List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils leftPad
public static String leftPad(String str, int size, String padStr)
Left pad a String with a specified String.
From source
/** * Calculate the second checksum on the input string and return the * input string with the checksum appended. * //from ww w. j av a 2 s . co m * @param input * String representing a nikobus command. * @return input string + CRC. */ public static String appendCRC2(String input) { int check = 0; for (byte b : input.getBytes()) { check = check ^ b; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (((check & 0xff) >> 7) != 0) { check = check << 1; check = check ^ 0x99; } else { check = check << 1; } check = check & 0xff; } } return input + StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toHexString(check), 2, "0").toUpperCase(); }
From source
/** * Try all 256 possible combinations for a checksum until one is found which * works. If no match is found, a second attempt done is but during this * attempt, commands will be sent slower. * /*from w ww .j av a 2 s.c om*/ * @param command * command for which to find the checksum * @param expectedAck * ACK expected from Nikobus which indicates a valid command was * sent. * @return true if command was found */ private boolean guessChecksum(String command, String expectedAck) { String checksum = cache.get(command); if (checksum != null) { if (type == AnalysisType.VERIFY) { return verifyChecksum(command, checksum, expectedAck); } else { return true; } } else { if (type != AnalysisType.GUESS) { return false; } } long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean found = false; int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { // send 10 commands/second to try and locate the correct checksum checksum = StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toHexString(i).toUpperCase(), 2, "0"); try { binding.sendCommand(new NikobusCommand(command + checksum, expectedAck, 100)); // if we get here, we got a async positive response // to one of the last commands sent."Found possible match."); break; } catch (Exception e) { // no match found, move on to next one.. } } for (int j = i - 5; j <= i; j++) { // slow down search to find the exact match checksum = StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toHexString(j).toUpperCase(), 2, "0"); try { binding.sendCommand(new NikobusCommand(command + checksum, expectedAck, 400));"Found checksum in {} ms using {} attempts.", (System.currentTimeMillis() - start), (i + j + 1)); cache.put(command, checksum); found = true; break; } catch (Exception e) { // no match found, move on to next one.. } } if (!found) { log.error("Could not determine checksum for {}", command); } return found; }
From source
/** * Send the incoming command to the appropriate handler and channel. * * @param moduleAddress/* w w w . j a v a 2s. co m*/ * @param channel * @param cmd * @param rcvCrc */ private void handleIncomingCommand(byte moduleAddress, int channel, byte[] cmd) { ThingUID uid = PHCHelper.getThingUIDreverse(PHCBindingConstants.THING_TYPE_EM, moduleAddress); Thing thing = getThingByUID(uid); String channelId = "em#" + StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toString(channel), 2, '0'); if (thing != null) { OnOffType state = OnOffType.OFF; if ((cmd[0] & 0x0F) == 2) { state = OnOffType.ON; } logger.debug("{}, {}", thing.getUID(), state); ((PHCHandler) thing.getHandler()).handleIncoming(channelId, state); } else {"No Thing with UID {} available.", uid.getAsString()); } }
From source
/** * Get the ThingUID by the given parameters. * * @param thingTypeUID// w ww . j av a 2 s . co m * @param moduleAddr reverse (to the reverse address - DIP switches) * @return */ public static ThingUID getThingUIDreverse(ThingTypeUID thingTypeUID, byte moduleAddr) { // convert to 5-bit binary string and reverse in second step String thingID = StringUtils.leftPad(StringUtils.trim(Integer.toBinaryString(moduleAddr & 0xFF)), 5, '0'); thingID = new StringBuilder(thingID).reverse().toString(); ThingUID thingUID = new ThingUID(thingTypeUID, thingID); return thingUID; }
From source
/** * Convert the byte b into an binary String * * @param b/*from w w w . j av a 2 s. co m*/ * @return */ public static Object byteToBinaryString(byte b) { return StringUtils.leftPad(StringUtils.trim(Integer.toBinaryString(b & 0xFF)), 8, '0') + " "; }
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private String toHex(int value) { String hex = Integer.toHexString(value); return StringUtils.leftPad(hex, 2, '0'); }
From source
public TreeMap<String, Serializable> convertTo(String[] formats, String[] fields, String nullValues[], String[] values, char separator) { TreeMap<String, Serializable> streamElement = new TreeMap<String, Serializable>( new CaseInsensitiveComparator()); for (String field : fields) { streamElement.put(field, null);/*from ww w.j ava 2 s . com*/ } HashMap<String, String> timeStampFormats = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(fields.length, values.length); i++) { if (isNull(nullValues, values[i])) { continue; } else if (formats[i].equalsIgnoreCase("numeric")) { try { streamElement.put(fields[i], Double.parseDouble(values[i])); } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Parsing to Numeric fails: Value to parse=" + values[i]); throw e; } } else if (formats[i].equalsIgnoreCase("string")) { streamElement.put(fields[i], values[i]); } else if (isTimeStampFormat(formats[i])) { String value = ""; String format = ""; if (streamElement.get(fields[i]) != null) { value = (String) streamElement.get(fields[i]); format = timeStampFormats.get(fields[i]); value += separator; format += separator; } if (isTimeStampLeftPaddedFormat(formats[i])) values[i] = StringUtils.leftPad(values[i], getTimeStampFormat(formats[i]).length(), '0'); value += values[i]; format += getTimeStampFormat(formats[i]); streamElement.put(fields[i], value); timeStampFormats.put(fields[i], format); } } for (String timeField : timeStampFormats.keySet()) { String timeFormat = timeStampFormats.get(timeField); String timeValue = (String) streamElement.get(timeField); try { DateTime x = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(timeFormat).withZone(getTimeZone()).parseDateTime(timeValue); streamElement.put(timeField, x.getMillis()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { logger.error("Parsing error: TimeFormat=" + timeFormat + " , TimeValue=" + timeValue); logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } } return streamElement; }
From source
private static void handleRightAdjust(TerminalSendAction terminalSendAction) { List<TerminalField> fields = terminalSendAction.getFields(); for (TerminalField terminalField : fields) { if (terminalField.getRightAdjust() != RightAdjust.NONE) { if (terminalField.getLength() > terminalField.getValue().length()) { String fillerChar = terminalField.getRightAdjust() == RightAdjust.ZERO_FILL ? "0" : " "; String newValue = null; if (terminalField.isRightToLeft()) { newValue = StringUtils.rightPad(terminalField.getValue(), terminalField.getLength(), fillerChar); } else { newValue = StringUtils.leftPad(terminalField.getValue(), terminalField.getLength(), fillerChar); }/*ww w . j a v a2 s .c om*/ terminalField.setValue(newValue); } } } }
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@Override public void ensureAccessionNumberAssignedTo(Order order) { if (order.getAccessionNumber() == null) { String accessionNumber = new LuhnMod10IdentifierValidator() .getValidIdentifier(order.getOrderId().toString()); accessionNumber = StringUtils.leftPad(accessionNumber, 10, "0"); // pad the accession number to 10 digits order.setAccessionNumber(accessionNumber); }/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s. co m*/ }
From source
@Override public String formatForeignSource(String foreignSource) { return "Store" + StringUtils.leftPad(foreignSource, 4, '0'); }