            lsCountTot.getGroupRowColValueAsDouble(aphia, sex, lngtClass),
                                            "0.00") : -9.00)));

    case 3:
                ExportUtil.carrageReturnLineFeed(ExportUtil.csv("RecordType", "Quarter", "Country", "Ship",
                        "Gear", "SweepLngt", "GearExp", "DoorType", "StNo", "HaulNo", "Year", "SpecCodeType",
                        "SpecCode", "AreaType", "AreaCode", "LngtCode", "LngtClass", "Sex", "Maturity",
                        "PlusGr", "AgeRings", "CANoAtLngt", "IndWgt")));
        for (MissionBO ms : list) {
            for (FishstationBO fs : ms.getFishstationBOs()) {
                Integer sweep = getGOVSweepByEquipment(fs.bo().getGear());
                if (sweep == null) { // Sweep filter
                if (fs.bo().getStationstartdate() == null) {
                Integer year = IMRdate.getYear(fs.bo().getStationstartdate());
                Integer month = IMRdate.getMonth(fs.bo().getStationstartdate());
                Integer quarter = (int) Math.ceil(month / 3.0);
                String areaLoc = fs.bo().getArea() != null && fs.bo().getLocation() != null
                        ? fs.bo().getArea() + fs.bo().getLocation()
                        : "";

                for (CatchSampleBO s : fs.getCatchSampleBOs()) {
                    // IU: Sometimes we get null aphia
                    if (s.bo().getAphia() == null) {
                    // IU: Use aphia for comparison and add crustacean boolean
                    boolean isHerringOrSprat = s.bo().getAphia().equals("126417")
                            || s.bo().getAphia().equals("126425");

                    List<String> crustList = Arrays.asList("107275", "107276", "107369", "107253", "107703",
                            "107704", "107350", "107254", "107205", "140712", "140687", "140658");
                    boolean isCrustacean = crustList.contains(s.bo().getAphia());

                    if (s.getIndividualBOs().isEmpty()) {
                    MatrixBO nInd = new MatrixBO();
                    MatrixBO nWithWeight = new MatrixBO();
                    MatrixBO totWeight = new MatrixBO();
                    String lngtCode = s.bo().getSampletype() != null
                            ? isCrustacean ? "."/*1mm*/ : isHerringOrSprat ? "0"/*5mm*/ : "1"
                            /*1cm*/ : "-9"/*1cm*/;
                    Integer lenInterval = lngtCode.equals("0") ? 5 : 1;
                    Boolean reportInMM = !lngtCode.equals("1");
                    for (IndividualBO i : s.getIndividualBOs()) {
                        Double length = i.bo().getLength();
                        if (i.bo().getLength() == null) {
                        if (reportInMM) {
                            if (length > 0) {
                                length *= 10;
                        } else {
                            // Some species have very small length in cm, use mm instead
                            if (length < 1) {
                                lngtCode = ".";
                                lenInterval = 1;
                                length *= 10;
                                reportInMM = true;
                        String lngtClass = "" + ImrMath.trunc(length, lenInterval.doubleValue());
                        String sex = i.bo().getSex() == null || i.bo().getSex().trim().isEmpty() ? "-9"
                                : i.bo().getSex().equals("1") ? "F" : "M";
                        String maturity = getDATRASMaturity(i);
                        String age = i.getAge() != null ? i.getAge() + "" : "-9";
                        nInd.addGroupRowColCellValue(lngtClass, sex, maturity, age, 1.0);
                        if (i.bo().getIndividualweight()/*g*/ != null) {
                            nWithWeight.addGroupRowColCellValue(lngtClass, sex, maturity, age, 1.0);
                            totWeight.addGroupRowColCellValue(lngtClass, sex, maturity, age,
                    // Group Length class - Sex - Maturity - Age and report meanweight and category count at individual level
                    for (String lngtClass : nInd.getKeys()) {
                        for (String sex : nInd.getGroupRowKeys(lngtClass)) {
                            for (String maturity : nInd.getGroupRowColKeys(lngtClass, sex)) {
                                for (String age : nInd.getGroupRowColCellKeys(lngtClass, sex, maturity)) {
                                    Long n = Math.round(nInd.getGroupRowColCellValueAsDouble(lngtClass, sex,
                                            maturity, age));
                                    Double nWithW = nWithWeight.getGroupRowColCellValueAsDouble(lngtClass, sex,
                                            maturity, age);
                                    Double totW = totWeight.getGroupRowColCellValueAsDouble(lngtClass, sex,
                                            maturity, age);
                                    Double meanW = null;
                                    if (nWithW != null) {
                                        meanW = totW / nWithW;
                                    ImrIO.write(wr, ExportUtil.carrageReturnLineFeed(ExportUtil.csv("CA",
                                            quarter, getTSCountryByIOC(fs.bo().getNation()),
                                            getTSShipByPlatform(fs.bo().getCatchplatform()), "GOV", sweep, "S",
                                            "P", fs.bo().getSerialnumber(), fs.bo().getStation(), year, "W", // Worms
                                            s.bo().getAphia(), 0, areaLoc, lngtCode, lngtClass, sex, maturity,
                                            -9, age, n, unkD(meanW, "0.0"))));

From source file:no.imr.stox.functions.acoustic.PgNapesIO.java

public static void export2(String cruise, String country, String callSignal, String path, String fileName,
        List<DistanceBO> distances, Double groupThickness, Integer freqFilter, String specFilter,
        boolean withZeros) {
    Set<Integer> freqs = distances.stream().flatMap(dist -> dist.getFrequencies().stream())
    if (freqFilter == null && freqs.size() == 1) {
        freqFilter = freqs.iterator().next();
    }/*from w w  w .j av a2s .  c om*/

    if (freqFilter == null) {
        System.out.println("Multiple frequencies, specify frequency filter as parameter");
    Integer freqFilterF = freqFilter; // ef.final
    List<String> acList = distances.parallelStream().flatMap(dist -> dist.getFrequencies().stream())
            .filter(fr -> freqFilterF.equals(fr.getFreq())).map(f -> {
                DistanceBO d = f.getDistanceBO();
                LocalDateTime sdt = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(d.getStart_time().toInstant(), ZoneOffset.UTC);
                Double intDist = d.getIntegrator_dist();
                String month = StringUtils.leftPad(sdt.getMonthValue() + "", 2, "0");
                String day = StringUtils.leftPad(sdt.getDayOfMonth() + "", 2, "0");
                String hour = StringUtils.leftPad(sdt.getHour() + "", 2, "0");
                String minute = StringUtils.leftPad(sdt.getMinute() + "", 2, "0");
                String log = Conversion.formatDoubletoDecimalString(d.getLog_start(), "0.0");
                String acLat = Conversion.formatDoubletoDecimalString(d.getLat_start(), "0.000");
                String acLon = Conversion.formatDoubletoDecimalString(d.getLon_start(), "0.000");
                return Stream
                        .of(d.getNation(), d.getPlatform(), d.getCruise(), log, sdt.getYear(), month, day, hour,
                                minute, acLat, acLon, intDist, f.getFreq(), f.getThreshold())
                        .map(o -> o == null ? "" : o.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining("\t")) + "\t";
    String fil1 = path + "/" + fileName + ".txt";
    acList.add(0, Stream.of("Country", "Vessel", "Cruise", "Log", "Year", "Month", "Day", "Hour", "Min",
            "AcLat", "AcLon", "Logint", "Frequency", "Sv_threshold").collect(Collectors.joining("\t")));
    try {
        Files.write(Paths.get(fil1), acList, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(PgNapesIO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    // Acoustic values
    distances.stream().filter(d -> d.getPel_ch_thickness() != null)
            .flatMap(dist -> dist.getFrequencies().stream()).filter(fr -> freqFilterF.equals(fr.getFreq()))
            .forEachOrdered(f -> {
                try {
                    Double groupThicknessF = Math.max(f.getDistanceBO().getPel_ch_thickness(), groupThickness);
                    Map<String, Map<Integer, Double>> pivot = f.getSa().stream()
                            .filter(s -> s.getCh_type().equals("P")).map(s -> new SAGroup(s, groupThicknessF))
                            .filter(s -> s.getSpecies() != null
                                    && (specFilter == null || specFilter.equals(s.getSpecies())))
                            // create pivot table: species (dim1) -> depth interval index (dim2) -> sum sa (group aggregator)
                            .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(SAGroup::getSpecies, Collectors.groupingBy(
                                    SAGroup::getDepthGroupIdx, Collectors.summingDouble(SAGroup::sa))));
                    if (pivot.isEmpty() && specFilter != null && withZeros) {
                        pivot.put(specFilter, new HashMap<>());
                    Integer maxGroupIdx = pivot.entrySet().stream().flatMap(e -> e.getValue().keySet().stream())
                    if (maxGroupIdx == null) {
                            .flatMap(e -> {
                                return IntStream.range(0, maxGroupIdx + 1).boxed().map(groupIdx -> {
                                    Double chUpDepth = groupIdx * groupThicknessF;
                                    Double chLowDepth = (groupIdx + 1) * groupThicknessF;
                                    Double sa = e.getValue().get(groupIdx);
                                    if (sa == null) {
                                        sa = 0d;
                                    String res = null;
                                    if (withZeros || sa > 0d) {
                                        DistanceBO d = f.getDistanceBO();
                                        String log = Conversion.formatDoubletoDecimalString(d.getLog_start(),
                                        LocalDateTime sdt = LocalDateTime
                                                .ofInstant(d.getStart_time().toInstant(), ZoneOffset.UTC);
                                        String month = StringUtils.leftPad(sdt.getMonthValue() + "", 2, "0");
                                        String day = StringUtils.leftPad(sdt.getDayOfMonth() + "", 2, "0");
                                        //String sas = String.format(Locale.UK, "%11.5f", sa);
                                        res = Stream
                                                .of(d.getNation(), d.getPlatform(), d.getCruise(), log,
                                                        sdt.getYear(), month, day, e.getKey(), chUpDepth,
                                                        chLowDepth, sa)
                                                .map(o -> o == null ? "" : o.toString())
                                    return res;
                                }).filter(s -> s != null);
                } catch (Exception e) {

    String fil2 = path + "/" + fileName + "Values.txt";
    acList.add(0, Stream.of("Country", "Vessel", "Cruise", "Log", "Year", "Month", "Day", "Species",
            "ChUppDepth", "ChLowDepth", "SA").collect(Collectors.joining("\t")));
    try {
        Files.write(Paths.get(fil2), acList, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(PgNapesIO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

From source file:nu.yona.server.crypto.CryptoUtil.java

public static String getRandomDigits(int length) {
    SecureRandom random = CryptoUtil.getSecureRandomInstance();
    return StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toString(random.nextInt((int) Math.pow(10, length))), length, '0');

From source file:org.alfresco.module.org_alfresco_module_rm.freeze.FreezeServiceImpl.java

 * Creates a hold using the given nodeRef and reason
 * @param nodeRef the nodeRef which will be frozen
 * @param reason the reason why the record will be frozen
 * @return NodeRef of the created hold//ww w .  ja va2s .  co  m
private NodeRef createHold(NodeRef nodeRef, String reason) {
    // get the hold container
    final NodeRef filePlan = getFilePlanService().getFilePlan(nodeRef);
    NodeRef holdContainer = getFilePlanService().getHoldContainer(filePlan);

    // calculate the hold name
    int nextCount = getNextCount(holdContainer);
    String holdName = I18NUtil.getMessage(MSG_HOLD_NAME) + " "
            + StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toString(nextCount), 10, "0");

    // create hold
    return getHoldService().createHold(filePlan, holdName, reason, null);

From source file:org.alfresco.module.org_alfresco_module_rm.transfer.TransferServiceImpl.java

 * @see org.alfresco.module.org_alfresco_module_rm.transfer.TransferService#transfer(NodeRef, boolean)
 *///from w  ww.  ja v a 2s  .com
public NodeRef transfer(NodeRef nodeRef, boolean isAccession) {
    ParameterCheck.mandatory("nodeRef", nodeRef);

    // Get the root rm node
    NodeRef root = filePlanService.getFilePlan(nodeRef);

    // Get the transfer object
    NodeRef transferNodeRef = (NodeRef) AlfrescoTransactionSupport.getResource(KEY_TRANSFER_NODEREF);
    if (transferNodeRef == null) {
        // Calculate a transfer name
        QName nodeDbid = QName.createQName(NamespaceService.SYSTEM_MODEL_1_0_URI, "node-dbid");
        Long dbId = (Long) nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, nodeDbid);
        String transferName = StringUtils.leftPad(dbId.toString(), 10, "0");

        // Create the transfer object
        Map<QName, Serializable> transferProps = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(2);
        transferProps.put(ContentModel.PROP_NAME, transferName);
        transferProps.put(PROP_TRANSFER_ACCESSION_INDICATOR, isAccession);

        // setup location property from disposition schedule
        DispositionAction da = dispositionService.getNextDispositionAction(nodeRef);
        if (da != null) {
            DispositionActionDefinition actionDef = da.getDispositionActionDefinition();
            if (actionDef != null) {
                transferProps.put(PROP_TRANSFER_LOCATION, actionDef.getLocation());

        NodeRef transferContainer = filePlanService.getTransferContainer(root);
        transferNodeRef = nodeService.createNode(transferContainer, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS,
                QName.createQName(RM_URI, transferName), TYPE_TRANSFER, transferProps).getChildRef();

        // Bind the hold node reference to the transaction
        AlfrescoTransactionSupport.bindResource(KEY_TRANSFER_NODEREF, transferNodeRef);
    } else {
        // ensure this node has not already in the process of being transferred
        List<ChildAssociationRef> transferredAlready = nodeService.getChildAssocs(transferNodeRef,
        for (ChildAssociationRef car : transferredAlready) {
            if (car.getChildRef().equals(nodeRef)) {
                throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException(
                        I18NUtil.getMessage(MSG_NODE_ALREADY_TRANSFER, nodeRef.toString()));


    // Link the record to the trasnfer object
    nodeService.addChild(transferNodeRef, nodeRef, ASSOC_TRANSFERRED, ASSOC_TRANSFERRED);

    // Set PDF indicator flag
    setPDFIndicationFlag(transferNodeRef, nodeRef);

    // Set the transferring indicator aspect
    nodeService.addAspect(nodeRef, ASPECT_TRANSFERRING, null);
    if (isRecordFolder(nodeRef)) {
        // add the transferring indicator aspect to all the child records
        for (NodeRef record : recordService.getRecords(nodeRef)) {
            nodeService.addAspect(record, ASPECT_TRANSFERRING, null);

    return transferNodeRef;

From source file:org.alfresco.repo.virtual.ref.NodeRefRadixHasher.java

public NodeRef lookup(Pair<String, String> hash) {
    String storeHash = hash.getFirst();
    String storeProtocolHash = storeHash.substring(0, 1);
    String storeIdHash = storeHash.substring(1, 2);

    String storeProtocol = storeProtocolStore.lookup(storeProtocolHash);
    String storeId = storeIdStore.lookup(storeIdHash);
    if (storeProtocol == null || storeId == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Lookup found no protocol or id for " + storeHash);
    }/*from   w  w w . j  a  v a 2  s  .  co  m*/
    BigInteger nodeId = new BigInteger(hash.getSecond(), radix);
    String nodeIdHexa = nodeId.toString(16);
    nodeIdHexa = StringUtils.leftPad(nodeIdHexa, 32, "0");
    int leadZeros = 32 - nodeIdHexa.length();
    if (leadZeros > 0) {
    String groups[] = new String[5];
    groups[0] = nodeIdHexa.substring(0, 8);
    groups[1] = nodeIdHexa.substring(8, 12);
    groups[2] = nodeIdHexa.substring(12, 16);
    groups[3] = nodeIdHexa.substring(16, 20);
    groups[4] = nodeIdHexa.substring(20, 32);
    StringBuilder idBuilder = new StringBuilder(groups[0]);
    for (int i = 1; i < groups.length; i++) {
    return new NodeRef(storeProtocol, storeId, idBuilder.toString());

From source file:org.alfresco.test.wqs.web.blog.BlogComponent.java

@Test(groups = { "WQS" })
public void AONE_5679() throws Exception {

    String visitorName = "name" + getTestName();
    String visitorEmail = getTestName() + "@" + DOMAIN_FREE;
    String visitorWebsite = "website " + getTestName();
    String visitorComment = "Comment by " + visitorName;

    // ---- Step 1 ----
    // ---- Step action ----
    // Navigate to http://host:8080/wcmqs
    // ---- Expected results ----
    // Sample site is opened;

    navigateTo(wqsURL);//from  w  w w. j  a  v  a 2s  .  com

    // ---- Step 2 ----
    // ---- Step action ----
    // Open any blog post;
    // ---- Expected results ----
    // Blog post is opened;

    WcmqsHomePage homePage = new WcmqsHomePage(drone);
    WcmqsBlogPage blogPage = new WcmqsBlogPage(drone);
    WcmqsBlogPostPage wcmqsBlogPostPage = new WcmqsBlogPostPage(drone);

    // ---- Step 3 ----
    // ---- Step action ----
    // Enter too long data(more 1024 characters) in Name field;
    // ---- Expected results ----
    // Data successfully entered;

    // TODO : Test CASE Steps needs to be updated since the data you enter
    // is automatically truncated to 70 chars
    wcmqsBlogPostPage.setVisitorName(visitorName + StringUtils.leftPad("test", 1100, 'a'));
    assertThat("Check if the number of entered chars is 70", wcmqsBlogPostPage.getVisitorName().length(),

    // ---- Step 4 ----
    // ---- Step action ----
    // Fill other fields with correct data and click Post button;
    // ---- Expected results ----
    // You should be able to post succesfully;

    assertThat("Posting was succesfull", wcmqsBlogPostPage.isAddCommentMessageDisplay());

    // ---- Step 5 ----
    // ---- Step action ----
    // Open any blog post again;
    // ---- Expected results ----
    // Blog post is opened;

    homePage = new WcmqsHomePage(drone);
    blogPage = new WcmqsBlogPage(drone);

    assertThat("Verify if the correct page opened ", blogPage.getTitle(),

    // ---- Step 6 ----
    // ---- Step action ----
    // Enter too long data(more 1024 characters) in Email field;
    // ---- Expected results ----
    // Data successfully entered;

    // TODO : Test CASE Steps needs to be updated since the data you enter
    // is automatically truncated to 100 chars
    wcmqsBlogPostPage.setVisitorEmail(visitorEmail + StringUtils.leftPad("test", 1100, 'a'));
    assertThat("Check if the number of entered chars is 100", wcmqsBlogPostPage.getVisitorEmail().length(),

    // ---- Step 7 ----
    // ---- Step action ----
    // Fill other fields with correct data and click Post button;
    // ---- Expected results ----
    // Comment is displayed, Email's field data is restricted to 101
    // symbols;

    assertThat("Posting was succesfull", wcmqsBlogPostPage.isAddCommentMessageDisplay());

    // ---- Step 8 ----
    // ---- Step action ----
    // Open any blog post again;
    // ---- Expected results ----
    // Blog post is opened;

    homePage = new WcmqsHomePage(drone);
    blogPage = new WcmqsBlogPage(drone);

    assertThat("Verify if the correct page opened ", blogPage.getTitle(),

    // ---- Step 9 ----
    // ---- Step action ----
    // Enter too long data(more 1024 characters) in Website field;
    // ---- Expected results ----
    // Data successfully entered;

    // TODO : Test CASE Steps needs to be updated since the data you enter
    // is automatically truncated to 101 chars
    wcmqsBlogPostPage.setVisitorWebsite(visitorWebsite + StringUtils.leftPad("test", 1100, 'a'));
    assertThat("Check if the number of entered chars is 100", wcmqsBlogPostPage.getVisitorWebsite().length(),

    // ---- Step 10 ----
    // ---- Step action ----
    // Fill other fields with correct data and click Post button;
    // ---- Expected results ----
    // Comment is displayed, Website's field data is restricted to 101
    // symbols;

    assertThat("Posting was succesfull", wcmqsBlogPostPage.isAddCommentMessageDisplay());


From source file:org.apache.accumulo.monitor.rest.trace.TracesResource.java

protected Range getRangeForTrace(long minutesSince) {
    long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long millisSince = minutesSince * 60 * 1000;
    // Catch the overflow
    if (millisSince < minutesSince) {
        millisSince = endTime;//from   ww  w.ja v  a  2 s . c  o  m
    long startTime = endTime - millisSince;

    String startHexTime = Long.toHexString(startTime), endHexTime = Long.toHexString(endTime);
    if (startHexTime.length() < endHexTime.length()) {
        StringUtils.leftPad(startHexTime, endHexTime.length(), '0');

    return new Range(new Text("start:" + startHexTime), new Text("start:" + endHexTime));

From source file:org.apache.axis2.transport.testkit.ManagedTestSuite.java

public void addTest(Test test) {
    if (test instanceof ManagedTestCase) {
        ManagedTestCase ttest = (ManagedTestCase) test;
        Map<String, String> map = ttest.getNameComponents();
        boolean excluded = false;
        for (FilterExpression exclude : excludes) {
            if (exclude.matches(map)) {
                excluded = true;// www  .  jav a  2s.c  om
        if (excluded != invertExcludes) {
        ttest.init(StringUtils.leftPad(String.valueOf(nextId++), 4, '0'), reuseResources, testClass);

From source file:org.apache.axis2.transport.testkit.util.LogManager.java

public synchronized OutputStream createLog(String name) throws IOException {
    testCaseDir.mkdirs();//from  w  w  w  .j  av a2 s.  c o  m
    OutputStream log = new FileOutputStream(new File(testCaseDir,
            StringUtils.leftPad(String.valueOf(sequence++), 2, '0') + "-" + name + ".log"));
    return log;