Example usage for org.apache.commons.cli DefaultParser DefaultParser

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.cli DefaultParser DefaultParser


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.cli DefaultParser DefaultParser.



Source Link


From source file:com.khubla.jvmbasic.jvmbasicc.JVMBasic.java

 * start here//from  w w  w  .  j  a v  a2  s  . c o m
 * <p>
 * -file src\test\resources\bas\easy\print.bas -verbose true
 * </p>
public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
        System.out.println("khubla.com jvmBASIC Compiler");
         * options
        final Options options = new Options();
        Option oo = Option.builder().argName(OUTPUT_OPTION).longOpt(OUTPUT_OPTION).type(String.class).hasArg()
                .required(false).desc("target directory to output to").build();
        oo = Option.builder().argName(FILE_OPTION).longOpt(FILE_OPTION).type(String.class).hasArg()
                .required(true).desc("file to compile").build();
        oo = Option.builder().argName(VERBOSE_OPTION).longOpt(VERBOSE_OPTION).type(String.class).hasArg()
                .required(false).desc("verbose output").build();
         * parse
        final CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
        CommandLine cmd = null;
        try {
            cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            final HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
            formatter.printHelp("posix", options);
         * verbose output?
        final Boolean verbose = Boolean.parseBoolean(cmd.getOptionValue(VERBOSE_OPTION));
         * get the file
        final String filename = cmd.getOptionValue(FILE_OPTION);
        final String outputDirectory = cmd.getOptionValue(OUTPUT_OPTION);
        if (null != filename) {
             * filename
            final String basFileName = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/" + filename;
            final File fl = new File(basFileName);
            if (true == fl.exists()) {
                 * show the filename
                System.out.println("Compiling: " + fl.getCanonicalFile());
                 * compiler
                final JVMBasicCompiler jvmBasicCompiler = new JVMBasicCompiler();
                 * compile
                jvmBasicCompiler.compileToClassfile(basFileName, null, outputDirectory, verbose, true, true);
            } else {
                throw new Exception("Unable to find: '" + basFileName + "'");
        } else {
            throw new Exception("File was not supplied");
    } catch (final Exception e) {

From source file:com.dattack.dbping.cli.PingCli.java

 * The <code>main</code> method.
 * @param args//from   w w  w  .j  a v a  2s.c  o  m
 *            the program arguments
public static void main(final String[] args) {

    final Options options = createOptions();

    try {
        final CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
        final CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
        final String[] filenames = cmd.getOptionValues(FILE_OPTION);
        final String[] taskNames = cmd.getOptionValues(TASK_NAME_OPTION);

        HashSet<String> hs = null;
        if (taskNames != null) {
            hs = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(taskNames));

        final PingEngine ping = new PingEngine();
        ping.execute(filenames, hs);

    } catch (@SuppressWarnings("unused") final ParseException e) {
    } catch (final ConfigurationException | DattackParserException e) {

From source file:br.com.riselabs.cotonet.Main.java

 * @param args/*from   www  .  j av a  2s.c o m*/
 * @throws EmptyContentException
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws NullPointerException
 * @throws InvalidNumberOfTagsException
public static void main(String[] args) {

    CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
    Options options = new Options();

            "c - build a conflict chunk-based network with the developers that in fact conflits with each other."
                    + " Additionally to the c argument the user should provide a path. This path should have"
                    + " a file containig the repository's URL of the target systems.")

            .desc("cf - like c, build a conflict chunk-based network adding all developers involved in "
                    + "identified chunk conflicts. Additionally to the cf argument the user should provide a path. "
                    + "This path should have a file containig the repository's URL of the target systems.")

            " f - build a conflict file-based network. In other others all developers that contribute to some"
                    + " conflict at file level should be part of this network. This network is based on network provides "
                    + "by cf, adding edges between developers of different chunks. Additionally to the f argument the"
                    + " user should provide a path. This path should have afile containig the repository's URL of "
                    + "the target systems.")
     * options.addOption( Option.builder("rw").longOpt("rewrite-aux").
     * desc("Rewrite auxilary files (e.g., *.conf, *.sh) " + "_WITHOUT_ " +
     * "the recreation of the merge scenarios based tags.").hasArg(false).
     * build());
     * options.addOption( Option.builder("rwt").longOpt("rewrite-tagfile").
     * desc("Rewrite auxilary files (e.g., *.conf, *.sh) " + "_INCLUDING_ "
     * + "the recreation of the merge scenarios based tags.").hasArg(false).
     * build());
    options.addOption("h", "help", false, "Print this help page");

    File reposListFile = null;
    Boolean skipCloneAndNetworks = false;
    try {
        CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
        // user is looking for help
        if (cmd.hasOption("h")) {
            new HelpFormatter().printHelp("java ", options);

        /* "c", "cf", and "f" are the three available options
        * "c" builds the chunk-based network with developers that contribute to the conflict
        * "cf" builds the chunk-based network with developers that contribute to the conflict and developers
        * that are part of the chunk, but don't contribute to the conflict
        * "f" builds the file-based network with developers that contribute to the chunk into a target file
        else if (cmd.hasOption("c") || cmd.hasOption("cf") || cmd.hasOption("f")) {

            String urlsFilePath = null;
            NetworkType type;
            if (cmd.hasOption("c")) {
                urlsFilePath = cmd.getOptionValue("c");
                type = NetworkType.CHUNK_BASED;
            } else if (cmd.hasOption("cf")) {
                urlsFilePath = cmd.getOptionValue("cf");
                type = NetworkType.CHUNK_BASED_FULL;
            } else {
                urlsFilePath = cmd.getOptionValue("f");
                type = NetworkType.FILE_BASED;


            reposListFile = new File(urlsFilePath);

            // Ends execution if file not found.
            if (!reposListFile.exists()) {
                System.out.println("COTONET ended without retrive any repository.\n\n"
                        + "The file containig the repository's URL of the target systems was not found. "
                        + "Check wether the file \"" + urlsFilePath + "\" exists.");

            skipCloneAndNetworks = (cmd.hasOption("rw") || cmd.hasOption("rwt")) ? true : false;

            MainThread m = new MainThread(type, reposListFile, skipCloneAndNetworks);
            Logger.log("COTONET finished. Files rewritten.");

        } else {
            System.out.println("COTONET ended without retrive any repository.\n\n"
                    + "You should use 'h' if you are looking for help. Otherwise,"
                    + " the 'l' or 'fc' option is mandatory.");


    } catch (ParseException e) {
        new HelpFormatter().printHelp("java ", options);
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:MainServer.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int port = 1234;
    String filepath = "";
    String complete_path = "";
    String connection_type = "";
    String ip_address = "";
    int port_out = 0;
    int delay = 20; //20 by default

    //parse commands using getOpt (cli)
    //add Options
    Options options = new Options();

    options.addOption("p", true, "port_to_listen_on");
    options.addOption("d", true, "directory");
    options.addOption("T", false, "TCP mode");
    options.addOption("U", false, "UDP mode");
    options.addOption("s", true, "iPAddress");
    options.addOption("P", true, "port_to_connect_to");
    options.addOption("D", true, "delay");

    CommandLineParser clp = new DefaultParser();
    try {// ww  w.  j  a v a 2 s .co  m
        CommandLine cl = clp.parse(options, args);

        //options for the server
        if (cl.hasOption("p")) {
            port = Integer.parseInt(cl.getOptionValue("p"));
        } else {
            System.err.println("No valid port selected.");

        if (cl.hasOption("d")) {
            filepath = cl.getOptionValue("d");
            //if there a '/' in front, remove it to make it a valid directory
            if (filepath.substring(0, 1).equalsIgnoreCase("/")) {
                filepath = filepath.substring(1);
        } else {
            System.err.println("No valid directory given.");

        if (cl.hasOption("D")) {
            delay = Integer.parseInt(cl.getOptionValue("D"));

        //options for the client
        if (cl.hasOption("T")) {
            connection_type = "T";
        } else if (cl.hasOption("U")) {
            connection_type = "U";

        if (cl.hasOption("s")) {
            ip_address = cl.getOptionValue("s");

        if (cl.hasOption("P")) {
            port_out = Integer.parseInt(cl.getOptionValue("P"));

    } catch (ParseException e) {
        //TODO: handle exception

    //create directory (if it doesn't already exist)
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //TODO: handle exception
        System.err.println("Couldn't create directory");

    //read in required files (create them if they dont already exist)
    try {
        Files.createFile(Paths.get(filepath + "/gossip.txt"));
        Files.createFile(Paths.get(filepath + "/peers.txt"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //TODO: handle exception

    //start the servers
    TCPServerSock tcpServer = new TCPServerSock(port, filepath, delay);
    UDPServer udpServer = new UDPServer(port, filepath);

    Thread tcpThread = new Thread(tcpServer);
    Thread udpThread = new Thread(udpServer);


    //start the client
    if (!connection_type.equals("") && port_out != 0 && !ip_address.equals("")) {
        Client client = new Client(ip_address, port_out, connection_type);
        Thread clientThread = new Thread(client);

    //Start thread to forget peers
    ForgetPeer forgetPeer = new ForgetPeer(filepath + "/peers.txt", delay);
    Thread forgetPeerThread = new Thread(forgetPeer);

From source file:com.google.api.codegen.grpcmetadatagen.GrpcMetadataGeneratorTool.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Options options = new Options();
    options.addOption("h", "help", false, "show usage");
            .desc("The descriptor set representing the compiled input protos.").hasArg()
    options.addOption(//from w  w  w  .j a va  2s.c  om
            Option.builder().longOpt("service_yaml").desc("The service YAML configuration file or files.")
            Option.builder("i").longOpt("input").desc("The input directory containing the gRPC package.")
            Option.builder("o").longOpt("output").desc("The directory in which to output the generated config.")
            Option.builder("l").longOpt("language").desc("The language for which to generate package metadata.")
            .desc("The YAML file configuring the package metadata.").hasArg().argName("METADATA-CONFIG")

    CommandLine cl = (new DefaultParser()).parse(options, args);
    if (cl.hasOption("help")) {
        HelpFormatter formater = new HelpFormatter();
        formater.printHelp("ConfigGeneratorTool", options);

    generate(cl.getOptionValue("descriptor_set"), cl.getOptionValues("service_yaml"),
            cl.getOptionValue("input"), cl.getOptionValue("output"), cl.getOptionValue("language"),

From source file:com.quattroresearch.helm.HlConfigEntry.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    CommandLineParser cmdline_parser = new DefaultParser();
    Options options = new Options();
    String usage = "Usage: -i <input_file> -o <output_file> -c <highlight_config_file>";
    String errorLine;//from  w  w  w.  j  a  va 2  s.c  o m

    if (args.length < 6) {

    options.addOption("c", true, "config file containing highlighting options");
    options.addOption("i", true, "input file containing HELM string");
    options.addOption("o", true, "output file containing highlighted HELM string");

    try { // parse the command line arguments
        CommandLine cmd_line = cmdline_parser.parse(options, args);
        String cfilename = cmd_line.getOptionValue("c");
        log("Cfg filename=" + cfilename);
        String ofilename = cmd_line.getOptionValue("o");
        log("Output filename=" + ofilename);
        String ifilename = cmd_line.getOptionValue("i");
        log("Input filename=" + ifilename);
        if (cfilename == null || ofilename == null || ifilename == null || cfilename.equals("")
                || ifilename.equals("") || ofilename.equals("")) {
        if (!(errorLine = setupHlConfigEntries(cfilename)).equals("")) { // in case of error, a non-empty string will be returned
            log("Bad entry in " + cfilename + ": '" + errorLine
                    + "': missing category, keyword or value, exiting..."); // error
        handleInputOutputFiles(ifilename, ofilename);
    } catch (IOException e) {

From source file:io.apicurio.studio.tools.release.ReleaseTool.java

 * Main method./*w  w  w . j  ava 2  s.c  om*/
 * @param args
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Options options = new Options();
    options.addOption("n", "release-name", true, "The name of the new release.");
    options.addOption("p", "prerelease", false, "Indicate that this is a pre-release.");
    options.addOption("t", "release-tag", true, "The tag name of the new release.");
    options.addOption("o", "previous-tag", true, "The tag name of the previous release.");
    options.addOption("g", "github-pat", true, "The GitHub PAT (for authentication/authorization).");
    options.addOption("a", "artifact", true, "The binary release artifact (full path).");
    options.addOption("d", "output-directory", true, "Where to store output file(s).");

    CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
    CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args);

    if (!cmd.hasOption("n") || !cmd.hasOption("t") || !cmd.hasOption("o") || !cmd.hasOption("g")
            || !cmd.hasOption("a")) {
        HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
        formatter.printHelp("release-studio", options);

    // Arguments (command line)
    String releaseName = cmd.getOptionValue("n");
    boolean isPrerelease = cmd.hasOption("p");
    String releaseTag = cmd.getOptionValue("t");
    String oldReleaseTag = cmd.getOptionValue("o");
    String githubPAT = cmd.getOptionValue("g");
    String artifact = cmd.getOptionValue("a");
    File outputDir = new File("");
    if (cmd.hasOption("d")) {
        outputDir = new File(cmd.getOptionValue("d"));
        if (!outputDir.exists()) {

    File releaseArtifactFile = new File(artifact);
    File releaseArtifactSigFile = new File(artifact + ".asc");

    String releaseArtifact = releaseArtifactFile.getName();
    String releaseArtifactSig = releaseArtifactSigFile.getName();

    if (!releaseArtifactFile.isFile()) {
        System.err.println("Missing file: " + releaseArtifactFile.getAbsolutePath());
    if (!releaseArtifactSigFile.isFile()) {
        System.err.println("Missing file: " + releaseArtifactSigFile.getAbsolutePath());

    System.out.println("Creating Release: " + releaseTag);
    System.out.println("Previous Release: " + oldReleaseTag);
    System.out.println("            Name: " + releaseName);
    System.out.println("        Artifact: " + releaseArtifact);
    System.out.println("     Pre-Release: " + isPrerelease);

    String releaseNotes = "";

    // Step #1 - Generate Release Notes
    //   * Grab info about the previous release (extract publish date)
    //   * Query all Issues for ones closed since that date
    //   * Generate Release Notes from the resulting Issues
    try {
        System.out.println("Getting info about release " + oldReleaseTag);
        HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = Unirest
                .get("https://api.github.com/repos/apicurio/apicurio-studio/releases/tags/v" + oldReleaseTag)
                .header("Accept", "application/json").header("Authorization", "token " + githubPAT).asJson();
        if (response.getStatus() != 200) {
            throw new Exception("Failed to get old release info: " + response.getStatusText());
        JsonNode body = response.getBody();
        String publishedDate = body.getObject().getString("published_at");
        if (publishedDate == null) {
            throw new Exception("Could not find Published Date for previous release " + oldReleaseTag);
        System.out.println("Release " + oldReleaseTag + " was published on " + publishedDate);

        List<JSONObject> issues = getIssuesForRelease(publishedDate, githubPAT);
        System.out.println("Found " + issues.size() + " issues closed in release " + releaseTag);
        System.out.println("Generating Release Notes");

        releaseNotes = generateReleaseNotes(releaseName, releaseTag, issues);
        System.out.println("------------ Release Notes --------------");
    } catch (Exception e) {

    String assetUploadUrl = null;

    // Step #2 - Create a GitHub Release
    try {
        System.out.println("\nCreating GitHub Release " + releaseTag);
        JSONObject body = new JSONObject();
        body.put("tag_name", "v" + releaseTag);
        body.put("name", releaseName);
        body.put("body", releaseNotes);
        body.put("prerelease", isPrerelease);

        HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = Unirest
                .header("Accept", "application/json").header("Content-Type", "application/json")
                .header("Authorization", "token " + githubPAT).body(body).asJson();
        if (response.getStatus() != 201) {
            throw new Exception("Failed to create release in GitHub: " + response.getStatusText());

        assetUploadUrl = response.getBody().getObject().getString("upload_url");
        if (assetUploadUrl == null || assetUploadUrl.trim().isEmpty()) {
            throw new Exception("Failed to get Asset Upload URL for newly created release!");
    } catch (Exception e) {

    // Step #3 - Upload Release Artifact (zip file)
    System.out.println("\nUploading Quickstart Artifact: " + releaseArtifact);
    try {
        String artifactUploadUrl = createUploadUrl(assetUploadUrl, releaseArtifact);
        byte[] artifactData = loadArtifactData(releaseArtifactFile);
        System.out.println("Uploading artifact asset: " + artifactUploadUrl);
        HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = Unirest.post(artifactUploadUrl).header("Accept", "application/json")
                .header("Content-Type", "application/zip").header("Authorization", "token " + githubPAT)
        if (response.getStatus() != 201) {
            throw new Exception("Failed to upload asset: " + releaseArtifact,
                    new Exception(response.getStatus() + "::" + response.getStatusText()));


        artifactUploadUrl = createUploadUrl(assetUploadUrl, releaseArtifactSig);
        artifactData = loadArtifactData(releaseArtifactSigFile);
        System.out.println("Uploading artifact asset: " + artifactUploadUrl);
        response = Unirest.post(artifactUploadUrl).header("Accept", "application/json")
                .header("Content-Type", "text/plain").header("Authorization", "token " + githubPAT)
        if (response.getStatus() != 201) {
            throw new Exception("Failed to upload asset: " + releaseArtifactSig,
                    new Exception(response.getStatus() + "::" + response.getStatusText()));
    } catch (Exception e) {


    // Step #4 - Download Latest Release JSON for inclusion in the project web site
    try {
        System.out.println("Getting info about the release.");
        HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = Unirest
                .header("Accept", "application/json").asJson();
        if (response.getStatus() != 200) {
            throw new Exception("Failed to get release info: " + response.getStatusText());
        JsonNode body = response.getBody();
        String publishedDate = body.getObject().getString("published_at");
        if (publishedDate == null) {
            throw new Exception("Could not find Published Date for release.");
        String fname = publishedDate.replace(':', '-');
        File outFile = new File(outputDir, fname + ".json");

        System.out.println("Writing latest release info to: " + outFile.getAbsolutePath());

        String output = body.getObject().toString(4);
        try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outFile)) {

        System.out.println("Release info successfully written.");
    } catch (Exception e) {

    System.out.println("All Done!");

From source file:ab.demo.MainEntry.java

public static void main(String args[]) {

    LoggingHandler.initConsoleLog();//from  w  w  w .ja  v  a 2s.  c o  m

    //args = new String[]{"-su"};
    Options options = new Options();
    options.addOption("s", "standalone", false, "runs the reinforcement learning agent in standalone mode");
    options.addOption("p", "proxyPort", true, "the port which is to be used by the proxy");
    options.addOption("h", "help", false, "displays this help");
    options.addOption("n", "naiveAgent", false, "runs the naive agent in standalone mode");
    options.addOption("c", "competition", false, "runs the naive agent in the server/client competition mode");
    options.addOption("u", "updateDatabaseTables", false, "executes CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXIST commands");
    options.addOption("l", "level", true, "if set the agent is playing only in this one level");
    options.addOption("m", "manual", false,
            "runs the empirical threshold determination agent in standalone mode");
    options.addOption("r", "real", false, "shows the recognized shapes in a new frame");

    CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
    CommandLine cmd;
    StandaloneAgent agent;

    Properties properties = new Properties();
    InputStream configInputStream = null;

    try {
        //parse configuration file
        configInputStream = new FileInputStream("config.properties");


    } catch (IOException exception) {
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException exception) {
    } finally {
        if (configInputStream != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException exception) {

    String dbPath = properties.getProperty("db_path");
    String dbUser = properties.getProperty("db_user");
    String dbPass = properties.getProperty("db_pass");
    DBI dbi = new DBI(dbPath, dbUser, dbPass);

    QValuesDAO qValuesDAO = dbi.open(QValuesDAO.class);
    GamesDAO gamesDAO = dbi.open(GamesDAO.class);
    MovesDAO movesDAO = dbi.open(MovesDAO.class);
    ProblemStatesDAO problemStatesDAO = dbi.open(ProblemStatesDAO.class);

    try {
        cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
        if (cmd.hasOption("help")) {
            HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
            formatter.printHelp("help", options);

        int proxyPort = 9000;
        if (cmd.hasOption("proxyPort")) {
            proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("proxyPort"));
            logger.info("Set proxy port to " + proxyPort);


        if (cmd.hasOption("standalone")) {
            agent = new ReinforcementLearningAgent(gamesDAO, movesDAO, problemStatesDAO, qValuesDAO);
        } else if (cmd.hasOption("naiveAgent")) {
            agent = new NaiveStandaloneAgent();
        } else if (cmd.hasOption("manual")) {
            agent = new ManualGamePlayAgent(gamesDAO, movesDAO, problemStatesDAO);
        } else if (cmd.hasOption("competition")) {
            System.out.println("We haven't implemented a competition ready agent yet.");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Please specify which solving strategy we should be using.");
            HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
            formatter.printHelp("help", options);

        if (cmd.hasOption("updateDatabaseTables")) {

        if (cmd.hasOption("level")) {

        if (cmd.hasOption("real")) {
            ShowSeg.useRealshape = true;
            Thread thread = new Thread(new ShowSeg());

    } catch (UnrecognizedOptionException e) {
        System.out.println("Unrecognized commandline option: " + e.getOption());
        HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
        formatter.printHelp("help", options);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
                "There was an error while parsing your command line input. Did you rechecked your syntax before running?");
        HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
        formatter.printHelp("help", options);


From source file:kafka.benchmark.AdvertisingTopology.java

public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
    Options opts = new Options();
    opts.addOption("conf", true, "Path to the config file.");

    CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
    CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(opts, args);
    String configPath = cmd.getOptionValue("conf");
    Map<?, ?> conf = Utils.findAndReadConfigFile(configPath, true);

    Map<String, ?> benchmarkParams = getKafkaConfs(conf);

    LOG.info("conf: {}", conf);
    LOG.info("Parameters used: {}", benchmarkParams);

    KStreamBuilder builder = new KStreamBuilder();
    //        builder.addStateStore(
    //                Stores.create("config-params")
    //                .withStringKeys().withStringValues()
    //                .inMemory().maxEntries(10).build(), "redis");

    String topicsArr[] = { (String) benchmarkParams.get("topic") };
    KStream<String, ?> source1 = builder.stream(topicsArr);

    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.putAll(benchmarkParams);//  w  w  w . ja  v  a 2 s.  c  o  m
    //        props.put(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, "kafka-benchmarks");
    //        props.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "localhost:9092");
    ////        props.put(StreamsConfig.ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_CONFIG, "localhost:2181");
    props.put(StreamsConfig.KEY_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.String().getClass().getName());
    props.put(StreamsConfig.VALUE_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.String().getClass().getName());

    // setting offset reset to earliest so that we can re-run the demo code with the same pre-loaded data
    //        props.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest");

            // Parse the String as JSON
            .mapValues(input -> {
                JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(input.toString());
                String[] tuple = { obj.getString("user_id"), obj.getString("page_id"), obj.getString("ad_id"),
                        obj.getString("ad_type"), obj.getString("event_type"), obj.getString("event_time"),
                        obj.getString("ip_address") };
                return tuple;

            // Filter the records if event type is "view"
            .filter(new Predicate<String, String[]>() {
                public boolean test(String key, String[] value) {
                    return value[4].equals("view"); // "event_type"

            // project the event
            .mapValues(input -> {
                String[] arr = (String[]) input;
                return new String[] { arr[2], arr[5] }; // "ad_id" and "event_time"

            // perform join with redis data
            .transformValues(new RedisJoinBolt(benchmarkParams)).filter((key, value) -> value != null)

            // create key from value
            .map((key, value) -> {
                String[] arr = (String[]) value;
                return new KeyValue<String, String[]>(arr[0], arr);

            // process campaign
            .aggregateByKey(new Initializer<List<String[]>>() {
                public List<String[]> apply() {
                    return new ArrayList<String[]>();
            }, new Aggregator<String, String[], List<String[]>>() {
                public List<String[]> apply(String aggKey, String[] value, List<String[]> aggregate) {
                    return aggregate;
                    // UnlimitedWindows.of("kafka-test-unlim"),
                    // HoppingWindows.of("kafka-test-hopping").with(12L).every(5L),
                    TumblingWindows.of("kafka-test-tumbling").with(WINDOW_SIZE), strSerde, arrSerde)
            .toStream().process(new CampaignProcessor(benchmarkParams));

    KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(builder, props);

From source file:com.khubla.jvmbasic.jvmbasicwww.JVMBASICWWW.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {/* w  ww. ja v  a  2 s.co m*/
        System.out.println("khubla.com jvmBasic www server");
         * options
        final Options options = new Options();
        Option oo = Option.builder().argName(SOURCEDIR_OPTION).longOpt(SOURCEDIR_OPTION).type(String.class)
                .hasArg().required(false).desc("source dir").build();
        oo = Option.builder().argName(CLASSDIR_OPTION).longOpt(CLASSDIR_OPTION).type(String.class).hasArg()
                .required(false).desc("class dir").build();
        oo = Option.builder().argName(PORT_OPTION).longOpt(PORT_OPTION).type(String.class).hasArg()
                .required(false).desc("TCP port").build();
         * parse
        final CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
        CommandLine cmd = null;
        try {
            cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            final HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
            formatter.printHelp("posix", options);
         * input dir
        final String sourceDir = cmd.getOptionValue(SOURCEDIR_OPTION, SOURCEDIR_DEFAULT);
         * class dir
        final String classdir = cmd.getOptionValue(CLASSDIR_OPTION, CLASSDIR_DEFAULT);
         * port
        int port = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue(PORT_OPTION, PORT_DEFAULT));
         * output the config
        System.out.println("Source directory: " + sourceDir);
        System.out.println("Class directory: " + classdir);
        System.out.println("HTTP port: " + port);
         * configuration
        final ServerConfiguration serverConfiguration = new ServerConfiguration(sourceDir, classdir, port);
         * server
        final JVMBasicWebServer jvmBasicWebServer = new JVMBasicWebServer(serverConfiguration);
    } catch (final Exception e) {