List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils equalsIgnoreCase
public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String str1, String str2)
Compares two Strings, returning true
if they are equal ignoring the case.
From source
private boolean deleteCorrospondingXmlAndPropertyFileifUserDeleteJobFile(IProject iProject) { if (modifiedResource.getProjectRelativePath() != null && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase( modifiedResource.getProjectRelativePath().segment(0), CustomMessages.ProjectSupport_JOBS)) { IFile propertyFileName = null;/*w w w. ja v a2 s .com*/ IFolder jobsFolder = iProject.getFolder(CustomMessages.ProjectSupport_JOBS); IFolder propertiesFolder = iProject.getFolder(Messages.PARAM); if (jobsFolder != null) { xmlIFile = jobsFolder.getFile(modifiedResource.getFullPath().removeFirstSegments(2) .removeFileExtension().addFileExtension(Constants.XML_EXTENSION_FOR_IPATH)); } if (propertiesFolder != null) { propertyFileName = propertiesFolder.getFile(modifiedResource.getFullPath().removeFileExtension() .addFileExtension(Constants.PROPERTIES).toFile().getName()); } String message = getErrorMessageIfUserDeleteJobRelatedFiles(propertyFileName, xmlIFile); showErrorMessage(xmlIFile, propertyFileName, Messages.bind(message, modifiedResource.getName())); } else { flag = true; } return flag; }
From source
private Object convertStringToDate(String format, Locale locale, String value) { try {//from ww w.ja va 2s.c om if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) { return null; } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(format, "iso8601")) { Calendar calendar = DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(value); return calendar.getTime(); } else { // SimpleDateFormat return new SimpleDateFormat(format, locale).parse(value); } } catch (ParseException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert to date: " + value, e); } }
From source
@Override public Change createChange(IProgressMonitor pm) throws CoreException, OperationCanceledException { final HashMap<IFile, RenameResourceChange> changes = new HashMap<IFile, RenameResourceChange>(); final String newName = ResourceChangeUtil.removeExtension(getArguments().getNewName()); if (modifiedResource.getParent() != null) { if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(modifiedResource.getParent().getName(), CustomMessages.ProjectSupport_JOBS)) { List<IResource> memberList = new ArrayList<IResource>(modifiedResource.getProject() .getFolder(modifiedResource.getParent().getName()).members().length); ResourceChangeUtil.addMembersToList(memberList, modifiedResource.getProject().getFolder(modifiedResource.getParent().getName())); final String fileName = ResourceChangeUtil.removeExtension(modifiedResource.getName()); for (IResource resource : memberList) { if (Pattern.matches(fileName + Constants.EXTENSION, resource.getName())) { if ((StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(Messages.XML_EXT, resource.getFileExtension()) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(Messages.JOB_EXT, resource.getFileExtension())) && !(StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(modifiedResource.getName(), resource.getName()))) { getRenameChanges(changes, newName, resource); }/* w w 2 s.c o m*/ } } } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(modifiedResource.getParent().getName(), CustomMessages.ProjectSupport_JOBS) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(modifiedResource.getParent().getName(), CustomMessages.ProjectSupport_PARAM)) { List<IResource> memberList = new ArrayList<IResource>(modifiedResource.getProject() .getFolder(CustomMessages.ProjectSupport_PARAM).members().length + modifiedResource.getProject().getFolder(CustomMessages.ProjectSupport_JOBS) .members().length); ResourceChangeUtil.addMembersToList(memberList, modifiedResource.getProject().getFolder(CustomMessages.ProjectSupport_JOBS)); ResourceChangeUtil.addMembersToList(memberList, modifiedResource.getProject().getFolder(CustomMessages.ProjectSupport_PARAM)); final String fileName = ResourceChangeUtil.removeExtension(modifiedResource.getName()); for (IResource resource : memberList) { if (Pattern.matches(fileName + Constants.EXTENSION, resource.getName())) { if ((StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(Messages.XML_EXT, resource.getFileExtension()) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(Messages.PROPERTIES_EXT, resource.getFileExtension()) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(Messages.JOB_EXT, resource.getFileExtension())) && !(StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(modifiedResource.getName(), resource.getName()))) { getRenameChanges(changes, newName, resource); } ; } } } } if (changes.isEmpty()) { return null; } CompositeChange result = new CompositeChange("Rename Job Related Files"); for (Iterator<RenameResourceChange> iter = changes.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { result.add((Change); } return result; }
From source
public boolean isDirtyStatus(String statusString, String deleteAction) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(statusString)) { //if input is blank, set it as dirty, then it will be replaced by system status replaced. return true; }//from ww w . j a va 2s. com String[] list = statusString.split("[, ]+"); if (list.length != statuses.size()) return true; String currDeleteAction = null; boolean dirty; for (TodoStatus status : statuses) { dirty = true; for (String str : list) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(str, status.getText())) { dirty = false; break; } } if (dirty) return dirty; currDeleteAction = status.isDeleteAction() ? status.getText() : null; } if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(deleteAction, currDeleteAction)) return false; return false; }
From source
@Override public void onBind(HttpServletRequest request, CaptureAdverseEventInputCommand command, Errors errors) { super.onBind(request, command, errors); ReviewAndReportResult reviewResult = new ReviewAndReportResult(); command.setReviewResult(reviewResult); //set the reporting period id. reviewResult.setReportingPeriodId(command.getAdverseEventReportingPeriod().getId()); Map<Integer, ReportDefinition> rdMap = command.getApplicableReportDefinitions().getReportDefinitionMap(); try {/*from w w w .j a va 2 s.c o m*/ //find the aeReport Integer aeReportId = ServletRequestUtils.getIntParameter(request, "activeAeReportId"); reviewResult.setAeReportId(aeReportId); //bind the start dates List<AdverseEvent> adverseEvents = command.getEvaluationResult().getAllAeMap().get(aeReportId); int size = adverseEvents.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { AdverseEvent ae = adverseEvents.get(i); String startDateParamName = "evaluationResult.allAeMap[" + aeReportId.intValue() + "][" + i + "].startDate"; if (WebUtils.hasParameter(request, startDateParamName)) { String strStartDate = request.getParameter(startDateParamName); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(strStartDate)) { ae.setStartDate(DateUtils.parseDateString(strStartDate).toDate()); } else { ae.setStartDate(null); } } } String paramName = "rd_" + aeReportId.toString(); //selected report definition ids int[] selectedRdIds = ServletRequestUtils.getIntParameters(request, paramName + "_checked"); //all report definition ids int[] rdIds = ServletRequestUtils.getIntParameters(request, paramName); for (int rdId : rdIds) { //fetch the manual selection indicator String strManualIndicator = ServletRequestUtils.getStringParameter(request, paramName + "_" + rdId + "_manual"); reviewResult.getManualSelectionIndicatorMap().put(new Integer(rdId), StringUtils.equals("1", strManualIndicator)); //actual action against each. String actualActionName = ServletRequestUtils.getStringParameter(request, paramName + "_" + rdId + "_actualaction"); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(, actualActionName)) { reviewResult.getAmendList().add(rdMap.get(rdId)); //special case, amend with itself if (ArrayUtils.contains(selectedRdIds, rdId)) { reviewResult.getCreateList().add(rdMap.get(rdId)); } } if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(, actualActionName)) { reviewResult.getWithdrawList().add(rdMap.get(rdId)); } if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(, actualActionName)) { reviewResult.getEditList().add(rdMap.get(rdId)); } if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(, actualActionName)) { reviewResult.getCreateList().add(rdMap.get(rdId)); } } //now find the ae's selected. int[] aeIds = ServletRequestUtils.getIntParameters(request, "ae_" + aeReportId); for (int aeId : aeIds) { reviewResult.getAeList().add(aeId); } //find primaryAE Integer primaryAEId = ServletRequestUtils.getIntParameter(request, "ae_" + aeReportId + "_primary"); reviewResult.setPrimaryAdverseEventId(primaryAEId); //find the aes, deselected. for (AdverseEvent ae : command.getEvaluationResult().getAllAeMap().get(aeReportId)) { if (ArrayUtils.contains(aeIds, ae.getId().intValue())) continue; reviewResult.getUnwantedAEList().add(ae.getId()); } } catch (ServletRequestBindingException e) { log.warn( "Error while binding review-and-report page parameters, this is okay sometimes as we click back from reivew page", e); } }
From source
/** * Update the current balance index for the supplied guid/type combination. * * @param guid the guid/*from w ww . java2s .c om*/ * @param type the type * * @return true, if successful * * @throws WhichDoctorDaoException the which doctor dao exception */ public final boolean updateCurrentBalanceIndex(final int guid, final String type) throws WhichDoctorDaoException { boolean success = false; FinancialSummaryBean search = new FinancialSummaryBean(); search.setLimit(1); search.setRequestedPage(1); search.setClosingDate(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); boolean performSearch = false; if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(type, "person")) { try { PersonBean person = this.personDAO.loadGUID(guid); search.addPerson(person); performSearch = true; } catch (WhichDoctorDaoException wde) { dataLogger.error("Error loading person: " + wde.getMessage()); } } if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(type, "organisation")) { try { OrganisationBean org = this.organisationDAO.loadGUID(guid); search.addOrganisation(org); performSearch = true; } catch (WhichDoctorDaoException wde) { dataLogger.error("Error loading organisation: " + wde.getMessage()); } } if (performSearch) { // A person or organisation has been added, perform search FinancialSummaryBean results = null; try { results =; } catch (WhichDoctorAnalysisDaoException wdae) { dataLogger.error("Error loading financial summary results: " + wdae.getMessage()); } if (results != null) { // A result was returned, update the index success = this.update(guid, "Current Balance", 0, 0, results.getClosingBalance()); } } return success; }
From source
private void groupFilter(EventData eventData, ColumnGroup columnGroup) { List<EventColumn> addColumns = new ArrayList<EventColumn>(); // ??/*from w w w . ja v a m*/ Set<String> updatedColumns = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> pks = new HashSet<String>(); // ????? for (EventColumn column : eventData.getUpdatedColumns()) { updatedColumns.add(column.getColumnName()); } for (EventColumn pk : eventData.getKeys()) { pks.add(pk.getColumnName()); } if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(eventData.getOldKeys())) {// ?? int i = 0; for (EventColumn pk : eventData.getKeys()) { if (!StringUtils.equals(pk.getColumnValue(), eventData.getOldKeys().get(i).getColumnValue())) { updatedColumns.add(pk.getColumnName()); } i++; } } if (containsInGroupColumn(updatedColumns, columnGroup.getColumnPairs())) {// // ?+? group? for (ColumnPair columnPair : columnGroup.getColumnPairs()) { boolean groupColumnHasInChangedColunms = false;// ???? // add by ljh at 2012-11-04 // ? // 1. select??FileResolver? // 2. groupupdate=trueGroup?before??????? // columns??updateColumns // for (String columnName : updatedColumns) { for (EventColumn column : eventData.getColumns()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(columnPair.getSourceColumn().getName(), column.getColumnName())) { groupColumnHasInChangedColunms = true; if (!column.isUpdate()) {// ??update=true?? column.setUpdate(true); } break; } } if (!groupColumnHasInChangedColunms) {// ?? String columnName = columnPair.getSourceColumn().getName(); if (!pks.contains(columnName)) { // ????column???? EventColumn addColumn = new EventColumn(); addColumn.setColumnName(columnPair.getSourceColumn().getName()); addColumn.setUpdate(true); addColumns.add(addColumn); } } } if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(addColumns)) { // ? eventData.getColumns().addAll(addColumns);// ? eventData.setSyncConsistency(SyncConsistency.MEDIA); return; } } }
From source
protected void sendMailForEvent(final RetentionLogWritingEvent event) {"Trying to send a mail for event " + event); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override/*from w w w . j av a 2 s . c om*/ public void run() { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(getMailSmtpHost()) || getMailSmtpPort() == null) { // no configuration defined, exiting log.error("Either SMTP host or port was not defined, not sending that mail"); return; } // example from final Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("", getMailSmtpHost()); props.put("mail.smtp.port", getMailSmtpPort()); final Boolean auth = getMailSmtpAuth(); Authenticator authenticator = null; if (BooleanUtils.isTrue(auth)) { props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); authenticator = new Authenticator() { @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { return new PasswordAuthentication(getMailSmtpUsername(), getMailSmtpPassword()); } }; } if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(getMailSmtpSecurityType(), "SSL")) { props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", getMailSmtpPort()); props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", ""); } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(getMailSmtpSecurityType(), "TLS")) { props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true"); } final Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, authenticator); try { final MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session); message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(getMailFrom())); message.setRecipients(RecipientType.TO, InternetAddress.parse(getMailTo())); message.setSubject(event.getReason()); if (event.getContext() != null) { final StringBuilder contextText = new StringBuilder(); for (final Entry<String, Object> contextEntry : event.getContext().entrySet()) { contextText.append(contextEntry.getKey()).append(" = ").append(contextEntry.getValue()) .append("\n"); } message.setText(contextText.toString()); } else { message.setText("Context null"); } Transport.send(message); } catch (final MessagingException e) { log.error("Problem while sending a mail", e); } } }, RetentionLogWritingWatcher.class.getSimpleName() + ":sendMailer").start(); // send mail in an async way }
From source
/** * Evaluates the authorization for the operation requested, evaluates IAM, ACL, and bucket policy (bucket policy not yet supported). * //from www . j ava 2s . c o m * @param request * @param bucketResourceEntity * @param objectResourceEntity * @param resourceAllocationSize the size for the quota check(s) if applicable * @return true if authorized */ public <T extends ObjectStorageRequestType> boolean operationAllowed(@Nonnull T request, @Nullable final Bucket bucketResourceEntity, @Nullable final ObjectEntity objectResourceEntity, long resourceAllocationSize) throws IllegalArgumentException { /* * Process the operation's authz requirements based on the request type annotations */ Ats requestAuthzProperties = Ats.from(request); ObjectStorageProperties.Permission[] requiredBucketACLPermissions = null; ObjectStorageProperties.Permission[] requiredObjectACLPermissions = null; boolean allowOwnerOnly = true; ObjectStorageProperties.Resource[] requiredOwnerOf = null; RequiresACLPermission requiredACLs = requestAuthzProperties.get(RequiresACLPermission.class); if (requiredACLs != null) { requiredBucketACLPermissions = requiredACLs.bucket(); requiredObjectACLPermissions = requiredACLs.object(); requiredOwnerOf = requiredACLs.ownerOf(); allowOwnerOnly = requiredOwnerOf.length > 0; } else { // No ACL annotation is ok, maybe a admin only op } String[] requiredActions = null; RequiresPermission perms = requestAuthzProperties.get(RequiresPermission.class); if (perms != null) { // check for version specific IAM permissions and version Id in the request if (perms.version().length > 0 && StringUtils.isNotBlank(request.getVersionId()) && !StringUtils .equalsIgnoreCase(request.getVersionId(), ObjectStorageProperties.NULL_VERSION_ID)) { requiredActions = perms.version(); // Use version specific IAM perms } else { requiredActions = perms.standard(); // Use default/standard IAM perms } } Boolean allowAdmin = (requestAuthzProperties.get(AdminOverrideAllowed.class) != null); // Must have at least one of: admin-only, owner-only, ACL, or IAM. if (requiredBucketACLPermissions == null && requiredObjectACLPermissions == null && requiredActions == null && !allowAdmin) { // Insufficient permission set on the message type. LOG.error("Insufficient permission annotations on type: " + request.getClass().getName() + " cannot evaluate authorization"); return false; } String resourceType = null; if (requestAuthzProperties.get(ResourceType.class) != null) { resourceType = requestAuthzProperties.get(ResourceType.class).value(); } // Get user from context final UserPrincipal requestUser; final String requestAccountNumber; final String requestCanonicalId; final AuthContextSupplier authContext; try { final Context ctx = Contexts.lookup(request.getCorrelationId()); requestUser = ctx.getUser(); requestAccountNumber = ctx.getAccountNumber(); requestCanonicalId = requestUser.getCanonicalId(); authContext = ctx.getAuthContext(); } catch (final NoSuchContextException e) { LOG.error("Context not found, cannot evaluate authorization " + request.getCorrelationId()); return false; } if (allowAdmin && requestUser.isSystemAdmin()) { // Admin override return true; } final Option<Tuple4<String, String, Integer, String>> bucketPolicy; final String resourceOwnerAccountNumber; final String bucketOwnerAccountNumber; final PolicyResourceInfo<S3AccessControlledEntity> policyResourceInfo; if (resourceType == null) { LOG.error("No resource type found in request class annotations, cannot process."); return false; } else { try { // Ensure we have the proper resource entities present and get owner info switch (resourceType) { case S3PolicySpec.S3_RESOURCE_BUCKET: // Get the bucket owner. bucket and resource owner are same in this case if (bucketResourceEntity == null) { LOG.error("Could not check access for operation due to no bucket resource entity found"); return false; } else { bucketOwnerAccountNumber = resourceOwnerAccountNumber = lookupAccountIdByCanonicalId( bucketResourceEntity.getOwnerCanonicalId()); policyResourceInfo = PolicyResourceContext.resourceInfo(resourceOwnerAccountNumber, bucketResourceEntity); bucketPolicy = Option .of(Tuple.of(bucketOwnerAccountNumber, bucketResourceEntity.getBucketName(), bucketResourceEntity.getVersion(), bucketResourceEntity.getPolicy())); } break; case S3PolicySpec.S3_RESOURCE_OBJECT: // get the bucket owner account number as the bucket and object owner may be different if (bucketResourceEntity == null) { // cannot be null as every object is associated with one bucket LOG.error("Could not check access for operation due to no bucket resource entity found"); return false; } else { bucketOwnerAccountNumber = lookupAccountIdByCanonicalId( bucketResourceEntity.getOwnerCanonicalId()); bucketPolicy = Option .of(Tuple.of(bucketOwnerAccountNumber, bucketResourceEntity.getBucketName(), bucketResourceEntity.getVersion(), bucketResourceEntity.getPolicy())); } // get the object owner. if (objectResourceEntity == null) { LOG.error("Could not check access for operation due to no object resource entity found"); return false; } else { // on create treat the object owner as the bucket owner for authorization purposes resourceOwnerAccountNumber = ObjectState.creating == objectResourceEntity.getState() ? bucketOwnerAccountNumber : lookupAccountIdByCanonicalId(objectResourceEntity.getOwnerCanonicalId()); policyResourceInfo = PolicyResourceContext.resourceInfo(resourceOwnerAccountNumber, objectResourceEntity); } break; default: LOG.error("Unknown resource type looking up resource owner. Disallowing operation."); return false; } } catch (AuthException e) { LOG.error("Exception caught looking up resource owner. Disallowing operation.", e); return false; } } // Get the resourceId based on IAM resource type final String resourceId; if (S3PolicySpec.S3_RESOURCE_BUCKET.equals(resourceType)) { resourceId = request.getBucket(); } else if (S3PolicySpec.S3_RESOURCE_OBJECT.equals(resourceType)) { resourceId = request.getFullResource(); } else { resourceId = null; } // Override for 'eucalyptus' account and workaround for EUCA-11346 // Skip ACL checks for 'eucalyptus' account only. ACL checks must be performed for all other accounts including system accounts // IAM checks must be performed for all accounts if (allowAdmin && AccountIdentifiers.SYSTEM_ACCOUNT.equals(requestUser.getAccountAlias())) { return iamPermissionsAllow(true, authContext, requiredActions, policyResourceInfo, Option.none(), resourceType, resourceId, resourceAllocationSize); } // Don't allow anonymous to create buckets. EUCA-12902 if (S3PolicySpec.S3_RESOURCE_BUCKET.equals(resourceType) && Principals.nobodyAccount().getAccountNumber().equals(resourceOwnerAccountNumber) && request instanceof CreateBucketType) { return false; } if (requiredBucketACLPermissions == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No requires-permission actions found in request class annotations, cannot process."); } /* * Bucket or object owner only? It is expected that ownerOnly flag can be used solely or in combination with ACL checks. If owner checks are * required, evaluate them first before evaluating the ACLs */ Boolean isRequestByOwner = false; if (allowOwnerOnly) { // owner checks are in effect if (requiredOwnerOf == null || requiredOwnerOf.length == 0) { LOG.error( "Owner only flag does not include resource (bucket, object) that ownership checks should be applied to"); return false; } for (ObjectStorageProperties.Resource resource : requiredOwnerOf) { if (ObjectStorageProperties.Resource.bucket.equals(resource)) { isRequestByOwner = isRequestByOwner || bucketOwnerAccountNumber.equals(requestAccountNumber); } else { isRequestByOwner = isRequestByOwner || resourceOwnerAccountNumber.equals(requestAccountNumber); } } if (!isRequestByOwner) { LOG.debug("Request is rejected by ACL checks due to account ownership requirements"); return false; } } else { // owner check does not apply } final boolean requestAccountIsResourceAccount = // so request account iam policy is sufficient to grant access isRequestByOwner || ((S3PolicySpec.S3_RESOURCE_OBJECT.equals(resourceType) || S3PolicySpec.S3_RESOURCE_BUCKET.equals(resourceType)) && resourceOwnerAccountNumber.equals(requestAccountNumber)); final boolean bucketAccountIsObjectAccount = // so bucket policy is sufficient to grant access S3PolicySpec.S3_RESOURCE_OBJECT.equals(resourceType) && resourceOwnerAccountNumber.equals(bucketOwnerAccountNumber); /* ACL Checks: Is the user's account allowed? */ Boolean aclAllow = false; if (requiredBucketACLPermissions.length > 0 || requiredObjectACLPermissions.length > 0) { // check ACLs if any // Check bucket ACLs, if any if (requiredBucketACLPermissions.length > 0) { // Evaluate the bucket ACL, any matching grant gives permission for (ObjectStorageProperties.Permission permission : requiredBucketACLPermissions) { aclAllow = aclAllow || bucketResourceEntity.can(permission, requestCanonicalId); } } // Check object ACLs, if any if (requiredObjectACLPermissions != null && requiredObjectACLPermissions.length > 0) { if (objectResourceEntity == null) { // There are object ACL requirements but no object entity to check. fail. // Don't bother with other checks, this is an invalid state LOG.error("Null bucket resource, cannot evaluate bucket ACL"); return false; } for (ObjectStorageProperties.Permission permission : requiredObjectACLPermissions) { aclAllow = aclAllow || objectResourceEntity.can(permission, requestCanonicalId); } } } else { // No ACLs, ownership would have been used to determine privilege aclAllow = isRequestByOwner; } final Boolean iamAllow = iamPermissionsAllow(aclAllow, authContext, requiredActions, policyResourceInfo, bucketPolicy, resourceType, resourceId, resourceAllocationSize); // Must have both acl and iam allow (account & user) return (aclAllow || bucketAccountIsObjectAccount || requestAccountIsResourceAccount) && iamAllow; }
From source
/** * Speichert die neu angelegte Bemerkung. * @param halbjahrId die Id des Schulhalbjahres * @param klassenId die Id der Klasse/*from w w w . ja v a2 s .c om*/ * @param schuelerId die Id des Schuelers * @param schulamtsBemerkung die Schulamtsbemerkung. * @param action die als nchstes auszufhrende Aktion. * @param model das Model * @param result das Bindingresult. * @return die logische View */ @RequestMapping(value = URL.ZeugnisPath.SCHULAMTS_BEMERKUNG_CREATE, method = RequestMethod.POST) public String insertSchulamtsBemerkung(@PathVariable(URL.Session.P_HALBJAHR_ID) Long halbjahrId, @PathVariable(URL.Session.P_KLASSEN_ID) Long klassenId, @PathVariable(URL.Session.P_SCHUELER_ID) Long schuelerId, @ModelAttribute("schulamtsBemerkung") SchulamtsBemerkung schulamtsBemerkung, BindingResult result, @RequestParam(value = URL.Common.P_ACTION, required = false) String action, Model model) { validator.validate(schulamtsBemerkung, result); if (result.hasErrors()) {"Fehler beim Speichern der Schulamtsbemerkung: {}", result.getAllErrors()); model.addAttribute("insertUrl", URL.filledURLWithNamedParams(URL.ZeugnisPath.SCHULAMTS_BEMERKUNG_CREATE, URL.Session.P_HALBJAHR_ID, halbjahrId, URL.Session.P_KLASSEN_ID, klassenId, URL.Session.P_SCHUELER_ID, schuelerId)); fillModel(model, halbjahrId, klassenId, schuelerId, schulamtsBemerkung); return EDIT_SCHULAMTS_BEMERKUNG_VIEW; } LOG.debug("Create Bemerkung: " + schulamtsBemerkung);; final String nextUrl; if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(action, Common.ACTION_NEXT)) { nextUrl = URL.redirectWithNamedParams(URL.ZeugnisPath.SCHULAMTS_BEMERKUNG_CREATE, URL.Session.P_HALBJAHR_ID, halbjahrId, URL.Session.P_KLASSEN_ID, klassenId, URL.Session.P_SCHUELER_ID, schuelerId); } else { nextUrl = URL.createRedirectToZeugnisUrl(halbjahrId, klassenId, schuelerId); } return nextUrl; }