Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.glaf.core.db; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.dom4j.Document; import com.glaf.core.cache.CacheFactory; import com.glaf.core.config.DBConfiguration; import com.glaf.core.config.SystemConfig; import com.glaf.core.config.SystemProperties; import com.glaf.core.context.ContextFactory; import com.glaf.core.domain.SysData; import com.glaf.core.domain.SysDataLog; import com.glaf.core.domain.util.SysDataLogFactory; import; import; import com.glaf.core.service.SysDataService; import com.glaf.core.util.Dom4jUtils; import com.glaf.core.util.FileUtils; import com.glaf.core.util.IOUtils; import com.glaf.core.util.JsonUtils; import com.glaf.core.util.JacksonUtils; import com.glaf.core.util.StringTools; import com.glaf.core.xml.XmlBuilder; public class DataServiceBean { protected static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DataServiceBean.class); protected static Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(50, true); protected SysDataService sysDataService; /** * ???? * * @param sysData * ? * @param loginContext * * @param ipAddress * IP? */ public void checkPermission(SysData sysData, LoginContext loginContext, String ipAddress) { boolean hasPermission = false; /** * ?????? */ if (!StringUtils.equals(sysData.getAccessType(), "PUB")) { /** * IP??? */ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sysData.getAddressPerms())) { List<String> addressList = StringTools.split(sysData.getAddressPerms()); for (String addr : addressList) { if (StringUtils.equals(ipAddress, addr)) { hasPermission = true; } if (StringUtils.equals(ipAddress, "")) { hasPermission = true; } if (StringUtils.equals(ipAddress, "localhost")) { hasPermission = true; } if (addr.endsWith("*")) { String tmp = addr.substring(0, addr.indexOf("*")); if (StringUtils.contains(ipAddress, tmp)) { hasPermission = true; } } } if (!hasPermission) { throw new RuntimeException("Permission denied."); } } /** * ??? */ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sysData.getPerms()) && !StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(sysData.getPerms(), "anyone")) { if (loginContext.hasSystemPermission() || loginContext.hasAdvancedPermission()) { hasPermission = true; } List<String> permissions = StringTools.split(sysData.getPerms()); for (String perm : permissions) { if (loginContext.getPermissions().contains(perm)) { hasPermission = true; } if (loginContext.getRoles().contains(perm)) { hasPermission = true; } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(perm) && StringUtils.isNumeric(perm)) { if (loginContext.getRoleIds().contains(Long.parseLong(perm))) { hasPermission = true; } } } if (!hasPermission) { throw new RuntimeException("Permission denied."); } } } } public SysDataService getSysDataService() { if (sysDataService == null) { sysDataService = ContextFactory.getBean("sysDataService"); } return sysDataService; } /** * * @param id * ??? * @param actorId * ? * @param ipAddress * IP? * @param dataType * ? * @param contextMap * ? * @return */ private byte[] response(String systemName, String id, String actorId, String ipAddress, String dataType, Map<String, Object> contextMap) { LoginContext loginContext = IdentityFactory.getLoginContext(actorId); if (dataType == null) { dataType = "xml"; } String databaseType = DBConfiguration.getDatabaseTypeByName(systemName); contextMap.put("id", id); contextMap.put("dataType", dataType); contextMap.put("actorId", actorId); contextMap.put("serviceUrl", SystemConfig.getServiceUrl()); contextMap.put("dbType", databaseType); contextMap.put("databaseType", databaseType); InputStream inputStream = null; SysData sysData = null; try { sysData = getSysDataService().getSysData(id); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } if (sysData == null || sysData.getLocked() == 1) { throw new RuntimeException(" data service '" + id + "' not available."); } this.checkPermission(sysData, loginContext, ipAddress); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); SysDataLog log = new SysDataLog(); try { logger.debug("semaphore available size:" + semaphore.availablePermits()); semaphore.acquire(); String filename = SystemProperties.getConfigRootPath() + sysData.getPath(); inputStream = FileUtils.getInputStream(filename); log.setCreateTime(new Date()); log.setIp(ipAddress); log.setOperate(id); log.setContent(JsonUtils.encode(contextMap)); if (loginContext != null) { contextMap.put("loginContext", loginContext); contextMap.put("loginUser", loginContext.getUser()); log.setActorId(loginContext.getActorId()); log.setAccountId(loginContext.getUser().getId()); } Document doc = null; String cacheKey = "x_sys_data_" + sysData.getId(); if (StringUtils.equals("Y", sysData.getCacheFlag())) { try { String text = CacheFactory.getString(cacheKey); doc = Dom4jUtils.toDocument(text.getBytes()); } catch (Exception ex) { // Ignore Exception } } if (doc == null) { XmlBuilder builder = new XmlBuilder(); doc = builder.process(systemName, inputStream, contextMap); if (doc != null && StringUtils.equals("Y", sysData.getCacheFlag())) { CacheFactory.put(cacheKey, doc.asXML()); } } log.setFlag(9); log.setModuleId("DS"); int timeMS = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - start); logger.debug(":" + timeMS); log.setTimeMS(timeMS); if (StringUtils.equals(dataType, "json")) { return JacksonUtils.xml2json(doc.asXML()).getBytes("UTF-8"); } return Dom4jUtils.getBytesFromPrettyDocument(doc, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); log.setFlag(-1); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } finally { semaphore.release(); IOUtils.closeStream(inputStream); SysDataLogFactory.create(log); } } /** * * @param id * ??? * @param actorId * ? * @param ipAddress * IP? * @param contextMap * ? * @return JSON?? */ public byte[] responseJson(String id, String actorId, String ipAddress, Map<String, Object> contextMap) { String systemName = com.glaf.core.config.Environment.DEFAULT_SYSTEM_NAME; return this.response(systemName, id, actorId, ipAddress, "json", contextMap); } /** * @param systemName * ?? * @param id * ??? * @param actorId * ? * @param ipAddress * IP? * @param contextMap * ? * @return JSON?? */ public byte[] responseJson(String systemName, String id, String actorId, String ipAddress, Map<String, Object> contextMap) { return this.response(systemName, id, actorId, ipAddress, "json", contextMap); } /** * * @param id * ??? * @param actorId * ? * @param ipAddress * IP? * @param dataType * ? * @param contextMap * ? * @return XML?? */ public byte[] responseXml(String id, String actorId, String ipAddress, Map<String, Object> contextMap) { String systemName = com.glaf.core.config.Environment.DEFAULT_SYSTEM_NAME; return this.response(systemName, id, actorId, ipAddress, "xml", contextMap); } /** * * @param systemName * ?? * @param id * ??? * @param actorId * ? * @param ipAddress * IP? * @param dataType * ? * @param contextMap * ? * @return XML?? */ public byte[] responseXml(String systemName, String id, String actorId, String ipAddress, Map<String, Object> contextMap) { return this.response(systemName, id, actorId, ipAddress, "xml", contextMap); } public void setSysDataService(SysDataService sysDataService) { this.sysDataService = sysDataService; } }