List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils equalsIgnoreCase
public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String str1, String str2)
Compares two Strings, returning true
if they are equal ignoring the case.
From source
/** * In this method, beans are generated (either created or updated) according to values in CSV file. * * @throws eionet.meta.service.ServiceException * if there is the input is invalid *//* ww w.j a va2 s . c o m*/ public void generateUpdatedBeans() throws ServiceException { // content. CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(this.content); DateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); try { String[] header = reader.readNext(); // first check if headers contains fix columns String[] fixedHeaders = new String[VocabularyCSVOutputHelper.CONCEPT_ENTRIES_COUNT]; VocabularyCSVOutputHelper.addFixedEntryHeaders(fixedHeaders); // compare if it has URI boolean isEqual = StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(header[VocabularyCSVOutputHelper.URI_INDEX], fixedHeaders[VocabularyCSVOutputHelper.URI_INDEX]); if (!isEqual) { reader.close(); throw new ServiceException("Missing header! CSV file should start with header: '" + fixedHeaders[VocabularyCSVOutputHelper.URI_INDEX] + "'"); } List<String> fixedHeadersList = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOf(fixedHeaders, VocabularyCSVOutputHelper.CONCEPT_ENTRIES_COUNT))); // remove uri from header fixedHeadersList.remove(VocabularyCSVOutputHelper.URI_INDEX); Map<String, Integer> fixedHeaderIndices = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (int i = VocabularyCSVOutputHelper.URI_INDEX + 1; i < header.length; i++) { String elementHeader = StringUtils.trimToNull(header[i]); if (StringUtils.isBlank(elementHeader)) { throw new ServiceException("Header for column (" + (i + 1) + ") is empty!"); } int headerIndex = -1; boolean headerFound = false; for (headerIndex = 0; headerIndex < fixedHeadersList.size(); headerIndex++) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(elementHeader, fixedHeadersList.get(headerIndex))) { headerFound = true; break; } } // if it is a fixed header value (concept property), add to map and continue if (headerFound) { String headerValue = fixedHeadersList.remove(headerIndex); fixedHeaderIndices.put(headerValue, i); continue; } // it is not a concept attribute and but a data element identifier // if there is language appended, split it String[] tempStrArray = elementHeader.split("[@]"); if (tempStrArray.length == 2) { elementHeader = tempStrArray[0]; } // if bound elements do not contain header already, add it (if possible) if (!this.boundElementsIds.containsKey(elementHeader)) { // search for data element this.elementsFilter.setIdentifier(elementHeader); DataElementsResult elementsResult = this.dataService.searchDataElements(this.elementsFilter); // if there is one and only one element check if header and identifer exactly matches! if (elementsResult.getTotalResults() < 1) { throw new ServiceException("Cannot find any data element for column: " + elementHeader + ". Please bind element manually then upload CSV."); } else if (elementsResult.getTotalResults() > 1) { throw new ServiceException("Cannot find single data element for column: " + elementHeader + ". Search returns: " + elementsResult.getTotalResults() + " elements. Please bind element manually then upload CSV."); } else { DataElement elem = elementsResult.getDataElements().get(0); if (StringUtils.equals(elementHeader, elem.getIdentifier())) { // found it, add to list and map this.boundElementsIds.put(elementHeader, elementsResult.getDataElements().get(0).getId()); this.newBoundElement.add(elem); } else { throw new ServiceException("Found data element did not EXACTLY match with column: " + elementHeader + ", found: " + elem.getIdentifier()); } } } } // end of for loop iterating on headers String[] lineParams; // first row is header so start from 2 for (int rowNumber = 2; (lineParams = reader.readNext()) != null; rowNumber++) { if (lineParams.length != header.length) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); message.append("Row (").append(rowNumber).append(") "); message.append("did not have same number of columns with header, it was skipped."); message.append(" It should have have same number of columns (empty or filled)."); this.logMessages.add(message.toString()); continue; } // do line processing String uri = lineParams[VocabularyCSVOutputHelper.URI_INDEX]; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(uri)) { this.logMessages.add("Row (" + rowNumber + ") was skipped (Base URI was empty)."); continue; } else if (StringUtils.startsWith(uri, "//")) { this.logMessages.add("Row (" + rowNumber + ") was skipped (Concept was excluded by user from update operation)."); continue; } else if (!StringUtils.startsWith(uri, this.folderContextRoot)) { this.logMessages .add("Row (" + rowNumber + ") was skipped (Base URI did not match with Vocabulary)."); continue; } String conceptIdentifier = uri.replace(this.folderContextRoot, ""); if (StringUtils.contains(conceptIdentifier, "/") || !Util.isValidIdentifier(conceptIdentifier)) { this.logMessages.add("Row (" + rowNumber + ") did not contain a valid concept identifier."); continue; } // now we have a valid row Pair<VocabularyConcept, Boolean> foundConceptWithFlag = findOrCreateConcept(conceptIdentifier); // if vocabulary concept duplicated with another row, importer will ignore it not to repeat if (foundConceptWithFlag == null || foundConceptWithFlag.getRight()) { this.logMessages .add("Row (" + rowNumber + ") duplicated with a previous concept, it was skipped."); continue; } VocabularyConcept lastFoundConcept = foundConceptWithFlag.getLeft(); // vocabulary concept found or created this.toBeUpdatedConcepts.add(lastFoundConcept); Integer conceptPropertyIndex = null; // check label conceptPropertyIndex = fixedHeaderIndices.get(fixedHeaders[VocabularyCSVOutputHelper.LABEL_INDEX]); if (conceptPropertyIndex != null) { lastFoundConcept.setLabel(StringUtils.trimToNull(lineParams[conceptPropertyIndex])); } // check definition conceptPropertyIndex = fixedHeaderIndices .get(fixedHeaders[VocabularyCSVOutputHelper.DEFINITION_INDEX]); if (conceptPropertyIndex != null) { lastFoundConcept.setDefinition(StringUtils.trimToNull(lineParams[conceptPropertyIndex])); } // check notation conceptPropertyIndex = fixedHeaderIndices .get(fixedHeaders[VocabularyCSVOutputHelper.NOTATION_INDEX]); if (conceptPropertyIndex != null) { lastFoundConcept.setNotation(StringUtils.trimToNull(lineParams[conceptPropertyIndex])); } // TODO: update - with merging flexible csv import // check start date // ignore status and accepteddate changes // now it is time iterate on rest of the columns, here is the tricky part List<DataElement> elementsOfConcept = null; List<DataElement> elementsOfConceptByLang = null; String prevHeader = null; String prevLang = null; for (int k = VocabularyCSVOutputHelper.URI_INDEX + 1; k < lineParams.length; k++) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(lineParams[k])) { // value is empty, no need to proceed continue; } if (fixedHeaderIndices.containsValue(k)) { // concept property, already handled continue; } String elementHeader = header[k]; String lang = null; String[] tempStrArray = elementHeader.split("[@]"); if (tempStrArray.length == 2) { elementHeader = tempStrArray[0]; lang = tempStrArray[1]; } if (!StringUtils.equals(elementHeader, prevHeader)) { elementsOfConcept = getDataElementValuesByName(elementHeader, lastFoundConcept.getElementAttributes()); if (elementsOfConcept == null) { elementsOfConcept = new ArrayList<DataElement>(); lastFoundConcept.getElementAttributes().add(elementsOfConcept); } } if (!StringUtils.equals(elementHeader, prevHeader) || !StringUtils.equals(lang, prevLang)) { elementsOfConceptByLang = getDataElementValuesByNameAndLang(elementHeader, lang, lastFoundConcept.getElementAttributes()); } prevLang = lang; prevHeader = elementHeader; VocabularyConcept foundRelatedConcept = null; if (Util.isValidUri(lineParams[k])) { foundRelatedConcept = findRelatedConcept(lineParams[k]); } // check for pre-existence of the VCE by attribute value or related concept id Integer relatedId = null; if (foundRelatedConcept != null) { relatedId = foundRelatedConcept.getId(); } boolean returnFromThisPoint = false; for (DataElement elemByLang : elementsOfConceptByLang) { String elementValueByLang = elemByLang.getAttributeValue(); if (StringUtils.equals(lineParams[k], elementValueByLang)) { // vocabulary concept element already in database, no need to continue, return returnFromThisPoint = true; break; } if (relatedId != null) { Integer relatedConceptId = elemByLang.getRelatedConceptId(); if (relatedConceptId != null && relatedConceptId.intValue() == relatedId.intValue()) { // vocabulary concept element already in database, no need to continue, return returnFromThisPoint = true; break; } } } // check if an existing VCE found or not if (returnFromThisPoint) { continue; } // create VCE DataElement elem = new DataElement(); elementsOfConcept.add(elem); elem.setAttributeLanguage(lang); elem.setIdentifier(elementHeader); elem.setId(this.boundElementsIds.get(elementHeader)); // check if there is a found related concept if (foundRelatedConcept != null) { elem.setRelatedConceptIdentifier(foundRelatedConcept.getIdentifier()); int id = foundRelatedConcept.getId(); elem.setRelatedConceptId(id); elem.setAttributeValue(null); if (id < 0) { addToElementsReferringNotCreatedConcepts(id, elem); } } else { elem.setAttributeValue(lineParams[k]); elem.setRelatedConceptId(null); } } // end of for loop iterating on rest of the columns (for data elements) } // end of row iterator (while loop on rows) processUnseenConceptsForRelatedElements(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ServiceException(e.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { try { reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("squid:S3923") private boolean accepts(final HttpServletRequest request) { if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("get", request.getMethod())) { // Only inject on GET requests return false; } else if (StringUtils.startsWithAny(request.getRequestURI(), REJECT_PATH_PREFIXES)) { return false; } else if (StringUtils.equals(request.getHeader("X-Requested-With"), "XMLHttpRequest")) { // Do not inject into XHR requests return false; } else if (StringUtils.endsWith(request.getHeader("Referer"), "/editor.html" + request.getRequestURI())) { // Do not apply to pages loaded in the TouchUI editor.html return false; } else if (StringUtils.endsWith(request.getHeader("Referer"), "/cf")) { // Do not apply to pages loaded in the Content Finder return false; }// www .ja v a2 s.c om return true; }
From source
@Override public void run() { boolean shouldsetContinuousSchemaPropagationFlagForNextConnectedComponents = true; Map<String, Schema> oldSchemaMap = new TreeMap<>(); for (Link link : component.getTargetConnections()) { Schema previousComponentSchema = SubjobUtility.INSTANCE.getSchemaFromPreviousComponentSchema(component, link);/* w w w.ja va 2s. c o m*/ if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(component.getCategory(), Constants.STRAIGHTPULL) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(component.getComponentName(), Constants.FILTER) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(component.getComponentName(), Constants.UNIQUE_SEQUENCE) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(component.getComponentName(), Constants.PARTITION_BY_EXPRESSION)) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.UNION_ALL, component.getComponentName())) { if (!SubjobUtility.INSTANCE.isUnionAllInputSchemaInSync(component)) { component.getProperties().put(Constants.IS_UNION_ALL_COMPONENT_SYNC, Constants.FALSE); ((ComponentEditPart) component.getComponentEditPart()).getFigure().repaint(); shouldsetContinuousSchemaPropagationFlagForNextConnectedComponents = false; WidgetUtility.createMessageBox(Messages.INPUTS_SCHEMA_ARE_NOT_IN_SYNC, Constants.ERROR, SWT.ICON_ERROR | SWT.OK); break; } else { component.getProperties().put(Constants.IS_UNION_ALL_COMPONENT_SYNC, Constants.TRUE); ((ComponentEditPart) component.getComponentEditPart()).getFigure().repaint(); } } Schema schema = (Schema) component.getProperties().get(Constants.SCHEMA_PROPERTY_NAME); if (schema == null) schema = new Schema(); if (schema.getGridRow() == null) { List<GridRow> gridRows = new ArrayList<>(); schema.setGridRow(gridRows); } schema.getGridRow().clear(); if (previousComponentSchema != null && !previousComponentSchema.getGridRow().isEmpty()) { schema.getGridRow().addAll(SchemaSyncUtility.INSTANCE .convertGridRowsSchemaToBasicSchemaGridRows(previousComponentSchema.getGridRow())); } else { shouldsetContinuousSchemaPropagationFlagForNextConnectedComponents = false; } component.getProperties().put(Constants.SCHEMA_PROPERTY_NAME, schema); ComponentFigure componentFigure = (ComponentFigure) ((ComponentEditPart) component .getComponentEditPart()).getFigure(); component.validateComponentProperties(false); componentFigure .setPropertyStatus((String) (component.getProperties().get(Constants.VALIDITY_STATUS))); componentFigure.repaint(); component.setContinuousSchemaPropogationAllow(true); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.UNION_ALL, component.getComponentName())) break; } else if (component instanceof SubjobComponent) { Container container = (Container) component.getSubJobContainer().get(Constants.SUBJOB_CONTAINER); for (Component componentIterator : container.getUIComponentList()) { if (componentIterator instanceof InputSubjobComponent) { SubjobUtility.INSTANCE.initializeSchemaMapForInputSubJobComponent(componentIterator, component); SubjobUtility.INSTANCE.setFlagForContinuousSchemaPropogation(componentIterator); break; } } shouldsetContinuousSchemaPropagationFlagForNextConnectedComponents = !SubjobUtility.INSTANCE .checkIfSubJobHasTransformOrUnionAllComponent(component); ((ComponentEditPart) component.getComponentEditPart()).getFigure().repaint(); component.setContinuousSchemaPropogationAllow(true); break; } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(component.getComponentName(), Constants.JOIN) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(component.getComponentName(), Constants.LOOKUP)) { component.setContinuousSchemaPropogationAllow(true); shouldsetContinuousSchemaPropagationFlagForNextConnectedComponents = false; } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(component.getComponentName(), Constants.AGGREGATE) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(component.getComponentName(), Constants.CUMULATE) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(component.getComponentName(), Constants.GROUP_COMBINE) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(component.getComponentName(), Constants.NORMALIZE) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(component.getComponentName(), Constants.TRANSFORM)) { TransformMapping transformMapping; if (component.getProperties().get(Constants.OPERATION) == null) { transformMapping = new TransformMapping(); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(component.getComponentName(), Constants.NORMALIZE)) { transformMapping.setExpression(true); ExpressionEditorData expressionEditorData = new ExpressionEditorData("", ""); transformMapping.setExpressionEditorData(expressionEditorData); } component.getProperties().put(Constants.OPERATION, transformMapping); } else { transformMapping = (TransformMapping) component.getProperties().get(Constants.OPERATION); } OutputRecordCountUtility.INSTANCE.getPropagatedSchema(transformMapping, component); ComponentFigure componentFigure = (ComponentFigure) ((ComponentEditPart) component .getComponentEditPart()).getFigure(); if (transformMapping.isAllInputFieldsArePassthrough()) { Schema schema = (Schema) component.getProperties().get(Constants.SCHEMA_PROPERTY_NAME); if (schema == null) { schema = initSchemaObject(); } OutputRecordCountUtility.INSTANCE.addPassThroughFieldsToSchema(transformMapping, component, schema); component.getProperties().put(Constants.SCHEMA_PROPERTY_NAME, schema); component.validateComponentProperties(false); componentFigure .setPropertyStatus((String) (component.getProperties().get(Constants.VALIDITY_STATUS))); } else { component.setContinuousSchemaPropogationAllow(true); shouldsetContinuousSchemaPropagationFlagForNextConnectedComponents = false; } componentFigure.repaint(); } oldSchemaMap.put(link.getTargetTerminal(), previousComponentSchema); } if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.UNION_ALL, component.getComponentName())) { component.getProperties().put(Constants.PREVIOUS_COMPONENT_OLD_SCHEMA, oldSchemaMap); } if (shouldsetContinuousSchemaPropagationFlagForNextConnectedComponents) { SubjobUtility.INSTANCE.setFlagForContinuousSchemaPropogation(component); } }
From source
/** * Processes the incoming requests./*from w ww. j a v a2 s .c o m*/ * * @param request An HTTP Request. * @param response The Response * @throws ServletException Something went wront in the servlet ! * @throws IOException Classical IO problems. */ private void doProcess(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); response.setContentType(TEXT); final String action = request.getParameter("action"); try { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(action, "send")) { dispatchSendRequest(request, response); } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(action, "receive")) { handleReceive(response); } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(action, "poll")) { handlePoll(response); } else { String msg = "No valid parameter found. Valid parameter: action={send,receive,poll}"; LOG.warn(msg); response.getWriter().println(msg); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); } } catch (SchedulerException ex) { String msg = "cannot trigger an immediate job"; LOG.fatal(msg, ex); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); throw new ServletException(msg, ex); } }
From source
/** * ????/*from w ww. j a va2s. c om*/ * * @param sysData * ? * @param loginContext * * @param ipAddress * IP? */ public void checkPermission(SysData sysData, LoginContext loginContext, String ipAddress) { boolean hasPermission = false; /** * ?????? */ if (!StringUtils.equals(sysData.getAccessType(), "PUB")) { /** * IP??? */ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sysData.getAddressPerms())) { List<String> addressList = StringTools.split(sysData.getAddressPerms()); for (String addr : addressList) { if (StringUtils.equals(ipAddress, addr)) { hasPermission = true; } if (StringUtils.equals(ipAddress, "")) { hasPermission = true; } if (StringUtils.equals(ipAddress, "localhost")) { hasPermission = true; } if (addr.endsWith("*")) { String tmp = addr.substring(0, addr.indexOf("*")); if (StringUtils.contains(ipAddress, tmp)) { hasPermission = true; } } } if (!hasPermission) { throw new RuntimeException("Permission denied."); } } /** * ??? */ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sysData.getPerms()) && !StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(sysData.getPerms(), "anyone")) { if (loginContext.hasSystemPermission() || loginContext.hasAdvancedPermission()) { hasPermission = true; } List<String> permissions = StringTools.split(sysData.getPerms()); for (String perm : permissions) { if (loginContext.getPermissions().contains(perm)) { hasPermission = true; } if (loginContext.getRoles().contains(perm)) { hasPermission = true; } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(perm) && StringUtils.isNumeric(perm)) { if (loginContext.getRoleIds().contains(Long.parseLong(perm))) { hasPermission = true; } } } if (!hasPermission) { throw new RuntimeException("Permission denied."); } } } }
From source
private boolean isLocal(ThreePid tpid) { if (! { // We can only handle E-mails for now return false; }//w w w .ja va2s. c om String domain = tpid.getAddress().split("@")[1]; return StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(cfg.getMatrixCfg().getDomain(), domain); }
From source
/** * checks if there are more records in the current group * * @return true if not EOF/*from w w w. ja v a 2s. c o m*/ */ public boolean hasNextInGroup() { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(this.groupKey)) return this.hasNext(); // no group key defined, its all one group else if (this.hasNext()) { if (this.current != null) { String currentValue = (String) this.getValue(this.groupKey, this.current); String nextValue = (String) this.getValue(this.groupKey,; return StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(currentValue, nextValue); } } else { return false; } return true; }
From source
public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof PageTheme)) return false; return StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(((PageTheme) obj).getScope(), this.getScope()); }
From source
/** * Process the export.// w ww .j a va 2 s . c o m * * @param resultsVal the results * @param title the title * @param displayRef the display * @param preferencesRef the preferences * * @return the string */ public final String process(final Collection<Object> resultsVal, final Collection<String> title, final BuilderBean displayRef, final PreferencesBean preferencesRef) { StringBuffer export = new StringBuffer(); Collection<Object> results = new ArrayList<Object>(); BuilderBean display = new BuilderBean(); PreferencesBean preferences = new PreferencesBean(); if (resultsVal != null) { results = resultsVal; } if (displayRef != null) { display = displayRef; } if (preferencesRef != null) { preferences = preferencesRef; } String revenueType = preferences.getOption("export", "type"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(revenueType)) { revenueType = "batchReference"; } RevenueAnalysisBean revenueAnalysis = new RevenueAnalysisBean(); /* Cast collection object to revenue analysis */ for (Object objRevenueAnalysis : results) { revenueAnalysis = (RevenueAnalysisBean) objRevenueAnalysis; } export.append(this.getKeys().getString("EXPORT_PREFIX")); for (String titleLine : title) { export.append(this.getKeys().getString("HEADER_PREFIX")); export.append(" "); export.append(titleLine); export.append(this.getKeys().getString("HEADER_SUFFIX")); } export.append(this.getKeys().getString("HEADER_PREFIX")); export.append(" "); if (revenueType.compareTo("batchAnalysis") == 0) { export.append("Revenue Summary by Batch Number"); } if (revenueType.compareTo("streamAnalysis") == 0) { export.append("Revenue Summary by Revenue Stream"); } export.append(this.getKeys().getString("HEADER_SUFFIX")); export.append(this.getKeys().getString("LIST_BEGINNING")); export.append(this.getKeys().getString("ROW_BEGINNING")); StringBuffer header = new StringBuffer(); for (String headerLine : display.getOrder()) { if (header.length() > 0) { header.append(this.getKeys().getString("ITEM_DIVIDER")); } header.append(this.getKeys().getString("HEADERITEM_PREFIX")); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(headerLine, "GST Breakdown")) { header.append(this.getFormattedGSTBreakdownHeader(revenueAnalysis)); } else { header.append(headerLine); } header.append(this.getKeys().getString("HEADERITEM_SUFFIX")); } export.append(header.toString()); export.append(this.getKeys().getString("ROW_END")); for (RevenueBean revenue : revenueAnalysis.getRevenue()) { export.append(this.getKeys().getString("ROW_BEGINNING")); StringBuffer fieldValue = new StringBuffer(); for (String fieldName : display.getOrder()) { String field = RevenueAnalysisFormatter.getField(revenue, fieldName, this.getType()); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName, "GST Breakdown")) { field = this.getFormattedGSTBreakdownField(revenue, this.getType()); } if (fieldValue.length() > 0) { fieldValue.append(this.getKeys().getString("ITEM_DIVIDER")); } fieldValue.append(this.getKeys().getString("ITEM_PREFIX")); fieldValue.append(field); fieldValue.append(this.getKeys().getString("ITEM_SUFFIX")); } export.append(fieldValue.toString()); export.append(this.getKeys().getString("ROW_END")); } export.append(this.getKeys().getString("LIST_END")); for (RevenueBean revenue : revenueAnalysis.getRevenue()) { HashMap<String, BuilderBean> sections = display.getSections(); if (sections != null) { for (String sectionName : display.getSectionOrder()) { BuilderBean section = sections.get(sectionName); export.append(this.getKeys().getString("SECTION_PREFIX")); export.append(" "); if (revenueType.compareTo("batchAnalysis") == 0) { export.append("Breakdown of payments for batch number: "); export.append(revenue.getBatchNo()); } if (revenueType.compareTo("streamAnalysis") == 0) { export.append("Breakdown of payments for revenue stream: "); export.append(revenue.getRevenueType()); } export.append(this.getKeys().getString("SECTION_SUFFIX")); export.append(this.getKeys().getString("LIST_BEGINNING")); export.append(this.getKeys().getString("ROW_BEGINNING")); StringBuffer sectionHeader = new StringBuffer(); for (String headerLine : section.getOrder()) { if (sectionHeader.length() > 0) { sectionHeader.append(this.getKeys().getString("ITEM_DIVIDER")); } sectionHeader.append(this.getKeys().getString("HEADERITEM_PREFIX")); sectionHeader.append(headerLine); sectionHeader.append(this.getKeys().getString("HEADERITEM_SUFFIX")); } export.append(sectionHeader.toString()); export.append(this.getKeys().getString("ROW_END")); Collection<Object> receipts = RevenueAnalysisFormatter.getCollection(revenue, sectionName); export.append(getPaymentExportList(receipts, section, sectionName)); export.append(this.getKeys().getString("LIST_END")); } } } export.append(this.getKeys().getString("EXPORT_SUFFIX")); return export.toString(); }
From source
public void sendBuildNotification(StepParameters stepParameters) { Card card;//from w w w .j a v a2s.c o m if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(stepParameters.getMessage())) { card = createBuildMessageCard(stepParameters); } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(stepParameters.getStatus(), "started")) { card = createJobStartedCard(); } else { card = createJobCompletedCard(); } WebhookJobProperty property = (WebhookJobProperty) job.getProperty(WebhookJobProperty.class); if (property == null) { Webhook webhook = new Webhook(stepParameters.getWebhookUrl()); executeWorker(webhook, card); return; } for (Webhook webhook : property.getWebhooks()) { executeWorker(webhook, card); } }