List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.cli DefaultParser DefaultParser
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/** * Process the input arguments of Averroes. * // ww w .j a va 2 m * @param args */ public static void processArguments(String[] args) { try { cmd = new DefaultParser().parse(options, args); // Do we need to print out help messages? if (cmd.hasOption(help.getOpt())) { help(); } } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); help(); } }
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@Test public void testArgs_invalidIntegerValue() throws ParseException { CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine commandLine = parser.parse(options, new String[] { "-i", "-r", "invalidIntegerValue" }); Assert.assertTrue(commandLine.hasOption("r")); try {/* w w w.j av a 2 s. c o m*/ commandLine.getParsedOptionValue("r");; } catch (ParseException e) { Assert.assertEquals("For input string: \"invalidIntegerValue\"", e.getMessage()); } }
From source
public void start(String[] args) throws org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException { final String fileName; final Long limit; System.out.println("args : " + dumpArgs(args)); final Option fileNameOption = Option.builder("f").required().longOpt("tsfile").desc("ts") .hasArg().type(String.class).build(); final Option limitOption = Option.builder("l").required(false).longOpt("limit").desc( "??(???????100000000)") .hasArg().type(Long.class).build(); Options opts = new Options(); opts.addOption(fileNameOption);/*from ww w .j ava 2s. c o m*/ // opts.addOption(PhysicalChannelNumberOption); opts.addOption(limitOption); CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cl; HelpFormatter help = new HelpFormatter(); try { // parse options cl = parser.parse(opts, args); fileName = cl.getOptionValue(fileNameOption.getOpt()); if (fileName == null) { throw new ParseException("????????"); } Long xl = null; try { xl = Long.parseUnsignedLong(cl.getOptionValue(limitOption.getOpt())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { xl = 10000000L; } finally { limit = xl; }"Starting application...");"filename : " + fileName);"limit : " + limit); FileLoader fl = new FileLoader(new File(fileName), limit); fl.load(); //??? Set<Channel> ch = fl.getChannels();"?? = " + ch.size()); for (Channel c : ch) { "***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************");; "***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************"); } // ? Set<Programme> p = fl.getProgrammes();" = " + p.size()); for (Programme pg : p) { "***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************");; "***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************"); } System.gc(); } catch (ParseException e) { // print usage. help.printHelp("My Java Application", opts); throw e; } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { LOG.fatal("?????", ex); } }
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/** * @param args command line arguments/* ww w .j a va2 s . co m*/ * @return List of files to parse * @throws ParseException {@link ParseException} */ private List<String> parseCommandLineArguments(final String[] args) throws ParseException { CommandLineParser commandLineParser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine commandLine = commandLineParser.parse(commandLineOptions, args); if (commandLine.hasOption("h")) { displayHelpInformation(); } if (commandLine.hasOption("version")) { displayVersionInformation(); } if (commandLine.hasOption("v")) { setVerboseOutput(true); } if (commandLine.hasOption("c")) { switch (commandLine.getOptionValue("c")) { case "pico": visitor = new ALangPicoVisitor(); } } return commandLine.getArgList(); }
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@Override public Collection<TimedTrace<GridState>> process(String logFile, String logType, String[] additionalCmdArgs) throws LogProcessingException { CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cmd = null;/* w ww . jav a2 s. c om*/ try { cmd = parser.parse(cmdOpts, additionalCmdArgs, false); } catch (ParseException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); Util.printHelpAndExit(STLog2TracesHandler.class, cmdOpts); } GridPartitions parts = null; if (cmd.hasOption(GRID_DIM)) { String partStr = cmd.getOptionValue(GRID_DIM).trim(); try { parts = STConfig.extractGridPartitions(partStr); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new LogProcessingException(e); } } else parts = GridPartitions.createDefault(); LogEntryFilter<STEntry> filter = LogEntryFilter.<STEntry>EVERYTHING(); LogReader<STEntry> reader = new SequentialLogReader<>(new STParser(), filter); GridDimensionsFinder d; try { d = new GridDimensionsFinder(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new LogProcessingException(e); } Dimensions dim; try { dim = d.start(new File(logFile)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new LogProcessingException(e); } STGridStateFactory stateGen = new STGridStateFactory(new Coord2d(dim.minX, dim.minY), new Coord2d(dim.maxX, dim.maxY), parts.horiz, parts.vert); TraceGenerator<STEntry, GridState> traceGenerator = new TraceGenerator<>(reader, stateGen); Collection<TimedTrace<GridState>> traces; try { traces = traceGenerator.computeTraces(new File(logFile)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new LogProcessingException(e); } return traces; }
From source
public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException { Options opts = new Options(); for (Option.Builder b : OPTION_BUILDERS) { opts.addOption(;/*w ww . ja v a2s . co m*/ } CommandLine cl = null; try { CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); cl = parser.parse(opts, args); } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.format("Argument parsing failed: %s\n", e.getMessage()); HELP_FORMATTER.printHelp(ImportantChemicalsWikipedia.class.getCanonicalName(), HELP_MESSAGE, opts, null, true); System.exit(1); } if (cl.hasOption("help")) { HELP_FORMATTER.printHelp(ImportantChemicalsWikipedia.class.getCanonicalName(), HELP_MESSAGE, opts, null, true); return; } String inputPath = cl.getOptionValue(OPTION_WIKIPEDIA_DUMP_FULL_PATH, "1000"); String outputPath = cl.getOptionValue(OPTION_OUTPUT_PATH, "1000"); Boolean outputTSV = cl.hasOption(OPTION_TSV_OUTPUT); ImportantChemicalsWikipedia importantChemicalsWikipedia = new ImportantChemicalsWikipedia(); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputPath))) { String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { importantChemicalsWikipedia.processLine(line); } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e); } if (outputTSV) { importantChemicalsWikipedia.writeToTSV(outputPath); } else { importantChemicalsWikipedia.writeToJSON(outputPath); } }
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@Test public void testCliParse() throws Exception { String[] args = { "--my-value", "value", "--my-num", "7", "--no-negative-flag", "--my-enum", "TwoFoo", "--my-array", "one", "--my-array", "two", "--my-array", "three", "--my-flag" }; ConfigWrapper<Foo> wrapper = ConfigUtil.wrapperFor(Foo.class); CommandLine commandLine = new DefaultParser().parse(wrapper.getOptions(), args); Foo foo = new Foo(); foo.setMyValue("value"); foo.setMyNum(7);//from w w w. j a v a 2 s. c o m foo.setMyFlag(true); foo.setNegativeFlag(false); foo.setMyEnum(FooType.TwoFoo); foo.setMyArray(new String[] { "one", "two", "three" }); Foo foo2 = wrapper.parse(commandLine); Assert.assertEquals(foo.getMyValue(), foo2.getMyValue()); Assert.assertEquals(foo.getMyNum(), foo2.getMyNum()); Assert.assertEquals(foo.isMyFlag(), foo2.isMyFlag()); Assert.assertEquals(foo.isNegativeFlag(), foo2.isNegativeFlag()); Assert.assertEquals(foo.getMyEnum(), foo2.getMyEnum()); Assert.assertArrayEquals(foo.getMyArray(), foo2.getMyArray()); }
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static Configuration parseConfiguration(String[] argv) throws ParseException, IOException, URISyntaxException { CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(OPTIONS, argv); //argumentList.getStandardAsArray()); // This default path must match the prefix in build.gradle String configFile = cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_CONFIG.getOpt(), "/opt/retz-server/etc/"); Configuration conf = new Configuration(new FileConfiguration(configFile));"Binding as {}", conf.fileConfig.getUri()); // TODO hostname, protocol return conf;//from w ww .jav a 2 s . c om }
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@Override public ValueTrackerProducer<?, DataPointCollection, ?> process(String logFile, String logType, String[] additionalCmdArgs) { CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cmd = null;//from w w w .ja v a2 s .co m try { cmd = parser.parse(cmdOpts, additionalCmdArgs, false); } catch (ParseException exp) { logger.error(exp.getMessage()); System.err.println(exp.getMessage()); Util.printHelpAndExit(STEventChartHandler.class, cmdOpts); } try { trackedField = FIELD.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue(FIELD_OPTS_ARG).toUpperCase()); } catch (Exception exp) { logger.error(exp.getMessage()); System.err.println(exp.getMessage()); Util.printHelpAndExit(STEventChartHandler.class, cmdOpts); } if (cmd.hasOption(FLIGHTNAME_OPTS_ARG)) { hasFlightName = true; flightName = cmd.getOptionValue(FLIGHTNAME_OPTS_ARG); //e.g. USA5596 } LogReader<STEntry> reader = null; if (hasFlightName) { LogEntryFilter<STEntry> filter = new LogEntryFilter<STEntry>() { @Override public boolean submitForProcessing(STEntry entry) { if (entry.getCallSign().equals(flightName)) { return true; } return false; } }; reader = new SequentialLogReader<>(new STParser(), filter); } else reader = new SequentialLogReader<>(new STParser()); return new STValueTracker.STDataPointsGenerator(trackedField, reader); }
From source
/** * Parse and execute the appropriate command based on the args. * The general flow looks like this:// ww w. j a v a 2 s. c o m * * 1. Parse a set of global options (eg host/port for the admin server) * 2. Parse out the command name * 3. Pass the global options and any left over parameters to a command handler */ public void parseAndExecuteCommand() { CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); try { CommandLine parsedOpts = parser.parse(this.options, this.args, true); GlobalOptions globalOptions = createGlobalOptions(parsedOpts); // Fetch the command and fail if there is ambiguity String[] remainingArgs = parsedOpts.getArgs(); if (remainingArgs.length == 0) { printHelpAndExit("Command not specified!"); } String commandName = remainingArgs[0].toLowerCase(); remainingArgs = remainingArgs.length > 1 ? Arrays.copyOfRange(remainingArgs, 1, remainingArgs.length) : new String[] {}; Command command = commandList.get(commandName); if (command == null) { System.out.println("Command " + commandName + " not known."); printHelpAndExit(); } else { command.execute(globalOptions, remainingArgs); } } catch (ParseException e) { printHelpAndExit("Ran into an error parsing args."); } }