Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 srhebbar. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jenkins.plugins.office365connector; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException; import; import; import; import; import; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.Job; import hudson.model.Result; import hudson.model.Run; import hudson.model.TaskListener; import hudson.model.User; import hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet; import jenkins.plugins.office365connector.model.Card; import jenkins.plugins.office365connector.model.Fact; import jenkins.plugins.office365connector.model.Section; import jenkins.plugins.office365connector.utils.TimeUtils; import jenkins.plugins.office365connector.workflow.StepParameters; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; /** * @author srhebbar */ public final class Office365ConnectorWebhookNotifier { private static final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setFieldNamingPolicy(FieldNamingPolicy.IDENTITY) .setPrettyPrinting().create(); private final FactsBuilder factsBuilder; private final DecisionMaker decisionMaker; private final Run run; private final Job job; private final TaskListener listener; private final ActionableBuilder potentialActionBuilder; public Office365ConnectorWebhookNotifier(Run run, TaskListener listener) { = run; this.listener = listener; this.factsBuilder = new FactsBuilder(run); this.decisionMaker = new DecisionMaker(run, listener); this.job =; potentialActionBuilder = new ActionableBuilder(run, factsBuilder); } public void sendBuildStartedNotification(boolean isFromPreBuild) { Card card = null; boolean isBuild = run instanceof AbstractBuild<?, ?>; if ((isBuild && isFromPreBuild) || (!isBuild && !isFromPreBuild)) { card = createJobStartedCard(); } WebhookJobProperty property = (WebhookJobProperty) job.getProperty(WebhookJobProperty.class); if (property == null) { log("No webhooks to notify"); return; } for (Webhook webhook : property.getWebhooks()) { if (decisionMaker.isAtLeastOneRuleMatched(webhook)) { if (webhook.isStartNotification()) { executeWorker(webhook, card); } } } } public void sendBuildCompleteNotification() { Card card = createJobCompletedCard(); WebhookJobProperty property = (WebhookJobProperty) job.getProperty(WebhookJobProperty.class); if (property == null) { log("No webhooks to notify"); return; } for (Webhook webhook : property.getWebhooks()) { if (decisionMaker.isStatusMatched(webhook) && decisionMaker.isAtLeastOneRuleMatched(webhook)) { executeWorker(webhook, card); } } } public void sendBuildNotification(StepParameters stepParameters) { Card card; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(stepParameters.getMessage())) { card = createBuildMessageCard(stepParameters); } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(stepParameters.getStatus(), "started")) { card = createJobStartedCard(); } else { card = createJobCompletedCard(); } WebhookJobProperty property = (WebhookJobProperty) job.getProperty(WebhookJobProperty.class); if (property == null) { Webhook webhook = new Webhook(stepParameters.getWebhookUrl()); executeWorker(webhook, card); return; } for (Webhook webhook : property.getWebhooks()) { executeWorker(webhook, card); } } private Card createJobStartedCard() { factsBuilder.addStatusStarted(); factsBuilder.addStartTime(); factsBuilder.addRemarks(); addScmDetails(); String jobName = getDisplayName(); String activityTitle = "Update from " + jobName + "."; String activitySubtitle = "Latest status of build #" + run.getNumber(); Section section = new Section(activityTitle, activitySubtitle, factsBuilder.collect()); String summary = jobName + ": Build #" + run.getNumber() + " Started"; Card card = new Card(summary, section); card.setPotentialAction(potentialActionBuilder.buildActionable()); return card; } private Card createJobCompletedCard() { String jobName = getDisplayName(); String summary = jobName + ": Build #" + run.getNumber(); Fact statusFact = FactsBuilder.buildStatus(); factsBuilder.addFact(statusFact); factsBuilder.addStartTime(); // Result is only set to a worse status in pipeline Result result = run.getResult() == null ? Result.SUCCESS : run.getResult(); if (result != null) { factsBuilder.addCompletionTime(); factsBuilder.addTests(); String status; Run previousBuild = run.getPreviousBuild(); Result previousResult = (previousBuild != null) ? previousBuild.getResult() : Result.SUCCESS; Run rt = run.getPreviousNotFailedBuild(); Run failingSinceRun; if (rt != null) { failingSinceRun = rt.getNextBuild(); } else { failingSinceRun = job.getFirstBuild(); } if (result == Result.SUCCESS && (previousResult == Result.FAILURE || previousResult == Result.UNSTABLE)) { status = "Back to Normal"; summary += " Back to Normal"; if (failingSinceRun != null) { long currentBuildCompletionTime = TimeUtils.countCompletionTime(run.getStartTimeInMillis(), run.getDuration()); factsBuilder.addBackToNormalTime( currentBuildCompletionTime - failingSinceRun.getStartTimeInMillis()); } } else if (result == Result.FAILURE) { if (failingSinceRun != null && previousResult == Result.FAILURE) { status = "Repeated Failure"; summary += " Repeated Failure"; factsBuilder.addFailingSinceBuild(failingSinceRun.number); factsBuilder.addFailingSinceTime( failingSinceRun.getStartTimeInMillis() + failingSinceRun.getDuration()); } else { status = "Build Failed"; summary += " Failed"; } } else if (result == Result.ABORTED) { status = "Build Aborted"; summary += " Aborted"; } else if (result == Result.UNSTABLE) { status = "Build Unstable"; summary += " Unstable"; } else if (result == Result.SUCCESS) { status = "Build Success"; summary += " Success"; } else if (result == Result.NOT_BUILT) { status = "Not Built"; summary += " Not Built"; } else { // if we are here it means that something went wrong in logic above // and we are facing unsupported status or case status = result.toString(); summary += " " + status; } statusFact.setValue(status); } else { statusFact.setValue(" Completed"); summary += " Completed"; } factsBuilder.addRemarks(); addScmDetails(); String activityTitle = "Update from " + jobName + "."; String activitySubtitle = "Latest status of build #" + run.getNumber(); Section section = new Section(activityTitle, activitySubtitle, factsBuilder.collect()); Card card = new Card(summary, section); if (result == Result.SUCCESS) { card.setThemeColor("96CEB4"); } else if (result == Result.FAILURE) { card.setThemeColor("FF6F69"); } else { card.setThemeColor("FFCC5C"); } card.setPotentialAction(potentialActionBuilder.buildActionable()); return card; } private Card createBuildMessageCard(StepParameters stepParameters) { String jobName = getDisplayName(); if (stepParameters.getStatus() != null) { Fact fact = FactsBuilder.buildStatus(); fact.setValue(stepParameters.getStatus()); factsBuilder.addFact(fact); } else { factsBuilder.addStatusRunning(); } String activityTitle = "Message from " + jobName + ", Build #" + run.getNumber() + ""; Section section = new Section(activityTitle, stepParameters.getMessage(), factsBuilder.collect()); String summary = jobName + ": Build #" + run.getNumber() + " Status"; Card card = new Card(summary, section); if (stepParameters.getColor() != null) { card.setThemeColor(stepParameters.getColor()); } card.setPotentialAction(potentialActionBuilder.buildActionable()); return card; } private void executeWorker(Webhook webhook, Card card) { try { HttpWorker worker = new HttpWorker(run.getEnvironment(listener).expand(webhook.getUrl()), gson.toJson(card), webhook.getTimeout(), listener.getLogger()); worker.submit(); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException | RejectedExecutionException e) { log(String.format("Failed to notify webhook: %s", webhook.getName())); e.printStackTrace(listener.getLogger()); } } private void addScmDetails() { Set<User> users; List<ChangeLogSet<ChangeLogSet.Entry>> sets; try { users = (Set<User>) run.getClass().getMethod("getCulprits").invoke(run); sets = (List<ChangeLogSet<ChangeLogSet.Entry>>) run.getClass().getMethod("getChangeSets").invoke(run); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException e) { users = Collections.emptySet(); sets = Collections.emptyList(); } factsBuilder.addCulprits(users); if (!sets.isEmpty()) { Set<User> authors = new HashSet<>(); int filesCounter = 0; if (Iterables.all(sets, Predicates.instanceOf(ChangeLogSet.class))) { for (ChangeLogSet<ChangeLogSet.Entry> set : sets) { for (ChangeLogSet.Entry entry : set) { authors.add(entry.getAuthor()); filesCounter += getAffectedFiles(entry).size(); } } } factsBuilder.addDevelopers(authors); factsBuilder.addNumberOfFilesChanged(filesCounter); } } private Collection<? extends ChangeLogSet.AffectedFile> getAffectedFiles(ChangeLogSet.Entry entry) { try { return entry.getAffectedFiles(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { log(e.getMessage()); return Collections.emptyList(); } } private String getDisplayName() { return run.hasCustomDisplayName() ? run.getDisplayName() : job.getFullDisplayName(); } /** * Helper method for logging. */ private void log(String message) { listener.getLogger().println("[Office365connector] " + message); } }